{Items ol Interest.-h merry Stuas l to all readers ot the Chronicle Tele- f Sea- Strow has fallen almost can- t _ I'hally since last lime ol writing. l 36 inch so that sonu- tm'ss roads t _ ale b'lor9ed and roads in general are “he heavy, the number o, pltch holes is constantly {growing as “1-H - Nrpir depth. These are very BITCH" my in order to make plmsun- "dtistng exceedingly unplrasant. - “(and election talk ix going the Mnlb from which we mnxrlulle that Magnumâ€? cl aspiraats in "tuni- d)“ hams in the township of Wal- We " unusually Lug». >19 doubt the number who will enter Into the MIC†will be greatly reduced at I ti6trtittauon day, which will be held dildoman next at Onwalmlonn. - If. Scott. Cowan shiplwu the balanru gt the apples from thts section on Mty 1ast.-F'armi'rs with large tttht,', realized quits. handsmu- I It. tor their fruit and l (m' will, I lb dpubt, be paid to the millarrh tinto section as the larllli'lh arr be- the' ttmtuainted with the [all that 211' (“hum cl standard mnrlu-x at i WW apples m a valuahl" mam law: tttr bro.-- Mr. Itoiwrt T,nrranrv “hi ' dl Wallat‘t', has solo hrs Iain oft “Ruth‘s to a Mr, Mumt‘ oi mm» or the handsmnr or 3mm, ' t the. who of land hm um de. le Tery mm‘h, m qutl" rildl'll‘ I I (hr attosus txanmulun. --"llve It: prire that IN hung will brr hi! turs is quit" ;n Induwuwnl m [CHOW up HIP urtupalnn vi Mummy; _ and trapping. so unwh Nil Hm [up tr lt'kept wry want- In 1hr. 'oultirit., anrshouM mink nr muskra: pusu', reftrtttu' inln tiaytight, animus! trr:r or tttte. pairs ot dmIl‘IIlenrl gum aw Iiteir to lw disulrargvd in that an, u ,ummHm Geo, Latsch, Mf In toot seriously minted In _ ting ucldent shout tour _ T . and who has been mak- _ an†all ttttht since then to 't u '" limb, underwent an opera- _ ' on,.Wedneadly altetnoon last, K. Ft thioot wat, amputated show Jule. A consultation between '. Ech- ot Preston and Bradford ORG!!! was held on Tuesday last, mm gtrgeiul extutttttatton “as w. _ the operation hang decided % u I result. Mr. Latsch ts 'tttt well as can be 1apected. " B,--Mr. and Mrs. Jacob libel WU Halted Mr. and hits John ii9,ti o! Klngtown on '4uruiay-.Mr, I, M of Centreville and MISS Qty Kochme of Toronto wereutat- ' " Toronto on December 14th. I. Ind Mrs, Ab, urethane; oi ‘ hull! Vislu-d Mr and Mrs. John l m.~Mr. and Mrs. John ls. and guests ot Mr, and I". m“: on ya'utuiay_ Mr. and Mm. my; Hartel visited Mr. 3min". Norman Martel, Freeport, III Sunny. Don't forget to attend as annual school met-ting on 'led- Dotdty,'the 29th, at 10 o'clock lit 'tte torertoon.--Mr. Ferdinand Latsch l Ml made his first shipment of furs C thu 1.tPtMt0B.-- Mr. and Mrs. Joe. "ltryg and son of Mtdella, Minn, Fruitit1g his father and mother, “It 134 Mrs. August Jansen. " in; Saturday aitdirttit'iy we.» tes, Dec. 25 and M, respertivvly. We. understand excvliont. programmes ah being prepared for thnsp occasions all cordial invitations arc s-xtcnded to. the putrlic.