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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 11 Nov 1909, p. 9

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E- . an“)... commando. Tb Primlpal Council ot the Tp. . " Idluley met pursuant to ad- _ It the Council Cinnabar, =1 M. deay. the m Day at 2 Number. 1909 10 o'clock in the 3 form. t u ISM“ of the October session . In I, the clerk and cunnrmen 7 OI wad]. . ?i' MW, bills, amounts were "- read and dealt with aecopi- 5’3.vu moved by A. P. Datnawier, fine-M by J. Reidel that the follow- it: mounts be passed and that the. gnu issue orders in payment of the - u tollows. {‘14. Killer, tor " yds. of gra- = CI Dietenbmher for 12 yds. stave! w,.r.s_rrrr". te.' V _ _ ' 1.30 John Wilkinson, gravel to path- All the members were present, the no presiding. sumers . .. rrrF ,. Ft' l "Pr- .r.re.FP_ Geo. Huras, gravel ' _ .-r Jim) R. Gerber, gravel . _ . 1 Henry Nets, gravel Mr ' _ Michel Erb, gram! _ _ l, Q, Mrs. Coote, Pavel TT l T l W. J. Freeborn, gravel _ . . ,1 Peter Glennie, gruelling pr. con- tact H. . . tWN' (F .. John Friedman, gravuling per contract ...rr __. _ __. V _-rw. R. Hutchison, gravening pr. con- trace ."',' ,. Arrrr Ferr _ mtv' Geo. Crummer, yawning per contract ..r.r . P-r' -.. rr . ..WFr Chas. Winkler, cut slonn lo Voil Bridge me.P.."» __. 'rr (Free. _62,00 Thos. Calder, dog tax, refunded 1.00 Alex. Meyer, opening ouch znd - John K. Forwelt, teaming lumber and work on bridge P-N H _,......,'.,) W. K. Forwell, umber to bridge and work rr ,. .. .. [t -'.._ T ' J. L. McKay, rep. [and machine l Jae. V. Meyer, plank art. .15 mo.. Brenner, sr ' tor I; bbls, co- meat 'Pr _ ' .7 Herb Homing, buying dead Sht-CV ' P. . _ _ _ T _ Ed. Boar, teaming, man] (2 ray _ . _. _ _ ,1. Peter Vulsin, Erading up toari- wttrr.r-r_rr,,,r, Prv " putting in sewers John K. Forwelt, tr and work on Mid; Wm. Milner, putting in sewers 3 Amh. Kueixel. putting in sm-nrs 5 J. Barge! annual trensuH-r' salmz' J. Bowel, annual trvasurcr's salary. _ _ 10 .101. McCarthy, “ark orabridge R. Forwell, taking pauper lo hot'sn of refuge »rr ,, _ 'F___rr R. Y. Fish as prr order at .las Birmingham _ ,. .3 tleo. Miilrr, rep when . A. McDonald, srlxtor oi iur- or: 81. attending Court of Ap- peat tl. Total Peter F. Schummm, wlmtnr of (not PP. _ _ _ _ Anon Hoffman. plan': [or hridgv p. Pigeon, for work on I3irrm'ttx Wm dra‘n as per rnginerr's "g.r"fle,, _ _ 7 ' . H, Knight. seVrtor of Jul" , or! " utrnding Cort oi _hp- ml " Total G. Lorentz, selector o jurois A. B. Robottcon, HFIN‘nr of io Jurors Jos. Martin, tt' tr. Huron, Pui' Jon. Gasho, tn" rrp culvert dos. Sens, jr,, h Jas. Myers, wo Geo. Lintick, cl H. W. Kaulman 'tnu Frb, balancr pawl ty , ToU1 _ T _ f Cadet Sheep Killtd by Dogs. Tiller “king the endure of the Bert' .nd ttwir witnrssrs re the Fi? of sheen by a dog or dogs m moved by A. P, Dammricr, Wed hy " I.inl|rk. mat th, ”In of $1.66 he Tail lo 1hurv In!!!“ tor I sheer, tho s-rm of H M u J. Itridel Biso tor I show and mummy 19. COUNCIL ttidea, 4.00 {or 8:.93; Economic a.so.for $1.83; Klngsbury 3.00 for $2.23; "vaneed so extremely high we claim the uvingsare much larger to the pi NOTE-The New Dry Goods and Clothing Store also offer big i Peeltivetr cm Dyspepsia. Pro-lot. ”Radian. Money back it they fail to LITTLE DIGESTERS , tep (11le pumng in sewers Manning plank " , balance gravel a" worh on midgo _ chiming out ditch Ian on printing, con At all Md. " and Ir.