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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 16 Dec 1909, p. 9

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STEATFORD MARKETS. Stratford, December 16, 1909 Wheat Standard)...... 102 Barl ey.... ......â€".â€">â€" .48 Oate (standard]...... _ 38 Buter per poand...... .20 Egge per dos. .......>> .28 Apples, per bag . ..â€".â€">â€">â€" 50 Potatvem per bus ...... .80 Buekwheat.......â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Butter, per pound ..... KEgge, per dozen........ Chickens, each .......â€" Potatoes, per bus ...... Hay, per ton...... ...> BHFAW L. ... 2220000 .~>>>>+ Boof...............++* Mutton.......... «â€"«> FOrk.:.....«.â€"s«srsnst> Hides............ â€">+>* Lambs and pelts ...... Calf Sking.... ...â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" WOOlâ€" : >r+00ncreeres Wool washed .......... Tallow, ruft Tallow, rendered GALT MARKETS Galt, October 6th. 1909 Wheat.......... ...â€".â€" _ _©98 Flour, per 100 lbe. ... â€" 2.66 Bran, per toD.....â€" ....20.% toâ€"day was none of thy none of the actnuts actericed | this marl the exception of tu ofrough sitiile, for poor demand, the i; active for everyUin way of good to choi Of the extra choice eattle, not so . munt in some . former yra at $3.50 to Lambs arc . than last we« er. a few o whi $7.. Choive sold strong to commun Hogs unchanged. ‘The ftatal run x 2,100 head of cat! lambs, 150 hogs Toronto, Dec. kets were stroug of the spnct in d terday. Western bigher, ant . threiw in the market go tatio, N. 2 mi $1.01 @6 $1.45; outside, Manitoli $1.01 @6 $1.05; . NA outside, Manitoha > 1 _ northemn, $1.6 $1.051, on track, la Iy January delivery $1.14; Nom 2 non rail. â€" Comâ€"Amerniti yellow, Tle ar 71%¢ tlie .. bTe Toron dried, No. 4 yell Oatsâ€"Canadian wes Ko. 3, 380 en ttasl cember shipment, a nadian | westenm, 0 dian _ western, 1 350 @0 3be, â€" outsin 81¢, outsite, 37c + Toronto. _ Harleyâ€" §9¢; No. 34 extia, . @. Sic, feod side; â€" Manit ble. track, No. 2, outside 53¢, on quotat: tents, side. perton; Toronto The Chia adran Maza ef| the exor writers, alh prodw ins ery thing is standard is in advance that has i Canadian presses The n composed almest enfirely stories, sketches and poetn the excepftion of a oertica tion by Louis Nanvorles, man, of the â€" Rork of the Canadian artist 1. Ay. x whole number is the outp dian writers and antists contribution is a . short Theodore Roberts, with il by Fergus Kyle: Then fo stomies _ and sketcles . Iy Bridle (illustrations by T Virna Sheard, Ward Fishe tions by J. W. Beatly), THE CANADIAN MAGAZINE City Altho to, Der. 11.â€"I re stwong toâ€"tin spmiet in forerad Western wheat 8c il xo at 2 in buteben a $1.50. we yueted igazine veellent illustrat MARKET REPORTS iâ€" .A metent, 010 o 11%0, No, bTe Toronto | frei 0 40 yellow, 67 adiar westerin, No coen track, Jake ipment, all rail, western. ficn, N Barleyâ€"] 4 extia, .5 «1 barler, LIVE STOCK Buick w l1 h M L222 2k k200000 bus c..... 15 22... .. .. 14.00 es ysxzee ©.00 akllll. .. 004 222. ... .08 careaseses i0 salll l 07 lte ...... 90 2ouklll.... .00 Aeve:â€"ssee 10 Lllll22... 