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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 11 Nov 1909, p. 10

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C, men’s Emulsion cumm~ LI. B. map!» “Wynn: Uttat um . uiiau7-o"dttye'.'. [ . -rr.treet lam-oat. miiiiruauN-u, noon. 00W“ “dam-amped up" Wod m northern part ot teatesioo - has liven singululy well Bch'- at by the Sham. funny. who Shire it": the Bcwnuuir and the Slide” the hymn ot being successful prom can. not only on the lann, but sisal j- the . iaetory and mill" To true the, development ct the bushes: tutti-ct: ol the Pam-nun“ Dutch- mq, or Mennonites, whose ancestors‘ “tiled in this country about Lne [ kindred yqu 130, is most interest- ing. These Duuhmin trom Penns,r Tania ware (ssmtially farmers, strong. healthy and ardent tillers oi the soil. But they were also shrewd traders ad believed in the cultivation ot the home market and the Chalk)“ ot small husmess centres. Thay built scores M dams along our streams, at carelully selected spots, for manulac- {wring purpou-s, The “on mill ml the woollen mill were two lines oi enterprise to whith thvy paid par- ticular attention A generation or two ago Waterlio comily's worlien mills were counted by the score,while one luund a flour mill every ivw mil- es along the Grand, Mill, Cunestogo and Canagagig rivers, with Siiihn, Bowmans and Sham/rs. generally speaking, claiming proptict, rship. Saw mills also providrd an outVf fur “Pi! energies mid when they oveh!oued in to town they "ntvred iulo mmpclitiun with um. turn to (mum! Units and found no difficulty lll boring in for prominent positions in commer- ciul circles. Country and luau found them ready for their gob. the pll'M‘lll rotation at industry with a steadiness of purpose that Could not Us lliwartel by ordinary obstacles, From Lilli l" to son desceryhd the qualities o?per- mama and courage and herue in A couple of generations their srorv of achievements became a ll"aV)' one in both agricultural and commercial pursuits. No wonder Waterloo min fy is rich and prospcrous, “ilh a greater diversity of industriis than any other sectirn of Canada What the Pennsylvania Iyutthmenlta w not vi -e ' ' week up we uma me "t wneawo comm Pi F." very short time. It tii, only builds her up, b.' ‘eatichcs the mother's I , ‘and properly nour- ‘ f the child. I ltttear1y all mothers who E) Iiii theirchildren should this splendid food. " not only to keep ”illicit own strength but I; jiproperly nourish their iahlkiren. _ A few days ago the business mm of St. Catharines conducted a big Milo]: trom outlying county points dose to enrich l, men of German, the Pcnsylvania Duuhmm hare ml Iriendly rivalry and the cul1iratiora of lithe talent in this “To country ha P produced what we have in Waterloo “My today lo gut-st the value of I healthy, enorgstic and progressive citizenship. 'No busier or more con tented community can be found in all Canada. l “a the city to counteract the pre- mm tendency of prrople to go to in larger centre of Hamilton to do their buying. According to the St. Catharines Standard the City of Sultan has "stolen pravtically five 'mahips of Lincoln" besides a large part ot the trade of Caistor, Gains- boro, North and South Grimsby and Cit-ton Townships "uWre Is a lesson for Berlin and 'Merrioo to guard well their trade, BU9INESS AND E378“ i, WW YatrgthylpJL1'.'1'C, but '"h1'lr?lt?t.ii'?ilyre . Pattt.t'fad'. ___, 1't (“NURSING MOTHERS [how the beneficial ef- bcts of Ill-"Ino- .tettPr,L9/aufc In; ietipiiiiih5iiitir'iift ' M I“. R All. buxom-n mum!