Carter‘s Little Liver Pills. The Mercantiie Fire Office, Waterloo Mutual Bulding King St. Busimees Office 249, House 200. Business solicited for first class Companies. ; mERh EU ODCCC ECC ind Lancashire Insurance Company with Assets of $16,806.CCB. Altred Wright, Seorctory T. H. Hall, Inspector Subscribed Capital........ 250,0C00 Deposit with the Domwinicn Government ...... .â€"â€">>>>~ $117,140, All policies guaranteed by the London 1 ut 2 |__ 00 Asurmen® C.A BOEHM Waterloo, The Missos FEehronbach Ingurance Company INCORPORATED 187 General Insurance Agent, Bucosseor to Buckberrough . Co. for girle. have r xquisite In all sbadesâ€"and trimmed to suit your tastes, Remember the address, Newest, Nattiest, Keatest "NAUTIC" Miss A. R. Bean Miss E. L. Bean, Honor Graduate Toronto Conservaâ€" tory of Music. oantiies "atreet . Waterlos ana friegraph Bollding. King Steeot OUBE S!CK HEADACHEâ€" See Pac.Siuile Wrapper Betow 234 King St., Berlin, New Street Hats New Felt Hat with broad rim received a large shipment of ‘C. A. BOEHM THEORY District Agent Ont. Phone 249. 23 KING ST. KAST, â€" Waterioo OoF C ysME t en 2 2 Pnd s 2 was on I afternoon and T0 Chs wall ifinded, tepramntathtâ€" &D f, "e P s es \zmd tromâ€"nearly. .e:aty. cirouit â€" on the district.â€" %hs" m ce n, ramoe ACdORE * ._ pront to p . '&"mmm Organmer, .Miss , H. Buokbercough, presided at the aiter« noon session and alter. the deâ€"otlional exercises an address ol welcoms was delivgred by Mrs, A. 8. Grecn, of ths Jocal : Societr, which was â€" 4e swond.d to by Mrs. (Ret.) R. (Jâ€" Elliott, of «Waterloo. The feature of the Convehtion was the splendid addresses Mkfl': by Miss McGriffin, cditoress of Outâ€" look of Toronts, who spo%e '.gn the excellent work of â€"the W.M.S.â€" amâ€" onz women in bome ‘and forel;n misâ€" sion fields. _ Addresses were atso gi>â€" .cn by:â€"Mrs.Risher, of.. Chi_ago, ... 03. the Missionary Work of the _ Mosdy Institute, by Mrs. McKenzie, of Galt, on ‘‘The Cradle Rol!;" by Missts Tayâ€"â€" lor and Hill on ‘"‘The Story of Q{; Year,"â€"ani py Mrs, (Rer.) 8. E. Marshall on‘ *&he Hath Done. Whit She Could,"‘~ A mission Stidy Class was atly cordxct.d by Miss E. J. Woods, and a memorial service . for the deceased members was in Chatge of Mrs. A. S. Hallman. R i Rev. S, E. Marshall prosided at the . evening scssion‘ and solos were. rendâ€" cred | by Mrs. Racie Bochmerâ€"Pollock | ani Mrs. (Rev.) Seamlon of Elmira.‘ Miss# Buckberrough was reâ€"elected Orâ€" genizer and _ Mrs. H. G. Martyn was appointed Secretary. After the afternoon sessionthe d> legates were prov{ded cwith an cleâ€" gant repast by the members of the local Society. The tables wetre atâ€" ranged in ‘ the M shaps ani were beautifully decorated. All Breadwinners Who Find Health Declining Should ** Take Dr. William‘s Pink Pills. : »» & R T v:: (i:;“'cbrdn‘dfl“'wâ€Ã©lu‘s "Preachers as a â€"class," said Mr.â€"{his‘ first * y‘Ye" .@ by Miss â€" +/ Pamm,, ‘are often looked upon as an | longs to Woods, and a memorial service . fOf jgte lot of men. Peorle ‘that . are {man an( hbe deceased members was in Chatgt * Ethar A 7 is 1. 