‘, News Notes.â€"A special mecting ut the directorate of the Creamery Co., . was held at the oflice of the Neeyâ€" i ‘Preasurer on Tuesday evening, Nouv. E 23.â€"A special meeting in the inter â€" ~ests of the People‘s Railway project F;' was held at Mr. E. 1. "hamer‘s o . Wednesday evening of last week, _ number _ of prominent business men K‘ and _ farmers being present. Railwa: _ matters in gencral were discussed re €" "Jative to the support of the railwasy * byâ€"law o« 0 i. ...a.â€"During the past / Aew days quite a nurmer from this .‘ Vicinity have visited the scene of th _ ifatal accident which occurred on Ca @ Burday evening last at the town lin . ‘bridge over the Smith creek, a â€" few miles west of hetre. _ _ Personals.â€"Miss Sclina Bowman has /‘â€"returned home from Thamesville. â€" *\ Mrs. Lynn and daughter, Miss Lida . Of Berlin, visited relatives in this V 4dnity on Sunday | last.â€"Mc. J. _ Stump( was a business visitor to El â€"_ mira on Saturday last.â€"â€"Mr. E. C. ~‘â€" MeNally of Blair visited relatives in â€" this vicinity on Saturday last.â€"Mr. > Isaac Hilborn and _ daughter, Mis: > Lovina, of Elmira visited relatives /. in town from Saturday _ to Monday ï¬( Jast.â€"Miss Frances Sherk of Stoufâ€" ville is visiting friends ard relatives ‘in this vicinity at present.â€"Messts © John and Samyiel Hilborn ol Preston _ were visitors in town on Sunday last >\ â€"â€"Mr. E. H. Thamer occupicd _ th /‘ * Apuipit of _ the U. B. Church on Sunday morning last in the absonce > of â€" the pastor, Rev. C. W. Backus,: *â€" who â€" was at Port Elgin.â€"Mr. Geo. , <Martin of London, travelling ; freight: ~ agent for the (CCP.R., was a business visitor to town on Tuesday last. ‘ Ol'ganilation 0' "‘flrll]l‘l'.é Club.~ 1NC ICAASMP ds YCTy eneouraging.â€" A meeting was held in Shipman‘s hall ty mm > on Tuesday evening Jast for the put ST. CLEMENTS ~pose of organizing a Farmer‘s Club Save Mr. F. C. Hart of Galt, was present Hockey Club Reâ€"organized.â€"A most im the capacity of organizetr and | the Prnthusiastic hockey mecting was held following officers and commitice were | "riday evening at the barber shop. elected:â€" \ feam for the coming season was â€"â€" Pres.â€"Mr. 3. C. Hallman., )rganized and prospects ate bright Viceâ€"presidentâ€"Mr. A. F*lboin. ‘or a sueceessful season. The folowâ€" c s ced _ ‘Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Scheuermann of P tht. visited _ with the _ latter‘s ~parents on Sunday and Monday. â€" _ Mrs. C. Daub of Berlin and her two ":';,* hters, Nora and Ida, _ visited ze heir relatives in Baden on Sunday. _ â€"â€"The Misscs Schaaft of New Hamâ€" Uburg spent Sunday with Mrs. E. @artum;.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Alex. . Livâ€" ‘pingston visited at Mr. J. R. Smith‘s "Â¥n Galt over Sunday.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Kuntz spent Sunday with Mrs. \ Peffer at Lisbon.â€"Mrs. Adam | Seip SA present staying with her moth " er, Mrs. Bricker of Waterloo, who is siek.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Paul Colombu ‘of Stratlord are visiting at his ~‘mother‘s for a few days. ‘Cry &. Mr. and Mrs. John Young of Seâ€" bringville were in _ town last week. They disposed of their fim> residence Ao Mr. Chatles Fleischhauer at a mo derate â€" price.â€"Mr. Chris A. Kenncl. who _ purchased the Campbell larm méar Crosshill recently will take posâ€" wession at the end of the woeek. W regret very much losing Mr. Kennel as a citizen.â€"The auction sale _ of Mr. John B. Campbell‘s chattels, etc. was held last Tuesday and was very gatisfactory, and netted him a _ nice little surplus. _ He will leave ® the fatni on Thursday and will go to Berlin where he purchased a nice and ~guitable properity.