Feb. 24. â€"Extensive auction sale of farm stock and implements of John Snider, onrâ€"quarter _ mile south _ of German Mills. _ k a ce ic c( CoBPL EDoh Dec. 21stâ€"Farm Stock and lm:dml net cent per annum off for cash pay ments of Tamac Good in the Township} ments of credit amounts of Waterino 1 mile west of Preston| Positively no resetve as the propric g"â€â€œ:"“ road leading from Preston to tor has sold his faiin. n. R. BRICKNELIT ~ Jan lljlrm stock and implements of ‘John Eisenbach, 3 miles east of Breslau and 14 _ miles â€" north of Kossuth. Feb. 8â€"Farm stock and implements of Mrs. Sam Brennet, one hall mile east of St. Clements and one halt mile west of Heidelberg. ments ol Valemntine %c nétr':h qi:.unnm is * ‘Tan 18â€"Farm stock : Dec. â€"Farm stock _ and impleâ€" ments of August Thutoo, one mile east of Etbsville and 44 miles northâ€" west ol Waterloo and 44 miles southâ€" east of Heidelbarg. f Dec. @1â€" Farm stock and impleâ€"| ments of Daniel Esch, 6 miles northâ€" west of Elmira and 5 miles southâ€"| east of Elora, at Pentland. ' Dec. 22.â€"Farm stock â€" and imple| ments of ffenry V. Kummer, 44 milâ€" ®# northwest ol Waterloo, 3 _ mile: southeast of Heidelberg. <o ‘Dec. 28thâ€"Farm stotk and impleâ€"| tggg%s"d'\.fglm HMatuck, 1 mile east g; ‘Pétersburg. and _5 miles west nf!‘ €f)n, _ on the mamin road leading ttom Berlin to â€"Petersburg. l iJab.» 11 /â€"Karm stock anid theh#s ‘of Valemtine Schneide Auction Sale Adverti pF , , OF > Farm stock and implements Farin Stock .and implements n’t‘. Duull;,vi _miles portheast . Hawkesville, 4 miles southwest of 12 d s o o n s on d en Baves o s Eimira on Monday, December 20th, 1009 M"m“" zllt, lm Commencing at 1 o‘clock p.m. sherp, eommencing at 10 o‘clock, sharp. the fojlowing valuable property, vizâ€" mBmS‘â€"MY geldfng 5 years old, Horsesâ€"Aged bay mare supposed to hav mare 12 vears ald mimnosed to D2 in foal, 3 gbod working horses. Rstate of _ the late Emil Lehnen, will® affer for uile "by publtc auction HORSESâ€"bey gelding 5 years old, bay mare 12 years old supposed to be‘im loal, black mare 18 years old sUpposéd to be in foal, bay _ mare 8 years old supposed to be in foal, 2 Rorses 11 yeats old, black carriage rlllng 4 years old, heavy filly rising years o!d, colt rising 8 years old. CATTLE.â€"8 milk cows supposed to be in calfl, one due at the time of sale, 1 due in June, 23 due about the I!st of Feb., 2 due in Apâ€" ril, shorthorn cow with pedigree due im Jan, hoistein grade cow due midâ€" dle of Feb., bull, 5 cattle rising years old, and 4 calves. TERMS OB CHATTELS.â€" Hay, Graim, fowl, young pigs, cash; wood, 8 months and all sums of $10 _ and under, cash; over that amount 12 months‘ credit will be given on apâ€" proved joint notes or 5 per cent of for cash. Lunch at noon. Gi~. . CLASS, Auctioneer. ALBERT LEHNEN, Executors. GORDEN PETERSON, H. W. ZILLIAX, Cierk. 48â€"3t. Dec. 172.â€"F8tM _ stock and imple ments of _ .Jacob Hofstetter, Lot 6, Spidet‘s Road, north, Petersburg. nay, 60 cords first class hard wno}l.? sNive: s ho At the same time and place there j AUGUST THUROO, Proprietor, will also be offered the farm conâ€"‘ . q: ; taining 154 acres more or less being . . MICRUS, Auctioneer: Pattof. lotâ€" No. 110 G.C.T. Townâ€"‘ .. ELEY. Clerk. 