â€"Clothing â€" Sale Ernst & Go., Ber our sMALLJPRoFIT SYSTEM 1§ A CREAT SU00E8éâ€" MEN‘S GVERCOATS. Made ‘by sÂ¥illed tailors, wide rauge .of Aashionabl Eenies t C c 1c c oKe wide of Aashionable hendsom M';ï¬n made in 35 and _ / inch length, satisfactory fit £@AIAR tead, sizes .34 *0 44, casily worth â€"$$ on gale Sabitdiy > [5 â€"~/° * nz-:;g oviendosts. ~ up in the most populat win trf models,. in all wool black . cheyâ€" jots, l:r"p assortment ol sizes, b¢ r fitticg garmenis. The . regula pm‘:gu $10. _ They ._. até \mar t‘*_,&wxdty. T gH s T. #3.7 R » . $7â€"9 COLLEGE OvERCOATS. i Ahâ€"sé are the coats which the well dressed college chaps are wearing 1 wintery® t <n the Prussiiiy: style, bu up clos: to the neck, matetr= ials rite Scotch Awerds, _ OVeTâ€" ‘cheelsâ€" and~cheviots. The young man who 3 to be up to date should wet ans of . these $10 and $12 values wnex‘s Buiys: toâ€"motrow :F.I'ld; l;} the most pogular ; 1 Cis, well fashiomably made of all ï¬ Canadtian tweeds, in all desitâ€" avle shadegy. Theyâ€"are all $7.50 an f» /; y a §0,yalucs. . ~Thew diod yalge 50c PEX .. Aoose‘ : Everything new in the way of style is embodied in these suits, made up h,suï¬:flg_ fmicy Aweeds and . woOr steds % are in‘ demand â€" by well Mrs. Stewernage! has just returned from the City having picked up the latest American novelties and with the well equipped staff is now prepared to make the most stylish and upâ€"toâ€"date head wear ever shown in Waterloo. f m C W nep ro LE K2 4stc in thale »ar. x m‘;:bvo';:;:“beon -nfl‘onng from broken steels in their corâ€" sets willifind a perfect fitting corset with unbreakable Spirella boning A Spcciaitig of Velvets, Silks and all kinds of Â¥: >>~ ancy Dress Trimmings. < YOL B2â€"NO 44 °_ . Wu‘nbuilding:%mumâ€"-u es °> and we‘re build mgh\:dw‘ that will last‘ We want the men of Water Connq.to' say: "We can buy better at Ernst‘s than auy where else Canada" and with that end in view we shall make aminy startling offers from week to week. A mklbbr;mh-o( men‘s suite and .overcoats at alm06tâ€" zmwm the ‘wnlhdmmm- for Satardsy ani o want good Wy their owa prices ought not to miss this chadce. N‘S SUITS. ~â€" MILLINERY Mrs. C. Steuernage! MEN‘B OVERUOATS BOYE‘ OVERCOATS *4 ©or nc actirannns in off dland." . King Bta Greatest Cut Priced at S A. Weseloh & KING STREET, WATERLOO. of the Year frot $2.50 to §12. including ? Ladies‘ Ready to Wear, Gents & Boyy Winter Suits and Overcoats and Boots and Shoes and Rubbers. We guarantee EV ERY PRICE on any of the above mentioned sessonable goods to be the lowest in this part of the county. Ladies‘ Suits and Winter Mantles. â€" . Wonderful November Values Qur stripe VÂ¥ enetian suits in brown,navy and myrtle are made up in the latest style and guarâ€" anteed to fit. They are easily worth $17, our prlgo‘!&m Other lines are shown at $17, $21 and $24, ;Buy Your Winter Coats Here We can save you 25 to 33 per cent. on ing business for all time to come "eng Paed 445. 4o dressed &. high grade garments, , would be low priced.