'Rt 3, bimt" lib took are usier' um t 035.15 Show and - Hop study. the market at “.50 1.0.1). and $5.76 ted d and. . ' "is“: - - H w _ 9 ram. but a t . . 'catf. _ _ u. but u ' “an. Wm. - not“. very “I in - fl toe “mom. u: an ot but ch... " were Italy to {3. “I. my... mum» " _ Im- t,",t,1'S",'ia.' everything ulna. ad who: I . A wait!- tr plan bathe! ballet, the 'ml, on _d-itrqh_itlt. market, sold at R w V - a.» iui"qai.lt.'e, an; a Nt to up mourn-n. _.1 p; “I: sue:- m um tn - M. - even! buyer: “.314 to he putty Italy (“In Q ttte tho mm. Good utters It)! *- " “.35 to 31.40 “I very choice I In“! highx. Toronto, Nov. 1a',',tt'te,'/, st ady It 3b lots! market. but; cry limp - am. With the milder wen- tter so hvonblc lor tum wortt,there u no gnu: nevus out. With the ma all trtoreirsentt, donors are 10mm, ht ID eaatrtg oil in prices. western mute“ were weak to-dny. intiueewe4 in part by the lower Liverpool utGr- het, which has temporarily Nteryrml the export movement. Western unis were 1n excoption still holding very arm. tood Healers quote: Ontario Wheat-No. 2 red or “but: winter wheat 81.03 to $1.03 ard low new“. $1.04. lllnlfob- TehNb-No. 1 1urtlwrr 31.03;, No, 2,81.0U, truck, lake ports. 'Cortr-Arnericen No. 2 yeliow, 695 to Toe. Toronto freights. New Ontario Oats. 37c hid and38u' asked outside, high [might west. Why-No. 2, 58c; No. 3 extra 550, outside. Manitoba barley, No. 3, ottering at 53ie and No. 4 at 510 late ports. Rye-No. 2, Tic. Peas-New, No. 2, MU'. Canada Western- oats are otiering at 88k to 39c tor No. 3 and 40c tor for No. 2, lake ports, Rye-No. 2, Tic. Peas-New, No. 2, am: Manitoba Flour-quotations at To. route no: First paitnts $5.60; second patents, 85.10; string babers' $4.90. Ontario Flour-New winter wheat patents at tNe in buyers' bags on track, Toronto, new wheat tiour for export, $3.90 to $3.95, outside in buyers' sacks. Berlin, Novombor 4, 1909 Flam-1m- 100ttm. .... $2 90 Ban " . _.. . 1 00 1fiddtimm " ..... 1.25 Emma-A ", ".. 1.30 Battenberg--At Wellcslcy, Oct, 19m to Mr. and Mrs. Rev. H. llathm berg, a daughter. Wells-At Elmira, Oct. 2b'th, to Mr, and Mrs. Walter Wells, a daughter, Biegler.-At Elmira, Oct. 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ziegler, a daughter. 1Stilltrorn,) StLrer--Near Conestogo, Oct. let, to Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich Wherer, a son. Hostetler-ln Wilmot Township. lo Mr. and Mrs. Norman Huston“, a Hamtalt-At Berlin, Oct. Tith, to Mr. and Mrs. S. y Hannah, hvin buys. Sararue-At Berlin, Oct, l81h, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Stratus. a sun. Columbo-At Berlin, (M. 22nd, lo Mr. and Mrs, Culumlnr, a sun, Schmidt-At Berlin. Oct, toth, to w. and Mrs. John H. Schmidt, 'd daughter. Wismer--At Baden,' Oct. 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wismer, a daugle ter. "N Rittlttger-At Baden, Ort. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ritlingvr. a SOIL t1l,ndettrfog--At flalt, John. â€no sun of Mr. and Mrs. Walla Glrmlvnning, algal sh yrars. Scott-At Llalt, ON 23trl, Donal! “Hr. the infant sun at Mr. and Mrs. F. Stewart Scott, aged 15 months. Po tie-Al Galt, (kl. 23rd, Solo wan Burrows in his Mth year. While-Near Galt, (XL 23rd, Hugh While in his Mrd year. 1rotrer-At Floradale, ttci. Mth, Jw. ccb Hotter in his 77th yuan: ShantL-A! Bcrlin, Oct, 28th, Jacoh _ Y. Shun. in MA am. "at. Pictrrring--At (lull, ON, 28th, Human! Crozier, below-d wife (1 William Pickering. kitch-n-At, “all, (M 37th, Izm- kmin Kitchen in his "th your, Groe--Nettr New 'llnmbug. (X117, hm Groff in her am your. t_-at Jotrepttirtrurg, on. 24th. the ink!" child ot Mr, and Mrs. Charla Scrum. Yer,Neqr Ringwood, Oct. mm, W. MlNARD'S OARGHT IN It. You! LIV. Um BERLIN' MARKETS. I†- DEATH. Elm". LINIMICNT FOIL“, Are tum F M ted"3bt ll Ct "I 10.00 3nt 1.10 'al .70 ___r ,, ,i,i'i?i?etit'. tttcr.: iiWW5'JaLuiiu-. 