iz tnd Laneasshire Insurance Comp is with Assete of $16,300,638. ,% ~~_ /) Altred Wright, Becretsry ( o s t O) O TRL. Hall, Inspector K ~ Carter‘s _ Little Liver Pills. ' Must Boar Signature of The Mercantile Fire The Missos Fehrenbach |ï¬u-n 40 take ~~_*~‘. King 8t Business wolicited ~for first class s . ‘.~~Companies. Subscribed Capital.. ... ... * 250,0000 > Deposit with the Dominion Government ...... .....>>> $117,140, All policiés guaranteed by the London The New Felt Hat with broad rim for girle. Remember the address, In all shades and trimmed to suit your tastes, _ Insurance Company have received a lur'ge shipment of xquisite fonor Graduste Toronto Conservaâ€" tory of Music. "=__ PRACHERS OF ‘~~. JC. A ; BOEHM om Insurance Agent, Snedesgot to Buckberrough . Co. Oflice, Waterloo Mutual Bulding Miss A. R. Bean Miss E. L. Bean, Tirgale Coffiiarytory of nosts and Mbu [A LC . ie ccie o _ Studiosâ€" George _ Waterl g-‘_mï¬ï¬‚w King Street Newest,‘Nattiest, Neatest "NAUTIC" Berlin Head Office ‘â€" Waterico " DUBE 8)CK HEADACHE PIANO JRGAN AND THEORY See Facâ€"Staile Wrappor Below, 23 King St., Berlin, INCORPORATED 1975 New Streot Hats «ad as onay 21 KING ST. EAST. Insurance Company District Agent 2h: 2h: +M assume cifferent hues tmder ;.m:fl!'!#&“fl:i‘%c a-&m-mï¬ï¬:"&fl':‘» w <Am 5 > , wl 42 0 0 mesnt 16 * Obesiide readers b&hml;l;‘y.m'm tit being a Rative of ‘gfl‘“‘ several withesses from Berlin, â€" Dr. J. E. Hett and High Constable Chas. Huber, . being Secrets of. . the cirousâ€" were rudely exposed and * an anciont ‘beli1 shatâ€" tered in the district court of Henneâ€" yin county toâ€"day. An expert â€"oculist trained the guas ol an iconoclast up~ on the© timeâ€"honored albino, orâ€"pink= eyed Ireak of the sideshow, and if the jury" saw what ke attempted to proveâ€"ohe object ‘that has log gracâ€" ed â€" the w«-u_m‘:g‘hn†of the _ ‘‘greatest," . gr ," ete., shows will disappeatr." CA How to change the color of the eyes »â€"to . have them. at. one â€"moment & pretty pint and then a spafaling blueâ€"was demonstrated to a . Juty toâ€"day in Judge Simpson‘s court, By a simple refisction of light through the medium of@ small mirror it was shown that the iris, the eye lachss and brows and even~the white may be made at the swoet will of the owner to take â€" on a blus or â€" pink ho whenever it is <desited. This possible transformation in the color of the optics was made .. known when expert tastimony :was being giv~ en by‘ Dr.°C. N. Spratt, ogvlist, in the suit of A..E. Seibert, a former Albino model, against the Great Norâ€" thern Railroad company. Seibert . as serts _ that as a result. of an acciâ€" dent which oecurred on one of . the company‘s trains several months ago at B.Mh;l:i:. the ;;h:r cl°' : reyes been impaired. %b‘:’ttnu. spoke . learnedly _ of semiâ€"lungr folds$," vorneas, outer canâ€" thuses scierotic coats, Albincs, . he said, were people whos> sight was naturally weak, and he gave it as his opirion that before‘ the accident Seibert‘s powars of vision wetre limâ€"« ited. _ Incidentally he described the colors of the average Albinc‘s" eyes, alternately pin‘k ani Wlue, as the re: fection af extornal light chancai to strike them. â€" "Will you demonstrate to us. and the jury < that an Albito‘s eyos will _Attotney James Petetson, who is appearing for Scibert, put the witâ€" ness through a severeâ€"crossâ€"examiniâ€" tion and â€" frequently assailed . with sarcasm statemerts made by the c<â€" pert. The exrer®, anxious to "got rac‘k" at the â€"gttotnéy, gccepted the challenge end forthwith drew anâ€"optical mirror from his vest pochet. . The curtains on the window were raiscd, the