-A men} Xmas. to Bu. [an of the u. lk church nn Sunday _,_________ â€gang last in the absence uf the, ttyi' mum“: first regular meeting all 54T. JACOBS. t'tl1piiTIti/iJ'g) Ctuh was hold in‘ gt , “Huh-11's hall on Friday evening] _ â€Elbe" an excellent programme; Briefs-J wish ail tho K'humn-lo. wt} {enacted to a large and apprt" Telegraph readers a merry Christ- etettte Pteee--rTltt gating], rtttec---_s'a-r,oiatatsk both iiVt,Ut Sunday school. my: be held of; any. Saturday ahd‘Sundiy when iiiafinUirG; 105i 'tGifipr'a'rCaG" who! Xingu my M of C Ity Rechme oi ' a Toronto r. Incl Mrs. ‘ but!) visual I tttttc-hir. am â€PM! mg. 'deratn,, Imdinx ttte past two wars in l Mantto'ta, hat returnm Immr- h. with] l the winter months. "n many lupM I an alumni to cw- hrr.--Mr, M I, I Adolph ie spending thr Km†hon-r dart' wth rNatirpu in Ya!» and I Brown Citr Mirh-Vr 1an Tor- nm, M.P P and Mrs Torronvr iGp'iam " the wodd‘mz ot mm persnmstr--Miss \lulmml n! lHItIrun h the gun? at Ute huvnr ot her milk Mrs, D Salk-r. “nummuo -M'Fs P.e. Wright, who has hrvn calm NEW DUNDEE CENTREVILLE. WALLACE. r Bpsy Neighbors spm the Lutheran and tho Evangelical Pr.TselttMiVt?ti . Wig Xmas enter- lui-‘Aimnts on Stunning; evening at, half past seven. Roth schools will hare a good program and a cordial wr-lmmr is extended to all.-. Mr. and Mrs. Hteiner, of Cressman, Fsask., are home again for the winter.-- Mr. Israel Snyder ot Westfalls. NA'., is spending the holidays at his home here.--Mr. and Mr; Render ot Wallace, are sprnding a low days here with Mr. and Mrs. Welker.- Mr. John Thorns or New Hamburg is spending a week at his home here.-Mr. Elias W. tmider spout a few days with friends in Toronto. "rivrs.- Vr. and Mrs. Adolph Stoopplur leit for valingulh- to spend the winter with their dauxhlrl‘. -Mrs, (We. Homua" and son of 'Waterloo spent a " days with (heir uncle, Mr, Hy. "atr-Mr. and Mrs. J, Alhrccht oi 10llpsley virutctl Mr, and Mrs. A. Bechtel on s"sundar--Mr. I David Gaswlto moved to Hath-n last,' work into the house vacated by Mr. . Hy. Natrmam--Mrs n. Zehr moved his household Mirth; to ltadrn and load- ml them on a far. lie t-xpocls to leave to-morrow (Thursday) for his new home in Pigeon, Mich., where he will make his luturc home. Died at, 'l'trrouto. - Mr. lion!) Brodlwckm' oi linden received a lele, gram last Friday lo come lo Tor- onto to allow! at the bedside ul his brothel \hlliam. who passed away last Wta"r, Tite funeral was held on Monday. This is the third draw in the Iunlll'. In trtu' Tear, twu sistcrs 'md our brother. Much sympathy is felt for the aged mutlwr and thru- surviving children. namely. Dev. "the-air. and “It, The Plugu'ille curling and dating Gro. Eon are spend“; their te'tilt? ig running In full blast than moon In Toronto and New York, dun. The wrung club elected - --Mr. Jan-cs 8mm: or Pahuetstoettiell and T. Pratt “Mum skips Hunted [Hands In thus scrum last“)! this year. .-Plattsviiie Iloctey week. ('lub t-ts.entered a team in b --------- Oxford wuwluo lerttgue.--Mr. "an BAUER "cu ot Blandiuru tell tram the on - layers onto the harntloor, bully Dean: at Jun“ “new? Mt, Jun" ffructuring m. arm Ind otherwise in- (Sascha, Bishop m the Amish Menno- :Jurmz ltinuwlt.