55c «s 56; No 3 e&tra, 53e @ Mc; No. 3 -fll,_lc # 50c outside. Peas new No. 2, 82¢ @ 83¢ outside. Rye, No. 2 Tl¢ â€" @ 7%¢ outside. _ Manitoba flour quotations at Toronto â€" are: _ First patonts $5.80, second patents $5.10;. strong baters; $1.90;, 90 per cont. paâ€" tonts, (Glaszgow freights, 29s; Ontario flour, new winter wheat patents for export £3.95 @é $4.05 bid outside in* buyers‘ _ sacks. Millfeedâ€"Manitoba bran, $21 per ton; shorts $23 @ $24, on track, Toronto,; Ontario bran $22; shorts on track, Toronto,‘ bags incluâ€" ded. 5th, to~Rev. and Mrs. R. J ti¢, a son. Hentichâ€"A* Berlin, Sept 30th, â€"Mr. anh Mrs. Adam Honrich, daughter . Pepke.â€"Ad Berlin, Sept. d1\ ofto and Mrs. Henry Popke, a daup Sloanâ€"At Galt, _ Oct. fith, to and Mrs. _ Alex â€" Sloan a da ter / Battiorâ€"At New Hamburg, Sept to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sattler ! daughter Sehwindâ€"In North: Woelswich, & Ind to Miâ€" ind Miâ€" Edim Pilkington McRobh. Hertiotâ€"With: » Bby Rev. Rur and Mrs. August Killain, a daugh ter. Bonnâ€"At Woolwich, Oct. 6th, 1> Mr and Mrs. Philip Bonn, a sen Lorchâ€"In Woolwich, Oct. 6th, to Mi and Mrs. Henry Lorch, a daughter Lindsayâ€"In Woolwich, Oct. 6th, _ t« Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay, a son. Currieâ€"At Oil Springs, _ Ont., . Oct Hammondâ€"At Crosshill Mrs. Jobhn Hammond, Heinbaccherâ€"At _ Ne Sept. 30th, to Mr. Heinbaecher, a daugh Gross.â€"At Berlin, Oct. and Mrs. Max. Gross, Killainâ€"At Berlin, Oct Kockâ€"Sei by | Hey Feip, to William K:« MeRobbhâ€"Goodwinâ€"At ind by the Rex. I 2 white, 98¢ @ §9¢ outsd>; Manitoâ€" ba wheat, spot No. 1 northern,$1.03} No. 2 northern $1.02; for October diâ€" livery, No..1â€" northern, $1.027; No. 2 northern, $1.01, on track, lake ports. _ Corn, Amecricanm, No. 2 yelâ€" low, 69e @ 694c, Toronty freights. Oats, Canadian western, No. 2, 38c on track, lake ports, No. 3 37}¢; Ontario No. 3 white, 35¢ @ 36e outâ€" side; 39¢ @ 10c, on track Toronto Barley, _ No 2, for first shipment, B5C @t 56: No 3 oÂ¥Uira 0 §4n m has Tovento, _ Oct. 1%.â€" Th Onfario grain â€" onl flour trade is very dull, with just a minimum of business beâ€" ing _ done on local and export acâ€" counts. _ Ontario néllers are cfering Manitoba _ flour _ very readily _ but winter wheat patents are still very scarce. Local dealers‘ cactations are: Ontario wheat No. 2 mixed winter wheat, 27¢ @ 98c outside; No. Butcher bulls x MeaÂ¥vy feeders, steers do., bulls ... ... Stockers, choice ... do., light . s Canmers ...0000 000000 Milkers, chcice.. .. . do., common and medium ... ‘Calves ..0... 00000 Choice export caltle brought â€" from $5.50 @ $6, and picied butchers from $5.25 @ $5.75. Choice cows were opâ€" ening at$4 @ $4.50, a slight advance over the price pait yesterday. Heavy feeding steers were in . goo demand at $3.50 @ $4.50 and a few cammers were sold at $1.50 @ $2. Export cattle, choice$5.75 dc., _ medium ...... 5.230 do., _ bulls ... 1.00 Butcher cattle, picked 5.00 do., medium ........ 4.50 doâ€", _ common ... 4.00 Milkers and springers were tically no demand. “?\' noon . fifteen extracars of ' were received, and this caused many of the bitchers and porters ? hadâ€"be.n unable to obtain M:ck desived > jer in the . d to xeu‘:xn†tf’ouï¬lll-‘ ll:: of this ï¬le‘w lcft over â€" unths toâ€"Nnrrow, ver. Current quotations at both markets were: â€" Toron! Dct. 18.