8. Hm walking in the 6ther vocations _ of Titical . r f_Mrs. A. S. Hallman, . .. i~ life think that the preacher. has nothâ€" |port an Rev. S, E. Marshell prosided at tht imz to do, when, in fact, it he does |pit. * g::msb;e:::n R:dhsglo-. were. rendâ€" f"t duty,. umwgn be one of the busiâ€" | In con * ochmerâ€"Pollo¢k | est men in the community. * * Evâ€"|the reve ani Mrs. (Rev.) Scamlon of Elmira. ‘ery age of the Christian {'hurch has | that alt Miss Buckberrough was reâ€"elected Orâ€" ‘ undoubtedly had its peculiar probâ€" |a powe genizer and Mrs. H. G. Martyn was lems, but they wore certainlyâ€" never fairs, y appointed Secretary. greater nor more pressing thag . toâ€" work is After the afternoon session<the d> ‘ day, and the work of the ministry |his thr« legates were prov{jded <with an cleâ€" has never been more difficult and cexâ€" continu« gant repast by the members of the acting than in ths age in which we to bind local Society. The tables wete atâ€" live." He teferred to the â€" complex |comfort ranged in ‘ the M shaps ani were character of modérn church machinâ€" |liberty beautifully decorated. ‘ery, the numerous organizations which ing of | decsamcous | are "wheels within wheels‘‘ in every | bound i A MAINSTAY > | parish and the larger the parish the|sin, to larger the wheels. These included the of the FOR ALL MEN congregation . itself, â€" the Sunday | for for; stchool, the younz people‘s socicties, | salvatic sctoie the missionary orgarizations, and vaâ€" | is calle 5 rious instituticnal features of ~â€"modâ€" | fort by All Breadwinners Who. Find cr, cnorch work. The directing head | in the Health Declining Should cf this vast system is the pastor, and | in the id Take Dr. William‘sâ€" the full exercise of his organizinz and | to utte Pink Pills. administrative atility is â€" demanded. | may ch es To form and . progetly direct these | hortati Thou:ands of men throughout Canâ€" various organizations that they proâ€" | slumber ada arn s fiering toâ€"day from a d> duce the one great erd of church l and cor plorable failure of strength witkout work, viz., the spiritual develo; mflltl Freosi o mawin 5w 4 w cï¬ manâ€" this demands executive abâ€" ! complin Hrowing that they are the sictims Hit a" leadérship of the v hi of nervous exhaustion. The signs are 1 1Y P7l To the milet, iL :g: j ";:,'e‘;:’((' a I & x > » : I fn‘l“n: nTxr:“?‘:;s“":::’l‘t_;':‘i’ h‘t": Mr. DBeamm declared. _ "the highest tu sc ‘nst 1 ad a ;notg qi. Dbase of church administration. | The _ Rev. n: .:5“ n; ooh â€: dca“‘ ‘~ manager of a factory _keeps his in for th gest it, lels : ox avstcd aitcr °X" quetrial machinery ciled by mechaniâ€" which ettion, while headaches and fits ol oap processes, but the pastor must â€" ; P Gitziness often leads to his misery. n1A Eis o P im thei xgpol 2: bring into play the highest moral and ang These symptoms denote that the DXâ€" intellcctual qualities to achicve this and tR vous system is weakened and ins@!~ cnq. In his manazement of | @aCairs > prey ï¬c.nen,tly. nourished. â€" Dr. William$s pe must be tactiul, diplomatic _ and Jraft 1 Fin‘t Pills will promptly c.I} b%, gifted with spiritual insight, for O# | of the tausg “l‘ley enmh‘}he :mp“t.e Wt"l;‘ ganized church machinaty is apt to | ,, _ blood and thus give n-W. streng lgo wrong pnch more quickly ‘than the i hyl and ton: 4o the exbausted ncryeSs., most intricate machinery ever . Conâ€" C ho Ko oth r medicine can do this 50| structed by the genics of man. The Librar promptly and so surely. best busincss methods are as much hi NMr. W. H. Hipson, â€" East Puimco, needed in the church as in the | facâ€" | tlon N.S., saysâ€""For a number of years | tory. !t is much easier to get men | on M I was troubled wi‘h violent headachâ€" | to work by offoring: them _ finamcial _ d ts es. When these spells came on the remuneration‘ than by holding out to day a pain was to severe that I feared 1 | thein spiritual rewards." ; .The would lose my senses. . At theâ€" outâ€" "In the last analysis," â€" continued â€" wee‘s sct these heedaches ‘would come on 2 s trouble â€" and did everything possible ; & to get relief, but without avail, and “EAVY FlN ES THE as time woent on the attacls grew * v both in frequency and severity. . The ~ lMPGSED pain was terrible and with each atâ€" med Now tack soomcd to grow worse. The galy f a â€" Nor \ relief I could get was from a hot Witt and Zuber Found Guilty | ;,,,, mustard fcot bath, and the applicaâ€" of Violation of License Act casto tion of hot water and ammonia to ~â€" in Berlin. giâ€"e my head: I would then have to be mt * form led to bed where I oad to remain Oxun until the attack passed away. At At tme conciusion of argument in harst j j 1 i the two chargas preferred by Provinâ€" this time Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills m moth . . cial License" Inspector _ Ayeatst were brought to my notice,â€"and while ernm inst Wm. Wilt and Jos. Zuber for ! scarcely hoped they would cure me, m ¢ atso! , j A ng liquor dutingâ€"prohibited hours, I deciced to try them. _ After taking Magistrate Weir.. found them toth : Stom a lv:w boxes I found that the @t~| guilty and imposed a fine of $100 KOU tacks were rot so sevete, N1 m‘ andâ€"costs in each case. In the caso tte! io;fully continved ta iâ€"g the PWS| of »xr, Witt be found the liqzor had_ ,ï¬[fls‘ â€" msCE Loes m i Uiske <ntll I had used ton toxes when every symptom of the trouble: had pas ed away, anl I was in better hcalth then I had ever enjoyed beâ€" fore. It is srveral years ~sinco my, etro was efected, and as 1 bave not _1a headache sipce I feel that the eure is permaneft. This is g.plAin g‘atement of my case, but no words con _ tell 'v;ha"t"miy; sufferings really were and I belieze that but for Dr Williams‘ â€" Pink Pills I would have en in mi ‘nve,' for 1 could hate stood the pain much longer and doctors did not do me any good." Dr. Williams‘ Pink Piis are . sold by. a‘l mcdicine dealers or may be had by mail at 50 cents a box or s‘x boses for $2.50 from The Dr. zmmm' Medicine Co., Brockville, nt. Montrc;\i ;lil;l:u;; are in favor of aboliuh mz the ons per cent. income tix on all incom:s over $1,200 owing a avs s224 4ki4 6k aallastinn af maâ€" neys cat it all up ABOLISH INCOME TAX at Trisity Church. ressodatee omuitlelee e Does not Cotor the Hair We wich you to and understand that Ayer‘d Hatr VU'":'." .mâ€.mum'"m degree. â€" Persons or the lightest and most Shand the hair made a shade darker. Falling Hair Cde 2o a" The first meeting of the stason of v‘hmg t Public Library roonis Monday© “& which there was a; ol pastors of two towns. Snlufld Address @V&réd by the President Rev. G. D. Damm, at the Ministerial Meeting Monday. ‘The new ‘President of the Associaâ€" tion, Rev.‘G. D. DPamm, delivered & most interesting and w! ¢ of nw:"‘ gm tw::: he said w& work of & modern minister is so diversified that it 19 foolish to think his whole + work . is finished when he has done his sermonâ€" i¢ w work, together _ with his â€"wisitation. Every. â€" year the lings of his wortk ~have â€" greater ramifications, : and aâ€"man ~now, . to prove his calling and election . .Sure, must also beâ€"a veryâ€"busy _ man~â€" Of allairs.‘‘ A comparison of* the â€" minâ€" isterial work inâ€"Great Britain â€" â€" and this continent was: made showing. the numerous . detmands. made upon those in America compared with their bre» thren across the line. At the conclusion of argument in the two chargas preferred by Provinâ€" cial License" Inspector _ Ayeatst ï¬iflt Wm. Witt and Jos. Zuber for ing liquor during prohibited hours, ;'ï¬m; liquor dutingâ€"prohibited hours, Magistrate Weir. . found them toth guilty and imposed a fine of $100 andâ€"costs in each case. in the case ol Mr. Witt be found the liqzor had becn sold by