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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 11 Nov 1909, p. 7

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AFTER SUFFERING _ TEN YEARS Cite Butter the death penalty. Thts sg ouch has already been decidrd alter * I reyiew ot tht' cvidoce and the cir- . m macs ot ttw Case by the Min- t%l - .01 Juan». " 18 very doubtful. ' e y ". it the Cain-d Cane“ will l ,2: its way that to grant a lull par- -don. There is no precedent fur ‘uch a course In the Instory oi the g Atpmipiort. In the only snunlar 1n- f “and where sentence at death on a 3; woman was commuted some guns ago -.'" to a Hmm'd term of imprisonment l the term was made fourteen years, ‘ Bnd she was lttseratol aitcr serving i' lava: years. . "sirr 413. when I read about Lydia F, f, m’o Variable f,io,'eire,1i m I ”take! and am WP lngain and " Ted ot Bll my tmf%ring.' --Mrs. 't"r,rk'lN.ori7il'ig vaarlmn, NJ. r.lia . m's mm. M‘nm. . Mt made from mm. roots and . rbq eontainr no mrcnucn or harm. _ 1',11prit And Magnum the round _ifor “I. mstnnm rot ncumlvurrw of fun-lo disease: we know of, ard fitio muerfvo1untarr_tirrtonialsarr, ion In the P1nkham iatrorattrry at o Mass., from women Mm Law l extmd from “most every brrrn t r , hompmnu. 1ntitunmstims, uI. ipucements,f1hroldtyrut, T ttia,trrfodicprriro,htu'harlte, Ind homu- wnnmmm. f ',1t'M woman own It In her- fe, hg,,',',' Ly In E. I’Inkhnm‘a Your. - WM)! tutrul. .. - " . Cured by Lydia E. Pink- t,stppt'sveirt1arh9rp1poynd an.» "£55373: The cast. is rlturh our of Illl and men thouxh ttw taiCumstitrtr cry for UNITY. It v, doubtful " der ttw rutrumal code a lull p can be granlrd. The 1nuttvr wtll bcrore the Catrinet this wcek for sideration. Mvivuwhiw the Ilu- petitions for (ll-ml-ncy and p pouring mm ttm Depannwnt of tice is unuhahul, lt is vstiiuated over one hundrrd and fifty tho persons haye already been from. . ”Out-”Mano” m ”*MO-o-‘O 2St'5dei,it, mine!!! a! E; m. mm man! to. En- thl Islam to minivan. It Mummy In) not In free, WWu-c-W-vu ""M my h In! in either :W or W inith. “Mth “k . . $7.00 block! in in”! gold Etied L75 RYRIE BROS., Limited Hid in uplo- tor “sabota- iuiu.ui. - an} WOMAN WILL NOT HANG , anced, Hr l “hat mm- 3 men " hrs In aqc--th lulu thing adva m cont In H th of the abulml and 1h SIR JAMES 051 TEMPE! tr 1etti'ER?,,i2tid/i'; " - w. n- ComiI-I ',d'l'g.T'tTi - "gut-L Il?)'.), clit',"t'r=f.'ltcf. iuAtr4' in F133??? pclivond you "in to my “I i. c---- the m ro- CATALOGUE a ISO-I35 Yongir Sir-o! TORONTO Tha am 11 " M M ha bl gr all at murdr , that :usand heard all Ull- yt, ml tutl Mn: Tuesday brr, Un- It ll BERLIN RETAIL heavenly or genuinely tutselfish man seeks them not that he may anoy them but that God may appear glor- tous' in the giving oi them. (in this ground the Lord does gu'c temporal blessings more certainly and more gloriously than on the ground of more- lv natural cause and cttect. The Lord always accommodates the mani- festatiot1s of His power to the genius of the alw in which He makcs them, This being a' materialistic age, " In to be expecli-d that the maxim-sta- tions of Divine power will take on a temporal