~ at $10 or 312 # *oâ€"morrow for , @ $10.00 _ __._..« «. We offer you Men‘s Cclleg® VUisters hm"‘x‘.pd ey‘l’fl?', efâ€" lects, matde of .anoi tweed, single or ‘ double breasted style; all sizes. . wï¬%«icmw Uisters alF wool Imported +weeds* in bl“ or all the new stripes ‘and ‘hec‘s, . withâ€"icloge{fitting collar, sinâ€" (l‘o'cr ~ dotiblebreasted style, ~al sizes, ~ â€" L % ‘The most pleasing sélection of fall andâ€" wihter. suits at $10 that it haS been our pleasure to display. The ‘designs and beautiful stylish thorâ€" ough way in which: thry are made Abpeal_ :to. the man who knows. .. ewe in We :. > cbats,. in plain‘ black or fâ€"n‘v stripes with tÂ¥elvet collat or self collar, with long lapels. This is a young man‘s nodel. > All sizes. ENS â€"SUITS AT $10,005.~ We offer Meéw‘s ChesterCeld _ Over i le?‘rlin.\ [miï¬Ã©iéhb"ï¬ Rubber# to Fit Any Sho€ c are. the smartest svits CVet Fit Any Shoe on smart _ Here are WATERLOO, lite [for last week) ~ Nows Notes.â€"The weather was finc News Rfl--flm people ol'o-m Dcti 31 ) trust . it the Lutheran church went to Betli® | will remain 80 ba at the darm: on Monday (Thanksgiving Pay) o ‘|‘ers may fmish theirâ€"roots and put attend the convention held there. _â€" | (their apples away.â€"A. Schnitzen bee Shooting Match at Baden. â€" The ° was held at the.home of Abo . writer shooting match held at _ Baden . on .Jast Tuesday, there being about helf Monday was well attended by sports © a dozen young people of the neighbor from Berlin and New Hamburg, @N4 | poog present.â€"The infant @bBild â€" 0/ i. 5 Wlock Thete, were at Heagt 100 . i e oi Aiaiiey Sot turkeys, geeso and ‘“?',‘:"‘"' 10¢ , 2;th and burial tool: place at . St. shipment to O8f cUA ©U, _ "Agaths on Tuesday.â€"Mr. Gat Thanksgiving Visitors»â€"Mr. _ _KaH | sftne" butcher oZ w«%w Bergman, manager of the Dominioh | | ) ; , patents on Sunday,â€"Miss Barbars Bank at Berlin, visited ffiends here. | y,; D t Detopilg visttes â€"Mr. Harry Holwell of Toronto and | . ; In:‘";r 39 his brother William, . of Brampton, visited at their home here.â€"Mr. Fred ‘ Daub of Baden spent Sunday and Monday with relatives at Brant{ford. l â€" Mrs. Heniy.â€" Schmidt . and _ two dhughters ‘of Berlin and Miss Louisa Kaemp{ and Master Freddie Kaemp{ of Guelph visited at Mrs, Wm. Lierâ€" set‘s.â€"Mr. Collin Berdux of _ Cobalt visited* at Mrs. Jacob Gable‘s _ on Monday.â€"Mrs. _ John Weiler _ spect | Thanpsgiving at Waterloo with her daughter, Mrs. Moses Fischer.â€" â€" Mr. Wm. Naget visited his family . in Butâ€" falo over Sunday.â€"Mr. Adamy Fferric® is spending a week visiting _ friends at Bufflalo, N. Y.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Sylâ€" vester Good and family spent Thanksâ€" giving with Mr. and Mrs. W. Câ€" Bruecknerâ€"Dr. J. A. Butler visited his father in New Castle last Saturâ€" day. â€" Mrs. J. A. Butliet spent ‘Thanksgiving at her home in _ Stratâ€" |ord.â€"The Misse$ Tena~and _ Aldic Hofstetter visited friends ‘in Berlin on Monday.â€"Mr. Fred Kaufman of tlin _ spent Sunday at home.