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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 9 Dec 1909, p. 9

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no pity-u. mm alarming. Men toe Lriiyi"l.rr';'lT, 'ii'i1.'i'r"h,i Ink too. " you f huh. It you NJ you who an om. think }Muu Max... In, I!» In. Ml! 5m hurl“. An don" own your on“ . tt '0". W1. nmtnnhy. Roma pmh I bl lla- grunt?! M “my. Soul-I a What. I!» In aw but. of a a m am living n. Zinger appealed against income tax on 3400, claiming they recpixtu1 no income. " 'hey furnish a0idaotts ttu. appea-l will he sustained. The appeal of the Kaufman lluer Co., was not sustained. Tlu. asses» sun was fixed at $10,M0 two ymls Wemxors put " at $42, on" new. n “Wu-Mi, To how Pb i'h'llifi1ll'fi'Trl',t'l,T'?uelr, use but In Itaiitt the 'etqtrtIrt "--tttrrr GGK. cl a. any trthW That'- mun bun-u. [ In why = In ttlion Punt-Na. human." ml: (Inna; 2'l,1 mm"; I? out . n e . Pstue.1rly2esteti.), A an 0- leo or m 3Tm this year Stop That Cold To chock cud, mm. or on”. with "W0“ mm undo on Mr Pneumonh. To Mott I sold with an n as" than to In It run And In oh“ 291.“ awm; To tug-r9. Pb Mr. Geo. Rumpel's appeal income assessment was not ed. Dear Sir.-Retrtrriag to our tax clips, we would my»: to have. you take up the matter ot relund ot tax- _ as paid tor current year which is ex- cessive and should be minced to the . basis ot 85000 as promised us at the 1 time ot u's building here We would l also be glad to have the Court“ I make a ftxed assessment to avoid the t necessity of making a refund earn! year, which has been very', unsatisfactory tot us inasmuch that when locating here, we were I promised a "at rate tor ten years on the basis of $5000, and as the assessment is made yearly, we find ‘hat our assessment is being grad- ually raised each year. We have been raised train the basis of $5000 to 39,600. We Iecl that after the pro- mise ot the Mt rave ot $5000 hav- ing‘ been made us as an inducement at a time when Wu were considering location, should justly be lived up to try the town, as we hate carried out our contract and given employment to nearly one hundred skilled methan- ics, with lull time, and see no reas- n why the town should not I live up to their promise. We would l be glad to have some definite un- Mtudilg whereby we might know I just when We are at. and whether l It is the intention of the Council to ' continue to increase our assessment trom you to year, or do they intend to keep laid. with the promisuhaml- a ‘ed out to us at the time we locah'd a In Berlin. I We place this matter in your hands I Mr. Geo. Sippel claimed hiriwtsss t ment on land and house on Clarence t shout was too high anda reduction p a! ttoo Watt made. s Preventics Revs. Jos. Schweitmr and Them was a long and animated discussion during which Md. Yornholtl and Mr. Anthea had a lively argu- me as to the Justice at exemptions. Tho Court frmuly decided.to tix a... building valuation at 810,000 instead ot $15,000, Aids. Dunks, Euler and McKay supporting the motion. Ald. Wilkinson wanloda lowvt rwuchiun, while Aid. Bornlmld wanted the ati- mmcnt sustained. Interior Hardwood Co. Clerk Millet read the following cum- munictuon iron: the Berlin Interior Hardwood Co., which is sell cxpla- natorr.