--Mr. James Graham. mm church, died pvacelulty on nun us home from London uumns a 1Mh, and To wars Ite hml 1woPrekrn.arm-The Local Uptwn cam~ paralytic snakes and had bevn un- Patktt " KPQIYIK quret. warm ttsee mum-mus for about a ueek prt'cedtag days. It will carry m Tp. Blepheha Isis m-mm- Mr, tlasrho was a kind this 'ptrrftr chmmuzovs appoint.“ father 1"U1tit"h 'lt, was highly 1'ut(tig)'t,yJi'egii,t, 2mm“: respt'cte v a . " caves to mourn a ' . his death his aged widow, 8 children, Irabdbty, it“ "i',,,'::."')',':,';',.',"',)),: death tW, grandchildren and 13 rrat grand- " l " at" ’4'“ . " tave 70' children The tuneral, wlgrh was held Ill'; that they "ull not assume any from his Lite resudencv vast ot Baden, IIHWH'W for the, accident. We Br. last 11cdrw.suay, “as largely attended, sorry to "ht!" lllht Mrs. "antler has and his n-malns \wrv inttured in tlu. "ever tannin-J trom the shock and Amish cemetery. The bereaved lum- Iss now cottiyd to her bed m a ily hun- lhr sympmhy ot thru many rather critical condition. - Mr. “mulls m then sud hour or ullliclwn. sec,?,';','.' Insptrtl‘ltulr“ xi“ 2'"at,iguau,','," llralh ot A. Kaufman.-. Mr. Adam “9'00 s, "tit e a tirt e an " Kaufman. SIX, died on Tuesdav (-wn- ported “VOW“! on the cyy,'sitiou â€i tug. The tunvrul will be held on Fir, the “haul. llv stated that hum m tiara! this week at 10 o'clock a. In., “"3 the best tse, hatl Impede] tttis front his late residence to the Luth- liar. ‘ man church for svrrlis; antl' to V TGTrL"isTlF,r" . Uw viliage cemetery top burial. I PFiTiu'ttslW, Cr. ., More. Bliss Nellie . daughter ot Mt. and Mrs. Ruben Tartan}. on Wed- nesday, Dev. "the-air. and MM. Gro. Eon are spend“; their hone!- moon In Toronto and New York, --Mr. Jan-es 8mm: ot Palmexslou Hunted [Hands In Hus scrum last week. _ u FT' w i “l‘ y/V":),' SYRUP . v's',/'.s "it.t.tx,' _ , , 9/ 1171; " V J", (M . worn: CAInINAI..m-v. -o-nsres, ion TRI At.. 'rnxovro.“ mu f The Edwardsburg Slarch o.. United HHS ()RIUINAI ESTABUSHED 1t?6tt ©HBtuucLB.tBLetrRAPH, mm " hr omcial board ot the Wesley AN- Umdist Churth, Toronto,. has or! nd ml a Lnaninmus invitaticn to Res (has. A. Hykes, B.D., of th" Syd rnlmm Stu-cl Methodist Church, King llnr‘lnv'l‘hP auniversiars wnm‘s of Zion Church vu-rn null} m-Il at- tl'ndrd on Snndav last.--A alrulhluad of young, people itom here alt-“med thc Xmas twp nl l'nion Sunday xrhuol rotteprt In Wellesley on Tues- day night and n-pnrtrd that it was splvndid.--Butchering is.the order of the day here and the porkers are s.quealinr- Mr. George and Miss I,irtie Schmidt. spent a few days with friends nrur 1lerlin.--Tlte school mun-It is to be held in our school on Wednesday, Dec. 22nd. at 1.30 p.m, when a line programme will be given. 5.9: n, to boron)» its pastur at the mar? tunh'n-nrr yrnr, July 1910. Rev. Mr. Sykrs has accepted the 'nvltatittn,sute 300! to 1lte action of the Transit-r and Hmticning Committees. :luy school and mm have spared no [mum in pn-paung nu null-rusting pro- ‘zram All \u'lnulm. SIM-r coilec- tiorc-Tlu. last tucrliug of the Lit- 1-way and livlmlmg Sum-(y was wry well ttltvnrlvd and “as a huge 'UIC- u'ss. The. Smart) now has n 1110111» "Nahâ€! of “(with snrnl}, and Is t,tell gunning The Iu-xl “wrung 1yul be held an Saturday "tilittit, .lnn. sch I'ouu. and lmu- a good tune-Chit- mux mums: uwr mm m thr school rart wcek. Itcports nr\| week. GOING TU 'Tnmm'ro Arrrs Nouls.