“ GTG, Triad-" . ELECTRIC ROADS bhu an. but! auw. magi land that Gian-um FOIEIOYII‘ Tb Null-um- s“ ol m w d Interim “Um I. an " as humans: on Fri- dar .sa.irtg a nu the one": "d committal lot the ensuing year two would. Mr. Geo. "ietrelarre sided and Mrs. w, H. Schmalt, J. B. Hugh“. Geo. “not, S. B, mos, L. D. w. u. Iritich ma, L. Gnyhlll, A. J. Roos, O . Wedd, Dr. Martin and bare tirr-Trvasurer, A. A, Shy, were me It. . H, Schmllt. "tlormeG'tt" Board that he would be unable to ml. the podlion ol President lot another term (“hing to andlnulul an. ties that he will lie called upon tp erm. His h-llow‘Dlrwturs ur- ged him In the strongest “mm manner to reconsider his “vision but ho was determined to retire and refused to wept the omen. Mr. J, B. Hughes, of 1g'.aterioo,who has - victwresid.erit tor some years and a val)' 1e member of Me Board the 1802, was raani moysly elected President. Mr. Hugh- cs relucumly accepted the roiti u and thankeo the members tor tle, honor which ho considered greater than the Mayorally oi either Ber- lin or Waterloo. Mr. E. P. Clement, KA', was uni» Mr. E. P. Clement, KA', was uni» mously elated vicc-r'resident. Mr. A. A. Iihy was reappointed ior the combimd ottices ot Secretary Treasurer. Mr. Merrick madea pro osition (w the Pond that 1h1el'Jll,t,, compo-2 the various committees in order that they may get into closer touch with the work of the insstitatilm Thu proposal was discussed at some ltngth but the majority of members Favored small tommiltecs. They were appolnud as follows"-- Fimut e-Messrs. Merrick, crrc'ser and Wcdd. ' Hovse--Mcis. Cicment, Min him and Itichrramri. Propertyr-Messrs. niche], lines an; Schtualz. The members appointed thy first- named as Chairman oi the "*iut" tive committees. Mr. Grayisil1 ot Watvrioo cxpressetl BABY'S OWN TABLETS h LITTLE LIFE SAVER are muons lhr host business bringers a municipality can possess. us wit- Mr. Gray'oill o! Waterloo cxpressed the opiniun that the Tovrrhia Councils of Watvrloo, Weliessey and Wtciwirtt should be as'ic-l lor grants. They unny the lu?nefits of the itt- slit'ltion and still give nothinz Towards Ms support outside ot ttwir proportion of the cduuty grant. The matter will M taUn up toy" the Finance Committee. no“ the Canadian lily M Hamilton, and numerous American cities which WC might namc, that have been built up in this way. The Waterloo Board of Trade has shown itself to be alive cn this question and has appointed tt rommittce to interview the C. P. R. in connection with the extension ot that line as an electric road to Wol- lvslcy The electrification at the f'raltlhnirn branch of the 1T.it. in also dcslrablc, Those nrc projects in which Berlin and Waterloo can pro- fstably -eratr in cttdeavoring to secure Action. What are Berlin's ITMF nicipal bodies doing tow-MI Improv- ing the tos" rdlwny heilitlcs in the “notion indicated? There Is no other mndilinc I tle urn-s as safe are Baby's Ov INS. or so sure In Hs .hertrft feds. Thvse Tablets 51w dil! stumach and bowel Iro "les. worms, break up colds, thuts I ing dradlr (tulip. allay Mn: I' an] bring the ltttle mm t raiulvsslv." Mrs c. A, Wt'a' Irntchcwan Landing, Fas":, m. bare usui "ahy's own Tarlets little one in 1351‘.“ of Folds. ach and bowel lmuixl 6, tttl minor ailmrnts, an! haw 'ttoss n them to fail in Spud! storing the child's health. I there is nu nwdiuim for bah the Tahlutm." Suld by medicin OTTAWA.