~â€" Mr. hris. Hebel Â¥visited his _ brother. in .’l’lfl | 54 5. a nds ae it mrnent 9 mlpite canl o P P ist in Stratford on Sunday and Monâ€" day.â€"Mr. and Mrs: Balthazer _ Schâ€" midtb t: the holidays with friends at Strav irs.â€" Ph. and Edâ€" L acid â€"of «visited their day.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Balthazet sSCn> midtâ€" t the holidays with friends are MiQ Rabsore® Thek % of ay r m.( de on Monday.â€"Mr. J. 0. Bruecknetr spent Thanksgiving . with his sonsOicar at Stratford.â€" Botn: his sonsOscar at i0 To Mr. and Mrs. O. Saturday, Oct. _18th. Marcus resided here years | ago. 1 change in out John _ Young spending a fricads.â€"Mrs. gpeut ©PBUET C200 OO us . and Mrs. Glebe.â€"A ~great many of our midst. took in ttié raffiing umatch held . at Lisbon : last Friday. evening. â€"The sad news Was repotted» Monâ€" day morning of. the death of Mr. W. R. Fost near Kingwood. Sunday night, DIEDâ€"At the home ot Mr. _ John Koerber, im Lexington, On. Sunrday morning, Mrs. George Hollinger. Funâ€" eral takes place on Wednesday afterâ€" noon at 2 o‘clock _ at the house, thence to Bridgeport for service and interment. ce Lo ze ns and thair ï¬l.Eld Mrs. S. 5. Gole 800 MMM® grandsgon Oscat returned home _ 0n Saturday, alter h;vin! spent several niontbs visiting rélatives and friends in the‘Canadian Northâ€"west and Minâ€" nesotaâ€"and Towa. They also took, in the Fair at Seattie. Mr. Ferman‘ Brubacher and _ Miss Pearl Hammel will represent the Evâ€" angelical 8. School at the _ county convention to be held in Hespeler® on Friday. 1 ul B aurcin 16 Te News Notes Gathered by Industrious Co f in County and District. F RICE] + A good programme of music is beâ€" ing arranged by the young people of the Evangclical 8. School â€" for : the Township convention to be held here the latter part of this mouth. Mr. Charles « Lachman of Waterloo called at his home on Sunday. / Miss Addic EWp and Miss K rueger :2‘“. called on Mrs. Lucy Eby, . former‘s |r¢mo$hr. yesterday . Mr. and Mrs. Wilym Stonet of Rerlin and Mrs. John Stoner of Campden renewed acquaintances here Sunday. > . k & EeCs 1 sWon Monday.â€"Mr. J. 0. cknet spent Thanksgiving with onsOkcar at Strattord.â€" Botn: dr. and Mrs. 0. H. Wismer, â€" on irday, Oct. 16th, a daughter. To and Mrs. Ed. Rittinget, Oct. 12, Mv‘lkm in (he Breaiau, gorreef oB. last week, coupling., the uamts Mlm 10 a + M WELLESLEY BRIDGEPORT BAESLAVU of e wIln NCC ischer.â€" â€" Mr. family . in Butâ€" Adamy Fferric® iting _ friends and Mrs. Sylâ€" spent Thanksâ€" rs. W. C. Feceyc20 o lathndd r._ . Karl Dominion ends here. ronto and 3rampton, â€"Mr. Fred Gole and their ‘ Farm â€" Sold. â€"Mr. ~ DéAI#N Zebr of â€" mar St.. Agatha has sold "his farm | of 200 acres 4o Mr. Nicholas Lichty of St. Agatha. The price paid for the same was in th> nelghtorhood of $18,000.â€" Mr. Lichty sold his farm of 150 acres to Mr. Moses Me‘er for over $9,000.â€"Mr. Daniel Zehr will move to: Michigan, having | a farm in that slate.