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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 21 Oct 1909, p. 1

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Ernst & Go., Beftin. Men‘s Suits and Overcoats _\ Que of the great advantages which accrue to the imen who buy "Ermmst" %fi is the vast range Of diffierent models in the many Aifferent cloths i patterns and many variations in details now shown in winter . suits and overcoats. You.can exercise ) OUF «choice almost without limitation and never step beyond the confines of goo d taste: And at every priceâ€"with a good deal more value at each price than is customary. . eA > Hundreds of styles and colors in suits at $8, $10, $13, $12.50 aud $15, with extra sizes for big men. Scores of entirely new models and patterns in Overcoats from $7 to $15. . Men‘s and Boys‘ Clothing Men‘s Pyjamas, in a heavy Englis! YOUNG NEN‘s WINTER WEIGHT fannelette, double warp, in variou: TWEED SUITS, good patterns, in shades of grey, blue or pink stripe fancy mixtures, checked or striped sizes 14 to 18, regular $1.35 for pepper and salt dcdngsl!u, brown ::: 98 grey colorings, single _ breas *4 ~ S s dn mt s ntP sc onar opmertan i , Sizes 33 to 27, alar $6,50 > C85} C o o i | figugiy Snss t o t toaytel PW : »poobiets Siacs 86 "bo 14 s egnte T jof Eoo $1.50, for MEN‘S BLACK MELTON MEN‘S â€" WORSTED choice patterns, made and datk colors, ncat stripes, side and hip 3% to 42, waist, regul; Boys‘ 3 piece Suits, of darck . grey, checked tweeds, double breasted ‘ coats, with good twilled linings, sizes 28 to 33, regular $5, for C $395 *4 COLORED SHIRTSâ€"Negligee style, in meat, fancy stripes and . figures, separate or attached culls, sizes 14 1 1 sn We q is UNDERWE ARâ€"Men‘s fleece lined, in a fancy stripe, 34 to 44, shirts. Of drawers, Saturday special U TARAVETEL O Osp Co en oetcin 1 ed material, of good weight, single breasted Chesterfield. 50 _ inches long, with velvet collar and serviceâ€" able twilled lining, sizes 34 to 44, regular $10 for m.. As QVERCOATS, rich, smoolh, ed material, of good weight, breasted Chesterficld, 50 I S Noumerint Mrs. Steuernagel has just returned froim the City havicg picked up the latest American novelties and with the well equipped staff is now prepared to make the most stylish and" upâ€"toâ€"date head weat ever shown in Waterloo. |, ; ® 1 CC & e n Peo d ~AL ato » mm s Ladies who have be? suffering irom OrOKEN OMECI AHM,. LA sets will find a perfect fitting corset with unbreakeable Spirells be A Sp‘eciaitg of Velvets, Silks and all kinds of â€" ancy Dress Trimmings. oys‘ and Youths‘ Winter Overcoats, college ulster style, in a good weight English tweed, dark shade, single breasted, . collats buttoned close at neck, Italian body lining, ‘gizes 27 to 32, regular $6.50 for $5 0o Pro;res our Superiority in Clothing for the Men. > 2: *3 to. 17, regular 50c to $ Mrs. C. Steuernagel! ;. t Dry Goods Depart offer Inovery depart m% this woek. md% irday. g. vime Enrshaih AFG very Buturd s t s i Dry Gooda Department in the old Bochmer stand, we Infovery department. . See our ahow windows for a A this woek. y g‘h clook u&p this week! Sava your time cheoks. & ; and Mros. H. Staokardt got 201, #1 | dny. _ time cheoks you get with every dollar r‘"" fls Batarday at ,"-?:c' o'i"n' ,:.’:., '.:2’:? s MILLINER TED _ TROUSERS, s, made in medium rs, neat design, in and hip pockets, size st, regular $3.50 fotr KING STREET, WATERLOO. $4.98 MELTON â€" CLOTH rich, smooth, fipisp- Our Vast Showing of for ‘ suffering Irom broken steels in their corâ€" ng corset with unbreakeable Spirells boning! $7 95 5oc Men‘s Pyjamas, in a heavy English flannelette, double warp, in various shades of grey, blue or