bartender Alles. Solicitor "Monahan ‘for the Provinâ€" cial Secretary‘s Department had both convictions _ registered as second offences. After the noon adjournment of the Police Court on Thursday in _ the case of Provincial License Inspector Ayearst against Wm. Witt, . Noah Witt, nephew of the defendant _ was called. He swore toâ€" having _ been about the hotel on the evening of the 2ist, but did not see anything of the men who were now acting as the prosecution‘s witnesses. This closeq@ the case for the de fence. The hearing of the case . of . the Provincial License Inspector Aycarst against Jos. Zuber _ of the Grand Central Motel on a similar charge was then proceeded with. Alex. Corrian, of the Provincial deâ€" tartive staf, told of going to _ the Grand Central Hotel on Saturday President Damm‘s Address e Dandruftf | Aver‘s Malt Vigor Just as promaptly destroys the ue t 4 CR /s mwdhare The Zubet Case AS A .;> | MAN OF AFFAIRS" the President,‘‘ the modern complex organism of the church com ‘young z old, â€" analyzing, m'mlu. w possible qualities of heart <nd ‘The wise preacher does not try â€" to **do~it all‘" himselt, but will set othâ€" ers to work and keep them at it all the time, knowing that the one who is "working for the concern‘" _ will always have more interest in it than the one who is merely looking on." ‘Rev. Mr. Damm gave a concrete example of a modetn. minister as â€"a man of affairs andâ€" referred to _ the organization of the Lord‘s Day . Alli~ twenty years ago and its manâ€" %&u wotk during these years, includingâ€" the foundation of~ . many branches in «Canada aid was also the author of the Lord‘s ‘Day Act and rabm itsâ€"agoption, â€"all.â€"â€"of which was woi‘t of the Rev. J. G. Shearery was termed as* "a !-N’M among men, a man . worthy to stand before kings." It wu‘t)hu out that while the minister belongs to the church ard his~ fitst duty is to it, he also . teâ€" Tongs to the pablic. He is a public man and every social, moral and poâ€" fitical reform should receive his supâ€" port andi at fit times from the pulâ€" i’“_ * /# ' Fresident Damm was tenderid complimentary vote of than‘s by 6 . members of ths Association for h ] excellont eddruss . In concluding his admirahle address the revercnd gentleman pointed . out that although the minister may exert a powerful influence as a man of afâ€" fairs, yet his real, greatest and best work is done in the pul;it. It is still his throne of.power and may it ever continue ‘o pe so. His chiet work is to bind up the brokenâ€"bearted, to comfort 211 that mourn, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the openâ€" ing of the prison to thom that are bound in the chains of appetite . and sin, to proclaim the acce,¢able yeai of the Lord to every one who seeks )lor forgiveness, righteousness, and salvation in the Father‘s family. He ’ls called to speak the word of comâ€" fort by the open grave, to lead those in tb dibct fls m +0 Acimdhs caindd . SA wan in the darkness of sortow to â€" trust in the fatherly goodness of _ God, to utter the word of warning which may check the erring, or that of exâ€" hortatien which may arouse _ the slumbering soul of youth to higher amd consecrated service. Loft a Mcssage. Rev. D. B. Shork lift a messa e for the Ministerial Association it which h> wishes them God‘s tlessin im their wors in bebalf of the to and moralâ€"â€" and sotial _ r for and the Lora‘s Day Aliame | wot Rev. Mr. Lynn was a o nt d t ‘talt a svitatle rely to the ! ind of the deceased. Tha Association decided to covtin to hold its meetings in the | Publi Library. hi Assoviation ccnsidered the ques tlon â€" cf to