Bum per poindl. 77.26 2,ggy, don. ......... .28 My“ bag ...._... .75 My†bu...... .80 III'II' Nekei-.tt Waterloo, Oct. 31si, in Mr. and Mrs. Fred Urdu-It, it daughter. Perthbachcr--At "Morin". Not N, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred 1'vrch'rracht-., a’ daughter. mapper-At Waterloo, Oct. mun, lo Mr. and Mrs. Emvrson Iluppcl, .1 daughter. Morgan-at, Berlin, (M. 15m, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Morgan, a daugh- ter. Martin-At Baden, Irct., 31st, to Mr, Gd Mrs. Ezra Martin, a son. Pistter--At Baden, oct. 27th, to Mr, and Mrs. Hubâ€! Flslwr, a (laugh ter. Tyr-dt Svtlgvuu'k, Alta' . 1lu1. le11. to Mr. and Mes, Frank Warnrr Tye, a Sun. Lederman--At Nvsv Hamburg, out. 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs, Charles Led- vrman, a daughter.- Forrtvst-At New Hamming. (le [Yi, to Mr. and Mrs, Ben Furrvst, 1mm (son and daughter) Erdman-At New Hamhmg, (kt T.?, tn Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Erdmarr, a mm t'temens.-At th" Htrrltr, and “but-rim: Hospital, to Mr and Mrs. Charlcs Clemens, " mm. Weictwi-.-.tt Hull". Nov. 2nd. It, Mr. and Mrs J, Wrirlwl, " 'raughlrt Millman--It Hrrlm. HM Huh. In Mr. and Mrs, “III J, Mmnroo, " son. Pletch-1t Hvrlm, Not Isl, M Mr, and Mrs Louis 1'lv1rh, " mm F,rast-tt Noun". 0.! 1?.th, to M: and Mrs, liph Must, n vim-glut†Bun per ton.......... Live Hogs............ Beet, front (lantern. . . . Bod, bind guru“. . . . Chlokons....-........ STRATFORD MARKETS. Stamford, November 11,MKO Whoa Standud)...... 1.00 Barley.... ..-t..---. .43 cm (mdud1...... .40 Pun ‘............... .75 a!» por “III-W149? l Law-Palmer-At by Rev, Me. M mt-r to Wm V4 Montreal. lurm: Montreal, brrrurt1y of HM 1uaBrink--s'alm--At Mt. Mich, Nov Ist, Hathara lirrlin. In Mr lun â€link Berlin. to Mr "trms-Hair--, by Itrw IL l Hall to Alrsx with. _ Man and seeders ue study to fir-g pod heavy steers d. 84.40 to “.00. was: an tirtnes at $515 thetop, no. market is a litllo weaker m â€a, in} quotations tuse1srsrvi,ed trom Totally). tlov. "h-There is but a my small export movement, prires at the prmrnt lime being trom a cent to a cent and a hall on an export ba- ata. Miller," demands are small. “as were, however. stronger lo- - and local quotations were ad- Vuced half a cent, Local dealers quote: Datum Wheat-Nu, 2 red or white I'iater wheat, $1.03 to 31m. outside. Manitoba Rheat--No. l No:thtunt, 31.03; No, 2, Hill}, lake ports. 's' a,Corts-American No. 2 ycllow, (my M’Ne. Toronto Heights. l New Ontario nuts 3h: outniJr. Cunt]: Western oats arr dining: at â€a tor No. I, 391c " No. 2 and' " tor No. 3, V Ward-- Richardson (kt. 27th. hv It Edilh Lylr' Hirh [innsdnwnr Wald tu'verut-Wnlker-,t 8rd, by “IN. w, Wullu-r, to Fran] onto. Gooding-Heal Father (â€mama (horn flooding “on uni torinpts-'lh're are m of these olefin; as the grass B9Mtttg is going 05. and the market is ' to " easier. 1» total run was 87 mm, mm 1.55. head of cattle, 1.350 sheep am' lunbs, 600 hogs, and 140caV Barley-No. 2, Mc; No P.extra to 580 outside. Buckwheat-Ness, No, 2, 311'. Rye-No. g, 74C to 75c. Peas-NewrNt, 2, 880, Manitoba Flour-uuotatiotw, at unto are:--First patents " fit); ‘nll'l rarer.ts 3510‘, slung trap 3439. . 