â€"Mrs. W. Faulhal ef ¢ntertained a number of her fricnds wnd associates to a surprise party and social dance in Mr. .J. A. Konnel‘s hall on Thursday evering. The light fantastic was tripped for some time, when tuncheon was served and all onâ€" joyed themselves to their hearts com tent.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Alteman, Mr. BBA Mrs. Wm. Faulhager spent Sunâ€" â€" Pres.â€"Mr. J. C. Hallman. Viceâ€"presidentâ€"Mtr. A. EFhiboin. Secy.â€"Treas.â€"Mr. E. B. Hallman Committecâ€"Messrs. A. C. Clemens H. B. Lowe, C. M. Cassel, _ G. Bingeman and Arthur Lautenschlax mt Baden.â€"Mr. Rudoiph R. mon of Mr. Christian S. and Miller, who died _ here, was in Baden, Wilmot township, coâ€" : Of Waterloo, on April _ 22nd, . He was married to Miss Barâ€" a Geisler, December 5th, 1881. pir union was blessed with _ two F. the o(yonncar of which _ died age about 3 months. His died in 1885, after about 3 yrs. 1 6 months married life. He died Mis daughter‘s residence east oi den on Nov. 27th, 1909, aged 50 TS, 7 months and 5 days. He is viged by his only child, Mrs. Mosâ€" , one grandchild, his aged r, two brothers and four sisâ€" ;‘The funeral was held from the ; of Mr. Moses Shultz _ on morning, to the Amish Menâ€" e church for services and . inâ€" . ‘The many friends of the 3 extend their heartâ€" sad hour ol afâ€" WELLESLEY NEW DUNDEE BADEN wb »001 The sudeen death of Mro» 8. S. tak w place at chis L at ~M _ at two o‘glock : Tmesday. % 2 ts ... <‘aiter a three months‘ iliness,the k hnmediate cause ol death being pnou W':: monia. : Deteased who ‘was 66 years m.*_“ t of age, taught school in this county o+. | ~f for upwards of thirty years, latterly must be leféat this] sollowing successtully the occupation ,mh of a farmor and was well known and us higx'ly rpspected. day Aoo€.. . Jeaves a wife and~nine children, News Notes.â€"Everybody _ is bu@ around Ratz‘s new sawmill. The cxâ€" terior of the mill is almost _ comâ€" pleted. The milt shows to fine _ adâ€" vantage,â€"There was a fine sheet of ice on the skating rink on Wednesday of last week and a large _ number enjoyed their first skate of the scaâ€" son. Some of the boys afso had, a hockey practice. With mild â€" weather following the ice quickly disappeared. â€"Mr. Conrad V. Gies, who is the owner of a farm one mile â€" north of St. Clements has decided to clear away the balance of swamp land on the farm and also will clear several acres of bush land, _ intending to drain that part and put said _ land infto cultivation. Since _ becoming owner of the farm ten years ago the proprictor bas cleared many _ acres of swamp land and has used 30,000 tile for draining purposes. Several years ago a barn was built by Mr. Gies which is, we believe, the largâ€" est and most complete barn in Wel lesley township. When the plans of improvements _ ate completed . Mr. People‘s Railway byâ€"law through the Stratford Council is watched â€" here with great interest as it is | felt that the suecess of the N'er largeâ€" ly depends on Stratford:!â€" )Messis. Bugg and Warficld interviewed _ the Wilmot Township Council _ at their last mecting on the 15th inst, _ and ceport the outlook for a resubmisâ€" sion of the byâ€"law to the voters of the township as very encouraging.â€" Mabel at home, 5 â€" A sketch of his life will appoar in n>xt week‘s lesue. viz., Herbert, Berlin; Milton, 0. A.C. Guelph; Moses, _ Huntingdon, Ind.; Mary, Thebe, Sarah, Ella, Ennetta, in OF s. 8. HERNER hebe, Sarah, Ella, Ennetta, _ CATTLE.