The hummus Flro .1“ v"tr.'gtttagarht,tt %§m&3 Y? '.atgiti_tr1B-1rer, - TriGiimuti» WW tEtabml Baum: mac. Bum-0&0. I“. Home“ Mn- "rttettre for It“. will T cannula. pubs!†(kph-1.. .. .. .. 50.0000 nun-it in): the Dominion Wt .....' ........ “H.140. All â€lid- gmuteed by the London Ind m-tttro [nun-Anon Company in}: M of 'i0,806.688. may WWI“. Beeretary I m. Ila-II. Inn-vector C. I “I ' l Dina-let Ageul Wat-rice. On}: Phone an. The Misses Fahranbaoh for glrll. rdur tutu. ,Bommber the "u'-, 23 King St., Berlin, hue reached a lugs Ihlpmentof squish; bisriirhiill hi my ' j “3%." a; soul-m Min-urn†Arum Inna-um Ct Imam. Milli“! IIOORPOIA‘I'ID mo mm. .. Vat-rm I. ordain Mn 0 m of Huh. k A TRACE!!! or lowest, Iattlut. Rabat In " linden and trimmed tom“ {In 'rem-d for who“ a T531» Ooh-ennui! of - aatd Ittroefe' Thttitt., . - A . - SEW "6;."Tm Wuhan gi'i'if'lta1'rirarrd In. 8N I. tgirE" It. Bean Miss E. L Bean, New mum with broad Am I“ strut "It. “NAUTIC' "fffft,'cSt . Yffrfereer. HIE I0 ORGAN AND THEORY " KING ST. EAST. BE " "iii 'kiariiriv' q " - ï¬nflWmmï¬t ,. . {In “at w. tl'4,1thtt'is1'!ifr't1lei'i,1tr" m bthoLlbrarrMtldtaqJor' Vii. W, “at bt Eu“ W. F up" a “walk too-had " the In - new“. Tte man - pohml‘ln. J. Kuhn- III In. R. L. Juan, Mr. at.. J. 30ml a! Mr. A. B. Hannah " “but; count.†to add to the Mun. Tho I“ ha to the County Euni- tim will in attribute; to the no cigty toward the cortr my}! .. tt w alto - "" thtt nun- - mum“ 8150 to 5h .00- my Mn u that: than - to. It'th a. County work tog nut A blemished nun irritating sores, pimples, new. “It rheum and other ma We ire all signals ot diatema, telling that your blood is impure or week. You cannot. cure cinema and other I".ln troubles wlth ointmrnts and outwud\applicati0ns. These things may give tcmrorury re lief, but (rnot cute, Manse the; trouble is rooted in the blood and can only he removed by purifying and enriching the eloqd. Dr. Will-) itcns' Pink Pills speedily cure skin troubles because they enrich, purity; an! build up the impoverished Mood) that caused the trouble. As they iced? and cleanse the blood the s' in grows lair. the bloom at health return! and not strert6% is found. No other me dieine bu erer had such wonicrlul re " in curing till disease: due, to .bad blood. Miss Eliubcth (Mills, 1 Krnsington, P.E.L, sayst--'m'ords an hardly express how gratetul l [eel tor what Dr. William! Pink Pills have done tor, me. For several years he. late. I begun their use I was troubled JIM} nit rheum. My hands am arms were nearly always a mass 0 torturing their and sores. I tried several doctors and spent a great deal of many without, getting any berteftt. Indeed my hands seemed to be getting worse all the' time. Final- ly my brother persuaded me to give Dr. Williarm' Pink Pills a trial and. I am happy to say they have cmnplete- ly cured me. I used in all seven box- 05. and I would not be without them in a case cl this kind it they cost dollars a Fox instead ot titty cents. I hope my experience will he at bcne- tit to some utter sullerer from skin trouble." " _ t _ m result: meeting ut the society wmhhldonthc m My of all any]. to! tho and“ ye".. Mr. um" on I my mourning mun». workudnpahum Wty'ol . Juvenile Court All! was. Home. The {allowing .m- 'detttggt were appointed I commune to nun trttorattaumt running the saw cl u cm and Deten- tion Roam-Ir. Boron. Rev. It. Andrew" and Ru. Father Sobcuk. DISFIGUIHNG'. Cannot Be Cured by sum and Ointment-The Blood Must Be Puritled. These Pills are sold by all mcdicine dale" or will be sent tty mall at 50 cents a box 1r six to“: for $2.50 try The Dr. William‘ Medicine Co., Brockrille, Ont. SENTENCE COMMU'I ED TO TEN YEARS Ottawa Nor. T.