- A. P. hammrivr dirk, um th 7an 10"er “.09 100 88 5.50 4.60 11.00 27 32.80 28.70 It.95 13.05 12 50 00 .30 " 00 3Nt L.----------"""-"""'""" _ "i'" W m . 1'“ do”! IUEEDAYw WEDNESDAY unpacking and marking off $S64a.oo ,roeth a “antics: EMF”. Shoe Co,, 'iutliiit, New Shoe Co., Hamilton: Rideau sttot'tto., Mound; Ees-tie tt _ -- u. . . u ,:_L_.I_ _-:..... " ' - at A 3,00 r. 00' 4.00 L...-,-:-----------' - - - - _ f ., _ - t" J V LT V w r _ J _ Out is: was chad TUESDAY‘Qd WEDNESDAY unpacking and marking off $560.00 aroeth dt Sin, Ith' were WWW 'diimW"uMW,tt wtoites:' EmpreéShoc Co,, iudrili, McPherson Shoe Co., Hamilton: Rideau Shasta” Mound; Economic WWW, _ 'oaiitirilat6rMr*-ets. Montreal; Bambi Shoe c.,,_Atiiga"r-. The following prices will give you an idea of what’s going in the my)! sHat SNAPS: ihi'is)t)ti,i't,iiiir9ttititjMiiWhiWi Ai, for . tary, Economic 2.so.for $1.83; Klngsbury 3.00 for $2.23; Lang Life 3.50 for $2.63; Brandon shah: 33.73. The“ In genuine “mind thi. In! ”has. kittherand .50” have high we claim the savings are much larger to the public than the reductions here actually show. Be are and come in Saturday “I! buy your ilWiupply (1 Peanut. c. - - -- _, - " . 400 we saw My, Nov. 11m 30 50 50 30 M 00 ,00 50 Mt 00 M 00 50 '50 50 50 50 it) 50 3'1 " >0 uh FORMAL OPENING OF WATERLOO PUBLIC LIBRARY HALL Eloquent and Appropriate Addresses Delivered Thursday Evening by Prominent Towns- people. The formal opening ot the Waterloo Free Libmry Hall was: held Thum'ay evening and the interest or the towns- people genenlly in the library whose lunclion is primarily educmlho was omphasiud in the 1ery large nuns)” in attendance, many being ohligcd lo stand throughout the ewmng an the accommodation was imade,iuate. The various speakers dwelt importance of this insulutm important educative tartar in munity and the toenefits lo M from good reading. Shortly alter eight o'clock, Mayor Weidenhammcr. who on the motion oi Messrs. W. H. ltiddvll and ll. Play- lord, was nominated as chairman rose and addressed these assembled. Tlp. Library Hall, he said, hat! not heat utin'rd heretofore. hazing hitherto not been furnished, this mint: the lil- augullal opening (it the Hall. The pre- sent, Library ~hullding Has would 'six' yeals ago, at the time at his occu- umr‘y or the position ol cMirman of the Library Hoard and Mr. Datid “can who “as Mayor of the town, Lad carried on a corretsptudrnce with Mr. Andrew Carnegie, ms Ming in obtain " the necessary sum, vir., $10,000 to erect a new library build- ing. Mr. Nurso, Supt, of Libraries, had stated that the Libraries at Hmirh'n Falls and Waterloo were (he tinwst in Ontario for the money expendrd and this wasa fact to be justly proud of, The class or books in the Library tuuuled their mission in three aspects. Home were cduca- two. others appealed and were ot tien- ttlt to the working man, while oth- Irs were available tor reading as a recreation, the last imhtionw class being more particularly tor young [err le and were in most demand. The looks he thought should be used tur both edtmtne and utilitarian Fur- posrs. The works at leading authors new in the Library, such as Dickens, Shakespeare, Scott, etc, Several