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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 9 Dec 1909, p. 4

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Tbo attditor-gener.l'n report Rives the following as the salaries paid at tic local customs name In". P'tkr,'- . Schledel, collector. ttsoo; pre- mtlvo others, A. D. Bowman, IO ll.. $608.83; E. Break, 10 m.. $416, 'sat page tt tor Additional Auction adi, Advt Local and Personal.-- Miss Mabel Thapter pleasantly entertained the members ot the Sewing Club, as well as a number or other friends, at her home on Wednesday evening cl last week.--Mr. Ira Toman leit on Thurs- dly last for Berlin, where he assum- ed his duties as clerk with Mr. S. T R. Ernst.- A large number from town and vicinity attended the ian- era! of the late Mr. S. S. llerner. kid at Mannheim on Friday P. M, hit-Miss Laura Bean of near Hays- ville spent a few days with friends in this vicinity recently.-- Mr. H. . Ptth of Michigan is visiting relatives in town and vicinity at, present. - _ Wm. Jr. is wearing the smile that .won't come oii. Jt's a boy. Pon- " ttrautiations,-Mr. and Mrs. H. C. 'Htltrnan and Family of Airdrie, Alta., arrived Irom the, west on Sunday last and are making a pro- longed visit with friends and rela- tives in this vicinity.--A number from town and vicinity are taking in the Winter Fair being held at Guelph this week.-Mr. Elias llallman has been engaged the past ten days in mvassing this vicinity, soliciting " for the Berlin orphanage.-- Mr. A. Hilborn was a business _ visitor to Elmira on Monday and Tuesday Iaat...-mrr, Jesse Clemens wasa vis- ‘ ttor to New Hamburg on Tuesday t"t.-a'tte annual meeting of the 1 local Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society was held in the Bap- l tist church on Tuesday evening last. I The following otricers were elected tor the ensuing year: Pres. Mr, ii. I H. Thamer, Secy. Mr. Elias “an I man, Tress. Mr. Moses Bock. - We understand an excellent program is In course of preparation for the in- "tat meeting of the local Farmers' Club, which will be held on Friday evening, Dec. 17, IMO.- Rev. Mr. Jones of Bahain will occupy the pair l pit of the U. B. church on Sunday l morning next. Acumen of son "II. Oct. choc-e I“ made trom the Wallace Chase & Butter Co. on Friday last, to Messrs. T. Banantyne & Sons, Stnuord. Ptraottar.-arr. Geo. Gabel has the lane tint won't come on. It's a aasqttter.- Mr. Earnest Jay, who -hl been working for Mr, Hammond, m Com, Mtrrytrorotsgh, during the an anon, left on Monday last for I home in England where he will ”and the winter montrdGGrriiik" to Canada in the spring of IMO. - on] 9! Mr. Dan Ratz at Elmira on 16hsd"tty.--Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Heir} me: and daughter llenryetta spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Il Minimum at Lirawood.-Miss Katie I Schumer is spending a week with! at. and Mrs. w. J. Mull. iierrULl ks. Sam Brenner has sold her farm! situated l mile cast of St. l'loments‘ to Mr. G. Hahn, IIeideliwrg.- Mrs" Brenner intends to make St. Elements her future home. I a_'y,'rwmottats.-- Mr. "cot, SA Meyer is 5‘ Guelph this week attending the hi Stock show.--Miss Clara Weber 'Ht tor Guelph last week and intends " stay there lor some time.--Mrs. mo. Huck ot Berlin, is visiting with Mt. and Mrs. Peter P. Schummt-r at thsreart.