T . C, i1. iT"" -- ---I "v. MP.e.w... i ' “r†. “is“: .t ,r. [ _': b F,, ' v . 'Ps" ' " 9' "Cr??.., , 'l Ec'," _ ' by"' .. f ' h n'e".xr'rt ' t M _ , 5-11 m; " " , " .5 o , l ' 3-. 3.“ u, -, v, V _ , 4 = » Md . ' > F a . wwgu' ___ " v" _, “inky 3:. “m-..*A __ "ers . -A _ I W PRAC‘IICE Ite prohssxunal hockey ac r, .itt the Trott l ity on “in; at the Auuitosiu h h Lehman'» sctptettt' and Ray's Waterloo lrmu had m "â€00? gamr tvsulttitr, " tory tbt the lanai) by u st' C to $. The gum guw tAiitt ",00 era of both beams an uppu: m a line on Ilu- "um l glides-nor to bring (hr sliau a! the Untann I'Jurrmwzml I QM!†Balm or “merino, I - a murmur gumv ai V; some pronouruvd lurk)“ “bards thut tvgulut my W in on.†that in' in: ot the “Au trvup, v " the calibre ot m- playt ha? gm signed in: 1m h Will Inaugurate New jj' ') ( System Judging from the pennx'mun 1 M1: ot the play-rs “My will to devote many hours “uh trainers helm? they wm hr m to hop up the pave Hm: M M Irotn'orotessional Hunts. Berlin has the making " . team,tehman. JHIISM} Sum mart and 'l-idmuzxdx oi Ln "an, awn-and lo have H, while the new men. \mh-xwr. Nahum, will hrohalrly gin ter 3mm of thet.usclre, , games. Ctrrbvau and Htl/ MA Ater1? also guru u 011155511 no â€mm. M um " “Allis smson. qraterloo's Imp-up 12;.» I ttt. fteriin and “lamb“ 5.1.1 11868:: splmulul :lunnlu'. Wttr in goal um! h: aud Coetstatte and Silllnw‘l‘l "d grit "htutvd (I: Hw hum with Nialkvr, 3h mebh â€was nun Mann-n. tWit, as the 15.7mm toutlines. Ttis itrst half “as sloa .ml unin- térgsying tot, J." mum-l half Y.ay', keenly corttcsttut, thir hali-tin:e sum Mitt five gnulu with. Tlu. "t “n- Husmendid comm... kink-l ol Irrttium, rcfrm-d, but hr, than» b'rr"ir' Ham}, ui ll“ nut-rung: yrslvrlln}. EQQQSHI tlp: tuivltvr and uppnhm-d _ t"'grnthu.so In an as " trrvmruit, iter' take rharge ot {up manna _ i.arr Messrs. A. l'. V117, 1mm» Jiik (“WINK J. M. SHIN) M Ror- ttif: G. meil of l.m,rluu. arllt. 'y2Awtianer "f Toronto. This lum- _ . a? Fill lw i,.Clstvri bx 1hr I'it, .thm and lit Ii 1ctlrcrrr,rsho ' . _ 7 -e.N.w.P..- .., u... “my V u: '.', $0,â€, Corea, Dec '"--r'_rey.1"""', h! lialper 1.3.100}: and smasheti‘ylh _tititrtmui ot the (‘urcan Cabinet was a thousand pieces qheutorsw. sta‘m and fatally wounded to-Ou?' 1th and th" sleigh badlv 'iii by a Corenn, " Chatum Yong. Ix is a miracle iirat no ire-ml TiGGG Yi was tonnerly Minister H" the Kim; street crossiiricr, pttttttration in Crtreatt Cubinet, he llte hmws (iashei (“10%. b name Prinw Minister in May, I“), ,yhen the recortstruction n? the w-____ alum†followed a five hour auxin-um '1 by Cabirwt has decided in ihleh Marquis to the Jarpam-w resi- Luv ta'w in mursv in th" I dent had with the Fnnprror. K1. foil', who “ill hr inmzul 1n tiirean I amt-1m. tgl gm! cl _ . ua' P. 'llrt4ttl)'/otr'lit,h'ottptpit Ki?, ',t'Qfl1'tt'uplr2eftipj; r u x. . -’." ',XlW/l,tt,teel dy, - = I'M. t . n , ml 6 mfl-mï¬ï¬gï¬nhï¬ q I e "W ‘t I“ hm" own 3e do.†an. r 'dS 'itittlitl mil. PR,"ar ' -'l. .015; ' PA,'rdt It/ht ' . l ' bl' ,)liiiiiiiiii'ititititii'iii' ‘ A. . "I " . . " thanâ€: sit "no.3" -. I 4.7 Bre “a. H. baby. " , m! r M. 00.