ta ' 'if, if! Sign“! WI I tstate" I006. The ftmmt food . M all!" m of Dom. muulo . .va.q.d lent II an mime-I. Quaker : W i I t ‘kl. been“ It In pure. no , Jt I be' " Mick specks. hun- .J V“ In “In that " teeMM _ E AtttkSe' -tthtity on - ".i.'r' A" no? .8 can. result; itll!; irtiiTirrtrs. V _ mm _ ""q “I ".- ,‘ fur-“03 M F5ci',i, " jr',';;';";?" wads. . _ *W‘bpormt plum oi in" vamduouued " Mia- Em- ma lush“, Harlin. d . Jiri?." Shi- the armam- in Twist 'otoe" --. norm. movin‘ “an. Hall “(the an; ought!» may!“ t should he s6et,ptsrd. cm beimaor In r'y wart (int ot incline. Chum mulling and do. scrlptlcn. nature study would [like then more phat-nut, [338083 to it QtT/ trom such study. Debates ' bl 'l,2itrggelg boys. Mite slonaty mug _ 1'drS1,dtWp children to Hell-duh! iutd I ' Sympathy a mu visiting should be cncournerd,-trrthsittg when and knowing. gins. Foreign missicnary studies could be made" interesting by linking " imaginary missionary iour- ney and describing conditions in tor- pl‘n luau. Read stories, have It old ptlwtings, use]: children to any [or minions. They should be taught to give delittitedy um syateL mutually. Have schemes oi raising may. give them a sum and ask Allen to lavas it. Devotional mode - no important, Entourage prayer in public. Teach them how to pray. Have cgtecbetical instruc- ticn, Bible study, Bible grography And hittory. Train childnn to bet -Ielplul in God'it kingdom, hlprul to other; V 1t'p,'11? ,t'?iiti'e.ilili,?2 r-.." ugh-I2 . "stty. ot' 't has: row: ot um; , n cloqmnt nod ear- "iiri5W'E'9'iim 'ittqit'r1tttt a Lumen-bl. - an mlrviw "M" _ C MN Sud-ya!" in In ' ': It _ F ' Ily â€an r1.“ - .. - a ' tlet'",',; .muhv- B. “my, a mud..m Ree. Mr. Riauetett. . . n _ New omens. The report of the nominating com- mittee gt the Y.P.A, convention yes- i.trday morning, naming omcets tur tttre next year was as follows: Pres.. that. Mr. W. H. Umhach, New Ham- burg; vrcHresident, Mr. Gus "easy, Stratiord, recording secretary, Miss Dora Lint, Runner; corresponhng BC- aetary. Miss K. Mauser. Ciittord; trmuutrer, Mi. George Zimmerman, Tavistock; missionary superintendent, Miss Alberta Schmidt, Stratford, jun- ior superintendent, Miss Emma Kautz, Waterloo. _ South Cayllga has been chosen for ttte holding of the next convention c, w. Mill", Inspector ot Ihilt dtea's Aid Society.', here, returned this week trom 3 trip lo Ottawa and “when! where ho had been visit- ing in the interest of the Chiidren's cans: and he cannot speak too highly at the excellent system a: well as tho enthusiasm with which the Ollnwm C. A. Sociéty do their work. _. V Ther have adopted the "Parole" welt-m and have all the mammary Maury. \ln'ch menu, A juvenile Cunt, A Detention Home, Prokntiun Unions and a Constable. Injddition to Mr. Kean', their enthusiastic Inspector, they have two hay probation omcers, who give all Mr time looking “the wel- fare of delinquent chiidrtn. and with this system in good waning order they have but: able to get aims mll without hardly ever inning " win! cititdrtrh to Industrial Srhaulq, Their board oi control mods er- ery week, to consider the tms! mo- thods ot titling with cases as ihoy (one up and in addition llvre in a monthly mum; tor the entiremem- bership. Time men ud women who meet weekly, are among the busiest in the citx. an! l ll Rpm-g to no the and ot Mktmhwbodo Bot think it a Instinct; to' give their time to help in am noblé work of child mm. It. “It: VII in Impressed with that In“ at whim, that hr m»mm- 4xr4r all ia N: pow- " to get the â€may equipmmt so u ttrrtthtrte the Society hm to do thrtr work more trs1rtsmctor1tr will "MAM.I-n"v nu old Green nnd Rom-n was. you “miter- o! lulu: “I mum; their - .