d ng Than‘sgi ing _ TA on Mondiy ani @ds o in on oro ail d tran‘mously against ha ing Mon day as Thamâ€"sziâ€"ing Day. The Assoziaticn meets again in ty THE WIsE MOTHER DOCTORS BABY WISELY castorâ€"cil or purgatives, mor co the, gile them pisonous ojiates in the form ct soothing medicines. Raby‘s Oun Tatlots take th» place of these harsh ani dangerous @rugs, and the mother bas (he gvarantee cfa go>â€" ernmcnt Apalyst. that th: Tablets ars, asolutely ‘safe, amni will cure _ all stomach and towel troubles, destro, worms, Lrea‘t up colds and _ ma;e tee‘h ng easy. Mrs. Thos. Crait, _mnsmrth, Man., says:â€"‘"L have use Baby‘s Own Tablets for constijita tion and tcething troubles, and _ do uot know of any othet medicine that con equal them. Tliey are always sa tisfactory im their results." Sold b; mevicine deaiers crt by mail at > cents a tox from The Dr. Willam Mediciae Co., Brockiille, Cni. Nowadays wiss mothâ€"rs do not close Nowsdays wice mothors do not dose their childten with nauseous, gripplig night, August â€" 2ist, about _ 10.30 o‘clock, where he met Greene and they followed a party of about _ five through a number of side rooms . to the bar where they woere served with two glasses of beer by Mr. Zuber himsclf. Greene was registered _ at the hotel. Mr. Jos. Zuber swore to ~having left the hotel on the night in quesâ€" tion at about 7.40 o‘clock for _ his home on Queen street, and remained uatil 11 o‘clock, not getting back to tke hotel until about 11.10. He did not sell amy liquor that night. ‘Never tends tar himself. 4 A DOMEUCL wy vet amaMit Ui oR cichs testifed to haviig been around the hotel between ten and cleven o‘clock, but saw nothing of Zubér, . Corrian or Greene. Bert Stiefeimeyer testified to seeâ€" ing Mr. Zuber at . the hotel about eleven or a little after. _* Chas. Bruder, bartchder, . was at the hotel from 7 to 10 o‘clock _ on the evening of the 2ist. Mr. Zuber was not there during that time. _ ‘This closed the case for the defence after which ;}Iâ€"t hy â€" solicitors Haverson and Monahan to{lwnl. . The Defence § & Ladies‘ and Cents‘ Watches Engagement and Wedding Leading Joweller, _ _ 18 KING 8T., RABST. BERLIN Hoves and Mitts HFIN E6 DIAPLA C Large assortment of a Horse Blankets and Buggy Rugs Queen St. South. Berlin, Ont. 424t Issuer of Licenses. Full line o!.:‘mu Jeweliery. Miss Minnie Schildioth of New Hamburg, spoot Stnoay with relativâ€" es in town. Mrs. D. Alex. Bean and two chilâ€" dren are spending a week at . the kome of her parents in Toronto. Dr. Eschelman of Bufialo, N.Y., is| visiting his Parcm‘s, Mr. ind Mrs. Moses Eschelmas, §1 Church street. Miss Ada P. Clemens returned on Jaturday after a month‘s visit with fricnds in Grand Rapids, Mi_h, Miss lemens will resume her *‘Fancy or ‘‘ Classes at an early date. The marriage of Mr. A. W. White of Langham, Sask., to May _ Louise, second daughter of the late H. C. Hilborn and Mrs. Hilborn, will take place Thanksgiving Day, October 25, at 95 Church St., Berlin. ‘ Wholesale Prices. Mrs. (Rev.) Scanlon of Elmira wa t e rvest of Mrs. (Rev.) S. E. Mar ha‘l on Thursday. Gco. H. Honsberger of Toront: Musical Tradesoutnal) visited h brother, Dr. J. F. Honsbergert _ 0 Thursday. Special display of Chase‘s Plush Rugs Misses Alice and Mary Moyer o | Berl‘n, Cnt., who hive teon visitin in Portland, Ore., d oth:r coast cities, arrived in 6city yesterday and ar> the guests gl\'irs.‘s. Gro#, 887 Gros.cnor a.enue.