“... IO! H HESE In You-m sums M'- a. nun-am. in H "244' ","" â€I " , h _ “I! w“???â€- g , ',, " "* â€untrue-or Willi-h tl.tgtsu.'tttf.fiiiiiiiii _ " _ _ , J t'=rfa'r.'2'l'.tt1'2tM, Inc-mm, truHe hf, T ' . a .. mum Pom... In or Ovurnn TI-onar r Yet' Wu 5: (hmhnllmmhlitw. htknnlmu, 95 , L' l f Yd "eh' _ Miqdu‘nhllm.mm.mvhghu- an. rt? 'ali: Ingq an "an. nth-mu. lulu to en. lo: ', i C _ i ndutis. warm - and - Ito-Mu " I » I: A when can“ by when "an" to our lax. M " IM "rc" 3 . I wan! Iowan! you a “upâ€. " an]. [ml-vent asa _ "ttret, tree Mt Bron to m that yvm can cur. an...“ ' - and m [ .1 _ Ramvmber. ttut " VIII“ you now-Inn» gm 'ii'iSttiiiil,'fi1h'i? and tf you .{num url-h m ootttirtttr, lewmmnr you only about. " , mm tho “venom-m d" " " w m not nudge with your work or omnpnuan. layout 'lel'l.W/l,teat,t min" how , nu Teg th T/l I rm»?! JN'.': PM t ttmAr.inoulttwrrw r. W 'UMtmrtt you " --"wo an WK "EhCAl. 'i1Wtkar. W (lluumlonu thaw an AM howl-ha mttr_vctrrrsthermertt- [awry Oman would M Mt 'riiidi [or 'aiu'. Tttim whrntt"rrtort 1tdllgA'l',yf2, upon "In no ml. . . to! wunvou havoc ',ttte,th',', m with my homo and ' of you mac" M Ira-Inn". I “I 'tixin a “mule homo Umd I 0mm rat Mun-"hm. "mu tMek6e, and Painful or _ tmat"tt _ nmpnmu And health almi- mun from in "no. aw?, 'N an MI.- or your own loamy w u know sud willgluuy ' ,. 'arAts.','t4i Mar"! "3:" 1',t'Jm't'g'l't'gttgt,tpf, 'nt,,'.", m" . an my." ream o n tt' V's-mom“ 'u"lu."'%tt why. In , M um mu m wt: ("for mm. Adm;- ", - _.-..‘__. _ u -.. are won: THE ms+ Premier (e-ttp up» :nuumwl Waterloo leyx-rs a'iet i alumnus. Micky Stabbed IN 3.1R “It"!lp tehhu, 00 supp"! 2ttl many season up free fr ll ll GAME bit tN', rl ml “hm 151W" :0st y Jim lie slung tro [m 1i! lo, “I VIII " van AID IVIRV IIITII .Ullln- no "on Wolll'. All-â€ll". I All: In woman. 1 know woman'. Danniâ€. I rune round tho euro. I wut man In. at my aha-[c.1111 In... nul- ml with In" Instructions to an sum from women‘a ailments. . sum: to null 'G women mm. um cure~ you. my render. [wow-n17. your daughter your mother. or your or. I vnnt to tell ynn how to can yourself " home without the new of a doctor. Man can... 'tmt-td wom- en‘s unfcnnma. What we woman know than n- ttttthte know t'd',til'it' lay doctor. I km 10 on swim-uncunlur L"'dl%'lt'g orWIh 1%. WI.- . ' -I---a--a-- Am_- ' ,A -- . .;1('t< In run-"mu: 'tort lo I liossihlr- \ru'lungh. N.Y., Ihw. '.Y2.-In spur " firt' fighting reiniorcen:ents hum half " Iluil'll towns, the big shiphuild- uw, yards ot the Thomas Fi. Marvel ('muruny wpre dvstroyett eat1y In day. TIre loss ti vstimutcd ut $500: Big Shipbuilding Plant Was Destroyed (mummy wpre dvstmyt-d rally ttr-, day. The loss ti mtimalrd at $500: mm "1- nmro. ‘1 Tun large ferry boats tinder tun- struction, Une of thum lor the 'N.Y. Crntral, wvrt- burned to the water's ngu and a citiren lim. stvrr,rlrso unupuny ttstir) in "rydock was btttilF uuupuny TP5rtit't m uryclmk was 1'a aged. Thu blaze started in