pink stripe, sizes 14 to 18, regular $1.35 for Cardigan Jackets, English makes, . elastie. stitch mohair blndsw ‘pockets, sizes .36 to "4#@* $1.50, for Some 1000 yards of Fashionable Dress Materials at 45¢ And every. yard of it a promise of a charméing suit or dress. There atc stripes, cheviots, striped _ worstzds, striped â€" satin cloth, plain panamas, Dolphins and cashmere henrietta, and a wealth of nretty shadeg, 50¢c, 65¢, 15¢ a yard, forâ€" Table Linew, full bleached _ Irish, satin damask, pure linen, fine even weave, various patterns, in handsome bordered designs, sizes 7,2. inches .wkdc DoLCCRCN Mnb t regular 65¢ a yard, for"" All Linen Crash Towelling, strong weave, splendid wearing quality, borâ€" dered, 17 inches wide, regular 10c a yard, for P a. English â€" Striped Flannelette, a strong weave, well assorted, striped patterns and coloring, fast dyes, 36 inches wide, regular 12c a yard for Unbleached* _ Canadian Sheeting, strong eÂ¥ven yarns, pure fmish, no fillâ€" ing or dressing, 72 inches, regular 28c yard, f6r . Staple Department $125 45C 49¢ 23¢ News Notes.â€"Mr, and Mis.â€" ~Jacob E. Shantz attended the funeral, of the formet‘s sisterâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs. Pete: E. Shantz, of Preston, last: Iug afternoon.â€"Miss Edna . Weber ‘ Serena Eby have returned: to" their homes in Chicopee after a . sojouth of a year or more in the vicinity of MacLeod, _ Alberta. _ ‘Their many friends here are pleased to welcome them back and also â€"to learn that both young ladies have much improvâ€" ‘ed in health during their | stay. ; in‘ \Sr.uy Albérta. % Funeral of Late: Mrs: Milborn. â€"â€" Quite a mimber from here attended the funcral of the late Mrs. Hilbotn at Preston last Monday _ afterndon. Deccased was a resident of this viâ€" cinity for many years, where she was highlyâ€"esteemed by a large circle of frrends. ~Since the death of hor hus band some years ago she fas resided with her daughter, Mrs. Hy. Ludwig. Death was due to infirmities of old age. She is survived by a . number of children, grandchildren and greatâ€" grandchildren. ; â€"~ Personals.â€" Mr. Noah Moyer _ ot Breslau Road visited Mrs. Hy. Lutz last week.â€"Mrs. Jant Hewitt has removed her houschold cefects to Galt where sho will reside with‘ her . son Dilman for the winler months.â€" Mr. Edwin Shantz is iB with an atltack of peritonitis. His friends all wish him an early â€" seovery.â€"Misses | lsaâ€" bella and Nan‘y Livergood, both of Preston, were the guests of Mrs. E. Becker of Orchard House on Thursâ€" day.â€"MÂ¥> and Mrs. Ed. Honsperger of +Durand, Michigan, are visiting at the home of the former‘s parents, Mr, and Mrs, Amos Hallman, at _ Bonny Home.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shantz ard f@&mily of Waterloo Sundayed at the . homeâ€" of the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Gimbel.â€"Miss _ Jennie Hallman has taker a position wilk the W. G. &Rt. Co. of Berlin. She commenced her rew duties last week. commenced herâ€"rew duties last week, â€"Miss Lillie M. Detwiler has . gone to. Harmilton where she will aitend the Normal College, preparatory â€" to entering the teaching profession. May success crown her cforts.â€"Messrs Irâ€" in Shantz and John Wag ner have both erected fine large cement silos this fall.â€"Eden, the young . son of MrJand Mrs. Willie Wiegand, who has «y pm9"‘‘~>% i npans Uriael l Our Busy Neighbors beenwon ‘the sick list, is now convalâ€" escent.â€"Miss Jeannette McKeâ€" is taking a course at Berlin . Business Collége for the winter months.â€"â€" Mr. C. Krempicne, Sr., has almost _ onâ€" titely recovered from his recent . sevâ€" cre fall.