tears ago the Hoard had only " at") a war In "not expctsu and maintain" the library which was 'in- sutreient, but now $300 additiorsnl was available and the Hoard therefore divided lo Furnish the Library Hall, 150 chairs wdrrs purchared in addition to a: table and other turnishings and the hall was now suitable for holding lvrturcs, church functions and the like in naming the hall the Hoard would he rvrouvrensed tor the expenditure made The Mayor mint-MM thore hr rumrnonsod for the texpeniMtutrr marie The Mayor sumrsted the Iv- 1irutl M the Mechanic Institute which was held many years ago in Ct)ntl'C- tirn “Mb Ihtt Lirrary which would my its own way. Opportunity wm Id mm be a’ordrd tot practice In killed try a do: or dogs the new issue orders 1 of aforesaid amounts. ( nit-53m West and Rein before this lioard and s municipal grant io supp. Mary at Wellcsloy. ' the sum ot I lulu!) as " was chtd " W. Hastings sov- ended by A. B, "erhertsrat that the sum ot $25 69 granted to ent'tt ol the public Libraries in good sundn.an this inunieiciptuity, In manhunt to Ihn {ongoing it was moved by J. Roidcl, "ronded try Factory clearing Mi to suppon M. Smiclm Carrird BPr appeared solint-d h the d on aymrnl tt Mayor mm- r i T ed hwp that thé E'Wiasnou & 00., Berlin. that Father Spat: chairman o? tbe Board was not able to attend. Rev. Mr. Lee made retcrcnce to the Library as an educative [actor in the comanity. The Waterloo Lilimry contained a wide range o; the best poms and works ol stand- ard authors. lie regretted that so much slung was 1mbodied into the coaversutiun anl nrggd that tis to obliterated an! pure language used, citing the reading of good Irooys as a [mums of summin- ttng tux?“ with the best in litera- tum lie also rrterrcd to the bible as brim: vnt’tlly of earned st sdy and as Lin" containing the tlnitx‘st from a literary, histolital and othrr Itandpoinrs. Rev. M. L. Wing [20ml tl out, the tenants M a Library. Ile advocated th- rmcttxl wading " too B. Some load and rvmrmtwrvd nothing; others Rev. M. L. Wing rolnl d out, the hemms of a Library. lle advocated ”.0 rmrclul trading " too 3. Some load and rvnwnmervd nothing; others ml but 4; small measure of goal. A llnrd class sconxd to obtain only the lad and lnl the goal (scape, while a lmnlh class gut the Very test out ol tls? work. Librarirs were in exist1mcit many years ago and were ol nn'ienl origin. llc tvfeired to the Great Alexandria Literary, ostabllshel 300 Fears MA'. Path at Buttalo and De- trml in which he Md been a recent xis'rtor, had excellent libraries, con- taining many \olumcl, but he thought the Waterloo Library was among ttre very test in the Dominica. llc made reterence to the forward maybmmt in the study ut the Bible J6 rrter- (n‘e Io Missionary enterprise and said thal the Bible was well worthy of perusal. Mr, Moorman admraud taming the but hooks referring to sketches of the lines or succrsslql mm as heint well worn: pausing. Weds of fut-tin" and poems' were also educative and m- tertainittg. Mr. 