40 .21. ship of Woolwich, County of Wau‘r-‘L Ep. HUEHS,. Cles 106. (n the tarm is a new 2 BBOFRy ! Scmmmamemenmecesmmcon e ommemmenmmcc ze réd _ brick house with all modern ) = fmprovements, also kitchen and wood | Auctlon Sale sbed. â€"Also large new bank barn and{ BF sttaw shed with stabies underneath, / aR artesian well at barn with wind Farm S(OCK and lmplcmenls "ill for pumping water. There are +5 acres of meadow, 12 acres _ of‘ Lusb, the balance in high state of | eultivation. _ There are also about . 2 actes ol good fruitâ€"bearing â€" orâ€". chard. | ALBERT J. MICKUS, Auctionser < Tetms of Farm will be made known on day of sale. PIGS.â€"2 sows supposed to be in pig 16 store pigs, about 85 chickens IMPLEMENTS.â€"Frost â€" & Wood hinder, _ mower, side â€" delivery rake, Masseyâ€"Harris nearly new, disc drill large aize nearly new; â€" Masseyâ€"Harâ€" ris cultivator 74 ft. wide nearly new; lamd _ roller, set of iron bharrows, 2â€" furrow piow, 4 single plows, scuffier, fanning mxll, scale, 2 wagons, 2 sets of bobsleighs, 2 (aitters, one nearly new, 3 buggies, one nearly new, hay rack new,; wood rack, gravel planks, plate chopper, turnip pulper, â€" wheelâ€" 1 Ao e en e oont P one mm y RTZRC barrow, _ grain _ cradle, buggy pole, Magnet cream separator, emery grinâ€" der, â€" crosscut saw, hay fork with rope and pulleys, set of slings, 2 keavy sets of harness, one nearly new one set plow harness, 2 sets of sinâ€" ghe harness, one nearly new, new robe, horse blankets, logging chains, also a quantity of lumber, fence pickets, cook stove, extension table, bureau, 2 beds complcte, large cuproard and a host of other articles too numerous to mention. HAY, _ GRAIN & WGOD.â€"About 2000 bushels of oats, 500 bu. mixed grain, a â€" quantityâ€" of good Timothy hay, 60 cords first class hard waood . The uncersigued FExccutors of the Auction Sales Auction Sale m stock and >impleâ€" tine Sctineidet, 1 mile Auctioneer 1\‘\»} ROBERT BRICKNELL, Auctioneet Freeport. ISAAC GOOD, Proprietor of $18 and under, cash; over 1 amaunt 10 months‘ credit will given on approved joirt nofes ot i _ There will be sold by public aucâ€"} ! tion on the farm of the undetsigred, ; in â€" the township of Watetloo, o;u‘ | mile west of Prestor, on the road | leading from Preston to Berlin, on | Pefupiinlines ks C P un GRAIN.â€"100 q about _ 100 hushels rack; â€" hay rack, 2 gravel bokes.. 3 sets dotuble harness, 3 sets of sinâ€" gle â€" harness (1 _ new); 2 sets brass mounted double harness, iton kettle with furmace, box stove, good heater; new Massetâ€"Marris cream separator, grain _ bags, blankets, robes, doubleâ€" trees, neckyokes, fotks, shovels, hoes,. and â€" muny other articles too numetâ€" ous to mention i weeks old by time of sale. IMPLEMENTS.â€"New Masseyâ€"Hatris binder 7 ft. cut, Deeting mower, Masâ€" seyâ€"Harris seed drill, new twoâ€"horse corn cultivator, Deéfender tidinz plow No. 21, good as new; side delivery rake (Massey Harris make}, Maxwell hayloader, cultivator, iton land rollet 2 Shantz plows No. 21, one new; set 3â€"section iron harrows, large cutâ€" ting _ box with carriers, 2 sets bobâ€" strighs in good ‘condition, _2 oftters nearly new; wagon nearly new, 2 iron cushion tire buggy, Tâ€"horseâ€" deraectat, axle tmick wagon®,top buggy, _ pew large Sugar beet box, large flat. hay southengh of Hofesibgry and one mile east of Erbsville, of * ‘There will be sold, by public auction on * A -ï¬l the undersigned, 4J miles r t‘ol Wa'.erlw», 4 mliqn Cattle, Etc.