_ _ _of my present store. .. . 5 y Ec "’ u"n’ $ Phone 217. tss .09 ufn in W evening next. ‘ The Court of Revision was heli ‘lk'iuu Grof and AKan Quickâ€" tall } ved soveral ‘carloads ol tatâ€" tle from Toronto on Friday,s‘| _ ~* ?? a E Â¥ar monthly mecting of the f mn Clup will be beld Or. _ Tib many Iriends o‘ Mr. _ George will te preased to hear® that + i&"@o far recovered from the ef »fecte of his, recent severe accident as o e able to leave th» Hospital : LOf BEACK COLLIE DpOG, with * â€"w spot on hip, white head and i yellow breast, and about _ neck. ler kindly advise Sidney Scheiâ€", ; fele, RK. No. 1, WaterlO0o. "*%, * _A convertion of the Layx{:cn ot Lhe‘ â€" Galt Disfrict of the FAimilton Conâ€"| ‘ ference. ol the Methodist Cbaurch will ‘te ‘held â€" in Trinity Metbodist ChurCh , Berlit; on ‘Tuesday, Nov. (th. Mr. Louis | FX Diétrith ol St. Agatha bas moved to Waterloo with ~his family and will occupy the house ;eogtly‘swwated by Mr. E. A: Stras 5 eAle NesR N MELT C L 0 L945 I y evening to hear "the appeals the Assessment Roll. Only one amâ€" Es D DA .l sblast ‘ank ‘â€" A committee appointed by the Town Co ucil _ comprising Mayct Weidenâ€" hammetr, Counsilor Sanderson . and Wrchitect Moogk, left Wednesday . for Woodstock and Strat®ird ‘whae they MIEM the market buildings. The â€" market Satérday .was> ¢atâ€" tconded by. the ustial large erow&. 6i farmers and â€" townspco ls. _ E&® were very scarce anW sgld at 28¢, 30G. ard 35¢ per dow#.< Butterâ€"was.ofâ€" wred at 24c and 25¢ per lb. There was a good supply ol turkeys, ducks and chickens and they found ready . pUyer®e oo« es i gun oudft 14 The Waterloo" matket is â€"assuminz larg: proportions and: in order to get a supply to furnish the . increasing â€" demand all â€" farmers . are firged _ to bring â€" in their uprouce : as thore is a demand‘ for everything and priâ€" ceg are as gcod . if not better than those obtaincd in other towns. ANNUAL MEETING OF HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Th~ annual meeting of the Waterloo Hor{icultural Society was h:ld in the office of the Ontario Seed Company On Tuesday evening. ~ Thore wete in at tendance a goodly numbet of memkers The reports presented by the Secret tary were very encouraging andi show‘* ed a sutstsntial batance of $4! 91 and a _ membership of. 149. Mr. J. H. Winkfer, w ho. has ‘Beoh the enefrgetic and failfiful Yéeoretaryâ€"treasurer of the society for ths past thirteen yeat" reâ€" Tired. _ Mr. Cleason Shant: was elecâ€" ted President endMr. Christi n Sch icfele, secretaryâ€"treasuretr. The Society have distribut«d free of cost the past yeat bulbs and trees to the members: s : "nï¬n'zl were the officers clanted Followihg ‘were the officets c‘aâ€"!C" for. the.ensuing ycar:â€" Prtsidéntâ€"Cleascn Shintz. V4 ePris.â€"Almon Mernet, Shoy APreag.â€"Christian Schiefele. Executive Committeeâ€"Messrs. Â¥. Cawerinski, F. Flug, W. Muellicr, st., C..B. Clemcnt, L. Sinclair, J. ‘ H. Winklet and Christ Schiefele. A maeeting of (he WA Commission was held> t alternsot. The members Kewer Farm and found .« m satisfactory cordition, t AAPooR Pn CCC \Seerctary F. S. Kump$ was«instruc tâ€"d ~ to hereafter have A profile and sre ifléations on hle for sewer work Lelore tenders are called for. '; heard but no action INSPECTED SEWER FARM SATURDAY MARKET ECTED OFFICERS 3 of the Waterloo Sewet i ‘was held> tn Wednesday ‘The nembers visited the m and found evorything in Soci the Town *Thb Waterld6 Counci! met in 164Â¥ lsr session Monday gvening. The reâ€" tolution«> regar@Imd . a SOW """".° mwmmmtolm was acted upon anda committee was Committee Will Visit Other sowns 10F J0 â€" mation as to Best Style of Bnilding »« & Berlin, C c wer® q180 19 ceived % dw-t'"“’ Come s ce Power. erec and a puiform system of auditing and SOunEveptele Â¥a" + t Massts. Weichel; Hfla‘:‘. Sandâ€" erson, Graybill ‘and ner Moogk, ¢ €499%% New m;‘ House. d C Mr. Mobek SbÂ¥uilttedplan of, nCw | ; power house bu.