Quietly ««A.: quio® NOWSE wedding hfl! place 'on“'l“flllfhy evâ€" éning, Oct. 14th, at the residenso 0# the bride‘s parents, Mr. and Mis. C. ‘Magdalinski, when their daughter Ade line,. was malried to Mr. Edward left 1 *Eaunders vs. Kreutzweéiser â€"A rathâ€" er peculiar and singular case qccurred here between two neighbors . which resulted in a law suit and came up before Judge Chisholm in Berlin last Saturday, _ A. J. Saundors, druggist, of _ Wellesley applied (o an: interim injunction to restrain Hy. Kreutzweiâ€" ser, hotelkeeper, from having horses tied or: the street in front of _ the fctmer‘s propeerty. Apparently . the two _ propertics adjoim one another, and when the application came _ uUp Mr. S. J. Arnott of Toronto, apâ€" peared for Mr. Saundors and Mr. A. B. McBtide for the ‘defendant. The appl.cation _ at the request of Mr. MeBride for the interim injunction was refused by Mis Homor urtil the mecting of the Court in December, We inderstand th: case will be fought to a finish. News Notes.â€"A fine display of fall and winter headgcear is being shown in the millinery department of Mr. 0. J. Steiss‘ store. Miss A. Minna again has charge of this department and. Miss Ella Krauter is the assistâ€" ant.â€"The. Misses Elsey and _ Gertie Ioffman and hrother Norman of Watâ€" erloo were the guests at the home of Mr..and Mrs. Albert Heipel on Sunâ€" day.â€"Mr. Theo. Vollmar has again left for Toronto after spending several days at his home here.â€"Quite a numâ€" ber of our neighboring farmers and townsmen have installed the Bell telephome, among them being Messts. C. S. Weber, Jacob Ziegler, Menno Brubacher and Albert Steiss.â€"Mr. A. Heipel had the â€"misfortune of losing one of his valuable mares om Mondav. Persongls.â€"Mrs. Louis Forwell and Mrs. Edwin Forwell of Berlin spent a few days visiting with friends _ and relatives in St. Clemenrts and viciâ€" nity.â€"The Misses M. Roos and Mary Kroetsch and Mr. Albert _ Schnurt of Linwood spent Sunday _ evening at the home of Mr. ard Mrs. Peter F. Schuimmer.â€"Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Cassel and family have taken up their #esidence in Berlin.â€"Artesian _ wellâ€" drillers are at present engaged with Mr. H. E. Ratz.â€"A fine range of chilâ€" dren‘s and ladics‘ coats can be . seen at Schummer‘s store.â€" Mrs. Jos. Brenner has returned to St. Cloments ‘after a three weeks‘ trip to Walkerâ€" ton and Formosa. News Nates â€"Threshins ie the ard @f of the day.â€"This week will see most of the root crop housed.â€" The IAterary mecting on Saturday might was largely attended.â€"A number from here aftended the funcral of the late Levi Staufier which was â€" held at Waterloo on Monday afternoon. Personals.â€"Mr. Herbert Herner reâ€" turnéd home last week from an exâ€" tended trip through the Western Provâ€" Ances.â€" Mr. and Mrs. J. Shantz . of % visited friends here on Sunâ€" c r. E. Devitt who â€"has _ been ‘ his parents for a few _ weeks ‘ for his home at Cressman, .â€"Mr. Mrs. M. Cressman of 8 y . in this viciâ€" , a 000040 â€"â€" and _ the ST. CLEMENTS HEIDELBERG WELLESLEY MANNHEIM. BADEN. accepted up to on ‘Thutsday ®Yâ€" the residence O# Mr. and Misâ€" C. e is o oc s id oo wit . ******~ | aepartment has been leased to MIâ€" E. K% * M. Devitt, druggist who took possesâ€" be_left at this| sion on Monday ufl:n Devitt has Il'ulu o be subâ€"letted the rear g ";? 'K: must no* 061 (ne Merchants Button COâ€", W hoon. . Oasuall "/...