â€"The: receipts at the .":'&'9 90 cars, cchtaiy e " 100 calves. a rh draggy, the priâ€" ces â€"were lairly well l:lm‘.flfl were practically the same as "Th;s> Irevailing «at West Torcuto.~ ‘ hwind Harrie®t Loui MARRIAGES M GRAAIN al Dr BIRTHS Wat Bockil daueh New _ Hamburg Mr. _ and Mrs. Hy daughter. Oct. 6th. to â€"Mr M shi 1, No. 2, 38ic > Nu. 3 371¢, dbe @ 36e outâ€" track Toronto. first shipment, 30.00 _ @ 3.00 w El 3.00 2.00 1.00 15.00 to Mi Ont R The Ontark s very. dull business be export ac are cffering 50 h @ i’; w t @ _ 3.00 t .1.50 «c 60.00 Wiltiam M 1w in PFrac tt ift $6.00 5.65 5.00 5.18 5.00 4.50 1.50 1.15 3.00 10.00 6.00 Mr igh and M M 3.50 rh Ducke................ Butter per poand...... Egge per dor. ......... Apples, per bag ....... Potatoes, per bus ...... STRATFORD MARKETS. Stratford, October 11th 1909 Wheat Standard)...... _ .98 Barley.... ....l..... 0 .48 Cate (standard]...... .28 PtRE ....â€":..;.«...s .10 Hay per ton.......... 10.00 _ 1 Bran per ton.......... 20.00 .2 Shorts per ton........ 2 Livre Hoge.......!.... 8.10 Beef, front quarters.... .06 Beef, bind quarters.... _ .74 Chic‘ens............. .25 HAY .â€"â€"â€"..¢â€"scssâ€".. Bubb@r ...... ........ EGGB.â€"«.â€"â€" «xsscerss. Live Hoge............ Sheepskins ...... ... TallOW.....« ..â€"«.â€"«â€" Dried Apples ........ Hame.......l......... Shoulders ........... BACOD::+:.:.â€"..â€" <â€"+â€"« Potatoss per bag..... Doerfleaâ€"Leinâ€"At Elmira, Sept. 29 by Rev. Schulz, Louis Doetfer tc Mary Ann Lein. Beilsteinâ€"Stumpfâ€"At â€" Berlin, _ Oct 2nd, Arthur _ Bei‘stein to Gertrude Stumpf. l‘av‘ti'rsrnâ€"F.ullâ€";\!Winniprg, Sept 18th by _ Ven. Archdeacon Fortin Miss Bessic Falls to IL D. Patâ€" Schwart Schwa months Mortimer beth M ELMIRA MARKETS Elmira, Ostober 1ith 1909 Manitoba Flour....... 2.85 Bran ......l..l....... 20.00 Middlings....per ton _ 25.00 Shorts...........~..., $1.00 _ WhGRb...:â€"+++«â€"r+«11» 108 Goose Wheat.......... .90 Hetriot to Ava Withers. Steeleâ€"Oldfieldâ€"At Galt, Oct. 6th, by Rural Dean Ridley, Louise Oldâ€" f]d to Fram‘s Stecle. rstâ€"Hammer.â€"At Listowel, Sept. 29th, by | Rev. J. Masuhr, Miss A. Hammer to Mr. L. Durst. Ludwigâ€"Weicholâ€"At Elmira, Oct. 6th, Wm. Ludwig to Laura Weichel. DPoerfleaâ€"Leinâ€"At Elnira, Sept. 29, by Rev. Schulz, Louis Doetfler to antt Mis. Join . Ycears and 5 days McDonald â€"Ai Gal 1 Sh Mitchel!â€" / liam Mit NEW HAMBURG MARKELS New Hamburg, October 14th 1909 Wheat .......... .... 0 .98 c ORK..«+<s«.~.c. siss 0 +80 + Barley...... ... .... . :46 x Wood per cord...... .. Butter per Ib ........ Eggs per dosen....... Hoge, dressed.... .... 10.00 Hay,per toa ........ 11.00 Hey, per ton new ...... 10.0 BERLIN MARKETS. Berlin, October 14th 1909 Fious per 100 Ibs. .... $2.9) Bran _ * gis«. 1900 Middlings * ««+.. , 1.20 Screenings " ...« ©130 Wheat per bush....... .98 Barley | " 0 c.._.... .70 Straw per ton........ Wood, pgr cord ...... Rxpors Castle . ..â€"... Potatoss, per bus. .... .15 Butter, per Ib.........~. 24 Siouiege $tr on . ... MceD chm thy ha h WATERLOO MAR KETS Waterloo, October 14th 1909 ch nald At At U N R AtPr Shant ~At Wa atharine â€"â€"At â€"At 4 rtimer At Be M (7 Mact M h r0]...... â€" .28 sek...... 000 .75 l......... 10.00 p.......... 20.00 JD........ L.l.