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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 16 Dec 1909, p. 6

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it Iaiu/hrhnts The newest and most lasting odors put up in h mdsome pack ages suitable for x M AS. GI FTS Prices loc, 25c, 50c, 75c,tl to $5 and $10 per bottle.‘ Como and look them over at. my new store. Phone 211 The loguhr “rt-Ll) held Salulda) Mas a ual well .attvmh'ti. ruled about thu same as la. WANTED-l LIGHT lull: apply to J. Itrur1rur DSW The annual Alur rcur'r; Iran r of the Waterloo Musical Soul-u will be held in the Toun llall ttl Satuulm evodng, Jan lst. The annual (‘hnslnms mlrllJlunwut of the Waterloo Methodist Church Sunday school will be hvid nn ’l'uw- day, Dec. gist. The bcst (hlislnns something all run vnioy. all do why the l-Idisnn Dorrsam's Bookstore, w The best lhlisllzns pn-wnt I something all run vnioy. All um an all do enjoy the F.dison 1'humumpl Doersaru's Bookstore, Wuiriloo. Miss Gertrude erls, (Hm-hm- SI Waterloo, will rnlrrtalm th" “nun" Musical Ciub on Salunh} din-1mm: Dec. lllll at Iour u'uluvk. A fine lim- oi sitt's Drug Shut ller. Mr. Taylor, "I Ayr, lulu“ in thc Mvthodrst L'hmrh un Hun in tlw absrm'v oi the pastor, conductvd aunivtusary scrxiccs at Methodist church in Ayr. at l o'cltr'li, [N‘I'MNI of Mr. law of Mr. w Monday. In (any hotut' sown-hm” ”up” "' buy smm'un- an l-Idm-n phnnugmph lor Christmas this 3mm. l up"! supply always on hand at Hun-xmuf~ Bookstore, Wall-Hon. Many took advantage M the Ha- raar held Saturday under the auspic- es ol the Ladies' Aid at tlu. Mcthtr- dist church in Prpph-r's store tn pur- chase articles oi Fancy work, run, otiered. A neat sum was netted, Messrs. Wardcli-Grveriu Co., will shortly erect a burn adlhliun to thvir factory, the sire of which sill be 100x10 lea. Thu: mia'"' in business rwcvssitatvd the. mlalgvumnl oi tho factory. A meeting ni-tlu' Waterloo '10th Council was [will on “'rllncsduy even- ing when the byqu; to be submit ted at the municipal ch-vt‘luns at New Years Wt'rt' given thou lust 'und shroud readings. The A. Y. l'. A. "I St. Haviout's . ' --i._ .J ttics church met at the home ot Jll?cs Edith Bechtel. our ol tlw nwmtwts, Monday night, when a vmy mun}- able few Imus were spent by tlursc in attendance. Jun 3 Po' the uprnlng day oi tlw wintrr 1mm at 1hr lh-Illu Humnvm Col1cgv, ttwieadurp,buris'"i', mluml in Westcrn Unlzum. I’m r"" mu or your daughlrh a toulhl' nl tlu, school wm plan " Ina! 