- Mr. Anthea replied that this could be the cuss " some departments are over-crowded whllu in otherswmplay- urn could be supplied. He was op- poned to bonuses and would vote ag- ainst them, but he thought the town was adopting the proper method in outing minor concessions such as fu- ed assessments tor a term of years in order to compete with the larger cities that ham natural advantages to otter new industries. He asked the Court to carry out a: "good, honést, advantageous bargain'? made by the Council a few years ago. “I’ve been ittlortned that twelve ap- plicants were turned awny from one {manure factory in a week, there be, tng no employment tor them," Mr. Euler iotarrupted. m Hie of Ike law in hm behalf when the petition to permit the crec- tion of I. new furniture lactory was woman. The shim was not. - with in his case. The new industry In! liking the town to guarantee the bonds ot the firm, which is prac- ticllly a bonus, and he referred in “pin; the requisition an the groutsi that the present lumlture (anodes were unable to secure suneient help to cable them to work up to their lull enmity and another industry was unnecessary. n. Com (1 Revision concluded At the coma-Ia- d urea-nu- m and h muo- with a. - Chum W W “but to: ”amt the assessments tor the able "dt-tuit-e In I... " the “burned meaning on which the] mad the “in“. WM! dunno-n. L‘huirmm lc- The Com ot We. “all not Kay with! and no. Bornhold, Eu- up the -tion tld I“ 03%on In. bush and Wilkinson were pram-u Huber .ttotsu.0. as.“ a homo- Imat tho Huber appeal had been holder ot the house one! Bad m- ayo-u ot m wuss-meat ot the An- pied by In. _H. lover. 56 Sam. M Mahmud-1; t'o. w“ taken up Street, “a! “to: but!“ In. Mor- ud Mr. J. 8. Ann»: addressed the. a!" ”News the Com decided to Court at. some length. lle alluded vtke no action Bttd it Mr. Httber de to the communications in the press sure» to hen candidate tor the trtBr- W by Aids. Euler and McKay. oralty, H he h" intimated, it will He “(and particularly to the claim be may tur him to enter an M by the totater that the speshet "Y ',lf ".e2trd1eu,., n. n... an a! Anthea! Mfg. Co. what b, 'rlllrrlhttttr%hprhgtttt..t Fl"! tam: to be Is-it a} Householder. against swam lmwrls, help the liver, aid 1hr kid- noys, promote aigouvmn ano provrnt the mmin‘ a! union; sicknmm. 1housands of men have hem made sturdy And short-thoo- of wu- mcn have he; made “my and hats. " Mm? we or mnn'a mm. mm o Goes ttot how than in doing 'rithoret on oi ch - it"! “In to man... Pin-r3 "and" should know "awn-mm Pills-i, their power to keopthe syxlrm in good order, prPRerve the vigor of gin-Hons youth-in cheer and hrizhlvn old mar. They rrgulau- thr DOWNS. lwlp the liver, aid Ibo kid- nrys, promote dittestion ano prevent the mining M scrim"; names-m, Ions increase in this rnjmlnrny it is an ,statmshtd fact that in. rommumlirs where erhmn's arr mod, the lmnlllr and motalit tho runplv arp rnhanrnl. created this perversion, but its happy nngln along with the sober truth it suggests has made this vrrsc a hy- ttttrd with milllons ot pooplr. It Il- lustraiv‘s the great popuIanty in which "rerham'n Pills am held and' the Wondt-rlul gun] that thoy aw dw‘ ing. F'nVry yrttr allows a marvel- Rev. P. Cober appealed " .lsscssmmt on his residence pol street and a. reduction ot land value was granted. too high compared wilvh iiiriiiiiiirLii' properties. The asssmanta were sustained. Mr. J. A. Woolnrr. tvtrtr'etttirrtt the ('ompany, "addressed the in rt and stated that the [aolnzy “rs lo- cated in Berlin on the slrriiglli oi fixed assmsmt'nt and pointed out lhal the freight rates for the class of goods they manufacture was higher in Berlin than other points and it would he to the company's advantage to b. located in some other city as the dit- ference would enable them to tender at a lower figure than at present. In reply to Mr. Euler. Mr. Woolner expressed the opinion that aside trom the promise the assvssmont was lair and it was sustained by the Court. Other Appeals. The llrdllraupt Estate appealed up: aimrt the assrssmmil. or several re- siderxos on Lancaster