__ .. ns a wareroom. utilize it as a wareroom The firm â€" of M. Weichel~ & Son, which has earncd a reputation for en« terprise and built up a flourishing T C TE We uc 4. Mn ie o ced Aibin eb es s rturtnt business .strick so m&u«% m‘ to the interests and waxts of their numâ€" erous patrons will continue their efâ€" forts in the direction of catering to their wide trade in carrying. a comâ€" prebensive stock of hardware which will include a large and upâ€"Toâ€"date stock of ‘Aactory. supplics, a wide varjety of articles neededâ€"by the larâ€" mer and all kines of hotuse furnishâ€" ings, such as stovas, tinware, ename}â€" ware, woodenware, wite goods, etc, will be stocked as formerly. ~ The firm have installcd a new moâ€" cern system of thelving known.. as the Pigua Shelfl Brac«ets whereby they can stock twice as much _ at formerly. Th‘s enterprising firm are now in & position to Ccater to the wants of their patrcns more satisfactorily than ever and gn éver increasing and . onâ€" larging trade evidences the . appreciaâ€" tion of the buying public. Death of A. Thomson.â€"Mr. Alexâ€" ander Thomson, a prominent farmer of Washington, who had the misforâ€" tune to have his hand cut off in the cutting box on Friday, the 8th, died from blood poisoning on _ Saturday last. The funeral was held on â€" Monâ€" day to Washington cemetery. News Notes.â€"The Harvest~ Home services of the Washington Methodist church were held on Sunday last, followed by an oldâ€"time supper _ on Monday night.â€"The anniversary | serâ€" vices of the Plattsville Methodist church will be held on Sunday next. Rev. Mr. Harvey of Dundas will be the speaker of the day.â€"Local _ opâ€" tion will be voted on in _ Blenhcim Tp. at the municipal elections in January.â€" Mrs. Isaac Snyder~ _ and daughter Jessic intend leaving _ for Manitoba next week.â€"The brick and tile yard have had a very busy scaâ€" son.â€"Mr. Tennant, D.D.G.M., 1.0.0. F., visited _ Plattsville lodgeo _ last Thursday night.â€"The Plattsville Curlâ€" ing Club organized for the â€" coming season on Friday night last, with Dr. A. I. Willson as President, and George Sterling Secretary.â€"Mr. Geo. Sterling killed three wild ducks with one shot of the ‘gun last Saturday.â€" Our bunters leave for Muskoka on the 29th inst. Personals.â€"Mr. and . Mrs. Henty Ludwig attended the Rockton Fair last week, and also visited thair nophew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Wismetr. Sad Death of Mrs. Hilborn.â€"Word was received here Wednesday evening of the death of Mrs. Sarah Hilbotn, relict of the late David Hilborn _ of Little Scotland. Deceased had injurâ€" ed her finger but thought lightly . of it, but which proved fatal. Mr. and Mris. David Hiltorn were former reâ€" sidents of Watetlco County, and a brotber to James Hilborn, sr., _ and Mr. Jacob Hilbotn, Dundce. The funâ€" eral was held at half past ore Friâ€" day afternoon, Oct. 15th from _ the family residence.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hilbotn, st., attended the funeral of their sisterâ€"in law, Mrs. Sarah Hilâ€" Lorn at Little Scotland, Friday. â€" Mis. Bowman of Berlin, was a guest at ‘"‘Orchardcote"" _ for a few days fast week.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Jamâ€" es Thomas, (nee Miss Emma Unget) who were lately united in. marriago, will reside in Preston. Their many friends _ wish them a happy wedded life. Local and Personal.â€"Mrs. ‘J. Reichâ€" ard returned to her home in Howick on Saturday last after spending a month with relatives in town.â€" Mr. and Mrs. D. Knarr of New Hamburg were visitors at the home of _ the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. _ A. Maeder on Sunday last.â€"Mr. Solomon Sararas spent a few days this week with relatives at Gravenhurst.