speaking the caltle wefre tllâ€".'hz\_ it the quality uot on the ‘ s go0 u‘_flz butchers took what !'.L’.“.-'i"'""ï¬s."‘ always ': © show that â€" prices were steaily and auite . firm for the best butcler cat : tie.. : Theroâ€"is: also a demand anything choice cnough and , engugh for export of for choice butâ€" cher was readily bought up at â€" good " _ Lambs are Armer. gheep stoady to nrm. The hog market is weak and lower than a â€" week ago, but wellâ€"finished hogs sold at $8, fod and watered. The â€" run was 9@ cars, with 1,500 head of cattle, 1,300 sheep and lambs 4 1,000 hogs snd 180 calves. m C‘Q"w, N m‘ :fl 5.â€"There was a steady Arade at hn sn o uin ce any. ut at es â€" a litile dragey, ‘Wat gencrally speaking the cattle were wantod, ud GRAIN Toronto, _ Oct. 5.â€"Ontario whéat, firmar, andâ€" reports . are that higher c-iâ€" are being paid outside. Deliverâ€" s of wimat are likely to Ne _ Yyery light during the latter part of Octoâ€" ber. Corn is down another cent, beâ€" ing quoted at 70¢ to 104c, Torouto freights. â€" Local â€" dealers‘ quotaticns freights. _ Local dealers‘ quotations are: Ontario wheat No. 2 mixed winâ€" ter wheat, 97¢ @ 92c outside; . No. 2 white, 98¢ @ 99¢ dutside, Manitoba wheat, spot No. 1 northern, $1.004; No. 2 northsrn 99¢; for October dolivâ€" ery, No. 1 northcrn, $1 @ $1.004; No. 2 morthern, 99¢ on track, lake ports. Corn, American, No. 2 yellow, 70¢ @10)c, Toronto freights. _ Oats, Canâ€" adian western, No. 2, 38ic on trac‘, iake ports; No 3, 87¢; Ontario, No2 white, 35¢ @ 36c outside; 3%e @ 40c, on track, Toronto. _ Barley, No. 2, for first shipment, â€" 55¢,@ 56¢, No. 2 extra, 53 @ 54¢; No. 3, 19%c & 50c. Peas, new, No. 2, 80c @Blc. Maniâ€" toba flour quotations at Toronto ars First _ patents $5.60; second pateits $5.10; strong bakers, $4.90; 90 _ per cent., Glasgow freights, 29s; Ontari> flour, new winter wheat patents for export, $3.95 @ $4 bid outside, in buyers‘ _ sacks. Milifeedâ€"Manito®a bran $21 per ton; shorts $23 @ $21, on track, Toronto; Ontario hran, $22 shorts $24 on track Toronto, bags inâ€" cluded. STRATFORD MARKETS. * Spratford, October 6th 1009 Wheat Standard)...... _ .98 10 BHetloy.... .......... (48 2 Cate (standard]...... A7 + PeBE ........+.â€"«â€"«* .70 & Hay per ton.......... 10 00 11 Bran per tom.......... 20 00 20. Shorts per ton........ 25. Live Hoge............ 815 8 Beelf, front quarters.... _ .06 . ‘Beef, bind quarters.... _ .74 h Chickens............> .40 f Ducks................ 850 ‘ Butter per poand...... .2} ‘ Kges per dor. ......... .24 Apples, per bag .â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Potatoes, ‘per bus....... GUELPH MARKE I®S. Gusiph, Octobsr 6:h 1909 Wheat............... _ .95 People‘s Flour........ 275 Maple Leaf Flour..... 2.60 Suowdrift Flour ...... 2.96 Bran, per ton......... 20.00 Middlings............ 25.00 Choppeg Screenings... 1.35 Boiled Oate...... .... 1.65 PobB.....:â€"..c«sci.«s â€" +809 MYO..<.«+«s«celr asie. +109 Barley............... .00 ORtB.....~...«.â€"»..1x â€" 108 Wool, waehed.... . Mr. and â€" Mrs. Moses (Gascho, a daughter. Dewseâ€"At Berlin, Aug. 29th, to Mr and Mrs. Dewsc, a son. Sieling â€" A+) Rerlin, Sopt *rd to Mr and Mrs. Loronts Sicling a daugh ter. EHisâ€"Hetheringtonâ€"A Ist, to Mr. ond Mrs ington, a son .« c ""‘h’â€""!"l'll!