shoot and the Bonk ol Nova Scotia block. Mr. w. H. Breilhaupt appeared tor the hs. tate and claimed the assoxsnwnl was "Yes," replied the nervous woman. Mr. Huber inlormvd the Court that hr possesses' the trout door key and can invite his triemis to meals when- over he desires to discuss municipal matters. . . The Court held that Mr. Huber was not a householder according to the Assessment Act and look no action on his appeal. Mr. Huber will enter another ap- peal betore Judge Chisholm. with a view ot having same taken up and satisfactorily adjusted. out?" A meat [may years mu, some was "Peace on t'terUt and mcrvy mild," Two tor man and cm tor child. ---3. E. Riser. --, My“... ...... “Wu, This answer apparently mauled Mr. Huber and he asked her "Haven't I the right to do what I like In the house, use the parlor and it I did not want you in ask you to get I Tho members ot the Court halted Mrs. Moyer many questions in order to ascertain who was in control, but could not get a satislactory an- swer until Ali. McKay put this quay, “Could Mr. Hutu-r order you out of the house, or could you order Mr. Huber out?" “011,1 could order Mr. Huber out if I wanted to," replied Ttloser, Mrs. Meyer remembered the dis- cussion regarding the garbage tax, but could not remember saying any- thing about Mr. llubcr's assessment. Assessor Buchhaupt was sworn and stated that when he called at Mrs. Moyer's house, the owner and her daughter were present when the former expressed her desire to be as- sessed on the property and did not want Mr. Huber to be assessed. She also objected to being assessed three times for garbage. v: on!) “WW. "Then he is entitled to a vote and should have it," Ald. Bomhold main- mined. In reply to Mr. Bornhold the _,wit- new stated that her son-in-law pays her 87.00 a month rent for a part of the house. z "Yes," replied the iitaess, "that's thy bargain pu madle “Wain't. it in the bum}. that I was to be head of the house?" Mr. Bulge: and 'rs. Meyer. _ Mt Wednesday “Mayor Huber pointed out that last year the Court of Revision threw out his appeal and he was placed on the list by Judge Chisholm. He “donned the Court that Mn. Mayer mu present ami' nsked that he: evidence he heard. .This privilege was granted. At the preview Icahn ot the Court the owner. Mrs. layer, was absent. and the evidence given by Amuse: Bstchhaupt, Countable Patch and Mayor Hahn shower that In. Meyer claimed that she did not mutt Mr. Huber to be assessed on her property. The Cottrt took no no- tion. 'obe_r_ appealed against the his resident; on Cha- ml that they arc " we'.htws a marvel- this rogrulnrny and Ills WORK olnvr. tvl re muting addressed the t O' rt the [artuzy tips io- nu the shrug“! ol and pointed out that thr in thv Pills y ot it - - . ' M. Dunc: If you sullcr from bleeding, itching, blind or rotruding Piles, send me our axing. and I will tell you {our to cure your- self at home by the absorption treatment; and will also send somr of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if n» quested. Immediate relief and permanent cur. usnrul. Send no money. but tell others of any”. Write todar to In. FILES CURED at HOME The one Liberal who scored a real- ly notable! victory was Mr. John Jar- dine on 1u'sequimalt, who damned an old Conservative war horse in the person ot H. D. Helmeken, k.C. The finals in the plebiscite for local op- tion are not yet obtainable, hut it is believed that an advnmo voie has 11mm cast. Librl‘nls are loud in com- plaint about machine methods. Money was poured like water, Ind in Victor- ian great number ot pluggars were voted. The IMrrservativrs an- wink braiing an over the Province “might with lorvlilighl, prm‘owinns. Talk on all side. is that this grcal victory will go tar to helping Mr. McBride in achieve his ambition to sttcrerd Mr. [lumen as Leader at the Fon- siwrval‘irn party in Canada. In the last lmgislahmx them worr- twentys six 1'onservativrs, thirteen ”hem-Is and tint-o Socialism. Onlv three l,itr- rrals are clean! so lat. " is riTorl " tonight that, Mr, F. t'mter Cot- It)! will he given the pry-norm ”.4: Finance. Victoria, Nov. 25.