-arr. and Mrs. H. bl. Ratt ad Mr. Eph. Ran. attcnrird the tun- m. ". B. tr. Hum val t Aug. " ml st Blah. on. " “and ttme yank was with MI W and Ir _ with his unit. Mr. has sum y Berlin. who mil ”who: him. He added with Mr. - until he VII mm, when be M v, to tlt8F1'ttl', My yen: ot use be 'ittteed the %odiintt probate. Ind kW continuously a the lollovln‘ - until 1901 (with the exception your: 1888-89) Ethnvilln, Water- " Williamsburg and muslin. - _ 1007 until his death he bdrm . an his iarm which profession he I [allowed very smulully. In r , Io was married to Veronica a)”. who died in me. On Ju.. " I!" "ttyrtus married to Kath- w" . ‘ _ . I _ who survives him . - I with a llmily ot nine chil- T three was uni six daughters I!» a! .ertqttrtaittAt2Atty" , THE LATE s. s. “nun '. Dan "on; E. 'n. Mu'.séixi.ii. CUSTOMS SALARIES. UiiiiiriiTGii riiiiaiiiWii “ion-M - "out: ohm any“! ST. CLEMENTS NEW DUNDEE WALLACE Finally passed afier tho assent, of thr ratepayers at the Council Cham- her In the Town of Watcrioothis day of 1900. TAKE NOTll'P‘. that the {ongoing is a true copy ot a propowd Br. law whirh has been taken into cmurid.. 8. That the Mayor ot said Town shall attend at the said Cormril Chamher on tho thirtr-tlrirt 0f Dr cernher, 1909, at 8 o'clock pm to appoint persons to attend at the vnrrimnr Polling places and the find summing up at the votes hy the Clerk respectively on behalf of the mum: interested in and promoting or opposing the passage ot this Hy- law rrspertively, Finally passed law rospt't'tively. 7. That thte Clerk of this Coutuil shall sum up tho numbr-r of mtrs giv rn {or arr! against this Bylaw at, tho Council Chamber, Waterloo, on the Fourth day at January, mm, at the hour of Two o'clock in tlw alivrnoon. Fur the West Ward (Pulhn: FU,ir. divisions Nos. 7 and 8 miter!) at the Police Court Room In the Mar- kH Mouse. Mr. Charles tiaphrtei,itv- pun; Returning tmirer, Mr. llrrlmt Krruitrwciser, Poll Clerk. Polling F,titrdivision No. fl, ar Mr. Louis "ivtrich's Shop, King Street, Grnrgv It. Schmidcr, Deputy Itpturn- ing (Wirvr. Mr. John “huh-H, pon Clerk, For the South Ward (Pulling sub- division No. 5) at Mrs, Nrandt’s House, William Street, Mr. Cort ad Iruehnergard, Deputy "churning um- vvr, Mr. Philip Irasetttltlg, Poli t'irrk. Polling Subdivision No. I, at 1h Orpheus Hall, Kiog Sim-ti. Mr. Adan Uifeimann, Deputy “dinning "frytwt' Mr. .roseph Lurzwig, Po” 1'lerk. 6. That the votes at the tlualmed Electors ml the said Town of Water. loo shall be taken on this lly-law by ballot, pursuant to ths Consiolidutrrt Municipal Act, on Monday, tlw Third day ul January, J010, i:r-m th: shall ska up the number of votes Isiw until the hour oi Five "Kl-ck in tin afternoon of the swim day air] by the Nputy Returning (mm-rs herein- ane! specified, that is in "ar-- For tho North Ward (Polling Sub divisions Nos, 1 and 2 unilvd) at Harmonie llull. King Strut-t, Mr, I'pt. cr H. Enos. Dvputy Rviun-in: Client, Mr. Julius German, Poll lurk. For the East Ward {Polling SHIP division No. 3) at William Maui's UL fiat, tltawrt street, Mr. William Hung, nvputy Returning (min-r. Mr. John Koehlvr, Poll ('Iork. l. During the turn-my of the said Debeniurcs there shall he raised an- nually by special rate on all the rate- able property in the said Town of Waterloo the sum ot $23tt.63 for the purpose of paying tiw amu:I.-1 duein each ot the said yours ior princi- pal and interest in respcct oi the said dam. 3. That each of tht. said I‘vhlnturos shall he dated on tlm day this Ity- law takes erect, the THEREFORE the ihmicipal I'ounci ot the 1'orporatioo of the Town of Waterloo enacts as follows:-.. _ I. That tor the purpose of raising the said sum af $3000 Twenty Deben ( tines ot the said Town ot w (trim 3 to the ammut of 83000 as IE,',,", ‘ shall be issued, which said Detretsturesl shall bear ink-rest at the rate of 1 Four hm! onehait per ccntum per an- nan, and which said Debentures shall be sited by the Mayor of the said Town of Waterloo and by the Trtasur- pr thereof, and the Clerk shall attach! thereto the Corporate hleal of the said Municipality. 