}ll... §45 M Galt, Oct. 6t tayton aged . DEATHS inly â€" daughtcr of Mr. loun Schwar(z, aged 11 Watrrloo, I, in his T stom: 0 Iv formetly o Waterico, O nc Bochmer r ton _ 25.00 P?....... 21.00 srerzsees | 198 sllll.... .90 ig)...... _ .50 Axassere, . 178 ssrasi=s â€" +890 oex‘seres .58 le.. ... 00 .80 i«sÂ¥@a=«! _ 1:09 avserscs 700 in her _ Blst year Galt, Oct. 4th, Elivaâ€" t, _ aged 61 years Berlin, Oct. 6th Hilda rlin m, sSept toaÂ¥ed ow beloved wife 81 Aug. 26th, Samâ€" veats, and _ 10 0, Oct. #th, Wil is 67th year. Oct. 11th. Mrs Oct. 6th, Janst the late Aa fus Ocd of Berlin Oct. 3rd, Dor 0.00 _ 11.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 8.15 8 15 .06 .64 14 .08 .25 .40 50 22 22 7.15 v25 30th .20 .25 10 00 10.00 14 14 15 15 24.00 20.00 12+ 10 0.00 10.00 1.00 12 00 10.00 10.00 301h 50 75 90 24 24 53 ged H Hl . Fesac L anpee . T RÂ¥ag‘~ 7 ® Farm Stock and Im 26.00 21 00 .98 1.00 .56 .78 .40 70 32.00 10 00 Mis loha .85 1.00 8.00 .23 .24 8 00 +175 .04 .06 15 124 .12 2.85 559 3 10 1.10 48 .34 .25 25 .90 3.10 15 85 ‘10 20 h 26 98 98 16 10 The Town of Berlin wfllflpc: $4.00 per cord for a quantity of field stone delivered in the Corporation (ud on Wilmo$ Street. Kor further nformaâ€" tion, enquire at the office of the Town Engineer. _ _ _ Dated at Wateiloo ber, 1900. 38â€"3¢ Wanted Field Stone Terms of Saleâ€"Hay, grain, roots, poultry and all sums of ten . dollars and under cash, over that amount 12 months credit on approved joint notes or 4 per cent. off for cash payments of credit amounts. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. HENRY S. KOCH, Prop. 40â€"3t Notice to Creditors commencing at ome o‘clock _ p. . Mâ€" shatrp, the following valuable propâ€" erty, vig:o [f > Horsesâ€"3 grey mates 15 years old, supposed to be in foal, fine young bay team 4 years old, bay mare 12 veats old. Cattle, etc.â€"3 good milk cows, 3 spring calves, _ .yearling steer, _ 3 Sheep, thoroughbred" Yorkshire boar, 3. collie dogs and 9 ducks. : ;i Implements, etc.â€"Frost & Wood binder, Frost & Wood mower, . hay rake, Frost & Wood cultivator, hoe drill, irog harrow, windmill, wagon, three seated carriage, wagon . with bex and stock rack nearly new, ten horse pewer, Jack, scuffier, 2 single plows, two furrow plow, gang plow, top buggy, 3 cutters, hob _ sleigh, hay rack, hay fork with ropes and pulleys, wheclbarrow, 2 sets tei harness, set single harness, m‘: trees, neckyokes, forks, hoes, crossâ€" cut saw, and many other articles too numerous to mentfon. Hay, Grains, Roots.â€"About 10 tons mixed hay, 5 tons »clover bay, about 1100 bus. oats, about 175 bu. barley, about 125 bu. peas, a â€" quantity of mangles. Houschold Efects.â€"Iron kettle, 3 cooking stoves, churn, butter platter, pails, sofa, bench, bed stead. . â€" There m-uu‘fl-«ï¬"ww ï¬l-;phm'n-‘ Joseph m,a:znnuu, Jacobs, 1} miles and 4 mile © east . of Heidelberg on WEDNESDAY, OCT 2oth, 1909 IN THE ESTATE OF JACOB BRI CKEK, DECEASED. T4 Do not pass this list. = These lines are all new, but Bught at a big discount, you get the advantage. Men‘s Dongola kid shoes, all solid, worth $2.25 at .. .. .. .. $1.50 Men‘s finest box and velour calf shoes, new sple leather, box toes, goodyear welt oak soles, reg. $4 ab...........2.......82.05 Ladies‘ dongola kid shoes, solid, dandy flt%cnr-. regular $1.75 Bb 12yll2 .22 222 e a k2 kl .222 . $1.30 Men‘s $1.59 Special Men‘s $2.95 Special Misses‘ fine dongola kid shoes, solid, sizes I1 to 2, reg. .l.l:)l ï¬, SHOE VALUES Boy‘s solid