AP6t ---"-tqituc-as In†a , â€winch, but" In" J,, a. “J. UM ION ' ". ' “in "r i _ q u “an ot _ _ ' 't ham!“ Eriiat's' "v' ,."i.s"_"" -i.iks Settle the f Overcoat Question Saturday . ll you mtg-plate NY“! . - “it u m my!" mum†tttB wad an“ a“ rm' n“ - " out. - an chum B, qeete d " class etothtrttt-m"' T - .;,,,, _..-A.- H â€My )0! Wu “yin; a - Ovcgqostmym and " now. Why tMu' ya wanna. we minor Saturday w. m. we 'tT dacut ' you-tun "rt'roqbrtsrworr$r"f..f" minim “Ct-Ct. " out. - it. dawned [qr oqunrvaluetr. We doa't make _ e-- ' d u elm eeotttt-er don't unit: a specialty ot low price , . at medium grndee. Ttis ha 'e%tttitttt store tor everybody, i‘b‘m but ot satisraetion tor an in the matter of selection um " 17-33â€: "madam: awning". to “ugly all tastes and pocket. l - bare it. No surl- ovcr can show'utg anywhere else in Berlin. / Jul look whether you am- ready to buy or not. The new styles l he. - Ink-renting, and this is the only store that one" great h “a! of the lay mt. over coal: " sell as everything in the A. ' Wanna gnu-aunt no good and rehablc. I We Burrs. “a military heels, sizes 3 to 7, sar . n__v.. u..n.. mm mn-im-nhll‘ will- urdtvr “main. -- ... e Mm's Suit-s. very latest sack shit-s, . "tttsgie breasted, made trom fine im- 'toorted tweeds, a tew dozen only in “(In sizes. They are deftly . cut, with 5'“) hpcls, wide sleeves, low cut ' -yest, wide “onsets. regular " and , $10 per suit, Saturday V _ $595 )IG'I and“. very survivable win- tee "ite, In the mm uyles. made, a isuiditurrartdheaxy weight suitings, both plain and Imcy elects, in all popular colors. . . ' $750 Ken's Suits, 04 quality and lamina. my thte prawn“, in m worm“, and lusty Scotch, conservative uni ultra Itylcs, all new color tones. ehL garstly tailored, with {we trimmings, and linings, COLLEGE ULSTERS RI sizes, BARGAINS IN FALL F'ooTWliAIt. Wemcn's Fine Bangui-.1 Kid Lam-ll Book, It dressy. neat tittiug toot for tall; patent (pecan. extension soles. Men's Tweed orcreoaU, lull length Belt or Wet collar, beautifully tail- - “Mu- very latest thing. ieeulat $13 to tlt, Saturday bargain idguiar Men's Cheviot Overcoats, made of fme black Cheviot, tailored after the most recent box back models, fmish- rd with best Malian lining and silk Hill's College Ulsters, in the green M",'. stripe, etiects, made ul all 1 Needs. single hrtaslul styles, Mrs. Sauernagel has just returned from ' up the Intact. American novelties and with the now prepared to make the most stylish and our shown in Waterloo. ' - . n- ,2‘_ l___ L...“ "" shown In "awnvu. Ladies who have been suffering Iron broken steels in their m. will and6 a mum fitting corset with unbmhble Spire“; bo A Speciaity oi Velvets, Silks and all kinds of Fancy Dress Trimmings. trouth8-Ha " Dar PuMtr.-- Deaf 'ner.-- We no mm: showing the beet. “use of Ohrietmu Gerda ever we! to We We went. on heve the 2tt2'plg oi 1m you '3. end " everybody bun oerde for the cud-y nee-on we ere set- w you will be delighted um: what we hue tooth! and ghee " otder vith no. We have ghgtt nook linen at trom le no MM etc and In at “be to the" _ on of Private Greene. Gard ample- from the but “he" in England. vâ€..- ldtMnllv. Mrs. C; Steugwggel Saturday Bargains Which Save You tii tttt Per Glut. T The waterloo Bookstore November Md, 1909 u I.