form. Christiatnty must have something to joint lo that at- lusts its Divine origin and power, This will not regenerate but it Mill furnish the occasmn of it. It will awaken and mni'ict. This is the lll‘W gospel or the old gospel applied to Irrewnt conditions. The reader then drew out a number of particulars showing that the gosngl can be applied to present cun- ditions in precisely the same way that it was applied to conditions that have passed away. For instance, in Luthei's and Wesley's time men ush- "d, "What must I do to be saved Ir "Hm paper st l‘llsslun both I ministers. At the regular muting of the Twin. cur Ministerial Aunt-lotion In the “In” room-on loudly. Ree, H. D. Daniels. the putot ol the New Jerusalem church. read n paper on "The New 000ml." He said that there'wu nothing new umier the sun, that the new gospel in only a new application ot the old gospel to the need. at the present age. The present In a materialistic age In which men seek to be saved not hum the future hull but trom tht ll: ot the p-eseut lite. This ls seen unduly la the tact that so many go into some sect of the so-called New Thought move- meat, which promises such tsalvation, This movement, however, is ot the natural man. because the great majority of those who r-ngage m " seek temporal blessings merely tor their own sake, But the spiritual, BERLIN TOWN nt~|nl>rm that sum ninnxlng um early uw spvnkm potutt up“! "vetttttRt'r I mvmher ot Read by Rev. B. D. Daniela " the Twin-Cit! Writ] lusting " Berlin. PAPER ON “THE NEW GOSPEL" A nrilggnl can obtain all t MINARII'S Ll.NlMHNTf mm house al a wry low "tTO IL lain-14d Ins own pr. 'H 1U MtNARtrtt LlNl‘ll'INT CURt All! 'talt alum "What an the I II t' ahsrn hurt t tch rrlmlt. Iv , g In!” d 1 h t h, Th" C Main! rnvnhn uftet 'Ilf ', urn ll Jung tht tt Mn " " tt ure hell"' q are suvrd m ,rIu-vc it," In their um MINAIHDS od tr ty MERCHANTS MEET ll lit mull held a [we and Mummy “mung Af- the routine business and dr'spatch the Invm< u-wnd that If they Mun (hr ordinary 'sposcrl of Hwy wmld ‘mla paw mrtntrrt s n adxvr lt 'iayl This d 1lrl COUNCIL MEET it Th tt an 11 Id h ." And " only mt put tat: now tt You And many nu rxpvrirnccx ash”; "What from Irrt'st'ttt of Hwy F mm- tr (harms rtnittol Th h " Mun H ll "up: li ttt "I" ll II ll, pr new up (mt Nah-Ida king by Ila tl If q pr ml mar farm Ht m h th nun "chl Hunk “or, hrill will "ew " H tl To; .. and ll tl “I” Ins tl Id SIIIIVEIIIR '.1,r, ', RANGES " M Hr Ill th ll 11m Spun-law was re nowltdgr the alur"e. Ivit The [muddy h-pullN and Mad The n rite Fchotsl vd tot ”999mm “000%“ $50 GRANT Foil CADET CORPS HUNTING PARTY IN I)“: Fur.--, Munster of F" as. the Inwtwir Corps to be u of $50 will e, Uiovit,cial Trrr irn Tr omen tnt hm tlwir ll purchasz own 1m ttii fr Chronicle-Telegraph’s t'rtsrtttttttette No. 6 h WESTERN EXAMPLE +F6+b0+br4+bFFH++q+r6--ro-o-o.--o-o..-o..-o.-o. he h nth rt Tr, ”90“.”WOMO WOW T h km '0'ilrert ty li hat If " ll II (h IN [ERESTING LECTURE his “we cf nsnl have not heard th they are making mat way just mm be likely lo form l alter listening .. JtttrttiAf1t.tc8tt3tilt al h Illa dur al _ Ma A H W. (11: Deputy, mum-x m Abt. u I'll th ll sang emu-mum Than“). Rough" ll. 