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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 11 Nov 1909, p. 2

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“Inga out y.- g on" 3 " _ . It. Iona." . ulna-k. look“ up " It. you all with wary an. up tauttr. "A 'gtlltt Du} ".110 Baid. “ma4. t h Isn't,” gut u mounts- pane. 'I has hard“. I'rtt, will tttrd “it , trm not jeuung, iair,' i. melted with cannons polite 'tes. ' _ra-iors which can“ "un- (till, amenity to slum swept over _ "Mun-s ot the helpless Inn u btmed Lneully on his wet, [any “h, his late um. ,'- "This is no lime tor trittiag, Doe 'tor Green,” he cried in sudden anger. “I am very thirsty and wish a drink ot water at once. Will you kludly lupply me?" looking at the river which (lowed try a hall rod Iway. Below answering. the young m threw an unlul od wood on the Bert _ which, blazing u, painted on 3 background as that ”It“ ver Tet ekery detail d the' . Jinx“ and pudsy. thug alluvial“: lay with one leg bandaged tron tulle to hip, ... __qt-6- “hm-v~ var no ..._.._.-_ -= the ends oi green willow splints show- I ing under the mutti-corered clothes 1 which held them in place. His I smoothly shaved lute was white and l drawn with pain, while an attire once elegant was wet, tom and plastered l with mud. From out the river ooze which covered his ample that , din- mond winked mockingly in the wav- ering itretight. Still less presentable was the swarlhy young giant wbo_rtood look- ing down silently on the prostrate man, the unpleasantneu 0! his upect enhanced by a - ot Mood which had clotted on check and neck. evi- dince ot a wound under ttit matted habitual wrinkle between his bind: black curls. A lrown deepened the brains which, rank grown, seemed on- ly to deepen the shadows in his iathomless eyes. “l understand lully, Mr. Morton," he said tinallr,""and you hue my answer. Wait, and I shall. l .ian, be able to make you understand. Last Thursday evening, only three days ago leaned on you and asked that you give me the hand ot your daughter in marriage. Oh, I know that I' am reciting ancient history; however, it is necessary that I go over it. You told me, and quite bluntly, too, that I had no iatulty tor accumulating money. no: withstanding that I have an income of about $4,000 a year irom my practice." , "But--" "But I do not save, or invest any ol it. you would say. Well, let it go at that, and I will resume my area- ment. You were so kind. as to ten , e that with that one detect in my Slander removed you would have m objection to me as a sort-in-taw, then you spent two hours in telling me how you started in lite without a dollar, and even went on to detains " example ot financial nan, 1 mp- pow, how you once cornered the vis- ible supply or flour. selling at $10, $15 and even $25 aback what cost you but “.01." AA . . an”: 41”.. "av“ a ”can ot pain "You will do well to lie pcrlcctly still, sir," admonished the young man his professional instincts aroused, "Mt you have a bad leg there." Angered by his own helplessness the injured man gland at the stream which ran by itttst out of his reach, the ftreiight which touthcd the rip- ples on its surtare hiding the thick and filth of the recent Ilood, then his eyes sought. the doctor's lace. "1 want. a drink," he snarled. _ hear you," said the young man quietly. "but I wish to tiad my lite tle rctrospection. Leaving you, I went and inlormcd Myrtil, as you re- quested me. She rebelled, " you know, but I had given you my prom- ise to comply with your wishes, and 153m“ in mm _'r"' of, Drinking Water Tti,urmao moved, than gave a which that“ sum- " “JUL. idison ThommPh. __c_', . dollar An 5433.. Photograph an be bought' for your price whether it is 3x635 or I higher price up to $s62.so, ell plating both Amberol and Standard Records But you cannot manure the Phono- graph by money. Whether the price is $16.50 or $162.50, it in not much to ply for on instrument that will last a lifetime, which will furnish you good music every city, which will furnish you better entertainment than you an buy in any other my, which will teach your children to lore the best music, which will being into your own home who: other people pay large an: ad so . long we: to hear. ' ttliiMtrilt.qtkteiei' E that can ait on W3 “I wart I 2B ", A , mm» W W m tc'7GiiFiriae1tPP, tew hour! no 1 V" “m" l mu mutt "I “' L'G"JiG7i"Aaiit1etf.t when I In yu- '" u... w.