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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 2 Dec 1909, p. 6

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Beriin. The auxiliary arrived from | Strat ford before midnight and â€" at _ once started on the work of repair. Traf fic on the main line of the G. ‘F. H. was delayed for several hours. Mr. Jas. Lake of sowed five pounds of ter oats, and the & nine and | one hbali t equivalent to 120 bu: P[*1~!* é’% JA Y x7 A 25 Men‘s Black Melton Overcoats, velvet collar worth $12,00, Saturday 30 fine Black Melton Overcoats, velvet Collar _ well worth $15,.00, Saturday 3 pair of Heavy Pants worth $1.50 Saturday Call early asI have only a limited quantity. S G. T. R. physician, Dr. Minchin. They are doing nicely _ toâ€"day _ and both will recover. The boilet itself was thrown _ forâ€" ward about 120 feet, ripping up the tracks at intervals in that â€" distance and tcearing holes in the roadbed big enough to bury a boxâ€"car in. Consisting of Men‘s, Boys‘ and ‘The _ engineer and _ fireman were brought to the B. & W. Hospital, where they are being attended by the G. T. R. physician, Dr. Minchin. They are doing nicely _ toâ€"day _ and Jocomotive . of westbhound _ Grand Trunk Railway 1 oght train exploded with a teriiis seport. ‘The engine was in charge of Engiâ€" neer Kincaid and Fireman F. Camp, both of Stratford, and both:men were thrown down an embaukment, a distâ€" ance of over 30 feet. The _ engineet struck _ first, _ and though badly bruised, he will recovâ€" er. The fireiman was more â€" seriously injured, sustaining several sprains as the result of the fall. HMe was . also badly scalded. BL ACK A serious accident took place near Petersburg on Sunday evening about 7.30 o‘clock when the boiler of the Jocomotive . of westbound _ Grand Trunk Railway i ght train exploded Engineer and Fireman Were Thrown Over 30 Feet Down an Embankment. THE F.F. DALLEY CO. LIMITED, Hamilton, Ont. 25 ‘"‘Black Knight‘‘ is a firm pasteâ€"ready to useâ€" quickly appliedâ€"and shines quick as a wink. It‘s as simple and easy to use as shoe polish, and a big stove can be shined with it almost as easily. Perhaps your dealer d "Black Knight" Stove send toc. fir a big can, There is no "hard brick" to scrapeâ€"no trouhleâ€"no wasteâ€"no hard rubbing. There is no black watery liquid to stain your hands or dirty the floor. You don‘t have to mix * Black Knight‘‘ Stove Polish. Maukere of the fumous "2 in 1" Shoe Polish CJ, _ WILDFANG‘S %f* _â€"â€" Great ~\\ Holiday Sale NGINE BOILER ‘ EXPLODES A GREAT Saturday, December 4th. YIELD Galt in siye n on mammeolh Ches rop has vielded ushels ofâ€" grain hels to the avre es not handle Folish. | Jf so, fiee postpaid. . WILDFANG $1.50 Saturday .9503 50 limited quantity. _ Sale starts sharp on, and as they sheyt dually | beitg suftocated coming . off duty. fomv sctous and at onee ala doctors and nutscs. tinelph, | Nov. 37 malf the night wil] were only able to of the nurses in 11 hospital, who had from, asply xiation. stndents at the in When the ids on nhout in sotue monh NARROW ESCAPE The collapse x the softeming of had been frozen. 9| oldâ€"fashioned _ way of . a" weik stomach or | stimulaf ns Heatt or hadneys is all whons Shoop _ lirst pornted out this This _ is _ why his prescriptmio Shoop‘s Restorativeâ€" is directe titely _ to the wutse ofâ€" thes mentsâ€"the â€" weak anside or cor ing nerves. | [t isu‘t so dificult Dr. _ Shoop, | to strengthon | a Stomach, Heart orâ€" kubeis, i goes at it corbectlhs _ Each imns»n gan â€" has its | controlling or i nerve. â€" When these nerves faul, those organs _ must â€" surely 1 These vital truths are Jewlins gists everywhere to dispense an commend _ Dr. . Sheap‘s Rastor Test it a few days, and see! provement will promptly and : follow. _ Sold by all dealets. BIG WALL COLLAPSES 1HREE MEN HURT |KILLED NEAR caused Platts.ille, _ Nov. _ 28.