h +A t*x _ THE CHRONICLE® dbawiy Ernst & Co and a continnation of these things in westIng / ;ru% ho-.o:r f:l‘:iilp:} of efot men has all these assurances and in addition w k,uqnd-huoi-pnuhdngthl'ï¬â€™y es ameeampa of quality of cort ft; further ill_ Peue socited o Plessore ind setlafection i 2 a‘la W* _ 1. zarinae tham‘ VOL 5b2â€"â€"NO 40 Cold Weathor Brings Its Spocial Needs Here‘s Saturday‘s List of Seasonable Economics _ $r0 Meas"Far _ ____â€"___ | Staple Department The suits come in worsted finished tweeds, in eolorinï¬.tor fall and winâ€" ter wear. in the la/ tsingle breasted -cqu& -ty‘lr. wi{.h .ll:)slhn lini Mc ds PP MH requie 60 _7 20 arid $12 50 for. _ _ . t C CS Misations oolegent Inpraas m um an m:. side and hip pockets, well ‘and finished througbout, sizes 82 to 4, regular $2 and 50 and $2.25 for _ # Mea‘s Raincoats, broken lines of many of our best ulï¬nggumenu. in dark greys and olive shades of importâ€" ed covert cloth, made in :ingle breastâ€" ed Obesterfleld style, lined throughout not all sizes in each line but all sizes from 84 to 46 in the lot. 7 95 Regular $10 to $14 for » * A clearing of Boys‘ Norfolk Suits, in medium shades of domestic and imported tweeds, single breasted box pleated styles, well made andlined, e areani seb Men‘s Furnishings Men‘s fancy colored shirts, negligee, attached cuil. assorted. pst.urnm blue and white and black and whiteâ€"â€" sizes 14 to 17, regular 75¢ 49 c "Men‘s Balbriggan Underwear, or drawers, broken | sizes, cream shade, sateen “.'_flfld to}f elose to half prise;â€"S :_“Mn%‘mgnt â€" _ Boys‘ Outing Shirts, in oolind attached, sizes 124 to 14, regular 500 for ;l:hle 7| Mrs. Steuernagel has just returned from the iY MBYIDR PITCCT up the latest American novelties and with ‘the well equipped staff is now prepared to make the most stylish and upâ€"toâ€"date head wear ever shown in Waterloo. Tâ€"a‘s. wha hawa haan anfferinc {rom broken steels in their corâ€" Flour! Grain! Feed! ~â€" ‘These mills have been renovated and made upâ€"toâ€"date in equipment for the milling of high class flour and feed, tor eustom chopping and oat crushing * _ We want your wheat, oats and batley and are always buyers, paying the highest market valaes We always have bran zlddllngl, meal, corn, cordâ€" chop, screenings, eto. 0n hand and selling at right pricos. f Our fatily flour "The King" is an exceptionally fine flour for all Mu:- hold purposes. We buy and sell, we exchange sand trade. We guaradt¢l fair treatment with courtesy. ¢ Phone 97 Mrs. C. Steuernage! You have & right to expect more than mere clothes for 1 3+ ;v‘â€â€˜.g‘_m youwm,“& A A Speciaity of Velvets, Silks and all kinds of Fancy Dress T rimmings. ° 84 King Btroet East " oA dnc MILLINERY IRVIN MASTER, Prop. Sbirts, in plain colors, KING SPREET, WATERLOO. Suits, Each $7 49 City Milis, Berlin 214 Queen St , South 39¢ ut Canadian Stri weave, pure fin of neat stripe terns, Solorn 90 Jucher wide, Ladies‘ Fine Plain and fancy weaves, in smooth or rough finished materials, striped, twoâ€"toned effects, in worsteds and cheviots, plain or panamas, etc., 44 to 50 inches wide, special purchase and broken lines, from stock, uE to 85¢ per yard, correct shades for fal 490 Saturday bargain per yard ® Boot Bargains Women‘s Fine Walking Boots,dressy for street wear, chboice quality, vicl kid leather, Blucher, dull kid tops, extenâ€" sion sewn soles, rizes 3 to 7. 1 98 regular $2.50 for * _ Boys‘ and {ont.h-’ Boots, fine makes, i donï¬ls id, laced and blucher .