'l,ws mqu mvnt.'ti'tm' l'llll'lle mm. L... um} tine [rev Ikl‘ulwgll". The Annual l‘u“.hylui.m Sundav School Christmas Fcstival will ti. held in the Ttttrn “all. 1Vntctloo, tut Friday owl-Hing, llm-rlnhrr nth. al half past sen-n oilock, wbcn tt most ,,.. .... .rrB'fBB' m The Ih unique programrn" ml the scholars, mums“ gartvn sums} dtabrF,ur choruses, nulls, mart" an: wvirottw, Stlu-l I door. E. M. DEVITT, the best and ptcit" llu’itt's Drug Shula str." Fiugrm' ltr sent thc past Fy lalo, wlww h" lu-l has [chum-d lo takv [wt-r lllr- mg by Mr. J. Ittkrri, will ll" glad in l and Will “uh lm "NV wnlulr. lan I'AH‘F. “an". Hm hum-ml M hr MJND‘N [Em-I nn Mummy Minn Ebony Mummy fact, mprylhin; tittt's' Drug Xian Mr. James 111w INV. _ lo" "Inlmh, " , In! tlt Mon, haw Irty short' visit al lln Mrs Messrs F,id on Thursday 1h? ht‘m'HhJ l. mg of Mr King" Mvthodiut t'butth, day I‘HmnK by th lam ,tuhotiivs th, birth and voo,rsi; 1mm, mnlralln ' and Hurts and In XMAS I‘I'LHH Ml Mt Mi [ tew v th" gum! of THE DRUGGI'T, It!!! m‘runml at 2%! 'vlrrrli, Fo0y mulm‘ l Mr. 1tvidlttrpu, Mr. W. A. 1rm's.hu, hm in 1oeutr,che Apotheke Mt l'Zlmu; with hrlll a l lo Wan “gar k1 u II )m-‘huclg' ought, In F.diriort phnnngmph Is Tctw. A gun! of St. H,avioul's hotne oi Miss ol tlw nut-minus, " a Vk'ly mun-3- re sprint by thun- mum: IhllllJ an a! mu lu- ulvt'n .hylrli‘m Sunday Fistiral will ltr Waterloo Town “'rllncsduy even- .5 to be submit .h um CAlt m, “.Ilrllu ill M. Pricc Lvit “w". a! 'll as “.I'II market us- Mr. All Mun at the gnu-n by rd Kindn- lrnn! mus. Mr. Ali ssh Mr It Sunday who ll M MI tr Mailman “I J“ tl tht The drain 0"quch at \hlulnuak an rash hour Saturday ot Man Mind)“ nlh' nl Ml Janus lhuugh and tuolhtr ul Mt:, “huh lan F.vetv, Wan-I Mum-l 'Ih- thu CAN n] “as In Ill hrullh Inn " ll‘lllllu'l of nuns, but wah uhlr to lu' .uumu lll Rith In III hrullll lot " II‘IIIIIN'I of yrats, but wah .lI-ll‘ to t,caiouisal lull! [an and» up,” The late Mts, llluugll i$.t, [lull lll Glasgow, tGotland, Jtur. H, Ml"- ylu. Catri to Cacada toth tr" ll h- ldul " wan ago “ml lll lath: ttwy unwed to “amnion and haw slllw nudv llu-u home “will lll'r daughtct, Mts ilaike Vutt b.hrry,Wait" Fi, 1Vatcrloo. The tivctascd “as a Lulhhzl Inn-my MI of Un- 1'irsttyttuon ('huuh. l Ilusluulu and six cluldro: soslrr, ill c- Auruc tMis Jas. Yratry, I'll!- lull, N \ t Agrus (Mus. l'lallu' Var 10tutr, Watoloo, Mary thits, A l-, rodc), .\ll'liull, .ueask _ "rlnoras. Vall- t'ourt"t, HM, Rm. HUM-ll, Hrnllh iglmr. Iowa; Luna-x, Lung Island glow, Iowa; Jamrx, Lung Inland, Nrw York, The iunrtal oi tln. lalr Mrs. “laugh look place trout the resuiowe of hcr daughlvr, Mrs. t'lauke VanErcty, \Valvr sttret, on Monday ullnnnun at 2 "'clock for wiring “mum to Mount liope cvtucttuy for intcrmcn1. In .11 'lhc lirst rvguio Inn-[mg u! lint Waterloo yloth Pathatuvnt unu- Its organtratton a week ago, “an llt'ld Funny (wt-lung m the Library