“ out»! t ayaattthtre'sfk'i'zi'il'o' -. - “and “mandarin. may Littttte MILLINERY KlNG 'uinuumm mu mum and - to til†m STREET, WATERLOO. $10-00 $8.00 $7 95 returned from the City having picked as and with the well equipped stuff is m etvlieh and tap-bode?» head weer Yours tuthtutir, Men's Good Solid Boots, tor lall‘ wear, made trom box call, in bluchor or bal. styles. good rrtting shape, ox- tc’nsion soles and well made, sizes ti to ‘810, regular $2.50 to $3, Saturday rargain, . $195 MEN'S BOOTS, GOODYEAR WELTED. 200 pairs of Men's Boots, box call leather, Goodyear wetted, medium and heavy, solid leather throughout. heels that “to made to m comtorb- ably and wear long, all sins 6 to no. regular price " and M.50, Saturday Q- A. Boys' Shoes, made of genuine box' calf and vici kid, with solid leather inner and outer soles, hal. or blucher cut. These shoes are easily worth S? per pair, a lull tango of sizes, 1 to Cr, Saturday bargain lor velvet collars, regular urday bargain Men’s Trousers, in dark and striped worsted, goal winter weight, mat patterns/ side and hip pockets, sizes 33 to 42, regular 83:50 lot -irors' 3 piece tweed efrects, si ted, sizes 28 to and " [y - III, - uva -_--" - e the onIy “are that all?" great ,1 u sell as everything in the '. I. WEAVER a 00. lug-32m 3 piece Suits, wombat 1nd Eccts, single and double breas- ts 28 to 33, regular price $5, W, Saturday bargain price Ernst’s la in their cor- Spirell: boning 810 coat ' Sat- 's.so $2.95 itrxritituro, ammo. THURSDAY $1.50 $695 395 Local and P-nt.-- In. snide: l and In. Reich-rt o! omen-um 'ie. a ited In. Fulton lat wee.-. m. " Aledn ond It J.'P. LN at. w tended the Gait District Epworth let League Convention in Preston last " Thursday.-lisu Marian Eix has re I tl turned home horn a visit to triads “I _ at Berlin and Preatmc--Ree. 0.1mm , and family ot Dashwood are visiting the tormer's lather here.- Mr. Prrrd " Mttrttelt has been added to tum-M Q of the Metropolitan hank here.-- Mr; l Louis Fisher has bought the barber tl and pool room business trom Mr. Geo. t Bulgin and has alrhdy taken posses- “ siom-Nr. Oscar Vogt, who is at pre- tl sent on a hunting expedition on a . preserve in Quebec, has sent a deer home, which he shot at Fort Col- ' ounge.--Mr. Sol. Laschinger has sold ' his interests in the Elmira Agricul- 1 tural Works Co. to Messrs. A. D. f Viee, and Forsyth of Berlin. Both l I grutlemen are excellent, mechanics and t will turn their attention to the , maouiacture 0‘ lactory outtitts.--mt . and Mrs. A. R. Schulz are visiting [ their son Rev. E, A. Schulz at Beth r nington, N. Y.--Mrs. Baird ot Man- ' chester, Ont., visited Mrs. John . Stork for a few days last week.-Mr. t Solomon P. Frey who is with tho r Elmira Furniture Co. had the mis- r fortune to get his hand caught in a the shaper. It was so badly cut 1 that two iingers had to be amputated, the tirst one below the second joint 0 and the third one below the first joint.-The Misses E. Luckhardt and Lovina Hilborn attended the Sunday school convention at Hespeler on ' Priday.-Miss Lovina Hilhorn is vis- iting iriends in Toronto this iiti,F.d _ Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilborn ot Berlin er spent, Saturday in town, the guests I of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hilttont.