1 2. That the said Debentures shall be payable at the omce of the Treas- urer of the said Town of Waterloo, on the First day of February, one in oath year for the next succeeding Twenty years commencing with. the year L'lil, mil shall vach he Tor $230.63 the aggregate autumn pay- able in each of the said Twenty years for principal and interest at, the rate aforesaid. AND WHEREA§ the lmount of the existing Debenture debt ot the said Corporation, including me Local Im- provement Demure ttetrt, is $321,- 098.99, and no pascal“ at interest is in are“; ' _ “I!” n b also! was“ to I“ .0 III ot - to [any tor u (Inn-l FR 'trrthaattd brthn “Web “In. at “I Town at Indian; um mug no: a. pupa. Moe-td " I!!! he ml" lot the Omit“. d m mu Town to If an m Mn- " all h - . dsbttoaenatottrsto' 83M» laminate: mum“. and such debt at! the [Johanna to be {we there [or shall in - in Tran years " the tnrtheet time from the day on wild this Br-taw taken cam. AND “mums it will mum the mm d ”30.83 to he raised annually " ‘5 ”acid rate lor paying the said debt - Inter-t; Atf1t.WHERR'As the amount of the M"‘ninhlo property ot the said unkind“! 'teetseeamito the last Ile- vhed Assessment Roll 0! the said 'etm1tiie!ifr_itAe_saun at tM32015; igwmouu: muslin or ‘i‘muuu you use 10 "luv you A $NtAVBL m- W BY m not rdibeim ow, m m or " ur-mo, This tty-taw shall tale effect on First day of February, LI). 1910. iiiiii,'iii,ili'i,iji"ii'i'ij" f,"!',","))."""" Auction Sale j NOTH‘E (‘lnlt Mayor -cratmn and whrrh will he finally passed hy thr Mrmicitrat Council of thr Corporation of the Town ol Wa- terloo in thr rrvnl ul Hm assent at the Honors being (blamed thee Lt, the Electors living nhlainrd thereto. atter mo month from (he first, publi» cation lhorrul in Chronicle-Tv/apt, nowspapc-r, such first puhliration tm- lug (m the ninth of Ih'rrrrthpr, 1mm, and that at the hour, day and plans Bred Mr taking the votes of thr, l-Ilm'lors the polls will he held. l laws! will be held in the r.Neth, odist rhnrrh'. Waterloo, on Thursday, ”1le UN. 91h, commrne'm: at, frvr, n'rlnck in the afternoon, 1""le tho nuspim‘s of thrs Ladies' Aid of ttte dumb. A Dumb supp” WI" hr gnu ed, mmprismg hot Mum's anrtrork and bums, in addition to other nu treshmrhis. Articles (onlprisinz homemade cooking will also he o'.tvr, ml tor sale. A musiml program will hr rvndcrpd and an ortloyahle (Writing is assured. The admission will be In on“, H eration and Wind! will The meeting elected Mayor Weider, hammer President nf tlu- ttrganiza- tion and Mr. Thos. Hilliard was appointed Leader " the Govcrn- mrttt and Mr. Weideriramrner, Leader ot th:, orrro;itirn. Thr mrrnht'rship kc will be Mc a yea r The organization will tw known as the Waterloo Mock Parliament and meetings will br, held vac-h Thurs- day of the week unless the Library “all is engaged. The first rvgnlar meeting will be held next Friday owning, the hall being engaged for the previous trvenine. '- A meeting was held in the Water- loo Library Hall to organize 3 Mock Parliament, the purpose of which is to afford an opportunity especial- ly to the younger men at praetice in speaking and the debating or subjects which will not only increase their store of knowledge but develop the ability lo speak on their feet, whith is not the easiest task as many will testify. It Will also foster broad mindedness in the views held an var- ious subjects. This is a move in. the right direction and all young men should avail themselves of the opportunity to broaden their In N- ledge and learn the rules ot parlia- mentary procedure. 