-- - that to“ m at - which lend. Iron: the moat up to you: house, just. an n nah ot “to: "up. you trom you tret. In Ind Hell urn-6m than sonata. big when “on m tour val. u "on km, iiiiifTitiiawt9eiutd'"t the ttood can trom nut." I "I mum mm tor u yen to jot we town to a: it," mum old man. “I wtsrth . drill," he - ded mrply. I "Well." resumed thedoctor, “when - - a..-. O\nuuh'. dell nanny. "Well." resumed thedoctor, “when I - the Inter my hrnt thought was tor Myrtll. but I mmtly ml- lud that no ttood could and: the high turn on which your house mu, and I with; “Ibo the water ud who no lortunate to get hold ot youndapln‘tksttbcw time. and supported by that we were swept away totrther. You had been rend- ered unconscious by a blow on the head, atut' remind so until uterine were landed on this little kind. I managed to set your broken leg, no small task, prolelxlcnnl pride crop- ping out. "with the convcnlcncel I had, as both bones below the knee cm "__'"" -. - - but], atut' remained so unm alumna were landed on this little kind. I managed to set your broken leg, no small task. prolelnicml pride crop- ping out. "with the conveniences I had, as both bones Mow the knee are shattered; and that brings me up to the present moment." The suirering man looked up " peatinrty. "I want a drink," he cried hearsay. . '__" -L L;m.-yith cncu noun”. The young mu looked at him with unmoved features. "You may have , drink, Mr. Marlon," he said quietly, "but as l hare I dead immortal cinch on the water supply here, as one would say out West, it will coat you a dollar tor, every drop you use, as I inlonncd you at the first." _ The millionaire averted his lace for 11 moms”, then glared up into the black eyes. "Well," he panted, “I cannot lie here and die ot thirst, so give me a drink" _--- __,., ...;.. rm. have sir?" he "Give me a pint a rupted Morton. signed and seized the _waf.er c it was offered to him. can to the last drop tentedly. and his thir, was somewhat more C time, but he was tev was not long before his cracked lips with However, he tried to I T', _ _' :-"‘»-:,",,.- Ft) E; _ , , . _ u, _ _ ., Qirri' thtm' . 'i'-'. '.'dtt'g't?d lee','.,',,',','.',':'.'),':' - . _ t . - " IB?, v - 1grtdr,rcardi" 0. 'i"i "ai"i B. , - rill. “I ttttent-y. In; an til “M, ' - 'aut-ttWet'. " mm to man-u mm an bl “"' “"1"!“ ittAt but my "an-ths wtttt in tttr', ~Q’ this! "all“. Binesita duo»:- ft5'tit,t,it',,1'f 'ti err E-tttre when «band In for te “in it',"; ad: mansion and comp. ad tto work d mug" Itll; at no When- xunud that my ltd 'd ' on 'd',",,', hue Mn placed in “who: at an tll Jdl",dl'lu - tttll" unique cm tor " com- ttttr,',' 3:: The muons to: this mumph at Ici- we Gri and that the .5100 ac simple and law. Tun"! I n that." ”canon from the Auden“, the proprie- “via: tor . yen to tors ot Zam-Buk first ot all uiscly ta " it," youledthe ‘de‘ided um the ideal hum must Le “IA . “my to - wxcly hen-l and contain not the Ciiiiiie, trace (1 “he” osuualtats med the doctor, "when or poisonous minenls. Thus Zam- ur my Brat thought Buk is made solely trom rirb and l, but I mummy real- pure “sums obtained Irom certain tood could much the are ...edicinal harm. These juices " “am-h your house and extracts are prepared and tr P a pint d water," inter- rlnn. signed the cheque, the water eagerly whcn ted to him. Draining the ' last