I F, i tT Notac-au emu Fuck Arr, - it PP'N In ro'cnds .,t,,'irit.q. umpire-homo to a M yie panic Laura. a, 't oaiitis/tnrAyy"t'.t Har IM . W In. at! In. Kdirnr' lel, - r on tbmditr.-Wr. uni Mrs. g , ‘ d 1.8M visited Mr. I y.‘ “In. Rock Bowing ot Heweter , {any val. We: wail an tBrtrt- " a]! win he don with their I.“ work. (ie-A cable load ot you; people 51 .4 Bute In!!! {manque ret, at 1tti, Ira-kiln Hand's on Friday , @411 Chum Hosp and Mm. - Hum. visited Mrs. F. Lunch at. tgamdar.-Mr. .I‘ In. John E. Mtrel and Ion hero bsestts olulr. an In. J†Shel on Sunday. News Notes-Mr. Aetttor Cam] Mil on Wednesday of last week. tor Gia) when he is taking â€our†at the 0.A.C..-A number hum town Ind. vlcinity attended the convention Mid uterine on Tuesday, Wednesday‘ vtliii'it,ii'ill'r', 91 Int. werek.-Rev. Mr. _ had' In [atmqlv‘lromhh blanks. sustained last week to act- bit of his being removed to his tom in New Hamburg on Sunday taust.-arrtt. A. Cgsscl visited at the tune of Mr. and Mrs. John Schulte on Sunday 1ast.--Mr, and Mrs, N. S. Bowman were visitors to llaysville on Sunday Iast.--Mr. and Mrs. Washburn' cl Harder and Mr. George Venton and In. N. Hagey of Preston visited at Mr. J. Hilborn's on Sunday last. --Ree. C. W. Backus commend quar- terly services at Berlin cn Sunday Mingus! “hilc Mr. li. ll. Tham- cr counted the U. 11. service ltere.- We are sorry to mm- that Mrs. Knecht ot Harlin is , ill at the home ul Mr. G. Latttetuchrager. We wish her a speedy rectttetr.--Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hallman visited relatives mar Hays- wine on Tm†last.-Mrs. Venton, who had been ili.at the home oi Mr, and Mrs. J: lliltorn. was tatrun to her "homé, ip"Prestor! on Tuesday last. Her donation was somewhat improved and we trust she is un a - way to -geeoviar News Note-Thu funeral of the late H. F. Schmidt held last week was the largest ever witnebsul in this vidage.---Mr. H. Wagner in in- stalling an electrie light plant in his carriage and blacksmith shop.-- Mhs Amelia Dueling is spending a " weeks with her brother, Dr. L. boning in Mildmay.--Mr. Conrad Lam visited his daughter, Mrs. " in lleldman ot Berlin over Sunday.- Mts. Witcel, of Merlin was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Peter Berg, last week.-Mrs. Elsoesscr of Baden visit- nd her sister, Mis. Wagner, last week. -Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mean oi near Newmamburg were the guests of Mrs. Adam Doering‘ on Sunday. - Mr, ano Mrs. James Capoing of Burnside visited Mrs. lltnry F, Sthmidt on Sunday.. Items ot Interest-Mrs, "mm "I Hoorencld is visiting her ctaur,h'cr, Mrs. Jos. Hilker at 'trescnt.-- Mrs. Ruler lett on Munday tor Hrrtuirord, to spend a low weeks with her daogh- ten-Mm D. w, Elsley spvnt a (m days at Galt last week-Mr. Sugg- den uh" has been sunning with a sole eye underwent an operat! m in the. Berlin & mumâ€. Maximal last Monday. The operation was prt'orrn- ed by Dr. Noecker of Waterloo, av aided by Dr, Wcidetthammer.-We art pleased in learn Mr. Suggdm i, getting along as well as can be ex- pecud.--Mrs, James Thompson spent, last Thursday in "erlin.