--At yukflty‘l mating ot the calm it w laid: ed to reronmend to his Excellency, the Govornor-Grnsnl that the death sentence pused'on Mrs. Annie Rob- inson oi Sudhury tor the murder oi her dwghter’s illegitimate children be cunmuted to tin years' imprison- ment. in View ot the uniting eir- eumtucn tint (ontronted the un- tortumtc woman and imptllerl in to commit the crime, the Caklnet promptly decided that the death pen- alty should not he exacted. it was his. however, thut it would not heir. tit: irturests of justice to recommend * lull pardon. u the crime we: un- doubtedly one at murder, end that to an 1 new precedent at g lull rur- don atttrrkosv4etion tor murder, ev- " Mic polluting circumstancts nil cried tor the exercise at mercy, would in unwise. Attee all he [acts (In! case were mutually cc sidered all notice taken ot the gm ral untiment ot the country, Is ex ed in the immerse number at anon: - ed, it was (welded t at the chime of junk-e end at merry would be best met try a Halted tom in the pent- trnthry. The hy-hw to album localoyuon to the Mroy "er hr Jaae any in West In mad man; on Tm. LOCAL OPTION arm 1tel12gt,Stt", St1",t2'ge'elttTll ttglt2'l!! A†MW. Ymdodotlmows um - ' tNthettttrtitsotlt. Nomad-e a 'gMidtllt Mrqrrdttettre. butâ€. igï¬ammaï¬um For Céughs and Colds TORTURING ",Ntt,tttig1trt,,t'tet Hum“ uuu‘ no... Fiftieth'."",',' te,,tdlMtltPg"d,'lr,t, a...“ '1 temstit$t taxman 9"“ "s..eee"e.At itifif1i/iiel2,'t,.hfsf hum-smut» up amt! "i-i-a-i-Au-u-ere-trt-rp/ttlee., wumuwcnc mil- wt“! in Wraith-villa“- at Totrnrotet ala',", “and. snub-u. Elam 'tup! " eh. Waterloo'n - at Tub not. a. and but the - tae Into In m an “thin“ 3 mt who! in m4- "an that wind [manly - to at“ or “andâ€. " God» In - udmnuuthuuvm In I. Ion; no its gram put at Villa- lay'l me will bttue yo to suntan or maelg&arrett,6ttttd wo get 0.9.11. mm. In. mm a Uncool. rwm hut}. talk. _ HAS In m it 1. “an “no tut mu. would wait n) mm m dun- ben. W.t.rtoo is not“ ml 2t in -s.rdottru.torroeea" I “Haunting in mm MI up jointed n delay-Hon to an! on c. RR. 0W. A " would butâ€. In - mm to mu the proposal â€walla-'0!" you: no whn bonus: co Mutant at 305,000 had been and“. qrhigd would have been wildcat math u PRETTY NOVEMBER WEDDING "The lupin" the home a Mr. um! Mrs. W. E. Shula, King street, Ber- lin, wu the some ot . pretty gutumu evmc Wednesday alternoon. Nov. trd, at 8 o'clock, when their eldest daugh- ter, Miss Loulda, was happily wedded to Mr, Eugbue G. Lungs, ot Fern Ridge, British Columbia. Th ceremony took place in the per- lor or the residence, Rev. N. B. Stant- tet dimming. The parlor Wu pret- Cly decorated with chrrstutthetstatnts, palms and wreaths ot snail“. Sway relatives no mum had â€timed to witness the ceremfg. The bridal party ugly Mn’ the. stature}! while the wedding much my!â€- ed try Ilia Shim ot Berlln. ' qhebttee In: My 'tMirt'd in tt gown a 0mm Flank Magnum trim- med with satin; She Watt attended try her sisterJllu Susie Shutz,who wore : pretty purl grey dress trimaed with satin. Tho grown was ably sum-MI " bl: coma, Mr. Baum Lungs ol Landon]; Alta the cmony a sumptuous wedding supper wns 80wa tbr the guests, the waiters being attired in pure whiic. Guests from other pants, Toronto, Lanyard, Branltord and many from the twin City, were pre- sent. A' numeroul nmy ot hanisome wed- ding gifts bear testimony to the re- gard and