0 16 ared. .05 tina GRAIN lake Mathet the i« suld uds Fl al §1 t1 onh uU al 1Js vipd 14 whi The M h id 98 1.00 .66 _ 3 00 00 _ 21.00 23 28 40 75 M Whead, 0 th vep Ive: LID idertabl he hin M 14.00 4 00 .07 .10 it i1 rampl madia $1.6 pt .90 1.00 +114 1.00 .10 19 5 .03 W lu L wit] 1 U 111 al .45 .90 .80 .65 20 .30 .65 11 ki Lt 1 11 | Manitoba Flour....... (BIAD 2sziesrrcerzseee | Middlings. ... per ton | SUOIYG.. .2+=sisccssee ] Wheat:.1:â€"searcerses ; Goose Wheat.......... | Barley (Malting).... .. ; PORB L....l..........k. [UAUBLzs2srrrecccnene s ERHYC. i/ ze rrecescssns fliuckwheat.. yex>iss 8e [UOTH (s....s seeecems [HAY cuerrescsrseares i BAKLOT 222. â€"+rc020s ‘Eggs...... Ce mssn ts ; Live Hogs............ |{Shoopaking .â€".... â€"â€".. ETHIOW .4 crck couces os | Dried Applea ........ HADIG. ... ... corsÂ¥sees SBOUIGGIS ....â€"â€"..... ‘Bacnn......_... sares | Potatoss per bag..... Apples, per barrel ...... 2. Hoge ive............ 7.8 Hogs, dressed.... .... 9 Hay,per tod .......â€" 11. Hay, per ton new ...... 10 Btraw per ton........ 5: Wood, per cord ...... s Export Cattle ........ 6 Butchers‘ Cattle..... _ 4. NEW HAMBURG MARKE1S New Hamburg, Dosember 16, 1909 Wheat L.......... 0 >â€"â€" 1.02 1.44 OBEB........caor saza â€" 40 4n BAFIOY..â€"â€". «.««â€".«.«â€"~O0 B0 Peéaeilllll c2lll....> 00 +83 83 COFK........2..2 «..s 0 @10 .85 FHOUL. ...... â€".e«...++ 280 4.00 Butter, por lb ........ _ .20 .29 Pooe mnerdozen ...... :30 .90 BERLIN MARKETS. : Berlin, December 16, 1909 Flour per 100 lbe. .... #$29) Bran h «x 400 Middlings * sexus | 1,09 Screenings *‘ a«««. 1.380 Wheat per bush....... 1.00 Barley se iess Gbo Oata * 0 qensees Al VAAR. corrrszezecrzesccne D Potatoes per bag . 75 Hay per tos.lllll..... 13.00 Wood per cord........ 6 0O BULtEF Ber 1b ccoscizl. â€" «25 Eggs per dozen....... . 30 GUELPH MARKETS. (Guelph, December 16 :h 1909 Wheat.....l...0.00.~> 93 People‘s Floutr........ 2065 > Maple Leaf Flour..... 2.50 2 Snowdrift Flour ...... 2.8) 3 Bran, per ton......... 21.00 3 Middlings............ 25.00 Chopped Screenings... 1.30 , Esded Gate...... ...._1.30 $ 1CBAS..::~+=â€"râ€"15ee008 iB RYC....â€". :n..«sr e ons .03 BAFLGY ... ..csmyezeazess 36 ORLE..â€"â€"czrnrszszzine â€" +B7 COIUL..ce: szsre. axee â€" ~ZD DAAVCT. .+ 2e ase 204 n en + 20 Eggs per doz...... ... 00 .24 CHOBSG:::.â€"zzsszzases â€" 18 Hay per too.......... 13.00 1 Straw per ton..... ... 7.00 t Potatoes per bag ..... _ .00 Turnips per bushel.... _ .20 Pork, dressed ........ 11.00 1 Quarter Beof, hind.... 10.00 _ 1( Quarter Boef, front.... 7.00 2 }Hoge, HÂ¥Bâ€"â€"z:rzzzzcs â€" T:.80 f LBAAID.~.z== zâ€"â€"eos .. â€"4.00 _4 | Lambskin8........... 50 \Sheepakine........... _ .50 | HGbG, ... .cccczâ€"rzces â€" 40 fir M H Wool, W eaol, Ernm ptly. . bperpadias. FURS JOHN HALLAM, TORONTO WaATERLOO MARK ETS W aterloo, December 16, 1909 W 11 per dor......... .35 serssaeseaeseee 0 +10 s, per barrel ...... 2.00 (YOâ€"cerrerseses _ 1:99 dressed.... .... 92 er tou ........ 11.00 ELMIRA MARKETS Elmira, December 16, 1909 ings. ... per ton i. esrsiseerce se ae is sn =@=»eacsesces WBOat......~.â€".> ; (Maiting)...... wheat.. .l..l ... Possoll llllll. I6ge....s......â€" 8KIHS ...... ... N veixce shuce‘s on Apples .....~.. defs ............ ‘a Flour........ 205 Leaf Flour..... 250 rift Flour ...... 2.8) per ton......... 21.00 NGER.â€".â€"â€"«.â€"«â€"<e 20.00 ed Screenings... 1.30 Gate.