3 an on!!- "ttie Mt. Toronto, No,. . In actu- ud vim T to an .t this tttnrket may. choke in the - lino a! d to set, at emmtatids ’4 pm. Top who: tor chum“ Is. also“. or , upon, were T " to “.36. Ilium to COM- M: mm. were generally My It the same prices as Utst Ontario Flour-his “i patents at 3| iotLl0iuir; CD track, Tonmlu. Millteed--Lttutn. ' shuns $33 to 12l 1 “PHI", Not Louis, Piet) Bonn", {In b'.ph, Hunt, IAIIIABEI MARKET REPORTS --Al "Inhrnol, _ ll, I.ivmqstoo cr. M, Ham - than - A I y RM'. "cat Hil'hnfdsnn At Fstaytwr, No, 1hutuolt, All At Katt aw “mum. . Wilsor " 00 . 20.00 Ikrhn 50 7.50 7 50 tik. .07 .08 . 10 .35 .55 nrlph [In-ah n1 bnkt Hahn Mm 14,00 20 00 flu a " SW. th .50 .10 Ott al .27 .29 .75 a! ci'a.UC.r.CC.U." .15 Applgmcthrnl ......_I..9 FIOII'................ Buttor,pulb........ Ennwdonn ..--.. Buy per ton.......... Lud,por lb...... ... Hun................. MIdJllngl. per ton . . . . Brun................ Poutouperbu...... an. It. ........ ““1me .... 3600 My†.... .16 has,†lb......... 25 mum-mum 99 Bop“vo............ 7.86 thrgtqdr-d.-. .... Woo Human» ........ IL00 Buy,pondnov ...... 10.00 aim. por IIII........ ye! What -..---..... .. 1.00 Ola............ .... .38 Barley.-.. .--. .... .45 Poe-...... .......... .80 Com............ .... .85 anr................ 300 Buttonporlb ........ .18 Banwdom ..--.. .25 Bay per mn.......... 10.0i Lump“ lb...... .... .r Enm................. .15 Low grads Flair. - - . . I'tvdvn---lrt North Dumfries, Oct. 30, Margaret Huston, bvlovcd wile at John H. Dryden, aged ll years. Ilousou--At Gull Hospital, Urt. 30, John Hottson. In his t5th year. Robcrts--At Galt, Oct. 30th, Mrs. Mary N. Itobvrls, in Mr 25th year. Frrhruidt-At Fhakespvare, Oci. Mth, Henry K. Srhmidt, in his 30tlt war. Miller-At Bvrlin, Oct, Imth, Mrs. Sophia Millvr, in her Tist year. Couper--.tt Hrspcler. Nov. 61h, Mrs. "thos. Ctsoper, in her 80th year. Chvstvr-Near Kossuth, Nov. 5th, John ('ht'slvr. m his ti3rd year. 1ttrid--At Watcrloo, Nor. 3rd, Joseph Henry “PHI, iulunl hon of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Iteid. Wcgtahrb--.Near SI, Jamhs, Nov, 2, Mrs. Adam Wr'glahn, in hvr 2.3m NEW HAMBURG MARKERS. Nov Kuhn“, lovombor It, 1909 What -..---..... .. 1.00 1.00 Ola............ .... .38 .38 parlor---.. .--. .... .fd .e, rut, - ........ War, " an" .... now. - .. "our, low: “I..." Wand, in: and ...... - can. ........ Butohere cumâ€..- public Mr madr lungs 81 Hollinger-At erlm Catharine Buscrm T. Hollinger, In hr M A h I53 A BERLIN MARKETS. Berlin, November 11, 1909 Fl In: per 1001bs .... $2 OJ Bun " ..... l 00 Inidlingl " ..... 1.25 Screening“ " .... 1.25 When per bush....... 100 Barley " _...... .65 Data " .-.-... A?. Nag.-..-...., .85 Potatou per bug...... .75 Buy pm- to:.......... 8.t0 _ Roo1 peroord........ 7.00 Butzorperlb......... .25 Eggnpcr don't..-.... 30 ughly n-cunuuend 4 lkvvrllry Town vertr W .iir l ht plar tia the WATIILOO all!“ wnuloo, Non-to,- u, mos WELL RECOMMENDED survrsuful the undru m from" iiiiy.."."iii ion" ii"; I................21 h................ 1 Wheat.......... _ runway...†' iici."rcr.y.. Cr.":.".".".:. 