â€"Miss Wahl of near St. Agatha, whose barn was burned several weeks azo will have a barm raising this week. â€"Mr. J. N. "! Ocs h was in attcndame, at Mr. Isâ€" ers imay finish their~roots and put their apples away.â€"A. Scbnitzen bee was held at the.home of Abo . writer last Tuesday, there being about : helf a dazen young people=o! the neighborâ€" bood . present.â€"The infant «ehild «ol Nr. Chas. Schoener: died Senday,0ct . 2ith and burial took place at . St. ‘A:::t on Tuesday.â€"Mr. Eugene Gatâ€" schene, butcher of â€" Waterloo, visited his paten{s on Sunday.â€"Miss Barbara Hinschherger _ of Batmberg visited friends in our village. ‘â€" .~ a barm raising this week.â€"Mr. J. N. Ocs. h was in attcndame, at Mr. Isâ€" aac Wagler‘s threshing Jast Wednes day.â€"Mr. Oesch had his threshing maâ€" chne overhauled by Mr. Boehm which . cocupied about four weéks‘ time to. get it in proper shape.. It is now in splendid condition. The construction of ths chal Blower wili fake another few days. â€"Miss Annie Oesch and hor Wrother Mr. Charles B.:Oesch _ and wife were visitors at the home of Mr. Jacob Kropf, Bagen on Sunday. Mr. John B, Oesch was: a visitor : to Wellesley ,D Sunday. Items _ of Interest.â€" Mr. Herberi Wilhalm returned %fln west last . Wednesday, whrre he put in a good season of â€" threshing, some fortyâ€"five days, with Mr. J. C. Wallacg.â€" The, rest of out boys are visitite; relatives i in the West before l'el-\ll’ning.-Mcsstn.‘ Austin and Gilbert Main being with their brother, Wallace, in Saskatchcâ€" | wan and Mr. H. Stecile, jr., with his brotber in Asberta.â€"Mr. Harry Wilhelm. of Waterloo, formerly of ‘Willtamsburg, was married on Tusâ€" day to Miss Fisher.â€"Mr. Daniel Stauffer realized fair prices for his stock and household effects on _ Saâ€" turday aftermoon.â€"Mrs. S. S. Hemner and her daughter, Sararah, of Mannâ€" heim, spent Sunday at th> home of 1 Mr. and â€".Mrs. C. Kesselring.â€"The . 'Ben‘cr Literary will meet on _ Noâ€" vember 13th. & Personals.â€"Misses Grace and Elita~| n a)_ ‘mrog store, supplie both ani~ Mr. Joe Barion of Gsli, | P4" Drug store, supplies for spent Sunday at Mr. John Bricker‘s. Ed. of Health and Tp. Hall .31 â€"3:-' and Mrs. Alfred Kipp of Gobâ€" D. L. Roth, 1 day cementing ... 2 ble‘s Corners called on friends here.â€" A. Martini, bal. on contract and Mrs. â€" Norman Smyder has returned extra work (Tp. Hall) l53 home a‘ter visiting friends in Berlin Louis Zimmer, bonus, 203 rods last week.â€"Mr. and Mrs. George Eyâ€" wire fence re P. Grcietbichl esâ€" etett of Burford, spent _ Saturday &LG .ls ces 24 and Sunday at Mr. E. W. D(vt‘woilm"s;. D. Ritz, printing and ads to date & â€"Miss Odger of Pilkington bas retutnâ€" A. Hunsberger, _ supplies for Tp. ed home alter spending a few days Hall eeacteeee en s at Mr. Is& iah HilÂ¥orn‘s â€"Mr and Mrs. John Lorentz, spikes and hardware James Appleyard of Galt spent Sunâ€" to date ...00.. ' day at Mr. Joe Appleyard‘s.