City Caltle Market, Toronte, Oxt 19. â€"There _ was a Leavy run Of 122 cars received at this market | toâ€"lay. Trade was good and prices steady to firm â€" for anything _ of fair to good wuality, _ but for the pouter stufl a little slow Choice _ feeders _ wore »carce and finwt for anything of deâ€" mirable quality. _ There was a deâ€" mand _ for good feeding steâ€"rs and bulls. Choice â€" butcher were scarce and not cnough to supply the _ deâ€" mand. . Common _ cows and cannels suld out on a littls easier prices. head of _ cattle, _ 1,000 sheep _ ane lambs, 500 hogs and 130 calves. _ Butcher cattle of good _ to choic quality ape in active demand An thing choice picked out of loads ho firm at $1.85 to $5; medium butch steady to fitm. Feedersâ€"The dem: now very active, an steets and bulls an to $1.140;, bulls $3 t Stockers ate _ in mand for . good quz Lambs â€" easier. Sheep steady Hogsâ€"Market ste and $£7.25 fed and v Oats awre also ly liberal del country points Toronto. Kets contin country points. Barley a in _ demand.. Ontario w mixed winter: wheat, 98c side, No. 3 white 99c @ Manitoba wheat, spot N\ $1.04]; _ No. 2 rotthen track, Jake ports. _ Cert No. 2 yellow, 69%¢ g freights. Oats, Canad four quet patents, strong ba Patents, BERLIN MARKETS. Berlin,October 21st 1909 Flour per 100 lbs. .... $2.90 Bran $ s#2>« 100 Middlings " iss« 1,20 Screenings * sere 4 30 Wheat per bush....... _ .98 Barley 8 usxes> â€" @i0 Oats C casas@s :50 Pess.:...:11:+â€":~â€".â€"2.20» »80 Potatoes per bag...... .75 May per tor.......... 840 Wood per coru........ 7.00 Butter por Ib ......... .31 Egge por dozen....... .21 $24 per included tamie brat outsid Marit W Mn Meli Mi Mill: Mi Orls Mi M M 1 Th adl mitl M M V M M M \ ki« eli Mi M» langl 1 LIVE $TOGK U kiâ€" \l M Mil M Ki NJ 1 At Berh Â¥rs. °C MARKET REPORTS M \ M la M We 1 Famzli MARRIAGES X pror Uviel (1 M GRAIN U 4 Casit an verL M h demand / and little easier prices. 122 cars with 2,100 P 1,000 sheep _ and Sec §1.1 In busy i BIBRTHS malld in fairly quality. Wt t1 tealy wal M B it erl He M y Mill n m $3.58 10 11 M H i ind heat M &1 €1 \ U K ed 50 Millfeo] o crho h l 3.10 1.10 1.30 1.35 .98 15 55 .90 .85 10 00 7.00 .25 .25 ma Mil At M M M 1 \ b le $1 rt M Al 1d Bran per ton ........ llddlzlptm .... 2500 :o‘b., per bus. .... .70 JRHteFr, per Ib......... 2 4 l gge, per doz......... â€"4% L&Q..../+:srrsseses 15 Applee, per barrel ...... 2.00 {aog-uvo............ 7 83 Hogs, dressed .... .... 10 00 ‘ Hay,per toa .... .... 11.00 Hay, per ton new ...... 10.00 Straw per ton........ 5:50 Wood, per cord ...... 6.50 Export Cattle ........ 5.00 Batcbers‘ Cattle..... 4.25 Flour, Seven Lilies. OMb ....l. 222000 % FI9GF, UOUORE .264 ++++* Â¥Fiou‘, Holk ...... ... : Barley ..... W 108b .... .....}00}> NEW HAMBURG MARKE1S New Hamburg, October 21st 1909 Whest .......... ...+ â€" 08 s ORbg. 22222222222 .... 00 .38 + BAIIGY..:.... :â€":n css C A8 i POMB...... ccosscu.n. oBA 5 COID....â€".+â€"â€"+ier 1.~* 85 Fiour................ 300 3 Butter, per lb l.2llll. 0 .18 2 Egge, per dozon ...... . 20 x Hay per ton.......... 10.00 10. Lard, pef Ib...... ...â€" â€" *4 * Ham.l.lllllllll......00 15 + Middlings, per toa.... 23 BFAA...â€".+rsrs«s««.s 20. Potatoes per bag...... M Low grade Flour...... 31. STRATFORD MARKETS. Stratford, October 21st 1969 Wheat Standard)...... _ .98 Batrley.... ..:.lll... (43) Cate (standard]....s. 34 FCBRS‘ .«.+.vavs.senss +198 Hay per ton.......... 13 00 _ 1 Bran per ton.......... 20 00 % Shorts per ton........ 2 Live Hoge............ 815 Beef, front quarters.... _ .((6 Beef, bind quartere.... _ .74 Cbickeps..........:.: .25 Ducks....:........... 10 Butter per pound...... .265 Eggs per doz. ......... .24 Apples, per bag ........ .75 Potatoes, per bus ...... 90 M Mi WATERLOO MARKETS Waterloo, October 21st 1909 M it ul 1d V eC MEECE C 9 n n +0 pdard]....s. £00 :+ >â€"â€"+r+s 10D.s«â€"â€"«.«««: f 1oD........ Em scrmvines it quarters. ... WELLESLEY SILOS BUILT H 1 vauth Water] DEATHS 1 1 M W M M PI th rh al M Block M Ord th if R For .30 53 .30 .8) 10 00 «18 24 .85 85 3 00 .18 10.00 10.00 14 14 15 15 23 00 20.00 .10 32.00 W \ W 3 00 _ 13.00 20 00 20.00 25.00 8 15 8.15 38 10 M M 11 Oct M Mi K loth, the id _ Mrs. Stauiter 7 85 10.00 12.00 10.00 2.85 20.00 26.00 21.00 .98 .85 .06 .178 h 70 20 00 3 10 5 50 5.00 3.10 () W M Mrs Mi 1 00 50 .38 b .06 15 124 th 10 .90 1.00 98 38 50 80 85 20 20 80 40 t} GQ 8i 04 Th rat 26 00 50 t1 Mi M 24 h t atâ€" 64 08 45 60 .25 9n There will be sold by Public . Aucâ€" t‘on on the farm of the undersigned, on the 5th line Wellesiey Tp, 3$ milâ€" es northwest of Wellesiey, 4 milcs south of Linwood, on commencing at 1 o‘clock pm. sbalp; the following valuable property, 14. HORSESâ€"Heavy horse, 10 years uld, beavy sorrel mare supposed to be n foal by Hackuey, ganeral purpose horse 10 years . old, mare 3 years hoise 3 years old. CATTLE, ETC.â€"Cow &esh 6 weeks Durham cow with pedigree, 9 â€" years old, grade cow dur to calve in Det tuaryi bull calf 6 months old, hellet 8 months old can be registered, 10 ewe lambs, 3 buck lambs. 8 months old can be TegIS[€NC0, 27 ewe lambs, 3 buck lamts. PIGS, ETC.â€"3 breeding sows sup poscd to be i1 pig, 30 chickens includ ing some fine Bautams. IMPLEMENTS, _ ETCâ€"New To. buggy, lumWer wagon, wagon boX, sel gravcl planks,â€"set double hatness, s€t s ngie harmess, spring tooth cultiva tor, plow, new disc, seed drill, hay tuke, pair single bot sleighs, _ wats trough, _ set doubletreos, . neckyoke shovels, dorks and many other article: tou mimerous to menticn. HOUSEHOLD _ EFFECTS â€" ldea | $ fart (lay that proo aUin 1035 WA JOHN BIRMINGHAM H. B. DUERING, Ame Un There will be sold by Public Auct: at Mayer‘s Hotel Stock Yards, N Dundee, on Wednesday, Ootober 27th The Town of Berlin will pay $1.00 per cord for a quantity of field stone delivered in the Corporation yard on Wilmo# Street. _ For further informaâ€" tion, enquire at the office of the Town Engineer. N. ASMUSSEN, 0 Chairman Bd. of Works. Wanted Field Stone ~!~!~I~} Monday, Ootober 25th, 1909 o# Farm Stock and_Implements lockers stee ecarlings. 2 TERMS.â€"Hay ins of $10 and 1M It Is un d RAIN ved um Auction Sale 3 ft. new cotta ted this summer rural mail rout« 1, which will be A Few of Our . Record Breaking Birmitighan SHOE YALUES Do not pasa this list. These lines are all new, but bought at a big discount, you get the advantage. Men‘s Dongola kid shoes, all solid, worth $2.25 at..... .. $1.59 Men‘s $1.59 Special Men‘s $2.95 Special Men‘s finest box and_velour calf shoes, new sple leather, box toes, goodyear welt oak soles, reg. $4 @bQlllllllllll2l.....$2.05 Ladles‘ $1.39 Special Ladies‘ dongola kid shoes, solid, dandy fitters, regular 81.75 @b.lllllllllll uz222222222222 €1.30 Misses‘ fine dongola kid shoes, solid, sizea I1 to 2, reg. ®1.40 at ivang Drammakrpeyyices cs+ sene § L T6 Misses‘ $1.15 Special «snoes, only a few 12, 13, 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 95C¢ J. Hessenauer & Son 50 King St. Weast. _ Berlin Cpposite Economical Block, ami s buckwheat 30 bushels p ALo ENTATE 1 for â€" sale b t LMS.â€" nt of Auction Sale oF 50 Head of Cattle. Bov‘a _ anlid bel to of eultiva a good well, new cottage Iis summer. atly ible SPECIAL balan 13 Cbromicleâ€"Teleg:aph, Trurs tay. October 21, 1909, Page 8 M ‘an Sale â€"| FARM FOR SALE _ Farm For Sale chairs PC .