â€"Winnipeg Frce Pross. SPECIAL PRICES Berlin News Items . A. J. Gabel Louis Sattler Erb‘s Samples Thanksgiving Sale Is meeting with immense success. Never since we have been in Berlin, did we sell so many suits in one day as we did on Saturday, Every person went out g‘easgd and _ greatly _ surprised _ at the _ quality and style of the suits that we are selling a such great reductions, â€" There are still plenty of suits left and here are the prices they are going at. [ CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS BERLIN ...STRATFORD _ GUELPH Headquarters for Keep in mind that this sale positively closes Saturday night nevt. Don‘t wait till the last moâ€" ment. You will get better service now than Saturday. Don t «clay. Men‘s bandsome dark and light, single _ and double brcasted tweed . and worâ€" <ted suits, all sizes from 34 to 44, all our own special making, fall and winter weights, and tut in good style, equal to Men‘s heavy dark patterned twoed, single and double breasted suits, sizes 36 to 40, strong and serviceâ€" able, regular price $8.50, Thanksgiving Sale price ~~â€"â€" ¢1N NN evit in Ontâ€" ario, our regular price $10.00, Thanksgiving Sale price 2 uesiee rvivee recier WB THORNTON & DOUGLAS AT AT e STHE â€" $5.15 $6.75 Ca Paid Up, . RM“ ht 45. tas 65 Brakithes in Caneda, and Ageoté 61 watmi‘ï¬r .,..,:.,m"m“'"“: j’;:!? FURNITUVUI OUR UNDERT AKINGâ€"Special! attention this lineâ€"of business. _â€" Day . Stoves will be in great demand, _ Full line of all kinds Stoves.. Our stoves are manufactured by concérns, ROt | the"combine. Prices right. Now is the time to buy, _ _ Royal Oak $10,50 and up, .. w* <9 o o onl lluwb:didu wfuinie c Â¥a a9 1 + + . + <»< 6t shh onp + ++ ons w Wood Seat Diners, fancy backs, per baif dozen ...... ....;. ... ): BtTA Fancy parior tables in oak and oL MA P on . * Our §3 sateen covered Mattress is th in town for the money... _‘ .. We have the largest stock and varietyfto select from in the county The Simpson Retail Furniture KING ST. BERLIN. 87. Night phone 638. Cold Weather Coming _ A GBN@raALBAN Dealer in Hardware, Paint, Stoves, Tinware Plambing and Pipefiiting King St., Berlin. . Phone 141. = n Men‘s extra fine quality tweed and worsted mits, in single and double breasâ€" ted styles, all made in our own samitary factory, sizes 35 to 42, regular price $12.00, Thanksgiving Sale prite ... __.s. 47. Men‘s handsome singlo and doubleâ€" breasted _ suits, made up in T. &â€"D.‘s test style, suits that any man will feel well dressâ€" ced in, all sizes fromâ€" 36 to 42, the regular price cf these suits was $13, $15. un to $18, the .lot to clear at the great Thanksâ€" giving sale, &t the low price Of ... .2 ks $7 It is a particularly fine igstrument to sing to as well as to perform on. C * The tone of the Heintzman & Co. Piano is delightful, the elasticity of action marvelous; ;i‘:rydnotel ringini:g out in clear, pear}y h:mi pid quality. It excells any piano ve ever me%."â€"{flbam'. 43 ~ _ You are requested to call and examine the Heintzman & Co. Pianos at the warerooms os F. G. Gardiner 29 Queen St., South. . Berlin, Ontario. HEINTZMAN & CO. GEO. E. POTTER _ Good music in the home is invaluable. ‘That Canadians of culture fully realize this is shown by the many homes that contain a ~ (MADE BY YE OLDL FIRME OF HEINTZMAN & co.) PIANO $7.15 We are putting in this sale all our children‘s fancy guits at the following big reductions, as we intend going out of children‘s fancy suits. . These suits at these prices will deâ€" light the hearts of mothâ€" ers. All children‘s $1.95 fancy suits to go at ... $1 All children‘s $5.00 to $6.50 fancy suits, to go at... $3.38 All children‘s $2.75 and $3 fancy suits at go at... $1.88 All children‘s $3.50, $3.7 and $4.00 fancy suits €0 AV .....s.o cuprancen LIMITED HAMILTONâ€" to $2.38 sov Srew y 38