-Miss 3d Alma Crozier visited Elmira triemis " last Saturday and Sunday.-- Miss PS Mary Nichol of Galt spent Sunday in town.-Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ratr, visited irienda in Tnvistock tor a few 95 days link nreh..-Nos. (not) Scan- lan is Wu; 3 but “you: Guelph. ad --Mr. W. M. Otto, Rev. Burn and w. Miss Maggie Hahn attended the S. S. 'a Convention in Hespeler last week. - ' Dr. Faulds spent several days of last week with friends in Butiaio. Ni Death ol Cart lierz.--A sad death occurred here on Sundry morning, 7 Noe. lat. when Mr. Carl llerz de- parted this lite, alter having been the victim of a series ot paralytic strikes which resulted in rapid decline of strength. 'Deceased came to Elmira . about three years ago lroui Schles- um Nun savanna-Mm cm _ InGonlW- c conduc Our Busy Neighbors Amt ot Berlin spent F W punts. Mr. and Mrs -..Mr. Orrin Schnurr In' Ilsa M. L. Srimtr rodr Min to LMowel on? Kiss M. I. trip to I His: Flor News Notes,-Mud XCAVA‘I‘INO WHENCED um 91 ettesmuMt tor m m Wk Ieue' ILMIRA in town LINWOOD [taker m Sunday is tho topic arr--Miss DH- W " Waterloo, -Mi .5 Ella Sundan‘ with B, " Nun-1. ad his sister, iv a h Marv: a: yur . on a (an deer l 1 Col, me 5 sold lu ‘ricul- " t. D. Ft Both 'r. es and M o the t", .-ReV. D: “Ring " K. Beth Q Man- T', John m lr -Mr u W M Literary amt-Lin. mm“ "as“; who in " a. mum Inn to rm and our "tttnest/Urs di . tbo "a" ject, "Rewind tint vault ol more, value than cal." merrAu" ot ttte question wan guy itemâ€. tte 1% 5n deridiesg in we: or (he‘ll-Hm“ The speaks“; m1; AIM". “W ..... "w“.-. h" t ,‘V In. D. Chanel and 3t. 'httiedel. Ne- satire, Messrs. A. (frqcmau 3nd Nelson Dingemu. The W! ot the programme wt: chill†in- tresting are to ttuGew organ that was instullcd um Iâ€? In» next meeting will be tsetd ok‘haruhy ev- "sing, Nov. 18th. - t -- -.. III-x: _..In ..|.. '_m (I tart ,reet, “gum ot Mr. Jim tl'. - llul “in. tot -m “mum that the cumlables ate ullcr the ‘ culprits-Mr. Byler at Torcnlo Man- onion Mission occupied lhe pulpit in the Cressman Humanit- clmnh last Sunday evening. -ar.tatnd Mrs. Ivan Cressmatt spent Sunday at Mr, A. C. 's:ttyurisc-'the Missrs Nora and mu Woolnor visittd at the home ut Mr, Mies Shaun. m. sunday.--We are ploazsul to see an: Akron Mallet out again and his "Hot, illness. Items ul interetst.-Mrs. Benton ro- _ turned home 1 P from Gait where th? t,'SQed a ISUCL'CSSJ tul operaticm--Mr. ll. Kummer in-i tends hnl'ing an Auction sale of bis farm stuck and implements an Nut-Ct 20th. MreAlbert Mickus, auction»: cor, will wiciillhc hammer-Mr. Ar-' Laid Flee untertaind the Methodist Choir :nd a lcw of his friends at hrs home last Monday-Mr. W. l ClutM hurt a successful danco at his home in Donn on Saturday owning. A l large number were present [mm the surrounding places. --Mrs. E. Hon-' man ol FtortMUus spent Sunday in"- er the parental root in Docs-Miss F.. Reid of Berlin has wound a pos- ilion in Dunn and assumed her duties qunday morniag.--Miss L.Wa'sm scent Friday and Saturday “nth friends in Galt.--Mr. D. s. Bauman whitewashed Mr. Chas. Pitts' Oicken rensi and tam last Saturday. He ira'cs a tine job. Anyone who needs an; sshitewashing done. would save time and ermine by sccing him. --Mr. (has. Tilt is showing his pour try at the Hamilton Show all this ' week.