--Tht, ladies Aid ot thr, Mclhmlist thunk intend holding in Bazaar on the 26ih inst, --Anniversary services will be held in the M’hodlst Church on the 29th inst, Death of Mrs. Wegtarth.-Th" death took place on Tuesday morning at her late home l milcs east of our burr of Mn. Adam Wit-glam: at thr Bdvarr ed Me M about " ynam [wormed was always ahlr 10hr amund un til within a wrek of hr than} The luncral Was hold on {any aller- Ioon an! llm nemuim q Twin-r him" to Bet“. tor burial, 3hr in sutNived by her Nihnul. 2 sons, l dauphin unvl 3 grandchildu-n. W" Minn! um sun In)" In tlu' In rrwcrl. News Notrs.-our Limburgrr chrwse held"; is again (lusty! tor th, win- ter tit-nun". The local chopping mill «and work tor . " (lav! owing to Moths ,' MM is “an. in tun TiT.5.Pd "rm-mm Cider null will - cider making on Fridar--5fiss "It“. Dunn" has Again muran to It home alter mm.“ for wvrr- ot "It; with relativm in the North 'r-t.-Mr, Thro Lnuiemwhlam and an Visited Swirl-y at ths (Hui qh-rtt.--TN, Mint-s Ella Ko Me! “I cum' mum. new. mini. - " that â€roam lone. -‘ Inn "an man the Li- NEW DUNDEE. OIWIWLLI PHILIPSBURG HAWKESVILLE HEIDELBERG SJ; 3'5 1?; JM" an} In. H :71 :9- »: lad-b tsi,fiill.iti,'ii'ilt'l?tti 2rd,'r'"rs uur. j'iti!!fil!?l1t?,,', we. T (at the torn " I Rt'tt some“. The when " To! run was an!“ 'ot" doors with ltd-m supports“ of Sir Jun- t? â€any. Hot. n._L. Borden “a qt'tio inn-nu, 31. 'tttri-.". at tho “In. and!“ h the 'Mttrwiaq Meer.' beiag.eteeed tor the ensuing Geo. mum. ILA. Hon. Vim. Pres-L. am. amp-w. R, PM. . Vice P-t-gth" ill- 2nd Vice Ptc-M. u. Beigtrtrtrit Elan-J30. A. Hutu-l. And. â€no. 8- mu. _ TreBs..-P. J. Hm. iGil. i'reLai'i"o. A'7tsrii, Executive Committee to act with the groom-lulu. Ed. Monet, Otto. ii(Neissaer, Stml. Incl-ad, Hermann Anni. E. R. Eager, Geo. Emile. Jno. Reid, J. IN. P. Denna, Lou- is Miller, Geo. F. Oral. Jun. Otto, and Riding Vice Presidkts Messrs. L. Ferric, D. Ran, J. P. Ban, o,, Kahlua, and Jim. K. Katzenmeier. _ Atter the business ot the evening w‘u‘dlapoued oi the retiring President Capt F. H. MeCaitum delivered his address and acted as chairman ot the naming: He amt called upon the new President. Mr. W. R. Plum, who in his well known style roused the enthusiaamol the audience to its high-at pitch. Then followed Mr. Pat- Thion. the local member, who in a non-partisan address ably reviewed the chief political events ot the year, The speaker ot the owning, Mr. Jos. Doyney, M.L.A., was then introduc- ed. Mr. Downey is no stranger to New Hantburg'autiiersces and is al- ways a welcome visitor. He was in excellent [mm and delivered a pat- riotic address which fairly surpassed iin wit, wisdom and oratical power the high expectations of the audieace. The various speeches were interspers- ed with very high class musical sel- ections by the Fusion Quartctte, the New Hamburg Urdu-Sim and Sand: Ireland, our local muscihallur- tist. Local and Personal.--. Miss Lynn Ceoetr. and Miss Roth of ta'cbriugville spent Sunday in town, the guests at Mrs. W. li. Bounce.-. Mr. Henry Brodrrcht was on a business trip to stratum on Monday.