\ing and was instrue. | â€" tes to follow specifications as qutlinâ€" | / ed ‘by the g,ao-u.cmc Commission , â€" in the erection of building. ] Uniform System To Be Used. , A letter was received from the Hy=| droâ€"Electric Coimpmission referring t0 | the system of auditing to be followâ€" &* the adoption cf a uniform §yS * of bookkeeping by the various municipalities hkhï¬ Niagara Power. A meeting of munic gfl auditors will be held at Torénto, Nov. 15, pertainâ€" ing to the matter and the Clerk was instructed to attend the same. w New. Market Building. 1 "A communication from the Board of ‘Trade regarding a new market buildâ€" ing and enclosing resolution passed enâ€" dorsing the project was read. _ The FMayor said m mew building costing $9000 or $10,000 would be suitable for Wï¬, etloo,. He was convinced if a new building were erected that many ‘ | more Tarmers would be sure to attend ] market. It byâ€"law was to be submitâ€" ted,it must te done at ance. After ‘conâ€" sidérable discussion it was decid=d to , | take ';t\lfllon ard a committee compris~ . | ing The Mayor, Architect Moogk and | | Councillor Sanderson was appointed ; | to visit Berlin, Galt, Woodstock and y | strabford and inspect market bulldâ€" * | ings at those places. ' Other Business. Tho Clerk stated he had received , | copies of building byâ€"laws. MORE i C o e en en Cocned ‘‘A‘petition for a light from residents on~John street was received. The pé tition will be acted upon as soon as Niagara Power is available. Regarding the construction of . @a walk on Park street adjacent to th: new sebool, the Engineer was instruc= ted to proceed with _wg on same.. Ths Clerk was instructsd to prepare $0060000088¢e0e0e00088880 Be000000000e00080000008¢ h / 00000 000000900406 d@e0¢6 WO000 eogese08se0q® ¢8008 WILHELMâ€"FI@‘HER. An event of much interest took place on Wednesday, the occasion being the matriage of~ Miss Carplyn‘ Fischer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John > B. Fischgs, to Mr. E/arry Wilhelms, _ $0n olâ€w..'and Mrs. Anthony ‘Wiuhe‘m of Wiliamsburg. . The. ccremony too‘k place at 7 o clock at th* St. Louis R. C. Church, the Rev. Father Spctz of ficiating. _ The brid>, leaning. on . the , arm, of her fathor, chttred the church to the sweet strains of The Pilgrit‘s chorus from Tamhauser, playod _ by Miss Bertha Ricdell. She was handâ€" somely attited in a travelling suit of naÂ¥y blue broad cloth and carried an amethyst and _gold rosary enl & plain pYayer bookh in white. Miss Mary Annâ€" Sobisch acted as biid>sâ€" wa‘d and was clad in a suit of old Rose with picture hat to match. Mr. Walter Fischer, broth»tr of the bride, supported the groom. The church was tastilly and n ettiff decorated with Foweis for the occqsion. Only the imâ€" mediate relatives and â€"friends witnessâ€" ed th» ceremony. At the conclusion of the _ ceremony the guests | repairged to the bride‘s home â€" where a . sumptuous wedding trea dast was pattaken of. The bride and groom left at eleven o‘clock for it ut ueiity a ho;:ymrn trip to Detroit, New York and oth@r points. On their teâ€" turn thay will reside in the fine new residence of the groomy on Queen St., recent}y erected" A numerovus array of bandsome wedding gifts bear testimon ;: '(‘I;S regard nncf estcem of their ma ny ~ftiends. I 1. sls FRTETE o Matonpcade We jo‘t in extending happy felicita tions and good wishes to Mr. and Mrs Wilhelm. ‘The home of Mr. and Mrs. Adaim Mayer, William street, Waterlo®, was the +cene of a h+ ppy q.w,t W:dnn.t‘h'y 10 d 4i 2ca d 2t chcat 15 PnR ratiie ons F after no _ at three 0 clock, when thsir | Bowman and family ol Waleri00 i davghtcr, _ Miss Amelia Mayer, was moved to our village last weea‘t.