(r-:ti Beriin hy Rev. W A. Bradtey, _ MHegey _ 1 Hugh of Wookstoct‘to L:x,‘ Deven o of Co ourg. . ‘ Hammillâ€"Hamamâ€"A t Galt, Sept 29, by Rev. &. J. Johnston, Louise Hannam to mllmml‘ Faliottâ€"Sny At Galt, Sept. 239th, by Rev. Dr.. Dickson, Maud Snyder to George Thomas Elliot!. $uhneider=â€"Mohrâ€"At North Lasthopc, Sept, 20th, by Rev. 11. Dictlamm Melinda ~Mohr, to John Schneider MARRIAGE® Market, Toronto, : BIBTH S At 13 13.00 21 24 76 00 Gait, Ocf F. Hether t. _ 28th Brubachâ€" ?6th «17 14.00 11.00 10.50 .97 3.00 30th 3 15 1.35 1.75 .90 5.00 .23 .40 .50 11 15 .23 .80 .6 o8 .50 .60 .25 25 .10 C PUMGKkpuanee aazre cces«. +008 r |\Flear, per 100 lbe..... _3 65 ;â€" | Bran, per ton.......... 20 00* y | OUBB. se e se se e se e ++ ++ 40 , | Shorts, per ton.......> 24.00 & [PUMB....cxrarsercs:} .. "(86 o Barley........â€"...>>>> .36 y ; | RJO. » ce e se 66660666 >> T6 _ Buckwhoat..........â€"â€" , | Batter, per pound ..... .23 ‘â€" | Egzs, per dozen........ .28 * | Chickens, each ........ 40 }: | Potatoes, per bus ...... 75 ‘â€" | Hay, per ton...... ....14.00 â€" | Straw.......... .....« 400 ®â€" [ Boof.......... ...... .. 00% 0c | Mutton...... .... â€".â€"â€" +08 i |POIK.â€".:â€"â€":«crs«s«... :10 > | Hides............ «â€"â€"+ +077 .2 | Lambs and pelts ...... .90 c. |Call Skine.... ...... .. :08 2. JWOol:i:..........«‘* .+ +10 2 | Wool washed .......... 15 c. | Tallow, . c ft > i Tallow. rendered .05 16 W Hoge HÂ¥O....««.....»» 7 83 Hoge, dressed.... .... 10.00 Hay,per toa ........ 11.00 Potatocs, Susel, PC" Ekge. por dos Batter, per pound ..... Emifldm........ Chickens, each ...... .. Potatoes, per bus .... .. Wool washed .........â€" Tallow, . ft Tallow, rendered BERLIN MARKETS. Berlin, October 6th 1909 Flour per 100 Its .... $2 90 Bran 6+ Iyy@r 95 Middlings * seses . Sre0 Screenings * s1« 130 Wheat per bush...... â€" .98 Barley ©600 ullll.. .70 Oats 0 eveeere .621 ELMIRA MARKETS Elmira, October 6uh 1900 Mapitoba Flour....... 285 Bran ................ 20.00 Middlings.... per ton _ 2 ©00 SLOTVs.........â€".*.... 21.00 Whest................ 08 Goose Wheat.......... :90 Barley (Maiting) ... â€"â€" .52 Pome .........000>0>> 0 ‘20 OBtB.........siss.... â€" +83 Ry®. ... 2. .00006 6+ 9++ .58 Buckwhoat.. .... .... _ :80 Corm l..... .>â€">>+â€">â€"â€" 10‘ Hay ......re....6.+> 7 00 Butter ...... ....00>> 0 +23 Eg@®....06 >>>>>+>>** .23 Live Hogs.......â€"â€"~~* 7.57 ‘Bhnpktno...... s+rs +880 TalloOW...... â€">>>++>>â€" A Driea Apples «........ _ :05 Hame.............}>> 0 12 Sboulders ........â€"â€"â€"â€" 124 ‘BHCOB.,.....»..« exâ€"«â€"â€" 10 Potatoss per bag.....â€" .60 Corp...l........+0+++~ F.0UT.........6}>>>** Butter, per lb ......â€"â€" Egge, per dozen ...... Hay per toD........>> Lard, per lb...... â€">> HA.....««â€"â€"â€"«6++«=> Middlings, per toun.... BADL........06>>>+>* Potatoes per bag.....â€" Low grade Flour...... KEW HAMBURG MARKETS New Hamburg, October 6th 1909 Whent .....;.... .... BB f OR.... .+ â€"ss.0«r«*> .35 s Barley...... .>>> >++* 45 f me WRORD .....%.k0k k>>> 0 CC ORtG.....scsrsssoze+» .30 Barley...... .>>> ++** 45 FSRG...... .ccursle:s:. +718 CorD...........> ++** 84 F:0UL....... â€".c««..«« 200 Butter, per lb ......â€"â€" .18 Egge, por dozen .....â€" 20 Hay per toD........>> 10 00 Lard, per lb...... .