-Mr. s. It! Stuart spent Sunday at his home in) Mitchell-Mrs. August Hartman oil Fergus is â€siting friends in y.,t?.tr.-,l Mrjsteep ol Clinton was a business‘ visitor here on Friday.-Mr. Gies otl Berlin was a guest of New Hamburg friends on Sunday Last.--Mr. mid Mrs. Fred DeBus visited friends in Strat- ford last week.-Dr. and Mrs. Ford of Shakespeare were in town on Friday.-Miss Hilda Corrie is visit- ing friends in .Stratiord.-Rev. dim. Ridley, Rural Dean of Gan, was the guest of Nltw Hamburg friends last wtvk.--Mr. L. ll. Pequegnat returned) on Thursday from a very successful business trip through the Eastern) Provinces-Messrs. ll. o. Wemtt and) Simpson Mérner were business visi-j tors in Toronto last week.-Mr. Char- leS J'eine of Chitagu paid a flying' visit to his friends here last week.-- Senator Rate left Tuesday for 0t- tawa' tor the Parliamentary session. --or. J. J. Walters of Berlin spent Monday last in town.-Mr. W. H. We- ber spent Sunday with friends in Bvrlin.-Miss Florence Boullee visit- ed her grandfather, Mr. Andrew Goetz in Sebringville on Thursday and Fri-, day.--Messrs. Joseph Berger, Henry Hellman and Will Becker of this town have gone on a two weeks' hunting trip throughout Parry Sound.-- Miss Vina Forster was the hostess of a delightful young people's euchre party on Tuesday tv.'uBing.--Little Lena Kipfer, youngest daughter of Mr. C. Kipper, met with a painful mishap on Friday afternoon. While playing on the doorstep she slipped and fell on her arm, breaking it above the el- bow.-Mr, Williams, of the Williams, ‘Greene it Home t'ornpany, Berlin, was in town on Thursday accompa- lnitd by Mr, IJeviit of the same place. ‘They intind starting a hramli .lac- ‘tory here and to this end have leas- ed the old knitting factory belonging to Mr, Frtd (im'inl and mil (one meme installing the necessary ma- (binrry and making alterations; art once, They expect to he on the main Not with their Rooms (shirts, collars and culls) by Der-ember Ist. --The an- nual meeting of the Wilmot Township Sunday School Astiawiaiion wasHt tn Thursday last at Bethel West M.r" thodist (‘hureh and despite the "TY unfavorable weather was largely at- tended. I'Ixeellent willrmses suitatl' to the occasion were delivcrrd At the elm-lion ul ul'litem, Mr, Lexi Masters was chosen President and New Dundee was selected as the meet- ing place tor the next, 1e:T.--W' cups and trophies for the Poultry ox- hihltion which tsill he lll'lll here on the lb’th, 17m and lttth inst un'cr the auspices of the New Hamburg Poultry ind l'et Stock Insulation are on "ylt+titon at our local jewel- r'T Mr, L. lltxletler‘s. Fixe Hundred dollars will he "ttred in pri- 7e: in addition to the afoorr -Mr, William MeNeil at [mutton an old reliable poultry lander will â€inflate as Juditv-Re reglet to report that ,l_ s. Wilton, ilisurint elerk M the rm?!“ 'tsiyrt, 3.!2_h1- t J. S. Wilton, rlwn‘ml clerk of ihe hrcal hunch of the Slandurd Prttt't “aw oblige-n throuth illness to Inw- his home in litusst'ls on ’rllwmy u- terncon. Mr. Wuhan ttt a, Pue6o- his Branch in taking If, Willon'l pure tempomrily,--9he grain hush country nmllxunlls to N Humbur. is proving n "male Mann; ground lo lhr '90th of We country and large punk! daily I'll" " min at! other can.