â€"Mrs. Gertic MacMinn _ has returhcd home to Bufialo, N..Y. aftet a short: visitwith her stater,~ Mrs. Stewart, of Bleak House News Items.â€"Mrs. Henry Becker,3t, has left on a visit to her son, JatoB, in Mildmay. She was accompanied by herâ€"gon Ezra and her grandcaughâ€" tor, Miss Pearl Beéker.â€"The Reverâ€" end Mt. Sidhey Shantz visited icnds in this neighborhood last week, â€"Mr. Ilmer spent Sunday at the bome wf â€"his brother Rudy.â€"Mr. an : Mrs. Lewi: Schwarts spont part ofa week‘s Roliday im our ncighborhoot.â€" Miss Maty Schwartz of Berlin form erly of this place, visited in . this vicitit; C® ‘Saturday and Sunday.â€" iterary.â€"The | Beavor |â€" Litâ€"rary tad a fairly good meeting on Saâ€" furday night. . _ Mr.â€"L. Sehwart acâ€" Aed 4s :judge for the debate . which was very good. He gave some very "interesting remarks at the couclusion of. the debe. News Notes.â€"Miss Spence of Torâ€" [ ento was _ the guest of Mrs. 0 J. q ‘Thompson | last week. â€" Mrs. / Wm. Thoms is visiting her daughter _ in ‘Guelph at present.â€"The Doon Mctho dist cboir gave a_ concert in . their church on l-‘xda_v uigqnt. They _ wore ‘assisted by Phe Halman quartette of Galt, Mr. Kecfer of Berlin, the Joéhâ€" :son Bros., Preston, Mr. Ramson and Miss Green, Preston. The charch was ‘weil Micd, akthough the night . was rery wet and< stormy.â€"The Rev. Mr. «Ccnton, Reév. Mr. Johnson and the * Rev." Mr. Fa rber intend Dolding _ reâ€" \vival mectings in â€" the _ Mcthodist . {charch all this week. â€"Mr Clear _ of Intersoll soid»a carload _ of caltle . by auction in Doon last Thursday. They brought a good price. Mr. °* Bruce of Galt is busily engaged ‘at present , putting new glass _ in _ the Presby terian church windows. Miss * Hattie Penmabaker very . ably _ conâ€" < ducted the topic at the league" Sunâ€" ° day night. â€"ftev. Mr. Conron preachâ€" ed in Waterloo on Sunday sâ€"Mr, Stéin * has been spending a couple of weeks ~ at his home in Mount Forest. He rocâ€" i turned to Doon last Thursday . â€"Miss ~ K. Turel and Master R. Turcl spént * Sunday with friends in Berlinâ€"â€"M¢s. 8 u;l“mh}r home in Watâ€" erido Tast y â€"Mr. Chak. Tilt had a few of his‘pirds at the Rockâ€" 6 % w * t yâ€" : o News Notes Gathered by Industrious Correspondents (Too late for last week.) FREEPORT WILLIAMSBURG DOoON nefes uataee s pros THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21, 1909 â€"~ out < â€" ol ong «of" those broad smiles theso,dgys. Met on Tuesdayâ€"Tke members of theâ€" Women‘s ll::r!tu%nnt at (\*h Qddfcliow‘s. Hall on Tuesday, s }'filmbt{::&’wrw»d making _ a w quilts. : After the work was finâ€" isfied" a very tasty gupper was seryâ€" Happily Marriedâ€" Milkerâ€"Ament . Mr:John Hilken and ‘Miss Bdith Amâ€" <nt ~â€"were. mazried ab y5.0‘clock ‘Wedâ€" nesday evening, Oct. 13th, . at. â€" the bride‘s home, Linwood. % Wilt Meet on Tuesday Evcning.â€" A meeting in the interests of the Bible Society wuu-_tw’: the Presbyterâ€" ian, church next Tuesday ewning at 8 a‘clock. Everybody weltome: . News® Notes.â€"Mr. James Atder:;}n ’ of" Ghelph was a ‘vigitor at the Meâ€" thodist parsonage Wednesday afterâ€" noon and evening.â€"Mrs. Orrin Schâ€" aurrâ€" and Miss Schnutr made a busiâ€" ness trip to Elmira on Tharsday. â€"â€" Miss Carric Hilken was in _ town attending her brother‘s wedding. Miss Hcnrich of Elmira has been enâ€" gaged as teacher at â€" the Beechyille public school.â€"The Epworth Lcague chad a very interesting imecting last Tuesday evening, the subject teing a DBible contest.â€"Mtr. Wesley Cathcant reburned from liis Arip to the Northâ€" wost Thursday night.â€" Mrs.â€" James Ogram and Mrs. William Ogram of he 13th linc left on Thursday to he g‘ilh line left on Thursday to ittend the funcral of theâ€"late _ Mrs. Richard Qgram of ~Betlin, a former resident of this district.