'iibrrso/to the n Toronto, Oct. 32, 'oo. r.--l am directed bs the d F'ulacation to state, that rptwtor rm'nrtml your Cadet be Tpry satisfactory a grant ill he Purl thsorgh the Trmsury Dept. to the 0" you beard in the ll " wtt In. and Mi tan ADDITIONAL WATERLOO NEWS mm; 1 hi MI lull III III! by the R'eaternvrs lc It is renaming l vxpatiate on th- hm e thc-e would xt West h “Hal If art' few 1tvr HI 1] thr inst rurtr Ill ll] s r»: If e.xpiutia ht Ill th n1ry grou Its anl ll hi IE t “l his ile at his lrnl you, patrionsm to“ T II ofectioe P at his rt VsiLl Water alum It appr k ill Iv! h it In rh heat prits idly " 1h t hn It lo " INTERESTING MEETING OF MARTIN LUTHER SOCIETY H sums nrrmsal'y m 1h- pursuis n the, tlmi-irxrte0 animals. They I'Il Ha the (JUL and k" direct to Fir-nob stuiron, Pan}- Snunl llisuim from “hid: pom! they pnrrod Inland Displayed amass the front of the nu was the following motto of the Wa- tertoo Hrnting (l'xh “Hark and mu cry Nuliou wd'nmo lo our Camp ".xreirt Carrie" The party $' Kcutr, A, E, Dr. F'rtvrlittg, Run”. and I Mu right hm W09. Ile held w liar. I " M wh " 1' Man mu M \Hrr thc routtttp husim-ss had horn :Insnvlrrl those mount had the msmr‘ of huh-lung lo an intvrrsting Id "vid addrrss given try Mr, J. . Rims, who rco'nUy tusitrd ttrmtt- Nv-w Strrk, and who pariiripaied 1hr arm-V 1iudson Fulton rrlt'hra Th not r Ctrtti' CON] RACTS AWARDED I”; thr, III-rung was .‘uljuurm-II the report trom the doll-gun's partlsiptttrd In the Rally meet- of the Canada Luther League, at Pmt Uolbomo, Thank-giving "I it” "at uni will it beard inn tl and [id Ftagrarn Tun weeks will be tt by lhn partr. s ()nus and Jacobi , haw r'u tho contract for the work .ngmg the Waterloo rim': and k will I)" cum.mn"rd ai NIT and hrd CHORAL UNION W M Mr Ilvl Hoe r monthly business meet- hnhn 1,ttthcr Srwictyof 'uthrran church was held mg "tilt a fair attrtl uhrn 1h 1hr " ht uniscd Mmsrs. w A ntrtrvsiting Mr KPH atiy xote MI QUEST 0F DEER lain I'lulF [Ihun- ll at lh' hill which ll ill ll in praciis I III" Id M lt impro rmsh d hundru d th, l hour " Til opr PIN Illr Turk n" chorus by other tttemhery of "nun: tht' Mrs. 1', W. Schirrlrl ltrsltlcd 1"- M b' a alga". The pastor [mo a al l'nlull or- ttred, on ihe wrak of thr In! lice nf good ”ww- many pram past and lr. di8ctvnt m up lwmmlul [man-an tha tare " pat" "my tal," In (‘hlist'a “up!" 1ir.uttrtltrw I A Illmnl mllrvhun was E m1 , and Mass of llmnka m for his in- he so ably M «I rthrd It! d far lr “hurl JO th Irving urn and gamvs In hole M mum .IH h "l inq the m am he in al d cn Friday running the Ladies' Ait and Missionary Society of th, Iu'ran gdital (hunh gave tlwir :1trtual Entertainntrnt. Thorn was a well- attended mating and th' exercises “on- most Injnyahlc and prMtablc Among other renvcl‘ings wasaread. ing by Mrs. Fowler. a paper by Mrs M, 1.. ng on "Woman's Work," t reading by Mus, M. E. mamdln Ol wars ot music “no 1vmhtrert by n quartetie consisting of Mls. "we gmmn. Knight, Hahn and Cressman Also an inslmuunlnl duct by hits. 1'lessman and Mrs. Hahn Another chorus by other momhrrs of lln Aid Mrs, C, W. Srlnirrlrl [truth-d at