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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 23 Dec 1909, p. 12

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ation of human life? Thv stopping a! an old clock has always been hold to point b, tlcatlt or disaster. and tttore are thousands of prank, who, even in this e of nvlahnn an] wo- mon’n 'ril'l,Cfi5/i',',d implicitly that Abe stopping ot Big Hen would Innld 'ionteUtimt unpleuant. At " f-ent meeting of the Finnish Sunk: - at which um Ruuo-Finnish siluatllm was being discuss/Mm the elock andan fell from the wall and, of Nu”. 'totmrd, Thr, superstitimu Finn- are now vxpochng troubhs- Black and White, Rum-m, “I'll lwt y'rrl n uumwn you can 1 fr- Peat, it." mud l'nmpiwllv Thu hot wm mkm. "ml Eugen! started declunninz Thr poet soon got. lifl'd. and mid, "1 sm- you “mow "t poem: don't '10 any further ' The oUtrr insisted uptm rcpcminc the whole [mom nr claiming " uubln nukes. and Campbell paid tho nxtm [Rina] in ordrsr to bo spnrml tlo. re- dhl of the poem which had nude him umour,--iG words of which he had ioraotum. A Curious Supontiiion. Why is it that truportttitious per- sons haw always arm n subtlr won- "action bolww‘n I' clock and [hr dur. The new Willing paw Hf heatthr mm or won-n is «id lo '0"mttrtlve up” . minute. Lard Nix-um -..:-l 'PUsaaurrss oi Hour "How o, yr." l; thr. pnvl "amplsr'll , In the lines, came from. Christmas home with mother at. u . usmd to bt, you know. In lite's divine ten-r510“ in th. dreams of long ago; The old house rirvsimr, lmxph'vn' {rum the lips of chick and child. The old dreams daneing after In th hearts lust tairkr wild, And the tunings, ringing rovrl and the dinner with its su-lls. ot the old laminar dishes with than haunting homespun sun-HS. from Ilu. lish mu: t'xl'rr's'r"" strum“ In “11- ~}'|Iahl‘ lawman Turn track again, oh, marchers in this Ali? a G ranks that lead away , . Dose From Christmas home with nurthut ; -----. . lo the tiddy of lame, yc ttav. ' By CHARLES BARON. lhe triumph may be ttrmptirrg and (Copyright. 19:0. by American m m thv victory tine and swt'-l, Clalton] . llut t'hristmas hmm- with im‘ilu-x ‘ [IlllSTMAS is just as much makes the heart iorgvt Mr c Christmas at the Boon island stret. _ llghtlmuse as it ls any where else Anl the roaring world urnunl "'st', in the world. and the new life tor the “Id. tPl why ttot? And its Fatdareaml Its tinsvl .n‘l t' , " be sure. the nearest lam _ t gilt without tht. gold. . let,,,':,",,':, 'If £11112; tlt,' .. _ . , ' ar, a . . ..',. ' . A . . F over the two actos ot rocks i: s.' 'il'.'.,':,".' humi .“-”h ye.?.'..".'." .1 which the sturdy lighthouse W dream to make in)» (rm-i) To the attic as in childhood fur a There are no blazing rows of a i , ' , lined with toyslmps there, no '" ur- little childhood sleep} ina of fat:" 'w And thr “alum u' _ .llm . and 'ir-S, n: Chris" ,' the warming single lilo - 9, ”u. trees lov y.‘ To the Cltritutuas in the parlor with- h" ) tf,, "'7 down with pin. u r Ln s, mum. d in f it ijj_iil:i'iit,t,S? ents, nothing to At the n-ndu-r "xpcjation--hvw it Wily/5.1%. be so“; from the glows within us yet-- ("'t'iji"i.irs2oi, lighthouse but Ot the tlnms IVV um um ',,,'r , "l , , thechangimrwa- the thing: we knew we'd getk /\l ty Wig ter and unchang- - "' r' 1. ing rorris--water TU. old house an”! tha and hvr sun-M in tlpir" For the phantom guns "n sinzh- M0 upon the --ftvrtlito-j, Halli In 1h! Ity thai Christmas home with tuother--'tis u dream to make unu- r'rr-vp To the amt an in childhood, fur a little childhood steept Mu! th. “alum ..I l tllrtt . and the marching single file To the ('hrislunrs in the parlor with- Christmas al hottw with tl r,".ttrr-. whm its train mm 1‘! me ktrow, . ’ I For my heart lmx lynllghl a. tirlcb to the da,s ot buy, an. And 1 hate I'M 'h ‘i' uifh n- Splrmlnr anal it, gleam, In the iltrisintas home with '..iother that has rnnu‘ In lst. my It,“ alrr-- Atti the roaring world aruuzd , and the new life tor the “id. And its Lanfare and its tiusul . n‘l gilt without tht. gold. And 5w»; to B." l-knmx it all Forgot His Own Poem nnl Irv 'hd nut 1 and mkml when '1”)er III-l Ito' in hve- m at a tht. sh LU"? , foul yw art ",i"ti"i'C,",',"'i' Apls fag "Peace aihttlt, (mail Will Coward men” sther _)ayrz,r-'1e""tts,ss . "a-rica-src-cs/CCNA B" 'seeeeeNieusig nd ik ol m, tt 'lir hcy kml '.