â€"â€"3 good â€"dary . cows; cow due to _ calve in Jidne;; 2 cows supposed to be in calf; heffer supposed to be in calf; 3 beifers 3 years old, 3 steers 2 years old, and 35 spring calves. ® Tuesday, December 21st, Pigs, Etc.â€"3 brood sows: Sow due to pig by time of sale, 2 sows supâ€" posed to be in pig; 11 pigs about 2 months old,3 Breeding geese and _ a pumber of chickens. IJmplements, Ete.â€" McCormick binâ€" der, 6 ft. cut; Brantford _ mower, spring tooth cultivator, seed drill, combined; Deering hay rake, 10 ft. {neatly new), land roller, 3 wagons, truck wagon (nearly new), _ wagon bor, pair bob sleighs (nearly new), buggy road eart, gang plow, 2 sinâ€" gle plows, threeâ€"section iron harâ€" row,â€" twoâ€"section iron harrow, harâ€" row, 2 scufflers (one nearly _ new), wood rack, bhay rack, two sets gravel planks, hay fork with ropes and pulleys, fanning mill, root _ pulper, straw cutter, quantity of lumber, set team harness (nearly new), 2 sets plow harness, 25 ft. ladder, _ water trough, scalding trough, milk _ box, drain tools, stone hainmer, sledge, crowbar, logging chains, grain bags, whiffletrees, neckyoke, forks, shovels, hoes, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Grain, Etc.â€"500 bus. cats, 30 bus mangels. Houschold Effectsâ€"Extension table, bureau, cooking stove, meat tub, iron kettle, cider barrel, bench. Termsâ€"Grain, mangels, chickens, geese, and all sums of 10 _ dollars and under cash, over that _ amount 12 months‘ credit on approved joirt notes, or 4 per cent. of for cash payments of credit amounts. CATTLE.â€"Jersey cow due to calve January 15th, fresh cow, cow due to calve February 15th, cow due to calve February 23rd, cow due _ to calve in Match, Jersey cow, _ fresh & weeks, Dutham grade cow fresh 8 weeks, 3 Durham grade caws, fresh about 3 months. HORSESâ€"Sotrel horse _ rising 8 years old (good delivery horse); bay mare 5 years old (good driver), . bay mare rising 5 years (weight 1400); bay borse rising 15 years (1400 lhs), bay â€" horse 6 years old, weight 1300 lbs, chestnut mare rising 13 years, (weight 1200 lbs); chestnut mare tis ing 4 years old, weighs 1500 lbs. commencing at 1 o‘clock p.m., shatp; the following valuable property, viz., TERMS.â€"Grain yC1 No reserve as the farm is sold PIGS.â€"Brood sow Auction Sale ishels _ of _ oats, of mixed grain. pigs and all sums cash; over that pigs six by A WINDSOR LADY‘$ APPEAL To All Women : I will send free, with full instructions, my bome treatâ€" ment which positively cures Leucorrâ€" hora, Vircration, Displacements, Faliâ€" ing of the Womb, Painful or Irregular Poriods, (!terine and Ovarian Tumore or growths, also Hot Flashes, Nervâ€" ousness, Melancholy, Pains the Head, Back, Bowels, Ki and Bladder troubles where ca by weakness peculiar to our sex.. You cam continue treatment at home at a cost of only about 12 cents im My book, *‘ Woman‘s Own Medicat Adviser,‘" also sent free on uest. Write toâ€"day. Addt»ss Mrs. m _ All persons claiming to be entitled to tank upon the said estate _ are required to furnish to me particulars of their cfaims, proved as _ required by the said Act, on or before _ the said date. And notice is further given that after the first day of January, 1910, I shall proceed to distribute the asâ€" sets of the said