drop he sighed con- md his thirst assuagcd he that more cheerful tor a, he was leverish, and " before he was wiping hp. with a dry tongue. tried to bargain. with sir?" he u. ”out“ . “M mu- bh we. a an an d " - i,ii2ih,tWl'd “Irma " 'ttte um an! IF? - 'tttltr-ht'.,', u I""'"""" "up“--.v ___ Buk is made solely trom ricts null pure usrncu obtained trom certain nro medicinal harm. Truck-ice- ud 01th are prmrsred and re- tmed by inc-lou- qcientitic procras- es ad than Io'nlmully blendcd that i" -aiGe, elective, .3] yet [xt- lcctly natural pre-tio, tor dispen- ing skin-disease is ”cunt _ -. . - ‘_n.. ..o. ilnhu- m5 nun-w..." ._ __-- Zsm-BNI has an Affinity tor ths hu- man skin nub as no ministry oint- ment or Iinnmcnt can possidy possess. _ Besides looting pain and nlhyingir- iTtalion, it romance unity-:1: autism)- tie processes and then so skilfully blended that a unique, etieetive, and yet pettcctly natural preparation lor dispelling s'ia-diseaae is secuud. Zarn-Buk has an tutinity lot the _ hunun srin such as no ordinary cirst-l, mean. or lilmmmt crn possihly nos-l sess. Besides soothing pain and al- laying irritation. it possesses unique antiseptic and germitidnl qualitim which virtually chase dismsn germc out ot their hiding plat-rs in the sgirr-tissc'cs, at the same limo it puriNs the pores and invigoratets the natural functions of the skin in a way that no other preparation ern. not the pgoblem of ‘alvw'nys having (can: 0!er w- h. m Zam-Buk "sutvrs in "a period. man- handy at home or at otre's work on ever-ready and refiablc Crst-aid for cuts, burns, maids, inia s, haem- tions, seutahes, etc. him-link is “iihout mural lor comma, ulccrs, pil- (5, bad lg, ringworm, "ralp sores, Itstciing sures, sprains, stirtrcsn, pois- oned wounds ot all kinds, lace sores, (hating. chapped .hands, cold sows, trostrtyites, sore fret. dismsrd tufls, ‘aml a'l itching, irritation, and in- ( tummation. ZarteBuk is a daily need in every household and is so'd by all drug- gists and stores at ility cents a bor. vausé harmful and dangerous suimtit tutes sometimes "pushed" as Witty, "just as good." “It is no use to argue, Mr. Mor- ton, tor [have a corner on this drink," declared the young, man slowly and fsrmly, a white, sinewy linger punctuatlng every word, “and I propose to take advantage of it and thus prove my laculty for aes cumulating money-and incidentally make a stake," he muttered to him- self. "You may curse and scowi, but (it will aio you no good. I do not know how much longer we shall be here, an hour, perhaps, or a day. I propose to keep the fire burning brightly all night, and when daylight comes I shall make a big smoke to attract attention; however, while we are here you pay a dollar ior every drop of water you use." The enraged man snatched at the cheque book. "Give me another pint," he snarled, signed the cheque and tlung it from him. the doctor "Correct," said the doctor, as ho glanced at the slip ot paper before folding it away with the others. "This is even colder and clearer than the other," he said when he returned with the water. "Yon see I dug a pit in the sand to rtltsir the water, as that in the river is pretty thick." The old gentleman draimd the cup in three gulps, then closed his eyes. "You should drink more slowly, sir," admonished the doctor, smiling when the millionaire made no reply. Time and again belore the logy morning came did the Bt1tterer wnkon to buy drink, end: time Mding the doctor watching at his side patient and wakhlui. He would call tor drink, sign the cheque without a word drink the water, and then drop on into lethargic slumber. When he walmned the last tim? and new that morning had some he looked about him eagerly. "A thick tog," he muttered. "Do you think that search will .he made L tor us?" he asked abruptly. I The doctor nodded. "For odr bodi- I cs, certainly, lor'thoy will not