â€">> 14 HAM...:.l.szccrrncs, â€" 18 of Wilmot Centre. Huchnergardâ€"Allesâ€" 29th by | Iev. E. Hoflman, DEMC Huchmyard to Cordelia Ailes. Brinker@â€"Hasenflugâ€"At Beorlin, Sept. 28th, by â€" Rev. F. Oberlander Catâ€" ie â€"HMasenflug to Johkn Brinkert. Tuckerâ€"Wendlingâ€"At Berlin, Sept 28th | by ~ BRev. A. J. Kischer, Ida Woendling to Emnest G. Tucker _ of W. terioos. . Hodginsâ€"Sut tonâ€"A1 Lucan, Sont. 20th, by Rev. Arthur Cariisls, . anâ€" sisted by Rev. Marold Sutton, Dorâ€" echester, Laura lanche Sutton to Richard Hodgins of Ottawa. Helmothâ€"At Ta.istock, Mrs. Danicl Helmuth. Gemmelâ€"At Ayt, Sept beloved wife of Mr. her 36th _ year. Patrickâ€"At Gant, Seot R. Patrick in ber 69th Colematâ€"At Rockwood, Mrs. Samuel Coleman Oscar EKlinck, Guoiph and Mrs. Chas. L. | tor AdcHa Ras Geet allcn â€"Longâ€"At Wo 20th, _ by Rev. G sisted by Rev. A. Galt, _ Margatet Lo a« as as eas e mee 88 # + GaALT MARKETS Galt, October 6th. 1909 WHCWELLLL.+«*** (Maiting) â€"...â€"â€" vhout.. ...l ... $ull ies Jogs.........â€"â€"* sking ...... â€">>> Wi.ll... .....6 0s Appl@® c......>> irgatet Long to _ D‘Arcy Inncthip. DEATHS her 69th â€" year At Berlin Sept. Hoflman, Bruno Bradsha w ds l o« , som of _ Mr. Klinck, Elmira .52 70 .33 .58 .80 1.0) 7 00 .23 24 24 in , Sept ischor, Ida Tucker _ of 28 (h 9th, omm Fohns on 7 85 10.00 12 00 1010 1 04 3 0) 21.0) .65 16 14.00 6 59 26.00 26 00 10 00 +0 33. 0 29.00 10.00 14 .15 3 10 1.10 1.35 .98 .15 9) .6) .80 S 8.00 10 07 10 12 10 10 16 .03 5 24 .26 .06 .15 16 04 .06 .15 08 36 GO 83 98 t 'sï¬';flï¬'m on on ie e oo 100. 2 mailcs f e . . Jacobe, |. ownship ol Waterloo, ï¬h M:’i‘£ e;,l‘ of :-‘thd'lufl und 3 miles _ east Mu w «> Of Bresiau, on t WEDNESDAY, OCT. 20th, 1909 THURSDAY, OCTM 1909 _ Morsesâ€"â€"3 grey mases 15 years old, w“ to be in foal; fine young ‘ team .4 years old, bay mate 12 Cattle, c:.te-â€"a .good milk cows, / spring VCR,! steor, _ 3 sheep, Mou;ii'l;l Yorkshire . boar, 2# collic dogs and 9 ducks, Implements, etc.â€"Frost & Wood binder, Frost & Wooed mower, â€" hay :::.;m & Wood uulfl'lutor. hoe , iron harrow, , wagon, three seated t\rflm with box and stock rack nearly new, ten horse power, Jack, scuffier, 2 single plows, two furrowâ€"plow, gang plow, top buggy, 2 cutters, hob _ sleigh, hay rack, hay fork with . ropes and pulleys, whecibarrow, 2 sets team harness, set single harness, doubleâ€" trees, neckyokes, forks, hoes, CrOosSâ€" cut saw, and many other articles too numerous to mention; Hay, Grains, Roots.â€"About 10 tons mixed hay, 5 tous »clover hay, about 1100 bus. oats, about 175 bu. barley, about 125 bu. peas, a _ quantity of mangles. * mo 7 C s in a ERRTROCCC Household Effects.â€"lIron kettle, 2 c6oking stoves, churn, butter platter, pails, sofa, bench, bed stead. _ maoan IZ ob Py o P oo on ns t pein en Terms of Saleâ€"Hay, grain, roots, poultry and all sums of ten dollars and under cash, over that amount 13 months credit on approved joint notes or 4 per centt of for cash payments of credit amounts. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. HENRY S. KOCH, Prop. 40â€"2t Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF JACOB BRILâ€" CKEK, DECEASED. NOTICE S 1EREBY GIVEN, pursuant â€" to _ Capter 129, 1.8s.0." 1897, and amending Acts, that all persons ha.ing claims against . th: cstate of Jacob Bricker, late of the town of Watsrloo, in thr Covunty of Waterloo, Gentlieman, deceased, vho dicd on of about the fourteenth day of August, 1909, at the said Tovwn of Waterloo, are required on or beâ€" fore the _ sixteenth day of Octore®, 1909, _ to dcliver _ or" send by post prepaid to Simon B. Bricker, Waterâ€" loo, Ont., one of the executors _ of the Will of the said deceascd, their names | in full, with thrir addressos ard descriptions, full particulars . of their claims, and statements of the security, if eny, held by them; an! that after the said sixteenth day oi October, 1909, .the sâ€"id exccutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the _ said drecased amoug the parâ€" ties entithd thereto, having regard ouly to the claims of which â€" they shall then hac received notlice, and will not be lialis for thr said asscts to any _ person of whos* claim thry shall â€" not then have reccived _ n tice. Trespassing Notice Shooting and (respassing is strictly forbidden on the property of the unâ€" dersigned, and leased by John Yantz, Bloomingdale, Ont.