Hull. Thou' “we alront fully m .lllrml- altar and it provvd a 'ery illlrl- rstmp, M‘SMUIL Tht' sprl'l'h trout the lhlom' “As nun! and at mum-dun: nwrlmgs the tumulwrx wrll have an nppmtumiy oi mlmdul'mg ll)(‘.l:\|lll‘\ A may suoassiul bazaar was rlwld In thc Mvthodist “mull, Wulrrluu, Thursday evening, undvr the auspices oi the Luau-5‘ Aid. A large numlu-r look advantage of the opportunity uth'n-d to stwttrts a line hut supper comprising “inn-1's, pork and beans, potato salad, orlfcc and other rv- frmlnnvnls fur a lu-usnnnhll' "hariw. The Lun'y muk, Inc-unmade ranking mu! grow-lips and candy booths “ru- tsell pain-min! and wow very last- ‘lly tlcctrrattul and the “halo Irrcsort- ml a scum suggvxliu- oi the Yuk-luk- svnsun During the l-n-nnn: an mun}- Iilbh‘ musical plugl‘anl “as gun-n Ill Hum-h tlw fullnuing took part:- Mtss Vda Malling, piano solo, Miss F.dith ‘Suutlvr and Mtss ,q-llu itvchtvl, Inn-a] solos, and Mr. Natharucl Stroll [Univ .rsolo. A null sum was tcalizvd. 1-1 DEATH OF MRS. BROUGH 1rraisy,rutwnts lmu- horn completed m the annual Christmas markvt "iuch mil be held at Waterloo, on Thursday, lit-umber 23rd. Many valuable prizes are being olTervd lo ttw humus fur the lwst exhibits of produce and commodities oi all var- iettvs. Judging \ull begin at vight 'clock a.m. and the utalliet will Ire nprn lo punlmsm's at nine o'Hork A horse show will also he held mum-(Hun with the Christmas 1 krvt and prizes will be awarded the hrst agricultural, muiugr, ster and general purpose trams lor mngh- carriage horse Imulstcr horse and single mun-d by farmer. A visit In the bunkstnrv M Mr, Jmuh Duvrszun, Waterloo, is a wry N'Ilius-xllu- "unluh-r OI tlw Chrrl mus. sum"), the Immnvsl of all ihe yr'ar. ”Ill' "my lw found vvcryiluup, mmgmuhh- In! a p,tit lo dim-r and glanddl'n 1hr hunt of loo Inrml, A 'wry (“mph-tr slurk oi all “mum-l ol toys, annulus, hunks, and mum othvr artiries npplumidlv for Nruac glfis :ll'l' 'arrivd. The dull ompm'ium at ihe It'd] nf tht' slum- is a sn1uui and wcil <I'lrle-d stock ul 'lo1ly .nml tmaths thc pulrhaxn-r lo nm‘w n gum! tlitters'. A [mgr- .msu|hnruk oi Mum: lit't' tlvrmalmns air "tco \huual. Th" cttttw Mott. pn- A visit In lat oi, Durham mum-allu- “1| 1mm Mum”), t .t-nr. ”III' " 5111MB. Th" (‘llllll' srnis an aitrmV It will “pay th" Inn In 1rt'tt thc (tttrr ”In: FINE STOCK 0F XMAS GIFTS WhTERL00%ius'i' MARKET SPECIAL SERVM’ES dw‘ntalvrl, Wn'i "" Sunni.” In Wrtt.ti Imnul um u"! Ili", In the [Hr-ww- w! of S! "rtrtrttr', l'-. and as ma ‘ch v-I I “(hm-HIM who M Mass and Fathrr 7n Ia'hcr \vuuan " httmer moanluns: In ’mnmina and the In! in the Honing. cotcsirlitat Inn SUCCESSFUL BAZAAR MOCK PARLIAMENT Ill h " M I I ' It it ll 3 