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Baxter of Chicago, IIl., and Mr. Wm. Detweiler of Roseâ€" ville were visitors at the home _ of Mrs. A. Cassel on Sunday last.â€"Mr. Herbert Herner of Mannbheim was a visitor to town on Saturday last. â€" A number from town and vicinity atâ€" tended the Harvest Home service held in the Methodist church at Washingâ€" ton on Monday evening last.â€"Dr. and Mrs. 1. L. Staufet, as well as _ a number of others from _ town _ and vicinity, attended the funeral of the late Mt. Levi Staufier at _ Waterioo on Monday Jast.â€"Miss Edith Bean of New Hamburg returned home on Sundav last after n twa wanke‘ visit with relatives in this vitinity.â€" Mr. Delton Hallman visited relatives near New Hamburg on Sunday last.â€" Mrs. Venton of Preston is staying with friends in town for a few weeks.â€"Mr and Mrs. A. W. Hilborn of Berlin visited relatives in town from Friday to Sunday last.â€"Mr. Fred Dean of Guelph, government _ inspector of creameries, was a bysiness visitor to town on Tuesday last. Owing to the carly date of Than‘ s giving, turkeys will not We seen 0: many . T dinfier Te fow1 are prenthtih init haten PLATTSVILLE NEW DUNDEE. LIMERICK â€"_By the death (1 Mr.~Levi Staufler the Town end County c1 Waterloo loses one of its most prominent, use ful and ~puilio spirited citizens." _ Although ‘his death 2‘-‘-‘ altoge® ther . unexpected the news came as & shock to the: community. A fow months ago Mr. St@uffer. was com pelied to retite from the active manâ€" agement of the Notth Waterloo Farâ€" mers‘ Mctual ‘Fire Ins., Co., owing to health. _Cu the advice oâ€" hh':hï¬qkn he went to the Gait Hospital for a course of. treatment for his stomach. trouble, returning home again, however, some . weots home. again, msosro weaks later, in a weakcned condition. Since that time he had been confined to bis. bed, gradually losing ground, in spite of s.ilful medical attention and the most careful nursing wi‘til the . end at three o‘clock on Friday. afterncon when he slept peacefully Away. Th immcdiate cause of d:ath was canâ€" cer of the stomach. _ His illness which _ extended over some three months:deceased bore with : Christian fottitude and resignation. Deceased who â€" was the son of the late Jose, h Staufter, was born _ it th» township of Waterloo on the ols homestead two miles west of Water: loo, in the year 1838. . Here he wa‘ vrought up and received a public schoo education â€" such as was furnished i. those early days and which he sup jlemcntcd â€" with reading and the stuâ€" dy of municipal and _ other putlic questions on his own account. In Not. 1859 he was married to Esther Sni der, daughter of John €nider, Bloomingdale, and the newly matrrie couple made their home with thei parcnts, Mr. Levi Staufier ozerating the farm on shares with his father for three years at the end of whick poriod he too% it over himself. From that time until nin: years ago he Car ied on the, pecupation of favming, havâ€" ing a model farm, and the reputation oi being cne of the most upâ€"toâ€"date an. successful farmers in the county. Ot bis remotal to Watcrloo in 1900 ho sold the farm to his son, Josiah, present _ deputy _ reeve of Waterio township and assistant managet ol the North Waterloo Farmers‘ Mutual Fire Insurance Conyzany. The late Mr. StauCer bad a long, active _ and useful _ carcer which has been closoly identified with the public life of the county. in the carly seventies he served sevâ€" eral terms in the Waterloo Toan ship â€" Council, later representing the township of Waterloo anl the