â€"B b Phone 608 pay in b ie In 100 Mate h t â€"There wi it the san1 good th al etc left, sizes H.:I mt ih L000 1 ist.ns of f irchard, dit hel place B._ Mill prising 1K 1x2 Auction It h eved nfal h vet 30 th A al That splendid 200 acre laim being lots _ 14, 15 in the $nd concession, Division Guelph Tp. The Wuildings are good, stone house, heated with furnace, hard aud soft water in kiwhâ€" en, bauk barn 80x80 with root house an| stables under. _ Hay barn 50x60 with horse stable, sheep house and shed beneath, hog and hen house, drivâ€" ing and implement barns _ separate from other buildings. An ampic supâ€" piy of watee pumped by windmil}, neverfailing spring creek touches one corner of farm. Orchard, garden and a lot of Maple, Spruce, etc. have been planted. About NQ acres o woodland, _ over 100 acres in grass, besides the bush, and all in a frstâ€" class condition of fertility. This is one of the very Hest larms in the county of Wellington and is a sure farm for grain, grass and roots t is situated 6 miles from Guelph, 24 miles from Mosboro, G.T.R., 34 wiles from Weisenburg, 2} miles from New Germany and school is 4 mile from the bouse. For terms and particulars apply on the premiSes or to Janws and Willizam " sidlaw, Guelph, â€" The nndonlgod offers bis farm for sale, sonsisting of 100 acrer bell;‘l.m 387, Cen,. 11, North Dumfries, County of Waterloo. Upou it are erested the following buflm in goed repair, A commodious house otf & six inch wall of boards laid fiatwise, weather: boarkep. _ Good cement cistern and well at house, The barn is 72 x 75 with a straw shed attached 2% x 30, stabling all coment but horse stable. Preston stanchlous in cattle stab es Large root cellar and cement cream separator room. Etomne &Ix stable and chicken stable combined 18 x and <nd another pig stable below straw shed 16 x 30, both stables cement »d. Driving »hed ï¬;r%y 28. Good well in barn. Thrifty young orch. of 1} mores. There are l4 acres sown in fall wheat, 5 acres alfalfa, 18 acres clover, 12 acres clover, sod ous one seaâ€" son. The sollis of a rich clay loam and in good state of cultivation. This is an excellent location bolnLl mile from hoseville and 3 miles from r. ‘Telephone in house and Rural Mail Delivery.. 202 41â€"1m0. TAKE NOTICE that the Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for the year 1910 will hold its first sitting in the Council Chamber in the Town of Waterloo on Thursday, the 28th d ay of October, 1900, at 7.39 o‘clock,. p. in., at which time ard place all appeals against the said &Ass.,ssment Roll will be heard, of which all parties interested are required to take l‘lolice; _ Dated at Waterloo this 9th day of October, 1909. _ _____ ‘Farm for Sale Court of Revision BE COMFORTABLE Why not be comfortable when You cin get the PURE GOODS at a low figure. These blankets are made in our mills at Chicopee, â€" Remember the price remains low for & limited time until the present stock is sold. Wool has advanced in price and we will have to raise our price also. _ _ We have several dozen blankets in Grey and White. Take advantage of the D. L. WEBER, Prop. 68 Queen §t , S. SEALTD TENDERS addressed to the Post: mastec General, will bs received at Ottawa until Noon, on i‘rldny the 5th November, 1909 for the conveyance of His Majesty‘s lnlll. on a proposed Contract for four hum BIX timee per week each way. between MACTON _ AND W ALLENSTEIN and WALLENCEIN RAILâ€" W A Y STATION from the Postmaster Generâ€" als pleasure. _ e e, Mail Contract RRSPNoentttt Printed notivea containiag further informaâ€" tioe as to condirfons of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obâ€" tained at the Post Office of Macton and Walâ€" lenstein and at the Office of the Post Offlce Inspector at London. Post Office Department, Mail Service \Branch, Ottawa. 