esteem of their many lrimds. We join in extending hap- " (elicitation: and good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Fl. G. Lungs. The marriage ot Miss Baxbara Salin, (laughter ot Mr. and Mrs. C. Sella. Chestnut street, Berlin, to Mr. Van Brink. took place on Monday, Nov. m. " m. Clemens. Mich. Mr. Nan Brlnk he been head clerk n the [Park Hotel tot the past in yen: land Mia Slim bu been a mum member of the dining room "" tot the past six years. Both ol the young couple are highly mpected in Mt. Clemens. Mr, and Hrtr. Van Brink live gone on a trip to Chicago all In“ and will he at bone to their many friends elk: December 7th at their home he " Weld St. Mt. Clemens, Mich. The bride is well known in Berlin and her many "kinds will with he: ioy on the important step uh. has taken.‘ C Sr. Iv.-veaita Rotttaettnet. Jr. 1v.-Sehasuaa Mont. Clu- ana swam. . Report ot B. S. No. 8 tor the month of October. Sr. tt.-wiGitred. Kenn. can!“ "our. Aron Snyder, Henry Kluhn, Ctarup, Bun. Sr. m.-. Muthn Belle Willson, Reinhold Fischer, Eva Harlock. Lit- rde Bechtel. Vernon Unlock. Jr. IL-Nettie Bechtel. Annie She- bel, Inna Kenning, Percy Hulock, Omar Rudy. Jr. IH.-Eileen Vollmer. Chm Resulting. Rachel Rudy, Irena Stre- In], trara Rudy. PL " sBrtteiite, Schem. Pt. L-ids Qnydet, Abner Rudy, Vet: Knocking, Edward Bender. .HYMBNEAL SCHOOL REPORT -Eilittia Monet. Ctitrord Harold Roth-um], Venn BRINK--shLM, GRACE E, WING, w..." M, T _ TMMMWIM d1 d m Tumw‘mhmnm I an un- WNW)â€. mum m Mmrhyhnwgus miiFi'iiiuistl9grthi, duty-IN he. an “In.“ “M,“klvmm by}; a t " NA', “twang? a? I “at _ - my will In in 'a'"g','d. mm m 'rtae. m “Mutt-outing to act u income-Hold tttttthaute/tttg."': m‘“ at G.P.a In tam» summary; in 'enttM..' 'cu! "utetttesttsttntrtgt.d. page ttstiortsottamswill traihrar cola from it! dun- Imto- trith the Rome's Balk†not! and but CouhvhlchvoWM‘ he mutant“ Mon in! w 'urrrorttutreNxt,tt-Itéat" out“. C. "attthoralhmrhmlttetrir w who. We the It tor you the Incl-yuan“ tutmuttrtomtua nodes“. to: 'Gtaioiaklourt-uerr.tett" tho an to haunt colt would" and “union we we" curried. which blood to no! mm from name Idem. land. to other mm." Witte. Io‘.IthCdlI-‘m.d , C mttfaeAiepet,e!2t'te 2.}, . build-stun“. his!“ ‘wo M 't',U22tt,',tnttut"t'ti2f . . Fit-tist'."",'",'."" vary to“- limb-.001!" â€I‘M-dun“ about“ qwutk‘hmthnb .m fqteat-'di.teir6$ttr I dun km... swuwunhhnw mug‘. .3 turmouuyolit‘ " cu- m,†mtl- wt NI m will “In County 'tit- a Ton you will - luv. top" “P m Blair. n: ma yam-lotus. Tuck: BIN GIVEN ", . , ', NIB" COLD "0oue ' mm Y: Tim. aeolian M City Daily tad Connty Weekly, tho Guelph Maury. In: just hunched n Trip Convert d very great interest. Our CONGEN- ary nukes no in: a popcsition than tttat it Will ink: twelve India. In“. tied or Hula-o “on ttur City ot Guelph. and ' iron: the Country ot Wellington And Wellington disincl- property chaperoncd trom Guelph lo Florian Ind M mun mi. Febru- nry entirely at its own expense. City 1nd Country In divided into “to sen ante autumn am the candida»: in each district will compete munch other oily. and not mind the condi- date. of my other district. Nom n- otions must be mile at eoLatersign- et by two responsible patina, The party will go by Special Parlor Lad Pulimnn through Cm: vi. C.P.R. and Now York Central Runways to New York, “thence by one at the magairtcettt Clyde Line Steamers lot a thousand miles south over the At, lnntic (teen: to Charleston, South Cotonou. Judson ille and St. Au- gustine. Florida, seeing Dixie Land with its