-The annual Cluisb I" l h-stivnl will be chld in the Lu- lh u: Church new" tlic evening of Sunday, the Emu inst. The Sun- l PETITION. PLAT TSV ILLE l)()(‘UMl-LN'I KINGWIMHD IN VERY I’UUR ('UNUI'I'IUN " i lair I Tron! Jun '/ Koelwi,..uh: nu roadway I'lnlin Pop", sprradinx'gmul and nwrsvrr " . [ . A. I'Iununrr. burying dead dot 1' P. ..-. . . A, Shmnukr. st-wm Imu- aw! Miner It., H _l J. Ilartk-ih. dot tax rI'lumh-d Jr'hn S. 1teyvr. do; lax rl‘fumlmi John Halli. dug tax rrhumlul I'vicr Torso. an: Inn mum-1 l" ttttcrNun. (In; tax I‘liun'lvrl " Ntct'ormivk. do: in rHundrd llrx Pvortw, pinning in 11:1 1ut and thanâ€): dilth Fec Gro Iriry, tram on roul~mmhm l P VA Tun tract. P.P. _ Dan. Rupp, tiliing in washout and pulling in culvrrl _ ll. F2. Ran N Ihr, plan‘: acct A. Bast, gravel A. Fydt, work on mad Pat Birmingham. carctakrr lp. Hall. ISM _ f Jaw. lull, erroneously assessed. Sam Hrotneman. cleaning ditch l‘lrnwus lishnugh. grading on road _ ml _ . , Fly, Berscht, rep. culvert, 'tr H. W. Kaufman. printm: ton rnfundcd _ .. -'_....-rv,._. Reiner Bros A; Co., statute la- bor rrflrndtd T . Wm. noblmun. statute labor refunded and drawing gravel., AIM-rt Brraner, shuttle labor rrtunded _ . _ ' John Mauser, statute labor re- lumled - T _ N Henry Stun-r. statute labor re- fundnd _ . . ..b_ Rout Crooks, statute labor ro- tunda! Trq _ rr. . _ mahtrrs Fet Memo Martin, gravel TT . (has. Eix, gravel rr . Christ Frey, gravel . Thos. Hilyard. 3.:va _ T . Wm. 1'nisin, gravel T V John K, Brenna. gravrl Peter "trunk, gravel and mm hart .. ., Coiin Campoett, yaw! . _ T tleo. Firri, gum -'rwr..'er. . . '.. Wm. Mamie". gravel ._. TrrV .. John McCormick; statute lator " “as lnmcd a? slings mum“: by A. P. t'l'Et,lt,s, that bylaw No. +19 appoint tlm pint! [or holdwgdlir iiiirdi'i'tT2' of candida tes fornmcvsuf a nut. a deputy new and three councillmx fur thr war It!!!) and to hit the pulling plar as and also appoint a depuly~rvturn nu mum-r and a poll-clerk for cavl J ttre sewn polling subdivisions i lhe To‘wnship of Wellesley he rvadr in: and svrund limo. Carried. It was' moved by J. Roirlvl, second rd hy R, Unlirk. that the ntIowin amt-mm hr paid and that th" rpm“ :ssuo orders in raymrnt " tttr, sam as follows. viz.. Hy Dirtridl, erroneously asseitrs dey. t'Pr'vr' _ l . Itvidvi, commission as (02.1: tillur '. Muslims, l'lnlllllvsu‘l a: rwucillor l Liniick, mmnnssinu a'; man ciUor , nor That drradlul dueasr Diphtheria which Ioruxcrly wns so prevalentJ am pleased to Mate, I have no can to wort to you. Then all) Inn tu-rn may I tea CNS ot tutreeuttr " Them 310 mm a law cues ol tubereular Igloo. In animalk. be ing rei'i'iuttrt'tr' wterinulos tbttd such being t " it behooves ou' farmers to mutually watch their he: not only as a "gunman to “mail "me up! their Libs. bl! alto as _ ','i'iliikl,,'iiiifti?ie,,l, the lurllwr Brrmu M tht "ease in the herd. To urr 'r"tiisey Council ot Wellcs'ley Tp .1 ttii""9ours faithfully, T . , -" “D, ttt than, MILO. Linwood, Nu " Moved " by W oi D. read, In ed. cd . _ . _ ._._. . 