â€" We| married to Mr. M. Huchnergard d' are glad to see Mr. Daniel Bowman Daven, ort, Towa, son ot Mr. and Mrs.| UP and around again after an illness (Gco. Huo@mergard of St. Jacobs. of about three weeks.â€"The ladies of The ceremony took place in the parâ€" the Women‘s Institute held a successâ€" tor of the residence, Rev. Mr. Bocketâ€"| ful taffyâ€"pull at the residence of their mann oficiating. Only the immediate? president, Mrs, Geo. Class, last Monâ€" relatives and friends were present. The day evening.â€" Mr. Addison Spics left bï¬ï¬‚de who was given away by _ het for Toronto, wherehe has sccured a thert â€" wore a handsome dress of | situation in a wholesale house. â€"The cteam Bodford cord with brida\ veil| Misses Alma Shafer,â€" Ethel Edler and shd carried a bouquet of cream rases,| Grace Stein of Elmira visited at tnc Phe pridesmaid, Miss Elma u.(er. home of Mr. and Mis. Alf. Moogk last dister of the bride, was prottily a titâ€"" Sunday.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Sam M. Wober To " Fapdse gicen silk and e‘nid“vhlted their daughter, Mrs. Dillman ink oatnations, 1he groom was SupP Snider, at.Baden on Saturday and B by his , Mr. % Huchâ€" “j.â€"TEmm' ‘Erma anmi Viola ¢ ot Toronto S | Dunise of Elmita were visiting , with h th« cbremony â€" W wous | their aunt, Mro. Theo. J. Ruggle for Aiter. the coremony Wedding dinner was. pa HUZHNERGARDâ€"MAYER Pretty . November Weddings new â€" market ACtion â€"._ .\ Jqnmasiaiimmatyyssani iï¬ MARKET PROJEC!!? We Want 1000 * ; |fo} ESoi of Quilang = _ &N nilding »* â€"_.<}AR@ stiucdauo"~ $Menand Boys| / ~ The : neecssaty _ byâ€"laws in connection with the coming municipal clections at New i Aï¬tflnl Keceivcd (c0n. / MessE Wat 3reeng Co., :: closi9@ amount due on loab. £*«% A resolution was passed: to the fâ€" fect wm pét â€Q.,m‘ ‘. charged manufacturers in loass dro® the town which were not paid~ when M.‘ DeVilt & CO. ..a smm G.T.R., proportion of cost on ‘I‘fl o i y e kx hv 26@ phee s ce en eC n O G.T.â€"R., coal SeDPt ... »..â€"sos A8 Graybill & Shantz, coal .......} 450 J. G. Doersam, stationety .f.,..a-.r The Bell. Teleshone :Co:,: phone 06 A. Winkler, MÂ¥ety ...z 5‘l¢~ 6.00 Town Treasurer, stlection of iur-m 5 H. F, Loren, subdries ... Thos. P. Weir, rubbér stamps David Bean, qdvertising ... C. Shantz,â€"charity>:....... ...~ J: H@PBDOR, .....;icc. oc cncrrasisle ‘TOMA MOYOL ... qs een nennonh P00 Dr. Eigel |scvcsac; cerccmecces 5.00 Mrs. Colquhoun, refund taxes ...1634 R. T. Sutton, inspector bridges 6.30 Paul Pergman, bridge contract 1000.00 Wamrer 0j MIg. CO ... es 3.82 Graybill & Shantz, coal ....._._._.81.82 Forwell Foundry Co. Ltd. Jatch & 2c dad aa l db ds tss ds ie nins it BIASK |......l...lutal edeniacg ... 53.3 A. May, CUtb, €46. ....l l> .. A14.40 Doolittle & Wilcox, screemings 11.13 Christie Henderson & Co., Ltd. BEOR@, ..... i2220 s.220 > anveiccs 18980 m TB freicht 8485 SEOBA, .....4 cce ccecccc eecneens G.TR., freight ... css Liphardt Bros., sundries ....... J. W. Keo, sprim7lMDg ... Ed. Dermul, cement wals Beclitel$s, Ltd., tiles 24â€" + Eonmd Bros., supplies ... co. Suggitt, time sheet ... Cleason Shantz, teaming ... Water Commnission, sprinkling Lipbardt Bros., supplies ...~ Conrad Bros. supplies ... J. Letter & Son, supplics .. J. Weseloh, feed .. ...‘ Ed. Shant‘, WOIK ..........