estate amofg the persons entlitled thereto, baving reâ€" gard only to claims of which notice shall have been rcceived, and will not be responsible for the said asserts to any person of _ whose. claim nolice #ball not have been~received. fT p 6 Dated 4th December, 1909. N i0 AMOS WEBER, Assignee, > Waterlo6, ‘OKÂ¥tatio. > mnib s s «2 34 .4 JAMES C. HAIGHT, . ’ Assignet‘s Solicitot, Watetloo, Ontario. | A meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of James C. Haight, Solicitor, Waterloo, _ Ontario, on Thursday, the sixteenth day of Decâ€" ember, 1909, at two o‘clock P. M., for the purpose of receiving a stateâ€" ment of his affairs, appointing _ inâ€" spectors, and giving directions with teference to the disposal of the _ esâ€" tate. OoF Farm Stock and Implements CHRONICEEâ€"TELEGRAPH, â€"THURSDAY, DECEMBER 160TH, 1909 Notice is hereby given that Daniel B. Weber, of the Township of Woolâ€" wich, in the County of Waterloo, Farmer, has under the provisions ot Chapter 147 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, made an assignâ€" ment to me of all his real and perâ€" sonal estate, credits and effects, for the general benefit of his creditors. The undersigned Will offer for sale by â€" Public Auction on his premises, about 3 miles nortbw@{L. Elmira and ongâ€"half _ mile soutW" of North:Woolâ€" wich, P. O., on _ L sA Wednesday, December 22, 1909 at 12 o‘clock noon, sharp, the foowâ€" ing property:â€" us LIVE STOCK .â€"Mare, rising 5 years wld, by Sit (John, supposed to be in foal, gelding rising 4 years old, geldâ€" ing riui:; 5 years old by Daskwoai, horsée 12 years old, mare 12 years old supposed to be in tht, 3 spring colts, 7 cows supposed to be in calf, one due in February (3 of whese are good winter imilkers); heifer in calf, fat com, steer rising 1 years, 9 head of youhg cattle. . Four brood sows supposed _ to be in pig, about 80 chickens and a collie dog. 50â€"1t IMPLEMENTS, ETC.â€"McCormick IMPLEMENTS, ETC.â€"Chief separâ€" binder, cut one crop, Frost & Woeod | ator with Belting in good working mower, hay rake, large size seed | order, Masseyâ€"Harris bimder 6 ft. cut, drill‘ cultivator, 2 gang plows, _ 2 ) Spripg tooth cultMWator (nearly new), iron plows, 2 iron harrows, 3 single| bay% (neatly new), wagon with plows _ (2 nearly new), new cutlmg‘ lox, buggd poJe, pair bob sleighs with box, fannitrg mill, raller chopper, set| wide holstef§, â€" cutter (nearly new), of slings complete, 2 hay racks, stone) buggy (ncarly new), road cart, horse boat, counter scale, 2 wagons, m‘Wi carriage, _ apen buggy, _ twoâ€"furrow buggy, buggy nearly new, heavy 3â€" gang plow, 2 single plows, 2â€"furrow seated carriage new, stock â€" rack, [ Oxford plow, 4â€"section iron harrow, Frost fence atrefl’h’«&' 65 rods wire} (nearly new), root pulper _ (nearly lence, set bob sleighs, pleasure slcigh, | new), scales capacity 1000 lbs. â€" set cutter, 2 scufflers, pea harvester, 2| carriage narness, set team harmss ir&it Rettles, 2 cream separators,l@rge | (new), set plow harness and many size Daisy churn, work bench, 10 sq.| other articles too numerous to menâ€" of â€" cedart _ sningles, 2 sets _ gravel | tion. . planks, root pulperi grind stone, emâ€"| No reserve as proprietor is retitind ery _ grinder, grain eradle, crossâ€"cut| from farming. saw, some cedar posts, a quantity of} _ TERMS.