fund and the lurmlwn y oi mlmdul itiiiual 1 m SKIPS ELECTED H ll M ll ' “Ill ‘l‘unkard Skips nu " W " H 4 I110 ilaiiuloo hclrl nu Huh} _ . full-mung shin lkr 1...” III (hr ml AT ll. C. CHURCH um" znmuv a n-lm: pmrhn 4, shown linulmh mr In run. IAN " of Bruin l Eat ha, unrah'd an H nth unulm T, mad- ;ns; also single turnout A lr tlly mar- for In, H In " German Ht All Fat ln'r High kn NARROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH Add! (that! s u! “In; tht. ll. "way and [he standstill u lal ucrldrnt ' sult, I lull frndr " tth utth ouly " him: rm [ugclln-l “I”! nu'nfulh' rxpmlml had burn Inn m. his nsahlallu- hut M‘t'lll}, hem nmuju BOEHMER SKtilhl0TNUpTlMS Hwy shot gvm'c to n miraculous rm trcc" in um- fur nu this mum"; Hwy should hat most lite Hunt» crcisvd bs iuqted and act that In and Mrstarlln It : sllm't of lisir 'iaup, um Svlmmll and Mt. H'., both of “dink”. Itorkclt.rrann pmhnu’d In (no IHI‘M‘IIIr of n in mun-cl guests. Notlce to' creditors IN Tlfr.' 1lAT'l'F'.it fth' Till TATE (ll? ANDRE“ lllu' ,1 to , In» th "wt,tiuukutg Ul at Sum-Hum " James A. llrmlrrsnn, Administrator with tlw willanm'nul of Amlrvw 1lvnrlvrson, ncceasud. 1tiUt' ouloo SUN, Int Situated at Lexington, 2 miles frmn Waterloo and 3 miles from Berlin, 'i,"n'ii,',',','e, liarres of land, on which is a oust! and barn in good cumlitiun For particulars apply to The In Two Jersey Cowie and 3 pedigree Ayrvl.irmz " [rah with hvifor "alt M nidrj.:|lsu 4 yearling Ayrshire Heifers For further partieulitrn apply to Levi Gvoif, VHF-2t. Bridgeport, Ont. co 2 "If!!! 'at lul'l l JEWELRY The Gift of Gifts Shorthorns For Sale It. is, our opinion that you “ill ngrw "tat zur um yu-vu‘n Imlidny gun-para! imw Human» an) thing that "i Inn-a yrt almwn. ll ouuhl lulw. for "" try to hunt our pr“ iimla Tcar'" rtTotttw. We havnllmught and p‘mnnr-I urd workvd and lumghl thnt wu- mini-1 pvt yoiutrat0s, rnunm‘Lls man's r but We tart lumlly a": In"! tuudrssrsiptiott lull w" jut-tn [PW thingy vupm i t of the hen". full. Property For Sale l‘innmml I'viug, hum V 5.001 'WOO Getti% Hum! “may GOOQHQ‘OO Th.nrl Hinge from a! . " “who Ningu “um [25 to " “shy HIDK~ “will 750 lo .1 CENTRAL BWCK \VATERLOO " Ir thr gun I thc , cows For Sale rhwk [Hinge to w fur mum- oruths, hut runslon‘ \u-Ir nut rlosed m ld hate been and the trcgh do sun might lugse Irsullrl numly. The gates Mr i puma-lion to Iln- pulyhrauu Isl ugllunrc should hr ct y lln- man In thalgv All ready for you now Cttnretle1er-'rettrttratth Thursday, December 16, tooo, Page but ('l.l"..