leather _ school shoes, only a few left, sizes 11, 12, 13, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, at J. Hessenauer & Son A Few of Our Record Breaking 50 King 8St. West. _ Berlin Cpposite Economical Bl‘ock, 4014 N. ASMUSSEN, Chairman Bd JAMES C. HAIGHT, Waterloo, Ont. Solicitor . for the Executors SPECIAL th Phone 808 95¢ umm ... be sold wlu uce Ar us 0':" Joseph 21st Septem of Works [Farm for Sale Whyâ€"mot be comfortable when You can get the PURE GOODS at a low figure. These blankets are made in our mills at Chicopee, Remember the price remains low for a limited time until the present stockgis sold. Wool has advanced in price and we will have to raise our price also. We have several dozen blankets in Grey and White. Take advantage of the D. L. WEBER, Prop. 68 Queen 8t , 8. 40â€"1mo ‘ nig)pull against the said Ass,,ssment 11 will be heard, of which all parties interested are required to take notice. __Dated at Waterioo this 9th day of __TAKE NOTICE that the Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for the year 1910 will hold its first sitting in the Council Chamber in the Town of Waterloo on Thursday. the 28th d ay of October, 1900, at 7.39 o‘clock, p. m., at which time ard place all BE COMFORTABLE SEALCD TEND: to the Post® maste¢ Goneral, mm at Ottaws until Noon, on Friday the 5th Novembe‘, 1909, for the conveyance of is Majesty‘s Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years S1X times & proposed Contract for four yeare B1X times per weok each way. between hAb‘l‘ON AND WALLENSTEIN and WALLENTRIN RAILâ€" W AY STATION from the Postmaster Gonerâ€" als p‘easure. . omeilmnin j A farmer for stook farm, middle n reli able recommend Die to work farmâ€" (German m'?'mmmï¬sh -3 _ot +haree _ Printed notices containiag further informaâ€" tioa as to condi:fons of proposed Contract may be seen and blink lorm-?’l‘ondor may be obâ€" tainmd at the Post Office of Macton and Walâ€" lenstein and at the Offlcs of the Post Office Pux ‘SfMlcs Deparement, Meil Sorvice [Branch a Depai m ach, Ottawa, 20 h September, 1909. G. C. ANDERSON, y 40â€"3% Buperintendent. Farm contains dne bundred acres of land siluated near the vtunr of Wallaceville, being south balves of Lots 7 and & Con. 4, in the township of Wnl«m. Farm is in .wmd onluntron. adap for dairying b.tl’lll raising; has five acres good harwood ; no waâ€"to land. a large .urv-? of new Iï¬-w-‘y for caltivation, good new house and ; very covenient to chureh, school. cwu; blaokemith, shop, post office, 3} miles to station, For far. ther particulars apply to Comprinln{ 100 mores more or situsted adjacent to the vflh’- of W.lhe-% being potth baives of Lot« / and 8, Con. 4, Wallace “"lrm l;l:: a fM| ifb.lï¬ u':'-.lgml . well 3“ dairying, well wa nearly all cleared, ve:; e"-vul â€"nt to cbi.:& eral atore, post office, blacksmith lhx. 3 miles to station and i mile to school. On the piemâ€" ises are a lnr bank barn with %. lbrge frame howse and outbu tendâ€" tog rnrchum will kindiy call on the premiscs or direct inquirers to the undersigned, OTTO WIEDERHOLD, 10â€"1mo Wallace P. 0. Mail Contract Sourt of Revision below straw shod 16 x 30, both stables comentâ€" ed. Driving shed 26 by 28 Good well in barn. roarkep, _ Good cemont cistern and well at hu:"'l‘hohnhflxuvfl_hnm:t attached 2 x 30, stabling all coment but horse »table. Preston stanchlous in %- e s and + pbined 15z io and" rut ‘anotner oig raald Thrifty young orchard of 14 acres. There are umn'- .ow.n'lnhu -lus‘. 