3 Shaun plows No. 21, the new; set S-uction iron barrows, largo cut- ting box with carriers, 2 sets boh- sleigh: in good condition, 2 cutters nearly new; wlgon nearly new; 2 iron cushion tire buggy, tAtorse democrat, axle truck wagon I,top buggy, new large sugar beet box, large gat hay rack, hay rack, 2 gravel boxes. 3 sets double harness. 3 sets otsin- gle harness (1 nrw); 2 sets brass mounted double harness, iron kettle with furnace, box stove, good heater; new Massey-Harris cream separator, grain bags, blankets, robes, double. trees, nu'kyokrs, forks, Show hoes, and many other articles to ttttwr. ous to mention. , TERMS-Grain, pigs and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months" credit will be given on approved joint nun-s at 5 Positively no reserve as the proprie tor has sold his farm. ROBERT BRICKNELL, Auctioneer A .- Freeport. “rt cent per annum' nit lor cash pay- moms of credit amounts. ISAAC GOOD, Proprietor GRMsN.-100 hush-ls of oats, a1teClll0 byshels oi mixed grain. PiG.9--Hrood sow, 5 pigs six weeks old by time ot salv. iMPLFCMrlNTs.-Nvw Massey-Harris hinder 7 It. cut, Deering mower, Mas.. sey-Harris med drill, new t,wo4torse com cultivator, Deiender riding plow No. 21, good as new; side delivery rake (Massey Harris make); Maxwell hayloader, cultivator, iron land roller CAYTLE.r--hreey cow due to cum January ttith, has): cow. cow ditto calm February 15th, vow dug to tralve February 28rd, cow he to only: in March, Jersey cow, fresh 8 weeks, Durham grade cow Indy 8 weeks, 3 Durham grade cows, he“ about 3 months. HORt9BtF-t5orret horse riding 8 yearn old (good delivery hone); bay mare ' rear. old (good driver), tray mare rising 5 years (weight 1100); bar horse rising " you: (1400 lbs); bay how a years old, weight 1200 lbs; mutant mate rising " years. (weight 1300 lbs); chestnut mate ris ing 4 years old, weighs "oo It». it; tll'. a " trams Suck antMatNemettts Eamon Sale inn it sold " WW - th- rhe mm a the WW. In to-hir ot Waterloo, on: all: we“ at PM, on the {out lending (tom Preston to Balm. on commencing " 1 o'clock p.m., sharp; the [allowing valuable property, 'iz., Tue my. MOCK PARLIAMENT Ft Ttlt S. KUMI’F. Clerk tt Ituy your Kid Gloves or ludirs' norltwoar lor Christina; " Went-loin & Co., Berlin. A 'teat drrornk-d box with every pun-Mae for the “king. The farmer who tries to run Ms farm without a tarm paper is nan, doing, himself or his [arm junk-1'. Take the CttroniNe-Trlegraph for the local "awn, am in addilinn tw Borp and add Thr, “Wkly Mutt to your list M trading lor thr, coming yrar. llrlp- tul-that is what you will say It ls, and you will never want lo Fe with. out it. ()nly $1.85 tor both papers. be responsible lor the skid assetsrtor any person ot whose claim notice shall not have been received. Datrrl 4th December, 1909. AMOS WEBER, Assigns, And notice is further given that alter the first day ot January, 1910, I shall proceed to distribute the u- svts of the said estate among the persons entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims ot which notice shall have been received, and will not A meeting ot his creditors will be held at the once of James C. Haight, Solicitor, Waterloo, Ontario, on Thursday, the sixteenth day ot Dec- ember, 1909, at two o’clock P. M., for the purpose of receiving a state ment of his attairs, appointing in- spcetors, and giving directions with reference to the disposal of the cs~ tate. All persons claiming to be entitled to rank upon the said estate are nvquirvd