-ona, again has Premier Melirioe swept the country, and nix victory may be styled a (,',1?e',l',a,'f "tte. In Vattcouxer and We oria the straight tickets were el- ectcd. Mr. John C0iver, the Liber- al leader, has been defeated in both Delta and Victoria and Mr. Stewart Henderson has iallcn in Yale before the Premier, who also ran in "") constituencv, MCBRIDE IRE-CAPTURE?) BRITISH COLUMBIA Prererttimt, the new. Candy Cold (‘ure Tablets are said by druggists to have tour special specific advan- tages over all other rdrttedics for a cold. Pirst--'rtter contain So quinine, nothing harsh or sickening. Second -Ther give almost instant relic-l. Third-Pleasant to the taste, like candy. Potrrth--a large bor-- 48 Preventics-at 25 cents. Also tine tor feverish children. Sold by all deal- ers. _ WIDL ERECT CLUB-HOUSE. The Grand River Country Club has a membership ot M, and plans have been accepted for the erection of a $6000 club-how this winter. "In the various parts ot Canada " shay“ grow qualities ot wool to match the qualities produced in various other conning," "There is no wool that will sur- pass our wool tor what it will do. "Our country is particularly ad- apted not to the growing' of fme wool, but to the growing ot lus- troua wool. by New Absorption tistiid "We trave room lor great develop- mant in that particular regard. Mr. T. Costello, Dominion textile twister and acting apprauser, said: “We have a country well adap- tcd to the growing ot wool, owing to the diversity of climate From coast to coast. "He seldom gets that, to which he is entitled." . The (armor is now compelled to so" his product to buyers who tour the country. _ "He gen just what the buyer in willing to give. "The first step is the organization at the wool-growers to do away with the middleman. “The commercial importance ot getting the wool to market has also as yet been neglected. "Canada hate climates tor varieties. "A tumor wok some at the Wool- dmt rel-u: and and " " “mum. Nsding " ot the greatest Immune in the, culture ot the onions. "tt b, 1:2:le could dot-kn, an ,I field I: open to chemists. "The great bulk ot natural Cm dim wool is. humble tor mixing wot-teas. I "The chemist my .anltrt ll rating the culture of the mum nonpro- “this. “You In. and by the numb" at also an on the Inn. "Now tho Manly has duh-db! all we no owed to luau wool “The auto- Ibop In My tak. in: tho Ind. 0111!. to the bum protts on nun-on. I‘d Ir. J. P. ”unwound a My d (W [may I Tend. on "by an they rid 1.1;th him-lou- . lam: all: “You; no attetgrowittg wt woot- sultan were porn-nu nut. I. an “10'. vellua. Munch-light!" In! -ttt.trterirt'auda,toth than! thumb .. mm Only onc samplt' ran M so"! io mrh applicant., hmrr it any individual rmivra a sample of oats he ram-cl also rrrrive one ot wheat, barley. peas, Indian corn or potatoes Ap- plimnons on printed an]: or sheets, or lists ot harm: trom one individual, or nppllcntlonn lot more than one 33mph- tor one household. tmtttot be rnttettained. The ample- wlll be lent me ot chm ttttem the a“. Anus-“III mm In All”: " L - ' A _, .