“ In!“ - no Incl. at the Inn “and out “to Mn nut-r a! [not we hue att. '.e.9rtdate-rt"rrt-- ted 0" ".streaigthttr"ittrortd. Incl- w 9-H“ ma m In my iuatqtett1t-toa-r_ m -- A -- - __ " new RETURNED FROM OTTAWA it. has» nu- must-4.9:“ Why We An “mun. an wen-i ELM: '.tf,'tugttlg hall Aline away?†' ggetpttrtf." " no 'are, Arm ttm “is; from. m - no“: aim-amen, mm'moxtu lam huh-roto- q’nlred in 'easttis0. a“ mum points. Non-oust-iq In“ with and to tho mud tmi-tation an: inn-menu crop; on the minty. a condoning bath; is photo! that the railroad comp-am an ready .to grapple with their yearly tut. "F " .s. . Mt, iMiN a E tttttt E mtrth m, 710- grim “I!!!†In own it. “0M1,“ my“ new In mud u tKe m. "At an. Ittrsr. DIEM». tttMtg from " not of . bl! u “g... d m m. at: not“: a 'SllGll'iri "eraged " bald- to the new. atrium. crop " tM‘Auo‘her hm" 's In 'Ire - iaiiaiaGktiAt-eor “at. at Qh-wthewteud “hull-l: oi wmr'w'; . . , _.. twlthltlndh; the-utr" miles It 1&5?“ mlne'l In “you. 'ttrt" an past summer no dun: in lclt - ing the tool supply for the coming winter. All the men uo working day and night, and um: double mm†The Calgary Morning Aroertan on Sept. Nth has the tol1owing:-- A very quiet marriage was solemnized in Calgary yesterday when Rev. J. A. cGU 'uuitcd in marriage Mr. John M. Miller of the Ilranum Puss Grarnm, Alta., and Miss Anna Moy. er of Bruce ('ounly, Ontario. The bride has only just unwed Irom the east an] was met here by the bridegroom who had journeyed up from no south. ‘Altef the nup- tials, the happy ample went math to an up ttse'ir reddma- mara- mun. A quiet. wedding took Much on Wednesday afternoon at 4.30 o'clock at. the residence of the bride‘s bro- th T, Mr. John H. boon, Same! St. Berlin, win: Mr. Lamson K. Nahr- â€a; was married to Miss Clu- Docrr ot Berlin, Rev. B. 'E. Mar- m"! omciating. The groom was assisted by Mr. Joseph lineman! 'umiltott, and (he bride, was attend- ed by Ills Mary "Hdhrtar, d Ber- lin. Ctaly the “mull-ta relatives We present. ' A pretty My took plan at the l v of Mr. “anâ€. AM Becker nun New Dumbo on Wednesday, at. and, at tout 'ntort, when “laughter, Miss Elm, wan unit,- .dur, manur- 9n Mr '"""rr""'"pr, M. .r.A.t96rotNortAuukeop tteiathrg. The bride look“ In!!!) in while, carrying I Be'trqttet ot mu rm. and was M by tree m, Min Sdiu Met. The groom wu ably mid by his brother, Mr. Alvin Shape. Alter Ureerrmrtmty I Minty supper was purl-hi: of. (inc-i: to the lumber of shout Iixiy wm [an-sent, ad tho “moron um couiiy gina “teak-d the high when in which the you; mph: were held by their any ideals. "i '.i, 4-' «nu: 2g.tt2tgultt 'ted ttft SEW TRIAL GRANTED. A new trial a! the “Mon ot the City of Woodstock gum". tbe Coun- " u! "xtord but hem ordered try the Division Conn. The eitr mm! to â€can: what 1: "rtteM-d .qu It: at." (it. In†“all†MILLER-M0YER HYMENEAL N AHMANG-DOERR. BnUPEb-BECKER aiirr,'A' an WM‘N~ _",1i"isai5iiiiii?itria.8P'rP,1e, I'w‘ my; opinion that In“! _aittt6,tkV/,'se'j";"cr" r,."", (t7s5 merely will: " ' Mme. A ' .. " er' 2'friaiurit'+-e-t9l':e 335.! suit tor up “$90. .4 W. . . 3‘ ". :05; " "-ir' In: mud n w tb. Long-uh P, ' but. Rtttttdthrt , tttougtr he ma to commit “I, a ltr. 