10 iiiilC1C' 7 ‘Iklns...... -._. w.-... --_____. Apple. ........ iGi y:Cyyf. l.......... ...... at {C(Hllllnl' h tho n M n1 'rownsht two SHIV nu', HAi4 DENNIS 'lin Hugh M Matlhr.s William " illhllll Lvsingion rag Ir/l Whirl "In"! l I 'h" Slow-H l Il NC"! t byiwards, llranttord. " 5,000 trout fungu- ma Park, 1xhere he Burr m: in Brannon! with "o. .-0- 17an ..... 100 ..... 1.25 .... 125 I....... 100 ....... .65 -----.. A?. ........... .85 Ig...... .76 ..-..... 8.t0 ....-... TOO ,_...,.. .25 l..-.-.. 30 mannvt" lulu-1|, ‘mlmg t ight all In " .Inglr Sun th MM ltr, M M Mrf ull, Nov. Ist, wilt! oi (ivory 82nd year. "ot Pl hurt "ttttTr, i th. iarmet " het r hr ha mr'ru an mt'r .18 .20 .25 .25 10.00 10.00 .14 .14 Air .15 28 oo 20.00 Mrf .90 .50 .50 .35 60 .50 .75 h 23 ‘27 iii', ntly .70 32.00 20. 00 26 00 10.00 12 00 10.00 A8 .95 .80 10.00 7 60 .25 11 l 00 1.60 Ttit) .76 04 .06 .15 12; .12 .45 3.10 3 10 1.10 1.30 1.30 1.00 3.10 .40 .65 the .56 '10 th th 86 25 80 00 27 70 38 70 H (W n 1 o'clock p.m., no totlowing nimble propertykumely: Horse-Dare by we ll yen- old (good driver); bay hone Dyan old, blnck pennant! colt ruin; three years old; 3 colt. tiling 2 "In old got by Square Dal. well muted, 2 colts 0 mama old got by Gold Dust Fun and“! mu - ', That will it all I, â€We auctio- u a. In. btpdy and by In- no t%eat, on the mad but]. to Heidelberg. 4 .0. north, ad 1 lulu not od Waterloo, 1 miles you!) and 1 In“. weat ot Bt. Juohs, on M... m “atâ€. Cattle, Fltc.-Farrtyw cow, cow due to valve in April, cow due to ctUve in December, cow due to calm ln March, steer rising 2 years old, 10 pigs and one good dog. Implements, Etc.-Two-rurruw sang plow, single plow, turrAp sceder, three-mm carriage, pleasure sleigh, set tam human, bob sleigh. set bug- gy harness, scraper, barrow. " cords wood, and many other articles too lum‘ms to Manon. 'lluuaehold Elects. Etc. - Large meat tub (new); 2 beds, 1 bedstead, 3 teat tables, kitchen table, 2 pantry cupboards. kitchen cupboard, 3 sinks, 2 water benches, 1 milk cupboards, 2 tables. churn. flour chest, 3 wood chests, 2 cooking stov's, 2 box stove! 3 spinning wheels, iron kettle, 4 iron pots, 4 benches, 2 chairs, robe, sear- ing urachiie, milk cooler, milk com. I dry lulu lur drying fruit with a good box stove, and many other arte cles, Terms of tiaie-Pigs and all sums of ten dollars and under cash, aver that amount 12 months credit on up- proved joint notes or A per cent. 0.1 for cash mum-ms of credit amoun's. The undPrsigucd has ius‘alled A ma. chine for cutting hormW hair and all work entrusted to him will receive prompt Attention. Baturaction guar- unwed. I . JorrtUfuepry, the Tuunship l County of Wat ed. who?†n lion on ll "own at sale and meanwhile may H ascertained on application Io the lzn dersigned. Horse Hair Clipping at 2 orlock III thr. sritetuoort, Hr mun-I'm n“on-d xaluall: farm pro- Irtrly, cotttirotintr, the farm " the said deceased, containing Ill any; 3 funds and " rorchm more or Iesn, hmng parts of lois 15, " ani 18 of Richard Measlry's Lawn Burk, "rokrn Front, m the said Towoship of Wutnim, si1uate about a mile fituot Freeport (n the road trom Free- pot to Chitopea. Thur