-Mr. Boll and Family of Arthur moved their house h H eftecis to noon last Fridar--Mr Henry Holt- man nl Ficradale, spun Sunday at l his home in Doon.--Misss L. Biany l ind Miss V. lluh'i' were tlw Orlr'gat- i ts for the horn League at the comic“- i lion viii-h was led in Preston last Th rrday.-Miss A. Thoms and Mrs, I M. I'rrurdy atttndml the Sinkiy Fihorrl Friday News Notes-Dir. Max Beattie who] Win. and Mr. Jams Mur has just returned from the Galt Hos- liellcwootl were Sunday vital. having gone through a siege of Mrs. Bemis'.-Mrs. 5,“. typhoid is staying with his unele,Mr. Grace Smale, have return F. Iteattie,-Miss Jessie Bunnie who extended trip to British has had " attack of scarlet lever Miss Gertie Bedlam, Ber is improving Trrry lavorably. There " at home here-Mi were several mild cases or scarlet tev- Enoch Fatt near Waterloo er in the neighborhood and all who iormet's brother On Sun have had it are, able to be out and Mrs. J. A, McAllIslI again -Thc, Bla" Literary Society ed with Mr, and Mrs. held its regular monthly "TWIN! on Allister‘s at t;uoplr--Nt Friday evening last. The programme rant, and Mrs. A, h, r onsisied at music, recitations, om, Winterboutm', called on ttral in plate, at the rcgular debate ad- on Wminesidar--Mr. and dresses were given bv Messrs. Hart Hurst M Waterloo, visit and "tmilton til the 0.01,, Galt, ant View on Sunday and were very entertaining, instruc- Mrs. Jacob Snyder trot live our! humorous-Miss Lulu Ken- Mms we". guesits at Mr you ol llespeler, spent Sunday under Jacott t‘ressnmn's on Hut the “rental rooi.--Miss Pannah‘aker. ---------" oi lles.elu. a retumrd missionary POOLE from Attica, adiressrd the audielu-e - in the M.ll.l‘. Church here last Sun- pprsotta's.-V Famm duty evtning, She exrlained the na- spent Saturday and Sir lure ol the work where she labored home in Stratlo d .-r' the la'-t two and a hall years. and Large oi Vancouver. I†w“ listened to very attentively. Ma- sent visiting at tho hon ny are the MmcuHies committing the (Ma hrrr--The anmmnee missionaries in the loroign field and marriage to a Berlin Ia sh' appealed to those living in a given out <o Melvil- v (hrixtian land in lend all possihrn turn west ctone,---Mr help towards sending the gonad to Hammond ll Llstnwll those who have never yet heardnt spent. Saturday and S the glad nenrm-A very pleasant. BT- home near here-We are cut tco't glare in our town (In Wed- â€rt the rail new: ol mad-1 a last val. it being the In. R. Yon. who we rum“! ol Mr. Join Helium to rntumcl'n a week up It. - ma, â€than": ricer. m leg: lo mogul (l' T a nix “aim: tttttdetest, “it. tel', (My owning hire of ttte th? tw-t tw "nun DOOM allmdml the Htntay Minn in llcsprlu‘ last BLAIR Wilt nub-luau. we. run Vb} t1.ec2't h K?" piqu- ~r 2" by y., " T at mealti- mtttUaiiiiN n- my but a! will - I new mum- " it“. on new. but tatt huh ultimo â€of-pa . nut-u â€when“. bill. I all tur- u n We. only‘ 0. . Inger nude. Cape-Jul; nut want busily gr taged at tits IUIK oi rc-hnw‘v Mr. .413do Lil...“ who's ‘okal arms . 1" ark-Elan well on the" 's' d; - Inlll [deputy v1.- in- terped3M or“; to the cxrloslon. bu 'K.dhi that“ won have. ' New; 'xotes.