\'ll "n"r-er-r--v-, . 't'm , ' Inns every 25th of Do e If it is n Jrmoly, on}. hmm: hris " ttot n phi not rhizdruu morn l2: .cood, lung: shbx'lgings? have. Atsl curs km Rpe thpru all lr-mpriu: riliung‘ iir.np mu! r-n: mnnn-lshvlr? And due" mnrzxi'r} \‘ory park, m grudzmird. white rot" forming mysterious m'r Ah. xlwn, if you minnow llml cunning Nd pwritterr.mn Salim docs nut anwr how to lint] tt chi own when th" mdd “nu-c are p " with from) spray drops ten from Famt. you little know what m.nrkahte gift ho has that waxy. nobody cam Why. Baby A mntorinl enough of whit-1. t Cl1ristmas. and a \L-ry rank-1 sort of Christ-ms. too, but her you adsl Tout and Sue and Ike and Saul-well, the lightly-1m: Ctirly overl!owts w Inns curry 25rth of Do "rubttr. ff it is n lunch; on}. one t forming I six huh-.1 Amt tht, C'ttrluttrtas Mann‘s they have lhorvwllm 212030. the brrwtt. rrhp, juiey. mulling renal :mso: What would that dinner In; wit" u' that 30mm? What, 1121]:va I f hm, not 5:001 Ill But ottve-thr.y mm " lighthnusc Hoo “hon Hwy they rmno wry nu.”- Imvi: for mum-r t-n (‘hrklnms th " came alum! In thin mu- " came "hum In thim “my Pam -tth, tt you could otrly hunt link: Int. loll about it. it Wnan bt, worth th,. inur may, In" ynu (-nnnm. rf rum-H, an new-r mind Papa '.1'trrvuhtttn. the 1.2m house keeper. Jo" know. hml hm: all his manoy In 't savings hunt; HIS? had failed mtrly In Hm Irevctrtupr, A zoo-c " runny Imt n vrr} r'\x»on. lin- fowl. but if on? {m In. eh:- monvy or (-mlrsr' one mum»! Mr M "n n elm-nu min: Papa Smuuhtun null?“ not ntroprl " unusn. He saw Ethlnid no born!" al: tho family. the my! mm Ihr, silt-mm that {MI upon tbat family thnn mu mum“ to honr Tth In: km] ot mm :umlln-r with eyes so u "b' Hint It's tl Inn-r) Hwy the my: mar Ihr, si upon Hm family thnn hear Tltr 104 Ised ot qt eyes so u M.- Hun it's could ou-r mm thrtrt I "No gnaw!" (Hm! tho othpre In charm. all vr,"rpt Baby “My win» wzm busy nt the Hum unlly ndmonii'mv: Boulrvin. liar most lruuhln-mmp (Ilnll. for brine so dirty. Baby DH: MM "No doosc!" tstter nll the ntlwrs were quiet. A Christmas, uit? a Goose "No goose'." was the ovum copyright. by). by J, Well: Chunmoy. From a (30pm; print. copyright. me. by Curtis & Cameron.) " DES " NOT to: )L‘FI‘IN." That made them rm Much No doubt rd, NJ THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS IN I n lunch; old. one eyed ilgltN :.s " nu! n rhinmey? And do drum fy.rsrr, have stoekints-- my: stuckhtzs? Indeed. may in! CNN. 1:"! Christa- ere I MI tr-myzrirley hung. :0 In- IZmp um! r-mply. undm' tho you": And them not Christmas \vry ri'.r",y. mind Fou--.'ve six u. white rut-pd ghosts per- mysterious r-u-romonics around Iitrr, strul.irtps? vn, if you minnow llm? that old gvmlomun Santa Claus Lnnvr how to lint! u chimney, Pn Hm mad “mum are [Jr-Hing fruzvu spray drops ten miles n! ma! cried Tow, who on ti. "e sides uudou "mfourth side a art! bar- rier of rocks, with the world hiding behind it ten mllcs away. {~20 p" 1m: mink of it-. tut tIO QODW t?mtoh'tttE-TELEtrRAPH, mm so”, DECEMBER mm, mo. mg = \\h.. It; rsl at r-,,' the; d I m" the difference being that “an an trying to think what he could " t get the goose anyhow and ttdy wr trying to think what he was thinking about so that they could think the Bame--ali except Baby Dob. of coune. who. being only fonr years old. cave herself very llttle concern about the thoughts at “has. Her own thoughts took all her ttqt) somMhmns snld "Ah?" undu- his breath and lnystvriuusZy vanished into another room after lvcmkoalng his brothers null sisters to follow him. which they did almost before they had. fairly said "All!" Baby Deb was tr-; - thew, mo, somc~ my. - w h a t awestruck -r Et at the mystery .91.