%ylu, cKay sewn soles, ex'.enlion for ition will find that every dol .e very maximum of genuine oo mCns mik sed yravg of s fot men and young w ,, Berlin. Fall Suitings correot style and ed Flanpelette, firm h, large assortment iterns, light or dark in buying them Berlin, Ont. " 7G WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 7, 1go9 * Personals,â€" Mrs. Javob Morley is visiting her Atugmer, Mrs. Lewis Niebel in Galt.â€"Mrs. Alexander Milâ€" lar of Bérlin was the guest of her sisâ€" ter,â€" Mrs. William Miilar on Friday last.â€"Mr. J. F. Rau of the Rau Brewery, was on a business . trip to Paris last Friday and Saturday. | â€"Miss Winnie Casscl of the Huron ‘ road, was the guest of Mrs. Will Kerr | over Sunday.â€"Mr. George Rumpel of Berlin was a business visitorâ€"in town ‘ on _ Tuesday last,.â€"Mrs. R. W. Korr | and Miss Allan returhed home from ; Stratiord Monday where they were I attending the semiâ€"amnual W. A. meetâ€" ; ing gald in that city last week.â€"Mcâ€" Simon Schaeter who is just returving , from a trip to Europe, called on his | daughter, Mrs. W. II. Umbach, on his | way home to Plainfield, H1.â€"Miss Laâ€" ura Martin returned on Saturday from a two months‘ visit with friends in Toronto _ and _ Arthur.â€"Miss Clara Buckel of St. Joseph‘s Hospitai trainâ€" ing school visited at her home on . Tuesday last.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Moses . Litwillet of Petersburg paid a â€" visit to friends in town last week.â€" Mr. Edwin Hunsperger of Dursni, Michâ€" igan is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Schildroth here.â€"Mrs. Daniel Scegmiller visited ‘h‘iends in Berlin last week. â€" _ Mr. John Messner was on a business trip to Montreal last week.â€"Mr. and Mrs. i John Webet and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Piaf were on a visit to friends in Monkton last week.â€"Mr. and _ Mrs. | Jacob Ritz are spending a few days with friends in Mildmay.â€"The annual mecting of the New Hambusg Curlâ€" ing club will be held at the Imperial Hotel on TMWursday even ng noxt. â€" Mr. James Baird _ of Baird Bros., Plattsville was in town on Thursday | last.â€"Mr. Louis Peine of New Hamâ€" burg, Insurance ani C.P.R. ticket agent left Monday morning for Butâ€" , falo to attend the annual convention of the Canadian passenger ticket ‘agmts' association now in assombly thcre. _ Accompanicd by Mrs. Pcine Mr. Peine will take a side trip to | Pittsburg to visit his brother . who resides in _ that city.â€"Mrs. William Kerr was the hostess of an afternoon tea cn Saturday last in honor of Miss | Lilla Millar who is leaving town this Court of Revision Held.â€" His Honâ€" l ior Judge Chisholm of Berlin presidâ€" ed hete on Thursday last at the Court: of Revisicn for the Voters‘ lists. In. his opening temarks, His Honot took occasion> to express his surprise that .a village of New Hamburg‘s progtes sive character should content â€" itself with such inadequate duildings for the purpose of transacting the public and municipal business incidental to the many activities always under conâ€" sideraticn. The Judge‘s rematrks causâ€" ed our local paper to ediforially adâ€" vocate a general system of local improvements, including a new town hall, publi¢ library and central park. While on this subject it has been SuUgâ€" gested that the old blacksmith shop and house belonging to Mr. ThomaS G. Walker, be purchased and removed, repdering available for park purposes a delightful piece of ground which owing. to its low level can never be used for building purposes. . â€" _ _ wee‘.â€"Mr. ani Mrs. George Sterling of Plattsville: were in town on Tucsâ€" day.