crtgine room. Su rxnlmg rurttrway took place on Ttttslay â€Hung “hon a 1uung drum ot a Itutttt of livery horses lost con- trol ol the team at the corner of Mucus and Queen street and the horses dashed down the street and crossed King street at a terrifw rate a speed. The occupants were thrown out but fortunatcly wen not ite jttred. The horses dashed into the large plate glass window ol L. J. Bruithaupt's new store opposite the 11ulper Block and smashed them to a thousand pieces. 'l'he'hursvs were 1 It's Il m- Exciting and Serious Rgnaway Mlmilipal "turd, ' II I'. MI thal " the municipaii- \) $11-22) of arromnting thrsrr would be an ulu-r lack of uniformity, the ox- tent of the dirtrrene" depr'ntiinxupon the idms of the persons pvrforming thc touu'i. At preisent tho mullin- paJitics arr roquirvd to report to the “Marin and Municipal Board, and " Is Hmught- that it would be M advarrtuee lo the hourd it sol.» nan-m was follmwd in the reports. rut and the sleigh badly damaged. Jr is a miracle that n.- pmsun was nu the king street, crossing when the hunts "ashed amass. of Accounting†llc' ‘zllnf‘. rapavity for the m. Thrn “ill prepare arc- Iv mlumltml m anon am lo the [Inlurio Ruihuly and M! to prepare their mm its umrst- in the (use ol ho “ill hr lunged in Tumu- JOHN BU1th'tl, Itritc,l ll " muons. " mr l'l'pl rwum rtrvvrrt.nwrr' ' k um» than; In HHS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS IN VERY POUR ('()N0l1'lt)N nu; hr lat-nun , lvt the badly the CHROtmVNLgmtAPH, THU. .9". ’wm' ml CITY CHARTER ADOPTED BY BERLIN COUNCIL _ Whereas the Worpuration oi the Town ot Berlin, has by its petition represented that the said T own con- tains a population ot approximately fourteen thousand inhabitants, and that the said population is rapidly inrrreasing, and that the said Town by mason of its large manufacturing and mercantile interests, and its situation in the midst ot a rirh agricultural district is now, and will minimum in be an important mmmt‘x- r.-ia1 centre; Provisions of City Incorporation Act Submitted at a Special meeting on Tuesday Evening utittetd a drait copy at the Act, to "tcorporate Bdrm: as a city to be yassed at the nut session of the Legislature. All the members at the t'outtol were present exveptiug Alds. In.an and Winterhalt. The Town Sulmtm' informed the "ouurll that u was necessary that ‘m' city rhartn should be prvsentrd '0 Un- th-rk at the Legislature not lam-I" than ihr. Mth, dulv certtfwd In by the Hagur and Clerk and alumni punk-d In a chcck oi (um, llc also 1,oatvtl that hr had audit wtllt thw- spu'la] wummttrr revtewett the Arts of irworporation issued In tmlnnu and had uwnrpnratrd thr. tirrit [em lures in "eriirt'r, thanâ€. llr gave a list of 1'tttts innypnraten _ mm: 93154:, and Ilu. 