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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 9 Dec 1909, p. 3

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* The Mercantile Fire‘ ‘/‘_In all shades an trimmed to suit «/ your tastes, Studionâ€" George Street Waterlot E::«:l;relqnph Building, King Streeo m. fTonor Graduate Toronto Conrerveâ€"| Youcannot recover prompily if your bowels are constipated. Ayer‘s Pills are gentiy reary of Musik. ! ative; act directly on the 1i cr. Sold for nearly gixty years: Ask your doctor all abson ty # Pupile prepared for examination a Tcronto Comservatory of music and Toronto Univeraity, _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Remember the address, The New Felt Hat with broad rim for girle. The Misses Fehrunbach INCORPORATED 1875 Head Office â€" Waterico Subscribed Capital........ _ 250,0000 Deposit with the Dominion Government ............ .. $117,140, All policies guaranteed by the Londos snd Lancashire Insurance Company with Assets of $16,306,638, â€" Altréd Wright, Secretary T. H. Hall, Inspector C. A BORHM District Agent . ‘Waterloo, Ont. Phone 249. Newest,‘Nattiest, Neatest "NAUTIC" â€" TEACHERS OF PIA NO ORCA+N 2 ND THEORY # have received a large shipment of quisite ! New Street Hats Insurance Company iss A. R. Bean Miss E. L. Bean, CASTER XEDICDSE 00., Â¥BW Toar. bul M insd bus Aml Prics easy to take, Oneor t eetirgs Office, Waterloo Mutual Bulding King St. Business Office 249, House 209. usiness solicited for (first class Companies. â€"__ _C. A. BOEHM General Insurance Agent, Bardessor to Buckberrough . Co. Ts the bane of so many lives that here 23 King St., Berlin, rter‘s Litfle Liver email and 23 KING ST. EAST -fl.l l'..'x:lga- llull.h pills valn> way hey w wil n&-‘.'&nlhnm.-l almost w-mâ€" to those fromel ng pompisiay unerks owels. verifthey ouly here is where is cureit while Ladiea who lave teen suffering Irom broken steels in their corâ€" sete will find a‘porfect fitling corset with unbreakable Spirelle boning _A Speciaitg of Velvets, Silks and all kinds of _‘ ancy Dress Trimmings. =â€"_â€"__Mre. Steuermngc l as just rcturned from the City havirg picked up the latest American uovelties and with the well equipped staff is now prepared to make the most stylish and upâ€"toâ€"date head wear ever shown in Water‘oo. | , The following Grand and Petit jurors â€" responded to the rollâ€"call:â€" Grand Jurers. ) Jcbn Adams, St. Clements. Thos. Alison, N. Durfries. l Gro. Berphardt, Galt. ! _ Geo. B. Barric, N. Dumfries. Aaron B. Bock, Wilmot. John Flynn, Hespeler. Wim. Gourlay, Galt. Levi Graybill, Waterloo. Frank Haight, Waterloo. Robt. Morton, N. Dumfries. Geo. B. Oberboltzer, St. Jaco‘s. ;i _ N. Peltz, Preston. ' M. Wildfang, Berlin. Nee Oe Emt £2 MCY T MVRITY AVER T Lamnt the place of a doctor. It is a doctor‘s aid. Made for the treatment of all throat and lung troubles. Ask your own doctor his opinion of it. Follow his advice. Do you know a remedy for coughs and colds nearly seventy years old? ‘There is oneâ€"Ayer‘s Cherry Pect:rfla{ Once in the family, it stays. It is not a doctor, does not take Mrs. C. Steuernage! The most imerestiny case of _ the assizes, that of Absalom Merner vs. Valentine Ratz, will not be reached, it is â€"expected, until Wednesday mor;â€" The Courtâ€"rcon was filled with jur ors, witmesses cnd spectators and keen interest will te taen in the procécdâ€" ings. of Justice commenced sharp at . one a‘clock _ ou Menday â€"with His Lordâ€" ship Chief Justice Sir Glenhoime Falconbridge presiding. ~OQwing _ to ths illness of Sherit Motz, the duâ€" ties were performed by, . Govermor Coo in an