imag- im- that we no Blive," he replied. “thn I'lll they get to us do you ttsinh?" asked Morton wenrlly. lo Inch-d at thr watcr can as no spoke. “Soon. I hope," replied the doctor “Manly. "You can mt muted that I "arching party will nun. " noon on ther mm us. and in this use they will " once work down strum nsr-yldly u ponlhle. I would go tor help, it " were possible, but the “ream cn both tides ot the island rum like n tstill-ree. We must be " the rapids, sonn- twcnty mil" below the clty, which I hue heard mm. "1 with you would rub my land; and In," on“ tho old nun petulant. Iv. interrupting the toetor's specula- "l with you would rub all he," - an old ma tr, Interrupting the doctor “on. ri;iiii"iiiFUVii he VII and. thm mud a. any any Mir, "Yott 'rttl - you any nun." .0 w art-til!» ttt on tuit ot water - W.» -', 'Eirl'l8'l a”: men an. _ w and o In.» 'trqtt - "u. no . - lot an», It. .ttortots,"bmH. ,_ __- , ___ l 53;.me a u- "We ”a. 9!st an“ "tlpe - teur, tttf. tfl tttP no" t oi "at. In! to = M" '4?iii,i up "t'tt dtt - a a. " W no en- It" In. In wounds!“ N.- v“0-. "a "1!." YM. “32'2"? 1...; iii 6- ”Miami. "w. i,'ititft,hiii,' Sg.",' TI. min». and Mei-1'. I, -=v-- ya (I? '"S'lle2tg',tt an. attd tar ty on my; hi tye Iv”, thm stole I (mm M u river. am " the. "tteat nun " hi: lib. - yield- ing to um" deundl and and Int u out: which he mud tom loam, who unrated a um. I “Thin-1m- in lor thirty than“ -tir--" i "I want an other quart to drink,” I interrupted the "but. and Grain smiled an he [an the cheque “my carelully. Bringing the water, be u- sing-4 the old mu to drink. mum “tinned. she millionaire went to Bttb the on down when he let it tall, willing nmly lull ot the precious ttuid. With a smothered cum he ttcast; the empty an away. then lay glaring at the doctor until he loll ' “leap. “$573553":an cum tsi.tmamimttr,eu. "a ttd tt-aiutgaphlttmeorert ”we... They were wary hours lot Green,I who led the are with dritb-wood, which sent into the still all: dense column ul smoke. Once, when the old man wakened, the doctor nuggesied that he "vim the rnpids and bring} help, but the helpless man shuddered. l “What il you were drowwd‘l," he gasped. “I'd be left here to perish in horrible torment. No, stay with me, I want a drink," a grim smile touch- ing his pallid lips tur an instant. i Notwithstanding thttt Motion was burning with lever and cracked with pain, he tinaily rebelled, refusing to sign mother cheque, He shook his _ fist " his companion in impotent rage my. “Doetor Green," he cried, "you are' a brute, a-a fiend! You are taking‘ advantage ol my helpless condition to I extort money lrom me. You--" I “I beg your pardon, Mr. Morton," interrupted the doctor, “I am taking no advantage ot you, only ol oppor- tunity. The old lellow came, knock- ing at my door, and I have him by the whiskers. Do you not remember telling me so lately as last Thursday evening that a man is justified in 'taking advantage of any and every f opportunity to make money. That the l. inexorable law ot supply and demand “nuns-In u.-- - 1 An admonishing hand waved before 'i his flaming lace. "Gently, gently, h 1 Mr. Morton," owed the doctor, "that 1 t has absolutely nothing to do with the is iease," he argued, "any more than l hunger had to do with your flour; . deal. They had to have bread, _you l _have to have drink. You had the l tttrar, I have the water, and that is l all there is to it. I do not ask you " ‘10 buy, sir, but as the river water'l 'is not potable I dug a little pit 'and now have a supply oi clean, cold l water, and ot that I will sell you, ‘. " you wish to buy. I am only lol-i lowing the hint you gave me last l Thursday evening, Mr. Morton, and until our friends get to oe-" 7 I By a desperate ttfort, which wrung drops ot perspiration trom his brow, the millionaire propped himsell up his elbow and shook his fist in the i doctor's