â€"Pi<gs and all sums of $10 wood, grain bags, bevel jack, 2 sets | and under, cash; over that amount 12 heavy harness, set carriage harness| months‘ credit on approved joint notâ€" nearly new, 2 setts single harness| es or 4 per cent off for cash payâ€" nearly new, 2 sets single harness,| ments of credit amounts. forks, hoes, and a host of other arâ€"| HENRY V. KUMMER, Proprietor. ticles too numerous ta mention. A. J. MICKUS. Auctioneer. HAY, GRAIN, ETC.â€"About twelve tons of firstâ€"class timathy har. Also clover hay, about 400 bushels of oats, _ about 500 bushels of mixed grain, 40 bushels seed pease, about 1000 bushels mangolds, _ about 600 bushels turnips, 200 bushels potaâ€" toss good for seed. TERMSâ€"Hay, . grain, roots, potaâ€" toes, â€" chickens andâ€"all sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amourt 12 months‘ credut will be given on _ apâ€" proved . joint notes, or 4 per cent. off for. cash. =© Lom IN THE MATTER OF DANIEL B. WEBER, of the Township of Woolâ€" wich, in the County of _ Waterloo, Farmet, Insolvert. 0. G. CLASS, LHENRYâ€"KLTE, . NO RESERVE as the farm is sold. Mr. Klie will devote his attention to the cement business. f IHIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT Notice to Creditors Avuctivneet Auction Sale H. W. ZILLIZX,; Clerk 49â€"21 ?i’op&iétuf i Implements, etc.â€"Oneâ€"horse __ carâ€" riage, top buggy, road cart, lumber wagon, bob sleigh, cutter, single plough, 3 section iron harrow, 3 seufâ€" fers, turnip pulper, water trough, 2 sets single harness, _ seythe, iron kettle, meat tub, meat grinder, cabâ€" bage slicet, swill barrel, straw knife and many other articles too numerâ€" ous to mention. Also about 2 tons hay and about 50 bushels oats Termsâ€"Hay, oats, chickens, and nll' sums of &.0 and under cash, over that amount 10 months‘ credit on approved joint notes or 5 per cent off for cash payments of credit amounts. 1 A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneet. Live Stockâ€"~Mare cothing" 6. years old (good driver)}, 2 coms â€"stupposed to be in calf, 26 chickens. Also 1 dog There will be sold by Public Aucâ€" tion on the farm of the undersigned, 1 mile vast of Potersburg and 5 milâ€" es west of Berlin, on the main road leading from <~Berlin ‘to Petersburg, on Tuesday, Décémber 28th, 1909 Commenciiig at 3 o‘clock pam..sharp the fallowing valuable prdï¬brty, viz: Farm Stock and Implements oF Farm Stock and Implements Wednesday, December 2%, 1949 50â€"2t. And notice is further given that atâ€" ter the 15th day of January, A.D., 1910, the Assignec‘will procees _ to distribute the &BÂ¥ets of the debtor amongst the partics entitled thereto, bhaving regard Oly to the claims of which notice shall have been given, and that he will not beliable for the assets or any part thereof, _ so disttribited, to any person or perâ€" sons ol whose claim§ he shall not then have had notice.. There will be sold by public _ aucâ€" tion on the farm of the underaigned, 44 miles nortlverst of Waterloo, 3 the village of Erbsville, on:â€" â€" Dated at Berlin this 7th day of De C~=zer, A.D., 1909. comlnenfl:f at 1 o‘glock p.my sharp, the following valuahle property, Yit., CATTLE, ETC.â€"4 Grade Cows.