impressive manner. Mr. F. J. Roche, of Torouto, is ths Crown Prosecutor. . John Evers, Galt. Charles Eix, Wellesley. Jchn Frank, Wellesley. Wilkiam Forler, Welestcy. William Gibson, Wellesicy. J. B. Gilliland, Waterloo. Alicn Glaister, Welleslcy. Victor Herric, St. Clements. Andrew Heipel, Wellesley. Fred B. Hughes, Waterloo. Herman Hans, Waterloo. Charles McNaught, N. Dumfrics Geo. L. Mussclman, Woolwich. John McCormick, Waterloo. William Meisel, Freeport. David Newstead, Waterloo Tp. John O. Reid, Ayr. The fall sittings of the High Court ol Justice commenced shard at â€" one o alcohol in this cough medicine. James Bell, N. Duinfries. Wiltiid Brodrecht, New Hamburg Wellington Becker, Wilmot. Charles Bullock, Wilmot. Herbert Carter, Galt. Robt K. Cowan, N. Dumfries. Allen Deans, Gak. James Dewar, Wellesley. Andrew Eidt, Wellesley. Gust F isenmenger, Wellestey, Just a few rubs with cloth or brush brings a mirrorâ€"like shine that ‘‘you can See your face in". And the shine lasts ! Most dealers handle and recomâ€" mend ‘"Black Knight" Stove Polish, If your dealer cannot supply it, send 10c. for a big canâ€"sent postpaid. THE F.F. DALLEY C?. l-lm, ‘‘Black Knight" takes all the hard wori and dirty work out of stove polishing. * It‘s a pasteâ€"so there is no watery mixture to be prepared. ' Has the "Black Knight‘‘ come to your home ? Let him show you the uick and éasy way to shine 31& stoves. Tam{ilton, Ont. 18 Makers of the famons "2 in 1" Shoo Pofiah. or Coughsâ€" T ake This MILLIN ER Y Petit Jurors Attendance of J Lawyers at the Fall A nasket of applesâ€"Mrs. C. J. Martin Two baskets peachesâ€"Mrs. Gcorge Lippert. Hall a venisonâ€"Mrs. Carl Muelier. Basket of pearsâ€"Mr. J. B. Hughes. Old linenâ€"Mrs. Herman _ Boehmer | and Mrs. A. B. Pollock. ‘The Hospital is in need of a supply of old linen and bedding and parties desiring to send donations of this kind are requested * to notify the Lady Superintendent and they _ will be sent for, ® Mrs. Bowman, Lady Supcrintendent of the B. & W. Hosp{tal, desires _ to acknowledge with thanks the followâ€" ng list of articles recefved at the institution during the month of Novâ€" ember:â€" * Wheelâ€"chairâ€"Mrs. W. H. Breithaupt. Magazinesâ€"Friend. Basket of applesâ€"Mrs. C. J. Martin Two baskets peachesâ€"Mrs (Iearca ‘MERNERâ€"RATZ CASE MAY _ | BE TRIED BY JURY At the Fall Assizes on . Monday Chiet ~Justice Falconpridge, in â€" reâ€" viewing the list of cases on the docâ€" ket, stated that he was «isposed to transfer the Mernerâ€"Rat# case from the nonâ€"jury list to tho jury _ list. Mr. E. W. Ciement, who appeared {lor the defendant, had no objection, but as Mtr. Fisher, of Alliston, _ for ‘the plaintiff, was not present, it will not be decided whether this interestâ€" ing case will go to the jury or not. The case of Davidson vs. Egerton was withdrawn. â€" The Anderson vs. the North Blenâ€" heim Mutual Fire Insurance Co. â€" acâ€" tion was transferred until the next nonâ€"jury sittings of the High Court. DONATIONS ‘ FOR HOSPITAL M. A. Secord, J. M and others. Mr. Geo. R. Barr appointed â€" foreman Jury. Albert K. Din‘e vs. Daniel Ratz, assignee of Estate and effects _ of the Elmira Upholstering 101 1LAd., . Richard Arderson, the lnspvlef\ c! Prisons and Public Charitics vs.