“ to ter tteir look q at but! naval-d , c'. . I, ‘ ' tMtitlt f an f.ilptlll '113', m m care m f, 6 . - m a Pr [ tttNt; mu- mu h but my t, ft.e.hte,';t't,'l1'a,. “ st'. - in" “a“ haunt, 1% Mr. a! lm The. B. M†on Wnllcntotl -.-- tow !!qu at to Doc- saat Baum. III: in“. in. and III- Judo I“, we mm“ gt Berlin. --hu. an Show“; now mum in the Norttoreat, together who nil in our tents, in Indy destroyed by the. It. Show: in. non ot Mr. A. R, Stmm, neat here. album Entiahod.--The enter- Mum-t um a. up Orphnn's Home on Sunday, In honor nt Rev. H. alumni uamesdly. via one long to to tes-red.-. The lull vu “In! to "It deer: and all were mumm- ist its ’uhm- Great cm] t , ir 4113- esiseutir to the chibdrm; Ibo tciN wt)†m! M Slate“, “achieved drum new Perrop.-atev. Jon. '"\M Ar- tun, sisitad hints and" gnu: here or) Wedrtesdar.-Mr, . ‘33. Miller from Hydro, Okla, are visiting with Mr, an: Mrs. Andrew Spawn. -M‘r. and Mrs. Jon. Bust. a! Mr. and Mrs. J-cob Z. Gingrkh, Mt on Tutsda'. to spud an In: week: with friends in Lewisville, N.Y.-- P. K. Albert and Miss Irene Sch! of Baden spent Sunday with the Miss cs Kaiser. Mrs. J. Zeltr, whs . has been visiV ing her mother, Mrs. N. E. Lichty. tor the past week than“ to her home in Lewissille, N.Y.-. Mr. Pleasantly s'urpriseNi.-The laslies" Society of the EV. Lutheran church pleasantly surprised mm oi ttwir members Mrs. G. Sthmz, who in {was leaving Baden to spcnd th- winter with her sun in Berlin. Sun-s of lntcrosl.-Mr. and Mrs. Adam Scip attended the funeral o' his mother, Mr. Gerbig in Berlin on Weoesday.--Mrs. H. J. Silelclmeycx and Mrs. Wm. Russell, and her son. Wm. am \isiling in Oshma this wee': a! Mr. am! Mrs. Ed. Weiters. -ur. P. Slwxlnrd, P.8.1. visited our school this week on Tuesday.-- Mrs P. Itittinger, tir., and daughter, Lol- lie and Mrs. F. Rulingâ€, jr., visit- rd at Mrs. Br" Forest, New Ilam- burg an Tutsiday.-Mr, John "on dericlt oi Tum-to is 'ititing at his lurne at presrnt.--htrs. Jacob Zehr has rrt 1rd to lvr Izomc in New York fitcte hating spent a few wee"s with Mr mothvr, Mrs. N. E. Lichti and ret Ird Fitcte hvr ll] Irirnds News 'Notes/rn to Mr. an'l Mrs. Wm. J. Stuart ot Chieopre, Sutur- day. Nov. lith, a daughht-- Mr. I'ec"1 purchased a tine other and has now quite a h ndsome outfit,-- A number ot [it-mums spent the week end with relatives in this neighbor [mod namely, Mrs. James Woioer,attd daughters Isabella and Alma. Miss Nettie "airman and Mr. and Mrs Amon Wefrer.--Mr, an! Mrs. Tom Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Raul- man or Zio, Mr. C. Musselman and familv of Preston, slum Sunday at Mr. Wm. F,'icn,ttti,--Mtss,' Bessie and Master Lloyd and Herbert Furincv oi llrrslari spot Sunday at Mr. Ham- url 1rtiborn's.--Mrs. George Martin, who has Horn on the sick list is now convalsint.