'asr"wtsve ttbath',',:', a, 1ollotvsi-- ' City. "‘ St. Culhunnrs Pu4lvviuc, “mum-rd, Ulzr'lpl), Fsl. Thomas, Strum-rd. Windsor. t'hathani, Woods t ock , l'irlrorough, Port Arthur, Fort Itilliam, Aitvt thw Ant had horn rvad h)" Mayor Hahn IM. Wilkinson pointed out that the chartrt was a very uni; (Hilary (luminu-nt and tvtttaitwti no} spetial privileges. i Ald. Euler. chairman of the Special Committee, stated thut various 'ii/it-l tions had heen disrussvd. xurh asl the gnu-Inlnvnt oi Ilw city by mm- i mission, and tlw estatrlishrurot ot al factory district, in which lots could‘ he sold by the town at actual cost. _ in rvgard to tlw commission idea no delittite plan has been suggestvd and il was a matter for the Government E to drill with it. The [aviary district 1 question is an important one but. It I was very duubtfui whether the Gov-l ornmcnt would consent to any mu-! nicipality catering into an enterpriseI ot this kind. It was the opinion ot the Committee that the Act should not contain any provisions. which might meet with disiavor in the Leg- ; islaturc. i Aml whereas 1hr sand Corporation has prayed that Hm amid Town may hr. rra-x'lvd mm it City to be rallrd [luv l'ity oi Berlin; And whrrras it is'eidicnt lo grant Che prayrr of tlw said, petition; ’l‘hI-rrlnro His Majesty. by and wrth lite advin- and consettt of the IATr,ir- Iutiw AssernMy u! thr Province of Untarim warts as tones:- L tm and anvr ttte passing nf Ull'x Act the said Town ot llvrhn shall he and is hrrrhy thcnrporated as a City. and shall he known thrrraltcr ASKED NO SPECIAL PRlVlLEGES The complete, can: incorporate iiiriiii9d follows:-. A: as "TV c'ooothtirm ot ttw ('ity ol Berlin." 1nd as such shall ruin}. and possess all th" rights, powers and privitues o! Citws under the Muni- cipal Art. 2. The present Mayor and Council ad the said Town shall tw and con- tiniw to tto the Mayor and Council or the said City, and shall hold ofricr until the elm-tin" of their sin-- ('(~<S(irs, wi mde by the Municipal Art, and -étin chaise all the rights and powers and â€harm all the ttu- ties pertaining to the office ot Mayor and Aldermen. respectively, ot a (My, and in the event ot the death, resignation or disqualification of the said Mayor, or any member ot the said Council, the vacancy so created shall tre filled in the mar-nor provided in 1hr Munnipal Art in the CaNC of such vacancies III "tttrs, 3. Thc Water, Lsl,rht and Sun»: Commissioners, and the Park .llnaid, Library Board and Public and High Srhm-l Boards ot the mid Town. now actuup, shall (autumn and hold Mruu. until tlte denim) or appoint- mint til thrir "sttPrN'h'sors, and shall haw .md cyerrisrr all tho powers, “Elite; authorities, imrntrnttms; and illilirw Iretrtotorv. wwwmml Irv, nr mnlviivd "pm. sttth 1hrrtruussoonerc nr boa rds n'xpn 1 "icty _ tango, a urw rlPrHu-n dull hrs CP.) In das,, the othe of any tuitasionpr bra-mos “can! lrnm The Town Count-ll held as spcrrat mating on Tuesday Menu-g at wluvh l‘uwn Solicitor A. Millar, KA'., sub- No Npc The City Chtrtct vial Pt " “ch. â€73-h 1877 1’67? "tPt 1851 “(KS 1892 lls95 about no) about 1nirc, 1907 t907 shall hold of their suc- tpo Municipal Populat ion. ' 11,073 I l,120 10.000 Iu,000 â€moo 10,000 10,000 tbuut 10,000 [haul 10,000 1 1,000 12,000 13,000 (hr Act to vity is I! 