â€" Valentine _ Bitâ€" schy, Edwin Schafer, Fred â€" Kunkel, Joe Yantz, Wm. Dbaler, Ezra, S. Thomas, Allen S. Weber, Dr. H. A. Wahl, A. Schwitzer, and Jacob S. Snyder. Dated at Walcidoo, _ 3ist Serteom ber, 1908. 38â€"3€ ncing. at one o‘clock pP.. M the following valuable ~propâ€" olicitor for FAMES C. HAYGAIT, WaterIvo, Ont. tor for the Executors N_‘dâ€â€"o ! PA commencing at 4 o‘clock p.m., fl the following valualle property, BTOCKâ€"Black torse 12 years old, 3 good fresh cows, 2 6 months a‘d, 24 good Minores ch 3 roosters. ; & That splendid 200 acre farm being lots 14, 15 in the 2nd concession, Division Guelph Tp. The Wuildings are good, stone house, heated with furnace, hard and soft water in kitchâ€" en, bank barn $0x80 with root house anl stables under. . Hay barn 50x60 with borse stable, sheep house and shed beneath, hog and hen bouse, drivâ€" ing and implement barns . separato from other buildings. An ampic supâ€" ply of water pumped by windmill, neverfailing spring creek touches one corner of farm. Orchard, garden and a lot of Maple, Spruce, etc. have been planted. About 10 actes of woudland, over 100 acres in grass, besides . the bush, and all in a firstâ€" tlass condition of fertility. Chicopae Woollen Mill Stors D. L. WEBER, Prop. 68 Queen St., 8. This is one of the very West h‘.r}m in the county of Wellington and & sure farm for grain, grass and roots, It is situated 6 miles from Guelph, Why not be comfortable when m can get the PURE GOODS at a figure. These blankets are made in our mills at Chicopes, Remember the price remains low for a limited _time until the present stock is sold. Wool has advanced in grico and we will h.veton.hoonrj ce also. We have several dozen blankets in Grey and White. Take advantage of the 44 miles from Mosboro, G.T.R., 3J wiles from Weisenburg C.F.il., 2} miles from New Germany and school is 4 mile from the house. For terms and particulars apply on the premises or to Jan.ss and William / «idiaw, Guelph, BE COMFORTABLE SEALSD rmm -lmd to the Post® m. on Friday l.l.o 8th lmg:.‘hom for the con reyance of is Mejésty l;?lk on satainion alf wf}" STATIOR from the Posnmaster â€" ,‘A'i’r’lnod potices containing farther informaâ€" Mail Contract We are leaders in good FARM EQOR SALE Woollen Blankets Cheap Blanket Sale will \’s‘l far m e s at* work tarmâ€" Highergaarket price paid. Load every ‘******* | sseond Monday Next shipment Oct. scres bush with a q temage how‘2 mod whil. and will bear inspo “ m _ _ eP adl 7""7' 1 P t * " w5 i * Holstein n <cba % + & valed, Mb with Te Nee o es ommc .c ta eangamagine of January afch. . A ing and silo, fine piggery. Neat . 07 *./ t\ guarantee goes with every Cow. They| ._ 100 acro farm, good soll, B aéres excellent bush, fair buildings, â€" fine 2 are a choice lot, all young and in g .â€':l‘-i“:-. :.. fail to be thcl: TERMS:â€" months‘ . cre Discount hg J, N. SIPES, Secretaryy. M. J OLEAR, Proprietor. . Comp: 31 situated in the Wmm nhoubt 2 acres a ck house nd.hnm.h-m supply of fine water. Apply to Hzxzny HEIMBECKER, 80â€"1mo Erbsville, Ont. Sugar Factory Opening The Best Sugar Factory at Berlin, will bqln operations about October 11ith, ‘Those wlcl;lm employment their this season sh make .plpuc.