â€"Mr. Isaac Battler, a wellâ€"Snown and highly reâ€" spected throsher, residing three miles south of Plattsyille, met death while returning from â€" New Hambury _ last night with his traction engin>. . Whilo crossing . the wooden bridge on the Wilinut and Blenheim â€" town line the bridge gave way, precipituting Mr. Battler and his son, William,with the engine, into the river helow, 3 distance ol about fifteen foet. Willâ€" iam fortunately fell into the | watcr free of the engine, but the father was pinned to the bottom of the wreck. The accident happened at 7.30 p.m and soon _ after a farge crowd of workers succeeded in recoswring â€" the body. When found life was extinet The water was about fe feet deep, and it is supposed that death â€" was M Traction Engine Went Through Bridge|Killing Its Owner, Isaac Battier. Th 1 frc by drownin WB OF GUELPii NURSES ult with th to Lrit n the G was [ Pants and Caps. oll ) College U C 8000} " \HH':}T(}%IS. â€" | 50 “c\ \'. l] \ T 1 2-00 ‘ * Q]}’(“~ \\n“ tr. PLATTSVILLE trucat reli1 the Commencing [ Mi d mud thera idarme th th ATher ie oi e mengnenatom th 11 trd toid factory neriums dat 11 11 Th a with 1liee men ds nal wh ind Ph o wuul 4 lrug and o re tarative it one sile orâ€" inside d, ther falter. 1t the d i1l pri which nt d worl. usodt d Inâ€" whely â€"IH E6i uLV «d 1+ Un ul All 16 College Ulsters sizes 32 to 42 breast worth $15.00, Saturday 50 Boys‘ and Youth‘s Overcoats Black and C sizes 27 to 33, reg. price $8, $9 and #10 5o Men‘s and Boys‘ Caps, worth 25¢ and goc | rp at 8 o‘clock a, m, _Our family flour "The King" hold purposes. We buy and sell falr treatment with courtesy, Phone 97 " 7 ar 8 2° /84 C1868 Nour and feed, tor custom chopping and oat crushing We want your whent, oats and batley and are always buyers, paying the highest market valaes _ We always have bran. middlings, meal, corn, corsâ€" chop, screenings, ete. on hand and selling at right prices. ue e s o ie ie e ie o 7 n These mills have been renovated and made upâ€"toâ€"date in the milling of high class flour and feed, tor custom chopping a in ul O e T c i d Flour! Grain!l Feed! Youth‘s Overcoats, and Suits, Mrs. Stcuernagel bas just returned from the City baving picked up the latest American novelties and with the well equipped staff is now prepared to make the most stylish and upâ€"toâ€"date head wear ever shown in Waterloo. â€" Ladies who have been suffering {rom broken steels in their corâ€" sets will find a‘perfect fitting corset with unbreakable_ Spirella boning . e A Speciaity of Velvets, Silks and all kinds of Fancy Dress Trimmings. | _ o 1H I 25â€"6mos Â¥. P q C® C 42 The only Warerooms in Ontario that keep in stock FIVE different makes of Pianos. [Ctk 0 _ Easy terms of payment. Call or write for catalogue, Agent forthe White Sewing Machine. E4 The largest stock of Pianos in Waterloo County, Pianos and Organs onlfitnd ubrios._AbdiPhnare insd weakest organ. If there is weakness of stomach, liver or lungs, there is a weak link in the chain of life which may suap at soy time. Often this soâ€"called * weakness ‘‘ is caused by lack of nutrition, the result of weakness or discase of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. Discases and weaknesses of the stomach and its allied orgens are cured by the use of Dr. Pierce‘s CGolden Mcdical Discovery. When the weak or discased stomach is cured, discases of other organs which seem remote from the stomach but which have their origin in a diseased condition of the stemach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, are cured also. The strong man has a strong stomach. Take the above recommended ‘*Discoy. ery‘‘ and you may have a strong stomâ€" ach and a strong body. Given Away.â€"Dr. Pierce‘s Common Sense N‘edical Adviser, new revised Edition, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing on/y. Send 31 oneâ€"cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 5U stamps for the clothâ€"bound volâ€" ume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. C. Steuernage 29 Queen St., South. The Heintzman & Co Piano YE OLD HEINTZMAN & CO. "A thing of beauty and a joy forever." Exceils any piano: L have everuss .â€"Albani. IRVIN MASTER, Prop ‘ _ Chronicle Telegraph, Thursday, December 2, 1909, Page M ILLIN ERY KING STREET, WATERLOO, Sold in Waterloo County INAL bo City Mills, Berlin 214 Queen[JSt , South F. G. Gardiner Established 1872. Over 4000 " is an ei'coptio';:arll;-tâ€"l‘n't;flonr for all bouseâ€" ), we exchange and trade. We guaranteed ons ues ne l qurit t 0 8 N‘ (€.K DOMINION BELL & CO. MORRIS WILLIS PIANOS Berlin, Ontario. ray Sat Saturday .100 Berlin, Ont. 1 1.00 5.00 &A equipment for JUDIEIAL SALE of property situâ€" ate in the Township of Wellesley, in the Courty of Waterloo, being a part of the farm lately occupied by Thomâ€" as Kennedy, pursuant to the firal orâ€" der for sale mado in the action _ of The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada vs. Thomas Konnedy ct al., there will be offered for sale, _ with ’ the approval of the undersigned Local Master at Berlin, at Kreitzweiser‘s Hotel, in the Village of Linwood, at one o‘clock in the afternoon, on Satâ€" urday, the fourth day of December, 1909, All and Singular that certain parcel ot tract of land ard premises, sithate, lying and being in the Townâ€" ship of Wellesley, in the County of Waterloo and Province of Ortario, being composed of the west Ralfl _ of L ot Number Eight, in the Ninth Concession, West Section _ of â€" the Township of Wellesley, containing, one hundred acres, mote â€" or _ less. There are no buildings on the propâ€" erty. The soil is a clay logm and is good farming land. PracticAll whole of the farm can be ivated There is a smail amount of bush on the place. The property is situate in a good farming district and is â€" about . two and one hald miles from Linwood. The property will bo offered _ for sale subject to a reserved bid which has been fixed by the said Master. The purchaser shall pay 10 per ceat. of the purchase money at the time of the sale to the vendors or thair solicitors, and the balance _ therrof shall be paid at the expiration of thirty days after such sale, together with interest thrreon at the rate of five and one hall per cent. per â€" amâ€" num . The term® and comditions of the sale will be the standing conditions of the High Court of Justics. Eurther particulars may be had by applying to Millat & Sime, Vendora‘ Solicitors, Berlin, Ont Dateh November 13th, 1909 Mortgage Sale NOPICE is bercby given that the Court cf Oyer and lerminet and Genoral â€" Goal Delivery ani Assize and Nisi Prius for the said County, will be holder at the Court â€" House, in the Town of Berlin on Monday the 16thk day of Decembet, 1909, at one o‘clock p.m., . of the Justices of Peace, Coroners, Corstables, and all others concerned are requited to take notice and attend to do and _ perâ€" lorm all duties which appettain â€" to them. Sherif‘s _ OfMce, Herlin, Nover 6th, 1909. This way for the best food chopâ€" per ever oferedâ€"a new kind nevâ€" ec seen here beforeâ€"Knives sharâ€" pen themselves by natural grindâ€" ingâ€"they‘ll go quickly, regulat $1.35 each, but Saturday selting Talk about a good raisin seeser that is adjustable, see our‘s Saâ€" turday. They are perfection itâ€" self, never sold urvler a dollar 6 each, but priced Saturday at ....._. COUNTY.OF WATERLOO, TO WIT» 19 } ~. 32 ° 13 Remember that many other seasonable articles of hardware besides the above will be shown Saturday next atlow down prices. Come and look them over. Special Saturday reduction on all lines on Quick Saie Counter. Those braces and bits â€" are humâ€" mers, next Saturday a new polâ€" ished stecl brace and three bits. Economical! Block. Another lot of No. 8 wick; come before it‘s all sold, pet yard..... First quality lantern globes, cratâ€" ed in one dozons, rebular 90c at 65¢ or at 4 fOf ... ... 000000 33 only Genuine Best Canadian cold blast lanterns, regular 75¢ each, Saturday cut ...... ....0.. 6 Genuine Royal Canadian es wringersâ€"solid rubber guaranteed; regular $3.50, day special ..«.... ...0........ A few dozen B suu, crimp top, flint Lamp Chimaneys in cartoons regular 10¢ each, Saturday fnap, 6c and A Sun, same quality each o nelie e orrme omm en n Ne We :elcome the Farmers to this store and this advertisement is benefit i@ i & k inch, worth $1.25 for Naturday ......0 000002 0202000 Fall Assizes LoA. WEIR HARDW local Mastet at Berlin WEIR, Auctioneer, Saturday, December 4th only J. MOTZ, Sherif No Farmer Should Miss J. Fennell & Son On Sale At FENNELL‘S HARDWARE, Clothâ€" rolisâ€" Saturâ€" .84 13 .01 CANBORO UULLEU fIUNS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries, FORE'GN BUS'NESS- Cheauee and drafts man whe HintscA masill A very nico _ farm of about 150 acres with a good brick house; . a good small husb, drilled well, common parn;, close to Canboro. _ Price $4200 Ore of the fincst 100 acro farms in For full information apply | to COLLECTIONS r 24 only pair scissors, assorted B to 6 inch, worth twice tEe moâ€" ney, closing out prices 21, 19, 17 ARG ... immmommun weemellle. ncmmer A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED AT ALL BRANCHES DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred 1 One very good 200 acre farm; about 40 acres of bush; very _ rich land; common buildings;, i