villag: of Hespeler as deputy reeve in . thi County Council under the old *act, He also fora time held the posi tion of treasurer of Wa tex:oo township. . On his remo~al to Waterloo in 1900 Mr. Staufier al once manifested a keen interest in th towa‘s public affairs sarving . thi.s years in the Town Council and al so on the Sewer Commission. He was also a mempor _ of the Waterioo Board of Trade and for the past ten years has been a member of the exâ€" ecutivce of the North Waterlco Re torm â€" Association. the coumsils cf which body he . was prominent for many years. Since th: union with the Congregationals some years ago, Lowever, he has identifiâ€" ed himsclt with the Watcrloo Meth adist church. Hilâ€"J- réiigibn the late Mr.. Stauftor was @a United Brethren (Liberal) i In politics he was a staunch Liber: al. A good platform speaker, he.was a promincnt figure in many a poliâ€" tical battle. In later years deceased devoted most of his time to the management _ of the North Waterloo Farmetrs‘ Mutual Fira Insurance of which he was the promoter and â€" crganizer in the year 1874. He was elected its first Prtos ident _ and afterwards Managing Director which position he filled with great success up to the time of his death. IMs was of a bright and joâ€" vial disposition with a well known telish for a good story of which he had an unlimited supply, and _ kept bimself â€" well informcd on the ques tions of the day by‘ constant readâ€" ing Decoased is survived by a wile and two sons and sevet aaughters, viz.:â€" Lydia _ Ann, Mrs. Ezra _ Shantz, a‘ home; Josiah, Waterlco; Clementina Mrs. Ephraim _ Groff, Milford, Towa; Annetia, â€" Mrs. Chas. Moote, Ca ro, Mich.; Alfretta, Mrs. James B. Mit chell; Ella, Mrs. Irvin C.« Hallman Waterloo; Jessie Ann, Mrs. Eldon C. Hallman, Waterloo, Dr. L. L., New Dundee, Mary Jane, Mrs. Herbert J. Lackner, Linwood. One sister, Mrs. Jonas B. Snider, Bloomingnale also suUrviv oS. The functal of the late Leti St@uf fer held on Mconday aftcrnoon . was attcuded by a Jarge concoutse _ of sotrowing | friends and fellowâ€"citisens who gathered to pay a last trbute to the deratted. _ Afier a brict serâ€" J. Elliott, preached an approptriate sermon. He mace referense to the upâ€" right qualities of the deceased, ids vnfailing genial good nature and his cforts towards bettering and asiisiâ€" ing the various organiâ€"ations _ with which he was identifiecd and also his deep _ interest in public a"airs _ (n which h> gave liberally of his tim ind energy. The choir rendered spe cal music appropriate to the occa siom Rev texe The remains were laid to rost in Mount Hope â€"comet ty. Many begutiful floral offcrins altest» ed to the respect in which deceased at the residence conducted by Mr. Elhott, the funeral _ corâ€" proceeded _ to the Methodist ticn at the home of the undersignon in Wiliamsburg, about 4 uiiles south of Berlin, â€"om > SATURDAY, OCT . 30th, 1909 etc HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS.~â€" Kitch en cupboard, sink, woodch:st, 3 Burâ€" eaus, writing desk, clothes chest, box stove, kitchen stove, Jumbo heater pails, washtubs, tables, chairs, couch, milk cupboards, benches, crocks, tinâ€" ware, and a lotNof other articles too numerous to mention. % TERMS.