â€".... ...._ 1.30 sell iess se akk..2 000 +785 avessarseae sews â€" 208 ol neesneereae‘s‘s 36 oome e na‘s en en a‘s 37 seue! evsces sree Pb Plllllllllllll}. :120 unwashed .. waehed.... Unstrations | by _ Estelle M Thomas Stanley Mover, L. M. »mery (illustrations by Albert hsomi, â€" mene. Noreross, â€" Madge ", Tdwin Dowsley, and pooems ie Declestene Mackay, Duncan ell Seett, .Lolin Boyd, Manjori frekthall, «bean Blewett, Geonge 1 Clarke, and Estelle M. Ker ire a series of = fullâ€"page repro is of western photographs _ or paper hy Newton MacTavish, <oreproductions of paint ings by Monniee are umusually ftine. AJ Do you trap or buy Fura? I am Canada‘s Jargest dealer, I pay highest prices. Your shipments solicited I pay mail and ex pre«s charges; remit Also largest dealier in Heefhides, etc. Quotations and shipping tags elllllllll $rvazanesr% rashed...... hed.... .2.. 1C. 2420 mos t «x 400 sexus |â€" 1,09 a«««. 1.380 22222220 1.00 2lllll! .b rexeres 43 222222222 .8 mn. with a M Maiten 9.25 9.170 11.00 _ 12 00 10.00 10.06 2.85 20.00 21.00 231.00 1.02 1.02 :90 1.00 .80 30 .60 .00 10 12 00 7.00 .30 .30 10.00 10.00 .10 .16 16 .15 23 00 21.00 .30 7.25 15 17 .16 .56 7.00 7.85 4.00 50 .50 10 l4 10 04 04 40 See page 14 for Additional Auction Sale Advertisements .38 .85 70 21 00 Alberd Madge poems Dincan 20.00 26.00 13.%5 3.10 3.10 5 50 8.00 eHent 80 13 0O 7 09 %4 174 i4.00 8.00 11.00 10.50 8.09 7.35 4431 â€" HORSESâ€"Black _ Percheron mate, 12 rising 4 vyears old, well broken, bred ‘46‘ by Pilot; black mare rising 4 â€" years | old, good driver; bay colt, rising 3 vears _ old, bred by Daw Ring; sottal coolt rising 2 years old bred by Dan y Hing. 3.10 . _ c TTLE, ETC.â€"3 good dairy cow: 1.10 supposed to be in calf. 1.30 _ |1vPLEMENTS.â€"Noson binder nar .28 .35 10 1.40 1.02 .10 | H 3 0 0 2 00 1.08 9 u) 5.00 .15 GU 38 0o 52 8t 80 50 76 05 23 .26 05 70 GO 50 6o 11 10 E8 35 40 80 ine Undersigh by publhc aucti imile east of El northeast of El d CATTLEâ€"5 cows supposed to be in calf, farrow cow, 10 head of feed ing cattle, 10 head of young cattle, 8 spring calves, 2 brood sows, 16 store p1g®. "ay dillies msing 2 years stet colts rising 3 yeatrs ling colls. CATTLEâ€"S5 cows supp IMPLEMENTS.â€"Traction in $ 0000 000C (Sawyer â€" & Massey) 17 hbp., Chamâ€" 47 ACRES OF LANDâ€"known as pion separator â€" and water tank, 2| the Rife Estate, situated within the giain choppers, Deering binder, 2 | Corporation of the town of Hespeler, mowers, hay rake, hay loader, . side on Strathcona _ St. and Rife Ave. belivery _ rake, disc seed drill new, Four acres bush (spring creek), balâ€" sceder broadcast, land roller, 2 sets‘ 2nCC under good state of .cultivation. iron harrows, dise harrow, 2 24furrow Sale to commence at 11 o‘clock, gang plows 3â€"furrow gang plow, 21 â€" Sale of cattle at 1 o‘clock. single plows, 2 scuilers, fanning mill, TERMS.â€"Cattle, time up to ten 2 wagons, 2 bobsleighs, buggy, culter, months _ on approved notes, bearin‘ cutting box, root pulpet, 2 hay tacks| six per cent interest. und other articles. _ Afso a quamiity)| â€" Inujlements, $10 and under cash, ovâ€" of Oats and Mangels. l er that amount ten months‘ credit on Sale to _ commenrce at 12 o‘clock, | approved security. . Poultry cash. sharp. Terms of sale of Barn and Lan] TERMS.