the Olga". The pastor gm? a slum! ad- ltr/ss on (he wrnk of thr INHIIL‘SV Ali wa many wam past and reterttul "Fifty-two m tatirm bv Mrs “HUI "I'lmlgc Thu sunning Aid was Inspi pieces oi ruusi a quarts-Ho n LADIES’ th: Mr Mr amm groves, Finn! San Francisco they go scuth to Mt. llarlyarm, Les Angvlrs and to ths Catalina Island, a great fishing resort. Lvavin: 1'alifornia, thy will re- turn cast lhrnugh Laguna, New Mexi- turn 10 Hamilton by Dun 41h. This trip will not only boa pleasure but also a' very instructive bur, as vvery rune of the {arty going are n.» "rgetic husin hs mm and will no dunhl toner". by what iltev wiil Sm: in Hm Wes t en. ci irftt' will Hare m the alturumm in ll: " fri aw car. 'ih, route taken will te as tol'oas-Lvave Hamision Wednesday, Nov. Fud, 5 um. toLon don. Pmt Ihron, and (lllt‘ap) when the first stop will he made, lnll'ng in the sights at that city. Leaning Chi- Cam) thw will next Halt llcnvpr, Col. which is noted as the finest city in the west They will stop or” in the following cities:--Cohrrato Springs t'ripple Creek, Salt Lake City, tWien, thenee lo Fan h'istnriserr, “an“. u-IL» nurned to Death.-Niss Emma (“on daughter of Mr. Moses (not! ot the Huron road, was the victim ota la- mentable accident on Wednesday at- tomoun last. The young wouun,who had tt'tut Lurking apples, leturned to the, house ahouLIhrrc o'clock to warm herself by the kitchen stove and in main manner her clothing caught fire. As more was no one user at hand ttt give assistance, m a short time ha clothing was comrl'tely burnt on h"r hull," After sum-Hug ttttentity agOny. for berm] hauls, Miss Grott passed away altout right o'clock that same mien-stung Address --Al the 1-2p- cdist ('hunh on Sunday turning worth League meeting in the Meth- dlst Church on Sunday. evening, Prin- cual J. W Smith gave an inh'rctst- Ing talk on the International I-Ipworth Imague Convention lately h 1d at Beat- Ile, Wash l 'ai'aia" 'tri-tbile" kiui3iiiGU --'"_' , (m a” A - (I! Id not from but. wank] (Moan clouds-TI. mud Id. ing ot the New Haunt; "out" Hub was held u the Coaunetcut Hob! on Fuday "can; last. The to- Iurt of not. year's tuattceas and gun- tb wns patented and was most grati- tying to those pus-m. " II the Au tuition ot the club lo (titer both tho O.W.H.A. an tle HILL The prov peels tor a ohanwio.'vstsip mm this year are "err bright 'the lollowmg oihcers We": elected: Honorary Prertiidemt--Altiad Ha' n, _ Hun. 1'tttr-Pree-r, F "tru an] Ir, Burned to Death.-Niss daughter of Mr. Moses G Huron road, was the m mentable accident on it tomoun last, Tho “rum Gin Pills proved lo be. Mr. Simron. " that time, Ins sstfterhte intense y with his Kid-ey- Gin Pills were promptly recommended and take-'utt the grat- ifying result that both that good friends arr- well lad lam men tad-y, Gin Pills are a sped-I remedy for three sped-l dtsrt"eeukbdrs.r Bladder and l'rinuy Thu-Na. I'm that. Gin Pill. m mid with an 2t',tkarnir. olprmnP! RIM or my mt ed. am. A A. - n'AIAA u_u.._l n..