* Th North Blenhsim Farmers‘ Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Absalom Merner vs. Valentine Ratz. Stecier Lithographic Co., vs. The Cntario Seed Co., Ltd. J The Parkin Elevator Co. vs. The Wellington Ilotel Company, Ltd. Dencan Murray vs. Maggie Houseâ€" man ct al. © Among: the legal gentlemen in atâ€" tendance at the opening were Messrs. F. J. Roche, Toronto; C. L. Dunbar, Guelph; J. M. Godfrey, Toronto; w. â€"M. Reade, K. C., E. w. Clement, J. A. Scellen, H. J. Sims, â€" Berlin; M. A. Becord, J. M. Jamiegon fialt King vs, McDowall, +«J. A. Butler, A. Hunsberger, _ J. Hahn, Herman ~S. Shan‘z, John Hunsberger, D. J. Steinman and J. B..0. Schmidt vs. Frederick Daub; Adam T. Davidson vs. George E. Egerton. JUSTICE € MENCED MONDAY Village of New Hamb Hamburg Manulacturibg Ltd. order:â€" ihe various jury and nonâ€"Jury . cas es will be taken up in the followin 5 weqo . n‘ 200 O TL CIEZE DT "NOW numes *te. & : P r without their having to submit to indell. â€"â€"John H. Rodger, Preston. questionings and offeasively repugâ€" "‘m. l;l‘:’.‘r 'ool;ieb.l Ts * au‘m â€" nthony l’m' ‘aterlo0 â€" Sick women invited consult Fiere letter . ml?“‘: Reist, Wl;'l"i;om'?i Ait %&Ifld‘:‘; -ln‘?.;‘nig-tz. AA::-'M’:'-PM . A. RoBald, N. Dumfries. Medical â€" V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buflalo, N. Y. Aaton Stager, Hespeler. ‘De. Pisec#‘s Gasat Famr Docror iool,_'l\- ‘Peopie‘s Common Sense Graves Sugb, Winterbourne. Madical Adviser, newly revised upâ€"toâ€"da I Soug, ie * Noah Shi 'P € rh:‘dedw-umwM every woman, single or married, Ty, Preston. nflb about. Sent free, in plain w r to any address on receipt of Reuben Snyder, Woolwich. oneâ€"cent stamps to cover mailing only, or e eloth Ihdh‘ for 50 stamps. Amos Schiedel, Waterloo Tp. S esmmc cmaseus on emnes, Henry Shantz, N. Dumfries. 000 ooo enan C. M. C. Smith, Preston. BERLIN PASTOR SUBMITS ' SCHOOL REPORT Tevi Enyder, Woolwich. HIS RESIGNATION s ;liflb-:éogtx%t(i?:;‘o:o. Re,.oâ€"t of School Stction No. obert 4 € . en f tacle Menno Thoman, Berlin. The King St. Baptist cengregation | {0" the Month of }‘mflm“'f'. John WltnAbel. Berlin. was surprised on sm.y morning Sr. JV.â€"Venita Ro{thaetmel, H J. H. Wiederhold, Berlin. WPs shcir pastor, â€" Rev. _ J. . | bert Moser. Alvin Witty, Berlin. Marshall, submitted his _ resignation Jr. TV.â€"Clatence Stolts, Sebast John Waldschmidt, Berlin. to take effect at the “‘V the year, | Moser, Percy Snyder, Edna Rech Joseph Wuest, Berlin. and intimated that be had anronted s carr Ooo, 000 0o9 Zon se CE THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT q Continued Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. ade, K. C., E. w. Clemefii.: llen, H. J. Sims, â€" Berlin; ord, J. M. Jamieson, Galt, s. . â€" R. Bartic, of Galt, was List of Cases Jury Cases New Hamburg vs. New on Page 4 of the Grand Company, The funcral of Miss Mary ‘Schy oo who died of appendicitis in thivcaco, took place at St. Mary‘s Chur h here Thursday motming. The decensed was 45 years of and is | sur.ived \y three !to\h& _ Awo staters, HMarâ€" f‘orses Come to Stay. Last year the entrics numbered 5,â€" 100; this year they will be increased by at least 35 per cent. in every de partment except that of swine. En tries fot horses are so great that on» third of these exhibits will have to he stabled _ outside the fair buildings. At the annval show of the Hors Breeders‘ Association in Toronto la i year the entrics numhered 175; th ; have increased to 240 this year. ho Horse Show becames a permanent pa;t of the Winter Fair this vear. [Câ€"C€2 and lasis till next Friday, will bave rxhibits of dairy products, seeds and _ jndging, along with five | staâ€"k. Lectures on live stock breedinz _ and progressive farming will also be givâ€" on by experts. mination for stcady betterment _ of live stock has resultcd in giving Onâ€" tario equality with any and all seeâ€" tions of the world that are famous for the brecding of live stock; and at the same time has become an invalâ€" vable aid to the progress and wealth of the Province. _ Ten years ago | the live stock of Onfario had a value . of £139,080,000; to day it has a value of $225,000,000 . The _ Fair, which this toâ€"day and Jasts till next have exhibits of dairy or Guelph, Dec. 6.