lace. l . "i'tl not sign another cheque," tus! , screamed. "ru be damned it I tel 3 Do your worst. Let me perish of thirst. I’ll stop payment ot the ', cheques. I'tt-Vit--" l , Loud cries from across the river; u caused him to stop, and he tell back 1 , exhausted as Green sprang_to his , leet and ran to the water's edge to answer the call. When assured that e the two men on the island were the ones they were 'seeking the two men e hurried away, and presently the doc- tor saw a hoot coming down the e stream mannod’hy two men. Spring- e ing ashore they shook Green's hand i. eagerly. n “However did you escape?" asked d one of the men. a The doctor told his story briefly. l “We were looking tor your bodies," tt said the man, "tor we never dreamed n that we should find you alive. How 5. is Morton?" l " ... - “A,“ M I the' an ' hen a s 'ou i mid PILLS Tite rage of the millionaire was almost unbounded. "But who in the name ot the Fiend would we: have thought that I--" _ - ' . I ._.-....I Ln'nrn Loud cries in caused him to S exhausted as C fret and ran to answer the call the two men 01 ones they were hurried away. tl f' " Cuul Lvu. "Lying there with a broken leg," replied the you; man. "Wttat.catw- ed the Mod?" ho asked. "The big reservoir Move." was the reply. “The walker was seven loch deep in the business part ot the town, and had it happened earlier in the awning the [on ot lite would, have been appalling. Four men were drown- ed " it was." The doctor now devoted his anon! tion to the injured man, getting him ready tor the return trip. He was putting his little syringe away when Mcrum naked: “Can we not get a message "31.- to town, Mr. Wellington?" The man laughed cheerfully. "This has hem attended to long bdoro this, Mr. Morton," he rcpllod. "There is a little tom, u mile trom hem, and Thompmvn wprrt thrre " soon M we lm-w you were alive." Then with to lhr doctor! "is be ready to be moved'." T "In alrw minutes," reptied Green, "Blood Will Tell" Strength, stamina and vital- ity depend upon the blood supply. Keep it pure, fresh and red with the millionaire ttnot-trio-o-tret-tree""'""", on i uketouu. muqmm, no». can. to uy nothing“ It. am”; no. can. l dirtand uh. Tommi- l, "(I I Ill? I II " ,mtehtq name-'- aromas cull-s thaw-nun!» an at water to his lips. “You on giv- no " cheque tor this tomorrow," be aid Ilyly. l Numbcd with in“. the old nu wu gluon macaw-Ion: ot the trip :wk to the city, ad when in An- own bed at once uni into u dep ‘sleep. Green MM to In“: him '.cattt the broken leg'had been attend- ed to, and culling in I couple ot g brother surgeons they soon had the injured limb in a cut and the mi- 'ent put to bed. Alter I time Mob. ton opened his cyan and looked About him. . " "Where is Myrtit?" he mmbled. ' The two doctors exchanged glances and lett the room, and the girl came in, her eyes red trom weeping. She paused to receive her lover's caress. then hurried to her tattter'tBide. "Oh, Papa," she choked, “l was so frightened. How do you teel now? ls there anything I can dolor you?" “l-l want a drink ot water," he muttered. The doctor sprang to the' sideboard and til1ed a glass which he otrered to lhc old man, who reached to take it, '; thenpauscd, looking up into.thc young man's face. , I The young man's lace tiuslred and his deep eyes glowed. "That? That _ is ice water, Mr. Morton," he replied I as he drew the wondering #.rl to “Jim, "and I am afraid it will coat um ycur daughter." . " "What is this to cost he asked. - t I Guelph, Nov. 5. - The common house fly was painted in its true col- ,ors as one ot the worst mediums of ', carrying dircase that has to be con- tended against, by Dr. Gordon C. ‘Hewitt. Dominion Entomologist, of lOttawa. before the normal meeting ot Ittse F:ntomo1ogical Society ol tNt- 1 aria, which to-day concluded its ses- i siom at the (kimono Agricultural Col- lege. [ l - . A: A~Ilnrr have, The old man took the glass and drama] it without a word. HOUSE m snow) ma EXTINGUISIIED "rtbc. “While thougands ot dollars have hem expended in the south to prevent the spread oi lever, through the ex- terpination of mosquitoes, there has been little done to prevent the house ily from doing just as extensive a work in spreading disease in the northern countries,“ said Dr. Hewitt, sHixtermirrate the house ily and you m. an"... n... donlh rate." said the cut down the death raw, a...