- and o. ' szel. ll Mr, Herbert Bauer, of Davisville, my! hr mvrs Gin Pills a debt of gratitude? which he can never "guy. He suttrred for year: with 1Mad er Trouble, nml could not no” urine except by much straining w ich caused great peat Mr. Bauer sent " . free lump]: MOU Pills The fsrst dose did him '0 much good that he ordered six boxe- Ind began to lake them retrul.rry. A mom!" lrmlmrm completely (and him. In high glee he called on his friend, Mr, Simpvm, to tell the Utter shout his rerovrry and what a wonderful remedy of mm t rum at my "Imam we. tt Ci', In; 11.00..qu Hash-I. Dr's t'ripple Creek, Salt Lake City, tWien, tlienee lo Fan Flam-ism, when fully a week will be spin! amongst 1hoor- ange) groves, Finn! San Francisco they go sunh to Mt. Marhariv, Los Two FRIENDS RESCUE!) " Ell PILLS Tho KIdndiTrid sumac? Remedy H l clung lnlcn-sl; dist ('I an vice-Proc-C, S. Cairncross. Recriatc-alus. o, Wendt, F.Uecutise cummitteo-TN, oMeers rd o. E. Ritz, R. Berger and N, Auditors 'resident-Dr. Anderson III! In Inbnal mllrcnu Lingo at N'IHIJI'HT M F. Hmc-mllv C W. Swhuru'l ks “as min] "t'rb' h Iprul an] two mayr'rmertings Irv Mrs. W. E. Lie "I'Imlgul with Wire "Itfrurq by thy mun NEW HAM-0R6 Inspiring lea hlf) ENTERTAINMENT BADEN {arty going are n.» m and will no dunht ltey wiil we in the Hartman and ‘ tucuthtsrs of llm Hes eral speri " ' [cmlorml by ll "' a sllwltad lh" lmlws' Ai, I and retertv, "t thai wuma' kingdom, was gin" In (11. motion " hrm ty I w tadim, jryienter oI-umm in oute lakrn Hamiston mi. lo Lon at” when , talt'mg in 'aung Chi- d rtwt “I Aid In Netws NrMcs.--Irailoav'rn liath‘l‘ on Icky quietly he,iv.--Tb: \umhu’ man lawn-d us with a day or mu of In” Indian Summrl wrathrr,-- A numlm’ horn here atlrmlml Mr. ll biiautitv"s sale at Williamsburg on '%tdrda.t--Mr. Samuel Kaster bought Mr, Danir'l Knmhlrl's larm, adjoining his man, cnmr1ising 130 a" 's, Mr. lirwchtcl intends to tetire,-- A num- bet from hch will We in the Min- nie-ml, S Srhuol and I', K. Con- \vntions of the U. B. Church at 1Yrvtreiillo this weeks vas N'ots-- Rev. Mr, Waldmnul Hespeler occupied the pulpit at the Jrfrc. church on Sunday evening. Pnrsttalr--Mr and Mrs. Juhn Sch- wulzm of (MIL vnilul at the humn of Mr. and Mus n, D. Dru” on Sunday -Mr. llumro Ware returned homo hom a iconth's m m stay “nth "tends at Wintetbourne.- Mr. [mum hom mlh friends S Hallman Plausville tr'rned M In It IKhrmmatism pr the Mood wi'h Dr hr Remedy. Don' minim-n remedws. tell. In tablet or by all dealers. of “on b, "MTV tin-19124 inc Ml lubsrrlpnm Canadian hum VNIIIL H. My Th Cor. Michigan a Griswold Sts. _ Detroit, Hick. Dns.KBleY&KENNEDY we CURE Nervous Debility. vaAcdceieHkiiaa,' Find and Secret Diseases. Kidney and Bladder Comm-mu. Com Fm. " onqMq to oat? who tor a C-tto" LII! In Homo Tron-loot. It on ever had any contracted or heredituy rm, _ blood‘ dleeue, you are never uh until them: " wN or poison has been removed from the Intent- 937 ‘ You may have had come diam mm but -~ now and then some symptom Alum: you. done . LI T poison still lurks in your system. Can you lord Gl ' . to run the risk of more serious symptoms oppon- B? F, In 1, ing as the poison ','g,1ftl,ig','l Beware of mercury I ‘ PM or mineral drugs used ryiiscrimittates1y-they. may , ' ft ' ruin the systcm. Twenty years experienmria the IP) Tru' in