29th September, 1909. G.C, ANDERSON, 4C 3t Buperintendent. Farm contains one hundred acres of land aiuated near the village of Wallaceville, being south halves of Lota 7 and 8 Con. 4, in the mwnlhlr of Wallace. Farm is in good state of cultivation, adapted for Cairying and grun runln‘. has five scres good h1rwoo.l bush; no waste land. a large acresg« of new land 1eady for caltivation, good new house and barn; very covenient to church, school. store, blackamith, shop, post office, #} miles ie uulfon. For farâ€" ther particulars apply to Farm for Sale Compriaing 100 morea more ‘or lema, attuated adjacent to the \llln?o of Wull-mvl‘% being north haiverof Lota7 and 8, Con. 4, Wallace Farm is in a good sfate of cultivation, well adapted to dairyiog, well watered and nearly all cleared, very convenient to churches. gen eral store, post office, blacksmith shop; 3 miles to atation and 1 mila tm amhaal . Mn the prom; ises are a larga bank barn with @nnd -'-‘-""g vage rmaoms nvsee aud. um bomiegs. . intend: ing rnmhum will *ind‘y call on l‘m premine s or direct inquirers to the nndersigned, For further particalars aj A farmer for stock farm, middle u?_ rell able renommondlluo%bo"- able to work farm: (German preferred}. {Il rent, sall or +hareeâ€" ~ M cfonsa 5 Gp y S & c â€" * y oo PB Chicopse Woollen Mill Store 41â€"26 We are leaders in good 40â€"1mo Woolien Blankets 10 Imo Cheap Blanket Sale 40â€"1mo Town of Waterioo Farm for Sale FORD S. KUMPF. Town Clerk OTTO WIEDERHOLD, Wallace P. O OTTO WIEDERHOLD, Waliace P. 0 Wanted iculars l“y to M. B. 8 DER, Roserille MRS. NORTH CourtJand, Ont eC niemnenrenrsare Yearling heiffer, reddish half jersey, notch in left ear. Ag)gly to jOSEPH 8. SNYDER, _ _ 42â€"Uf Comprising 25 aores, situated oneâ€"half mile west of Preston, a few meres of good bush, sedar and pine; ali kinds of fruit; on property Would buy about & aores of r.d light +oi improyemente not necessary, pply at Ohron loleâ€"Telegraph Office, Waterloo, i1# 4mo e m e e : is Avol roughosst bouse with tea rooms, sumâ€" mer kitchen aed woodhouse attached, a new bank bare, driviog shed and all necessary outâ€" buudll{l. Bell or exchange for largor farm, For further particulars apply to The undersigned offers his farra for sale itâ€" uated 3 miles northwest of Warerloo, on , the road W Erbsville. It copsists of 224 acres, of which are 20 aores hardwood bush 5 acras second growth maple and 4 acres swamp. about 20 acres goodrsutnu with runniog wat erand 1 acres orchard.the remainder is under a goâ€" d â€"Late of cultivation. The soll is of a mâ€".xed loaw. On the farm is a 2 storey brick house 26 x 34 feet with kitchen 20 x 24 feet, a bank barn 86 x 66 feet, driving shed and all necessary outâ€" uildings. For further particulars apply to ABRAM HUNSBERGER, 39 Imo Wpterio>, Ont. Oumpri-in%.m acres, situated in the village of Erbsville. Also about 2 acre« good bush. On the property is a gzod rick house and. barn andan abundant supply of fine,water. Apply to HExRY HEIMBECKER, 39â€"1mo Erbsville, Ont. F ul mm t Brkavc ho hok o o 2i en oOv n ied‘ 9 1, $ and 3, south side of Bleam‘s Road in the Towaship of Wilmot. Upon it are erecied a oommodlm twoâ€"storey stone house 30 x 36 {i. with kitchen and woodhonn attachod. a hank barn 64 x 80 ft.. a new driving house 30 x 50 ft. and other necessary ou'.bnudl:fl. A cement «1‘o 12 x 35 ft, has been erected 4 summer. There are about 24 aores of wood land and 1 acre of cedar swamp with a never failing lsring creek. 