â€"8 milk cows supposed & m“""" C csectls: to he in Call, one due At ho. im of â€" sale, 1 due in _ June, 2*dve ich of his life will appear i9 arout; the ist ol Feb., 2 due in Ap )k‘s lasue. ril, shorthorn cow with pedigree due airabiin ieiatndcasrpertiemmreres ue , in Jan, holstein grade cow due midâ€" . dle of Feb., buil, 5 cattle rising 2 NEW HAMBURG:â€"â€": _ years old, and 4.calyes. _ â€" p HORSESâ€"Black _ Percheron mare, rising 4 years old, well troken, bred by Pilot; black mare rising 4 _ years old, good driver; bay colt, rising _3 vears old, bred by Daw Ring; sotral colt rising 2 years old bred by Dan Ring. CATTLE, ETC.â€"3 good dairy cows supposed to te in call. IMPLEMENTS.â€"Noxon binder nearâ€" Iy new; mower, Noxon spring _ tooth cultivator nearly new, hay rake, _ 2 inch tire â€" wagon nearly new, _ horse platform â€" carriage, â€" mautket catriage, pair _ bobsleighs with box, matket sleigh, cutter, land roller, hayrack, 2â€"furrow gang plow, No. 21 Brantford plow, sculller, threeâ€"section iton har row _ neatly new; pair of wagon springs, caracity 35000 lbs, fanning mill, _ s t double harness, set single harress, pair of collars, stone hamâ€" mer, chaff fork, sle 1g0 hammer, scoop shovel and many other articles _ too numcrous to mention. TERMS OF SALE.â€"AIll sims of $10 â€" dollars and under cash; ewer taat amount 10 months‘ credit _ on approved joint notes, or 5 per cent. off for cash payments _ of credit amounts. © JACORB HOFSTETTER, Proprictor. A. J. MICKUS, Auctioncer. 48â€"2t commencing at 1 o‘clock p.m. sharp the following valuabla property, viz., Lunch at noon. Ghu. Q. CLASS, Auctioneer. ALBERT LEHNEN, Executors GORDEN PETERSON, IL W. ZILLIAX, Cleck. A8â€"3t. There will te sold by public aceâ€" tion on the farm of the uniersizned, Lot 6, on Snider road north, in the village of Petersburg, on .HAY, GRAIN & WOOD.â€"About 0 bushels of oats, 500 bu. mixed grain, a _ quantity of good Timothy hay, 60 cords first class hard wood. At the same time and place there will _ also be offered the farm conâ€" taining 154 acres more or Tess being part of lot _ No. 110 G.C.T. Townâ€" ship of Woolwich, County of Waterâ€" Too. _ (m the farm is a new 2 storcy red _ brick house with all> modern improvements, also kitchen and wood shed. _ Also Targe new bank barn and straw shed with stables underncath, an artesian well at barn with wind mill for pumping water. _ There are 35 acres of meadow, 12 acres _ of bush, the balance in high state of cultivation. _ There â€"are also _ about 2 acres of good fruitâ€"bearing _ orâ€" chard. â€" Tuesday, December 2ist, 1999 PIGS.â€"2 sows supposed to be in pig 16 store pigs, about 85 chickens and 4 geese, 1 ; lMPLEMENTS.â€"FrosQ"-%. Wood binder, _ mower, side _ delivety rake, Masseyâ€"Harris nearly new; disc drill large size ncarly new; _ Masseyâ€"lMarâ€" ris cultivator 74 ft. wide nearly new; lard _ roller, set of iron harrows, 2â€" furrow plow, 4 single plows, scuMer, fanning nzll, scale, 2t wagons, 2 sets of bobslceighs, 3 cutters, one nearly. new; 2 buggies, one nearly new, hay rack new; wood rack, gravel planks, jlate chopper, turnip pulper, wheelâ€" barrow, _ grain _ cradle, buggy pole, Magnet cream separator, emery ‘grlnâ€" der, crosscut saw, hbay fork _ with rope â€" and pulleys, set of slings, 23 heavy sets of harness, one nearly new une set plow hatness, 2 scets of sinâ€" gle harness, one nearly new, new robe, horse blankets, logging chains, also a quantity of lumber, fence pickets, cook stove, extension table, bureau, 3' beds complete, large cuproard and a bost of other articles too num»ro‘s‘ to anention. 