\II~INT ck C'I.HMr'.N"l " [Hull Si't tout would thr. ll. . d. Roos d tit ad ‘g. from 75010" HM dvvite an mu ly viuit. tl at tlu. lmlm' of IV. llu It rdluuuit, Qumn ir 'iaup,hter Mise, er um th, Ill-nu Unlhuu'! Watcrlou, rlrr. “I Il 'st [tit' .lbt' “it tht at 1w th " II d “Hr It"J>hUIt ui, althouyr,h l a The pun" 11ml} W. K. mmn'T. ttau " " up at try " hlrtut. pla at ll " gm " suddrnl)’ ll A nship oi li u I Hy u may ll idly " 5,00 l , .300 " ll Mannheim Al ll .NDr oi ll \Ilml rum“) ll Il ha Inn ll l1 It ll a [unr- "UI"' t, Raisins Currants, Peels and Nuts haw, you will. hauw the but lhul mum-y LL11 buy wli h usmu‘m a gumi cnke, Obtain a Really Useful Education 'i:icuit Bakes l Suggestions For Uhristmas Gifts SILK WAIST‘ LENGTHS ATIN;roo _----------"" ---'" '-itl, - WASTE BASKETS at25 & 'sol) PICTURES AT The Rom-Mr Grocery, Phone DG, YEMMED yyNrs 1L nun-um] ilh \ mulv ui 21m "rtioui, Inn-Hy " maxim“. HIan' Hum!- I".veryorte expectssl jolly limp during Km": Good rating is "ry nears-wry to lump one in good humov.--You will try plum: ed with the quality and price of bur thuitrs, HPiccs, Miure Mesty, .Olives and othrw Clwistrttas Deli A Jolly Time live r. cig- ‘1‘:VS(III'I'1. Raisin? 3lfrs. ti 11rd It liains 3 Ills Fr . A [Extra Clvuned l‘urrant» If for w...---"-""" Choice Rice. 6 lbs. for We Sell Diotrlch‘s Home Made Broad (II- LACK PAILETTE SILK ATboc ll m1 I‘l BERLIN rlllu Its time to think L, BBUEGEMAN hug Raw Furs Wanted FHI'NIHH’ h‘l turf-ll min l, tlt Ul'l lln In of M Mink, Muskrat. Skunkiglg If you buy your WAT ERLUU. Watvrloo's Live Grocery --t- 1| Berlin Robe & Clothing to. C. H. Mills a Co. tl .lh II " mllluu {mull Iitlt “Unlill‘m 1'ollcrp' ll. D. ELLE“. I'lillllpdl " AT 2.50 AND $4 98 ll Mm: Hun at tt r hor, and my]. Huh mulmm! In: II ly IHHIIISS’I' I'rlli't tl bout' til bl ‘(l Pt mptpal sl rl SICNIDI FUR DEPARTMENT 'll 2Gc Coon. Sill: ll Furs 'ritisannotoncotuutt (mums as gum] news to "may who IV'" Inning I'm-i for Platinum". We always show thc twat, vn!u1-in bus and with these re auctions they are gnu! huying, Sable Furs Alaskut rutile ”MID. reg. $12.5” to 8975, Alat,kn Sable 1tutts I11!» “7.50 I‘d-SHED, AlmkaVSzgl-le /ty.irs, reg. 318.5” for $15. 2 r» u. 8'tt for {Ill-ll. Mink Marmot width $l2 5" [pr $I0. CD arg (B!ugMk. s-oe-ooo-Otter-tttttttte"" ' wrrAvrnrs_trlydl.tLl'A1cyt; STORES LADIES' MUFFLERS AT 32c 17hr lxilll um "and"; lot. “v haw lll"ll| m Ht!', popular shutlc-. vxl' “My, nudnml. MAW vlmmpuunv. Tl" '. “(I at a lllmll‘l.lll' p I'ux‘trmnls. 1'lrri.sttsrss (mm; All] '7 *Fht 1cclhrs, ir, f'rc, ., ', “"3 "P 'rt' Crih. WI. hasu' the luiggv-u rum k and 1 pm Calenar "r. Thr. higgmt army wr,) [hwy un- wh‘ch-II Hum (ha best le have rvrl‘ My rwn. Juana». III the world. Hm 'uJeeeeoiwweeettm'eeeeu'idh"'hmm Mink Maouot scts of Muir and Tim I'HH‘R LIST EIDERDOWN In DOLLS DOLLS tlivitr's xan' n 1qu. ouulottr't lllllfu hum 3h Ladies Winter Coats Ihtt In]: l'lr At Big Reduc‘lons Wc innlr you In in~pm1 Ulll' mun-11‘ time to gr! ‘h'vod w-lrliliI-ns, In“ t wail, ('hI-istnms l'ostt-nrdr, 1!. big litus al If In each. I'M). ('luislmm l’u.