to furnish to me particulars or their cfaims, proved " required by the said Act, on or below the said date. Notice is hereby given that Daniel B. Weber, ot the Township of Woot- wich, in the County of Waterloo, Farmer, has under the provisions ot Chapter 147 ot the Revised Statutes ot Ontario, 1887, made an assign- ment to me ot all his real and Iter- sonal estate, credits and meets, tor the general benefit ot his creditors. IN THE MATTER or DANIEL D. WEBER, ot the Township ot Wool- wich, in the my 9! Waterloo, 'rvrttts-A2raitt, mangels, chickens, get-so, and all sums ot 10 dollars and under cash, over that amount 12 months' credit on approved joint notes, or 4 per cent. on tor cash payments of credit amounts. Notice to Creditors der, a It. on; Bunion! mower. spring tooth dunk-tor. Iced drill, _ mum; been“ by tube, " It. (nearly new). Und toilet, 3 wagons, truck wagon (nearly m), Vim- ttox, pair bob thigh- tttratty new), buggy road Cart, an; Now, 1 sin- gle plows, thrmrttection iron tar- row, two-section iron borrow, har- row, 2 smaller: (one nearly . new). wood rack, hay rack, two acts gavel planks, he} lurk with rope: and balms, tanning mill. root pulper, ‘slraw cutter, quantity ot lumber, set team harness (nearly new),' new plow harness, " n. ladder, water trough, scalding trough, milk N bot, drain tools, stone hammer, Irledge, crowhar, logging chains. grain bags, whitRetreets, neckyoke,, lurks, shovels, hoes, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Household Eltecta--Extemsior, table, bureau, cooking stove, meat tub, iron kettle, c/der barrel, bench. Grain, Etc.-gi00 bus. oats, 30 bus mange“. Pip, "e,te.-a brood sows; Bow due torubrurt-otiei8ttm" up posed whet-pig; 11 pig-about. a ”glam (pm and n unit at clutch-I. t reirs old, , “can 3 ”In all. and ' _ttrtutq_eai".. - Commencing u t B'etoth pm. thin. the lollovm‘ valuable property, Tis- "orsmr-Agod bar mu annual to be in toat, , good worth; tonal. Cattle, Ete.-4 good any can; cow due to who in Jun; a cow: Nippon-1 to bail: can; We! This will to do" by w m. on the In. a “a W. u all.- Iorthvcn cl Vanna. d all. mule.“ at Wu. ulna-ll. esat at Ext-ville, on Farmer, Insolvent. ED. 11UEHN,Nnedrt AUGUST Tntutoo, Proprietor, No resis as the km is sold. lmlllcmll, Eu.- mom bite Auction Sate n:- ”(zit-m J . MICK US, Auctioneer A Bargain Waterloo, Ontario MINES» C, IIAIGIIT. Ml-gt A ssignriN Solicitor, Waterloo, Ontario 49.2t Jan. n.-.Fiirit stock, and imph> ments of Valentine Schneider, 1 mile north of Crosahill tr' ‘w ,ty Jan 18--Farm stock and implements ot John Eisenbach,‘ 3 miles cut of Breslau and " 'miles north ot Kossuth. I . Reb.HF-frarm stock and implements ot Mrs. Sam Brenner, one ball mile east of St. Clements and one hall mile west d Heidelberg. Dee. tW-para, stock and Iaqar- ments of August Thuroo, one mile east or Erbsvt0e and 41 miles north- west of Waterloo and " miles qotttte east of Heidelborg. Dec. M-- Farm dock ttttd imple- ments of Daniel Each,, 6 miles north. west of Elmira and 5 miles south- east of Hon, at Fenland. Dec. 21m - and imple- Great Reduction SaleQE 'ttgtk . , ri-: "tr' )2: ,-" Ladies Boats and Furs i ments ot "my Y.9ttrnmer, " In. cs northwest o! Waterloo, 3 min; southeast of gauge“. _ " _ ALBERT J. MICKUS, Auction". De. H.»Fum stock md imple- menus or Mrs. Geo. Huchn, a; miles northwest of Bumbag and 2 mil- e: southeast ot (fro-shill. Dec. 15.-Nrrn atom and imptm meats ot Moses Beating", 8 miles northwest. at Waterloo, 4 miles south of St. chobs. Dec. UPI-m Itock and imple- ment: ot Jacob Hotstetter, Lot 6, $8fdee'1fhmd, north, Petersburg. T'ERMs1.