'ided than be elm-{ml annually, by 0 ot "letwtors. of llw Wily qualitird In 1 lnr Aldermon. at thr. xa'rm‘ lum- C'WPr manner. and shall pussrsa the Sl and, rluahtivatton as the Aldcrmrm ol 'filth haul thty Int' sin-h rlrrlnm sl WWII, lw upâ€: In Jumual runltwlaunn hold mm hr clrall uith in all rvtiprwts gent, an r-lcrtmn of Aldrrnwn um be m mall will, an!» uranium in tho Ito INK, \lmll hamlet! luy oloclmn in the s: ttttrt mmmm ac â€ram-w: tuay br- frlled or lhr.rrttio. ml Ihictmvn, Thr. prmm ‘U'r n! The Muturitrul Art usth "'sr, ,‘n vlprttons of Aldvunr‘n shall In 'om- 'respvcts apply in Ilw plection at any Imrmbmrc ot the Wild 1toard. MN I J?. The “link “le Mnnr, ipat A Kind Town, shalt was, belong to and In: tlu. rights, property, assets, ol- fucts, mus, ri-Vcnues and obligations " the Crty ot Berlin; and in the "dhtirTisttWtit tor, and collection of all ttw Manna-id property and revenues (it “in kind, the said City of Berlin shall hart. as lull pom-r, in its mum, to assess for. demand, calla-t, and waive the ball“: as tho said Town could hang and the said City shall assume and hereby assumes all bills, debts, drbrnlurrs and liabiliiivs oi any and every [rind now due, or con- lractcd, or accruing due, or tor whim the said Town but, ior the passing of this Act would be liable, and tin- sanic shall and may be collected and isued for, front and against the City pt llrrlin m prvcisrly the name mum inâ€, exevpt in the change of the -nanw. as against tho Town (it ftrr- Ilin; and all Acts, inalu‘rs and thing»; 'ivhatsuvvvr which might be. lawfully Mum by the Town of Burlin, and all ‘inalioi‘s began, or initiated by the ‘said Town may be completed by the said I'ity, the meaning and intention vim-rm! being that in all matters and Hhiotg.s tlm said City shall be and 'stand in the place ot the said Town. l 5. The officers and servants of tbe irsud Town shall until superseded Ill 1‘or removed from arrive by the Coun- Ir'il oi the said City, remain the om- lcers and svrvants ot the said City. fulllnulh all“ Att and 1hr liq-ram: an his seat for the n lrrlu lot uhlrh hr elected. (3) In uLw a vacancy occurs from any cautrt' m the Mill? of any member ot the Punk Hoard, inbrary Board or Public and Hugh School Board, soun- otheg pm .un lo ml the mainly shall inns I W) of Hahn ‘shall In all ttrattprs ssbatsovvcr stand and be in the place and stvad " the Town ot llnlm. and all property ot every kind, and all rights, interests, assets, ant onâ€. taxes, rates, dues, rov- vnurs, ohligations and Income now ln-lunzing to, or accruing due to, or “Inch muy bu am for by the i 7. The last revised assvssmvnt roll and the Tttters' list of the said Tow" shall be the: Toll and the voters' list to be used fur any election for Mayor or tnetnttcrs hi the Municipal Council of the said City, and lor School Trnstms, and Waht "Light and Sow†T'omtnistiionrus respective- ly, until another assessment' roll shall he made and finally rvvised, and thc voters' list lhrn-umlrr shall haw: brat duly math- and t-umplvtcd. N. Thu l'mmcil of the Mull City for the 1ru'tr L91t and for