- The private legislation announced for the coming session is not as large as at a similar period Itetore, the opening ol Parliament last year. Only about 50 applications tor private hills have hecn so tar rc- cvivrd. Twenty of those are in or tensions of rnilmiy charters previous- ly granted. a hall (in/mu or so an for new railway riitt-rprism and the rvmaindvr urn (lividrd lwtwm-n var- ions industrial "nierprises. Already Guelph has through the ex- tension of the CP.it. to Goderich cut on a part ot northern Waterloo county territory. the trade of which is naturally tributary to the Twin- City. On the west the Uity of Stratlord is reaching out in an en- deavor to extend its trade. The course tor the Twintity to follow it it would retain its present country trade and increase it is to work along the line ol making these. towns a centre for electric radial railway lines. l-Zlertrle roads to-day ms or by mail at 25 tho Dr. Williams Itrockville, ()nt. FEWER PRIVATE . BILLS it Passmaur a; 4mm: cunts Sch male 'uttormed the Tablets spl- bum-l tro xlzl up colds, th up_ allay mu other medrrirre for lit- de are Baby's Own Tah- re In Hs .r,enrfreial rt- TablvCs 51w dily can bum-l Honda-s, destroy ' medicine deal- ccnls a box trom , Meditim- Co , I haw "PU" in Spud!” rtr- yalth. 1 thin“. for bahirs like slu: I' fex,'trrc mu. tluouph V “Tau-r, 543.9- Is for my s, stom nt otiwr (it am ms‘mcr _' epwoam LEAGUE Annual um m at not mu-lull mun" mic-net I." mums: - [new Id In“ II he Pm ma. chart. on Thereby at the eee ttt the nod MIL] Ind palm!- "or be“. There was I wees-nun "tmdngteq ot also!“ Iron the urine Luna- ol the District and a. ' '1.- bmt was “he I: the proceeding during the day. An interesting '- tum ot the ccnventton was the pre...- Lauon ot the District banner to the Truuty Epwonh Leagues ot Merlin bum; made "to highest. percentage la lemme ot member-hip end miniat- uy giving. Thi. is the second “In: "tt three years that. the Berlin L- has captured this banner, the Water- loo League hem; the wine: tart ) 'litmus" li Bk - SOAP L' At the momma; session the chair was occupied by the President, E. S. Beer, of Hespeler, and the devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. F. Louis Barber, ot Preston. The reports ot the otticers were pre- sented, the Treasurer, Miss Moogk, ot Waterloo, reporting a balance ot 812.25. The reports ot the various Leagues showed a gratifying increase in membership and missionary giv- ings. Two new Leagues were report- ed to be in a ttourishing “nun ionl Lincoln Avrnue, Galt, and Doon. Nomiaatiti--nevs. R. J. Elliott and Barber and Messrs. o. A. Kenn, E. S. Beer and A. A. Ehy. year The various committees were com- posed of the following- Banner- Miss E. Luckhardt, Revs Barber and Elliott. Resolutions-Revs. J. Taylor and J. Wilson and Miss Egcrtou. The programme during the balance of the morning was as tollows:-- "The Acts ot the Apostles," Rev. S, E. Marshall, B.A.. B.D., Berlin. "The Young Man Problem," Mr. o. A. Keller, Berlin. "The Look Out Committee's Oppor- unitics," Itev. l". E. Conron, B. A., Salt. Rev. It. J. Elliott, of Waterloo, presided dunng the ultcrnoon and in- teresting three-miaute addresses were given by each dvlegate on "What me- thods have Ina-n adopted during the year to increase the interest in mis- sionary work?" ' A most instructive and scholarly Bible study on "The Acts of the Holy Spirit" was gird: by Rev. s. E. Marshall, [allowed by a splendid pa- per on "The Best Literature tor Young Canadians" by Miss Dunbaru, of Berlin. _ “.1. A profitable round table conterence was conducted by Rev. W. J. Smith, Prvsidvnt of the Hamilton Conference, of Hamilton. The delegates were then vntertained at lumlu-on by lon League”. The Nominating Committee rec ommended the election or the [allow ing officers:-- .. it the opening