--Pitars and all snuius oi 810 and under, cash; over that amount. " mommy credit on approved joint Bot- es or 4 per cent ott tor cash par- mcnts of credit amounts. HENRY V. KUMMER, Proprietor. A. J. MICKUS, Auctimecr. 49-”. not with Belting in good working order; Hussy-Hum bin-Jet I it. out, Spring tooth with-tor (nearly new). by rake (nearly new), wagon Igith Fox, buggy pole, pair bob sleigh- with wide bolsters, cutter (nearly new), buggy tnearly new), road cart, hone carriage, aprn buggy, twoturrow pug plow, 2 single plows, Hun-ow mlord plow, kscction iron barrow, (at-oily new), root putper (mrly new), scale: capacity 1000 lbs, set carriage nnruss, Bet team ham-u (new), sot plow harm-u it"! my other articles too numerous to men- lion. No rcsenje as proprietor Is retirind from farming. ‘ CATTLE, Eit.-a and. em.- Holudl our 1m tr time at lab. 3 to" III. h an". in It]. (or do: to a)": in Jungian!“ to eat" in July. t 'rteemr8 yea: old, t grade boiler: 1 year old (veil bred); use: 1 year old. hello: 1 yea WMDM a. I”. commend-g " I 0‘“ p... in". “5.121933.va mam. an, 039. .8 spring chum, 5 pig) 2 with HORSES-89ml bot-l ”one“ (goddamn-null din nib: about cl “emu. no: [mitot- hlotl. Inland-n yar- an bad It “I! lay Jr. Thumb-HUI“? Us thud h u at?” monk-mun ate tteeitl-od Patsetttrce.s- DIPLEMENTS. mama lupu- lawman! Mltmolt SALES All the new.“ and but Ceylon trt spools! reductions. Lulu-3' loo-o hack Costa. epoch! It " “.50 and .10. [Adi-f mum». Com, would at -ateat tio and an. F [Adlai titto bitch Cook. in Ute but 'heh _1ettytrus. worth at And cyfihe gamma . 'tiiirtopiiirori" “a, nu. us vac nu" Others reduced to “1.50, "I and “‘30. Fur lined coda " m med m Sim foe " from " to " gear. Edged. p150. ranging from w. , to Women’s Coats colored and link out. Mao-d In ioo, " kinda all lint. mm... from “so, a to ii" Young Girls' Coats Thursday, Duo. 9th until Christmas The 'u'eitah; fine and mild Weather _ during November has left us with a eavier stock of Mandes and urs then is desirable at this season, hence this great reduction sale from PM collu 8. B. Briiollkerathi, , a DIFFERENT STYLES ( all are exclusive design: and conlined to us for Waterloo. Ladies' Mantle: $7.00 up to $25.00 Children's and Misses lliantles The cuts shouts are two of our newest' designs-CIO show - . selected with extreme are to give lain; service and win retain “good looks in]: Its-Ion tom-on Ind as regards primam store in Canada . can give better vilue--aualitr the quality. n ihiliiriA Goats and Bearskin Coats $2.00 up to 810.00 in Navy, Brown, Green, Black, Taupe, Fawn and Grey, from From Attte Till christmas can“ " 0mm. .19. a) We! min away. In buyi has you know f,',"d'i'2ir' who you 1","t,'ll,'l, with md__thc_ -reaeonsittilitt but of tlid mm, am me _reaPoruttttltt but of an 1:131:32 Tte Mantle. we it have his) 32min. our. - . "H "TGFreif"'* money, with egi"rgjjii'i,t?i((ijii'tii'je will! [and quality. _\V_ a. 35m 'g your entire hthfaczioo ttte ll'llllrrll.'ii',lrrri';1tt, an? hit Kudos at Home link Marmot not. of Muff um! Tic. Worth “2 w for no. Mutt and Tie- worth :15 for “2. link Kumot Wols- worth .lO hr " 50. Worth I” 60 for 810. link Marmot Math, " " .8, M to 8.50. Huh able Ruth. reg. “260 M. _ 09.75. Mut- Bable Rum rag. £17.80 tor 318 96. Alain Bahia 1','l,'hdpt .1360 for .15. Abate Sublo ', as. no for "7.50. Mink Marmot [ I'll! tum-M come- " (and Ham to many who no buying {on for Obi-ulna. We any. show a. but vane in (an and with than n- ductloul they An good buying. -- Sable Furs Furs for-ha Lamb Bob to 825. I”, N to "link Set... upecinl at m. a, m h " ll; Hummus Furs Eiii)

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