are rnlh1 latest 2 dwelling houses, a 14 star- ey mid: and a 2 storey stone cwelt- ing. anda grod ban ham, driving sud and other necessary iarm out- buildings. The Land is clrarcd and under cultivaiicn, except atmt 10 acres at hardwood and about 8 any» of tivTr tank will] mired crdar, pop- lar and other urns. About 3 zen-s TERMS OF SALE. 10 per can. cash al the time of saltr and h'alance on lst April next, whrn ptruivssittn uin he givin, Terms in other rrspecls will he â€13.10 HERMAN HERTFL. Prvston, P.†ROBERT "ftICKNF.LL, Auctionom acres ot hardwood and about 8 arm-s of xivrr tank will; mixed ruler. pop- lar and other trrcs. About 3 zen-s of orchard. The farm is fairly [one ed and convenient io ttiiool and' mar- lists. MENNU HORST, Prop. K. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer q he Farm Stock and Implements 41 tf LEVI OEHL, Gtrmau Milis TUESDAY NOV. 23rd, J, Hessenauer , Son Ladies who want, warm. dr feet when doing autumn wry-z ouch u milling, em. we have n upeclnl two hurklo rubber worth ragplnr " jun! answers the tpr pone. Irvin] In ".25. Thin "af"; to uli-fy you that we on: no you rubber- " the rigpg price A. we bought them dim at our prices. "i, have the fate“, assortment of Men's and boyl' [wavy rubber. in the Twin City. Rubbers to ttt In, lhlpa of than you may have. 50 XII. m. _ Built» Cppoeitat Economical Bio“, Rubbers Auction Sale Will Auction Sula Before yo 1 buy your heavy I. do "pairing $1.25 gned, the Emuutors ' Itichard Grill, Late cl t st Waterko, in th' Qa,'e loo, Farmer, d was for scale I-y puhlic auc Phooo an AND Al Socks Fire n.u.'erloo ey"s mwer Burk, the said Towtrship late about a mile the road trom Free- That: are tn lho 0 cl hinder. 'rower, nu Elke, Sylvan»! drill, with grass â€our. single mow. one u. mrturrow an; flow, lwn Farrow, laud roller, mum“, Wagon“ tuotteatM curiae, top buggy, open buggy, why. munch, S cutter: (nearly new), lunlnpi mill, toot pub per, wagon box, hay rack, set gravel planks, two grain cradles, wood rack, sawing trough, bobcldgh, set tum harness, let plow lumen. let curb age harrtess, two sets Mule harness, set leather tty Bets, single leather tty net, an) met, about. m up buck-m, you kettle, crosscul saw, two he“ string bells, whedbutow, forts, ho- "r. shovels, _ archaic“, do:- Metres, horse Haunts, and may other articles too numerous too mens lion. Saturday, November TT a was homo mllnr, Swing of hells, Wagon Jan-ck. y".l?/o yt'.) horse 'blmnct. dei- Yurling hoWer, Ill-h ulfysrser, hr, fly ml. lllhhtl’ rug, churn, butter kill [Alcott A I bt how] and prints, large cabhagr cuttr'r, no “JOSEPH B. MIR. largv musago- machine, parlor 1xood WU Bloomingdda. Ont. Sh Te, Iron kettle, grain showl, hwy ---------------------. scum-x. sirau "utter, grain bags, grmdstonv, huts, hubs and many oth- Parm Petr Sale 11.. will he“ " "tlie I.» no. on the can". the bu My New “that mm. M mile- nonthI- oi “twigs. t Ink-ant and Q ntile an grinning an CATTLE. ET0.-Cow he to cal-t in February, [an milk cow. can duet to cal e m Much, cow du- to [all m June. belle: doc to - " June. yearling steer. 