“ ...- speaker, and he referred particularly, to the infantile death rate, caused by intestinal diseases and diarrhoea, which were readily spread by the fly. He believed that the so-called harm- less fly was yearly causing the death of hundreds, or even thousands, of infants. as well as spreading the F germs of typhoid fever. l People were getting away item the idea, Dr. Hewitt said, that the state- Iment that the Ity is a carrier of dis- ease was made by cranks or laddists, and the theory that the fly was made clean by "washing itself", was utter foolishness: As one who has made a study of the history of the fly, its habits and breeding plates in England (iii, in Canada, he described every fly ,as being laden with bacteria, perhaps lharmless, but likely to be the bacteria :0! dangerous diseases. The doctor then described how the fly, coming into the house. lighted in the sugar bowl and in the milk ves- sels, and the latter had been shown to be a perfect medium for disease ‘in which bacteria was found to de- velop very rapidly, when flies were ‘about and milk was not protected. sold only ir, soiled land 2% . '-$teTer Temp very “gym.“ tree-"" about and milk was not protected. Instances were given where the ,draih rate in United States cities ‘had been reduced by precautions aga- .inst opportunities tor the " to get in its iisease-spreMing work. On tho ly,te York waterfront it was shown what typhoid outbreaks were 'orMPr- ”out with the presence ot decaying vegetables A destroying mac-u on Hers M Ontario, which 1 kill “w growth in a tew had dour- Mlcrm years ago was also reported by t and Mr. A. Gibson 01 ve of the sprucv bud worm, playing hum in tluetrre an Ontario In “to sprucc lore BROKE ARM Mio HIP and sewMe mac-ct on the latch in, which promised to h in a tew yum. as it I years ago in the west, rtcd by Dr. Hewitt, Hhxon ot Ottawa spoke bud worm, which was in ()uebcc and northern be ling work. In tho ml it was shown min; were pom“!- nce at decaying Rat me, doctor? ' , my. man mu UM Md ats no - MI no Ind "td ball but on WHY CHECKS utoty York County Lou $thamttttH- . Mow Disappoints! l, " Dividends. The in“: ot “.000 and! by the liquidators ol the York County bout a savings Co., In. done slot to make people happy. but hundred- at complaint; have ruched the one. of the National Trust Co. tn Tor- onto. strontium“: Ire complnlnlng that their dividends are a grant deal smaller than they expoctrd. Some are sore because they didn't [at my dividends at all. Nearly every potion thought that their check would en- title them to draw one lourth ot their investment from 1 bank. Con- sequently their hopes took a tug-' who they got chock! representing one twentieth or even one tortieth ot their savings. They forgot that un- der the judgments of the courts all thcir share loans, it any, and all tlwir payments due and not paid uhen the company went into liquida- tion, wpre to be deducted trom the first dividend, together with all ac- tumultuous of interest-and interest accumulates mighty' fast when you're not thinking about it. There were also big law costs to come out some- I “here. Mr. Heriugton, who has been dir- ectly cinncctrd with the liquidation, cadet the National Trust Co., said that the estate ot the company was so complicated in character, and the numtcr ol investors so great that the work of winding it up had proved most