summer climoto. onnge Plantations and wealth ct bloom while this country is Itlll held in the grip ot winter. The itinerary and incidinis pm- tie eral ween; Ago Police Magis-l tide three days in Jacksonville, a trate Weir ' six Chinamen $20 day each at St. Augustine and Chart- each ior gambling. They entertd Mn (sion, uni two days in New York, appenl heiore Judge Chisholm an) touring in Automeriles, visiting the, the line was reduced to $25 for tho tttres and stopping " the best hotels, sexiette. Mr. J. W. Curry, K.C., ot all “who Mercury's expense. ('er- Toronto, detended the ChirAs. iminly it is a rermsrkatrte 'rJ,'gsit2,r,-.l Mr. Maitland Shame of Guelph _ The candidate who tteetds in the most spent. Saturdly and Sunday with pm 'ottscriptiots from “on dis- friends in Berlin. " trict will win the trip in the districti Mr. Thomas Skinner of Detroit. where sttn lives. Nominnticns are ia-i visited Berlin friends on Sundny. oiled For the first time this week. l Mr, P. Cunningham cl Stratford l Now, gentleman. get busy, and see spent Sunday with Berlin irionds. that some at the ladies at this dis.- Mr. Lorne Shoemaker is spending "Lt are nonimted at once. Addrma‘me day in Toronto. Comes: Depgrtment.’ Mercury omea, ; The recetpts at the wateeworh, ot- Guelph. tor pnrtlcuius uld watch that flee tor October amounted to $5477.- paper durin§ the his; contest. The 40. mercury is a solendid mm and its Atter an 159"†ct aboct two twinkle enterprise in this and oth- months on an cxicnded trip to Europe er WW! merits tho success it Hump Rev. R. E. melea, oi Gait. has re ly enjoys. pulled home. We nwny Mr, Know- The following is the report of S. S. No. 13, wmnoo hr the month ot October. Jr. H.-Evs schttaerhsger, Henry mm. Lily Bechtel, Har'r Fume, Hewett Shlry, Olive Zeller, Lloyd Mal". Harry t9rhnaering'er, Went- worth Furlncy. Ida Geiger. Erwin Geiger. (“It 'v.-Maloyd Funney. Mittnie Mader, Laura Pause. Sr. 1r.--PearCHttrer, Viotet" Sth, maxing". Stlnley Bechtel, Milton meek, S-Iomc Kuhn, Earl Stuart. -FG It..-- sun-u, George Ism- n4 Mary In". and. Lou sun. Tttet.. lawn, All". - aat Vault-I “at. - . Jr. HL-vera 'mmbel. It Prange, Ad. Hager, Mabel Prtutge, Ad. Hngry. Mabel Geiger iiart 'II.- 0nd Weber. lelvh Bun mu. -- Sr. IH.-Altred iittiry, Vernon In let, Hollies! Furtney, Jr. I.-.hatrr1 Bechtel, Mm Sch- rneringer, Violet Becker, Joseph Her- tott, Willie Ludwig. Arthur Geiger. Jr. ttc-Lucia" Martin. Susanna“ munch. Lander Bumun, Nora We. her, coded Chum". linen Brhie. Me. Sr. III.-"-'?), Hannah Mama, Kenton Weber, Mom Shunt Omar Snyder, Btuinmh and". Jr. m.--J-e B. Mann. ltd. Ban man. John Sud". Jun Mum. Fr. ir-Betta" Giatrrtt, Low" Weber, Orphln Weber, Edwin Bur Snyder. Hund- lama si. I.-Norm" Rirc'k. Purl Beth tel, Lorne Gimbol. John Kanmaker, Regan o! s. tr. No. tl, Nun-rice " the not.“ d October. ir. It...--, mm". Emma. SCHOOL REPORT SCHOOL REPORT - mm YORK AND 'q'wnwa. J. R. Shell, Twit! Rose I art Spectaolospd Mum-Ila. . mN F"-'""",',""""-""",""""""""' aluminum. .1317†b.'l'ltl,8tllltttttulW.e.e Gloves and Mitts Queen St. South. Berlin, Ont . W4t - Stoves will be in teat demand. Full ï¬nd. i, In!!! momma“ of Stoves. Our stoves agre manufactured (ll-ttpt-fr-W, Horse Blankets and the combine. Prices right. Now ls the time to buy. _ ‘, Buggy Rugs mm TO. “pn'r'mn , The Foreign Mission Board ot the Baptist church has appointed Rev, W. J. Bingham, D. D., of Laicyctte, Colorado, and Mo. Bingham, as mis- sionaries to Bolivia. They will leave tor the foreign tield about the begin- ning of the New Year. Mr. Bingham in n Canadian, the son ot Rev. Thos.