~lv uni 1, fancy “mu, up to We. " sch. , ‘ Hen! thc Snnla. “mu SI pink-4r iT I'ostv.ards, l’lnialnms (hunch run] Fri1lvrs, Ir, My; In, “Ir. up in 5H: . V ll n nil M PAH) FUR. hr, IS [in um a. III BERLIN ll bss than :lmunly 1' \lu and thm in s». my itCisa Sable iouii, ni MERLIN, ONT n1 main: " tl ttc _ 1 " lo $1! "II ‘COMFORTERS 12 12 AND 15c lt " “In ll 1i Furs in lulu" G h ll th ll DOLLS ONT. ur illllII-‘IIW' stock Muir and Ties worth $1.3 fo, H2. Mink Marmot Mule! worth $10 for $7.30. Worth 313 50 for ill). Mink Manual Slums at " " $6.50 to " Nh 33H. Ruhr-ml in lmt‘o, all kinds, all sizes, ranging from $3.5”, 83 to if). $N. 50. Young Girls' Coats MAN forgirls hum ll to Its' fear. Hull-04 d, pritres ranglng from $6.50 to ll Mink Sets. special at 335, A.3s, tot to Persian LINN) Sets at >35. M0, 1.533 to (hililnis Goats If yuu want, HOURS. the plan P to buy ”will is L f L The Book Store) CALL IN Rockers, Jardiniere Stands Book Cases, Writing Desks See ,Qifih Kati/39.- mwitl AW but a (a: x, a 41m; gtuk ot a. a g?“ dam my arm/maid, ')'"ii(,'.ii, g}; ii1'j'(ii-,.s'ii, .is/t,c§mng ot, a, cv'v:ii',il-,'i; "1ti.1ri,)i1i'i.'i"i,i 'ti(//j,_1,,_i,,s,r,ji/:':, cqh-iv, oi, a. ~f'és‘. ($133., J,.5,iil) . LETTER & SON of Il-rlidny Goods now on display Us Before Buying Elsewhere Waists and Skirts The hrgust chute and beat vala" in Berlin. Srccixl Sale l'nic a in All lion of r Ladies' and Children's Goat. Ladles‘ Silk Waist. R" $'sirrs, tr , oer(r1/riit l 'd-cpl,?.',.?.,":, ark 'C, . , " ig",.: and see our lovely variety of Xmas goods, such as also a lot ot Upholstered Furniture for the Parlor. in black and (mum at. 200, 2.50, to 5 00 lus ‘ies Lace nud Nut Waist, in pretty shad. of rum and white silk lined M. 2.95, 8.60, 4.00, 4.50, 5,00 to 750. Lad“: Cashmere ".or Delaiu Wiusta in Black, Navy, Cardinal and Cram at 1.75 and 200. lmliea’ White Blouse. also Colored Condod Blouses " loo, 1.50 and 2.00. A1} Women's Coats Colored and Black coats All the mun-I. and but owl“ " special reduction:" Ladies' loose hack (foul. sped-l " " 88,50 and $10. Ladies' 'tetni-titurttt Costa, Ipoohul " 8ti.50, 310 and 8ik T I,adies' ttae black 00th. in the If.“ cloths. muny styles. worth '" And gum for810 oo. v. “I Others reducod to OIL-I. u- - 813.50. Fur lined cons at $33. 310 and 850. Fur collar coats at 818.00. “9. m and $21. Berlin, Ont. I'm roduead prion in all Full. cjs'jjf' mducod to 'iLtNk U" /.iet 8 00, 3 Mt,

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