â€"Mr. Kerchner of Hanover, vist tod â€" at the home of his uncle Mr. John Messnetr last week. Left for the Westâ€"Mr. Lewis Habhn, pr.sident â€" of the Hahn Brass Comâ€" pany and Mz. Merner Brodrecht, viceâ€" president of the New Hamburg manuâ€" factvring company, accompanied _ by Mr. R. J. Kerr, who will assist Mr. Brodrecht lcft Monday morning fotr the Woest. Mr. Hahn will ozen up connoction with the hardware | trade in the west to handle the various speâ€" cialtics in brass, th> manufacturing ‘of which his firm is about to entet in a lerge scale. Mr. Brodrecht and Mr. Kert will attend to the fall colâ€" lections of the firm of the New Hamâ€" burg Mig. Company. _ Miss Lilla Millar, daughter of Mr. William | Millar, _ batrister, of this towh, is leaving on Wednesday next for Buflalo to enter the training school for nursés in connection with the Buflalo Womens‘ Hospital. _ Miss Millat will be much missed in Church and social circles and she bears with her the good wishes of a wide circie of friends and accyaintances. â€" Mr. Levi Master, district visitor of _ the Wilmot Township Sunday School Asâ€" sociation paid an official visit to Stâ€" George‘s _ chutch and the BHaptist church Sunday Schools here Sunda y As an example tost! mulate interest in Sunday School work he instanced x country Sunday school with _ one hundred and fifty scholars present on a chance visit.â€"We regtet to learn that Mr. Peter Actes, an elderly gonâ€" tleman retired here, sufiered â€" a stroke on Friday last, which at his advancâ€" ’d age caused his friends considetâ€" able anxiety. â€" Later reports, howevâ€" er, indicate that 'v] enly tetmporary. News Notes Gathered by Industrious Correspondents in County and District. NEW HAMBURG Our Busy Neighbors y last, which at his advancâ€" aused â€" his friends considerâ€" lety. â€" Later reports, howevâ€" to that r i11 offects . were porary.. Mr. Actes is worthy than a passing notice. . He h » Tth$ Perlouh.-lfl Loretta â€" Snyder visited in Bréslaw on Sunday.â€" Mr. !‘ and Mrs. Jeremiah Steiner . visited. with her grandparents on Sunday. â€" Messrs. Simon Weber and Nelson Binâ€" geman have returned from their,visit at Vineland.â€"Mr. Morris Schaefer of New Hamburg vigited under *the parâ€" ental roof om Sunday.â€"Miss Elepora® Snyder spent Sunday with Miss El vina Cressman.â€"Mr. Chester Buschert visited at his home on Sunday.â€" A large number $urnedâ€"out to help "Mr. David Gimbel haul the material for his new barm from (Gait this week. â€" Mr. Peter Solar and Miss Essie Latsch of Centreville paid Breslau a visit on Sunday.â€"Mr. Will Mader spent Sunday with his brother 4 Mr. \Aaron Mader.â€"Mr. Aulton Cressman and Miss Laura Bechtel visited at the home of Mr. David Gimbel _ on Sunday.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Nahrâ€" *gang spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. David Gimbel.â€" Mt. Norman Heipel bad his fingers badly injured while engaged in pulling down m building near Galt. We hope that he will soon be able to resume . his Accident.â€" Last _ Friday morning while walking on the wet grass, Mr. Aaron Mader had the misfortune to fall and break his leg. Medical . aid was immediately summoned and . we are pleased to state that he is imâ€" proving rapidly.. . 0 0000 .. â€"< ;. work again. Personals.â€"Mr. and Mrs. J. Landâ€" reth of Tavistock visited friemdsâ€" here on Sunday last.â€"Mr. Russel of Tavisâ€" tock was a business visitor here last week in the interest of _ the South East Hope Insurance Co. â€" Mr. L. Huchnergard of Berlin spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. J. W. Fleisâ€" chhauer.â€"Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Gingerâ€" ich and family spent Sunday out on the farm.â€"Mr. and Mrs. M. _ Erb were visiting in town on Sunday.