-The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Smart, died Mondav lorrnoun, Nov, 8th. emcient stenugrapher of the Brass Company's omee is leaving on Monday for Waterloo, where she will oxnm’ a similar Position at the Kreutziger Bo, factory at that place. Miss Miehm. has may friends here who will regret her departure and wich her vvery success in her new position. --Mr, Alfred Hahn has reenvn'ed from his recent illness and is able to resume his duties at the “aim Bros} works. . NOTICE is hereby gin-n, pursuant m lhc Rmistd Statutcs cl ontprio, 1897, Ihapter 129, Swll'sn Mt, that all t'rmiitors and others 1raviuxc2aims against, {in estate of the above mmul Felix Hale, who died on or shunt thy 2nd dtty at May, l909,are' required to send by post, pre-paid, or to deliver io the mderrignot, the vxrcumrs “I the ln‘at will And mu.- ment of their acmuuls or4 the tta- tore Hm 18th dry of [kw-um". IBM, t1rir "tristian anl surnames. avldrmsrs and de.wtiption, th' lull [nrllculars of "wit whims, a state, F',t nt of their ullmmts and the lu- Iuro of Ilu- tawurities tit any) hvld by them. And further take uotlm that we will immediately alter the sold In! Mullah"! Gie proceed to dishihule the est-lo o' the 40¢ch lmong the [arm-s (Milled thereto, but"; rug-rd only to the claims of whim We all-H than hum had nollw, an! um we will not be ruponaihlc for the use†of the mid nuts, or my part thereof, so distributed, to any petio- or porno-I ot - clnlm we shall not then I've had mute. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE 0F FELIX HOLLI‘I LATE (IF THE VILLAGE OF CONFf',, TUGO IN THE 1'ttUNTY OF WATERLOU, DECEASED, Date: a. mg. dat cl Nanak" Iâ€. . Notice to Creditors JOSEPH "HIST. CT. AGATHA LIMERICK IADEN PtN'd w: !:it'it?ii.', 'f.'"t At,'uetAtPt , l ' . 'it.'l'l'='lAi"all'lt 1.0.. tinged Mrs""' ' l, [that D, anlel now-ma In. um. uhUttttt"', qt "stha,:a.tstrti1etssoeF" dilchum u†"‘9‘ m... ... _ 2-th new. 9119...; a "ttr-fate at " o'doqt in». to follow "W9, -rtrceer- - "o--' " in cm M vii um. mod to In D 'odl,8-tsH,grstbr Golden Bar, boy mm m) pm all; buck loan. " ,eatlstd, good 01$ a; my dirk “Y'clmb an! ' yw'l d4. qot by "" mm; buy can mm a yarn all. "et My "an“ on", got. by Lord Thu). (mule. Ete.-9 a red m Duh-In bulls wish poo. m treats, cow to ealeq h it, Pound Durham lunar. with , Innu- mttobehtqatf;APoWd min- heuen on ya: out, new" an. new calm“. all mm It the American Shun-Hon Bra-dew W‘: a and. muz~cow this tot _ “Johny. can 'tte-to - in “any, cow an 2.'S' in June; 4 a†an; you ' 4 spring 6atieei; A" _ Implements. me.- Gunhlo- new. ator, unruly new, in good worth; order; I twelve hone power with rods complete, 1 ten horse power “row cutter with carrier, manly new; chopper, 3 bevel loch, Blu- well binders, , n. cut with shut curler, (one molly new); My Harris wed drill with " tubes (near- ly new), manure spreader, hay loader, side delivery rake, hay tedtter, hay rake, Frost & Wood mower, 5 ft. rut; turnip seeder, pm harvester, Bite sel disc, nearly new, 2 hay racks, leCllmx ett1tirusor;'dsprittg tooth cultivators; wagon with Mm, mtly new; new truck wagon; twooeated carriage; two biggies, one our? new; road cart; land roller; two bob s cighs; long sleigh, cutter, nearly new; Y, wood racks, circular saw, nearly