formâ€" er Alvina moJjel was taken to cn: of the windows of _ the court. rocm through which â€" a colorless ray _ o! light shens from an October sum. Thore he was posed so that the lisht reflected _ from the mirror which the oculist held might strike his oyes at diferent agles,. Judge, jurymen, attormeys and several docâ€" tors who are witnesscs im the case, gathercd around . the Albino, who lookcd tha rart of the real Circas sian model. the witness. Whether or not the optical nrves of the jurymen were sufficiently _ atâ€" timned to discen the gleams cf pink as they shone from the eyes of the mod 1 hss rot beck made known. A â€" clergyman writes: "Preventics, ihose little Candy Cold Cure Tablats ate working wonders in my parish." Preventics surely will chock a cold or the Grippe, in a very few hours. And Preventics are so sale and harmâ€" less. _ No Quinine, nothing barsh not sickening.~ Fine for feverish restloss children. Pox of 48 at 25¢. Sold by all deaters. § At the Police Court Tuesday| 50 .cents a box or six boxes for William Paas, who was fo nd guilty | $2.50 fram The Dr. Williams‘ Mediâ€" of stcaling the sum of $142 from|cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Miss Biela‘t, appeared before . Poise Magistrate Weir: for sentonce. _ "h: ammommmnenmmmnancrtuatommmtn young Pollander had nothing to say why scntence should not be p=ss~t| MEETING OF LICENSE BOARD and His Worship <addressed the prisâ€" oner in sovere terms. 12s stated that Sipas Paas was guilty of on> ol the mean: est kinds of thxt that could be comâ€"| A special meeting of the Board of mitted. He tco‘ thr hardâ€"carnm| License Commissiqners for Notth Waâ€" money from .a young lady who« had| terloo _ was held at the American impifcit confidence in him end departâ€"| Hotel, Berlin, on Saturday. _ Thore id without the least int n‘icn of tC | were present Chairman H. B.Duering, turring. He also told several fals~| Waterloo, D. M. Shoemaker," Berâ€" hoods to his emplovcrt ani toardiagâ€"| lin, Hy. Sattler, Heidelberg, and mistress which showed that he was! Inspector Walter. The question . of criminally inclined. _ The sentence Improvements to the Walper as _ reâ€" Hig Worship stated, would rot be as commended Â¥y Provincial Inspectot s»ere as the ctime . he had commitâ€"| Snidert in a recent report to the tod d»sersed, bit it would be sufâ€"| Board was taken up. ficient to ‘trach him to be honest . * #Wcreafter. He thercfore sentenced the! Amother szecial meeting of _ the prisonet | to twentyâ€"three months . in | Boat@ will be held at the Hotd Lewis, Con‘ral Prisom | Watorlo0, on Saturday next. Stops Faiting Mair 23 MONTHS IN PRISON Shows The Jury mm&%h%«-flv. M-g.- sodtum Ti Proe P Jt o fols i us m Poasoah es waas on ooo cis,s0n8 d in attendance as witâ€" AYER‘S MAIR VIGOR ler _ ~varied Poterson o! m lam Revenue and Money Orders Issued and wt â€" Paid at the Varlo:sgol’;st Offices During Al-' + s Its principal is that remedies for indigestion that digest the food for the stomach give relief for only . a short time. _ Ultimately they _ unfit the stomach to do its own. proper work, hecause they make its > alâ€" ready weak powers still weaker ‘by disuse, while the remedy that st)enâ€" gthens the stomach makes it capable of digesting the foodâ€"for itsel{, and this benefit is lasting: A remcody that ; i8 not â€"only â€" m.tomic for the stomach, but for the blood and nerâ€" ves as well, invigorates the entire system and makes recovery from the paini/ul, weakening effects of indigesâ€" tion rapid and thorough. â€" Every sufâ€" ferer from indigestion will find in needed, as they enrich the blood, Dr. Williams‘ Pinh Pills just the tonic tcne the stomach and thus enable it to do the work nature intended _ it should do. . This has been proved in thousands of cases, and it is worth th> â€" while of every sufieret from stomach trouble to give Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills a fair trial. Mr. Edward Chatterton, Campbeliton, N.B., says: "I have beep a great sufferer from indigestion and stomach trouble and although I had trcatment from severâ€" al doctors, I did not fina a cure until 1 began using Dr. Wiliams‘ Pink Pills. 