difficult. I "It has bun round to be an impos- sibility to include the whole mount. ol monvy due on the dividend on one check in a great many cases," Mr. Herington said. "It oiten happened l that an investor held three or tour or oven Me ditierent kinds of stoek, and it was impossible to get trace ot these all at once. The investors' holdings had to be worked out bit by bit, and checks on the above basis will be issued as rapidly as possible. "Matters have been still iurlhcr complicated by the mount ol trans- terring done by shareholders. In many cases their holdings were swit- ched from one class of stock to another. It is some time since the York Loan company went down, and the it has happened lrequentiy that stockholders have forgotten that they lu-ld more than one kind of stock. Then again, when loam; were made against stock held that cancels this ferst dividend, as is also the case where pass books were in arrears on November 27, 1005. "We have not had any special com-I plaints since the issue ot these checks, but of course people have hardly had time yet. We answer all :orrespondencc relative to the mat- ter. We have had a great deal ol en- quiry, and many callers. but it is simply because the winding up process is so complicated that the average stockholder does not understand it. It is not possible to detlne the dit- lerent clause: mentioned in the an- "ouncement; they were fixed by the _ judges. Kidnay Disease For Years This "t hum much yin-um in mum. to t,hdrtt, tigrrr,tgtdfl, ' “'1’ of row I " bo. ." m a Melon. with: mnemonic Comtipnuon. and the only undid-cl unsecured to do an an real food um "rt-tli" Th med due and me when mun. do. failed. f,turpopta2oltastotl2'r, ATTACK O BLADDER “01131.3 WITH KIDNEY “0031.3, “(I 'ipgtt'etu'Tf, than cough!“- " - I‘m: s'll',tA','h1helilirlih'iliiiiiC" - tun-'9' kmrUUtrtr - of 2rgi,tu'pg?tl2g)jlt.e'r/t'. “in." for chm": con-artic- I"! Hulda and kid-g m k. This “datum-i “kWh” FAue,tmttrtrrat"tert" III who." Is Well Known Gentleman Strongly Recommends "trruiiitivo" to all Sufferen. M) “an mmvuu. mm. on" My mi. ml» can an S" 2al It: 'g'dla.ltl all. “an“ ARE SMALL in C "k'iiaraui0ts-,, wt I. rl'tiIll%'.T'lx' k"7/."ah'i'ii6,! '""alnih,. v. f H Bun-1m. Solicitor. Noun 00mm. one. one. “a“ N nah. ”Bo-Ia Sol-phone MI. "Jud-m. Bollcitor. ”any.” mono. oppoeito0ourt Homo.”- orly Peterson's omto, Rodin. A. L, BITZER. B. A. [am-u no emu luau Burl-tar. Solicitor Notary 1’qu eta. I?!” to loan, glam ',titT, otBtte-- YRti: on. m now Hugo. radon-[ck tw, Bulk. P 0. HUGE“. Dentin. Uddfollow’l Block. yy . ""_""c.w. wnmonJ. Dun-u. erho. Wilt um. ml was: tho and 11mm M I‘m-y cum Thad-y Ind {and Pig“, I I; to hid-y an.) o d D 7,tir',alti't' QENmon-om. numb; "no on: L. D. B. D, D. Guam s. E "al'ka'tih'u"ah'lda 3mm Rorat Gallon}: MEI Sum of -isua. Dean! one. no" Mr, J. Dunn-‘1 “I. Vhlhst. Jmhlommnnd it! My d " PIRIENCID VITIRIN. ARY SURGEON Clo-Int b on.“ _ “37 um-umm 5.; -e ._._. m... a..- 0"” 3mm. 0.0.3. Iran on“ Alt ”Namath-m7 mu“. OMI- my”?! 35M"- m-m Jr a.“ _ “I.“ " the ae.k'etf,iy'lT1igg,1ttr't,..r,A' 511-3 5...} -gUFiGhTrG%GG, "G7ataGq '" __ "rimiiFTgug- lb..- $Mlutr--Ptt.tollhm sum-u. on. i VVGIih'sTKnoohtii l Mouton DEN X. WrDBMA31 numwmm'. Eu the mputaFm ot ban. "to Ate,rd mink!“ "rhotti in (X h count- In” peanut. .mu w--.. _.- r.-,,, muslin-Inoc- non any our Ttrig whom-nacho 2ttt on (a om... help. 8,'ll'lW, a would an non. other. The. new». Comma-11d. Shauna! Ind 'l'elo'nphy. Emu st once. Writo new for on In. odylogue. A. mummy (aget2g2ugu, Paton» lamina: for Cum and the United an... Bin. printing a the" noun. Photo 494. Specialty- Discuss of the Ear, Non And Throat. King St. Eat. Run". a warms. UD.th cam: 31 antrtland to” “and: Pitt who» Elliott & Malachi“. [BEES DR.' J. E. HEM, 0-H: .1414, - I!!! Watch». i’rincipth Berlin.

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