â€"Grain, _ Mangels, young mude |nown on day of sale. pigs and all sums of $10 and under, Fu‘uu within the corporation _ oi cash; _ over that amount 10 months‘ Lewis St. ind Hungerford Houd. WodHe n ane retame. oi cannvetet ABIML Catalocse ou application TERMS.â€"Grain, _ Mangels, young pigs and all sums of $10 and under, cash; _ over that amount 10 months‘ credit will be given on approved joint notes or & per cent per annum _ on for cash. H. 18 Friday, commencing at 1 o‘clock p.m. sharp the following valuable property, viz. Iy mew; mower, Noxon spring _ tooth cultivator nearly new; hay rake, 23â€" inch fire wagon nearly new; . horse platform â€" cartiage, â€" market catriage, \pair â€" bobslvighs with box, matket sleigh, cutter, Jand roller, hayrack, ©2â€"furrow gang plow, No. 21 Brantford plow, scufller, threeâ€"section iron harâ€" row _ nearly new, jair of wagon | springs, capacity 35000 lbs, fanning I mill, _ set double harness, set singl |h;umss, pair ofâ€" collars, stone hamâ€" | mer, chaft fork, sledg® hammer, scvop i shovel and many other articles | to> | mitmerous to mention. There will e sold by public avcâ€" tion on the farm of the undersigned, Lot 6, on Snider road north, in the village of Petersburg, on Friday, December 17th, 1909 HORSESâ€"heavy mare Auction Sale e . a $ HP" â€"»» o aager Y3 ShbCN OF _ Farm Stock and Implements $10 â€" dollars and undetâ€" cash; that amount 10 months‘ cred approved joint notes, or 5 1¢ olf _ for cash payments _ of amotnts. EORGE W. REIST EO s W Farm 18â€"2 PACOR HOFSTETTER, Proprictot t. J. MICKUS, Auctioneet. TERMS OFâ€" SALE.â€"AIl sums of Bondoir Slippers, fancy House Slippers and S‘ulleta, a new pair of Art Shoes, overgaiters, Jersey Leggings and Spats in various colors. Spate, Shoe trees, House Slip Iwra and omoe@ in felt and eather, a pair of new Derby or G «14 Bond Shoes. Dainty Preity Bootles for The Baby Hockey and Skating Shoes, Jorsey orâ€" Corduroy Leggings, Mocecasins, Mouse Slippers the pretticat. Could suggest more, space will not allow ns. Do your Xmas. shopping early Finest Rubbers high or low Overshoes. _ We can fit your thoe properly. We do repairing J. Hessenauer & Son Xmas. Gifts Phone 608 50 King St. Weet. That give cOomfort and anjoYment s we as service are sure to be appreciated. Let us suggest a few. Auction Sale ) King St. West. Berlin Cpposite Eeonomical Block, G. CLASS, Auctioncer ZILLIAX, Clerk Stock and Implements ersign?d will offer for â€" sale auction on his premises, 4 of Floradale and 3 miles of Elkmira, on December, 17th 1909 DNA Chronicleâ€"Telegraph, Boys and Cirls For The Man For the Lady OF Proprictor 1 yeals old 11 for sale per cent of credid On Dispersion Auction Sale =~OR. Farm Stock and Implements Thursday, December 23rd, 1909 Forty (40) head registered Holsteins 6 males, 34 females), 10 cows â€" and heifers in _ anilk, 10 with calves at side. All high class stock of the leading strains. HORSESâ€"bay horse 5 years old, bay mare, ageo, bay horse, 9 years old, grey mare aged, 2â€"yearâ€"old hackâ€" ney colt. FOWLS.â€"100 _ pure bred Buff Orpâ€" ingten and White Rock fowls. IMPLEMENTS.