= Carl Luelo, JauBity .000 M. Wei hel & Son, supplies â€".. Hy. ~Heier, feed ... ts Wm. Snider, supplies ... JOrgns & Jacobi,. work ... Wm. Smijet, light ... c J.. K. Shinn, â€"supplies ... E4 Shantz, reépairs ... . M. Weichel & Son, supplies | Graybill & Shantz, coal ... "Gbnrad Bros. supplies ... Wm. Snider, lighting ... points and on _their u_-wm will spend a short time here prior to removing to their future home at Davenport, lowa, â€" where the groom is assistant manager of the Independent 5¢ and 10c stores. The bride wore a travelling suit of navy biue with hat to match, The wedding gifts which were numâ€" er ts an‘ costly, included~ a number of handsome checks.. The groom‘s gift to ‘the bride was a gold sunâ€" burst which was also the gift _ to the bridesmaid. The gift to the groomsâ€" man was a pearl stick pin. The well wishes of â€" many friends are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Huchnergard for theitr prosperity : and happincss. f A quiet w took place at Berâ€" lin og ww%"f»mimoa Mr. ‘ and Mrs. Koos,when their son, Walter Koos, was married to Miss Mary Enâ€" gel, daughter ‘of ~Mr..and. Mrs. John Engel, Herbert street, Waterlog: The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mt: Oberlander in the pregence of the imâ€" mediate relatives of the contracting patties. Mr. and Mrs. Koos will re side in Berlin: A quiet and pietty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wernet Kuchnor, C€hurch streot, at 3.80 o‘clock p.m., Wednud.lz when theit daughter, Miss Malinda Kuchner, was united in marriage to Mr. Menâ€" no Durbrick of this town. Rev. M. L. Wing, pastor of _ the Evangelical church, officiated. _ Mr.j ;m;l Mrs. Dubrick will reside on Church street, Waterloo. Farmers are very busy lifting their sugarâ€"beets and turnips.â€"Mr. Martit Bowman and family of Watetloo moved to our village last weat.â€" We are glad to see Mr. Daniel Bowman up and around again after an illness of about three weeks.â€"The ladies of the Women‘s Institute held a success~ ful taffyâ€"pull at the residence of their president, Mrs, Geo. Class, last Monâ€" day evening.â€" Mr. Addison Spics left for Toronto, wherehe has secured a situation in a wholesale house, â€"The Misses Alma Shafer, â€" Ethel Edler and Grace Stein of Elmira visited at the home of Mr. and Mts. Alf. Moogk last ‘ Gunday.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Sam M. ';Vw!.'r Sanderson, . charity Accornts tew days last woek DUBRICKâ€"KUEHNER FLORADALE ENGEL 206.48 PCs‘ : 0 $,98 12.00 280 1.02 . 4.50 127.48 . . 25 o AB 130.42 . 14.00 115.37 1 A8 l2 2.13 .. 3.15 .. 15.80 .. $.05 3.91 4.15 5.00 .. 1990 225.13 .86 3.16 6.45 7.00 3.45 9.25 .85 12 §J.Uffelman n‘s :-““M““%MWQ and choice of our new assortment of FOOTâ€"ARCH can therefrom is surprising. WATERLOO * FOOTâ€"ARCH for Ladies and Gentlemen. The fine exhibit ching and water c home of Miss Bech Waterloo, on Thut: S f{ ids ( Youfwill enjoy walking so much better when using the To come to our store iinmediately and 1ake pick The smartest invention for those suffering with weak feet. FOOTâ€"ARCH can be placed in any boot and the comfort derived 10 $moe ‘This school belongs to the bug‘n‘ss Education Associa~ tion of Canada. ‘This body was organized for th»x purpose of raising the standard of business education. Only schools of th4 â€" highest standard can belong to it. The Association sets all Paâ€"~ pers and conducts all final exâ€" aminations fot diploma. Dont suffer auy longer. Go to Scboold bwlonging to it must: of" nocessity employ firstâ€"class teachers an1 maintain progteS~ sive, practical courses in order that their students . may . be ahle to pass these examinaâ€" tions. Beriin Business C ollege Suits and Overcoats All gur graduates obtain the Association diploma. We also have monthly examâ€" inations, a rerort . of which is sent to Farents by the prinâ€" cipal, Let us give your son _ Of your â€" daughter | the kind _ of training that has hlped hunâ€" dreds of young people. Our catalog tells fully what we teach and how. College offices â€" always oper. New stt derts enter every