5 acres alfaifa, 18 acres clover, 12 acres clover, sod oub one seaâ€" »on. The smtlis of a rich clay loam and in »om.. The snll is of a rich cb{ loam and in rood state of cultivation. is aa excellent ocation being 1 mile from Insev le and 3 miles from Ayr. â€" Telephone in_house and Rural Mail Delivery = For farther partioulars apply to _ _ 41â€"1m0. The ud-dgnl offerse his farm g sale, Turlk beuirin Sranty o1 Fnteniee. Upoc Uo ara ervoind the ftmaaice buildinge in Shed Psny yourg rchand of | Bm ons (in, in ie 5-55.'« Drvr (Rwisriih 6« w t batd $9286, with roos anl stables under. Hay barn beneath, hog house, 4 ing and implement barnps ‘lg from other buildings. An uam ply .ol waler pumped. by w » neverlailing spring creek touches one corner of tarm, Orchard, garden and a lot of Muple, Spruce, etc. _ have been planted. About 10 acres of woodland, over. 100 acres in grass, besides the tush, and all in= Arsyâ€" class condition~ef 4ertility. This is one of twhe very Â¥est larmés in the county of Wellington and is a sure {arm for grain, gfass and roots. It is situated 6 males from Guelph, 34 miles from Mosbore, G.T.R., 3J miles from Weisenburg C.l.il., 2} miles from New Germany and school is 4 mile from the house. For terms and particulars apply on the premises or to Jan.s and William * sidiaw, Guelph, 3 Chicopse Woollon Mill Stors 3#1mo 40â€"Imo ctober, 190@} 41â€"26 We are leaders in good Woolien Blankets Farm for Sale That spleadid 200 acre : larm Cheap Blanket Sale Town of Waterioo Farm for Sale * Wanted OTTO WIEDERHNLD, Wallace P, 0 FORD 8. KUMPF. Town Clerk M. B. BNYDKAR, Roceville MRS, NOR:E. . Out :1?- (* | Higher® market price paid. Load every .neond Monday Next shpment Oot. 18th | _ The undersigned offere his farm for sale sitâ€" .lnnedl miles northwest of Waterloo, on the read lfldl-w Erbaville. It consists of %4 | meres, of which are 20 s hardwood bush 5 | | aoras second m'thq.m. and 4 acres swamp, | about 20 acres good re with running watâ€" erand 3 the remainder is under a good uutonmmn The soil is of a mixed loam, On the farm is a 2 storey brick house 26 is o ie teol. arivine thed aot all neversery onl x U and neceesary ou | uildings. For further particulars apply to ABRAM EUNBIMGERl 390â€"1mo Wa‘erio~, 2‘&““’&"13â€â€œâ€œ s unmn'm. of Lots Nuo: n 08, f": anod ‘fm'h side of Bleam‘s Road in the Tow: ship of Wilinot. Upon it are erected a co mm mtwo-mm.honnllx 36 ft. with kitchen and house attached. a hank h.;no?h x 80 ft.. a now drg;‘nï¬lhouu:) x 60!&; ou cemeni vho 12 x 35 ft, has been orgoted LRl semmer Th;:‘a are about 2 wu'&l wa xt hndf:s?li 1 acre &r swamp w & never :xflng 36 acpes are sown in fall whu: mc esin clover and timothy and 4 acres in alfaifa, The orchard consists of about 2 acres. ‘The farm is in a good state of cultivation, * i@*u«.""w.'r.;néa";;&:'mu’mk""‘..‘ e e:t or tender no acâ€" cepted. $‘50 ;.’OIN cash, the balance may mdnuflntmnï¬oufunnl oâ€"nt. per snunum _ The farm is very d-mï¬? situâ€" ated having school on corner ‘of int; 1} miles hC 0. M Dowpnbaal PME enA ty h is A cA able. For particulars apply to J. I. CASSIDY, M.D., Executor, Kâ€"imo" * Drayton. Ontsrio. SHIPPING HOGS WANTED IN BADEN In order to wind up I%flhto of the late Eenc pnnidy fadar» whiie ecad vea‘ op it October 23, 1909, for the purchase of east | ated having school on corner of }nt; 1}; miles trom ohm and ml %wflu bm!: Goldâ€" «tone station, 7 miles from 9 miles to Eimira, The farm is in .