't I ,. . sell. Alter Fury mm that um Jug... itt. MB' hot believe Cook's story. the mm mg, 3““ - " "C', . tr retorted ‘MJ’IIV had taggrs Itur at ' - ., _ .. , "-=.. 1'fard mm new " but ten mMWQMWWW " ‘helom “this; m up “â€16“,: ttittuqrtd orlttttt duh. Dz...ka watroomttsoested " " " q,cytatettt ML .: cut-in Buns“. ups-graded the -sx, Dt than Bee. yairRt-, moose: thntcuxted"oolr nu iilkTiaiiuisirurreftut' any on the first Leg ot thdr Jotsr- another. 'P"1..ttett he: 9: tet =3E'a"riT'i'ktiiiir' #3 iejtttt",,tt'ftu.%t . .1 . ,iittiir.uro-irt" by "du.Mttuf G-tke/tht-rl hi! iaGiami"uroiaetie1e. iiiiitiuA?cupe'tht'iWJl “automocl 'eotrrtitttrr- Pi?f"t21t-itN'tt v. At', ,, ", h: u- M t'i3tllg i 'ecigltt,lI,t 'tt.ett'f til'j'l,i, an?! " t t “W T " _ =1 hub" tiNtCh'i'll "its!" '59: bur come down)†the and wt- ol the for.†"' '-',. F. . may have wound “mag“; The preliminary MI hue dandy been Bttertdrd, to. wording to Mr. Long-due, "rt' m‘mtm will I"! at least until the urlul ot COM' :3: Peary. Mr. bonsai-la 'titad q In In!“ t , _ Pauy'u Mend: :utut','ISt l suit in radiation on Just ' grounds he did not Inâ€. PriC Huntington, premium. ot the Ameri- To Minister, Mrs. Maria swim or mama, Ont., he leaves “08 c you: “this her life. Thoma be. quest is made to. Mother, Thom Wilma: Turner, oi Kansas City, and to ï¬t: brother, Robert c‘hula‘ ot CW Fold, England, and his halt- Vottiers, George, Richard and Charles C.’ Turner, he leaves 810,000‘ etch. The children ot Maria Boultbpe, ot Robert Charles Turner, ot George Richard Traruer, and oi Thom Wil- liam Turner are to receive $1,000 each, provided they have been convch ed of no crime up to the time ot the tcsiator's death. The same would in left to each ot “in" children of Mr. Turner‘s old friend, the late Mind. lloskin, to Miss Milli: Sutherland, and to a cousin, Clinics Kincaid Bu- chanan. Mrs. Elizabeth Keele, Mrs. Ellen Ambrose, Kata Ambrose, Mrs. Annie Alexander, Mrs, “In Ann Johnson, and Mrs. Helen frtyg, get 8500, and the residue of eo- Iinto: will then be divided anon: three 'brothcrs in the [allowing proportions: one-uit to Robert Charles Men ‘and one quarter each to George, Rich- ard 1nd Charteg Conrsd Turner. an Geognphlul may, and. an: with Dr. Cook in the Waldorf Nov. and expressed himself is etttisitat with the truth ttd Dr. Came. china me: being told some‘hctt Shut have not been given to the general public. The late Frank E. P. Turbo-r. civil engineer, ot Bratondale Hill, and a (timer director ot the Economical Fire In}. Co. ot this town, Mt an (“atrium $358,533. LATE FRANK _Mr. Alfred Erskine Ruskin Ind Charles C. Turner, halt-brother ol the deceased, are the executors ot the estate. _ Show! and .tlo In]. Auctlonoers Tho Chronicle-Town with lumclonolwh BOOObtho pupa thet Ml. look to for chasm manh- Dudn: was it - rhdmoroulvm oftttt. ems: thee el! other Waterloo County when can“. "an I. u nun. Farmers The Chronicle-Tolclnph [on into non-Ii our! on!» trr homo in Tltrat.etoo Donut! sad the mttsqtoriptleret “In hoop mums. It you want. to matte an. of Raf-noon. of your “I. when!“ Inn an Olin-onwa- Telegram You an“ nah no you an. at tho "I. of tut- u... - m In Lrllr3l wv UNIV-“l- Early Friday morning the G.T.R‘ Itroy not to matte “I" teeight from “man an arm I an moons of you! P? into . mam that mu bung une- dvertt.qittattttq Ohronioo- "new " a. my! mu n 0co- 'olo¢nph. . new". Two an wen- demolished, one landed with ttour and a. on“ “mm“. "t with lumnnrr, Font-unholy no on an. at the _ 'O3- u. hurt m the locomum at the m... m. Mimi-la mm wu bully wracked. 