mu'h aub- M‘lilll'lll war shall Ions»! vi a Mayor and lo :illlrrnwn, to hr Hurl- ml by a m-nrrul votc m prmniml by Thr Municipal Art; mouth-d, how- "ver, that lit" said l‘uunril may [rum rilno In ttme by hy-law 1rH'rPit'.it' 1hr Immhvr (if thp said Alricrntrn, thr numhrr mil in cxuvert one Alderman for cach thousand of population; pro- vided further that suvh By-law brinn- tho imal passing llwrrnf N‘I'I‘IH‘ 1hr assent (If ilw vlrtiors of Hu- mllllll'k frailty rpralirwrl to vote al municipal virtuous. II. Notwithstanding anything mn- tained in "The Public Parks Art" the nwrutrers tother that} the Mayor) ot “Tho Board of Park Managmnvnt" hf 1hr public parks in 11w said (My. (hall be elm-Ml annually. In tlm ft. le l'Ily.-v! Ill‘llin \lmll hr and remain, and mum part of tho County ot Waterloo for Judicial pmpow-x. 10. All statutes hercttgore passed IO. All statutes hrrololurr passed and in forum-mt the passing of this Act relating to the said Town ol Brrlin shall remain in tortt and vi, [wt and be applicable to Ilu. Hull ('in at Berlin, and all by-laws in force in the said Town, at the pass- Ing of this Act, shall continue in torre We said City until inn-aim! or alto hy thc Council ttwrvof. B. The provisions of The Municipal let relating to matters consequent on thetrrmatiort ot new Municipal Cor- pnrations and the other provisions; of The Municipal Act aforesaid shall, "scirt so (at as is herein otherwise proridedk apply to the paid C'orpora- than. of the City of Berlin in lhe same manner as tr, _ the said Town had been erected initfin City under the provisions oi The Municipal Act. thlic and Hugh School Board, soun- het pm mu lo ml the numb)- shall 'appomuut by the Council ot the H! mm .lml thr. person appuunm all mm ullxw tor llu- ruuulmlrr at fr *1 fur “hid. his prvdvcessor ted annually“ by thv Wily qualitird in mi.- r thr. xaml‘ hnw and mmudtr of ths. iprrdcsvssor was h \Jruucy m‘culs, tlwttui shall hold Thr. pro, mums utth II-spnl 1M: be dull! Itoard the samr frlled m same ol the sh 1'l M th all Hm m this Act shall be deemed and lo mran and shill} £116!qu "The ‘mliduu-nl Municipal Arr 190y," ts. amendments thereto, and a ntlu-r gem-ml Art that may he pa ed consolidating 1hr rlgartxm-nls thr, Lvgvuaturct of the D'rnvmw “alarm “Mung m mtuticipuittuss u municipal math-rs. Ls. Notuithuianding anything 1. Mined In llw Act n-spwling Pol Mined m Hm Act n-spwting Pouce tiutrisiratvs the salary fot the Pole Magis/Pat" oi the said icity shall no such mun as may be ageecd upon trv- twevn tho Police Magistrate and the said City, and Inn-(l by by-law, my prmrd by the Liruti-nant Governor m Cuunul. Tlstt Council authorized tht. Town Solicitor to add another rluusc lo the Act providing tor Ilu- clectiott oi a Stu-ct Railway Cismmissuon 1n vase the ratvpuyers mu- their assent to u swan-11e- vommissmn operate the H. & w. Slum-t limlwny an†which the fullmnnz resolution was unanim: ously passed:- In haw tatvttrvrl “ilkinsun "all" WUâ€! Sun/kn, l" run-ll $8.0ott The Moved by W. D. Euler, seconded by F. lr. Sin-ppunl, that