â€"Pig, â€" chickens and _ all sums of $5,00 and under, cash; oYo® that amountâ€"8~mofiths‘ credit will be given on aprrovcd jloint notes or 6 per cent. per annum off for cash Payâ€" monts of credit amounts. f c No resarve, as the proprictor is reliring. RCBERT BRICKNELL, Auctioneer. DANIEL STAUFFER, Jr. There will be There. will be sold by public aucâ€" tion on the farm of the undersigned, on the main road leading from Bresâ€" lau to New Germany, in the townâ€" ship of Waterloo, 24 miles east of Bloomingdale, and 1} miles north of Breslau, on commencing at 1 o‘clock p. m. sharp, the following valuable property, viz: Morsesâ€"Bay horse, 4 years _ old, bay mare 5 years old, supposed to be im foal; bay driver 8 years old, aged bay maro supposed to be in foal; 2 aged mares, 1 sucking colt, got by Prince Victor. Cattle, etc.â€"Cow fresh, cow _ due to calve in March, 2 cows supposed to be in calf, 2 ewes and about 20 chickens. Iinplementsâ€"Sawyer _ and Massey engine with scsautor, straw and chaff blower and water tank; this outâ€" fit is in good running qyer; Massey Harris binder 6 ft. cuZ’ _early new; mower with pea harvester, _ Noxon mower, Noxon drill combined;, cultiâ€" vator, hay loader, lumber wagon,â€" bobsleigh, _ top buggy, nearly new; sulky, cutter, (nearly new), disc, hay rake, chopper, circular saw, two furrow plow, plow, 2 single plows, scuffier, sugat beet box, hay rack, three section iron harrows, _ fanning mill, turnip pulper, _ wheel barrow, stoneboat, grindstone, 2 iron kettles, hay knife, 2 sets of farm _ harmess, set single harness, horse blankets, robe, grain bags, logging _ chains, crow bar, sledge hammer, crosscut saw, neckyokes, whifletrees, skovels, ’torks, hoes, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Hay, Grain, Roots.â€"Atbout :500 bushels mixed grain, 60 bushels barâ€" ley, abodt 7 tons of clover hay, and 175 bushels mangels. | °. _ Termsâ€"Hay, grain, mangles, chickâ€" ens and all sums,of ten dollars and under cash, over that amount 13 months credit _ on approved joint notes,. or 5 per cent. off for cash payments of credit amounts. RAYMOND BITSCHEY, Prop. A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer, _ 41â€"2t Personals.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Norman Snyder visited friends in Berlin last Sunday.â€"Mr. Noah Bricker is _ now recovering from his illness.â€"Mr. D. W. Clemens has sold his fime property to Mr. Black of Dundalk. We underâ€" stand that Mr. Black will take posâ€" session before long.â€"Mr. A. C. Beckâ€" er is making extensive improvements on the store property which _ _will certainly enhance its value.â€"Mr. and Mrs. John Bricker spent last _ Sunâ€" dav vicitine friands in fielt _ "Wha Farmers‘ Club met on Monday evenâ€" ing, Oct. 18. The speakers of the evening were Mr. Norman _ Snyder and Mr. Austin Bricker who ably spoke on Harvesting of the Root Crop, and â€"Fall Cultivation _ of _ the Soil.â€"Miss Maude Bricker has _ reâ€" turned home from Plattsville.â€"Mesâ€" srs. Allan Cassel and Walter _ Kerr of Haysville visited friends Sunday.â€"Mr. Russel Taylor the teachers‘ convention at last week. â€"OFâ€" Farm Stock and Implements Fire Inssrasce ..C WEDNESDAY, NOV.° 3rd Auction Sale 160 acres more or less, all under cultivation, known as the Georgt Moore Tarm and situated within the corporations of the towns of Berlin and Waterloo, approximately 60 acres in hops, balance meadow and stubble. The whole or any part of said fatm will be sold to any one purchaser. _ Most any part of same is switabls for building lots. _ Apply W. M. 0. LOCHEAD Assignce, The G. Moore Estate. Office 51 King St., W. Berlin Farm For Rale ROSEVILLE Proprietor here _ on attended DBerlin northwest of W and #â€"mileâ€"tast tion on Frickey the following described real estate and persoâ€"al propéerty; Â¥ik.â€" lt in February, {resh milk cow, cow to cal:eâ€" in March, cowâ€".due to. caly hq:-n.ku;hot.od:lh it m.ht. -un ves, 24â€" wee s old, 6 theep and _ about 100 chickens. a . MHORSES.