â€" Miss A. R. G. Smith, Equalizing 3 Un Agnes Goodring pleasantly entertainâ€" jon S. S.. Attg. voters‘ | list Ifed about 20 of her frtends on Saturâ€" coutt and selecting jurots 1 G. Cousins, â€" Attg. â€" voters‘ list day evening and October. . Honorsâ€" Hilda Derbetkery; Grace Snyder, Rosa Bergos, Rnynl';ni Kelâ€" ler, Frances Rnider, Grant R chmond, Pass.â€"Roy _ Musschman, Leander Wahi, Earl Snyder, Burrell Peterson, Viet{a\ Schiefele, _ Mabel Brubachet, Beatrice Eby, Winnie Snider, Clive Snyder, Erla Keller, Dora Smith, Eli Brubacher, _ Otto â€" Berges, Edward Emst Pupils whose names do nol appeat Preston, Qet. 27â€"A laW | ahove bave _ in most cases _ don: | inspection of all electric wil good work in some subjects, but for | recommended at the closing Farious réason â€" are nob up to tbe] today of the powot intinee standard â€",in others. Reading, $7¢llâ€" | pydroâ€"clectric . municipalitics ing and Literature are extromely backâ€" | Legislature will be urged to ward with some. What are your chils legislation. gren doing with these lJong evenings in | _ No decision was reached the way of preparing their lessons fot | ghe _ rate to be charged for mext day? We need more wellâ€"prePatâ€"f ecnt lighting. ed lessons, which means a preat deal| puring the day the engin in tra‘ning ~ for futore | lif> CaH | talen over the G. P. & H srouns to see us whonevcr convenient. | way _ by Presidont Todd a | Elliott Richmond. night _ a sbanquet was tend ‘ h o i ks ce at the Potcl Delmonte. T ‘FUNENL HELD ON TUESWAYÂ¥| meeting will be held in Tot P _ Novemter 18. _ Standing of JO§EPHSBURG WILLIAMSBURG ROSEVILLE ST. JACOBS pupils for Séptember â€"Mr. â€" Herbert NG, NovEM ..;y, ‘T15th $¢szion of Wilmot Tp. C ‘was held ~at the Tp Hall ?.“.l:n..m ‘18th day of October, k Memibars all m Reeve presiding. The .molpwj vious session were rcad and. comâ€" fhrmed: * . The correspondence . having been read and fileo, it was moved by (C. Rueftir â€" seconded by 8. Cassel that the following accounts be .Pas$â€" ed and that the Reeve issue his . dets on the Treasurer~in payment of the “1' Ma i . Moes h iltz tfor 70 loads gravel 100 J. Steiner,. 240 lds, gravel .........24.00 J, Copley, 410 1d5, gravel ....â€"..=11.90 C. H. Roach, 218 lds, gravel ....31.80 W. Heipel, 826 1ds gravel .........82.60 M. Gasche, 385 148. gravel .......33.50 J. Greierbich!, 209 1ds gravel ...20.90, Ab. Hetner, 120 lds. gravel ... _ 1800° Herman €hantr, 488 1ds. gravel 48.80 E. Hunsberger, 315 t4s. gravel ...21.50 J. Brodrecht, 304 lds. gravel ..30.40 Ircins RatHler 125 lds. eravel 1250 Ed. Tye, 127 lds. gravel ... 12.70 (Ccn. Dorsch, 111 1ds. gravel and T rods of wire fence ... ..11.94 A‘. Kavelmann, 366 1ds, gravel ..36.60 Peter Binr, 250 lds. gravel ... 25.00 H. Kropf, 132 16s, gravel ... 13.20 H. Waller 42 lds. gravel _ 4.20 J. S. Koohler, 130 l4s, gravel 13.00 J. Rams>yer, 377 lds. gravel mc $1â€"70â€" | Jos. Voll, 114 lds. gravel ...« 11.40 | David Ofto, 14 1ds, gravel ... 1.40 G. Einwachter, 118 lds. gravel .11.80 |F. Lautcoschleger 13 lds, gravcl ‘,‘ cement S@N1...... .0 > 1.30 H. Einwachter, 87 lds, gravcl 8.70 | Dilman Smyder, 169, 1ds gracel 16.90 | Dan, Eby 172 lds, gravel ... ...17.30 i Mrs. C. L. Jantri, 75 lds, gravel o CRA COMPHR ... scccccc2. 