__. Indian Corn (for trrtsihurr)-- Early nulls: Angrl of Midnight, Compton's Early and Lough-How. Lulu vario- Urs: Nelrrted Lea-mink. Early Mar. lodun, and White t'ap Yellow Dent. "tttatoess-h'atty "riciies: Rorlwsb " Rose, and Irish Cohhler. Medium 10 late varieties: Gold Coin. Carman No l. and Monry Maker. The hater var-Mum arr, ns t rule, more pro- duclivr than the earlier kinds. Indian Corn Earls: Mum Early and La Urs: 8140er fodun, and WI Btsttty-sir-rowen.. rssa. and Manstirmt. 1nvitwihle, Slandwt-ll Thorpe. Field Peas Vine. (tteardless), Marquis, Stanley and ”when (early boardloss), Preston, Huron and Prinxte's Champion (early hearth-d). White varieties' White Lite (headless), Bobs (rarly bcardlessj. "ats--Banner, Abundance, Island, Wide-Awake, White Thousand Dollar, Improved all white,varietiea. nil By instruction of the lion. Minister ol Agriculture a distribution is be, in; made this Season of samples ot superior sorts at grain and potatoes to Canadian farmers tor the improve ‘mcnt of seed. The stock lot distri, hution has been secured mainly from the Experimental Farms at Indian Head, Sash, Brandon, Man., and Ot- tawa, Ont. The samples consist of oats, spring wheat, barley, pras, In, dinn corn (for onsilago only), and po- tatocs. The quantity of oats sent is , lbs., and oi wheat or barley 5 lbs, sufficient in each case to sow one twentieth ot an acre, The samples ot Indian corn, [was and potatoes wrigh 3 lbs. mich. A quantity ot each of (he [allowing varictios has been sc, rurod for this distribution:- Itttitit_iturm,'.or: SEED " Ar Liars 'sNithm FOR POTATOES Wheat-Red varieties: er headless). Marquis, Stanley 'helsea (early heardless), P luron and Prinxie's Chamegon Dr. Lyle spoke at some ol the dim. cultics that are to be overcome in the building up ot this Dominion. It is so and. that it is impossible tor the imagination to grasp its int- mense territory. There are 3,729,- 835 square miles, over 1,000,000 ot which is still unexplored. The next difficult, is its geographical situa- tion. Eighty per cent. ot the land is above Lake Superior where it has been almost impossible to grow truit and trees but, the ingenuity ol the northerner is at work and in the near future there will be trees to break tic lot In his opening remarks Ree. Dr. Lyle expressed his appreciation of the honor in being invited to address the Club and the flattering reception he had received. He was convinced that all the members were interested in the great work ot canadian-rm- pire building and that their otriect in lite was on a higher plane than that ot "ihet'e,',ttt end pleasure- seeking. be true spirit of a Cour dish was to in some way better the generation in which they live. As a minister he is lully aware ot the tact that there is a serious side to the business lite and business men who deal with great problems need the kindly word. The great work of any nation is the building of B, strong character in its manhood and; it the nation cannot get it, it is de. tested in the very beginning in its object to be great and puweilui. There is the heroic in every man and there is no country in the world where it can be developed to a greater degree than in Comma. _ ..ttyt the toast to l'The king" was typonded to in the usual loyal man- ner, Mr. Robert Wood, in an appro- priate and pleasing utyle proposed the toast to the guest of the even- ing which was well received. The Preside“ minim-that. the mqhtshlp is now over tho 200 --'__e- ..'.v n- cum. fl”- ton. W. Ham All Elmira huh; vol! nun-nod. Tho [allow- lu m unbu- wero proposed: - Hours. A. R. Kuhn... C. Osborne. G. J. Colquhoun. W. E. Bauer. E. Punter. and W. 1'. Bank, of Ber- lin; J. H. Roos, H. M. Snyder, M. S. Hula“, J. B. KW, OJ. Nutter, M. D., and E. A, St: r, ot Waterloo; C. E. Hurlburt. ".Jarr. Judi”, E. S. like: and w.