(ounz\. of cultiâ€" n y ulc > n Good orchardâ€" , Well watered _ Ritle indleput If you waut your sale properly c ducted, write or Ttloplo:. to 2 DAVID RUDY, Tavistook Ont. 38â€"tt. Sales conducted in any part of the County, Satisfaction guaranteed. Your p.u«m.ï¬e_-olicihd. All orders left with John 8 McNally, Masseyâ€"Harris Agent, Berlin, will be promptly atâ€" tended to. . FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER Also orders taken fdrf'pic‘i.inï¬ frames, :i::ld-o' shades and furniture of all ‘J":K-_SBIN'N *# Ou. . ces S W arerios." Tt sthm0ntt® 34â€"6mos. ALBRX,; AMES, AUCTIONEER Notice is heoby given that a co~rt will be ursua it lo“t-ho ‘Voters List &;“z fls the Judge of the Cou i the County of Wat ‘rioo at the ** ia Bridgeport ou the fourteenth 2‘ Oc 1909, at too o‘clook a. m. to hear anc ne £2 720 2000 a. m. to hear and determine :.::' eral co of errors and ommiasions in sfl'v«zm"m%.l-fldmu the g«:mmm:aot the vnï¬â€™ty ( Waterico 1900. .« All persons hay‘ng business at the Cou 4 are required to attecd at the said time and piace, Dated the 20.h day of September. 1900. mzlm_nq“d_uln.l acres fall wheat, 1 nore good Om « good running near the inge, 2 good well «llan Al farm and will bear THOS. TROW, _ GEO. MARTIN, Oumprhlog'avl acres, situated in the village of Erbsville. Also about 2acres good bush. On the property is a m rick house and, barn andjan abun supply of fine water. Apply to Hexay HEnMBECKER, 80â€"1mo Erbsviile, Ont. w girls at ones, also second cook * péao M% . oi Sitario, Voters‘ List Court Address . RUDY Auctioneer on Town and Farm Property FARM FOR SALE FARM FOR SA LE FARM FOR SALE UNDERTAKING Money to Loan Farm For Sale Henry Knoil, Berlin. NUMBER YNLIMITED, BOX 5, GALT or PHONE 310 Wanted 8 8. HERNE Clerk of the said Municipa‘ity, Maunheim P. 0, properly conâ€" 1st Conoe=sion, Block B, ‘l’l-lil _Townsbip of 'flm,!ml'w M‘_‘hmolu& Am. tha and * ’.4.. 6 d :flm- n-of’:t'mh::. # x 85 with atraw shed miliched and power mill in % ytu:douanl necessary buildings. A silo 1t x 23 . ï¬""'"" of water pumped by Wwind miil barn house. There are abous 30 mores of h&"fl which ;n‘lcn- .lllt.m "nwm. anres n grass, 38 acros w One hait unnnhd and ce in sandy loam, and 18 state 1t ratton. For particulars apply to â€" Recetoary ou taida. Ample su of 1 in barn ..'&'.... There are abous are 20 acroa 60 anres n | Or and noe nd state of oulti If you"want your sale to !ring the Ntml&«ll-mn.h‘ The lng'l-d offers for sale his farm conâ€" slsting of 200 aore ‘, % Lot No. sisting of 20 aore‘, being. parts of Lot No. 9 Licensed Auctionser © For the _Countiee of WATERLOO and OXFORD. Satisfaction guaisanâ€" teed. Address communications to Freeport or business left in care of the Obronicleâ€"Telegraph at_Waterioo or The Daily Telegraph at Berlin will re ceive prompt attention a big shinmeni â€"'ï¬?'?m†""l'u'n'mcm" ments Including Deering Binders, Mowers, Dril‘s, etc. :nd ?:vg plowe.. Also an -p-w-duu rtock of McKie lhflflu and Cuttors, h.njhlndnofrmlnwm.ho be kept on Famers wishing to get repair« or chase any kind :u tqpnthpf:nontrw:u d 'p:"“ by giving me a onli "iti‘a'.