- tk;a {(zf position before October 1st, Eon iproud promipmaple sut $ soree sn smy‘ araeriee, on en miamaney FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER n on en esns n-uhucn= age on far ‘ sonum _ The farm is very desirablh &uvh‘mdn of let; from chure .E rtone station, 7 trom D on, 9 mil mds farm is in a abe of able. For particulars apply to ~ â€" _ J.1 CASSIDY, K.p., If you want your sale properly conâ€" ducted, write or Telephone to DAVID RUDY, Tavistock Ont. / D. RUDY Auctioneer ALRX, AMES, AUCTIONRER Bales conducted in any part of the County, Satisfaction guaranteed. Your pu.rougo oollolegd. All orders left ns ma n aneny a elin, w romptly atâ€" l ended to. proer SHIPPING HOGS WANTED JX BADEN 34.â€"6mo#. FARM FOR SALE ALEX A Addross on Town and Farm Property. FARM FOR SALE Money to Loan Henry Knoill, Berlin. NUMBER UNLIMITED, BOX 5, GALT or PHONE 810, i esn ts Tor funiet . It gopeists of 29 ; Hirawo0d "botn $ an Al farm 40â€"1t 38 Frederick St. The farmers of county are erous, and theto‘ are many for hundreds of , to shate in . We have for salea large number owntd by who are selling:in order to go West to buy wore land for their sous, to exchange their farms for smaller or larger ones, or for town Land values are bound~to go up, with all its markets, in our who on mï¬o?ni are retiring from active life. We have number who waut to sell, in order to buy more or less lahd, 0; towns in said county. Mere are a few;~â€" A 14 farm, bank barn ow, 32x42%, uice ln-o&. vl.:.h(ou-. 2 -hfl % mmhmpflyWan.nlilhmlq in good condition, near , churches and P. O, Easy terms, ::lduâ€uh'npm. b# : 150 actes undet a high state of cultivation, batii, cement sta ling throughout, cement silo, uum-m~g-mmfl location. 5 igie 2y ies‘ s e * A besutiful 126 acre farm, nice good working land, nearly level, with very good large buildings, lying on main road with a fime front. lage ‘A cider mill and chopping mill, run by water power, and residence inâ€" cluded in property. Vacant lots and business properties at all prices, e Money to loan. Conveyancing and Insurance. For the Counties of WATERLOO and OXFORD. Satisfaction guaianâ€" 8â€" 4 Freeport or business left in care of the CObropicleâ€"Telegraph at_Waterloo or Robt. Bricknell Licensed Auctioncer ceive prompt rter n * *po Deering Imglements and Ayr Plows Takk noom Wienredt‘s. ena l * Licensed Auctioneer 90 King St., Kast. Dietrich‘s Block \ Farm For Sale 114 High prise for fr'uhfg. * Our new dried fruits are now on sale such as raisins, curâ€" ents, figs, etc. , . 4 A blacksmith shop with residence and garden in a good agricultural vil F. E. Shantz & Co. House Phone _ No. 734, Freeport andernigned ortems.for eale hig tarm conâ€" at Berlin will re A. S. HALLMAN of the public. Talove witt tinecoy ‘be t the seivice Eis sace af aerencns bargain come in list, I help you buy. aâ€"+% L %*i:’r:l, ::."..!:'::.‘.!“:-::zs ::ld‘hill: Sold Again I am known by the leading bores, men as a practical borge shoer, ing done so as to give comfort am aleo sell the Adams Wagon and the Wilkineon and Fleury Plows. High Class Shooeing King 8t. E., Opposite Dr, Hett‘s office Office onodtg:nm W-z‘ Open evenings, s 018. Money to Loan. _ Houses to Iitt % Mort and Wills; _ Deeda, Mortgages, and Willes . 104f, HOMESâ€"This is the season of the A. K. Grossman MENNO THOMAN Phone 327, Waterioo Phone 552. + ie K4 "Accident Insurâ€" Berlin, Ont. 8