3 commencing at 10 o‘clock, sharp. be in fog!, black mare 11 years old supposed‘to be in foal, bay mare 8 years old supposed to be in foal, 2 horses 11 years old, black carriage gelding 4 years old, beavy flly rising 3!?._11 _old, colt rising 2 years old. Estate of _ the late Emil Lehnen, will offer for sale by public auction on the premises, 3 miles mortheast of Hawkesvilie, 4 miles southwest of Elmira on !â€y, mare . ll_yipfl old'lupioled to Friday, December 17th, 1909 Farm Stock and Implements Auction HORSESâ€"bay gelding 5 years old Farm Stock and Impicments WEAVER‘S BOOKSTORES Auction Sale â€" MAKE YOUR SELRCTIONS REARLY, We are showing the best line of Holiday Books ever brought to the Twinâ€"City "The Early Bird Catches the Worm." Executors of the Christmas Cards Now on Sale Blackemith Sbhop to rent in the village of Wellesiley. Apply to » ALBERT MICKUS, i8â€"1mo, Wellesiey, On, LL W. ZILLIAX, Clerk 48â€"2t. IMPLEMENTS.â€"Traction _ ‘enginc (Sawyer & Massey) 17 h.p., Cham pion separator â€" and water tank, . ; grain cHfMppers, Decring binder, & mowers, hay rake, hay loader, | side belivery _ rake, disc seed drill new, secder broadcast, land roller, 2 sets iron harrows, disc harrow, 3 2â€"furrow gang plows 3â€"furrow gang plow, . 2 single plows, 2 scufMlers, fanning mill, 2 wagons, 2 bobslcighs, buggy, cutter, cutting box, root pulper, 3 hay racks and other articles. _ Alsoa quantity of Oats and Mangels. Nale to _ commence at 12 o‘clock, sharp. _ _TERMS.â€"Pigs, cbickens and â€" al sums of $10 and under, cash; _ over that amount 12 months‘ credit en good security or 4 per cent off _ for tash payments of credit amounts. MOSES BEARINGER, Proprictor. A. J. MICKUS, Auctioncer. M. DEVITT, Clerk. 48â€"2t. HORSESâ€"hegvy mare 7 years old. supposed to be in foal, 23 mares . ! years _ old _ supposed to be in foal, mare _ (carriage) 6 _ years old, supposcd to be in foal, driving _ mare 12 _ years old ,.% heavy colts rising 3 years old, colt rising 4 years old by Dashwood, % bay fillics rising 3 years old, 2 road ster colts rising 2 years old, 2 suckâ€" linz colts. TFRMS.â€"Grain, _ Mangels, young Pigs and all sums of $10 and under, cash, _ over that amount 10 months‘ credit will be given on approved joint notes ot 5 per cent per annum on for cash. GEORGEâ€"W. REJST, Proprictor. GEO. 4. CLASS, Auctioncer. CATTLEâ€"5 cows supposedâ€"to | b in calf, farrow cow, 10 head of feed ing cattle, 10 head of young cattle, t spring calves, 2 brood sows, 16 stort pigs. ‘ The undersign?td will offer for sal by public auction on his premises, / mile east of Flotadale and 3 . miles northcast of Elmira, on Friday, December, 17th 1909 HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC. â€" National â€" cream separator, 3 _ beds complete, attension table 2 box stovâ€" es, parlor stove, Faulter‘s â€" Heater, 2 meat tubs, 2 chests, flour chest, 2 izron kettles, 3 sausage grinders, milk cans and many other articles. IMPLEMENTS, ETC.â€" Maxwell binder, 6 ft cut, nearly new, Maxwell mower 6 ft. cut, Maxwell hayloacer, nearly _ new; Frost & Wood seeder, nearly new; Frost & Wood combined sceder nearly new; hayrake, land rolâ€" ler, turnip seever, 3 wagous . with boxcs nearly new; 3 pair bobsleighs, one _ ncarly new; top buggy, cutter, Bissell disc, twoâ€"furrow Fleury plow, two frrrow Patterson gang plow, 3 4â€"section iron harrows, oue nearly new; harrow, _ 3 single plows, 2 scufficrs, one nearly new; root pulper root slicer, straw cutter, Clinton fanâ€" ning mill, scale, capacity 2000 lbs., 2 hay forks with ropes and pulleys, 3 sets double harness nearly new; set single harness, drain tools, 2 wheelâ€" barrows, 2 stonc boats, grarg}; planks, grindstone, sledge, 3 c!