great barâ€" rain at $5200, Another £00 acre farm close to Camboro; _ a very nice farm _ with a nice bush. _ Rural telephone serâ€" vice. . Price $6,000. A 187 farm with about 25 acres of good bush. . The lay of this farm ts exceptionslly fine; ailso Leleuhone‘ service in the pear Tuture. Price ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager | Reserve Fund B. E. WALKER, President THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Amother fine 100 acro farm; the lay of this farm is splendid; fairly good buillings, very good land. Price Waterloo Branch, J. Moorman, Manager Ome 56 acre farm close to the main road Meiween Canboro and Canfield, comtmon house; about four acres off bush, the lay of the farm is very fine. Price $1300. . For a quick sale can be bought for $400 down. Vorg mice 100 acre farm close to bush, drflled well; fairly well fencea; buildings common. â€" Price $3000. Canfield _ statton; about ten acres 5 only furnace scoops, _ tight weight, shape and size for furâ€" nace doors, regular at 60c cach but here Saturday at ... ... Another _ lot of straight shears _ for Saturday, Japanned handles, plated perfect blades 84, 8, 74, and 7 inch, regular at 65, 53,50 and 45¢ pair for 52, f‘l,“l_fl abd. on 91 Extra long jaw saw vices, sCTCW to side of bench, regular $1.35 each for 97¢; another kind clamps to bench, with ball swivel, re gular $1 each for 78¢, good â€" valâ€" ue in another to clamp, regular at 90c but Saturday for only........ A few wire reversible mats, 16x26 at 97c and 20x30 inch, regular at $1.50 each under cut Satutrâ€" day selling at ... .2...02 ... Ladies all want Puts Cream â€" for Silver and Metal surfaces; 4, } azd 1â€"6 pint tins, regular at 25¢ 15¢ and 10c each, popular price _Saturday at 19¢, 12¢ and ... ... 11 only coffee mills to attach to wall, hold a pound ard grind 1} lbs. per minute. Elegant value as 50c cach, but to make them popular Saturday, see them .. ... FARMS FOR SALE Great Britain and other telegraph or letter NEAD OEFICE, TORONTO in Haldimand County Phone 14. i amtvrme uq betriTi 15 yunt ts s# Cheques and drafts on the United States, r foreign countries bought and sold. _ 123 List of 124 Paidâ€"up Capital, $10,000,000 Anyone interested Propositions will, on postal or letter, be station. This district is well supplied with a rural telophone system, has fine transportation _ factiities, and the Dunnville market situated at a conâ€" venient distance from the village of Canboro, is one of the very best in the Province. Canboro _ contains school, three churches, genceral store, chopping mill, sawâ€"mill, and checse factory with a reputation inferiot to pone in Western Ontario. sold, and money transferred by We have a large number of other farms Tor sale from 50 actes to 100 acres in size, soil vatying from sand to clay loam. 225 acre farm; largo bank bor;: begutiful frame house; large orchard; very close to Canboro, this farm is well adapted â€" for dairying purposes; Price $7000. A 130 acte Tarm, common bujldings; will make a splendid pasture farm; can be bought at the extremcly low price of $2900. the district botween Canficld and Canâ€" boro; good barn, common house; well watered; with extra well; well fencâ€" ed. _ Price $4000. Steel snow or gencral purposn shovels, _ extra strong â€" socket style, regular 50¢ for 26¢ or a lighter steel snow shovel, extra stromg, regular at 30¢ each for. Talk about butcler knises, neut Saturday _ we ofer 35 unly 7 inch, rosewood handles, polshed, splendid shape and snap at 25¢ each, but extra value Saturday at Your _ chance for a chisel cheap. We â€" sell Saturday 14, 1, 1. 1 and } tang firmer chiscls handâ€" led, _ regular at 45, 35, 30, 23 and. 23¢ for 28, 24, 19, 17 and... 26 only American make, measurâ€" © ing tapes, Brass bound, folding handle, 66 foot, tape 4 inch wide, big value at 50c €ach, but they 5 sets Mrs. Pott‘s Sad Irons nicâ€" kelâ€"plated, regulat $1.10 set at Satirday saving for ... ... .. Some viry fine 11 inch faney borâ€" det bread poards, regular at 45c eath, Saturday price .. ... ... big value at 50¢ each go Saturday only at .. only genuine Wade & Butcher } inch blade, English IaZOY®, . reâ€" gular $1.25 each, but razor cut Saturday for ....... .2 00000 .0. ESTANRLISHEND 1867 , â€" 6,000,000 Berlin, Ont meant for their ONTARIO in any ol our notifying us by met at Canficld .16 .19 81

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