â€" «Miss Clara Stfcbel of Waterloo _ and Mr. Kudop of Berlin spent _ Sunday ‘here with friends.â€"The picking _ and packing of falHl apples is what _ our farmers in this vicinity are . busily engaged with. The crop is an abunâ€" dant one.â€"Mr. and Mrs. F. Bivour spent a few days of last week _ in Buffalo. â€" Business Change.â€"We are â€" informed Mr. Kube has disposed of his hardâ€" ware and tinware business to Mr. H. Zettel of New Germany, who will take possession the beginning of next month. He comes highly recommendâ€" ed as a master mechanic and . busiâ€" ness man and is worthy of your supâ€" port. Mrs. Shantz, wife of Mr. A. E. Shantz, formerly of Berlin, has reâ€" ceived word from her husband, who is in Winnipeg, stating that he had been robbed and his watch and _ $40 had beett taken from him. capacity at the garrison of Gibralfar where he acted as chief clerk in the Commissariat department of the forâ€" ces stationed there. He is a fAvent Spanish scholar and well versed _ on the â€" literaturel of that _ interesfing country.â€"New Hamburg figures quite Linton, â€" asformer principal, but now of Galt, who was a delegate to ths October the 7th armi 8th â€" Mr. J. M Smith, our principal, is down for the subject (a) Graded School Work. (1) Natural Study and Mr. Rebel ski, the entrance class teacher, is on the Execubive Committee, while Mr. Put up your butter in neatly _ printed â€" wrappers: We make . a specialty of of Buii.. Parchment. The paper we use is oil proof and the ink we use will not run. Butter Parchment PUBLISHER CHRONICLEâ€"TELEGRAPHR Waterioo, Ont. David Bean BRESLAV WELLESLEY MONEY STOLEN * * y "ho Gathering of the J, Y. Shant: family who are in the Northwest , on _ the occasion of Mrs. N. B. Detâ€" weiler and daughter Nora‘s visit at the hom» of Mrs. J. B. Shantz:â€"Mrs, Jerry Shantz, Mrs. N. B. Detwerier, Nora â€" Detweiler, J, B. Detweiler, Mrs. A. Weber, Mrs. E. Suyder, E. B. Shantz, Mrs. E. B. Shantz, D. 8. Moyer, Mrs. D. G. Moyer, Mrs. Elias Shant‘:, Miss Sebina Weber, Mrs. Abâ€" ner Hunsperger, Mrs. Fred. Budgron, Mrs. Sol. Wiegand, Mrs. Alvin: Hunsâ€" perger, Mrs. W. Traub, Eph. Weber, Mr. Atvin Snyder, Mrs. Alvin Snyâ€" der, Mr. Norman Snydet, Mrs, Notâ€" man Snyder, Ivan Weber, Mrs. _ M. Weber, Mrs. Ed. Weber, Mrs. Dan Schwindt, Tiny Moyer, Mrs. Milton Mayer, Aison Shantz, Willzed Shants, News Notes.â€"A ,‘mhcr from here attended the‘ 1g1 couference of the M. B." C# chug'“o_( Ofitario _ which was bek at ‘the Bethel church near New Dundee last week.â€"The Lutherâ€" ans held their annual harvest _ home festival on Sunday. The _ services were very interesting and impressive. â€"Bishop Gingrich conducted the sacâ€" ramental services in the Old Mennoâ€" nite church on Sunday.â€"Rev. Mr. Sinden of Wallace occupied the pulpit in the M. B. C. church on â€" Sunday night. Personals.â€"Mr. A. Rickert of Berâ€" lin spent Sunday at his home here.â€" Mr. Horace Ware is spending _ his holidays with friends at _ Winterâ€" bourne.â€"Mr. FEmmanucl Devitt of Cressman, Sask., is visiting his parâ€" ents here.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Vondrau of Preston visited at the home of . Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Herner on Sunday. â€" Miss: Dora HMallman visited _ friends near Pinc Hill last week. Newgâ€"stems.â€"Mr. F. A. MacDonald spent .i half a day in town last Thursday.â€"Mr. Will Ortmanm paid a business visit to Berlin on Saturday. â€"The New Mennonite Church held its. annual conference at Bethel last week. A deep interest was taken throughout the sessions.â€"Mr. Alonzo Gooding is visiting at home at present.