â€" Holstein cow fresh by time of sale, 3 cows due to calve in May, cow due to caive in June, heifer due to calve in July, 2 stoers, 2 years old, 2 grade heifers 1 year old (well bred); steer 1 year old, heifer 1 year old, 3 spring calves, 5 pigs 3 months old. Creditors are requested to file their claims _ with the Assignee with the proofs and particulars thereof â€"re quired by the said Acts on or be fore the day of meeting. HORSESâ€"Sortel horse 5 yeare old (good driver); mare 15 yearsâ€"old,supâ€" ales southeast of .â€"Heidelgerg, near posed to be in foal, 3 coltsâ€"rising 2 yeats ald bred by Bold Boy â€"Jr. A incetag.of ‘ai::_crcï¬â€˜io!s, will he held at "%he "dficé of W. ‘M. Reade, Esq., Batrisg@r,‘ 18â€" Quech _ street, Notth, liorl(k.;vg_’l‘hursday. the 16th day of Decemw.l)., 1909, at the hour 0, two o‘¢Tock in the afternoon, to receive a statement of. affairs, to appoint inspectors and fix their reâ€" muneration, and for the ordering of the affairs ol tne estate generally. NOTICE is hereby giten that Wilâ€" Ham M. Fiddler of the Town of Berâ€" lin, in the County of Waterloo, Merâ€" chant, has made>@n assignment unâ€" der _ R.S:0. 1897,;chapter:137,\ and amending ~Acts, . of all "his estate, credits and effects to Irvin Master of the said" town of Berlin, miller, for the general ;benefitâ€"of his crediâ€" tors. c "w l4 TERMS.â€"Pi<gs and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months‘ credit on approved joint notâ€" es or 4 per cent off for cash payâ€" ments of credit amounts. HENRY V. KUMMER, Proprietor. A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer. 48â€"3t. IN THE MATTER OF WILLIAM M _ FIDDLER, AN INSOLVENT, IOHN HAT Notice to Creditors Auction Sale IN VERY POOR CONDITION Public Sale IRVIN MASTER K, Proprietor OF Jw Assignee 50â€"2t Page 14. 7. That the Clerk of this Council thall sum up the number of votes giv Om fot ard against this Byâ€"law at the Council Chamber, Waterlon, on _ the Fourth day of .January, 1910, at the hour of To o‘clock in the afternoon. 8. That the Mayor of said Town shall _ attend at the said _ Council Thamber on the thirtyâ€"first of Deâ€" cember, 1909, at 8 o‘clock p.m to appoint persons to attemd at the vatious _ Polling places and the fiml aumming up of the votes by the Cletk respectively on behall of the For the West Ward (Polling Sihâ€" divisions Nos. 7 and & un‘ted) at the Police Court Room in the Marâ€" ket House. _ Mr. Charles Hachnel,Deâ€" puty Returning Officer, Mr. Merbert Kreutzweiser, Poll Clerk. Polling Subdivision No. 6, at . Mr.! vflï¬i;a;;-;ufaï¬l Louis Dietrich‘s Shop, Kirg Street, ) and it left him in tery bad c George R. Shiimsider, Deputy Réturnâ€" } """"E‘"‘"l'"“"‘":“:;d'i_ ing OfMMcer, Mt. John Wendell, Poll C"f:zr"‘ could noi usn Clerk. , m-..‘ n..':."f.'_"!"ff."_@ For the South Ward (Polling Subâ€" division _ N6: 5) at Mrs. Brandt‘s House, Williatm Etreet, Mr. Comcad Hvehnergard, Deputy Returning Ofiâ€" cer, Mr. Philip Hasenfiug, Poll Clerk. Townâ€"of W aterloo Polling Subdivision No. 4. at the Orpheus Hall, Kimg Street, Mr. Adam UfMelmann, ‘ Deputy Returning Officer, Mr. Joseph Lucwig, Poll Clerk. For the East Ward (Polling Subâ€" division No. 3) at William» Hoge‘s Ofâ€" fice, Quecn street, Mr. William Hoge, Deputy: Returning Officer. Mr. John Koehler, Pall Clerk. For the North Ward (Polling Sub divisions Nos. 1 and. 2 united) at Harmonie Hall, King street, Mr. Pet er H. Roos, Deputy Returning Officer, Mr. Julivs German, Poll lerk. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to raise the sum of . $3000 to pay for a Gravel Pit purchased by the Corporâ€" ation of the Town of Waterloo; 5. This Byâ€"law shall take effect on the First day of February, A.D. 1910. 6. That the votes of the Qualified Electors of the said Town of Waterâ€" loo shall be taken on this Byâ€"law by ballot, pursuant to the Consolidated Municipal Act, on Monday, the Third day of January, 1910, from _ the shall skn up the numbeér of votes givâ€" intil the hour of ~Five o‘clock in . the afternoon of the same day and by the Deputy Returning Officers hereinâ€" after specified, that is to say:â€" \ TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUE OF DEBENPURES FOR $3000 To PAY â€" FOBRâ€"_ A GRAVEL PIT PURCHASED ‘RBY _ THE CORâ€" PORATICN OF . THE TowNn or WATERLOO. ; AND WHEREAS for the purpose aforesaid it will be necessary for the Corporation of the said Town to is suc its Debentures for and to create a debt to the amount of $3000 as bereinalter mentioned, and such debt and the Debentures to be issueo thereâ€" for shall be payable in Twenty years at the farthest time from the day on which this Byâ€"law takes effect. AND WHEREAS it will require the sum of $230.63 to be raised annually by a special rate for paying the said debt and interest; AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Municipality according to the last Reâ€" vised Assessment Roll of the _ said Municipality ‘is the sum of $2337015; AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing Debenture dobt of the ° said Corporatfon, uding The Local Imâ€" provement De%tré gebt, is $321,â€" 098.99, and no principal or interest is in arrear; ~3. That.each of the said Debcentures shall be dated on the ‘day this B3 law. takes effect. * 4. During the currency of the said Dobentures there shall be raised anâ€" nually py special rate on all the rateâ€" able property in the said Town _ of Waterioo the sum of $230.63 for the purpose of paying the amount due in each of the said years for princiâ€" pal and interest in respect of the said debt. ‘ THEREFORE the Municipal Counci of the Corporation of the Town _ of Waterioo enacts as follows:â€" 1. That for the purpose of raising the said sum of $3000 Twenty Deben tures of the said Town of Waterloo to the amonnt of $3000 as af=resai shall be issued, which said Debentures shall bear interest at the rate of Four and oneâ€"half per centum per anâ€" num, and which said Debentures shall be sigmed by the Mayor of the | said Town of Waterlqo and by the Treasurâ€" er thereof, and the Clerk shall attach thereto _ the Corporate Seal of the said Municipality. 2. That the said Debentures . shall be payable at tite office of the Treasâ€" urer of the said Town of Waterloo, on the First day of February, one: in each year. Aat.the. next succeeding 'l‘.wen'iv years commencing with _ the year 1911, ant.