&& cut saws, robes, picks, 3 scoop shovels, 3 cozen grain bags, logging chains, grain cradle, scythes, whiffleâ€" trees, neckyokes, forks, shovels, hoes and many othcr articles too numerou: ‘ to mention. PIGS, ETC.â€"2 sows due to pig by time of sale, 2 sows supposed to be in pig, 10 ghoats about 8 weeks old, 8 ewes supposed to be in lamb and about 60 chickens. CATTLE.â€"17 good dairy cowsâ€" 2 cows due to calve about time of safe, jersey cow due to calve in January, cow due to caive in February, cow due to calve in April, cow due _ to calve in May, Jersey cow supposed to be in call and 4 sprng calves. â€" _HORSESâ€"Bay horse 4 years old, (gcnaral purpose); bay mare 11 years old supposed to be in foal; Whalebone 4 years old, Percheron ‘spring Colt, bred by Lesley Powerful. . There will be sold by public aucâ€"| ‘There will boe sold~bj tion on the farms of the undersigned, tion .on the farm of the 8 miles northwest of Waterloo, 4 Lot 9, 8, in the t miles south of St. Jacobs, and 5 miles Wellcsley, 3J ° miles east of Heidelberg, on s |Bu'.cu.‘ ullfd; Wednesday,} December r5th | * C:0#®®iH, on . commencing at ome o‘ciock p.m. Mï¬o l:llovlu valuable properâ€" 2 Vig, 00 horse 5 years old (good driver), Hackney mare 3 years old, good driâ€" tgr; horse 16 years old, bay _ mare, «"° wan O# 4 ol Farm Stock and Implements | Rarm Stock and Auction Sale or ~1 x2 %®oee® Farm Stock and Implements TO RENT the Covnecil, The office in the Town Hall will be open every day this week from Pa m. to 6.15 p. m. 5 per cent. wiil be added to all taxes not paid on or before the above date. By order of The last day for ; The last day for ment of th second lmhlnont oï¬u«. is l:tlrigy. December 4th, 1909 48â€"3t Iraplements, $10 and under mll,' ovâ€" er that amount ten months‘ cfedit on approved sgcurjty. Poultry cash. hfvihiitcteil) aniiudbatie d d id Bscc3 L0 d 1150 M U P _ â€" 34. approved security. . Poultry cash. M . ° ‘to ‘200 x Terms of sale of Barn and Land in nearly all sizes. cuide known on ‘day of saic. * * % Farm within the corporation _ on C Lewis St. and Hungetford Road. Catatogue on application. * * DAVID RIFE & SONS, Proprictors. & 3 JAMES MeDONALD, * Guelbh â€" Aupfianaay Terms of sale of Barn and Land ruide known on ‘day of saie. * Farm within the corporation _ on Lewis St. and Hungetford Road. Catatogue on application. HORSESâ€"bay horse 5 years old, hay mare, aged; bay horse, 9° years old, grey mare aged, 2â€"yeatâ€"old hatkâ€" ney colt. 4 FOWLS.â€"100 _ pure bred Buf Orpâ€" ingten and White Rock fowls. IMPLEMENTS.â€"Seed _ drill, corn binder, mower, pea hatrvester; _ hay rave, wagon, disc harrow, 2 1lows, oncâ€"horse . plow, â€" harrows, scuMfers, horseâ€"power, _ straw _ cutter, roller, bugey, cutter, road cart, work tench, sett single harness, set double harâ€" ness, set plow harness, horse collars, incubators, _ forks, hoes, etc. _ Batn 80x80 feet. ~ 47 ACRES OF LANDâ€"known as he Rife Estate, situated within the Corporation of the town of Hespeler, n _ Strathcona St. and Rife Ave. Four acres bush (spring creek}, ialâ€" ance under good state of .cultivation. Sale to commence at 11 o‘cloct. Sale of cattle at 1 o‘clock. TERMS.â€"â€"Cattle, time _ up to ten months _ on @PProved notcs, bearing six per cent interest. Forty (40) head registered Holstcins @ males, 34 females), 10 cows â€" and heifers in _ milk, 10 with calves at side. All high class stock of th: cading. strains. REAL ESTATE.