â€"Mrs. Henry Neand who has been out west for a few . weeks returned home _ Thursday night.â€"On Sunday eveuing the _ inâ€" duction services were held in the Luâ€" theran church when Rev. A. Schulz inducted Rev. Mr. Stockman into the pastorage here.â€"Miss Adella Schâ€" rumm who has been here with her grandmother _ all _ summer returned home Saturday accompanied by Miss M. Schrumm, who is spending a few days at Mildmay. Anniversary Services Oct. 3lst.â€" The Methodist chucch is being paper» ed and tenovated this week. Ou Sunâ€" day, Oct. 31st, the anniversary serâ€" vices will be held, when Rev. _ Mr. Oaten of Milverton will occupy _ the pulpit. §â€"_ BLOOMINGDALE. Personals.â€"Miss Sarah and Miss Joanna Snydet Sundayed with their brother, Mt. Leander Snydet, Bridgeâ€" port.â€"Mfss Anna Uttley of _ iPort Huron guest of Mr. and Mrs. «}. . Shepherd over Sunday.â€" Miss Itclla Snyder of Port Elgin is visâ€" iting her friends _ hero for a few weeks.â€"Mr. D. M. Bemis left on a business trip to Wiartom, Owen Sound and other points north.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Snyder and family visited the latter‘s father‘s at Strasburg on Sunâ€" day.â€"Miss Violet Slumski is spendâ€" Amgâ€"a few days=at Berlin. News tems.â€"Quite a number _ of P people from Breslau and vicinity atâ€" s tended the meeting of the Riverbank m Literary Society last Thursday evenâ€" ing and.report an enjoyable time. â€"â€" Mr. Manuctâ€"Beehtcl and Misses Chrisâ€" tena and Laura Bechtel visited _ at f . Moses Cressman‘s on Sunday afâ€" | , tnoon.â€"Misses Nora and Ida _ Woolâ€" | ; er visited at Mr. David Gimbel‘s | last Saturday afternoon. â€"Misses Elâ€" ]l vina Cressman and Laura Shantz vis~ ; ited at the horme of Mr. Henry Hip | el on Sunday.â€"Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. . Geiger visited with Mr. Aaron Madâ€" . er on Sunday afternoomâ€"Mr. Chatles Winters who had been engaged for the f summer on a farm neat _ Markham, | teturned homelast Saturday. â€" Mr. 5Dm’ill Gimbel and sister, Miss Netâ€" | \tte, visited with Mr. Jacob _ Woolâ€" | ner‘s on Sunday.â€"Mr. Richard Reinâ€" hardt spent Sunday under the parenâ€" tal roof.â€"Miss Heativole of Virginia and Miss Morris of Vincland are visâ€" iting friends in Breslau and vicinity. â€"Mr. Norman Groh of Preston _ has ertsaged himsel(< with _ Mr. Moses Shantz for a ycear.â€"We . understand that Mr. Wiltiath Clemens, who is just conipleting a yeat‘s M men with: Mr. Moses Shants, is ni?;ly 1?? become a travcler. We wish _ you eveBy success Will.â€"Mr. and Mrs. : Dalton Uressman spent Sunday evenâ€" ing with his brother, Mr.~_ Owen Cressman. â€" Mr. Ammon, Buschert spent Sunday at home. â€"Mf: _ Irvin Shgntz began work at the sugar _{tactory on Monday.â€"Mr. amd _ Mrs. | Itter of Bag City, â€"Michigan, visited ; | with his brothe?, Mr. Andrew _ Binâ€" â€" | der, last woek. â€"Mr. and Mrs. © H. . | #inm, Mr. Norman Zinn, Miss Marâ€" â€"A jorie .Zinn of Galt, and Miss (‘::y , | o#crted of Toronto, visited at MÂ¥. ; | IL. thipel‘s on Sunday.â€"Mr. GoodWin â€"â€"] Shantz of Preston spent Sunday ‘at s | the home of Mr. Isaac Shantz. â€"Rr. t | Porcy Moir, who had been empl at @ciger‘s cartiage . works i8 e W has severed Wis connect t ‘that firtm and gone to‘ » â€" ‘| where he has secured andther si . . thom»â€"Mt. Moses Shant: is . w LINWOOD BRESLAU and m;‘i“'-'m Miss Fl‘:: ldren of a * leen Shortreed of Morden, Man z‘ Mr. J. B. Reuter of Lethpridge, Alta . visited Mr. Ceorge last ‘week. â€"Mr.‘J. P. u#x‘:hl-:d ttom his kla to ‘ the â€" '-} last Thursday. â€"Dt. H. T. mz of Vancsouver, visited _‘ his sister, Mis. Mayberry here last week.