â€"Seed _ drill, comn b‘nder, mawer, pea harvester, hay rave, wagon, disc harrow, 3 ilows, encâ€"horse _ plow, _ harrows, seulflers, horseâ€"power, _ straw _ culter, roller, buggy, cutter, road cart, work bench, sett _ single harness, set double harâ€" ness, set plow harness, horse collars, imcubators, _ forks, hoes, etc. _ Barn GOx80 feet. That splendid 200 acre farm being lots 14, 15 in the _ 2nd concession, Division Guelph Tp. The Huildings are good, stone house, heated . with furnace, hard and soft water in ki‘tch en, bank barn 80x80 with root house anl stables under. _ Hay barn 50x6U with horse stable, sheep house and shed beneath, hog and hen house, drivâ€" ing and implement barns _ separate from other buildings. An ampie supâ€" ply of water pumped by windmill, neverfailing spring creek touches one corner of farm. Orchard, garden and a lot of Maple, Spruce, ctc. have been planted. About 10 acres of woodland, _ over 100 actes in grass, besides the bush, and all in a fitstâ€" class condition of fertility. Catale DAVID 18â€"3t This is one of the very Hest farms in the county of Wellington and is a sure farm for grain, grass and roots. It is situated 6 miles from Guelph, 24 miles from Mosboro, G.T.R., 34 miles from Weisenburg C.1.il., 24 miles from New Germany and school is 4 mile from the house. For terms and particulars apply on the premises or to Janos and William " aidlaw, Guelph, JAMES McDONALD Highers market price paid. Load every sscond Monday Next shipmert Dec. 27 th SHIPPING HROGS WANTED IN BADEN Blackemith Shop to rent in th» village of Wellesley. Apply to Having taken out an Auctioneer‘s license for Waterloo County 1 solicit the sales of farmers and others who have atticles to be sold by Auction, My large experience in the cattle and implement business and the knowledge gained will thereby be at the service of the public. H. B. Duering Licensed Auctioneer 10â€"tf. Cutters & Sleighs For Sale The undersigned has just received a shipment of new Those desirous of buying either a CuStertor Sleigh will do well to call and inspect hia stock. Farm Implementsa of ways kept on hand, ERB 8T 314 ‘Thursday, December 16, 1909, Page 8 Louis F. Dietrich FARM FOR SALE on Town and Farm Property. Money to Loan TO RENT Henry Knell, Berlin Cutters and Sleighs NUMBER UNLIMITED. ALBBRT MICKUS, Guelph, Auctioncer Phone 327, Waterioo SONS, Projpmicto Implement Agent. 200 WATERLOO all kinds al 48 tf The undersigued offers lornbhbh:‘: mm.â€"-. dml-”-" in Townshio of For furtner par tisulare apply 0+ the promises GEO. FISCHER, PI";. in amon Bortin 1. 0. The underugned offers for his farw. situated two milos east of on the south side of ‘he Grand Trunk way . The farm comprises 106 mores, 80 seres of .oodfvmluh.dwmm of oultiâ€" vation. % acres in pasture A large quanâ€" wum-m.lwlhfl farm a. | one sprin w‘ ()nflnhrluhunflo‘wh rith kitchen (T.E'i.?m-’.g:a house 20x24 witl attached 14x20. bank barn 40x stablos, PETER EEIST. stables. 0 0_ 0) sular â€" â€" |__ 100 acres, 1 mile south of Rosevill {soil‘sli i PETER sEIHT. I ) acres, ville good{soil‘slightly rolli Bresiao, Ont, _ large buildings also 14 acres fall wheat, 30_acres mngdo': D‘l‘tj 0_ ,'4___._â€"â€"-â€"-‘ 12 acres, goodfsoil, good orchard, brick house bank 1 & BUSH FOR SA LE _ from seriin, hate s "taas ue | 50 seres, sandy and clay loam, good buildings, near Hespeler. n&'o??m 1'«'»'.‘:3:: deareds fl.mw 194 acres, 20 acres timber, 45 i state ”,.':‘d’:‘.‘.‘.‘.'.! :l;‘»;l‘:n‘nzdw eime« word: ’“‘culliution. l:iew hou:cgv‘fiui‘th.;;ot wp:t:tr“;l?tm.n“(;o(;nbnfiokodb‘m of MARTIN BERGOTT or ‘ . £ & * wu 10 Uls 5) HEROT T. tar100, Ont. . 