of the evening 3w sion the various committees present, rd reports which were adopted To‘n- Hunt-Ilium vxprcsscd its regret at losing the services of its Secre- tary, A. A. I'Ihy, who has been asBo- rmtwl with tln- Ext-mum since 1901. The formal presentation of the ban- ner was made in an appropriate man- twr to Miss r'.. J. Wood, on helm" of the Berlin LPae, by Row. R. J. Elliott. The twwly-clccimi President, Mr. O. A. keticr, was introduced to the con- unhun and after a! low rmarks In. sparing addrrssrs were delivered by Rm‘. Jasper Wilson. of Hospclcr, on the temperance movermrrt, and Rev. W. J. Smnh, nl Hamilton, who' gave a romprvlwnsiw and interesting re- port of the rccrnt lnlrmatmnal E. L. 1'onvention in Seattle. The up“ and ,eurq ol u, llun. Prcs.-Rev. R. J. Elliott, Waterloo. . Pres.-Mr. o. A. Keller, Berlin. lst Vicc Prcs.-Miss ligvrton, Gan. 311d Vice Presv-Miss E. J. Wood, Berlin. 3rd Vice Pres.-. A. F,. Ransom. (Ad s"9t'cy.-,A. It Trvas.-Miss Rep. to Cor M. A., Pl Preston ith Vice l 5th Vice I Elmira. and- d hon-owin- - “Inch! 5m In prot- om to lay-01h". beam It (In... tho clothe. Ion thorough”. and It - the out without My u w. or nun. my “I... n Afternoon Session ALL OVEI HEWOILD 'd.) Evening Session Omcers Elected T It. Goudie, Berlin. liss S. Moogk, Waterloo. Con --Rev. F. L. Barber I'lI.I)., Preston -Wm. Rife. Ilcspolcr _-Miss E. buckhardt hospitably the Pres- MYOUIIMWH MI “Tutor-kahuna Toto-10. Nor, Isa-m M It in alleged, M hi 1nd to Mk. " ts-theart til! - htm, (home A. mum. a you. .6 Jun in; " 131 It; “not I“. ht‘ 'taht that ad Maul] W s.. ther Htrctl a! " m7 In . gunmen-yum“ giri, irette mum into " In: and - m In: mum! dong . In: M and. no shooting was [out as: b can" ”mu-thou and Clinton qtmetr, I $0.1: s that [mm the all“ DUI. Al the gill Id! with a meal IMO me a.» ol her oxort,FNeilson, who was wnlJng qeith hi! "newt.“ Alma Tuner, mm and In 600 tlintcn street and into . lane. Re In captured by melamine Mocat no Trptcn about two hours later, willy. loind hiding in Him Tucker‘s home at 885 Queen street west. The injur- ed girl is now in Grace Hospital. The trouble which led to the $0014 in; was a lseag-starrdiog one. lies Hue" and the Tuckec girl were friends, and the former, it is said, repeatedly tried to get Aim; Tucker to stop "going with" Neilson. Lam owning Miss Tucker had tea at th: Hamil home, and later Mr. Hillard Haworth, 304 Salem avenue, called at the house. Most , o‘clock Hnworti- and the two girls left "the house with the inttnlion of going tor a ww. Naiison was standing oukide. As they opucd the door he stepped In! lo them with a remark about wani- mg to speak to Miss Tucker, and Hit four started down Hmderson street tour-Li Hinton, Haworth and His: Hamil going dud. Neilson seemed in a had temper and, decoding to Miss Tucker‘s story. said nothing. As lfaworth and Miss Hamil got to flu .otner and started to cross the road 'n the dirmliol 11 College street, Neilson suddenly paired a revolver Com his pocket Gt,' aiming at His: liazvii‘s back, fired three times. Th., girl icil gainst Howarth and start " to At", Neilson ran away as Mi ti Tucker hurried forward to hel Mind's assistance. Hupport d uy he: comranhns, the woumhd girl was tum to the other of Dr W. A. McFall at 163 Beanie: street, and from there teiored h twr home. Ins. ('lutluhuck and Wag nrr were also called in, and the threa lllysiciam probed for tlt: bcrmis (no was located in the girl's loll arm, but the other two, mu, in her rght hip and another in Iu-r right sroulder, could not be nached. Th. wounx: In the hip is the only one that may prove