new), lannlng mill, scales capacity 1200 lbs, turnip pulper, two furrow Kangeroo plow, 2 Fleury plows, one, nearly new; single plow, scrulller, thter-seetiott iron narrow, tour sec- tion iron barrow, working bench, grain cradle, scythe, emery stone, sTrindstone, , sets double harm-us, nearly new; 3 not: plow harness, set singh- harness: pair Scotch collars, wheelbarrow, wNmetrees, neckyokes, logging chains, shovels. forks, hoes, and many otlwr articles loo numerous to mcmlon. . Yui, Ete.-3 mu unwound to be it pig, " My about " month: otd., came doc. and than!» so damn. Grain, Etc.-Alroul 1500 bus. oats, 100 bus. btrrley, about 3') tons tim- othy hay, 8 tons ot second crop hay, about M00 bus. turnips, 300 bus. mangels, and a quantity of po- tatocs. Household Elects, Tuc.-- National cream separator. 2 glass cupboards, clothes cupboard, kink, 2 wash sinks, table, 2 cooking stoves. l nearlf new, 6 kitchen chairs, wood thest, cypboard, cheese press and sink, a meat tub? iron kettle, sap pan, about 100 sap pails, milk cans, benches, and many other articles. No reserve as the proprietor leaving tor the west . Tvrms-eigs, hay, grain, mangels, turnips, chickens and all sums ot ten dollars and under cash, over that amount 12 months credit on approve ed joint notes, or 5 per cent. oll for push payments of credit amounts. lonnn' Mom on In. my)“ 03 an up. M an. Tamin- foe than Pda of I are. more or In of tmlMva land I." Town Gavel Ptt in the Tm of Wat. "be will " mud. all“ but. and-(w up in m of LOUIS F. oiEt'Rwtr, Clerk “at. Personals -Mr. Ivrn llilhom of tivw blnicv was a visitor in _ our town on Sunday Itvst-Mr. Elwin Nc- Nally, “II" has beat in the great Nurlhwcxl for some lime, arrind‘ but" last week,--Miss Ada Hilton! ot he “on is sp(-ndfn(_a couple of works with friends hruv.--Miss Louie Tilt is a xisitor at Toronto.- Miss c. It. Itlasu"se was: dcl'gato lo the County 1'. H. Convention at Hespelcr last 1wre':,--Miss Hauman v! New Drn:ce “a; in luz'n las., Svnhj'. we“! vMINARD'S LINIMF2iT CURE.“ COLDS, ETC. _ “mama I I'm-Mu ALBERT J, MICKUS, "huctioneer DANIEL L. TEHR, Prop General Sealant Tenders Wanted COUNTY or WATIRLOO LUNCH AT NOON MOI.†BLAIR “'3‘! its C " 1 o'gbtet T" t _ ' W... m... Luttt'.t Hoe- Wu m a... matched. My 4 “I I - .14; heavy teh,'a"ult 1"" Tll, " nun ' - to: Ir. Rogy new m. clan-u. an a "'"Aliivii. Wen-nu an... .. .. 3g, cum-cod in a oat" cum l tot in to m'" " mu ; m 'tte to “I" mt A!!!†loan; our“ to about Vrtt mu; cow In: “In my; Meg. a nu. old. new , you old, ' "on. may; I you. old. tN an“. ethos. _ pus, te.-- 'WW "In; sure not Mam du- toâ€; Tuesday, 'tto-u, Sit ,,,.__-_ __ w“. on July Ist, , my“. "WWI! a. r, 200 lb. Gui; A MIMI. anui%nst trirsdsr, all! cut this m5 can; Dertrtg Max. Pre-ood " tttar rule. lcCormu by loud“, new, new; PSop8f, " hon dettt, puny -"V r, w--v._..... our - um. '"""r new; Noun lulu; 'ooth cultivator, dim tooth annular. Sum dine. two-tuna. Imperial on; play, Wilkinnon plow. No. , Purl: plow, neuly new; not, iron ham", not wooden Intro". truck wngon. and. tire; Unwed curiae. not double bob Meigtsa, long mm. by rack. In, rope and pulley. 