a ty Messrs. Eldon and Irvin _ flaliman on Thursday. a The beavtiful Cantata "The Comâ€" ing of the King" will be given in the Methodist Church, Watcrioo, dn Sunâ€" day etening by the choir. _ The chm» tata cmbodies the story of Christ‘s birth and comsists of choruses, bass, temor, contralto and soprano solos, and | duets and trios. Miss Cartic Young is spending . a few woo‘s with Towâ€"n‘o friends. ‘ Misa Cressman, of Plattsville, is yllz_'.' few days at the #home The Annual Presbytcrian Sunday Schoot Christmas Festival will be held im the Town Hall, Waterloo, .on Friday evening, December 17th, at half past seven o‘clock, when a most @nique programme will be given | by the scholars, consisting â€" of Kinderâ€" garten songs, dialogues, | recitations, choruses, drills, marches, etc. _ All are welcome. Silver collection at the door. ap XMAS _ PERFUMESâ€"the newest, the best and prettiest packages | at Devitt‘s Drug Store. Mr. â€" Eugene Ruhlman, who _ has spent the past several years in Bufâ€" falo, where he held a gooo position, has _ returned to Waterloo and will take over the cigar store conducted by Mr. J. Eckett. _ His muiny friends will be glad to welcome him hack and will wish hims success in _ his new venture. Mrs. _ Frank Muir of Fulton, N.Y., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Clark Van Every, baving come up to attend the funcral of het mothber, the Jate Mrseâ€"James Brough, which was held Ebony Mirrors, Ebony Brushesâ€"in fact everything in Ebony at Deâ€" vitws Drug Store. Mr. James Brough of Long Island City, New York, and _ Mr. James BroWkh, jr., of Queen‘s College, Kingâ€" stom, have returned home after a short# visit at the home of Mt. and Mrs. C. Van Every, Wawr strect. on Monday afternoon The A. Y. P. A. of St. Saviour‘s church met at the home _ of _ Miss Edith Bechtel, one of the members, Monday night, when a very . enjoyâ€" able few bocrs were spent by those in attendance. Jan 3 is the opening day of the winter term at the Berlin Business College, the leading busimess schaol in Western Ontario. _ For your son or your daughter, a course at this school‘ will prove a firstâ€"class investâ€" ment. ‘Write Principal Euler for every fine free catalogue. A meeting of:the Waterloo Town Council was held on Wednesday evenâ€" ing when the byâ€"laws to be submitâ€" ted at the municipal | clections . at New Years were given their first and second readings. Many took advantage of the Baâ€" zaar held Saturday under the auspicâ€" es of the Ladies‘ Aid of the Methoâ€" dist church in Peppler‘s store to purâ€" chase articles of fancy work, cetc., offered.â€" A neat sum was netted. Rev. Mr. Taylor, of Ayr, preached in the Methodist church on _ Sunday in the absence of the pastor, _ who conducted anniversary services at the Methodist church in Ayr. Messrs, Wardellâ€"Greene Co., _ will shortly erect a brick addition to their factory, the size of which will be 100x40 feet. _ The increase in business necessitated the cnlargement of the factory. _An every home somebody pught _ to buy _ someone an Edison phonograph for Christmas this year. A good supply always on hand at Doersam‘s Rookstore, Waterloo. The annual Christmas entertainment of the Waterloo Methodist â€" Church Sunday school will be held on Tuesâ€" day, Dec. 21st. > The best Christmaas present _ is something all can enjoy. All can and all do enjoy the Edison Phonograph. Doersam‘s Bookstore, Waterloo. The death occurred at St. Jacobs at 4 o‘clock, Friday morning in tha person of Mr. Reidlinger, fatherâ€"ie law of Mr. W. A. Winkler, postmasâ€" Monday. Dec. 11th at four o‘clock. A fine line of Ebony Goods at D« vitt‘s Drug Store. The _ regular weekly _ market held Saturday was _ as us ual _ well attended. Prices ruled about the same as last week. WANTEDâ€"A LIGHT DOG CART. The armual New Year‘s Dance of the Waterloo Musical Society will be held in the Town Hall on Saturday evening, Jan ist. Miss Gertrude Wells, Caroline St. Waterloo, will entertain the Woman‘ Musical Club on Saturday afternoon Dec. 11th at four o‘clock. WANTEDâ€"A LIGHT DOG CART apply to J. Bruegoman, Waterloo D&W . XMAS. GIFTS Prices 102. y § § eedos pge 50. 