1 :an hardly describe how much I suffered at times. Evâ€" ery meal Brought with it more of less agony, and I seemed to have a complete distaste for food. I; had almost begun to think my uul inâ€" TONIC TREATMENT FOR INDIGESTION tw Remedies That Digest the Food Will Not Cure the Trouble.â€"â€" The Stomach Must be Fitted to do Nature‘s Work. The tonic treatmen for indigestion, dyspepsia, catarrh of the stomach and gastritis is having remarkable success in curing obstinate cases and descryâ€" es attention from every sufferer. curable when I came across a pam phiot â€" advertising Dr. Williams‘ PinÂ¥ Pills and I decided to give them a trial. I am very thankful that I did so, for I had not been taking the Pills long before I found them "helpâ€" ing me, and in six weeks every symâ€" ptor3 of the trouble had vanished. I can now eat heartily almost any kind ‘ol food, and no longerâ€"experience pain and discormfort afterâ€"eating." < The annual report of the Postmasterâ€"General for the year arch $1st, 1909, kum‘Ohme.mm m#&‘u‘cmdnmmmu Waterloo County as follows: It ig because Dr. Williams‘ . Pink Pills make new, rich blood that they cure such . troubles (as indigestion, thcumatisoy, neuralgia, headaches and backaches, St. Vitus dance, and other forms of nerve troubles.. They cure the jrtegularitieg of _ girlhood _ and womyod. and . bring ease, . comâ€" lott health to suffcrers. Sold < by jmil medicine ‘dealers ot by mail at §0 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 fram The Dr. Williams‘ Mediâ€" cine Co., Brockwville, Ont. Ayt Breslau ... Centreville Conestogo w‘ Â¥il Berlin ...... A special meeting of the Board of License Commissiqners for Nortth Waâ€" terloo _ was held at the American Hotél, Berlin, on Saturday. Thore were presen}t Chairman H. B. Duering, Watcrloo,; D. M. Shoemaker," Berâ€" lin, Hy. Sattier, Heidelberg, and Inspector Walter. The question _ of Improvements ty the Walper as _ reâ€" commended Wy Provincial Inspectot Snider in a recent report to the Board® was taken up. New Germany .. New Hamburg . Philipsburg .. ..... t. Clements gt. Jacobs .. Waterloo .,..... Wellesley ... Williamsburg Ko++ ipd t ic 8 hi sds wamene c ho 6 db Oeb un Gross Postal Revenue $2,008.54 1,111,06 28,089.51 357. 45 A quiet, pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. Daniel Boettget, 90 Elgin street, at 8 o‘clock Thursâ€" day evening, when his daughter, Miss Minitic, was upited in marriage to Mr. John Sebach, son of Mr. Louis Seebach. The bride was attended by her sister, Edith, and Mr. Will Bluhm assisted the groom. Rev. F. E. Obâ€" erlander performed the ceremony. Ounly the families of the bride and groom were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sebach have taken up their residence on 35 Krug street. _ The Telegraph extends its congratulations. It has come to my knowledge that certain rumors of a very damaging character bave been circulated in Betâ€" lin and Waterloo and adjoining tetâ€" ritory to the effect that our late laâ€" mented son Otto Franz, who died at ths B. & W, Ffospital on Saturday last met his death as _ the result