2.8t H, N. Hudm. rrmmusly atM5C'a's- ed. *rer_ '-.r. -' _.,,,l." Wm. Stmku; glare] to path- joerrspomieure, bills arsd, non-cum wow received Ind read. It: report at D. Mehhchern, Medi. mt than}: Otticer, Wtbh' at": up, Viki read: It; tollowsr-- In thir "putt I have spin to cungxaiub'o you on the "In"! absence ot mah- uou dueases in 'our municipality. A tew can ot typhoid, lortumtcly of . mild character, also (mm a In d tees and sum-l lever being re Wellesley Township Council met pursuant to showman". at “I. Town-[up Ilall, Catskill, Wednesday the "tit any ot December. new, " o'clock am. rtNOt' All the members were present the new prancing. Th animus of the sessxon belt we titlt an ol Iter were trad an; Wilker, sutute labor refutttld LunPI. TI'P. ruln‘l‘ ' Ht, Flaunt-u": W Walled†Tp. Council Itarvmwier, CUIIIIIIISML " as DECEMBER â€no, ttoe, TIG- h “MIMI"; Polite Villa; llubl'nson, unumixsmn llnl‘kuullr Pole l Nomination Hy-law "astintrs, that nu? Favor: McEachersi, M,ll.().. Wi ttOV arioptrd aul passed. Can-i by A. P hammer, Pol tt' _ 10.8 acct Hi.'.?, Sul " mu m Hum 103 Inn 99 I " 2.0' , 3.M _ 3.7f {if , LS? Ati.2' 'd714 56' 10.0t 36.00 4.8 18.00 I (ll IT.0, Ll): 10' 1.0 I." " I" m um Mt ,8" 0" " m 00 I“ Ill I)" co u UTT " ' -Tht~ “$me Doparl- l, an “man‘s Kidney Pills which "a mrnt at thr request oi the Carta- ;pu.(‘lnscd of Mr, Ed M Devin than Mmlliarturors' Assmmllnn. is 'wnth the row†Ihat tttev dud him thm; "no a romplain', ihat rats. conqideraMe good, ramming 'he mum vhu h arr bun: admiHrrl at houwl- {and Innnrnms from his hack entirety, Ary porrtts dun tree, arr hung siuhse. if ran nnly recmnmrnd them in the qw-nllv used lur the carriage ot ihishest trims to than who gutter In mm from point to point in Ctuvada in <tmilar rm." "lhs Manufacturers' Acmrmtmn MIMI Sold by dealers Prim Mt cent! tor the M'nhlishmcnt of tt cat "tock-sThe R. T. “mm, ('o.. 1.td., Von mg hurrnu. F:rie, Ont F Knit- Cattttdian \zonlu. Ti. pnm- of Mi "mit LIMMs ly cm cents. oud F.rl. M, UNI“ awn-Q them to our Indigestion mnnvy hack. Thin or Inm " scrawny p will furl In Mi 04m a maker ol ond lilm'ulv . "nun- " 1mm!“ stomach In an _ ' mor" nuni manor trom Ilw “ML “imhq Pniblh-V the bluwl Can indigestion lw currd' Hv,wiresis' t thousands ot people who warm ‘nrn belching ot gas; uitiousnrss, I "our stomach, lullneu, nansra. short- ) M‘SS or breath. bad Instr in monk. tout brcaih, nervousnvss an] ot'ues ( dlstrecr;iug symptoms. arc asking I themsvlves that questitrn daily. I And if these same douhtu.g airs-'; pepttcs' could only rrad the thrtusands " sincorr letters trom p1 opie Mm} "ttCP ,,uf5vreri ma badly as they um um; but who lot hem quickly and "ermanently tured try the use or3h-, q nu. the mighty tiyspepsin n-ml‘dyi that rurvs by n-nvurig the Causp, I tltrv “uuld go to fad, M, Brut: [ thrs wry das and art a lingo My!" of Mi-o-to tahlrts, anal start [how srlvrs' or. thc right mad to h yaltlt at I Abolish Um Fans:- and tinny and 'Dlshrrss ot lruligeslion Will Vaulth. Mince Ll Nil T P-l .1... Rad, "In Moutitttttoa Ty. “Haley's that ot work on ( 1mm line _ F, . 