dangerous, as it is feared it may have penetrated the abdomen. The girl was lalun to Grace Hospi- tal in the police ambulance all” th attunyts made at her home to ex- lract the bullets Ind fa'letl. Miss Ila zcll did nut lose cctisciousatesrr. OTTAW.t,-Further prosecutions by Dominion fruit inspectors for illegal marking and packing ot apples have resulted in ihe following convictions: J. l'. Dunn, h'treetaville, Ont., J. A. and ll. Brown, Port Hope, Ont.; W. J. Henderson, Port Perry; Albert Brent, Port Perry; c. . Chase, Frankiord, 0pm.; Phillips and Vihlto, Franklord, Ont,; It. J. Graham, Bel- leville, (ML; ThorBrain, Oakville, Ont.; E. Ainsworth, Brighton, Ont.; Royal Fruit Co., Edmonton, Alta. The fines in these cases ranged trom $10 to 850. The rolicr were noiilied of the shooting a: low minutes after it took Jam. and Detevtircs Mol5att, Tipton, Ncwiun and Archibald were s:nt cut to effect Neilson's arrest. The latter tiso hffmors watched Nrilum's home, uhile Mo!fatt aim Tipun Mound Queen street in the neighborhood ol Miss Tgwker‘s home. Ndkon was soon going into the latter place short- OTTAWA.--" is stated that Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux will not return to Canada until tlw end ol November. He is at present in Paris and will have In go to London to consult with the po,ssimastor-generul, in regard to impcrial cable vommunivation before he is able to get back to Catgada. ly Mter ll o'elock, and th: 4eteetir- es, following, made the aunt. TN young man, it is said, admntcd doing the shooting, saying that he had done it in revenge bomusc Miss “an" hm tome betwecn his schh'art and him. He told the omeers he had thruan th. resolver in a lame, an! it was or:ttd there early this morning. Neil- urn-l there early this morning. Neil Son wins taken lo Farley AW‘IIIIE Po lice station. (all. Nov, 4.-orputaCour trom “interim and Hmmpkn were here tm day with"; [ohm-rs on the est-bush- nunt and the flourishing ruaittttrtsttce oi tlte “all noun-wrdly mam! l'rmimnt mum, of the board 0 trad", rehrmmnd "rarnptrn and tho whole council were, here trom Water-. loo. Osborne Sewn} tell on . load ot hay 1nd was (“on to the hospital with saw" Injuries. The voirrs' list is out 'o-day Ind rennin 31.338 mans. It m IMM- rating In New ot we tom-com lo- tat qttt!r"t' " atttt Pr, n. 1hr lau- Imus (' Connors, taunt mad in Tun nto, mum yum t'.ho, " A rili'c-n of Gttlt ant a Irareller " the Goldie Mrt'ullnx'h Co ' and a well 'nnwn um ropular member ot thv, AAtt, Tun brother, live hrm R, K Ccttttors Mt for Turmh uni-y h AAtt, Tun brothel ('(nnors Mt for To "Hugo the iunrral Osborne Seton) a hay ard Win “It! NEWS NOTES FROM GALT VIOLATI'ID FRUIT ACT WILL TALK CA BLEH HI: Sauna-n. Ems new found mun-l. Noe. 3’13 ll; this nltello. " Illn‘ P"'N/a' t r [ ash-$0” , “5.00. Itll',. b! w, to m ”a. t'tg.'M'l 9s net-M“ III the mm- in; all. that m: w m’ I -“’o a” tour 'tttdf, and ?lil,ti'i'tii dtgt elm - - in." .' TI: and: [would PMe . 814,- 000 how “a. tow., “I b protect union the mrnteiitatttr W " com: this ups-t. W which. “Le at "a roller, “In an any: an an [up in ttot property buried, " with! by b with br-lor. The my at” this with the claim and the pipe when n m pictured was not on the “will. but on land land from the Dad!- ion OoVenIInm. . ' Strain. OIL, Nov. 8.