â€"At the same time and place there will be offered for sale, the farm of the underBigned, comprising 794 actes more or léss, o‘ good farm land, 10 acres of which is sown in fall wheat. About 12 acres in grass, 2 acres good orchard and nearly all fall plowing done. On the farm is a good frame house comprisâ€" inz 8 large rooms, with woodshed attached, good bam": barn, with all nccessary outbuildings. The farm | is well supplied with good water, is well located near town, schools and churâ€" Dispersion Auction Sale‘ ~OFRâ€" Farms Stock and Implements Thursday, December 23rd, 1909 commenging af 1 o‘ 5 ' the following m%ï¬ HORSESâ€"Bay horse 7 " old, sotrel horse 15 years old, dark ~bay horse rising 4 years, Oï¬:“ driver); sutrel hores 12 years {good driâ€" 1er); brown cold 2 years old. â€" TERMS â€"OF â€" CHATTELS:â€"Hay, Grain, Pigs and all sums of $10 and under,cash; over that amount 12 m nths‘ eredit om good security, or 4 per cent. off for cash payments of credit amounts. MRS. GEO. HUEHN, Proprietress. ALBERT J. MICKUS, Auctioncer. A7â€"3t. j ED. KAUFMANN, Cletk. ter, N’y. 2 single plows, hatrow, puljer, fanning wxll nearly new; hay fors with ropes and pulleys, bay rack, grain cradie, grindstone, stoneâ€" boat, set plow harmess, set single harn~ss, seb double harncss, ncarly new; scythes, . whiffietrees, logging chains, neckyokes, _ showls, forks, grain bags amrd many other articles too numerous to mention. be made known on day of sale. P!flB.â€"-Sothoï¬(hW‘ :lu January, 10 pigs about 3 mon LIMPLEMENTS.â€"Frost & Woo! binder 7 ft. cut, cultivator _ with seed box, Oxford mower, hay rake, Frost & Wood disc, nearly new; Waâ€" gon with box, ncarly new; sleigh, cut HAY, GRAIN, ROOTS.â€"About 15 brahe‘s _ oats, 150 bushels mixed grain, 235 bushels barley and about 18 tons ol Timothy hay. hitu=> ) Cnteiettrieliivis tutuailt 43 ~AiciP is 2i (“flbsï¬-‘.m‘&nï¬m duhuln*;lm. 4 tows due to caive in July, heifer:2 yeats old, :.1'“â€â€œ yeats old, and 5 spring ves. Pay Your Taxes TERMS OF REAL ESTATE Wil BERLIN AND W ATERLOO Guelph, Auctioncer F. 8. KUMPF, by and Bearskin Coats ~$2.00 up to $10.00 all are exclusive designs and confined to us for Waterloo. Ladies‘ Children‘s and Misses Mantles ‘ instead of send:':g away. In buying here A you know precisely wboh]you arengulw‘ ~_ with, and the responsi 'it}e’b.ck of ‘the selling, The Mantles we offer have been ; selected with extreme care to give lasting service and will retain their good looks from seasor to season. And as regards prices, no store in Canada s can give{ntter valueâ€"â€"quality. for quality, CA 1 $7.00 up to $25.00 8. B. Bricker & Co. The cuts shown are two of our designsâ€"â€"â€" We show LADIES‘ > €» Fine Waists 180 Acres, unimproved land, sale or exchange, near Didsbury. 820 Aores, 7 miles fronmt Mosomin, Saskâ€", 800 acres uuder cultiva $3800â€"8 room, red pressed brick house, moJern conveniences, hot water heating. Lot 60 x 157. $1750â€"7 room, red brick house. Lot 59 x 96. $2800â€"6 room brick house, conveniences, very central. $2800â€"8 room brick house, new conveniences, lot 60 x 160, fruite, and chicken house. $2600â€"8 room brick house, good barn with 4 stalls, lot 55 x 120. 0 o $1400â€"6 room frame house, chicken house, 1 acre land, one mile from Post Office. NO. 38 FREDERICK 8T. F. E. SHANTZ & CG.; in Navy, Brown, Green, Black, " Taupe, Fawn and Grey, from ontiegn, wwhool neurchys 20 DIFFERENT STYLES Real Estate Brokers It pe loney, with ‘every, possible advantage m style and quality, We can de onstrate to your entire satisfaction tha to give absolutely the best value for House List BERLIN, ONT. FARMS Buy Mantlos at Home Sell or excbange. iin, Saskâ€", 800 acres uuder cultiva: .';_"1.!!!‘__?‘.. nice new frame BERLIN. PHONE 552.