17.50 Peter F. ttehuauner, Amount shops. may, eta: ot Board ot Counctoogtt '. . L10 Peter F ts'ctutrntresr, to delay expenses ol the Board ot Health for 1909 19.15 Pew " Sâ€: Immfl‘. nail and spike are! F 2.02 A, Pln‘lold. work on road . OM! Du En, work on road _ 3.00 Mrs (Tonto, gravel .1534 My. New", unveiling pr ton- nm. and puma! m new. Moo Jon. tbtriter, do; In wand“ F 1.00 (ha. Hausa. ovum“; gravel A Movrd by R. Lintitk, seconded by I. Ht-idt'l, that the sum of $6.00 be aid to M. Birmingham. being ior tsisistanro at the Birmingham ditrh as Termini try c. D. Bowman, (11,3. In his art‘nl'ni data] Der. run. 1909. 'arrird. Carnal now (armed into a commit- tee of thy whole on By-taw No. 836. Moved by A. P. Dammcler, second- pd by w. Hastings, that.an order be sssued in tavor ot W. d,p'Beggs to ‘hc amount ot tst." tusro0rctabie 'V 'cs, to alancP his roll tor the N. i%1."d 39814-11) section. Curried. Movrd try A, P. Dammeier, second- 3d ivy W. Hastings that the sum of ti8.47 be paid to Messrs. Pigeon & Rigor. contractors of the Birming- ham Bran lowing. a halalro of $50 tr M .puitr when tlw excavated arth is put in the old ditch to a ttistattre an 50 teet trom the mm. Famed. " was moved te-d. Whirl. sitcom- d by A. P. 1tanuneier, thet A. B. Robertson be chairman ot said com- mitter. Carried. Atter filling in and commuting the -a'd try-law, it “2's mm'rd by.W. Hastings, snurzdrd by R. LiMiCk, hat the mmmlttra use and resunw in oprn mumâ€. Carried. “and by It. Limit-k, ';econdvd In t. P. Danuneier, that the sum ul S'J,5 1nd $llt be paid to l A. McKee for value of nld ditch and Iarm bridge -espectis'ely m the McFaddenJluuler Drain as pr. c. D. Bowman's report. Carried. cotttraet .. 241.33.. 're.'ir ., , (he. Yoga), use of split log on (and s P. C _ C C . 1 '0M Blnmngham. tiattter tor cul- vert C 2 Alex. lllmmond, gran-l con- Tomi _ " . q.sqt _. â€M31553.†Carried. --"'et.te h Moved by w. Hastings, km-ondrd by A. P. Danmueier, that an order be is» sued in later of J. J. 1btFUddea, Collector ot the s. g ot tbr Weat- Wtion, tor the sum ot " cents to balance his roll. (Benita. mot. .' ""'. â€hula; p. s. Spies. nan and spike acct 3.48 Peta; Kath". slaiule labor Kw Iusghd' . _ . 3.00 Clcmrn1 CAP. CnFit'Klrti m‘mnl STOMACH AGONY PETER F. SVHUMMEH ' Tp. NHL lit-t" 11m. IM'), 'r scrawny woplc II.‘ a maker at flu-sh :Ill'l' " FatrNCN 1hr 'n-u'v minimum» d. MIMI quickly l LINN» is tm- M, â€out! guan- 81583.12 2.00 or of l quent, f. The weakemsd kirmeys nN'd quick I " is the Intention ot the police department to capture all dogs Im- ‘muzzled running u large and an or ‘ample wiil be, made ot some ot the owners " they do not comply mm (the Mayor‘s proclamation. Mr _ .l. )larlin, IVrr, Williams and Sh n streets, Watrrlou. ttnt c- "My son “I.“ trounled for yionu? trme this Winter. wtth kidney troubir. com- phlninz of a wry lam? hack and pin arm- the kidneys, We had him an mum‘s Kidney Pills which we: pu.(‘lnsrd or Mr lid M 1mm With the “will! Ihat thes' dul him mnndemhle goat â€mowing 'he poms and hum-ms from his hack enlm'ly. I can unlv recommrnd them in the highest terms to Hymn who sun" In a Mmilar rm." l emu O'Neill antes-ed the 9mm 1thaf who owns: ot day in Writ' wani‘not can: the proelamatiots not. much,“ some .0! the. will I. [mums their dogs before they name that the Mayor‘s proclnmtiou um jawed to be tmiottmd. The Clue! it loaned the '1'th tttat then were war“. 