95 acres,under a high state of cultivation with new modern buildâ€" ons daine SSb igueroe nc tiiienerce e anneternanicmnen Imgs beautifully located 3 miles from Berlin. 155 acres, choice sod nearly leve!, spring‘creek good 1 ild â€" Strayed |ings 64 miles from Berlin, &s £ arge build Farm for Sale A black and white heifer rising two years old. Reward offered for inforâ€" mation of the wheresbouts of the animal. 40â€"3t Beef and horse bides, calf, deer _ and sheep skins for robe tanning and all kinds of furs wanted. Highest prices paid. â€" _ 14 For Saleâ€"â€"Extra good leatber for lace belting. Licensed Auctioneer U gm want four sale to }ring the lust bottom dollar eall or write to For the Countiee of WATERLOO and OXFORD. Satisfaction guai«nâ€" teed. Address communications to Freeport or business left in care of the Obronicleâ€"Telegraph at_Waterioo or The Daily Telegraph at Berlin will re ceive prompt attention H;)use Phone No. 734, ring 4, Freepcr K Robt. Bricknell CHARLES M. CRAW iY Licensed Auctioneer for the City of Guelgh and surroundâ€" inf county. Farm Stock Sales a specâ€" ialty. Terms reamsonable, can hgh inâ€" terviewed at his home in Puslinch or write to (GGuelph General Post Office. 45â€"1mo. Aleo orders taken for picture frames, win(;iow shades and furniture of all kinds Jâ€" KSHINN 4& CO ALEX. AMES, AUCTIONEER Sales conducted in any part of_ the County, Satisfaction guaranteed. Your 1AGL1O" pabdbbtb hib cce tbutnnd Stroh‘s Tannery If you want your sale properly conâ€" ducted, write or Telephone to DAVID RUDY, Tavistock Ont. A plough for all kinds of reads comElete with two sleighs. Does the work of 50 men. For township and town use. Stone and Stump Puller Removes large stones and deposits theim in fences. A. LEMMIRE, es icnnt Ccofe l i restiue. Phone mit""""" : bt;l.rg"trxrr‘:n'go solicited D. RVUDY Auctioneer bemonnns enc ee ies n o patronage solicited. _ All ordera left with John 8 McNally, Massoyâ€"Harris Agent, Berlin, will be promptly atâ€" tended to. 1 â€"(imoe ; \ _ Phone 345 Waterloo 48 lyr W““‘m““m“M‘ For Sale or To Let House and Lot. Apply BOX 114, Nwr DuxpsE, Ont 1 â€"tf WAA MAAMAMAAMM MA MAÂ¥ D FARM FOR; SALE Address sNoOoOwW PLOW Having taken over the busin ess of Auctioneer formerly carâ€" ried on by my father the late Joseph Mickus I am prepared to vonduct sales in any part of Waterloo, Wellington and Perth Counties. The â€" patronage | of farmers and others having articâ€" les to be sold is rolicited. Terms Reasonable. Licensed Auctioneer UNDERTAKING Licensed â€" Auctionser BOX 5, GALT or PHONE 310 MICHAEL SHRAC, ALBERT MICKUS ALVIN OTHMANN, WarTron, Qu® Hawkesville. Baden, Ont. with _FARMS "__ FORSALE® 154 acres, 24 ac‘:Timber 3}% acres good Orchard,* good water supply. A new modern house, bank barn 74 x 75 good stock Ql‘ grain farm 4} miles from Berlin. 38 Frederick St. CANBORO Ome 6€ acre farm close to the main the district between Canfield and Car road between Canboro and Canfield, boro; good barn, common house, well common house; ‘about four acres off watercd; with extra well; well fencâ€" bush, the lay of the farm is very ed. Price $4000. fine. â€" Price $1300. Fora quick sale _ A 130 acte farm, common buildings; can be bought for $100 down. will make a splendid pasture farm; Very nice 100 acre farm close to can be bought at the extremely _ low bush, drilled well; fairly well fenced,; price of $2900. buildings common. _ Price $3000. 