140,“. long. _ 2 trig Inch. wheelbarrow; tanning mill, turnip wipe“ 53W. emery‘ grindnone'. croweut saw, not doubt harness. at amuse bane-I. let sin- gle harm-as. a scales capacity 2000 lbs; 2 sets dottbietrees, t lack yon-s, a crowbau. logging chain, shawls. forks, and many other uti- cles too numerous to nation. Hay, Grain. Roots-4 tons hay, 900 bus. oats, 75 bun. barley, 500 bus. mixed grain, and about 800 bug. mangels, ' Bale to comnmncc at 1 o'clock pm dam " I I l w ) N6 reserve u the farm is sold and proprietor is "iiring trom (arming. m--.“ .. . _ _ There will be sold by public auction on the farm of the W. situ- ated l mile south of Mannheim. on 1rorses-<tood general purpose team rising eight years old, well matched; chestnut mare rising 9 years old, sorrel colt rising 2 years old. - ,_,_. -------.- Terrns.-Hay, grain, pigs, poultry, mangels 3nd att sum ot 810.00 and under cash; over that mount to months' credit on approved joint no‘tcs or 5 per cent. ott tor cash payments ol credit amounts. II. B. I)UERING, Auctioneer. J. B. CAMPBELL, Prop. 41-30.. the followipg iieseribed property, viz: Cattle. kte.-Ahte Iresh cow, Hol- stein cow due to calve on Mar. Ist, Grade cow due to calm in April, cow due to valve in April, cow due to cach in January, cow duo to calve in March, Jersey cow due to calve in January, cow due to calm in Far- ua'ry; Jersey heifer due to caive In June, heitor rising two years. spring on". Pigs, Etc.-3'trood brood sows in pig, 3 pigs 3 months old, and " black minorca chickens. Implements, Me-Mousse, Harris mower, seed drill, threeAurrirw gang plow, single plow, narrow, hay rote. was“: with box, lanning mill, horse power wheel with rods and jack, with box, cross-cut saw, turnip slic- Ioarra8 gas ‘xpu [all Hanna mam: planks, Pitt rare, , cutters, two scat- ed carriage, top. buggy, bob sleigh er, set. double harness, set single harness, disc, forks. hoes, airmail. doubletreea, and may other articles too numerous to mention. Dec. Int-Fun "oct Ind _ menu ot Abraham Hum-gent mun northwest M Wuetloo. I Tuesday, Novembcn} rd, I909 Hay, Grain, Roota.--About 300 bus. mangela, 100 bill. oats, and about 14 tons good mixed hay. Nov, 23rd -Putttt musk, Inn-lemon!- nnd hound-old cecal: below“; to Build Zchr, a miles native-t ot 'lt. “an. rid I mue- mum-“t ot _ llouscholl ElNeta.--tussoune Move" with oven, loungé. box stove, “we. bench, choose cupboard, 2 data, scales capacity 2400, big meat tub. wood box, cheese vat, press and milk cans, washinc machine and many other articles. Terms-may, grain, roots, chickens and MI sums of 810 and under cash, over that amount I? months credit on approved joint notes, or 4 per cent. on lor cash payments ot credit amount S. M. HF',RNEr' (‘Irrk K. J. NHANT't Autumn-3r or Fun: Stock and Implements 1Ariot1_l1NtVuhN, Proprietor M10110" 8MB Auction 8an 45-tt initcad otuendin ayay. In burin here . you 'll,',';,',)',',?:",' who at; gem“ with, and the _ . . i ht "F6""i 'sclling. The Man u . iehem, - ' w, Wyn}: , ' “we†give hating service, and iill retam their g f . 