'lhos. Hilliard also spo'w MM ly and cnngratulafed the Hoard an cilinus on the rossessio:1 of sud) Cm I.ihrary. Interest was ~Ildvd lo the attach!!! by the presence ol' me Waterloo Ca, det Corps cmicr the sword io hf Mt. Cunniagham of the Cottral School stall. Wi h rifles on: thir shoulders, they made an inuminp ap- pearance and went through a twin”. of exercises very crodnahly. Mr. Cunningham and the Corps werr‘lm- 'ivlrd a lrrarly mm. at Hunks an trotioo of Messrs. M" " Hidden and Thos. Hilliard. ' The Wuterloo orchestra tur,nprisir.:s Messrs. ll. l'hrlp, Slrrvh, Itcrkri,kalh- Emsrh, (Vol/(l ard C, R, (Irmtnt “rt: m anhndanre and their sclrwtions m- lLu.:~': the mocmdings.» A rrany mm of ihanls was also lrnrlorod tho llrr'hcslm for their coattieuiicns lu the erming's pleasurn. tttt tho rlmlurm wore the Mayur, ard Messrs B. P1aitord, w H. Itid. drll, J, Momma". H, "ans, I', llmh Izcrgard and Thus Hilliard. S P, Dammmcr that nu grant mad. to any pohlir I thraties in Township nl Wellesley in 1909. Am cndnnnl mum, Mm'crl hy J, Rridvl, month“ It, Iintick, that this council (In adqu'n In mert main at the, T ship Hall, t'rosshl'd, Monday uh may " Der. mm, In o'ctocl ihc (munmn ("arrlmL BUG! The ('nlladian Horticuuoist HM month (”Ira In an edilouu Claim- ing that Ins'rupuluus mutiny gun's are “curling in the counties ot Brant, Fimmr an! mtifrrin, sell a}. a new .pple trc, vhi h is ‘ninn to rerrr utionixo tht upple burnt-as. The Horticulturist wum farmers nut tc buy tttem URI. WOMAN ON INDIAN LIST Three nrr A'mut. Invonly mo prams In ther 'median" "tst In EL Cathr- llwl. -ver.l ct than hung wormn‘ Mmmm t 15li ha - n.- i "‘IUI l. , 5 'tt in 'ii','ltfi'i2ttt'dNt - It. "V“""8 -."- f" Boots and Shoes PETER F. SFIII‘MMI'IR, Tp. Clerk inducements in Winter NI'RSERY AGENTS y J, mun-I, seccas4od by I, that this council do now I meet main at the, Town l, t'rosshlil, Monday the I Der. 1909, 10 o'clock in u n Carrit be the A later search at the scene ot the fatality resulted in the finding ot three hats and a pal! ot slippers. In the pocket of a coat there was a small ruby ring and a box ot IIIVO. In another coat was a my envelopo, marked J. T. Wright. September M, $28.50. In the third . couple ot lmudkurchlela and . Ink-hallo lett no clue to the owner. A peculiar thing was noticed in ex- amining the clothes. In one pocket was found the bowl ot a pipe, while the stem. newly severed. was in an- other pocket. Conductor Jones, ot in charge oi the train St. Catharines, Nov. 8.-The bodies of the three men killed by a train near this city last night were identi- Md this morning by relatives as being those of John Dundas, Edward llurson, and Thomas Wright, all Mer- ritton men and unmarried. Wright and Ilurson were, employes of the Riordan Paper Mills. THREE IERRITTON MEN KILLED " TRACKS When the station was reached the engineer learned that only two men had been (and. He wu posltlve that three had been run over by his name. A search revealed the third on the rowcatcher at the engine. Ho Wu still alive, but died in I very luv minutes. St. Catharina, Nov. 7.4111110“. whom mm an unknown. met I hor. rihle death while walking on the Grand Tr k huh about I mm from here shortly we: ' o'clock to. night, when to avoid being struck " No. 2 outbound G.T.R. train jumped to the Westbound track Ind directly in from. ot cxprou tum No. 7. "TERRA :73. stopped end tho bodies ot two were loud by the train crew, who brought there here. l B, E. WALKER, Prom-ac Paid-up Capital, "WHEN"! ALEXANDER LAIlD,Gcnor-l my Rm Fund, - "00,000 THE CANADIAN BANK " and "ttder,.,........,..,......,.. Item. Overuundnotmndln' no .....' Cum. " no " " a B'.... locum " t30 " " .rr.. 13mm ( womvzfim-bhswuwghofladlmlflaw ox the - In te1ttelet point t - _ mmhihuupumtmhgmmw ---__ “A“ oa, (on: In La- united d'mmh. no! can a! may nu - ".etmrt, and W h "te_ree.'t H a,<i.i>¢_-_.A m Branches throughout amid, and In the United States and England FOR 9 one ONLY Ruth: "Black Knight" come to your home'? Let him show you the quick and easy way to shine the stoves. " Black Knight" takes " the hard work and dirty work out of utove polishing. It's a paste-so there is no watery mixture to be prepared. I'll P. P. DALI“ co. nun-m. Ill-Ill... out. " lull I few rub. with cloth or brush brings a mirror-like uhino that "you can nee your 1min". And the shine mu! Mod dealer- handle nd recon- mnnd "Hitch Kllgllt" at". Polish. " your an!" cutout lupply it, It“ Inc. for I bl. can-tut Po-id. ..urm.ftu.N-"tat"0..N?t9. HEAD BANK MONEY ORDERS S,?Jj,,ofoi,9MM1i,lif.,?J,,i, -iiiiiis" V V -ert, fail _ __; Toronto, was M " VIII “We um You want a hammer round the ham-n wa have " only steel rolishon hammers Jun weight, Satunhy price etch ..... .. ttp...rrr. Paid-up Capltal, 810,000,000 26 a only large wings cam, M im high, " inch. wide, with band- tar, "tutored sided, spool-I No "tr to who cloth bottom on out ash sitters, regular Me, no- (ial each at r,,.w.-....i,...rr.""'""... 13 only (luring kuvy plum/Id iron pails, 13 quart, to clear, “high “hat you buy with our honsrhold sale; attached lo wall, with porcelain lined dish, caracity 12 lbs., Satutdty each. 11 only general purpose hatchets, good value, (uh Fr..w._..e-. ....e-... 1e,',rl; lines sold out before noon, Come to FenneiN Hardware Store next Saturday, ov. 13th for these Quick Solllng Bargnlns " only D. Hanile. 4 tide, plum manure lorku, forged tines, re- guur 75c, ouch err...... m......'.-,.., " (may best galvanirN ' fall, oral oil cans with siphon pump, regulnt $1.25, Saturd-y eaetc.... It isttN so 6Utieuit to strculhen n weak around: it one so" n it car- rretlr. And Hall in true ot the Heart nnd Kidneys. The old billion-3d wary of dosing (ho Sromuh br tttltstnlatittg the Heart or Klan”. u surely wrong! Dr. Sheep tlrttt polntod on this error. "Go m the weak or Mi.. ing navel ot these organs.“ aald he Each inside organ his its controlling or "insides nerve." When them nerves [All then than up!” must wrrly lultcr. This um truth in leading' druggistn everywhere to dlspome and rarommcnd Dr, Shaun's Ratornllvc. A few days‘ test will surely tell! Sold by all dealers. Ilhlllutll1llllhlltlllr, SALE John Harvey, a prominent, pioneer, dim on Friday at Brattehton, _ lie w" " you: of age on his dentin, which is universally mgreiiul, lie is survived by A wile and 'rtfwti-up io- mily. DEATH OF l PIONEER i only extra hickory no handles regult" Me each _--.""""'-'" The are " Sale next. SATURDAY ONLY, We sell good hardware and would: Val-m to he had timber: V Our Last 8attirday's J. Fennell & Son 32.01 no '", French too't knives, 8 inch. spies Was a Rousér: To get rid of rats we our wire cage trap, teguhr AOC, Saturday ' only aood Datum: than " in hes lcng, 2 Inch cutter, ttttr- drrn “mamas. new 500“. regular $1.35 each, 3110 who...