-Mr. Otto P'.teget Inga an “duly" auelt eirreltsl, on tiny. the [M hut.,'lhe 'resttit of " plug-0011's hunt.-Mt. Matte Md cl Sundridgn. Out, is at Me I.“ (W with Mr. H. ERau, jointing Mares, a fob um um leep him ens-(u! tor tour or Me momm, --PulV 200 persons View engaged m Wnday in raising the Irame work ol ttatc'a new saw-mill, ’IIBBR my Persoeuls.-Mr. John Ec'covowi0cr of Sandusky. Itch, spent a day re- unuy with his local Iriecds.- Miss Anna M. Sduttttater is at present in Tkrratto, attending the C(nlral Bus- iness Courge-Mr. gnd Mrs, Andrew Pram, Linwoul, recrurl/ ximsd at spcnt News Noter--Mr. L. Ruhr until Mlsa llcrmlra Kuclllu ml Presto spent a law days here with whuvm. -Miss Henrietta Oltman spun Sun.- day with her' sister in llu- Tum l, My c-Mr. Duncâ€! Dewar wry oUrtitt- lately " last week and tuo'c two â€its. “is itslyries arp mum ml he is doing nicely under the 1irctstn-l stanccs.--Mr. John Pvrscist is nil up with a wry mm leg and is thetv- lore confined lo the house,- Mr, and ' Mrs. Manes ul Tavistock spun Sun- day here and were the gusts ul her lriuta.--stria'eter Lichti “In hss i tieen seriously ill is impro'.iug Lin-1y. -.-Mrg. C. Koehler who has [fern vrry ‘ill for some lime is getting holler 33nd is able to be "p.-- Mr. H. n Rube has disposed of his emin- stuck , of hardware and tinware to Mr. Ily. ~chtcl II New German; “1m l will add a new and well asvorivil linc of shell and games! hardware will add a new g line ot shell and as soon as rossilsle Foth the Evangelical and the Lu- th2ran Sunday Sthcols are making preparations [or Christmas testivals. -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. “like: of Wal- la-rc went a work with tir,ir sun, Mr. F. E. weiker.--Mr. ll. (lit-s of Macton spent a few days at the home ol his brother, Mr. Chas. Gies.-Mr. and Mrs. P: E. Welker and son Wilfred spent Sunday with lrimds in G'alt.-9tr. and Mrs. W. Doomedâ€, Mrs. M. L. Wetser, Mrs Richmcml, Mrs. Fusing“, Miss Fil- singer, Miss Ehy aurl Mr. F.tty altenllul the suuday-scitool Cotthin- tirn hrld in llcsvpclcr last week, Mr. c, K, Wctier, llcrlin, spent Sum day at his home hum-Miss Alice Itruhachvr of Berlin spcnt a " days with her parents -Miss Lizzie Koch attended the Mcununtv Il1','ii't'irdii, hold in Zurith lust Uontererror hold in lurid: week.--Mr. Hy. Petcrson is again after spcnding a mont' Northwest- Personals.- Mrs. Murdock and Mr. Wm. and Mr. Janus; Murdock trom llcllcwood were Sunday guests at Mrs. Bemis'.-Mrs. Single and Miss Grace Smale, have rammed [mm an extended trip to British Columbia.-- Miss Genie Bedtord, Berlin, Sunday- HI at home hem-Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Fatt near Waterloo.. Hailed the iormet's brother on F'sunday.-- Mr. and Mrs. J. A, McAllisict" Srn'lay- ed with Mr, and Mrs. Gro Mc- Allistet"s at Guelph-Mr M. Dur- rant, and Mrs. A, h, hurrrnt hum Winterboutm', called on Mrs "unis (In Wminesidar--Mr. and Mrs, Hen, Hurst ul Waterloo, visulvd at Plus- ant View on Sunday,- Mr, and .. IA L Cnrlll‘f front (Srmun ed with Mr. and Mrs. Attistet"s at Guelph-M rant, and Mrs. A, A.l Winterboutm', called on Wiuterboutm', called un Mrs (In Wesinesdar--Mr. and Mrs Hurst ot Waterloo, visilrd at ant View on Sunday,-- M Mrs. Jacob Snyder Iron 1 Mitts we†guests at Mr anl Jacob Creisrron's on Sunday. Ivrsotra's.