1.5 gm“.... .... 19.22 "iiae In ........ I tun j.-." ...... any pt 'e--- iraAiiery - iai,r and. Plain..." - ELKIBL MARKET“ 2mm, November 4, 1909 1Etnttob.Pittrtr..-... 2.85 Bran ...........-.... 20.00 lawns-"up“ ton 24.00 titiiFtEr.....l....2100 STRATFORD MARKETS. Suntan-d, November 4, 1909 What Bundud)...... l 00 Barior.... .....t._.. .43 on; (mndudl ..--_- .40 Peaa ................ .75 a.) per ton....-..... 1ir00 1 Bun per ton.......... 20.00 l Short-per Mm........ 1 Live Bogu............ 7.40 Boot, front guru". . . . .07 Beet hind (lantern... .9; i'fiiiGiiiT.1T.CC.". .36 Dneh................ 60 Butter per pound...... .26 Bgga per dos. ......... .23 Applet, per bag ........ .75 Pontoon, pot bu .-.... .90 IA“. “BE. ,'9hrteitler-Mohr.-At North East- hope, Melinda Mohr to John Schmi- dot. Matz-C-air-AI httipra, Ont., Oct, Huh, by Rev. Bean, Croditon, Mar- tha M. Guise: to Jacob A. Rate, Khim, Ont. Iyot1tter--Kntrhtel-.ht Berlin, Oct. 27th hy Rev. S. R. Knechtcl. Car- oline Kueciilol lo Gustave H. W. Danni of Medicine Hat, Alberta. Kroft-Wright--At Galt, Oct. am. by Rev. Dr. Dickinson. Flora Wright Fusion, to Mr. J. Rio“. Hodgekiss--Kryer_-- At Blair, on 27th, by Rev. Mr. Herbert, Flor- "ttci? Maud Frycr to Jchn Francis Hodgckisa. F'tetrach--Boettgcr--At Merlin, Oct. 29th, by Rev. F. E. Oberlandm, Minnie Ilocitgl-i, to John Secbach. 'itockman-krueger-At Berlin, Oct Mth, by Rev. E. Hotiman, Annie Kramer of Germany to Rev. Mr, Stockman. Linwood. “humus Inns“ Nov Bums, Numb“ f, 1iN Itahmer-Hattler-. Near Baden, I. 27th, Marcus Daluncr, to Susan daughter or Mr. and Mrs. c. Sat ler. . Iraniels-Strddcr--At Linwood, Oct. 7mm, Morris Daniel, Now Hamburg to Miss Stoddor. Linwood. tichwartz--McDoaof.-At Toronto. Oct Mth, by Rev, n, Morrow, Jeannie McDulaltl lo Herman Scllwallz ot Hesprrler, Itu"ttgmuer2g Ido m can at mud-m tad-uttubunon iiii'ihi'ri'ld9rh'ut «In. Inca. hr m... awzgm" For Sale or To Rent 'acoto--Huet,tter-At I'eterstrurtr, Oct 20th, (urn, daughter of Mr. John Huvthor. to Louis H. Jacobs, Vic- iotinburx. ‘Am “um I», no"... 4, o “-tl BUSH FOR SALE - Fifi: Wm" on itiritt moo um no. , 1990 W8 " .50 /75 10 00 .22 .76 " .3. .16 27 7.25 .25 .15 .90 .50 1'21 10 .05 40 .70 32.00 10.00 . 14 20.00 20.00 26 00 2100 100 in ' 0. " A0 .60 .62 .8o 12.00 .23 .27 7.50 .76 J 20 .20 .48 .40 .80 14.00 20 00 2600 .15 I. .10 .15 .66 .06 .16 121 .40 .n .m .53 .26 .75 m. “on“ M " l 0‘“ par., a. 1m i.ttqM, my. met; W by mu t. ou W 411'"); tar MK Om all. M pot-heron a“ “I“! that 1." old; 2 com till.“ ' I old got by Same Dal. welt nad. I com ' mm old not by Gold on». .ittteaeMt. II“. gtts?h'yi?ryAti,'iq, nMa-Ioml to Hull-lint... nah-pct. all ' iiii_a-hqtsat1" no“ iairetuw..tadi-r," cutie. Ee.-6rgo. m, m the a chive In lull. an 'tttr n eat" t. Wet. can do. (a eat" h lurch. “at run. ' you: on, " up apd _ .94 der. _ [Duo-lam, Eh.