5.30 Noah Bechtel, 145 lds, gravcl 14.50 W. Wing, 53 lds gravel ... .. .. 5.30 Sol. Shants, 165 Jds. gravel 16.50 Joe. Schoene, 84 lds. gravcl ... 8,40 G. Huras, 46 lds, gravel ... .. 4.60 J. S. Patterson, Wilmot‘s sharo E. Hunsberger, 315 t4s. gravel ...2) J. Brodrecht, 304 lds. gravel .30 Irvine Battler, 125 lds. gravel 1: C. C. iRoscnberger, 111 lds. grayâ€" gravel ... Ed. Tye, 127 1ds Ccen. Dorsch, 111 Mrs. T. B. Puddicombe, 395 1ds for loss of horse, Tp. line ©‘29.00 H. Schmidt, 188 lds, gravel . . 18.80 C Kavelmann, 120 lds. gravel 12.00 J. C. Hallman, 54 lds. gravel ard lumiwt and nails to date . ..21.90 Jobn Baltzer, 113 1ds .gravel .. 11.30 W. Spaetzcl, tal. of cement ac. 27.19 H. Stosser, bouts for 20 rods wire fence D nu en envecties qreitieernece ns 8 J. Oesch, tonus for 31 rods wire C. Stoeser, _.tonus for 122 rods wire fmce W. Wilker, $OBCG | lyc/i is uin ievrere e ienrnereccecccen t MA D7 Ernst Albert, lumber to date ...31.23 Secy. Bd. of Health, to pay memâ€" bers‘ fees and mileage anl iInâ€" spectors‘ salary ...« ...... . 189.90 J. Holzworth, _ bal for work on culvert ... Hroviee srevarimiles 60 WIO HHOE .l sls lsncs duvccccccre N N. Shatz, bonus for 40 rods wire WiILMOT T P. COUNQIL. . Kieswetter, bonus for 84 rods 4 wire fence and use of field ......237.00 W. Heldman, bouus for 44 tods WiIG@ f@BCB ... 00 2c 5.28 Ab. Herner, lumbet and work to date ... 2 k ; ....... 650 G. Hobl, work on culvett ... 4.00 Baden _ Drug store, supplies for Ed. of Health and Tpâ€" Hall ..31.00 D. L. Roth, 1 day cementing . . 2.00 A. Martini, bal. on coutract and extra wotk (Tp. Hall) .........53.00 A. R. G. Smith, Equalizing 3 Un jon S. S.. Attg. yoters‘ list coutt and selecting jurors 15 G. Cousins, _ Attg. â€" voters‘ list court and selecting jurors t H. Zoeller, selecting jurors ... 4 F. Holwell, selecting jurors and reg. Bs. Ms. and Ds. to 30h Sopt. 1909 . Eichlor and HMu« posit re Wilb Carricd On motion th vntil the 15th ENGINEERS WANT Preston, Qet. 27â€"A J&AW 10° _ 10" inspection of all electric wiring â€" was recommended at the closing meetin: toâ€"day of the powot intineers of the hydroâ€"clectric municipalities. The Legislature will be urged to pass such legislation. 1 CÂ¥ _4 _._avrding A promisory note of $950, â€" miade onâ€"September 1, 1903, by A. 0. Do:kâ€" met: & Co.,. of Borlin, to the ‘ptdct of Fredcrick James Jacksor of Toronto, payatle two months after date (h re of,â€" was éndorsed by Prn 6 & to.‘c Perlin, and ) row _ F. !. \Jacksom is taking â€"legal _ action againgt to > trdotsers;»thp total claim, inclyding $285 intcrost, ACTIONâ€"ON OLD NoTE 1909 ....s.. . osmcusounc 11.30 and â€" HMuchn Refund of Deâ€" Porimst se c cArrccccon 34.04 bonus â€" for 53 rods _ n ths> Council" adjourn d 15th of November, ‘09. Wilby bridge Allg_; cvoters‘ list selecting jurors 1 . was reached tregarding be charged for incandosâ€" INSPECTION LAW otal â€" claim, inlyding how .Armagiting . * to t Todd and _ toâ€" was tendered thom monite: ‘Phe~ nost Id in Totonto > on A Jaw for _ the 24 .34 to date 8.40 29.50 12.10 11.94 36.60 25.00 13.20 11.10 eers were , 4.80 1.50 1.50 5.30 6.50 8,40 1.60 2.40~ 200.00 6.36 Our stock of black and colorod press Goods is very ‘la Mamtï¬nmdn&rb-uo tbola:lh.