}; about her, but ':-Isjitf: " _ ready to lam] the isi?d gig 3 _ help of her TTir “mix. 5 - q dom it necessary. 2 Ta 'ilr ‘ _s,,r" , Tom looked at them with great 'irmness and dig- my. "Oh'." gasped his audience, moved tr y m i u g l e d amazement and ndmiratlon. inent on. "we oooscl" have had a roast goose tor Christ. ' Ever since he was born! It might In" been a hundred years before. pom Tom's tone and manner, and tho "MOW was trxsmPndowsly Improssr-d. I “And." continued the orator. "we - have one now. We will have one new!" , Ther almost stopped breathing. “I have a plan." Tboy shuddorod and drew nearer. "We all must com- bine!” ' I "Oht" in chorus. ' "Do you want goose. Sue?" "Yes. Wheat "You. Sam. "We mint han- a goose." said "Me. mo." ask] “any Dob. with great onmestnms. for It was clear to her that It was a question of eating. um] slu- did not wish to be loft out. "or course you. loo. you deny dum- ruling." said Tnm "Now. then." he rumimml win-n crdvr was rumored. 'what shall we contrirnttve Ill giw my new nailbout. That ought m bring My cents." Ills new sailboat! Why, M had only lutrt made It and and not own tried it "Ever since It swisut. um, by J. We'a Champ" Cum: on i“ "Ike?" "Do I? Well'." "Ann?" "Yet. sir!" I "on. PLEASE. noon he Lonu. any us A VERY POOR CONDITION it FPt Oil unmet»: Who could hesitate now? "I'll give my shells." said Sue hero. 10:11]}: "My spa mosses." sighed Ann. "You may take my shark’s teeth." said Ike. "And my whale's tooth." said Sam. The saermee was general. The light- house would ylold up its treasures. . tn right." sald Tom. "Now tet's u . .tlu-r." . "I father was told. and ft. some um he premndrd to look out or the udow Terr suddenly. but he did Jot. ms wiped his eyes. and Mammal Btonghton wiped her spectacle: and winked very hard and said: “1116's: their huurm'” . Li. For. you see. that: plum: m " simple benrtod folk, and It mm- " ’10 them very tttreeling that the c u should make such ttaerifhNatg to n n the goose tor Christmas. “And what does Baby Deb contrib- ute?“ asked Papa stouahlou by way of a joke. " den 1': not dot llama." was Baby Deb's reply when the matter was ex- plained to her, " 'crept 'oo tate Smlplu." Oh, what a laugh there was then. for It ever there was a manned and demorallzed doll It was Stulpln. But Baby Deb was hugged and kissed as If she had contributed a lump of gold instead of 1 little bundle ot up. F‘cm .. Copley print. com ‘ .. Ramon] Papa Stougnton and Tom wen to go out to the mainland the tirtgt clear any to buy the goose; but. alas. a storm came on, and they were forced to wait for it to go down. It did not so down. " grew worn and none. The wind shrleked and moaned and wrestled with the lonely tower. and the wu’es hurled lhpmselves at It and mhed over and over the island. and no bout could have lived at all In such weather. If n umse- be only a goose. no matter, hr " It be A Christmas tttttner-att, _ they hnd good reason to fool div I at the llgmhoule. " was no w " " are noses were t1ftr times a my unnamed despa1rirtg1y again“ the Ilgmhouu windows. See; In nos-‘3, for evei: Baby Deb wia nanny Mtected, and. though she did not know tho teast thing about the weather. she. too, would press her little nou- against the glass In a most alarming way. as It we thought that pressure was the only etrective thing. . " took some time for Baby Deb to rcniim