-, H. Women ot Hupelet; R. A. Moonl- vny, ot Preston, G, A. Tilt, ot Doon and A. Werner, of Elmira. !!th J. P. non-mm. A. D., Ind . large number at P"em you In “W. Pres- v” -_.'..- -_' ri"" which aroused the enthusiasm ol his beaten to u high pitch. Dr. Lyle In an aeolian speaker, and prone-ts his View. In a thought“! and inter- esting manner. He wu “lulled to with ttttdivided attention um was IM with unusual Ireqnency. 'lodenlot ot the Pmbyterlu church ttt Cam. In: the that“ It the .Cumllm Club luncheon u Wlpwr’l all; on “and" and an elo- quent All gifted revere-l “than delivered a mainly ad powerlul Milton on "Cumin 22mph. Bulld- Alter the lunchoon was Rev. Dr. Lyle, _ of milling. Speaks In Ru , Ltu,, D. n, a! Hammo- rowed: Mvnsurv Eloquit Dinner " new! a! “Caudlu Empire Bulldllt" Arthur mm it any individual , ot oats he rannot of wheat, barley, l or pot-toes Arr, CANADIAN CLUB LUNCHEON “Przubyarmc‘ Two-ro-. , and Canadian and Golden Danish Giant, Ligowo- Preston, partaken of Life and 0d Among the companies incorporated last work under provincial charter was (he Grosch F'elt Shoe Company, Limited, Milverton, being capitalized at $100,000. M I [;\'I'IRTON co. INCORPORATED Ottawa, and may be sent in any time from the lst of "ccember to the 15th ot February, after which the lists will be closed, so that the samples asked for may be sum, out in good time for sowing. Applicants should mention the variety they pres in, with a second sort' as an alter- Hiativc. Applications will be frllcd in the order in which they arc rcn-in-d, so long as the supply ot seed lasts. Farm-rs are advised to apply varly to avoid possible disappointment. Those applying tor Indian corn or potatoes should bear in mind that the corn is not usually distributed until April, and that potatoes can- not tm mailed until danger trom host is over. No postage is required on mail matter addressed lo ttw Con- tral rixperinwntat Farm, Ottawa. lllffiiiTiii'fiiiliii The chairman announcrd that the next luncheon on Dec. 7th would be addressed by Mr. Goo. C'. Gibbons, ot London, and others speakers who had promised dates wore Messrs, T. H. Gibson, Deputy Minister ot Mints, Hugh Guthrie, M. P., Principal Fal- Cotter, J. P. Downey, M.b.A., and Hon. l. lt. Lucas. The gathering r-Insi-d with three cheers tor Rev. llr. Lyle. Dr. Lyle was applauded at some length when he resumed his sval and on motion of Rev, J. L. Stewart, of was tendered a hearty vote of thanks 11espeier, and Rev. J. w. J. Andrew of Berlin. In conclusion Dr. Lyle emphasized the importance of a. thorough cduca~ tion and the development of tharacb. or in the young blood of this munuy in building a Canadian empire which shall take its place with the great nations of the future. Wile-I. Eights- that. hmdn-Aq' 34. mam... 'k-r,"'?.'..-.;,; hm Mru-eretroat.go. 'irerGsari-tat-t. 'hrtruam HInludl-thh-Hhhdui- "mmm,.utlo-uiiiiariiio- S/att".:'.'.'"""-'"""-' CI . t'.etf.Iriui,d, The speaker spoke in the strongest terms at the splendid opportunity (or all Canadians to do something to build up Canada and make it what, it ought to be. He spoke at ancestry at the people ot this country as be- mg "cradled in the deep" and being of a stalwart and hardy class. Care ada has a coast mileage ot over 30,000mi1es and there will he no dirtculty in manning the Canadian navy with Canadian boys. " God had permitted us to pick out a race lo build up a nation we could not pick out a better type than that which inhabits this grvat Dominion. Au. in: 3mm:- 'HAD DIID orconumrnou [Ida-ml 18 .Mnc. vs.tfa1"hl2tll',tt,t'i,l,tS, “but Altyy relative-had did a! ,m-iqth- way. N "e+rhmutdmruedyrtrr Fwd-in. Th. dodu who mauled "id Wyn vogue-l: but itebcede Ravage; 1lhmitiai Dr. Lyle also spoke ot