-‘Puticulul have been received here ot the mur- der near Qua! but. Wm. of George Thornburn, tormerly em- ployed on the Grand Trunk Railway here, his wire. and her mother, Mrs. lcNivcn, by mum's hired m, His Lordship declined to hear I" evidence. William Phillipa. who oper- ated the roller st the time. In at vcrely hurt, and " aeticts tcr dun- Ages-5.11m than: Inst-colitis Kin. This was “new!” W. e Galleian named John Meet-in. The family, who maiden! It the tunnel, left here [or the West about three you: Mo. The despatch state! that Mes- cla was captured to-night thirty miles trom the scene ot the crime. Me "roniesaed, but would give no reason for the triple murder. [ORDER SARI“ FAMILY sum Bt GM“! IN MtRTttWEST Mrs. Thombum's body was found in the woods near not home, and her mother's corpse was toum1 in the well on the Thomburn tam. The man's body was in the cellar, where the murderer had thrown it. Mescia also attempted to murder a tour-year-old troy. The child was struck on the head, but recovered sumcieruly to tell the story of the as- sault. Alter killing Thornburp and his mother-in-law, the murderer took Mrs. Thumburn into the woods, where she was shot and:cut to death. A little girl in the family escaped by hiding in the attic. According to the despatch, the tragedy was discovered yesterday at- Ic-rnoon by a homeateader named Dixon, who was passing, and whose attention was aroused by the cries ol unted cattle and stock. The secretary read the mimics of the October sesyiot1 which were pass" Cd. A number of accounts wrre read and naSSPd and out-I'm! to he paid try the treasurer. The Board and the Matron desire to oxrrns ih'ir thanks to the nuriES ot the [dinning ghouls for their dom- lirns which were rrcrived at th? home during Oclober, tit: Courtland Ave. and, King Edward schools ot Berlin. Petershurr, Lexington and Natchey al- co trom Sthool scrliuns Nos. 2, B and Mr, l [ i The Rollin Orlhanage Board met at the home ot Mrs. H. L. damn: on Monday owning. Nov. Ist, with the President, Mr. Peter Shupe, in the chair. _ The Mamms rspnrt was read tty the Prrsidmt which shows that the c0ntrihutiotrs worked since thelast nucting amovntmi to 892.75 mm thud "rte are 35 thildren in the Home. Dr. Hurhnergard was the modiculat- lendant. IIer report and also that of the trrasunr were waived with thanks. BERLIN ORPHAMGE You’ll Sleep More Soundly ll You Keep In]!!! With Dr. Horse‘s lulla- IM an: I'wm lazy liver Ind - nu ,m constipated bowels IM- quickly bring on bilimmw, indigestion Ind tick head. Ichel, making I sound, refreshing nighi'l deep impossible. Or the inactive kidneys mow the blood to becomes loaded with uric acid, _ which "ttbeg rheumldcm, with all in deep-destroying manna. Dr. Marc'- lndhn Root "In. ' "vainly. induce own! and (In-mien sleep by keeping all that 'trg"" active sod regulnr. The bend-che- diam". the digestion becomes good spin, the blood is purified and puke: health rcmrm. Or. Mani: Indian Rn! Pilllhmbcen I I favorite Lt-hold "and h Cand- fire my half I canary, a! they m In I daily In throughout an world, Icing why“??? My 'f gr you: I laiu'"Ma. b" W. H, cm& 001M! Icahn-.99... a call In. in Walk“ Ga The man or wornanwithagood oppetite, sound digestion, Ind bowels Ind kidneys working right, in never troubled much with deepleuneu. It in when the bowel: become constituted and the liver and kidneys sluggish that the trouble begins. BOARD MEET _ “in I I " RI. “ tte I the 1%.".- a; A The tstmiesirteugmptt in again . an. tiodke vety like“! and sou-scene clubbing was for the you 1909 whereby subscribes my - the following tmHieatioataits ooetndeamofththo M; TelegrePh for one year at speeislly low nus. Anumber Sutter-ttrn behnee of the yen free to new subseriben.‘ Speeiel clubbing rues with all other Cundisn end mimics. new-pews quoted on applies- tion Subscribers residing in the United Stale who wish Candi.