â€"The serâ€" vice in the U. B. church was led by Rev. Milton Bricker who preached a very impressive sermon.â€"Mr. Russel Taylor spent Sunday at his home in Hamilton.â€"Miss Agnes Gooding arnd her brother Alonzo took a trip to Toronto on Tuesday.â€"The silos are about all filled now so things _ will settle down again to the usual rouâ€" tine.â€" Farmers are busy harvesting" sugar bects and turnips.â€"Mr. Noah Bricker started carrying . the ‘ mail between Roseville and Ayr on Friday morning.â€"Mr. Amos Bock has moved into our neighborhood. Jr. IV.â€"Lucinda Martin, Susannah Gingrich, Leander Bauman, Nora Weber, Gordon Clemmer. Sr. 1I.â€"Fanny Snyder, Hannah Marâ€" tin, Omar Snyder, Moses Shantz, Newton Weber. â€"Jr. HI.â€"Ilda Bauman, Jesse B Martin, Jesse Martin, John Snyder â€"Sr. IILâ€"Barbara Gingrich, _ Lorne Weber, Edwin Bauman, Orphen Webâ€" er. et â€"Jr. II.â€"Beijamin Snyder, â€" HMavnah Martin, Edwin Martin. Pt. IIâ€"Melvin Bauman, Orval Webâ€" Class II.â€"Orpah Shantz, Tahman Martin, Mary Weber, Lona _ Shantz, George Martin, Alfred Martin, Vera Shub, Elias Snyder. Class 1.â€"Gilbert Snyder, Wendel Brubacher, Nelda Ernst, Earl Sharltz. EMMA L. EBY, Teacher. OF S. S. NO. 21 WATERLOO FOR AUGUST ,AND SEPTEMBER. du The Hydroâ€"Electric Commission Na engaged an expert accountant to pri pare a systom of accounting govert ing the dealings between the Commi: sion and the mnnécir.liï¬u which hay Wipirentad Laro w Another a« contracted . for pawdnm nCt covntant may be a later deal with the somewhat complica matter of determifiing | what c menicipality shall pay ol the cost.. This brai DIDSEBURY ALTA DISTRIBUTION OF. COST SCHOOL REPORT. MaANNH&NM. SWEET SHIPMENT thirtyâ€"four crates, cach neatâ€" and packed, holding sixty t two thousand and forty in all, _ The honey was PTOâ€" / Charles | Mitchell, Moles ho is an old veteran at the having studied and kept w largaet aniaries in Western ROSEVILLE .n.“ I“; ms its _ Shate This branch will be on ymmission has SMYTH‘S WEEKLT Clothing Depa There‘s just this about it, said one of our customers boapnrduloruu‘.ludflnmm:,alï¬l‘t“ rok arou dollar looks pretiy big to me now, and I did look in two or three ; fore I came here.‘ I am satisfied that I can do better here than at store. THOBE $10 SUITS BEAT ANYTHING I EVER SAW. Bee those pure woo!l suits in dark uluun“uqc::cru,udu how neat they , bhow well they are made, the price is only $1% SEE THE TOURIST Made from fine all wool black kerâ€" m velvet collar, Verons ings, only ...........$9 SENATOR Made from extra fine wool Kersey cloth, auto collar, only ........$12 TERMS STRICTLY CASH. ONE PRICE. .. OHEXQ CASH STORE, # KING St. Waterloo, â€" Ont.. fixes. Books, Stationery, Office Suppies, Fancy Goods, Wall Paper, School Supplies, English and German Bibles, Testaments, Hymn Books, Etc. English and German Cathoâ€" lic Prayer Books, Rosaries, Cruci« Weichel‘s Weekly Store News Big Sale of Enamelware Immense Sale of Chinaware. Every piece of Glassware worth 1be at 7c. A General Cleanup of Everything M. Weichel & Son DOERSAM‘S . Call Next Week Mon‘s Fall and Winter Overcoats _ GOOD GOODS A Complete Stock WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OFâ€" Big Changes in Our Store Big Sale of Oil Cloths, Etc. We are headquarters for the Edison Phonographs SMYTH BROS. Special Notice BOOKSTORE DOERSAM‘S of Butterick Patterns always on hand. WHOLE NU Cheviot Buits, notice the tive clegance in each, th CHESTER t S e oo ol A lovely brown stripged â€" d _ oversoat, suto color, made hss sizes 37 to 42, lpodll..,.....? .913 BOYS‘ OVERCOATS * > V Fuli line in blue, black and fancy _ W“dl,uly................ 1 here are only........» LOW PRICES