the educa- tional dimcuuies. Ho was ot the opinion that all schools should be Irommon schools 50 that the boys Bttd girls ot tho luture can be brought up shoulder to shoulder, all receiving the same education trom shore to shore. The most powerful nation: in the future will be the educated nations. The Germany or to-day was made by the schoolmaster. The universities are a valuable asset to the nationall lite. the an" non-I that on. . on: _ tn not“. DIM-cu. “an. at it: new“ heights at but at ”until" the Dominion II diudmd into than "teeta. The new “I- culty vac also model! to.“ t- In eloquent Inn-er tho - woke oi the Anglo-Baron, German and French people who are [arming the inci- bono at this Dominion. Ho hallowed in naval protection and in “at“, but there is . greater thin; in Illa than the building ot Dreamland: and that in to live at pence with I" um. (Apptnm) The lead of a!” hationalttim id coming to out can“. and it is not the worst cuss that so into the unknown. There Are. he stated, 58 diacrent ntionnlittu rep- resented and 38 "ferent nationaliti- ttu represented and " dinercnt lan- " . an 8W In Canada " present. = are 100,000 Galicians and IO,- 000 Doukhobors and more to [allow The great problem is to unity them, He did not want the English type, or the Irish type, or the Scotch type, or the French type or German type at citizenship In this country. but the real Canadian type trom shore to shore. Men were wanted with ideas, thoughts and vision:. Dirortnr of Experimental Farms WM. SAI'N "Er151, 1 The was ot tho mortally injured junrnalist. sprang own. and he madr a trrbte movement, to raise, "What's that you say dot" I'll div Minn sown?“ "is tare look on a look at terror, "But I pan't doriorr l tett you I ran't!" Tho In" hon rm ot thr situation rushed upon him xuddenlv. With a drmpernte Mort he ruined Plimsoll upon one olbow. his own wido with teat and anxiety. "I can" die at level o‘clock; doc tor." I! trig! an?“ unto-ugly, "re "Thrro is nnm latter, his voice he was tqu'lu-Il two hours-tu, 1 o'rlork,“ And away. “ls "IF": no hope, dorior?" she bod. raising her strumming ryos "w great man‘s mer. The reporter was dying, hopelessly rrushed by a falling fire-watt. Mo- tionlrss and while, he lay in the hos, pital bod, soomingly oblivious of his weeping you"; wrie. "No,' said the imri’cml lat-he: superior, 'i will hoist the British Flag if we aro annulled. Theitr_ tish flag is our talisman here.' “Sir, it is impossible nut in Lu struck by the stmilarity of ru-u's’ which occurred something like Hm!) years ago with those which arr u:- curring in our mm day. Kim-tuna hmdrod years ago at a him win-n Ihe Empire oi Rome had rcachei the summit of its pow". Paul of Tar- sus in the course of his labors as an apostle of Christ, was attacked my a mob and his lite was imperillmi. Hr bethought himself cl his Roman cit the words: 'I am a Roman citium,' the words: 'I km a Ituman vi'iren,' ’and his " was sate. The tact was his talisman and at unu- Ite was sat" trom the mob. Now, in war day, Im- ly last. week, a disriplo nl "hrisl in the city of Home, nnro the mislrl‘ss‘ ot the world, whose numn- carried WMI: it a missilm like that ot Vaul of Tarsus, is also atlarkcrl by a limb lle bothlnks himsvit that rm lwlongs In an rmpiro whirh for power, nur lvsty and prestige, can rival thy F.'m- pm a! Rome in its palmiost Jars And, as his talisman, he Lulu-ls Hte British flag; it floats in the Drown-l ow! "to famous r'ity as his 'attir; man, and the result is that all dark grr passes away and the, mot, is I awed. a visitor in the city of “our. which will show what are our rights and privileges as British sublets. My honorable friend (Mr. Monk), knows