- Cheap Reading for 1909 Publicnuom must poy extra tgy. m” Fume: ... . .. ...... o...."...... ...... ...... ...... ......v Ohmniclo-Talogrlph out! Weakly“ ............r........ L50 Chronicle-Tokyo“: Ind Family Harold and Woolly Bur. .135 Chronicle-Talagnph and Formor'l Advocate ...... .... ..-.. 28 Ohmmiol-N-h sad Montreal _ Wuhan. . . . ... . L75 Chronicle-Telegraph Ind The Canadian Form and Ml... .l.10 Uhrorturie-Trslegmph and Weekly Sun ta form jam-l) .... 1.06 Gtsrorriehrahugeaoit sad The 0mm Form.,. .. . _ . I.” 0tuxrniethr-Netrmrh And Country Outlaw... ... ........ 8.oo Chmnlolo- Telegraph and Dolly Globe ...... ...... .... .." 4-3 . t3hrxmieie-Neepts Ind Toronto may World.'. .. . .. ...... us V Chronieuauetrraph and Toronto Dolly Moll.............. 4.46 4JttronteteTeiegmath and Toronto Evening HAIL... .... .. .. " tJhrotdcie-Te1etrrsph out! Northern Md-entree.... .... ...... La) Ghrouieleu'e1etrraph and Toronto Saturday Night.. . . . . . . .. 150 Chronicle-Telegraph Mm Ne" (My) ._. . ' .... . . . . . . .....2.” We recommend our nodes. to sruhreribe tc the Formula Advent. and Home Magazine, the but agricultural and home - in Ana-loo. CASH must accompany all orders] Make remittance by Postal Note, Money Order, Registered Letter,or Express Order to _ ' Publisher David Bean,wal'lf,'li,,tfnrt. I tttttttttttttLE-tEMMA" I .060 W - A "tergrrran Wl‘ilr! 'vrrereniies, ”IIUUI'UUIII mm little Candy Cold (‘uro Tuhlnu are working "min". in my parish rr I” n. Pmmucs "my will am tt mm Fm, Bu". B or the (hippo. in u my in: hm"!- Inc, can. And Provo-1m no so me And hum- lm. Kn Qulnim. nothing um. ttttt Metal-3. [in M (arm. mm” --r- m_m.“wmu. ”NJ. .. . F .‘ The Leading Mast Market bu tho ropuudon of supplying It. “more“ custom." with the mount “(that of no.“ all the you round. 'Ti -itaiirte of man, In In" But. Pork, Veal, Lamb, lun- Onrod Run: 3nd Bum (our on audit); on“ w, dun and. In an “no of homo-undo nu- 'A% no]: u moan, Viagra, Gr 3 Chan M “Wanner Mo. om II a trial an be new - pupa] mm In at par. an Inn. new. It!“ I - IOhn Fischer, Proprietor are thoroughly reliable being elweyn up to Wednesday of the week of issue. Manhunt. who' wish to reach the fume:- should ad- vertise in the columns of the market Reports "The hard work of bread-making Ihould be done in the flour mill-gm in the' kitchen. t1hrmsieiem&qrraph ‘md Weekly Glob. In! M When it Vtteeeasary for you to make brad by main strength, the miller hasn't done " part. His flour is not fine enough. . Royal Household Flour is made from hard Spring wheat-which is capable of finer grinding than any other when --and milled by a process that insures theriutm.t. and mot nutritious of ftoum. Get enough to try from your grocer. up" 0giMe Hour In]: Co., 1ttnttM, -gete, WATEBLOO MUTUAL I'm-I Int» I”. B. Pam-out Inuit-5 nun... th A. l0“! DIM]... Wanton. oir4rs Sanderson's Bakery FIRE INSURANCE CO. INCORPORATED IN 1863 Total duets 3rst December. $426,808.18. J. I. “I, Al A, P. It In. "erotarr Datum Probation and “to Imam-n In oomblm In the “BOVINE!" MUM OF THE no“ one. Waurloo. Ont nun- only. mb, - BOA RD or DIBIOTO”. m. l I. Wait). mltuatt In“. " Ioo-Dloul. Mr.. I. L. 'ru-. In. I. no: P.B.-._. 'I. up. In. a. um - anoy Bout. Baud Roth. in! It!“ tor I»! Annual [and T LIFE my: an!" ”In. Momm- to Policy- "Mont. “on” Imam DOMINION .............. law - M..l.7§ It-........ I." and Duh-y.....1.1o [jam-l) .... 1.06 11.3.... 'r I.” .............. 8.09 ............‘.. 4.3 d;............ Bas u............. 4.46 tit............ " '.............. 1.80 ight........., 150 0"an t MI" Mtmrs

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