-1'vcHurrov an; plow, duh Mamr, and; nodal, three-lend anâ€, plume abut, In. mm ham“, bob thigh, not traw " lune-I, nor-per, burrow. it com wood, and my other nuclei too numerous to Ina-“on. "Mold Elects, Etc. - Large meat tub (new); 2 beds, 1 m 2 lead tables, kitchen table, 2 paltry environ“. Mtehotreupboard, 2 lulu, 2 water beaches. 4 milk cupboarda, 2 tables. churn. Bour that. 2 wood chests, 2 cooking tstov"ts, , box “on! 3 spinning wheels, iron kettle, 4 iron pour, l benches, 2 chain, robe, aw:- ing machine, milk cooler, milk can. 1 dry kiln lor dryimt fruit with I good box stove, and mnny other arti- cles. Tq-rms ot h'sale--Pig' and MI sum: ot ten dollar: Ind under cull, aver that amount " months credit on up proved joint not" or 4 per cent. M tor cash payments of credit nmounzs. The undersigned, the Execute“ of the Will of Hi'hnnl Gthl. late cf the Township cl Walelltq, in IIs County of Waterloo, Farmer, dtttNts- ed, will MN for sale by public I‘m tion on al 2 o'clock in thr' aMetnotttt, th. "nderm.; “on-d saluarte farm pro p'rty, toru.rritsing the tarm nl the said deceased, containing 1t8 acres 3 roads and 13 plrchm more or less, being parts of lots 15, " and 18 M. Richard Beastey's Lower Block. Broken Front, in In" said Township of Waterloo, situaie about a mile Irom Freeport cn the road from Free- pmt lu Chicope" There are (n the farm 2 dwelling houses, a lk stor- ey brick and . 2 storey stone cwcll- ins. ands good ban barn, driving sh:d and other necessary tarm out- buildings. The land is cleared and under cultivation, except atom acres of hardwood and about t of thin tany with mixed edit, In and other trees. About 3 or orebard., The tarm is fairly ed and cor.vettierrt to "hool anâ€, Rats, chine for cunt? boned hsir undid! work nun-mt to him will receive prompt Attention. tsatisfaction' irGi, unwed. __ _ J oBN_t_nW'tiptf, A nown at sale and mqanwhilc may be ascertained on application in tlw un- detsigned. 10 per onâ€. cash at ihc tune of sale and h'almne on 1st Alui' next, whrn rmsossion “ii! he given Terms in other respects will be nurle HERMAN [PERTH L, Preston, PO ROBERT mUCKNELL, Auctioneer Horse Hair Clipping MENNO HORST, Prop. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer Farm Stock and Impicments TUESDAY NOV. agrd, LEVI (EEHL, German Mills no Auction Sale The yrtderyitrnef bl! {nghjled - Il-tf Rubbers t our prim. we, In" tho Ernst. -orttrtertt of Men'a And ttory' In", whiten in the Tim-City. [Adieu who want I'm-m, Sg (at when doing ant-Ida vet no]: " ",t,N,',h' on. we hue . would two true I. rubbor worth regular .',1 but sum the pur- pou. "0c .1 " 'I." Thu Tmht to "Vqer you tint w. on you "My". a the right price u we bought than tight. J. Hossonauar ' Son Babb." to at ny “up. of choo- you any but. so In; at: TIT-if -__ Bulb. Cppodh B-ttmlm' mock. Before you buy your bony TERMS OF SALI- “do "DIM" $1.25 - on. Phon- an. AND Fire 1Esll, TNtartoo Socks BC res pop- acres [enc- mar- 10 qe"3ePLerv'" V "e"" v", , union. on. ' “r T iiiiiili',l)??Jii!trit'itf! 'ie' a, mun-mu an“ all-tabla under. â€in." cm. Ian. “on“. in but and 's-o,.---""?" " all-Ohmic- -qto â€than!“ “as: any at In. - brs Way-Iqaluit“..- m cl m.w.md-ul out at Maria, In“. cu..- bu "no“. â€mammal you“. out â€mun-u. h.“- than! #1 in.