â€"shall each he _ for $230.63 the aggregate amount . payâ€" able in each of the said Twenty years for ‘principal. and interest at the rate aforesatd. k YBy ips *~ TAKE NOPTICE that the foregbing is a true eopy of a proposed Byâ€"= * law which has been taken into comsidâ€" > eration and which _ will be‘finally passed by the Municipat CouncHP ol â€"â€" the Corporation of the Town of" Waâ€" terio0 in the event of the assent‘ of > the Electors being obtained "thee" Thasg $ the Electors béing obtained thereto, * after one month from the first publiâ€" â€" | cation thereof in Chronicleâ€"Telegraph newspaper, such first publication | beâ€" f ittz on the ninth of ‘December, J969, and that at the hour, day md"pw " fixed _ for fking the: votes of .. the" Electors the polls will be held. L iÂ¥orps Sciinelerâ€"Near . Hoideiberg.,, Dey y o x1 ast Mn wig saa,é,' ’ daughter. ts £4 sstha t 2 Steddickâ€"At Elmird, Deo.. 4tB;"" t Mr. and Mrs. Wesley . Stéddick, "a~ daughter. D'é oag, 2Â¥ Norwoodâ€"in Eimira, . e u2 Mr. and Mys. W. Nmyood‘.‘:‘c'%‘: ghter. = Aa@ite e o0 Cressmanâ€"At Wallace, Dec. 4th,;+40« Mr. and Mrs. Aleyx. Cuq‘; sag daughter. +oA “:? g Kinesâ€"At Wallace, Dec. ‘Ath; 461MÂ¥ . and Mys. Peter _Ktnel;.-‘ï¬@or.‘? Bortmanuâ€"At Wallace, Déc. :¥¥d, " Mr. afd: ~â€" Mre. Johnâ€"Bortmad@> daughter. s Hiebeinâ€"In Woolwich, Township, Dec. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hieâ€" bein, a son. _ Eastonâ€"At Ayr, Dec. 4th, Thomas Easton, in his 80th yeat, s y Bishopâ€"At Galt, Dec. 4th, ° Mary Knox, relict of the late N@thaniet: Bishop, aged 86 years. > Kummerâ€"At the ‘Berlin : House ‘ of Refuge, Dec. Tth, Christian < Kumâ€" mer, aged Bo years. | Schaeterâ€"At Berlin, Dec.11, Elizabeth beloved wife of John Shaefér,; in her 67th year. t s Forderâ€"At Port Arthur, ~ Ont:, Wilâ€" liam Forder, formerly _ of > BéfHp, aged 66 years. * dEA Hoelscherâ€"At High River, Albette, Dec. 7th, Joseph August Hoelscher; aged 27 years. Reidlingerâ€"At St. Jacobs, Dec. 10th, Mr. Reidlinger. Broughâ€" At Waterloo, Dec. (lith, Mary Allerdyce, wife of _ James Brough, aged 74 years. Andersonâ€"At Hawkesville,# Dec. 9th Mrs. Anderson, beloved _ wile Oi Alex. Anderson, in her 46th‘yeatr. McCauleyâ€"McKayâ€"In Puslinch townâ€" ship, Dec. Tth, by Rev. Mr. Lawns ence, Kate McKay to J. B. Mcâ€" _ Cauley, of McCauley, Manitoba. Weiburgâ€"Batesâ€"At Preston, Dec.. 7,. by Rec. C. Lucas, Len#z‘ Bétes, to George Weiburg. . flls Knackâ€"Werlichâ€"At Preston, Dec. ‘L, by Rev. C. Lucas, Catharine W%p- lich, to Henry Knack. : 24. Aumanâ€".Johnstonâ€"At Parker, Ont., Dec. ist, by Rev. A. C.<â€"Wishart, Annie â€"Louise.Johnsten, to 1 es n en en n id onA E2 * : Al of JBlnpire. | 5 40 o03 s Sii c a a&fl-_uecxen_dl#lé-ga’c'sm o dR mc December,by .> Rev. â€"C.) 0. } e Emina Heckendorn,â€" of ElMira," 3 Oscar Good: x ping . *~ 23Ve Schlemmerâ€"Fleischauerâ€"At _ Beffin, _ /‘ Dec. 8th, by Rev.â€"Geo. D. Dm, & AdcJine Fleigchavers to â€"§010 t > Schlemmer; of Stratford. ‘00 :97 Finally passed after the asseifit; of the ratepayers at the (‘mu:im'm- ber in the Town of Watérioo, this day of .1908. ~ persom: interested ‘in ard > promo!)n; or opposing the passaze of â€" this ‘Byâ€" law respectively. â€" Finally passed . law respectively. ;. * 4 Heped Toh t Pnk® hP chvatihcaies. t began to take Psychine, in a low state ; butfrom the first bottle J i‘t improve. Itdid marvels for me and brought me back to health in no time, making a new man of me. 1t fortifies the body agninst the attacks of hQri.xnndhu-cpu ventative. . 1 always take Paychine if 1 teel a cold coming on and it puts me right it had awful aweats, and coughed searly 4 '“‘."‘-:“ï¬-.f“w I _'::L LA GRIPPE ' ~%% Arrested, and Consuinption Cared [ > PRONOUNCED SIâ€"KEEN MARRIAGES BIRTHS ©*** DEATHS NOTICE FERBP S. KUMPF, Mayor Cletk." ‘Cletk. C1