we importance ot having a goose for Christmas. but when we had grrngzd the Ide- sht- became an entlia- Cr'. " on the subject. She expinined 'e matter to her dolls and was par- . mainly explicit with Stuipln. with whom. indeed. an» held very elaborate and alumni minfui waver-anon. oiso (hing becnme very certain. There was very little prmipert ot clean weather wlthm a week. and It lacked only threo days of Curlstmas. The others zlnnmlly give up hope. but not so did nnhy Dob The truth was she had a plan. and you lrnnw when on. has tt plan on! has hope too. Mamma Slonuhmn hid onEy nanny boon hnvlng n sorlos of talk: with Ruby WI- on tho Important question of only”. and It hid occurred to Baby Dob mm "to pump was a good Butt, 100! for nrmt-r. It was a very clear evruettof uni: '6:- rock. the keen wind nipping her round l cheeks and poking her with the frozen i, drops of spray. She knelt down. i "Oh. please. dood Lord. send us l i douse! We wants a doose um: I Won’t you. please. dood Lord?” Tttud fell something right alonglido of her. . _ 't The putce was iii) found, ttowerer N Just m from of the llgluhuusc B was tt 'tyy/ ledge of rocks, arm n STEP. PAT- gem-rally washed TEn, mun-m. try the wanna. but at low tide. even In this bad weather. out of water. The other chlldrvn had been forbidden to go more because it was dangerous. but no one had "laugh! or cautinnlng Ruby Dob. So there she went and m her imperfect'way bagged hard for the goose. Christmas éve came, and null there was no goose. Baby Deb was puzzled: the others were gloomy. Still Baby Dob would not give up. It would be low tide about T o'clock. She knew that. for she had naked. She would make her but trUL She had have yet. bat an the other- knew nothing of her plans they had absolutely no hope. To then It wu‘cu'taln that ther? could be no Christmas goose " their house that year. Seven o'clock came. out! Baby Deb crept softly from the room and down- stairs. She opened the great door Just a little bit and sllppod on? Into the darkness-really did allp. for tt was very lay on the rocks. and she sat down very hard. However. the was very chubby and did not mind It. She crawled cautiously “mind to the blg "Oh, what's dot?" she exclaimed. putting her hand out. "Why. it'a In dooseT she cried. with a scream of de- light, as her and came In contact with a soft. warm. feathery body. Copyright. ms. In o. A. Win... New You” She forgot to ttive n “thank you'Ltor the goose. but she was thankful. though not so very much surprised. She rally had expected It. n was th heavy load for Baby Bets but ski! was oxcltod and did not Bo. tice it. She made her my Into the lighthouse, and. stop by atep. patter. punter. she went urn-mun and burst. all breathlmu. Into the sitting room. cry- tng exultnntly “If. tummed. It's tum- medl" us the great - tell from tter arms upon the door. Well. It you think they were not sur- prised you know very lime nbont’ the Smughmn folks. What they said no. bolts known. They all talked " once. but tr.s "rMt by Papa swughwn had a ehanire lo be heard. "Whvz'c did you get tt. Ruby Deb?" "Wlu'r': did you get It. Batty Deb?" he alkczl. "Why, I p'ared nod for It," answer- ed Dot, In the most matter of tttet “my. "Pu Id Dodt" riPlqlle exclaimed Papa - " ; l Smugmon. ammu- was tMtces. "vlry. Why not ask " it. thettt The great. dim mm: was to tlto u secret place tor her dI-YOIIIIIM. tor tttts faintly very well titled the lighthouse. a nd Baby “on under. “out! that pm;- ens ought to be qulotly and SF are", made. M o r a q u o .. lions and more of Ruby Deb's erpinnnttorm tp. realm] the whole .torr, F u n n y t o I k a. t h o s e Stnlwhtnns In" "P a Id nod!" n h o r n t a d (he fnmlly. .. Tm." respond. ed Baby Deh con rlnclngly. "Dad-60 d and Lord f p‘nyod to him m, send. ed " tn me den new," " .. ' The Chain.