2 spring “has, cull 2 coo' ing stores, box stone, ex- tmsion table, In! table, table, 6 dining-room china, 8 can sum chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, washing mar chine, cLunn, elotho wringer, sewing machine, eight. day clock, two sin’s, sofa. washstand, sausagegglttV all stutt:r, 3 locking chairs, rtrttutses, 2 rider barrels, large meat mu, conn- tcr mic capacity 240 lbs, bureau, and many other aruclcs. -iviiiiisiihd riov an. tho following an Ital-dam.“ personal "only, "r.-. _ .. 3 n5- old, 6 than; and too .h chem. or articles, on robs, a about 25 bl tatoes, it n Terms-tl; rulimalks. tit of Blair, and about 25 miles west. of l’rrslun, on th, _ House's-1m} Huck tein ( wen named) dark My tot-so ' â€an old. REAL ESTATE.- At the sumo lime {ll place there will be o'hroi for sale, the highly cultivated (arm ot the late Henry Friday. compris- ing at about 64 acres more or less 0! good farm land, 8 acres sown in fall what, H nol‘OU sown in grass, 8 a'ros bush, 2 actor orchard and thy balance under 5001 state of ect. livationl Cn tho [arm is situated n two storey mink house MSM, with " storey brick Kitchen 11x30, goo! cellar under "t whole housn, body barn 70x10, straw shed 2tr28, driw ing house 20x16, woodsh‘d and other outbuildings. Ample supply olgool water. This is one of the best and most highly cultivated farms in the country unit without a doubt a money maker. Thon- will he sold by public, auction on the tarm of the undersigned, one- halt mite past, ot Doon, one mile tvest month notes, ttwuts GRAIN, HAY, ft00TS.-- Arout 15 tons mixed hwy. about GOO Has. oats, 30 has. has 25 hrs. barley, about 100 bus. mungels anda quanti ly of home tarrots. TERMS OF' CHATTELS, Hay, grain, roots, thickens, and all sums of ten dollars and under, cash, over that amount 12 mon'h," cre- dit (n approved joint notes or 1 [rt cent discount off for cash [my- nunls oi credit amounts. Sale to commence " 1 "o'clock gun. sharp. The farm will be told Inst before the chattels. RICHARD FRICKEY, . GORDON FRICKKY, JOHN BWRNAN, TERMS OF REAL ESTATE to he made known til day of sale. LI). K AUFMAN, Clerk Mr 1MPtduNRNTS, ETC. --MBxwoll HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC. - Auction “I. Fun Stock th lam“ I ll\l Mr lull or Farm Stock and Implements . J. SIIANTZ, Allctionwr 41-U. IT Auction Sale sal" lutnllnl I'll o/ttt ",000, A'll' was I Iargr ttti'erttuttrxr, Inl .0 mm nt a ttpure saibstartrny oth huyrr an] Miler. h SUCCESSFUL SALE "I Hrs. Also .1 quantity ot mm a, a qlmnlltv of corn stalk, 25 bushels n! oats. 10 has“ pr- it nul previously sold, s'-Grain, rltirkots, potaurrs, Hits, and all hlllllb of $10.M and cash, uwr that amount two 3 «mm on approved joint. m 5 pvt (TIN. on tor rank puyo’ ot 1rctitt amounts. RY H, KUliOHiIt, Proprietor, Mll‘hl'S, Auctioneer. 45-h N" "C Hid-ll I disIri tl. Tiny! '."tuiuttee ti, mo, Page a 0an the l RI Irr, the rat lor the than: a! th, stork m lhe tarm of ssxnhurg. Mr man prams Executors wllh with gool body driw I t'ttatutw-6rw (you to h- In cull. wuon, cud-p. - luau mullet. l TYrtrtts ot chunk. cub. l Real Eatate,--The hm nuptial T are: more or" loan, 0 soul ot In.“ â€lowly; is done, and Auto in gnu. also I an." otchrd. 