â€"It bas taken a quarter of a century of persistenm rnâ€" thusiasm of live stock organization to deÂ¥elop the Ontario Provincial | Winâ€" ter Fair from an itinerant showheld i any old building, to a permanent exposition, in massive, wellâ€"equipped buitdings, which cost $70,000. _ Deterâ€" mination for stcady betterment _ of GUELPH WINTER FAIR OPENED ON MONDAY ; | "VLL GET THERE FiRST" _ :- CRiES GIRL . Mr. GotHlich Bettschen has jus! Ieturned _ from a long trip through (ireat â€" Britain, France, Switzerland, ltaly, Germany, Holland _ and Belâ€" gium. . Mr. Bettschen is a close obâ€" server and has many things of great interest to relate concerning the dilâ€" ferent customs, habits, practices, . ts the cities, as well as in the country places he visited. Interesting as the artistic scenes ate that can _ he |Seen in the big citics, unlike more interesting are the accounts given reâ€" lating to his many touis over _ the mounlains in Switzerland. â€" Noi saiâ€" isfied _ with the beautifu} sceneties seen in the â€" valleys of Fruitigen, Simmen, Emmen ard Walis Thaals, be scaled some of the high and rugâ€" ged mountains such â€" as the _ Jungâ€" frau, ’[‘scl;nigrllmhtighorrfi and _ the r(icmig Pass, visiteo some of the upâ€" Fermost Alps, sailed on many seas, and descended into dangerous caves. After _ cighteen weeks of cond inual travel Mr. Bettschen is again _ well preserved in our midst here in â€" New Dundce, and says, consideting everyâ€" thing, comparing the different advanâ€" tages as well as disadvantages careâ€" fully between all the dificrent counâ€" tries visited by him, there is nmn-f better and some not as good as this Province of Ontario for the common people. _ In manly TespPects we ar«-' ahead of the old world. 1 uO LOmCCCD â€" AHHZNE, "I‘ll get there first," _ started to cross. _ Whether she became excited or what happened nobody seems to know, but she was struck, and when she was picked up she was dead. ' WHAT A NEW DUNDER «_ ARTIST SAW IN EUROPE _ The King St. Baptist congregation was surprised on Sunday morning when their pastor, Rev, _ J. “2 Marshall, submitted his _ resigna: to take effect at the end f the year, and intimated that be had accepted the unanimous call of the Point St. Charles _ Baptist church, Montreal. Rev. Mr. Marshall has been pastor of the local congregation for _ six and a hall years and bas. given earâ€" rest and faithful service. His â€" reâ€" moval will be greatly regretted, not only by his flock, but by the citi; zens of Berlin and Waterloo generalâ€" ly, by whom he was highly cstcemed. Woodsloch} Ont., Dec Horses Come °_ on o mee We s ‘““" $ AZ \? t (% Does not take into consideration the one essential to wom» sefbt Rome® who neairett 1X hesith is woman w e ‘% . Bomstty bauith vihen fast e 1et44,7e2 may geneciily be DIED IN CHICAGO y This Prescription has, for orver 40 years, been curing delicate, weak, painâ€" wracked h acy without their having to submit to indel!â€" IN VERY POOR year avens The NI Favorite Berlin 10 stop any pain in 20 minutes, take one of Dr. Shoop‘s Pink Pain Tablets. See formula on the _ box. Ask your Doctor or Druggist about this formula. It can‘t be bettered. Womanly pains, bead pains. any bain Shantz Class 11.â€"Orpah Shantz, Martin, Mary Weber, _ Lona Tilman Martin, Elias Snyde Shuh, Alfred Martin. Class 1.â€"Gilbert Snyder, Etast, _ Wendel Brubacher man man Jt. 11.