ï¬-' will be furnished by Mennoa Devitt aby time I +hould be away from my office. Deering Imglements and Ayr Plows Robt. Bricknell Licensed Auctionecer 38 Frederick St. 3#â€"1me lage many aplendid opportuntuce, tor Menaneda" of otherpeople io he prosperit -.m -hn a m e y» ) : c & -am-mu'h.mtpp-:?'uuy-flu"h :ua-k -»gwdu:dnï¬ï¬‚uhmï¬vgh.w also a ~ number who want to , in order to buy. more of less land, or . wan toeuhnpfldthnlw-imdlflvtm.ulormlu Land values are bound to go up, With all its markets, in our â€" growi muhn::eouw.m.n a few:~ $E+ wice a ,,i A good 14 aere iarm, bank barn‘neatly new, 82x1%, ‘tremodelied ___ frame house, with 8 rooms, 2$ miles from Berlin. M + 100 acte farm, gontly r , §00d water, and all the necessary buildâ€" 3 ings in good condition, near 1, churches and P. 0. Easy terms, or _ would exchange on town property. | o9 160 acres under a high state of cultivation,â€"large barn, cement stab ling t‘m‘, cement silo, . brick house, etc., only 5 milés from Berlin ... 195 acres, 125 mores cultivated, tal. pasture and bush, with spring creek, large brick house, bank barn 94x50, straw shed 80x40, cement staâ€" bling and silo, fine piggery. Near school and P. 0. x':‘n acre farm, good soil, 8 acres excellent bush, fait buildings, fine location. * A beautiful 126 acte farm, nice cood working land, nearly level, with very good large buildings, lying on main road with a fine front. A cider mill and chopping mill, tun by water power, and residence inâ€" cluded in property." . Vacant lots and business properties at all price#. Money to loan. Conveyancing and Insurance. 8#â€"tf Li t It + because it embodies all that is ‘ essential for high grade work, â€" is made of the best materiat and it will pay you to visit our store >and see our fine stock of harness ‘ before buying elsewhere. t House Phoze No. 7?4, Freepert EING STREET, WATERLOO Waterlao A blacksmith shop with residence and garden in a good agricultural vilâ€" Farm For Sale WILHELM‘S Harness Shop ned has opened an implement o RFV BC. Waicrine. ned has recerved Louis F. Dietrich, Erb St., Waterioo, MICHAEL SHRAc, DANIEL L. ZEHR, stmy‘t . Shantz & Co. , St. Agaths, Ont. Ont of ‘Office Wormn Woulien Mills, Open evenings, Phone 916. Seize the‘ oppo;th:n?w you m:z! if you 'u:t & honlo‘.n!l log ou suppor our :lmthr &n yfff.; &uk .this rent o.yh“bobuond be your own land lord. "I help you buy. house. This price has been ‘oht flee ‘fg.‘:_h_h sale. so don‘t delay. It can‘t Money to Loan. _ Houses to Lt I am known by the leading boree, men as a practical horgo shoer. Shoe, m so as to give comfort and the MM ulnmfeflna" uull overreaching c vented.â€" also sell the Adlm’“’:"mnd the Wiikinson and Fleury Plows. MENNO THOMAN, s Béilin King St. E., Opposite Dr., Hety‘s office 19â€"6mos. Would buy about 5 acres of xod Iï¬h roil improvyement: not . Apply at CBron iceâ€"Telgraph OMmee, Waterico,"" " * i1 se gained will thereby be at the seivice of the public, H. B. Duering High Class Shoecing Having taken out an Auc! ioneexg license for Waterloo County "I sclic the sales of farmeis and others who have articles to be sold by Auction. My large experience in the cattle and implement business and the knowledge Licensed Auctioneer ire Insurance. Accident Insur Bu{c a 7 roomed brick bome, x 140, pig stable and new chit 10â€"tf, Deeds, Mortgages and Wills written. A. K. Cressman STOP! LOOK!â€" Wanted B1350 Phone 327, Waterico Phone 552.