0- the lam [in I good [rune bun. comprising T [up rooms. good bun. chicken pm, I and good pig mug, and nit may outbuildings. 9, and-ht supply a! 'Inrd at so". ter on the hm. 1. mu run SALE I NOTICE is hereby given that the Court «I Dyer and Terminerputd Gumml Goal Delivery anl Asie' and Nisi Prim for the said County, will he holder; at the Court House, in the Town of Berlin on Monday th: 16th day of Dccember, 1909, at one o'clock p.m.. of the .hslicrs of j Peace, Coroners, Cor.stables, and all l others mnernud an- required to like ‘noticv and attend, to do and pet- ‘fnrm all ttutirs whith appvrtain tu 1 thm. MRS. GEO. DAHMER, Prop 44-21;. ': , The" will be told by . W on the km ot the . t tttite northwest. a! mama. a coll-tutu at 3 o'clod pp. tgt m; tong-uh; duly -rtr, _ Tenn. claw] titat-TS per can at the purchue - to be paid on the day ot sale. Ind m Induce when possession is “ken. A, J, MICKUS‘, Auctioneer. Saturday, Nave-bet lath or to 1Jhronie1erTeletrrqth one}; il a "too. {LS-loo (UL‘NTY up WATIcuLun, Ti) 1UT: 88 Frederick St. 'a.““=°3"‘5:â€Â¥3ï¬.r7=Ҥ iiii,'tiiil',te I . - 'riG%iGuroriiayuf, 't y.» Had-,1! m iriteM,,e, in? "M FiUUS6ii " it) mot woo-lbw 'attgu'2Ml"t'c 'att'rpd2qtttt'tlrdtt,'U& â€an: u.- I “new W'H: 100 me. of had. Im’s. 0011.12, Wellesley Township. "who Coun- tr. Aggy to I CATHERIEE 1713339. _ Th under-Ind all." for " I tum “HI- M out“! and a! u Clo-cub. Vol!- - Ta. I! um I) m but}: ham mh . “a walk: I “luv-um. On trsq but In Mal hm ll“ “I A in! [lde n1 a “at. w fur- y. In." Apply " HM. “mm. m" Vllll. a-Imo In. Choc-molt That splendid 200 acre lam being lots ll, 15 in the 2nd concession, Division Guelph Tp. The mildlngs am good, stone house, heated with furnace, haul and soft water in kiwh- en, bank barn 80180 with root house an! stables under. llay barn 50xii0 with horse stable, sheep house and shed beneath, hug 3nd hen house, (hiv- ing and implement bun: â€punts from other building. u 0.on nup- piy of water pumped by windmill, ucverhiling tsprimt cteek touches one corner of tartn.utgyttasd, ardent“ a lot ot Maple, Spruce, etc. have been planted. About 1) acre: oi woodland, over 100 acres in gun, besides the bush. and all [at titat- (lass condition ot Iertilitr. my 1555...“ A R 'tTd%'ATi.ib"V Slit-riffs uh, 1908. Thin ls one ot the very Beat [arm in the county of Wellington and in I sure [arm tor y'all, sun and roots It Is situated a mile: trom Guelph. 2k miles trom Musboro, G.T.R., 3t miles trom Welsenburg C.F.it., a; mile: trom New Germ-7 and whool Is . mile from the house. For terms and particulars apply on the [Hammer or to Jun And Wllliun ' "idlaw _ftmlptr. _ _ For Sale or To Rent J2utdatrtt,'mt We: ',h,tg'ttt t'ulff,tiek- Me 25,iiiifitPPT""" To" In" grui. “III. " . L. Farm Stock nu maple-ru- mm “in an... on.