pr-titions he nrcsonu'd to the Iaieutcnatit-tloverrurr and to tlu. Ltglsl'atin- Assembly of Ontario for tla. passing of an Act to inrorporate ttit. Town of Berlin in- to a city and that the draft Act mm read hp approved of togethvr with any addition which may be con- sidrn-d advisable by the Town Solici- tor and the committa- appointed tn draft this vhartvr, and that the Mayor, and l'hvrk be authorized to sign the pvtitiorrs and ullix thereto the mt- porah' seal and that the sum ot MW bu sent thermnlb. ++++b+4.+t.tt+t+t+H.* "+t++ttHHHttrtt+qtt TllAFFH' IS HEAVY. Itrtvals at (man ports “no H.288 WlNNlPFI'v.-. Flo hearv is tlw .md from the United States 71,988. ('hristmas trMie eastward that my 4 , T , Trorontooxpress had ly 1pave lo-nizhl l SK" PEt 1115. BOARD “ILL. in three sections, ay [wavy train,' ' .._ . . . . l 'rsord-brcaking British mail ar- , 1),y.1yr1c-t'lr P, t'y.y.Y 1! tavvtt to-dar, consicting of l‘iKH rim}? ml." “1". iyyret to pa} “my wars hllrd lo "\rrmnul'll Thvrn ',lf2', '"a"l tttlls, Magistrate, Jens this vi nt lot oi l'hliduns mm“ S 'lvmrnlng mark an rmmph- at Walter “if", I', ' I g jyruu.r, of "raniford, uh" "wed his Inlulwnvw "an btal will"): at News; Lulnndc may not pray “uh " Monnml hark?) Ieam uitvr "ll, as thr oller which has come from Vancouver for lavrrnise nrxt Munmrr has a job with It. which n read; for Ium any time he likes to report, and hr mu} go “est at one. Ru} huh-1mm. Ml "tiawa hor. wenttu. lie brruwrly played utih “whim, and [Mun that wiih Burk- ingham. . A disputml avenunt Jot the puttlica- tmu of the Niagara Power and gas by-laws m thi. daily "P1's'eipaperh' was settlcd and the amnamfx unlrrrd to settled and the ottiouets ortlcrvd I, he paid. Permission was grantml lo Mr. A c, Quintin]! to c01vstruct an in slide undvr lln- hridgc on David yd :‘w trom the Victoria Park in his "t house. . UNI-2 \IUIII'I ARIN-251‘ TURHX l"tr-Tro. pullgl‘ “uni trt-tul of thr. arhst a Tlu. ('uuntll o'vlrwli. ( HoHHHHHHHoHH '+"'"++""""""t Ask your Davin:- thts :mtnlLl. ll “'Immulr pains, lw m-lu "Maul n-livi. Pink PM!) 11mins talo. our All Dram _ l’.u t . nnrrl Ion Ptl igma of 1rtvcTt,Y FRO“ I Itt.t htlopted by (founul A --Ths, immigration fu tpril I lo Noremtmr i! an; vrttrants against Ila . Nam" period of Ian! 'Pitt LORD Rustinum, p t -her Matters. 1 u-H‘ml m (r-TN. pump II‘H' :In ml the attest at I', , " 1estouraRt kit on “Uh; 1hr l‘nlmll "an " llmrgml Null: TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. w Pallt in 2" luimlln~>.! AWL". Dr. Simup‘s Punk I’n'm' Mm, r- irrrv.tua {n 1hr hr.\'.fkldul wim- ur "mums! atrour' will] (. ll mn'l br. ttvtttsrvri.'r.1ust" IS, hand palm, any pain "ou-ill n-livi. "In; oi twcnty in]. mitts, 25c. NM by': tr. " p ml} British politics. mum! Nd 1-: “Hum 1 lltp lmtolman a ll d to har, . . __ "AulVltrN,--F'or the bctwfit of T" dr, yumâ€: nn-n "ho Emmi to pay their ll, ‘53 hoard hills, Magistrate Jails this "'rn " P morning mad. an rmlupll- of Walter ptutitngs meilh. of Brannon], Mm "wed his Fiiiii'ijr' mistrvss, Hawk Murphy, T ‘33. His muslin) dw-lugcd that men . 