week. The biggest sale of clothing at prices to suit any pocket book. Do not delay but come right now and buy your overcoat or suit at OUR DIPLOMA Come and get a fashion sheet of the Ladies‘ Home Journal Patterns FREE. A full assortment of patterns in stock. JOHN ZINN, Walk: Easy Foot Arch "The People‘s Store" exhibit of hand â€" painted water colors held . at the iss Bechtel, Allan . strees, in Thursday and Friday of was inspected by a . UFFELMANN SHOE SPECIALIST Is fully what w. _ College per. New stuâ€" + week. I‘; incipal Last shipment of \Wine Grapes $1.70 per 100 lbs. Nice eating grapes, open basket, the last chance, good canners, Open baskets, 50c . Bohl"e'nder’s admired and indicated both artistic taste and talent in this branch of art. c H M ¢ ll Many fine q'::c:mem of l(iNM painting ® # ' 8 were on exhibit as well as a numâ€" ber of water color scenes of Oliphant BERLIN * ® oa. Lake Huron, whith K0°6 WEll: 0~ | n uppp4etepâ€"fefetefetefefefefafefefetepip 1lef=f ‘The Reliable Grocery, Phone 205. WATERLOO. Watorleo‘s Live Grocory Phone 389 B. The changes of time make it necesasry to keep pushing for the newest and geat. We are always at it in the interests of our customers._ We insist on the newert and best and that‘s why we feel we can please you. Just received New DOates, Figs, Railsins: Apricots and other Dried Fruits. Smuck‘s Peaches The Grocer, Wate:rjo0 ONTARIO ‘¢Wind owâ€' || W s j sé\i ~Shade e both artistic */f Oour _ uUr «* ‘"Â¥o mak ty of $3.50 for and w'onwn.. You° :b;myM Mm_‘g!a N. A. ZICK, WA P. S.â€"Repairing neatly done. rood wearers and very reamonsbly priced f;‘})r' A,. Reed Ol:’ion shoe. * o Shoes for AAAMAAMAMAMNAPPNMPLANALLAPNLLPE\ which we make up into shades to any size â€" to suit our customers. Pictures to Frame Readyâ€"toâ€"wear Dept. { J. Letter & Son for Xmas bring them in time PHONE 388 Is 4 Lisy Sp0L ORE0 RODO S o en en w d o ovur stock of readyâ€"toâ€" weat gat ments in every line. Our Ladies, Misses and Childrens Coats 9l mss ts Arc all thoroughly upâ€"toâ€"date, every one of them right in sty ing an immense variety of the values before you biy. All shades, all the newoest styles, at $12, $14, $18, up These s %is havo proved them selves popular sehers. They | qvality, the fit, the style, andthe finish. Sn Lo o n BE he and at right prices too. . PPE TBE 1 The bind that fit nice, the kind that wear well, and at moder= ate prices, too. Try us for youtr next readyâ€"toâ€"weat Skirt. C I on ntimac ons $1 as the ever PopDI®! tailored effects. It toâ€"wiat Department Combination Shade Cloth THE We were specially fortunate in â€" Th> designs are so new, t! reasonable. The dressing . go 75, $2.25, $2.50, $3 and $3. 50 Tho Drrssing Sacques come a AM ilk The Leading Funeral Directors <nd Embalmers NNE 388 s â€" HOUSE 270 Prices Reasonable Hinds ave hore. The populat waist, cashmere, Satéen, ani ever populat wbgu lawns an scot in all widths always on hand. broning Sacques and K‘imonas A Fine Line of Just Arrived. Ladies Readyâ€"toâ€"Wear Suits Alse different tines of these cool autumm days ar white lawns and mulls, It will be of interest to Mouldings Readyâ€"toâ€"wear Waists Readyâ€"toâ€"Wear Skirts If you have any oN THE SECOND FLOOR . Mills & Co. OoF prtunate in our ; purthase of so new, the styles so good essing â€" gowns, long lengths oâ€"date, not an old garment in style, and right in price of theright styles and â€" ask nice line of at 89¢ $1.25 and $1.50 eath «> ilar new waist, the black and ccn ani golored ropp. Wais!s, as and mulls, both in lingeric" : and nterest to you to Wisit our Readyâ€" and avoid the rush. We are We are specially proud 204 this muchâ€"wented and the _ pride$ aro pl’M q ONTARIO, in the lot, and We are showâ€" you to see OUr 18, up to $38. They have the