“ .grrliMNrsrldt/r", no... and... on. BUSH FOR SALE Fall Assizes Farm For Sale Farm For Sale Auction Odd For Sale uni 'tlitMt (mire, Benin, Novir:her Lost emit-jot I" â€up 09': MUTZ, Slwl iii Norma-r- Int,, SHIPPING Milll WANTED Ill BABE] Eight: mum Maud. Load "on aseonélond-y Nut lily-cut Nov. l5th . Yul" nun will“ '0“th a a tum. any â€fur-d. Ava"! at one. to iiiigs"iiifi'iiigi1u'iv."irler, h Loan. Haul. to Lt "Stt! "WTt-n Deeds, Mortgms and Willi Having when out In Audionoer‘n license for Waterloo County I solicit. the â€In of former: and other: who has click- to be sold by Auction. My Inge expulonoe In a. We “a 'ey,',':','",'.','), budneu and the knowletlzo 3- nod will thenby be " the urvlce of the public. __ " II. B. lluorlng Baue conducted in any part of the 995M!- S-M-et-len tpei/tted. T.otlt pure - o mum-I." 1'lil'.% left wlwmns Newly. Mia-ey- ml. Amt. Berlin, will be promptly at. uladed to. _ Addâ€. , 3441:1100. Marcia-ma: mm“ Licensed Auctioneer " ALEX. Mg8,WNllMll Also orders (“on for pictur- funnel. window dude- and furniture of all Hud- iT. = SHINN a CAD. Momma nod Data at... -tto Waterloo. PM"). he tar-an ttd Idaho county-mm. all†1'tallll -sptmdidorroetttrttFeoebt-Hr-.t_. my: Wet-xi-ui-tste-Ott- and" - 'rhonttitingin ordntopIVu-t to-more-terr-r- or the. occult at old no no touring from an". we. I. in. the a lumber who'vut mun, in “(to)†moesori-tat), I van touch-w murky-Mm“; bummermtovim. Land values are bonito go up. with t,' ill nub“, II on: grmrht tom i; mt' -. Hon no a '-- _ " " um: tum. will“. - in! do Iona, good orchid. w um- hu. ' nun-Aro- lelh. Own! "thing. ' 'tsievioe4tydrrd_rTott0akrans Immtclullul all pod wimp. m ally‘thQLNeu Bali... " _ 7 _ Inge V A - 7nd btttS him at 100 we: 4 in. lro. New Dual. " - good in, so we: pastaee, lulu-c.- "BK-'0 u nut: 01 uln- nuon. good lap mung, m. mm 80000 or" won“ cringe lot smaller tum. . :1100 Burs a " we Uri, 2 mm trom Basin. ' m oi um- ber, M1108 with-M, hi; canâ€. ' ' _ ' A good duty than. In" war tetwm "can and um on Trolley line, conun- co - cum, dttlt"rrtt durum-p od a towing well ou'plm. Ovux-minng tron hid-(- . A blacksmith shop with “since and - In (good “Human! Til. A cider mill and chopping MIL“! Juan: _ and "qideug* has cluded in property. l, . . Vacant Iota and huineu â€we: ot all when. Money to loan. Cavemen; and lamina. Farm for Sale 1-191-52122-3 E21)! 1041. on Town and Farm Property. F. E. Shantz & Co. UNDERTAKING Money to Loan llonry Knoll, lama. Waterloo county _ IIIIIII Ulllll'l'll. BOX 5. GAL? or PHONE 8tth FOR SALE Wanted RUDOLPH (mu. Wanted Phon- Mr, land“ I. In. " Chml It. Barn; WEI}; In. Out. is wa “an. tt Mi of A workiugunn‘ brink home In tine class condition, 5 you: old 8 rooms, water insicjoJ'ino gudcn, 5 applctroen, good 1ottatioa, . ._ l YOU CAN OWN A HOME. Innta for you. Cs. W" - - - Ninja-mum Amtident Incur- Robt. Bricknoll than“! Alon-non For tho Counties of WATERII‘O aad Dim BauaNetitm mun- uod. Aachen communication to Fmport or tau-inu- " In on. ot a. f2ttrr8P.8e1'.elrep.h I...W.em'ss or Th Mi N -- r77 disriiiGiifia tll'.'.' WLanam gyms Phone No, m, [411‘ 4. Fro-pot ' Phone 346 Waterloo "-irr, ( mmymmv‘mm 'MWM My Having when over tho hula- â€. of Auctioneer formerly car lied on 2 my father the I“. Jonph I chud I am prepared to conduct a].- in any put of Muterloo. Wellington and Perth Oountlu. The pull-0mg. of farmers and when Ewing we. In to be told in tonalâ€. Terms Rouonnhle. A. k. Brennan Licensed Auctions!!! .1110 about mn‘My- $1850 ALBERT lull}. WI whim; 'tttte, Phone 552. v' 1’45 iii