of a mistake or Carlessness on . tho part of the attending physician, Dr. F. H. Kalbfcisch. tel. Miss Laura Knochtel played the wedding march. _ Mr. and Mrs. Donner will take up their residence at Medicine Hat. es. She was given away by her broâ€" ther Charles, and was attended by her sister, Miss. Maude, who wore ; pink mull andâ€" carried pink carnaâ€"; tions. The groom was supported by[ the bride‘s brother Mr. Jonas Knechâ€" A pretty weddinrg took place at the home of Mrs. J. Knechtel, 16 Pine street, on Oct. 27th, at 6.30 p.m. when her daugater, Miss Caroline was quietly married to Mr. Gustave H. W. Donmor of Medicine Hat, Alta., by the Rev. S. R, Knechtel, P.E. The bride was mttired in a pretty gown of white mull and carried white rosâ€" It has been stated that the doctor in â€" iptroducing _ a needle into his back had pierced the heart and _ in comsequence of this death had toâ€" sulte0. & East End â€" cemetery for interment. The services at the house were . conâ€" ducted by Rev. S. E. Marshall and at th church by Rev. H. 8. _ Hallâ€" man, both of whom referred in . feelâ€" ing terpis to the useful and upright life of the Mmmn :‘- a large attendance ut tives. symâ€" pathising friends. .. The . pallâ€"beaters worts Brubacher, â€" Ol ‘The funcral of the late Jacob Y. Shantz took place on Saturday afterâ€" noon from his Iote residence, _ 105 Queen street, nortl, to the Bethany Mennonite church for service and ‘ the After a carelful investigation of the facts I am fully satisfied that this mischievous report is entirely erronâ€" eous and calculated to do the dacâ€" tor a . great deal of harm. I thereâ€" fote, feel it my duty, in view . of the publicity that has been given to the matter, to write this letter and set at reat the many scandaâ€" lous stories that have been circula: ted in respect to this matter. The needle used by the doctor was not mere than fout inches in length and on this occasion was inserted in the back about ore and cn>â€"balf inches. _ From the portion of the boâ€" dy where it was introduced it would be impossibls to reach the hcart without the use of a ncedie at least tenm inches long. I am fully satisied that the _ unâ€" timely death of our . beloved son was not @ue to any fault or noglect on the part of Dr. Kalbfcisch and our confidence in him is best shown by our â€" still refaining him as â€" our phyâ€" sician. * FUNERAL OF LATE J. Y. SHANTZ, BERLIN LETTER OF EXPLANATION Communication DONNERâ€"KNECHTEL. SEEBACHâ€"BOETTGER $HYMENEAL Orders Issued. $1,857 .50 10,340.38 44,189.08 1,019.53 $,1288.56 %,210.26 8,854.14 2,300.98 €62,821.57 21,058 45 6,782.12 8,087.05 17,408,89 8,048.54 26,040.87 8,812.89 7,385.40 17,914.05 0,145.98 5,738.54 Berlin,,Oct. 23, 1909 Amount 17.04 Mrs. C. Franz $6,850.48 5,067.81 81,997.13 480.179 | 1,074.88 480.49 td 1;100.84 "‘ 850.98 . §2,062.43 9,608.10 1,818.46 1,885.37 0,416.90 1,475.05 10,804.74â€" 2,075.38 2,494.81 . 65,520.22 2,778.55 1,954.33 Amount Orders our phyâ€" wants to cure his friends s3C % at . Next class to commence Oct. 26th. lay For full information see us Oct. 23rd ult and 25th. tho| Strangers in city may board _ at mf school at reasonable rates. t4} Spectacles and 14 KIKG 8T., Gloves and Mitts We teach everything from measuring fitting to finishing _ of the plainest shirt waist to most elaborate toilette. Why ‘spend mofths at a shop, where you will da nothing but hem, overâ€" cast, sew on hooks and eyes, and then at the end of 6 or 9 months, what do you know about cutting? Absoliteâ€" ly nothing! For you will know ro more how to cut .out a dress at the end of a year, than you did the fiist day you went there. Sw