'uf this typv “up llw "Wattrvit Inna IN viuul oi Ihicvcs. and he san Smith ninth at I'obalt [or tlttee months mlhum "w option krvpr'r, of a line. . _ a (A) I otc ll- it know n trom hvld ('tm~ and fig and ll 1' Mt .. - __ a. ,,_....V Hray night last slits tsuricted a paraly- Iii? xiv/u 1mm the "tleets ut while 9hr sukcumlted. t Tlu. funeral mil hr held on Fri“! ix‘nunng at 9 o'ctock trom tite tam- ‘Ilv n-sidrncr, It Krug street, to :mm tor wruws and interrv.emt. ' ‘l'llv latt- Mrs. McNally was born “n Bridgman“ in 183]. and was a daughter of the Late Juvot, Shoemak- gl'l‘. 5hr manned Mr John McNally In years ak" and celebrated their golden wedding in 1891. Alter their Imarriage they momd north at Prese 7 ton and liven on the farm until the iripring nt â€351, when ‘hm‘ loo, up 1"Mr abode on the old Wendel Haus iman Farm, about one mile south ot 'l Hlair,wherv they wore tnie/aged m tarm- Huz fur marry ymrs. troat two years 3.1g“ they tuok up the-u rvsiri, n 'O in f Ill-run firmly drrlinml- hula so. lt is likely that W" pmpto lwllind ttw more In law Harm \lrlmrvn opposed Wilt Mk Ur. "whim In an?†Um field, siramt. " “Astana, M15100- people rmucsting him In run Mr, Stewart mm H,tym,TC.N,--T .17 Nil-Hart. MR, amount-M to-day that hr would not ammu- mum McLaren, A deputa- tion wallr-d- on him to indnre him to MINT tbe “th. pre'umting n pctiiion In this day of keen muniripal com- m-ti'um. a town or oty needs to hr up and at it all the tinw. Other- wise it will hare to drop into the “Ms u-f "has irecr.:," m the competi- kw rare. hone, lune “mm. (In , rug“. Lum- 1lerlin; John neccased i, survived by her us. band, who 15 m his 88th year. 'llzz-n- was a family of eleven chil- dren, Cr boys and 6 girls, three ot whom prrdeceusetl their mother They are Angus (Maxim-(l); (intrude (Mrs. l-th. Erb) Mit-higun; Jacoh, at Mr 1h: Was Blown An A a We T jiGui fl Baywatch l HIGH 1TM'RTt KL Prrtrtr,irvua, Dru. ty?..- Col. liurirm, rlurt of SI. Petvrsharg's marl pnhrr, was blown to picâ€! Pull" "trliry by it bomb. His assass- m..1inn Inlhvwmg close upon that ot (1.11! Mvlikoff at Tilis, has convinc- nl th" uuthuntws that another ter.. nr'm rr'rgn is bring inadguratot, (I 'lhe Huh f'ourtrot kswm’ 1909-ltt. m wt! new. took plate' at an "tll . .Weducsday quorum; ' Mars tttts Fltuu‘nmkrr. Inn re. tturs. of HM John Mobility cl 1mm, and one at Waterloo l a {mu-st truth-nu, The' de- l “in had uttaitterd the Am, 3- oi sr, yrs-s had been sul- in sworn! tun-As from the mm of old agv and on Js'atur. Ighl In“ slw tsuricted . paralr- In‘m hum the Nit-us ut who Wediudiy" T; . comm mom cred i, survived by her us. who ls m his 88th year. was a family of clvwn chit- llilh WILL NOT Isa, ILWA yy, AT IT (Halt Relormcr.) ll -lit, omd Ruin: sii- In [Kuhn will hr pre- ux foliosvri: Jurv, Fi, “In. Muhmk. Chief Hm lixtlmqwr Division; :0 21ct. Alr. Justice Tee- lN-n, ty?..- Col. Fit, Petersharg's N Hum: to pier?! homir. His, assass- to Pieces the bcncfit of (t to pay their Mr Jelts this Ili N Indira Winter AWAY .