- autism . Mutant - m u.dqtt have bau‘onhlly "or_rheir_Wies9as. ' _ . Prureesa of Walel 1t,ttc'ttelt',id _ i ard Davies' Iegtt _ Alkal- (Great being uhtto madly , 1 mother, Queen Oahu-u. Ahet, . Emperor, as mud, 'tot-att and Messrs. Tuck hr hi 1 card. This year the Trainees t are evidently on We tel. n his Guia- lung card is a reproduction ot B scene when Henry VIII. at. anon h Great Harry tor the link! Jqt ttke I'loth of Gold. The mm 1'd'.'rft'r mo Queen of Spun. and the Guam. Italy, have all three chateau». donna aodAthlfl. 4, . ,__. '.. A i'k$§'gi"*"iq J: mam It'),'. +r+r""444-r4".r'Hr#s King Edmud’a Chris oik6, call the knightly day! at and the Round lelet a laid in King Arthur-m the palace of Camelot. t r I Queen Ahnndm Lit-“1‘1 for her Chrutmu an] in vigil other Queen ot England ' _ in which our pment , It in in showing the ten for the helpless tad the. ' The scene is the well-known when Queen Philippa rtmdstt lives of the citheal at Cat) hnd 9011de iu_deftytee In}! mouths min“ the lam- d I Edward. The mm a Pt taxman stands with a I thrown over hia ulnar, while his ions Queen kneels " " feet hr plores him to Ibo! ttse 'ett'otaat d ruynl prerogative---. _ . The Prince of Wales In! In the incident in the W and when the tseio-ot the R York and Laneaatrtr pinched red and white motto wen a" badges "utAt.yfysoryinCstrsl.?: - Charles Dickens on ma: "It is a Wonderful thing?“ ' Charttnt mamas. "the period ‘ - " l mas: I wonder be? many Q of thousands of pnrcnts mie'M} cred at Christmas time. all“. lt magie of the trettson-throtttrtt an. _ tle, little thing done by son at. at . ter--thttt those they thought “In: , ' from them, by than [may I.“ come between, at!!! loud mi.m1; memory more tender than My . dreamed of. , 'e-tli' "I wonder how may i daughters, under the uncle of Christmas. have hall , softened so as to be f . little manifestation of tan”. or mother, whlch they m thought little of, new”. at any other Manon.” At all events. not I mum Mon wns sald to' Baby JMC!" ohe qontrndlcmd her when AR: dinner next day: .1 "A wnd~coose. It In: the bright light and “NM ttyirtg against the glut. g who shall any M good- send it?" i » 1-5:: and hugging and Rain; 11" making up new pet name-=0! 8-35 Deb. s _ . H“ Papa Stoughkon did any to In: Stoughton that night " they _ lug: to bed: _ ,. l L A Marqueu's Eee f Thu annourteement th " iunnas pf Anglvsey in to at recalls the "ceentrioitLea h. Innrqnmgs, who found w $550,000 insumeient to _ vxtrnvagant mm He th ild cvery'hor oi the day, III vhunzul his jewels to Mix tire. hHm sewn? :enhdr rich, urbane [at ' in c I mg ttttirrd an an Indian 'ttite.', marques: wow I pink dram dinner. And bought 523th innu-ly. He vat often Hindu. I push haublPs twin] (oi-"dim! by unscrupulous denial“ tid Mllldl‘d him that they can lumen. l ‘_.. A Spelling otrstaeu , To twat the spelling ct _ any applicants tor junior - m Hm ofrieety of the 8 I and sewerage Board, they _ ed upon to writs trom detdttott ptrrfgtapht, [ L.' i. C' "This cclibale VIII ' , nwdirinP, and held "q3hit' - diplomas. His char idiosyncrasies personi _ ~31? mutum. the next gm‘ 7" his hteile pen evolves 5 tich in piquum satin of ‘ H I genius; mmormw an tettd . futsion on an miter-m His studies on concrete oxotic; his researches in tory esoteric. it no! chi , i a member doubted 1te",yiui; of tttty Oxtordr MAJ. it called upomto write odltho" would succeed in uegot ' om: of the Words sues: N fa, fewer 'than tttt fifty candidates came to artfully-dosmnd spent" [ICC “Hal's (loose " dood.’ if the neg ganglia; pf (he “dwi- may I”: mm Jt1tLlr. I w I plu‘i that; . The III I ileum"; . r - ' . l when" _ d in Viki: 1il?ilt . 1iliriii,j, e op I known planted ot CAN! leneo Me t"T il o a pun: ‘.vhilehh his tee: ‘ 5!de " X?!

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