â€"Mr. and Mrs: Heary lHeimbecher redmad from . their . trige to New York last" wee‘s. â€"Missen 144 Martin and _ Myrtie Bechtel s)c0% Sunday in town the guests ol. Mrs. fi‘ Jobs McMilian‘s house.â€"Dr. ani .’kculon assisted in the program at the Tess Meeting at Goldstone on Monday evening.â€"A: mission is be‘n : held ‘in the R. C. Church here, this week.â€"A. Capuchin Father from . Deâ€" troit" conducting it.â€"Mrs,. W. J. Reyâ€" nolds and Mrs. Richmond of . St. Jacobs visited Elmira last Monlay. â€"Dr. Ratz bas sold his practice here to Dr. Faulds, Toronto. He has an engagement for the wintor with Dr. Fry at Ronner‘s Fegty, Idaho and will look out fet"a locaticn in the West. Dr. Ratz will remain _ hare for several weeks longer to introduce lDt. Faulds who will begin his pracâ€" tice at once. (Dr.) Ratt.â€"br. J. Jury has bought Mr. Mflu‘l house.â€"Dr. :‘:1 Fall Fair a Success.â€"Ths postponâ€" ed Fall Exhitition of the Elmira ard Woolwich Agricultural Society was all things considered, a success, Although the weath>r was _ not all that could be desired, the attemiance was _ good,â€"The _ speeding contests were closely contested and a new feaâ€" ture and one that created considerâ€" able interest was the jumping contest for horses. The concert in the even ing was well attended." « _ Mr. â€" Charlie Whyard of. Waterloo spent â€"Sunday at the home of Mr. M. T. Bechtel. â€"Mrs. M. L. Weber, Mrs. Hiltorn, Mrs. J. P. Luchardt, Mrs. Winger, Mrs. Mitchs‘l and Mrs. |r a weeks. Mr. Woodward â€" formâ€" erlyiived near West Montrose, havâ€" ing ned a large farm which he sold Mr. Edwin Devitt 20 | years â€" ago, and moved with his family . to Washington, _ where â€" he has â€" a very fine property. Died: On Saturâ€" day evening, 9thâ€"inst, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johir Mackieâ€" The funeral of Wm. Mitchell of Waterloo took place at Winterbourne cemetery on Tuecsday, the 12th inst, after a lingering illness of several years. He died in hope of a resurrection unto ‘ life. Mr. Mitchell was in his _ 68th year. He leaves a widow and cight children, 4 sons and 4 daughters, all grown up.â€"The sale of Geo, Wright‘s property was held on Tuesday, _ the 12th, and was conducted by _ Mr. C‘lass of Floradale, who did remarkâ€" ably well considering the extremely cold day. Mr. Michael Bowman‘s surplus stock andâ€" carriages were alâ€" so sold the same afternoon. _ Money seemed to be plentiful and everything realized a good figure.â€"Wm. Sherifi has built a fine addition to his house lately. Henty Holle was the contracâ€" tor.â€"The ladies of Chalmer‘s church had a memorable gathering on Wedâ€" nesday last, 13th inst., at the _ regâ€" ular missionary mecting, when | they | presented Mrs. (Rev.) A. M. Hamilâ€" ton with a life membership of _ the Foreign Missionary Society of which she has been an active worker _ for many yeat#e News Notes.â€"Born: On Oct. 3rd, 1909, to Mr. and Mrs. John Mackie, a daughter. â€" Mr. and _ Mrs. Abby Woodward of Washington, U. S. A., areevisiting friends in this place for Scamlon â€" attended th« W. M. con ervion in Bcrlin on \h rsda News Notes.â€"The harvest is past | and the summer ended. The . crops have been harvested in good . conâ€" dition, the threshers â€" baving been busy for a month. The grain is turnâ€" ing out fairly well. and is of a good quality, although the straw is~ short. The farmers are realizing more â€" and the grain is of better quality than they expected. The root crops _ are good. We have not bhad any frost except in the low land and corn and potaloes are nice and green, but we expect a change to cooler. We have l had some rain and at present we are I having one of the worst wind storms we have expericnced this year. The fishermen expect to lose ncartly all their nets and the loss will aimount | to thousands of dollars. One _ comâ€" pany has thirtyâ€"five miles â€" of _ nets. The lake is so rough that no boat carm come in to take away the freight, cattle, sheep, grain and _ household effects.