75681 Come aund look them over at my THE DRUCCIST, Phone 217. Beuteche Apotheke o§ newest and most lasting put :Lin handsome pack â€" ages suitable for E. M. DEVITT, The reâ€"opening of the St. Louis R. C. church, which has recentiy underâ€" gone altcrations and the interiot reâ€" dotorated, was _ commemorated _ on Sunday by special services. Addiâ€" tional interest was lent the occasion by the pre&ence of Father ABDysions of St. Jerome‘s College, who officiâ€" ated as master of ccremonies, Father Schweitzer who oficiated at _ High Mass and Father Zinger of Berlin and Father Acyman of St. Agatha, the former pr::‘chlng Int Eugl:h in â€" the morning the la German SPECIAL SERVICES A mecting of the Waterloo Curlâ€" ing Club was held on Friday evening at â€" which the following skips were elected _ to take part in the Moore Cup competition:â€" E. F. Sceagram, 8. B. Bricker D. C. Kuntz 1 Pnd t 00005 2.3 All .. cA M 1y decorated and the whole presentâ€" 'cd a sceene suggestive of the Yuletide season. During the evening an enjoyâ€" ; able musical program was given in | which the following took part:â€" Miss ,Ida Martin, piano solo, Miss Edith Sauder â€" and Miss Slyrtle â€" Bechtel, ',\'ocal solos, and Mr. Nathaniel Stroh ![Iute solo. A neat sum was realized. A visit ta the bookstore of Mr. Jacob Doersam, Waterloo, is a very suggestive reminder of the Christâ€" mas season, the happicst of all the year. _ Here may be found everything imagirable for a gilt to cheer and gladden the heart of your friend. _ A very complete stock of all manner of toys, souvenits, books, and marry other articles appropriate for Xmas gifts are carricd. The doll emporium at the rear of the store is a varied and well selected stock of dolls and enables the purchaser to make A good choice. A large assortment of Xmas tree decorations are also showr. _ The â€" entire _ store preâ€" sents an attractive _ appearance and it will repay tho intending purchaser to view the fine stock shown. A horse show will also be held in connection with the Christmas marâ€" ket and prizes will be awarded â€" for the best agricultural, carriage, roadâ€" ster and general purpose teams; also for single carriage _ horse, single roadster horse and single _ turnout owned by farmer. Arrangeiments have been completed or the annual Christmas _ market which will be held at Waterioo, _ on Thursday, â€" December _ 23rd. Many valuable prizes are being offered to the Iarmers for the best exhibits of produce and commodities of all varâ€" icties. Judging will begin at _ cight ‘clock a.m. and the market will be epen to purchasers at nine o‘clock A very successful bazaar was held in the Methodist Church, Waterloo, Thursday evening, under the a«uspices of the Ladies‘ Aid. A large number took advantage of the opportunity offered to secure a fine hot supper comprising wieners, pork and beans, potato salad, coffec and other _ reâ€" freshments for a reasonable charge. The fancy work, _ homemade cooking and groceries and candy booths were well patronized and were very tastâ€" Sge ) on t oc t VOul 1 D. C. Kuntz Wm. Hogg J. Hespeler J. B. Snidet M. C. Hall H. N. Snyder W. 4. Weichel F. G. Hughes Geo. A,. Bruce J. J. A. Weir Ontario Tankard Skips...