â€"Fine black team ( wel matched) dark bay horges 5 years old. CATTLE. ETC.â€"Cow: due to cal t IMPLEMENTS, _ ETC. â€"Maxwol binder, mower, hay rake, Sflmm« drill, Imm. singleo plow. one the ; mbY' iron harrow, land rolter, scuffier, ‘wagon, two seated carriage, top buggy, opet buggy, sulky, buggypole, (3 cutteri (nearly new), fanoing mill, root pulâ€" per, wagon box, hay rack, set grave! planks, two gtain crailes, wood rack, scalding trough, mï¬lflt‘. set â€" team harness, set plow harness, set carri ago hatness, two sets single harness, set leather fly nets, single leather fy net, sap pan, about 100 sap buckets, iron kettle, crosscut saw, twa ° sets string bells, whealbarrow, forks, ho ¢s, shovels, scythes, neckyokes, douâ€" bletrees, horse blankets, and many other articles too rumerous too men tion. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC. â€" 2 coo‘ing stoves, box stove, s tension table, leat table, table, _( diningâ€"room chairs, 8 cane â€" seat»d chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, washingâ€" ma cbine, churn, clothes wringer, sewing machhe, ei(fl day. clock, two sin‘s, sofa, washstand, uuu;e-pin?:“ and stuffcr, 3 rocking chairs, 3 hes, 2 cider barrels, large meat tuÂ¥, counâ€" ter scale capacity 240 lbs., bureau, and many other articles. WEDNESDAY, NOV 10th 4 uk ®u GRAIN, HAY, ROOTS.â€" Ato» 15 tons mixed hay, about 600 Uus oats, 30 bus. Peas. 25 bus. barley, about 100 bus. mangels and a quanti ty of horse carrots. REAL _ ESTATE.â€" At the sam; time snd place there will be o%cr.d for salf, the highly cultivated fara. of the late Henty Frickey, compris ing of ato.t 34 acres more or Ics: of gocd farm land, 8 acrés sown it fall wheat, 14 acres sown in grass, twoâ€"storey brick house 24x28, with 14 storey brick kitchen 14x20, goo cellar under the whole housa, bod, barn 70x40, straw shed 24x28, | driv. ing house 20x16, woodshsd and othe outbuildings. _ Ample supply of goo: water. This is one of the best and most highly cultivated farms in th. covntry and . without >a doubt a money maker. k ‘PERMS OF REAL ESTATE to be made krown on day of sale. 8 actes bush,, 2 acres orchard â€" anc the balance under good state of cul fivation. On the farm is situated a TERMS OF CHATTELS.â€" Hay, grain, roots, chickens, and all sums of ‘ten dollars and under, cash: over that amount 12 months‘ cre dit on approved joint notes or 4 pcr cent discount off for cash _ payâ€" ments of credit amounts. Sale to commence mt 10 o‘cloc p.m. sharp. Th:farm will be sold first béfore the chattels. M RICHARD FRICKEY, GORDON FRICKEY, JOHN BIERMAN, Executors. ED. KAUFMAN, Clerk. E; J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. 41â€"2t. ALBERT J. MICKUS, Auctioneer. Oct. 31.â€"Farm, farm stock â€" ‘and implements, household effects, etc., belonging to Geo. Zettel, 4 mile south of Weisseninrg. north ‘of New Germany and 3 miles Nov. 3rd.â€"Farm stock and impleâ€" ments of Raymond Bitschey, 24 niilâ€" es east of Bloomingdale and 1} milâ€" es north of Breslau on road leading to New Germany. Nov. 18thâ€"Farm stock and impleâ€" ments belonging to Harry H. Kumâ€" mer, 1} miles west of Blair and 4 mile east of Doon. â€" Nov. 16thâ€"Farm stock and _ im plements of Menno Horst, 1} miles south and 1 mile west of $t. Jacobs and 4 miles north and one mile west of Waterloo, on road leading to Heiâ€" delberg. Nov. 17,â€"Real Estate, farm, farm stock and implements of the late Henâ€" ry Frickey, 5) miles northwest _ of Waterloo. Nov. Briâ€"Faim steck and Im plemcnts of Aaron Haliman, 4 mile south of Mannh>im. Company Devitt‘s Block Waterloo on . Tuesday Evening, Nov, 2nd at 8 0‘ R. BRICKNELL, Auctionceer Oct. 21.