â€"Rev. Mr. Fretz, Mennonite minister, who is here with wife and child, is waiting for a boat to conâ€" vey them with their houschold goods and horse and buggy to Wiarton. We hope the storm will soon cease . and the lake calm down so that the boats _can make their wsual trips. The farâ€" \ mers are busy with fall plowing and _ the timber men are at the bush mak~ â€" ing ties and logs. Thore are several buyers here from the lower â€" country â€" in search of cattle, sheep and hogs, A which are all in good condition and bring fair prices. AScarload of fngerlings wi.l _ he taken from the Government fish pond #t Eraitford on Tucsday next and trafisferred to th» Muskoka lakes. Ten t nd fngerlings were placed _ in the Grand last week and as men; will be . put in the latter, end FISH FOR MANITOULIN ISLAND WINTERBOURNE ELMIRA I YÂ¥3 3 THE GRAND Clothing Specia _ Saturday‘s AT $2 50 â€" with guld buttons 3 50 Taaibe Overeonts jo..binck stzee 27 AT $1.00 Youths‘ black Overcoats in sizes % 30, 31, special $4.00 :T '.lfln.noo striped tweed f en‘s faney tw ovnrcoats auteâ€"vollar grey and mum th» young man‘s sont, speo. $11. AT $14.00 Men‘s fancy tweed overcoat. nice dark brown, invieib‘e stripes and grey stripe, auto cullar. young man‘s * TERMS ‘STRICTLY CASH. ONE PRICE â€" . CHEAP CASH STORE, 2 KING SX. Something to Enjoy in the evening at home in comfort . shorten long evenings, amuse the children, entertain friends ana liven up social gatherings. The Edison Phonograph will do it, DOERSAM‘S Ceame uce L en ie M esn ic ta i . Re" t We carry a full line in stock all the time, also the New Records every month. â€" The Very Latest in Fiction at $1 and $1.25 The Danger Mark by R. W. Chambers, Truxton King by G. B. Mcâ€" Cutcheon, The White Prophet by Hall Caine, Three Keys by R. Ormond, The Stowaway b%hl.ouis Tracy, Half a Chance by F. S Isham, Carailiic by Robâ€"rt Barr, The Title Market by Emily Post, Greater Power by H. Bind!oss, Flaw in the Snwhnir by C. M. Snyder, H;Ppy Hawkins by H. H. Wright, Caliing Dan Mathews by P: A. Wason, The Last Woman by R. Beekman, Christina by Wee McGreeger, A kind in Kaliaki by H. K. Webster, The Merry Widow by A Opera. > Don‘t forget that we have A‘circulaung library at 10c a book. The Edison Phonograph Entertainment for every homes. The Waterioo Bookstore SMYTH BROS. _ "corooommes SOLD B)" AJ _ & K. Weichel & Son If your buildings need painting till next spring. Do it now / hulndinnasbdhe sitine d io lik oo tds It will be money saved to protect the Jumber pm winter weather., Then, too, the fall is a fine seasonâ€"weather conditions right; no heavy rains to soak into the lumber ; no gnats and flies to stick to the fresh paint. Ourt advise is: â€" Paint now and use *The Sole Agency in Waterico. Good Fall Painting CcoVvE®® Te Suernwinâ€"Wiriams PAINT DOERSAM‘S F. 1. WEAVER & 00. MoSst, WEARM® coNO®8T, LOOK® BEST, *mo€t ECONONMICAL $14 00 AT $0.00 & W?M-w Benator styles 35 1o 4 AT $10.60 f Men‘s black overconts, AT $1100 Mon‘s black _ coll«r, â€"Toarist style, special @1 Miothee woot nerver everegnl Wt en‘ " bis velvet collars, alzes 35 to J # AT ȣ3.00 > Cl Men‘s fine blsck wool kersey 0vered Persian Coliars, spesial 13 BPECIAL AT;,$10.00 : + "0 Men‘s A:e ur‘idpd worated W;.- nice dark stripes, brown, tas i Senator style, special now, don‘t put it off BOOK STORE Waterloo

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