“ Meat lorks, uoelul in every kitchen Another supply of [hole up-to-dato and co: plate Cobbler you; coo them 3M 101 my; result! F 651: for Saturday per ed .............. Hish (In: Mid scissors, gilt handlt polished “eel Nudes; 8 inch Mr; " inch. 18e; 5 Inch ' 15c; gnu " inch etch ., .rtw....m..q.'.q An cxcell.nt asaortrmtrt at Mt 'eraeU, just torched. Your crolee of three UMa, tarm- Me ugh. quick sale price .....r.FF.. A lot at randy sin kitchen - ers, but steel that. result: 45c, sale price, each m.................., 14 only ua clam. than price A I" tam in): About " norm d poi m. The lar ot thin lum ta MK!” fate; Mm telfrhonr - trt the near future. Price A - I"! firm of about v150 It. I“ I good buck homo; I M Uh. uh. dulled well, common “I; all. co Cuban. Price moo m d h but no are bum in " U muo- - to me I let. ium aim to the. main the district bow-ca Canal! and Utter rou olive“ Conboro Ind (atslteld, Doro; good burn, common Ion-o; wall comm noun; ttrout tout scre- ttit watered; with um well; well [one but; holly ol the farm]. very ed. Price "000. hi. Hie. 81300. For I quick rule A 130 tre" him, common building; an N bought lot 8400 down. will make: splendid pasture larm, Veg. lfco 100 acre tum clan to can be bought At the ostrcmrly low Canola neon; "out in arm price ot 82900. 0- Terr good 200 “To farm, about " wu- ol bush; vary rich Ind; comma: buildings; . great bar- - " m. M PM “.000 but; “cl-y ol the tarrn In very DI. Hit. 31300. For I quick 2.10 an In bought ior 8400 down. V97 lfco 100 an (arm clan to Canola them; "out ten mm M. drilled well; “My well Inn-ed, buildup common. Price $3000. Anni-w no 100 me mm; m lav " ma mm is splendid; fairly .991 UN”, very good land. Price - 100 ur- mm claw to Gabon; . Very nice mm with . III- hlb. Rum trlephsne tar did Val new FARMS FOR SALE Phone " In Haldlmand County JOHN HILL Llst or no 210 It. tht " Here'e your chum tur . pm him next tuturar--8 blue ob- ony " inch. handyman Hind u MW, toys two blade pocket illlo with chain 81 inch. tor 16c, a Llano 010-7 handle good value 5 lull Wed an WV. Jttis'er With, each .......J.... .g 2 only No. to lode] R'n'l'n re< Palm riae-ta'e M him Fire III". ion " extra long cut- _ridtgm, Mouton union, uh, do“ model. Look n ttte "up. who and: .....rq..r..... o..-..-.." t only tide watt lamps. useful tor cellar or stable, ”(crumb with buxnell, wick if” m. earn. Boot American bundled steel axes. mum banal“, right shape and rah-squat ...._. p...'......'.-. Anyone Intorukd propositions will, on pout-I or Iona, be Iutln. t only mt. hoards, tt mm. long best made, regulars“ curb. S:- tun’uy lot _.............. ..r...... _....., This district " well lupvllcd with a rural tolephono Ink-1n, has "no N'mlporuuou Incllmu, and tha Dunnvllle man“ situated a I corp "ttiettt III-hm trom "a dilly of Cnnboro, In one ol the vary best itt tho Province. (‘lnhoxo contain- ltbool, three (burden, guru! store, mm; mm, not-mill, and cheese tummy with n rcpuuuon interior to none In Western Dunno. A an)! tor the who ot is dun; " cttly Marvel safety razors, V 225 “to tsrnr, [also tank urn, huumul name house; largo Maud, very close to ('Inboto, (his [um in well adapted to: dairy“; numgzes, Price $7000. We have a large number ot other Yum! for uh trom " Acres to ltr0 arm in size; loll "tying trom and to clay loan. ", New. ONTARIO In any ot out noun-In; u. " not " Cantteid O“ " m, tti Er..'

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