â€" W. Togg (Geo. Bruce District Cup â€" Competiion Skip W. (i. Weichel The funeral of the late Mrs. Brough took place from the residence _ of her daughter, Mrs. Clarke VanEvery, Water street, on Monday afternoon at 2 o‘clock for service, thence to Mount Jope cemetery for interment. The first regular meeting of the Waterloo Mock Parliament since its organization a week ago, was held Friday evening in the Library Hall. There were about forty in attendâ€" ance and _ it proved a very interâ€" esting session. . The speech from the throne was read and at succeeding mectings ~the members will have an opportunity of introducing measures for consideration. FINE STOCK OF XMAS GIFTS The deceased was a faithful memâ€" ber of the Presbyterian Church. A husbano and six children survive, tiz.,â€" Annie (Mrs. Jas. Muir), Fub ton, N.Y., Agnes (Mrs. Clarke Van Every), Waterl00; Mary (Mis. A. E. Code), Melfort, Sask.; Thomas, Vanâ€" couver, B.C.; Rev. Robert, Scotchâ€" grove, _ lowa; James, Long Island, New York. femy + oo ‘The geath an garly Mierdyc ; Brough and Van Every, | ¢d was in i NHerdyq,â€" _ w of â€" Mr. _ James Brough and: ll&l’ of Mrs _ Clarke Van Every, Water street. The deceasâ€" «d was in ill health for a number of years, but was able to be around intil two weeks ago. WATERLOOIXMASZ MARKET 11. M. Snyder SUCCESSEUL BAZAAR MOCK PARLIAMENT SKIPS ELECTED yeal h occurted at Waterloo at loud Saturday of Mary OF mMes. srousn AT R. €C. CHRURCH Diamond Rings from 5.00 to $100 f Gent‘s Signet Rings 5.00 to 9.00 | Pearl Rings from 210 g12 { Girl‘s Rings fiom 1.25 to 823 Baby Rings from 750 to 81 ! We would desite an early visit. We can hardly attempt well a parâ€" tial description but we will suggest just a few things especially to lovers of the beaut ful. It ougbt to be, for we try to beat our previious year‘s efforts, We have thought and planned and worked and bought that we might get yoarfffavorable commer.ts All ready for you now It is our opinion that gnu will agree that cur this year‘s holiday preparatâ€" ions surpass anything that we have yet shown. x JEWELRY The Gift of Cifts 59â€"2mos 50â€"2t The undersigned offers for sale 2 yearly bulls,{1 red and 1 roan), of good beef type from good milking Dame=. Prices moderate. Apply _ Two Jeuo{ Cows and 3 pedi,me Ayrehires (1 fresh with beifer cal at lige).nlao 4 yearling Ayrshire Heifers. For further pnrticu!ara'n.pply_ to 50â€"2 mos. Situated at Laxington. 2 miles from Waterloo and 3 miles from Berlin, comï¬rism‘ 3 acres of land, on which is a house and barn in good condition For particulars ly to a‘s ‘:\g? K. SCHMITT, Solicitors for Jalï¬l’()\j?lendorsofl, Administrator with the will annexed of Andrew Henderson, Deceased. Christian and surnames, _ addresses 'and descriptions, the full particulars of theit claims, the statement _ of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that alter such last mentioned date the said.adâ€" ministrators will proceed _.to distriâ€" bute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of i which he shall then have notice, and that the said administrator will not . be liable for the said assets or any part thereot to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the _ time of sdch distribution. Dated the tenth day 1909. Notice is hereby .given pursuant to "The Revised Statutes of rio‘ 1897, Chapter 129, that alf’%tnrs and others having claims against the estate of the said Andrew Henderson, who died on or about the seventcenth day of July, 1909, are required, _ on or before the first day of January, 1910, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Clement & Clemâ€" ent of the Town of Berlin, Solicitors for James A. Henderson, the Adminâ€" istrator of the said deceased, _ their Christian and surnames, _ addresses fioubentrmenifothis TCB Shorthorns For Sale IN THE MATTER or THE Eg TATE OF _ ANDREW HENDER SON, late of the Township of Wat erloo, in the County of Waterloo Farmer, Deceased. Notice