treatmentof these diseases enables n: to prescribe ' H" specific remedies that will positively cum all blood i! E Ti diseases of the worst character, leaving no bad . " Mrecta on the system. Our New Method Treat- /, Kt q ment will Yuri” and enrich the blood, heal up Ts? all ulcers, c ear the skin, remove tronepaina, (Allen ' out hair will grow in. and swollen glands will ro- cet v turn to a normal condition, and the patient will O feel and look liken different person. All can: we accept for treatment are guaranteed 1 com- plete cure it instructions are followed. Reader if in doubt as to your condition. you can consult no FREE OP CHARGE. Beware of incompetent doctors who have, no reputation oUge"y?i, Dp. K. & 5. P32)” been establé'heé opr 20 rep. " . Ih til, ' 'i"iiiil , "ie’ -- Kt >1 k, .._ “a; hi BLOOD DISEASES iiul (Held over from [at week; III'I.\l‘TIFl'I. P1CTUltr Guaranteed Cured or No Pay. pla MWEIM Humt‘o Wan-nth a iconth's m m at Wintrubourm_ who was employed during (ho sumnn a hom" hrrv mdili levating ill'k'l‘d llll‘ rsttitiled " unrml this l the FUmily Ilo' Mthm m I]: a lu; promptly dnvcn h Dr Fhoop's “In Don't waste lime In." " M o ptly dnvcn [mm 'hnnp‘s Illumina- paste lime with um will surely quid Iorm. Sold " PC. ("d Mum " I “I" I " hr In Ilvmld awttt The hl {In " ttt “I run; 1h mm wilt il, ul' Hr " it PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method. If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send me 7 our address, and I will tell you ict to cure your- self at home by the absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if re- quested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others ot this offer. Write to-day to Mrs, (fd"""'""" Box 244 Windsor, tt .- syshnl. Completes ('mxso consists of mid waists, sleeves, coats, skins. Tsrair- porn, children', dresses, "Moment, collars. etc. And trims ." til) to he paid whrn through with lessons. Non runs to nummnm- .NOT Rind. For lull mlurnnhun 11? us Nov Will and 2mh Shawn-rs in riiy may hoard at. school at reasoruthle tau-s lly Mart-lt yml rnnrml “if luv. m at school, write " our boa? on. "How we lath dlenmlking hy mail" It Is nut tree, we Itusriuttee (MI method Inhalarlmy .an run ho studied during ware mmmnu " homo, LEARN We tench everything from measuring htting to fittishing of tht, plnincst. shirt walst to most elaborate toilette. Why spend months at. shop, where you will do nothing but hem, awr- cast, 30W on hooks and eyes. and then at the end of 6 or a months, what do you know about cutting? Absol im- ly nothing! For you will know no more how to cut outs dress at tho end all your, than you did the that day you went there. So why no them when we can (will you in I couple of weeks? A " days' irial are given luv of chargr, and if sm- dent finds it nut all WP rvconttrwnd it in be, they haw privilege to Thur lime bring no pay in admnrn “0 hare taught nwr when this Im‘ihud withm past 7 )PAIS, and al- nays have, and Mill will all" any one tei, whom we camml iciwhour From Wm to Four Hooks THE MlSRl-IS Fti.ts'ON, Dreumdlng whom. In Uhur I. an. Bulls DRESSMAKING b'2t

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