†Ala-width- ttrtttuy. Ttrin 1. a. a any“: Hath-ll In the can: a 16rtthtrAt. at h 0; can In. lot pull. you as: not; an annual-Mutual†" all- Izo- Wo. 0.153., trsues Iron Um; (mum. all. Iron Nov 0M and <5 t an. Iron tho Ian. " - Lid MW Ant] a in m x to Jun and William 'Mdiae, oo-q-Ho.......'" F99? Uit% public. Having taken out en Aueiitnteet'. license for Wemloo ah',t I solicit the Isles off-nae" d other. who have Article. to be told by Auction. My Inge experience in the mule end implement. bushland the knowledge "fed "HI. thereby be " the "rviU 31.1w: mm "lamina-d «m lacuna Monday Nut lhlpmM Noe. 15th Licensed Auctioneer ALEX. iliilB,hllilrMllllll tuu. conducted in any pm of the County, mes-mum: gun-mud. Your patrolman solicited. All ardu- left with Jo n 8 Mutant Many-Bani. Agent. Berlin, will promvtly at. tendod to. Addres- 7 W; ____A____ ‘__ 34-6mou. SHIPPING H098 WANTED Ill HAD“ Selle the opportunity NOW white you mtylil you was s homamiwm you no In t out In“! “other: b, ’25:? Jack 'tere' i,ii5ihiiiil GT i;- FiGuGiuia 0rd. I help you buy. Bur a 7 would brick home, lo 55 x 405?. sable tad new ma... house. bl: pdoo bu boon cut 'tre far (‘uick sale. no don't delay. lt m1 In". on. Fire Immune. Amid-at Incur- Money to Lou. Hon-u to In M, Mort- and Willtx . written. one. opposite forum- Woolltn Waterloo, M oe outings toat. A. K. Gunman STOP! LOOK! II. B. Duorlng III-III IIUII'LII. ii6x a, GALT or PHONE 310. $1850 "on. 321, Ill-doe Phone '" Mills. ,el,ttp,tltl't 53.31.98: Y Juan-mm. Elm heavy gilvaarimd iron pails. , 10 quart, "ttlt a Anortod lot “gobble Ind kitchen knives, your choice 6 only No. 82 Gem“ Mott Choo. pon. emailed inside, each a Hardware Prices are advancing. Gaming Auction, 7 prong ball tipped Boot Foch, ouch 82 yards No. 0 lamp Wick, pot yard 2 dozen A Untam But-non. spank! oaott At 11 only tinned Shank Poundon. rog- ttlar Mo, speck] ouch 8 boxes Motor: best Metal polish, sprinkle top Mum“. Sudino Cm Oponore. quick III. pritn, ouch Startling Hardware Bargains But made heavy twill cotton Gloves, w par Economloal Block: Wantoa For" Safe is. only aiéglo Mining Knives, sped-l 12 only Stave Lid Lifters, only on sale next Saturday only. Sweep Mor, rug or we. via: it and kill dust rad gm- A mp1. tin for only lift, Next Bounds, we will bl" untim- btoh of Wu 8.. than in m tu.rrsrttd 'Ill) J. Fennel ti Son I. P. G EIGHT E in..." ra Ever Tried" Duotbane" The mat mm; compound? 1'?" no ibtitlBrtti. _iTi", " ‘- "AF 5 , - ‘5" ', " Ar, lfii' I" " I ifo5iiitiiiiiii :21: " ftftifi1f,,?,rgr1 Si ' Mt a. _ att.' 5“: "lu'lll"l','pr"1Sll'hl'hh. ELiiEEiiiR " b "N. y is â€a but can. at It L'kTs' 5 1 Laa6 an braving-51mm, L; ,- . I',u. town b a anâ€. In an I bit- , 'I T. F" 'dirii'. a ieaU _ qWBqt., sum. ; Mutt-B‘- ------ Auk-um 'tisetaiire.. “3'“de a! 5M, "tfrr..' . L tt1rr1frtut1ePtrttts, .-__ u- ".. ' au%dde. - t a. 'etttts?ertt r/at'" 'alt.' Ltr, vulture all“ iT. z: gammy a co; iT. = SEINN oo. UNDERTAKMG l, 23c nun so 2.98 1.20 P. " ml Be r- 16c Bo 9c Bet " Rake up your love. with . Dunn†um, Rake, anarchy We. a only fibre whit. Wuh Brahms-ch tBo Mint 48 only All stool Bat Pups. depot mar, eaettt ' Cherry wood Wino hues“, cork lined, maul key, in Nut, and: A job lot 'ttttam mouth Itâ€) socket, 3mm] purpose or snow Iboveln but "he 2 out about), cub †16 only 4 tine D handle Bust, Fogh. oval forged tines. for Saturday M only ml“ Oil. Quilt rum . 89091 Our, Comb, full nix, open but. Peeler, Cont and Slicer. make, and: on Town MP“ 'tttttr . __ lonry In“. Nat osiiiirrziiruin “rill, Ont. BOY NOW. ,tt.tii') '-tee.1, .. "$2.2: Ills. lat-n :hu. " ' so 490 1 Str Set