225 acre â€"farm; large hank’b;r;: Canfield â€" station, about ten ACTCS (peautiful frame house; large ortchard; Amother fine 100 acre farm; _ the lay of this farm is splendid; fairly good buiklings, very good land. Price One very good 200 acre farm; about 40 acres of bush; very _ rich land; common bulldings; a great barâ€" gain at $5200, A very ritce farm of about 150| none in Western C acres. with a good brick house; _ @| Anyone intereste good smali hbusb, drilled weil, common | propositions will, «¢ varmn; close to Canboro. Price $4200.| postal or letter, b Ome of tho finest 100 acre farms in | station. For full information apply to Another £00 acre farm close _ to Canboro; a very nice farm _ with a nice bush. _ Rural telcphone serâ€" vice. Price $6,0080, A 187 farm with about 25 acres of good bush. The lay of this farm is czcspfinnglly fine; also telcphone service in the ncear future. Price H-FH--H-H+H-Hâ€"H~H~Hâ€"% ;E Remember fl: FARMS FOR SALE Vacant lots and business properties at all prices Money to loan. Conveyancing and Insurance. NO. 38 FREDERICK ST. $2800â€"8 room brick house, new conveniences, lot 60 x 160, fruits, and chicken house. > $2600â€"8 room briek house, good barn with +4 stalls, lot 55 x 120. $1400â€"6 room frame house, chicken house, 1 acre land, one mile from Post Office. $3800â€"8 room, red pressed brick house, molern conveniences, hot water heating. Lot 60 x 157. $1750â€"7 room, red brick house. Lot 59 x 96. j $2800â€"6 room brick house, conveniences, very central. 160 Acres, unimproved land, sale or exchange, near Didsbury, ____ 820 Aores, 7 miles from Mosomin, Siskâ€", 890 acres uuder cu‘tivaâ€" tion, level, clear, deep black soil, good water, nice new frame buildings, school nearby. Sell or exchange. is completo. We can please every farmer and at the same time save you money on every purchase. A fine stock of suit cases and trunks also kept on hand. F. E. Shantz & Co. H. M. Wilhelm HARNESS . E. SHANTZ & CO. Robes, Blankets, Whips, etc. That our stock of in Haldimand County Real Estate Brokers l=Iâ€"lâ€"lâ€"!~lâ€"lâ€"!â€"t Waterloo House List List of FARMS BERLIN. 225 acre farm; large bank barn, beautiful frame house; large orchard; very close to Canboro; this farm is well adapted for dairying purposes; Price $7000. We have a large number of other farms for sale from 50 acres to 100 acres in size; soil varying from sand to clay loam. This district is well supplied with a rural telephone system, has fine transportation _ facilities, and â€" the Dunnvilic market situated at a conâ€" venient distance from the village | of Canboro, is one of the very best in the Province. Canboro _ contains school, three churches, general store, chopping mill, sawâ€"mill, and checse factory with a reputation inferiot to none in Western Ontario. Anyone interested propositions will, on postal or letter, be station. OfMfice opposite former Woollen Mills, Waterloo. Insurance Open evénings. Money to Loan Dceds, Mortgages and Wills written. A. K. Cressman BUSINESS For Sale _ IN WATERLOO RETAIL Phone 552 PHONE 552. ONTARIO FIRE ACCIDE NT LIFE in any of out notifying us by met at Canfield Houses to Lct Phone 916,

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