-Mr, Famml 30mm sprot Saturdny and Sunday at hi: home in su.uttodr--1'rr, Mrtrillt Luge ot Vancouver, " C., iv, at no Bent visiting ll tho huntr of H! par ents hrre--Ttw .nnuuurc-mrm M hi trarriage io a Berlin ladr, hui hm given ont so MrlvH" will no! " turn west ctone.--Mr, Gro Fl Hammond n! Mahmud Huh Sh w - Humidity and Swirl ttt hi 1?:an no“ trere.-We are snrry In r “It tte, rad new: ol ttte death l -- . t ‘._A......,.4 l " CLEMENT. BLOOMINGDALE ST. JACOBS WELLESLEV Us ctsitdr mu ot the death nut-rumbtd In hut Sum with Itst n is home nth in the Miss Fil- Mr. F.tty ml Convvm Evé‘lFlour! Grain! Feed h Special for Saturde ., tei' vi 'ia'tonr for": sperm do" to " - " h an own unpuwuwtqu ar. .'all', . ’72:?†ammwcnmw - " mom who good goody gtest, th I- "BCT , 'T" tii), t as new Ready to Wear. men or to tho Load. _ _ " pay you. Read our price list. T , V o3 's a; Max's ovsuoous All) ms. pr no.“ AT ".504 l , Isn’t-u: The can". nude tram In att 0°†wool black hem-y etttttt, velvet who.†collar, verona serge linings _.. "." " "o." AT mm W... No. The Santos; made trom but wool lininn. - How, auto - ..... 'tt.i AT 812.00 _ The Cheskr, made trom [my brown. striped tweed and“; the coat tor you; momma) collar _ _ rr. _ VVV .._r..e., til?, ‘MICN'S Fl [KL-[NED ()VERCOATS AT $35.00. . Men‘s extra tiw tur-lined mama. extra Me dark marmott tu- ings, Gorman our! collar,.. $35. TEN" STRICTLY CASH; our: PRIDE. CHEAP CASH STORE, ’ I KM Th These mills have boon mound and undo rip-manta in equip-{Inc In the mining of high ole" flour m1 fogd,_xor Tel' 1tytipHr. and iettPPitt' um um"... ... _.... w... _-_. _-__ ----, _._ __,,,7 - _, __ w We want your when. out and hallo, and In I"!!! MIC". pull. a. Lighetst mute: ulna m, than In" bun middling, and, can. at,- chop, Icreeulngl. etc. on hand and selling " right mica. Our family flmgr "Tho King" In no -tio'mtl, lino ilentr In all 50* hold purpom. We buy and all, we oxen-nu. Ind undo. W. -nti" (air Harmon: with courtesy. . The Edison Phonognph Entertain-ant for My In Phone 97 254mm Someunng w enjoy H] mm c‘uulua - um..- n. -_e-e"'e-'. -_"_-'-" "V evenin a, amuse the children, entertain friends and liven liq mill (CHIC- ings. RI, Edison will do it. We entry A full line in stock a [the “no. Ibo Now Records every month. The sole Agency in Waterloo. WBU's Weekly Store News Ronin be a to 82 75. machines. I10Et18Atilt'8 BOOKSTORE, Waterloo something to.,enjop. Come to us for your Butcher Supplies SMYTH aRtttti,rr'r'r'i, in the Bondy-m IRVIN MASTER, Prop. M. Weichel .& Son 1h Enterprise 4 qt. Stuffers 35.50. Meet Grinder: 3,15 Butcher Knives IM to Me, 3nd alt put: blaming to City‘MIlls, Berlin a tH. 214 Queen St , South in the evening " homeiu comfmt. See?, 133‘. . -. . I‘,7A‘ _--- u.. -.F-- â€3.00 312.00 $35.00 Men’s can In: at (tr-Sli!, German otter agraqrt ' price, "r, m JL.",'.';:,'), AT $50.00 1‘93: Men‘- No. 1 can each. I lining, clone haw M - ' Children's may wed 2t't,etl velret collar .w.r.r... “wanker moms AND LIle "1‘ Ill Amuse g _ 'liiW, Misses' Ind you»; lulu-i 'iS green, garnet, uvy mm, J_ Q nicely trimmed, mini " ' 20 years ........ Mmâ€).- EX V " 83.6. a mo sr. "rttMti1 Berlin, Ont. ween but