“i inspect the goods mc-u them. ,:ou-mu.n-quj-m' t you want, l‘;:l:)ldlb Goods 42 in. reas > M'%Mmfl'........'.....lï¬o Rail 6.00 4.00 At 800 4 p‘eces / Dress Goods Trogd olfgete, 42 incles wide, â€" â€" At 60c 6 pieces of Faney Striped Suitings in all the new shades, Amythest, Wistoria, Toupe, Catawbs, green, brown, navys, 44 in. wide, npuln! Flour! Grain! Feed!| 69 TERMS STRICTLY OHEAP CASH STORE, 14 90 in diooAthihet Biddbnit . bulieds naibradnbfuenteii"o d s f vaidiverandntct m 4. 00 4 L We want y:ur whent, oats and ba:ley and are always buyers, paying the bighest market valaes We always have bran. middlings, meal, corn, COft~ chop, ecreenings, ete. on hand and selling at right priccs. EN d yemlcpet e n o e NE M LNE RCL Ansere . have se Pn WVP(');:;.;:;TI‘; flour "The King" is an exceptionally fine flour for & hold purfposes. WWe buy and sell, we exchange and trade. We g fair treatment with courtesy, IRVIN MASTER, Prop . colore nary, brown, greeD, grey, ‘These mi‘ls have been renovated and made upâ€"toâ€"date in equipment for he milling of high class flour and feed, tor custom chopping and ost n““f Fhone y7 The Edison Phonograph Entertainment for Every Home Something to enjoy in the evening at home in comfort, shorten long evenin% amuse the children, entertain friends and Iiven !:Kl social gatherâ€" ings. e Edison will do it. .We en.r?‘- full line in stock all the time, also New Records every month. The sole Agency in ‘Waterloo. « once. Weichol‘s Weekly Store News At this time of the year the following seasonable articles are sought after and we wish to tell you that we have them in stock and San All your order at $1.756. ‘We stock extra Leather Belting from 1 to 8 inches wide. Rubber Belting from 1 to 6 inches wide. Caunvass Beltiny from 1 to 6 inches wide. The price on Canâ€" vase Belting as follows. 14 in. 2in,. 2% in. 8 in Par foot â€" Oc Re,. . 106 IBe 4 in. 5in. 6 in. Per foot 16c Telephone 215, Spocial Dross DOERSAM‘S BOOKSTORE, Waterloo Boker‘s Horse Clippers are strictly guaranâ€" . We have them for $1.25, $1.65 and DRESS CGOODS DEPART TERMS STRICTLY CASH: ONB PRICBâ€" _ ;é M. Weiche! & Son City Mills, Beriin 214 Queen St , South » Feaip * Dodge Wood Split Palleys in all aizes from 6 in, to 30in. diameter. We carry bushings to fit any shaft, Call personally or sent your order by mail {or telephoné. 6 in 2lC At 40e At 500 a & of Vonetian 6 pleces of plain Yeneiiin, the granary at 900 each. Dress lengths and sult m ,! one dress or sult i . of . co‘or, the e‘m'-‘yu-ï¬ season, no two h toaie. $140, $1.00, $i7h 6 <f heavy striped 4d mobes wige, saioty at green, brown, at . m'l, '“, ::.".â€â€˜ ~11;-;3"; 34 in lMe A large size Scoop Shovel, suitable far ONE PRICE. #? KING ST. lly finc flour for all house» and trade. We guaranteel Waterloo, Ont