1 trom "dumh" 'gables" tnel,', res/Coe"] during ithe Iart law weeks and the action Pr the Cotutcil in regard to the mud-dog question was timely and ia, AIM best interests of the town. 1' It IS a well known tact that Bitt- [Pill noises deaden the sensitiveness of the healthy ear. Boiler-makers an aware of this. And Dr. Barnes states the Tact as well recognized among medical mm that nervous wnmrn who go shopping to the big cities are sometimes overwhelmed by the unusual and excessive uproar of the streets, though most of them never know that their headaches, irritability and unrest are entirely due to ear strain. ‘ Dr. Barnes suggests that such. sur- lerers should spare the hearing as much as possible and instead of straining the car to catch what is said they should watch the lips. Quinine and salicylic acid should be interdictod; stitnalaats in the [mm of alcohol and tobacco should be used with caution; for "io use stimu- lanls in ear strain is like applying a whip to a tired horse." What is "eil is rest, elp Don't heiay' Use a sprrlal kidney remedy. mum‘s Ruins-y Pills rtrrp sick kid- neys, narkache and urinary disarm-rs. Wat “no M'ldrmr mm“ (his siatry- mrnl. .i-t.+y..t-y-.u4-F4+'r4-u.H4+H+t Kudzu In is night. Headarhcs and Wilcrlco People Should Know How to Read and Heed Them. Passages ale fterturnt, scanty, Pain- ful , The prod-nuclei, mud by In": "In, prohibit) dogs "on run-LI“ " lug 'htd'eu',' ue his“. u bring allowed by Chic! O'Neill C attd his Matt. I The medical experts pt the east 'have been making investigation “no the causes ot so much deatness in him big cities there where It is now and has been for some years, an m- lcreasing malady. And in a recent (article Dr. Albert Barnes, one ot the Imust noted physicians of New York city, contends that ear strain is nearly as prevalent and quite as ser- ious as eyestrain. That is, he takes the position that in a large city the noises 909:1ch wrthwwnc con- ditittaChttbi-tat m he likely in impair the hearing. "Many peo- ple," he says, “think that because they can hear through a telephone that their hearing is good. This is not always the use. however. Dull hearing, like poor sight, may last tor years without giving much trouble." The \I‘l'rf‘ilnnx are dark, contain a sediment. Fuck kidneys gne many signals ot distress. Swen] twine: were captured on Monday running n targs and who may no called for m I tow days by the owner my will be destroy“ In “count: with the pxov‘uiou ot a. to" trr-laws. '. SEGNALS OF DISTRESS Ottawa, Dec. ',N.-As usual tho railway service aceounted tor mum ia'rtlitirs than any otlr.r industry during Novem- her, Ono hundred and (arty. thrw fatal accidents wPre re- ported to the Drpartmrnt ot Lator during the month. There wm’c 379 serious injuries, " won- killed on the railways, 19 in agriccltt:re. 13 in 1ttrrt- bermg, H in "avtgatiott. m in mining, , In th" mMal trad- port. MANY ACCIDI. NTS IN VEMBI'IR. CA l 'SES Oh" DEA FN ESS aul 9 m general trant- I< ronsiant day and dill.) spells are {to