36 acres are sown in fall wheat, 40 mores in clover and timothy and 4 aocres in alfalfa. The orchard consiste of about 2 acres. ‘The farm is in a good state of cultivation, 8 8. HERNKR, 37â€" Mannheim P. O, 42â€" 1mo The undenlgnod offers his farm for sale consisting of 180 acres, being parts of Lots Nos, In order to wind up the estate of the la‘e Francis Cassidy tenders will be.recaived ug to October 25, 1909, for tha&mebuo of east half olï¬l'm.ll. Con. 9, teal. 100 «ores more or less. THe highe t or amy render not necessarily acâ€" cepted. $‘50 or $100 cash, the balance may nmunmnntmmeonfumubwo nt. persunum _ The farm is very desirably situâ€" ated huln%n:hool corner of lct; 14 miles from church and 502 effice, 3 miles from Goldâ€" +tone station,7 miles from Drayton, 9 miles to Elmira. The farm is in lgool-uk of cultiâ€" vatios. O 1 the property is a good bank barn, hay barn and hrc'l: comfortable reside:.0e Good orchard. Woll watered Title indisputâ€" able. For particulars apply to J. I. CASSIDY, M.D., Execuor, 30â€"1mo Drayton. Ontsrio. FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER If you want your sale properly conâ€" ducted, write or Telephone to DAVID RUDY, Tavistock Ont. 38â€"u. D. RUDY Auctioneer 41â€"1mo Also orders taken for picture frames, window shades and furniture of all kinds Residence Cor. Albert and Duke Sta.. opposite Fire dall Waterioo. Phone 320, Sales conducted in any part of the County, Satisfaction guaranteed. Y our patronage solicited. . AMW orders left with Joï¬n 8 McNally, Masseyâ€"Harris Agent, Berlin, will be promptly at tended to. Address ALEX. AMES, AUCTIONEER SHIPPING HOGS WANTED IN BADEN H‘ghor market price paid. Load every second Monday Next shipmept Nov. leat J â€" K SHINN & CO FARM FOR SALE 31â€"4 FARM FOR SA LE on Town and Farm Property FARM FOR SALE UNDERTAKING Farm For Sale Money to Loan Henry Knoll, Ber Wanted Wanted NUMBER UNLIMITED, BOX For Sale NATHANIEL SNIDER. Lost A Bloomingdale, Ont (GALT or PHONE 310 , Out, 38 Frederick ‘Who‘ll Reap the Profits *cluded in property. Vacant lots andâ€"business properties at all prices Money to loan. Conveyancing and Insurance. The farmers of Waterloo county are prosperous, and there are . how many splendid opportunities for hundreds of uther people to share in this prosperity. We have for sale a large number of farms owned by _ men who are selling in order to go West to buy more land for their sons, _ of who on account of old age are retiring from active life. We have also a number who want to sell, in order to buy more or less land, or want to exchange their farms for smaller or larger ones, or for town property. Land values are bound to go up, with all its markets, in our . growing towns in said county. Here are a few:â€"â€" lage 93 acre farn», rolling, sandy | and clay loam, good orchard, fair buildâ€" ings. 6 miles from Berlin. Ownet Tetiring. A nice located gardening farm of 10 acres. â€" Has first class land â€" and good buildings. _ Price only $1900.. Neat Barlin. A gra‘n and stock farm of 300 acres 4 miles from New Dunee, A gra‘n and stock farm of 300 acres 4 miles from New Dunv‘ee, 25 acres good bush, 50 acres pasture, balane> under a high state of cultiâ€" vation, good large buildings, ctc. Price $9000 or would exchange for smailler farm. p hi ubnficatisti in csnls anireneane ue se Ew We want your wheut, oats and barley and are always buyers, paying the highest market valaes _ We always bave bran middlings, meal, corn, cornâ€" chop, screenings, eto. on hand and selling at right priccs. Our family flour "The King" is an exceptionally finc flour for all tcuseâ€" hold purposes. We buy aud sell, we exchange and trade. We guarant ol fair treatment with courtesy. _ |° These mills have been renovated and made npâ€"toâ€"date in eqnuipmant for the milling of high class flour and feed, tor custom chopping and oat crushirg . 