that there is in the city of Rome a Uanadian college built a low years ago by the priests of the Foftvty of St. Sulpice at Montreal, and main- talned by them tor the education oi the young Roman Catholic students (in tlimlngy. At the date ot my lriend's letter, on the 16th of or-to- (ber, the city of itome, like many other rities in contiacnia1 Europe, was in the throw; ofa \inlc‘nl oniutian oc- casionrd by the execution oi Prof. Ferrer in Barcelona. Spain, and nuts were iInmIm-nt at (inherent mums oi the city, The Spanish embassy at the Vatican had to la guarded by al, strong dctachnwut or the Italian ar-l my, thrvatvrwd as it was by an ina--! iated mob. Streets and squares were lined by an angry crowd swear- ing mngvanrc, yelling, and hurling threats at commits and religious communities of all dvscriptiors. My "it"! as'cd the Rev. Father 4uprt ior ot the college il he was apprc'- bauxite of danger. Mark the an- swcr, nhieli I minimum tspctOllye to my Imnnlublt- friend from Jae Ines I Cartier (Mr. Monk,: " WILFRID LAURIER mm THE HOUSE OF COMMONS "I hold in my hands at the present “lumen: tl letter which I ru'civula Iew days ago Iron: a Iriend who was THF.' FA ITIIFI ‘l, REPORTER micn showing haw :‘lu‘ll "Ill' manna! tu, will die M4010 Ind he turned his nnno, madam said I he w dwpl y ot tive " sou-u in head if "iiii, I'Holll‘ J; on a . le11I1' _ tt L sob- to n ' V p) ESTABLISHED 1868. 'i M a tiiiiiariiiiri'iiii'i ira;a' _'_~â€" . I.“ think ttd it-_-Yer- - tho 'rg'ltltt',,gtjie?, M3 1t?ttttsititte may bud do lumen": A um" tho I.“ tal [aurora-Id "had p.rhet-tgi. Sick Childnn Isnot - .'* a local but I m TS'? Provincial Chnn'ly ‘ ' for the sick child of the poor mu in my Com; no“ " , run part at Ounrio In. Inn. chin: upon in ttt C'"-"'"""'"'--'-"-----, m- eh " you knowr «it any child in Four neighborhood w ho in sick or ham any deformity and 1).. name of the pawn: to the Searchry. -ia7aTiGaGGiiria7iiaa 'tttrect-ere 1.3.... TWO cum Poor may: has "M 16,." In mm: children; H.500 cl them unable to pay and were “and (an. " .AA-A . ‘ The Hospital for Sick Children had Inn year in its cots And beds 1,156 tel,""','.',':: MO of t can m = a from Mt placa- In the Provinm Sixty- , Tu'), five per cent. were Rlili!iE1 ohildnn t', room! (F " pie 1 a can a, d" ' ' momma”; uuuumu." in Ontario Who. ptr. onu Cannot “on! to PI! for TN." mantis Treated Pne- REMEMBER P2teyd,i.tfte The Hospital for °3:m." Sick Children. THIS APPEAL It T0 YOU! A new fire insuranl'o company has , hem nrganivvd in Gait with Mr. A. 2’1 1). Sirong as Managing Director. Am- “if on: 1hr provisional (“motors are Mos-x Ir-i, M‘s. J. .l. A. Weir and C. Kim, d -1 ‘llcrlin. i: Fireman Gm. Camp ttoards with)“; brother, John, ‘3; 139 “chm am... The train was in charge of who“ tor 1tert Allen. ' l "I. {held-r . That'sz'vkéf for Enginecr kirrade isa single k warding at the home ot Mr. . Praneis, painter, Argyle that. ' 1ctt the house ahout 4 o'clock on" l tummy ammoon to take his" miij, leaving the city about an hour Ricki llc docs not have a' result: . l, this lime bring called lo go to I " , Co. 'l'husrccider" happened whim . 5*, the return trip. . l:",?,, Engineer Kincade and ”IBM who had a narrow escape 1'ti, and stsiiered serious Mariam sun at the explosion ot up in a G,T.rt. locomotive near w on Sunday evening, are doing ‘ as can be expected at ther th) Ilrsyital. No balm were , and it is expected the men will! to rctuln to their homes In 1 a week. A rt ls' DIRECTORS mustanz'mmman . ",'"s', ARE BOTH nouns m i'!i'tl4iittttr2') MI. .._. Ci.' " .. 1?o1t.trref, "t Binooiu _ IGisa, “on the Inactivation has "and 16,0" opium, mm a

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