to" Cretitors £2Ce8 mogerate. Apply IRVIN B, \cEHER. â€"2mos R. R. No. 1, WATERLOO, Farm 24 miles notth of Waterloo The martiage took place D at 3. o‘clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin [1. Schinidt, Queen street of theit daughter Miss Sclâ€" ma Schmidt and Mr. Henty Bochmer it., both of Waterlog. Rev. Mr. Bockelmann perforn®d the ceremq@y in tne presence of a goodly nu@kk\ of invited . guests BOEHMER SCHMIDTNUPTIALs THIS ORIGINAL Docl ! . coming along at a good rate. He endeavored to stop suddenly | but slipped and had it not been for the fact that he was seen by the engineer when the train was some distance away and the train brought . to a standstill a serious and perhaps | faâ€" tal accident would have been the reâ€" sult. When the train stopped _ Mr. Moltzman‘s foot â€" was just under the fender but he fortunately | escaped with only a bruised foot. The enginâ€" eer together with two or three townsâ€" menfully expected that the yourg man had been run over and hastened _ to his assistance but were reâ€"assured on secing him uninjured, although he had a miraculous escape. â€" The gates have been in use for some months, _ but on this occasiort were not closed as they should have been and the negliâ€" gence to do so might have resuited: most _ seriously. The gales are _ a source of protection to the public and the utmost vigilance should he exâ€" ercised by the man _ in charge, t DA eitat the utmost vigilance should ercised by the man _ in Property For Sale NARROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH on his way up town and was preparâ€" ing to cross the Gâ€"T.R. track at King street,thinking that the coast â€" was tlear, the gates being up, when he Observe@ the 7.30 tras from _ FHâ€" . coming along at a good ratc. He endeavored to stop suddenly but Vage ul F . P 1 Mr. Norman Hoitrman hai a breadth escape from being fata pxe‘q on Tuesday eveninz. â€" He Sows For Sale . J. Roos CLEMENT & CLEMEXNT Levi Groff, _ Bridgeport, Ont of December, being fataily in Mannheim. MENT 1S IN VvVERY POOR CONDITION hair day wife or mothet? _ if you buy it here on Saturday ypu can save money o1 vaur purchase. You‘ll get $1° value for 6#¢, but that‘s only on Satur: TRIMMED HATS Two tables of special â€" values _ in trimmed â€" millinery _ for _ Saturday. These hats are worth double the price we are asking. _ They‘d make a sensible Christmas gift. BLACK PAILETTE SILK AT 69c How would a nice hlack silk dress befor _ a Christmas present for your wife or mothet? _ if you buy it here J“é‘ ‘ WASTE BASKETS at 25 & 3o‘c A uscful article needed im bedroom of the house. _ Thest wamental as woll _ as useful made _ of stiff board and co tottom, pretty floral and cor al designs. Euh one in a fancy box, and each length contains enough material for a shirtwaist, a lovely gift for any young lady. See them at whe . Silk CouBster. SILK WAIST LENGTHS ATZ&R$L00 Suggestions For Christmas Gifts BERLIN FOUNDRY 8T here, you will} Wave the best that money can buy which assures a good cake. Bohlender‘s Hitgy ;u'u?c‘tomr.m,u,u.u- ; LS Fruit Cakes . Raisins Currants, Peols and Nuts Raw Furs Wanted The Reliable Grocery, â€" Phone 205. fOF 228x scnn nds ies syse 6 Choice Rice, 6 Ibs. for . .... .. 25¢ We Sell Dietrich‘s Home Made Bread L. BRUECEMAN Everyone expects a jolly time during Xmas â€"Good eating is very necessary to keep ong in good humor.