â€"Auction sale of Fatm stock and implements _ of Samuel Fadke, 2 miles east of Breslau. Oct. 30â€"Auction sale of stock eani implements, apd bouschold effects o! Waterioo HMorticultural Society wili be held in the Office of the Ontacic seed The Annual Meeting of the Town of Waterloo Horticultural Society will Notice AUCTION SALESs of Wat: SHANTZ! "Auctioneer ol 8. B. Bricker & Go. ; instead of sending away;© _In buying here with, and the: responsibility â€" 1:: selected wi & to give lasting service, and will retain their goodm:nm to season. And as regards prices, no store in Canada â€" > f can give better value=â€"quality for quality. ‘AR “ _ The cuts shown are two of our newest designsâ€"â€"â€" We show yCje all are exclusive designs and confined to us for Waterloo. + Ladies‘ Mantles $7.00 up to $25.00 Children‘s and Misses Mantles and Bearskin Coats $2.00 up to $10.00 EY tA . 20 styles to ehoose from, AAAAAIAAN brocaded satin lining, trimâ€" MBAAA ATTAY)\ med with headsZand tails at d rigPe s1, s« 50, $7, s8.50 ana $10; A ~ Mink Marmot Setts a Fine large stoles with muffs wuffs to match, also long Mink Fursâ€"For nice mink furs we beat all eom?etition for good and reliable goods. We invite you to make comparison before buying. * Mink Tiesâ€"These are very popular, speâ€" cials at $16,50, $13, $20, $25 and $35. 1. Mink &ol.â€"-Exm good values, $28, $37.50, and $50. ? â€" k on inss praite ns s reasonal apes, Rug and Tab Muffs of finest mlng';hln '::d trimmed, special at $22.50, $25, $30, $35, $45 Stot m Collarsâ€"Many different arh- to choose from iu Astrochan and Electric Seal, oo 3 5 on Sh io ho pifth We make a specialty of Women‘s Coats with Fur Collars and Fur Linings. We show a large variety and we sell them CHEAPER than they can be bought elsewhere. Put us on the test by making comparisons and satâ€" isfy yourself. t# . - Ladies‘ Fur Collar COgt- with cloth lined throughout at $15, $16.50, lm $20, $23 and $25. â€" j Ladiea‘ Fur Lined Coateâ€"Rat lined or marmot lined with best fur collars, special at $35, $37,50, $49 to $50. e Mye" *_ : _ We have large sizes in these coats and can suit all figures. Everybody welcome to look. * & Horse Hair Clipping The un ¢d has installed 5 Mor 19 vaccny horeee "hate aod ait Women‘s Warm Coats 20 DIFFERENT STYLES We need_several hundred pounds of Lard cvery week and A will pay a good price for gaod‘?:rd. Also good butter wanted? 4 High prise for freah eggs. l Our new dri:?fmih are now on sale such as raisins, ‘fv ents, figs, ete. f in Navy, Brown, Green, Black, Taupe, Fawn and Grey, from $10,000 Worth of the Best Furs At the Lowest prices in Waterloo County. We seil good furs cheap, wamm' se every fur article we sell and refund your money wi a reasonable time if you are not satisfie i with your purenase. * <os$ Mink Marmot Furs Mink Marmot Thro Ties toâ€" him will: receive WANTED permit of the slightest de presentation in mantles, to give absolutely the best value for your chey, with every nui_bk%‘ 4+ mflmflw‘;‘»‘.“‘ demâ€" : trate to your entire: satisfaction that it pays to * ' 3 etc., Buy Mantles at Home BERLIN, ONT. value The death took pl t Cheltenâ€" nagh 66 T96 of Marths Deag) §+. g‘(‘h ot RONKI"J‘?'».“ mothot ts Cal.. .. K06, t ot M . wee. Xec: of " Waterge, quality of furs, giving good (riaaink thros, ties and mi Wl‘; Td $15.""" _ s Western Sable Setts Ties ruils, large mully to matchy, all excellent months, â€" aged < 69 "Mrs, J. w, Kee, _ at at B.r“fl, mtn «) lt A