â€"Benjamin Snyd Martin, Edwin Martin. Part ILâ€"Orval Weber. Scheifele, Aden Martin, Sr. 111. â€"Fanny Snyder, Hannah Martin, Neuton Weber, _ Benjamin Sauder, Moses Shantz, Omar Snyder, David Snyder. Jr. HI.â€"Nda Bauman, _ Jesse B. Martin, Jesse Martin, John Snyder, Elam Martin. n Sr. II.â€"Barbara Gingrich, _ Lorne Weber, Orphen Weber, Edwin _ Bauâ€" dr. IV.â€"Susannah Gingrich, Leanâ€" der Bauman, Lucinda Martin, â€" Nora Weber, Gordon Clemmer and â€" Milton Scheifele, Ephraim Snyder, Elton se a" PE W ! School Section No. the Month of 3 Sr. H.â€"Winnifreda Kuntz, Coocclia Moser and Clayton Bartz eqral, Avon Â¥nyder, Henry KJachi. Jr. T. â€"Netue Bechtel, Irons Kesse) ting, Annie Strebel, Omar Rudy, Porâ€" cy Harlock. St. 1.â€"Clifford Schicfele, _ Rilina Moser, Vera Schicfele, Harold Roth aermel. Sr. HIâ€" Martha Kceinhofd, Fischer, I non Harlock, Lizsic Kesselting. Jr. 1.â€"Ida Spyder, Abnor Vera Kesselring, Edward Bender Reoâ€"t at School Stction No. 8 for the Month of November. . ... ; Sr. _ JV.â€"Venita Rothaetmel, Herâ€" bert Moser. Jr. TV.â€"Clatence Stoltz, Sebastian Moser, Percy Snyder, Edna Rechtel. Jr. lll;('lara Kesselring, Vollmar, Rahe} Ridy, Sarah Irene Strebel. 11 A. J. GABEL SCHOOL REPORT Grace I Weber, _ Lona Shant?, , Elias Snyder, Vera EMMA L. EBY r or Druggist about It can‘t be bettered. bead pains, any pain ief. Box of twenty Weber, Melvin Bauâ€" 21, Waterloo, for November. Ontario Belle â€" Willson, va Harlock, Ver Bechtel, _ Annic Wing, Teacher 2Cr, Sold _ by Teacher Hannah George Melda Earl Sole Rudy, Eileen Rudy , W anless | Phone 97 9 m'om family. tl;t‘)'lr‘,"’rhgliil’;’in';;'e-x‘o;fit'lo‘n-:ll;"nvl;:.flm for all house~ old purposes. e buy sell, we exchange and trade. We guaran air treatment with courtesy. * teed These mills have been renovated and made upâ€"toâ€"date in equipment for the milling of high class flour and feed, tor custom chopping and oat crushing We want your wheut, oats and batley and are always buyers, paying the highest market valaes We always have bran, middlings, meal, corn, cotnâ€" chop, ccr?entng-“, ote. ‘?rnkhnnd and selling at right pricos. Alsa ala _ PC Somreindntne. ut nIEa 1. Flour! Grain! Feed! 26 King St, West BERLIN, ONT. Mus‘c Store Dealer Sausage Machines ai Sausage Stuffers _ KING ST, BBRLIN, _: UND C o y NDERT AKINGâ€"Special attention this line of bust «raee onl c ooeornen on r. Our Prices are Ris s Aavings |£§ at all Branches \ 4 Waterioo Ont., Uranoh, . Jano! ~â€" We will store any furniture Tor}Xmas. delivery. Mas 65 Branches in 4# The largest stock of Pianos.jin Waterloo County, &# The onlyjWarerooms in Ontarioithat keep in stock t__. FIVE different makes of Pianos. i Easy termsiof payment, Call or write for catalogue, Agent forthe White Sewing Machine. THE® Pianos and Organs Select Xmas.â€" 29 Queen St., South. The Simpson Retall Dealer in Hardware, Paint, Stoves, Pipe fitting. King St., B COYE OLD HEINTZMAN & The Heintzman & Co Piano ‘"A thing of beanty'and a joy forever." Excells any pianol I have everuse.â€"Albani. are being offered at reas Lard cans also kept in stock. IRVIN MASTER, Prop. A GBNRRAL :BANKING GEO. E. POT Capital p.wm‘j w Rort‘l"und Cavd sis City Mills, Berlin Sold in Waterloo County F. G. Gardiner 214 Queen St., South r order now for a 28 lb. box bestlaaw nnin.m new shipment about Dec. Ist at 6§c per lb Established 1872. HALLMAN‘S Over 4000 , CALL AND CET catAoede No Entertainment on earth COMPLETE STOCK OF NEW LATEST , Berlin. DOUBLE RECORDS y 'Ijinwm Pll!l.lpil' m‘:; Sole Dealers in DOMINION BELL & CO. MORRIS WILLIS PIANOS like a Berlin, Ontario. Berlin, Ont. 141.

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