5 7 L.2 We s n en etind PS DW S $1100 buys a 30 gore farm, 3 miles from Bréslau, 5 actes of timâ€" bet, balince cltivated, fair uildings. « A good dairy farm, halt _ way between Preston and Lespelet on Tro‘lley line, contains 60 acres oflind, with first class buildings and a fowing well on place. . Owner retiving from farming. A blacksmith shop with residence and garden in a good agricultural vilâ€" Flour! Grain! Feed! Phone 97 ftobt. Bricknell For the Counties of WATERLCO and OXFORD. Satisfaction gua«nâ€" teed. Address communications to Freeport or businees left in care of the Obronicleâ€"Telegraph at_Waterloo or The Daily Telegraph at Berlin will ve ceive prompt attention I am known by the leading boree, men as & practical horse shoer. Shoe, ing done so as to give eomfort and develop the feet, Interfering and overreaching strictly prevenkd. I also sell the Adams Wagon and the Wilkingon and fleury Piows High Class Shocing ‘fI~l~l~l«fâ€" last Rerlin King St. E., Opposite Dr. HetWt‘s office 19â€"6mos. Licensed Auctioneer tf â€" House Phone No. 734, Freeport Surprised you would be if you saw nï¬txcellent. large and fine line of We hase tho most complete stock in rloo or Berliu and alwnlu aim to give our customers satisfaction in quality and price. If you require anything in this line call and see us before you buy. In a great many instances it is the outsider coming upon the inâ€" flowing tide of a rising real estate market who makes the profits. The home people are of ten the last to seize and realize the opportunities that arise gradually but steadily about them. Don‘t let this be tha case in the city of Berlin. Pick up some of the snaps yourse‘f. You cannot but realize that there is a growing demand for Berlin property, and Berlin is bound t> go ahead, with its many manufacturers and now is the time to buy. Hera are a fow. 8 roomed red pressed brick, very madern, fine large lot $1100 . 7 r0om.d red prossed brick, all convenicnees, neat factoues $2475. 6 roomed brick with sewers on Bon o1 street $1800. & roomcd new brick house, fine large stabla _ gust the thing for a 11 KING STREET, WATERLOO Repairin‘f and oiling harness promptly done. NO. 38 FREDERICK ST F. E. SHANTZ & CO. A cider mill and chopping mill, ru_ by water power, and residence in Har%«;,:;ï¬gts)bes. Licensed Auctioneer Farmere â€" tf Waterloao County ou want {onr sale to !ring the ottom dollar call or write to SURPRISED retired farmet MICHAEL SHRAC, IRVIN MASTER, Prop. MENNO THOM AN City Mills, Berlin . Shantz & Co. 214 Queen St , South St. Baden, Ont «l«l t anlâ€"F of BERLIN. » ALBERT MICKUS j $ Phone 345 _ Waterloo 48â€"1yr, MAAMAMAAMMMAMMMAMMMAL Licensed Auctioneer Havirg teken out an Auctioncer‘s license for Waterloo County I sclhat the sales of farmers and others who have articles to be sold by Auction. My large experience in the cattle and implement business and the knowledge gained will thereby be at the service of the public. H. B. Duering Seize the opportunity NOW while you may if you warhkâ€"a ._ Will you help support your la another ten years? Break Ahis rent paying habit and be your own land lord. _ I help you buy. Buys a 7 roomed brick bome, lo 85 x 140, pig stable and new chicken house. 'Fh?l price has been cutfice for quick sale. so don‘t delay. Tt can‘t Open evenings Office opposite former Woullen Mills, W aterloo. Money to Loan SA MAMAAMMAAMMMAA 1 Tire Insurance. â€" Accident Ineur _wance. 10â€"tf. Having taken over the businâ€" ess of Auctioneer formerly carâ€" ried on by my fatbher the late Joseph Mickus I am prepared to conduct sales in any part of Waterloo. Wellington and Perth Counties. The patronage of farmers and others having articâ€" les to be sold is rolicited. Terms Reasonable. Deeds, Mortgages and Wills written. A. K. Cressman STOP! LOOK! Licensed â€" Auctionser $B1350 Fhone 327, Waterloo Phone 552. PHONE b52 Berlin, Ont. Houses to Lt Phone 915