why go there when we can teach you in a couple of weeks? _ A few days‘ trial are given free of charge, and if stuâ€" dent finds it not all we recommend it to be, they have privilege to stop, there being no pay in advance. We have _ taught over 8,080 this method within past 7 years, and alâ€" We have _ taught over 8,080 this method within past 7 years, and alâ€" ways have, and still will offer auy one $25 whain we cannot teach our system. Queen St.. South. Berlin, Ont 424t . Complete ‘Cowrse consists of shirt waists, sleeves, coats, skirts, wrapâ€" pers, _ children‘s dresses, underwear, collars, etc., and torms are $10 to be paid when through with lessons. Horse Blankets and Buggy Rugs _ LEARN By Mailâ€"If you cannot take lessons at school, write for our boa‘t on, ‘How we teach dressmaking by mail." It is sent free, we guarantce this method _ satisfactory _ and can _ be studied during spare moments at home. Miss Josephine Brick of St. Michâ€" ael‘s Hospital, Toronto, is the guost of Berlin friends for a week. 2 2 Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mader 0? Berâ€" lin, Ont., announce the engagement of their daughter, Frances E., to Dr. R. Melville Large of Vancouver, B. C. son of Mr. and Mrs. A: Large of Poole, Ontario. The wedding will take place on November 17. â€" Mr. Everett L. Holland, a wellâ€"known Canadian, moved to the United States some time ago. The change of climate _ He is now anxious to have Gin Pills ctu-khthudud&nuhm eure his new friends of Kidney and It have Kidney of Bladder Tna-hofllhunmnm the cure or your money refunded. _ brought on a serious and pa 1 v::g th:;hy‘khns -l:‘:n'“étm im the Kidneys, but were unable to relieve __ In his agony Mr. Holland t of reputation in his Camadian homeâ€"the famous Gin Pils. _ secuted n seuply" , Oe March Sore hok a Su . Mr. Holland in a letter to the N-fl: Dr% Chemical Co., Toronto, said: "I am well." p From Two to Four Weeks Wholesale Prices. Chase‘s Plush Rugs CANADIAN PLAYS THE 6O0D SAMARITAN SPECIAL PRICES Over 20 years exporience. 1ssuer of Marriage Licenses, High grade watéh specialist, Louis Sattler of the latoest designs I'.hlll. Ont. EYES TESTED FREL empemmemcemcommmgemmes Erb‘s Samples THE MISSES ELLISON, Dressmaking School. 111 Church St., Berlin A. J; Gabel Large assortment of Bpecial display of DRESSMAKING AT AT Eyeglasses «4 BERLIN % tias 65 Branches OUR « Stoves will be in great demand, . Fullâ€"line of all 1 Stoves, Our stoves are mmg{ut\-u! b;b.conceï¬ag the combine. Prices right. © Now is the time to buy. P PE Md(hll $10.50 and * * wuwé e huut:;-itio-““""‘ ners, fancy «u*rg s » gan s# g4 6 l’neypulorl.hluluo.h“l Â¥a (nexsaÂ¥ra¢ fl Ourflmâ€vmdmtmm_mw, ‘ C The Simpson Retail: Furniture Music Store 29 King St. h Dealer in Hardware, Paint, Stoves, Tinware. Plumbing and Pipefitting. King St, Berlin. Phone 141. ts 29 Queen St., South. 3 good as new PIANO CASE 6 oct. Organs at half price and less. 6 5 oct. high top organs in first class condition. $20 and upwards. Used Organs * The tone of the Heintzman & Co. Piano is delightful, the elasticity of action marvelous; every note ringing out in clear, pearly anti limpid quality. It excells any piano I have ever nse%."â€"A[bam'. You are requested to" call and examine the Heintsman & Co, Pianos at the warerooms of F. G. Gardiner FURNHT UF HEINTZMAN & CO. GEO. E. POTTER WANLESS Good music in the home is invaluable. ‘That Canadians of culture fully realize this is shown by the many homes that contain a ; It is a particularly fine instrument to sing to as well as to perform on. (MADE BY YE OLOE FIRME OF HEINTZMAN & co.) st PIANO Up, d T Berlin, Ontario. Beriin.