'i,',lt"t noon to season. And " regards prices, no . x. ai a' f V ' - can give better vilrl,C1.'/'h'ittrvr quality. _ Q t all are exclusive design: antrcontiued to as ' for Waterloo. _ f Ladios’ Mantle: Nov, "rd-hm, hm mu a! lmlcmolti ot "I! late Mr. Gel], one unlit from PM! nu one am Iron Chkom Walla lulu. Theetttg Shown are two of our newqt designs-We show 1'1"". 'Nov." ",--Retwl Estate, taunt tgrm stock and Implements ot the Me Hep- ry Frlch-y, " miles northwest of Waterloo. ll. B, mirauNo, Auctioneer I F In In“ do!†with In“ w and}. to m stub. also In; Mink Fteq--rror nice mlnk (an we in“ All com tition for good And 21-le grin. yelling; you to man £0111an or. " an. _ Dunk THI-ah-e an n . “I " 810.60. '19. .3). "' gram†- link $itetMtq-rrNtrattood Valium. .98. 887.60. " and .60. 335. Mink I 'tth-Ort ttne" "or shown In Berlin. M. 'gthop,tlh,rt',tt In ite shapes. Rug Bud Tub Mum o and mint. plum-ml triinmed, speck! at. “£50. 5‘. m '36. M and em. Burn} "rttfrr--Hqn, More» 12,'tt, to ?t','l','.",, gm; ifh,',"a',P'g,.? Ellen 0 'tth uni-30.. . o..upecldvnu atâ€. Mtl1titi'PAtg, ' Women's Warm Coatg Not. t8.--.uction “It! of houubold elect- ol-Rev. J. B, Bum“, " Church St, Bum. _ f. New, 'trd,-6rttt "mi uni NIP." m d J.1!. Cantu. " o! III-0n. t - uuhl AW. $7.00 up to $25.00 Children’s andll$isses Mantles low. 2itrd--Pattrt Moek and In: Moments of Avon [hum-n, l mun south ot Mannheim. plum-Ms ot Memo Horst, " miles loam: and t mile west at m. Jacobs pad 4 miles north and one mile wen ot chrloo, on road leading to Hel- Mk1, __ - --v R. BRICKNELL, AIKUOIC . We make . specialty ot Wanted. 00-!- with Fur Colin" and Fur Linings. We show u Inge vniovy and '0 nil them CHEAPER [but they can he bought eluwhm. Pat on on the but by mixing compariwnl 5nd at. My younei!.'_ _ Law [an Dollar Coat- with in! cloth lined (Maugham. " .15. “1‘0. tt 50. m. m and '= . udxa' Fur Lined ©etata-Rat lined or manually with but fur mum. would be I“. .37. . " to I50. S. B. Briidlktyr atthii,,.:,_c'ii, "wUhiv/iirge ditch) than emu And can Bait a.“ dun-u. Everybody welcome to look. . cyfiitgfiiltrtf, dl a, and Bearsk,in Coats $2.00 up to 810.00 " DIFFERENT STYLES in Navy, Brown, Green, Black, Taupe, Fawn and Grey, from $10,000 Worth of' the ttttttlit Furs - 56:51:}: Gail "V’ Lrd branded utln lining. trim- med with head. "d all- " " " " " 'tMeaaMitt. Mink Marmot Seth _ Mink "may Thrp Ties We all fun _ We It, .10: IMO we tell-ad S',',",',) youmev vim tam]. “In. If you no acct-Llano t with your pm At the Lowest prices in Waterloo County. link Unmet Fun flaw presentation“: angle. We tia. â€give dandy tttttAtt' (I! I 'll'lfJ,'g 'll,t 1'i1'u1'lf,t r 3"". y?Uut ' oqtqt. to you mine uni-(ugh can mm "y V Buy lantles at Hm it“ 4 'cr BERLIN, ONT. The sécond ionet,'retigt Taxes of the Toms of crloo for this year are now due and payable at the office of the Town Treasurer in the Town Hall , tau-OI do . and In t. t.'i'kl,tQ'll,'f4l;'l1t_rr'e'l'liS1lc Pay Your Taoam OW LII I "A.“ ttuorctte. Ind my?! terrypi -- lit" war; qtt" a $015." _ l 0.. Western SnbleSctts . 2,'ati,tihi,i,i,5 (i'dtu,Tlti,il 3...: L'i i"gtg'tgttgr,'t pagan} also pane». mm. Thtsoe mg; than ,