â€"You will be pleasâ€" ed with the quality and price of our Fruits, Spices, Mince Meats, Olives and otflur Christmas Deliâ€" cacies. Fruit Select Raisins 3ibs. . . ..25¢ Seeded Ruising 3 Ibs....... . .25¢ Extra Cleaned Currants 3 |bs A Jolly Time Mink, Muskrat, Skunk and Obtain a Really . Useful Education Any young fhan or young woman â€" of fhtelligence, honesâ€" ty and _ indï¬ y can obtain a positian if properly trained. Training ‘dor real bus ness describes the work of _ vur school. _ Free Catalog. Berlin Business College. i _ W. D. EULER. Berlin Robe & Clothing Co. Business in Canada is and will continue to be so prosâ€" perous that there is opporâ€" tunity for thausands of young mon and women to enter into successful business fife if they will but prepate themseives. Waterloo‘s Live Grocery WATERLOO. If you buy your AT 2.50 AND $4 98 HIGIHEST PRICES PATID FOR needed ir _ every se. _ These are orâ€" as useful, _ being ird and colfapsible al and convention SEND FOR PRICK LI8ST FUR OEPAATMENT . Mills & Co. Principal Ccon. ! DOLLS DOLLS _ DOLLS Qur assortment of dressed dolls is a big one, and | the values are good Yqu,will goe# a better selection now tm"%~ you wait until near Christâ€" masi. . Ther you have to take what is 16ft. _ Prices 25¢ to £2.50. _ There‘s many a man wha is . PuZâ€" zling his brain about what to give his wife for Christmas, _ You ate always â€" safe in bifyfng a nice cider down comforter. We have them _ at prices from $6.00 to $12.00 â€" cach. ~‘The kint you usually pay 50c for. We bave them in all the ing popular shades, white, grey. navyy, cardinal, _ black, brown champagne. They â€" make a \ gift at a moderate price« EIDERDOWN PICTURES AT 12 1â€"2 AND 15c Iack one maunted on a nice mal, ‘nd just the thing to trim with ribâ€" bor and make a pretty calendat for 1910, at less than half the price you would ordinarily pay. LADIES‘ MUFFLERS AT 32c Sable Furs |_ This announcement comes as good news to many who are buying furs for Cbristmas. We always show the | best value in furs and with these re ; ductions they are good buying, J Y OX YA NOA TYA AIY UAAAE Y NAALLY 2 WEAVERS CIIRISTMAS STORES Alaska eable Roffs, reg. $12.50 fo §0 75. Alaska Sable Ruffs reg. $17.50 for $18 95. Alaska Sable Ruffs, reg. $18.50 for $15. Alaska Sable u..ff!g, reg. $2) for $17.50, Mink Marmot Fups At Big Reduc‘ions Ladies Winter C BERLIN, ONT COMFORTERS ONT. Furs eaul ghy anid ful A See Us Before Buying Elsewhere _ Rockers, Jardiniere Stands Book Cases, Writing Desks CALL IN Reduced in price, all kinds ranging from $2.50, $3 to $5, Young Girls‘ Coats Mink Marmot stoles worth $10 $7.50, Worth $13 50 for $10. Mink Marmot Muffs at $1, 35, # to 8.50, Mink Sets, special at $35, $38, $40 ghir Ue >>~ i ME MI + + e i c iopeini yfe h uid L3 \ eR ‘a-r,‘*";. i{-< ‘:\ Z;-"%?.\ mc aalllcg ~< 2 4. Bs â€", Kousd h j & . TX \ (s ) l v & y & * .. e â€" sn 7 4 Way : 47 o. 0 2l ?;:‘P.“.“ * /P‘;‘- = 7e« Mana‘s sreekinc. xq oys it mank, er 6 fcant, npwrden & 63. qwoste nlo C1A P Muff and Ties worth $15 t3z Children‘s Coats ersian Lamb Sete at $25 . LETTER & SON also a lot of Upholstered â€" Furniture for the Parior. & and see our lovely variety of Xmas goods, such as housatr maid says fut _ ra> a miere deak or a * y | »iP ~1 P * e The largest cho‘ce and best v“?' inâ€" Be Special Sale Prices in all Jings of Ladies‘ and Children‘s a‘so reduced prices in all Fu ym w PR Ladies‘ Silk Waists Waists and worth $10 for in black and cream at 2.00, 250, $00, s to 5 00 * s Lajies Lace and Net Waists in{nfly "1 eurn and white silk lined at 2.95, 9.50, _« 4.50, 5.00 to 7.50. $e> ie l Ladies Cashmere ‘or Delain Waists in B Navy, Cardival and Cream at 1.75 and 2 Ladies‘ White Blouses also Colored Co Blouses at 1.00, 1.50 and %.00. 5 for $12. , $30, $35 to , all sizes, to "ni-' C mE semeRe en on v*" â€"*i Fur linedâ€"coats at $33, $10 and $50, . olo!.h'si,i many -; $12.50 for :1‘0, 00, All the newest and best sbyles® ab special reductions. _ £ Ladies‘ loose back Coats, special at. $5, $8,50 and $10. . Ladies‘ semiâ€"fitting Coate, special at $8.50, $10 and $12. "% _Ladies‘ fine black Conts, in the t Women‘s Coats â€" E Colored and Biack Goate