‘ Bingham, of Burke'- Falls. He has spent lomo than u a missionary in Central America and can speak Spanish tiuentlr. Mrs. Ed. "Aha is spcuxung a tew dats with Teurites in lillnirg. - _ tie eral weeya, Ago Police Magis- trate Weir ' 81: Chimmen $20 each ior gambling. They entertd Iln appeal before Judge Chisholm an) the line was reduced to $25 for tho sextette. Mr. J. W. Curry, K.C., ot Toronto, delended the Chink. Amount. No do!“ “0 - ct an - d "I. PIHh lion! lo M - to ".tt.tqeetettte'hMor room â€an my - " I: ma- Wholesale Prlou. Mter an absence ct abort two months on at) cxtcnded trip to Europe Rev. R. E. meles, of Galt, has re turned home. While way Mr, Know- les visited Great Britnin, Frame, Switzerland, Italy and Spain. The reverend gentle-mm has come back to Gait Improved in health nn1 plcued with his trip. Report of the Junior room ot the Fiona-lo Public Ichool'lor the month of October. Pt. ".--verm Snyder no. Hotter anhsmeon Gingrich Ron“; my iN, Hugh (‘me Gordon Schwinn " 4. Pt. I.--Meivim Aigrier 450, my cu" 43). Johnny Soot-net Cinema Sock-or 355, Gertrude der 286. Chase's Plush Rugs Jr. Ii-Earls summon on. Intel: Last 006, Exam Boehner 5'2, Frieda Lula Mt, Ephraim Math: Mo, Alvin Bowman “I, Henry Bown‘an Mil, Edmund Bonn-n 539, Ad. Zuber 528. Clayton Bowman 588, Edvard Rug- gle 485, Nortmut Rooney MM, Rog Schwlndt 213, (may. (June 110, AG vin Rei" " Jr. Pt. Loldhd: Martin MT, "In". um, no, Johny Can am. but Dom. Ill. Nahum Frey m. B. Cu-tsal" Lchy NP. Pull Bowman no, Anon (lingerie): 08, Attred Ritter '0, “ml 30mm: M. A Cu-uv, Bowman. Avon's gtm so. The Bremen were called by Box 28 to extinguish I blaze caused by the remoul ot I plug from a gtts-pipe at Mrs. Rekho'l residence ttt Ce- dar street on Saturday evading The blaze was smothered below any dun» ago was done. Two million pounds of sugar have been manulacuxed at the Dominion Sugar Company's pleat hcre "tttyt they commenced operations two weds ago. - Berlin News Items SPECIAL PRICES may.†Ind-mum HUM†“all“. 0!th (tttttts', “amt-nu "ltr-l-ttrt-r Louis Sattler Erb’s Samples A, J. Babel SCHOOL REPORT W dinghy of RUBY I. KILTY -OP- 't.terttrietyyt.TU AT AT Eyeglass Vern IN), 171. Hu- 8t9, Sny- “ain't-ch- - tttttli sr. nun!- _ _ ‘3) , Iall1 " '"'.,','nTtt'f,ll,Silt"" and.» and.» "_t " = " M, "Int M . ttps 'r. " 3? _."f I Mill . _.' .i;r.'i'mlii_"e',', MI Cold Weat "rr1-3g om I n g . 'ihal "i%riTGWigl'il r"i,T"4Tat'ii,'isiiiiiiii.' Ir'.:'.'.".:.":.".;',! mmmwmmhmhmw Tho 8lmpun mm hmttttrthr I (HAD! " " on): naval: or nun-run" & co.) It is a particularly func instrument to sing to " well as to perform on. t '. The tone of the Heintzman & Co. Pinno in delightful, the elasticity of action marvelou' every note r'mahte out in clear, pearly lull limpid lyl2, It excctls my piano 1 In†everuu "-Albani. You no nqnuud'to'ull and “name the mint"nartACo. Pinio- " the man of F. G. Gardiner ' r 29 Queen St., South. Berlin, Ontntio. Dealer in Hudwu-o, Pnint, Stout, Timur. Plinth. â€44;? Piptflttittg. King St, Bodin. Phone 141. _ 3:31.32 rum u- m stock ad mum alt-uh Organs at half price and loss. 6 5 act. high top organs in ms class 6iihdition. 820 and upwards Music: Store " King St. _ a FURNITE 8 good as new PIANO CASE 6 act. Used Organs c. m: an Raft rand . (llliiillllri'0llhhl ti M. GEO. EJPOTTER g Good music in the home is invalutble. Tttnt Canadians of culture fully realize this it than by theimany homes that cqutairt a PIANO Te, It Borlln. Betlin,0n8