2lJ'l'dldg'S. " “to wrmhga train Iron Gulph tom tt m 'atu"dt,'t, m m Datrid “an Tthit a: h - can. WILD]!!! k ft U. ', - tree f“ " â€â€œ4,†L_, this»: _ _ A 'egtotttgt-, [£1 TURNER’S ESTATE a" Yâ€: “W m; a MT a. I!!!“ 'iiilaiiii i,?iiii';,lli! ' u stung- W ddM' “a. was W In: an: M. - dill! nu' "no: l no! A†-Taa tt child H I er,','.',".' out w. _ s in; ttu'rdll,','lt 'WO Links!» Ura'il,77i. M up: will dee) a - an: 1-"de . - _ »-’ "iii'i'iuaagits-e!t?ee tiiiViiaTuriaiiii4titeAtf3. Mum. Gemini-09! "iiiir,?i2iiii,f'greMrtr'if tto numb-IN.MM‘ . - may» aid» min- MFe, LGidiomrrit9trLqd. M “tome-blur. m any at GTriGria-tttMhttr, : "itriGiiGouLhiVitiiuit Ivar-n-v-vvrv-vr’". T - "iGk,TiikAhttrtr8rrrfoe _ Ja.i.r",iirc' :r' another. Aid hath has as you- s, -m3. it .1; lung ot NI Randy. It in with. -i.. all. Mule“ "amine. Tm ‘» “"79 J-")" s', F . unique. gown-mam TheeeiBrttt: ._,_" “vim-m. n pm “no, gm, ., muor “was†' tr, a. mu 'u'tltd21?i2'd','fi . gyt'tug'tk IEE‘I' uni-tun In “no loll. _ _ "II-WI .r. ___'-" _._r .7 w, at a. Tan-dip Hall. M. on "lad-n13 not! an at 'St, -teettheri' fa, when all want, thi Reeve jrmtd%r. TW til-ml ol pram schist were read and 'xmttrmed. A lotto; w" rem-Md And read tram J. B. Patterson ot north Eamon who was up!) present. satin; an on the night o' We m ot â€tank; 'h, hi: vile while “Mn; on the boun- dary tine between Minuet “(l-North Eamon: met with an ommntgonon the highway, whereby her Mind“: its leg and had to be destroyedlr. Putnam made no weenie demand but stated nut be but the WM New: Bunion couttcil and related the autumnalâ€! show merttmsed, all Also ml ht expect-d rectum we tor its loss. Mt sit-1AM In“ ttat NorttrEnatttor. new“ NW him to eatr on William Col-pl! and yet then to appoint a day and time [or both council- bo meet “I! d!!- cuss an mailer. The Council we: asking seven] gunman: in cub: to elicit intonation, decided to meet North Eamon Council on the spot on the 6th ot October, at I o'clocil p.m., with the View at genus " the inhalation possible. dint wind: they might, bo thin to arrive " some definite conclusion in the mat.- tcr and the Clark wns hurt!!!“ to notify the Clerk ot North Eamon to tlrat elect The (‘olleclou' bond. '11! pm- ted and examined. Movedty Sam- ucl Camel, "can“ by Conrad Rue!- ter, that the Collector‘s bonds as [to- mw " walnut u ample mm,- xsrmoq and tttite,',' hem. I: hereby ’tnltW' 'h'ttWontrtttt- Cotlector'q rolls tor non, Nth-Je- srlctivc Colgate“ m a: mm In; 16ttt day ot com. tum, cutting The clerk ot the g . Io- quuwd that some to _ mm tow-Ids mm; the W! " commuung the sum Laser. ttt land: trontuq on†Rods. It wu moved by s. V "pt-dedhr Con. Mr that Brink†com- mute statute mm on my. and: be now not: mm the “I M and numberod I74. ended. tha6, el Ins-ed accordingly. Moved by J, P. Lieu-pron, mon- dcd by A, C. "Illa“, M _the [allowing mounts be - an that an Reeve line In; misno- the Tram-r in mt ot the same, vlz: r", mu Amen ht mate: to date 33.31 T. a. mu, huh/nu mm, .1.» Chan. Funk, In Mt " work on Tp. mu 34.07 John Mom at work on MEI-H. T9. in. . 5.60 Pipe 3 CW. payment, In full tor Illa-m" Bx†MO." lithe: & Rich. on an atâ€? " V - V In.“ A "m“. on new!“ ot 1tt,'tt.it'd er tst.. Botfytr, ,ptmel m- - and CW5 "iriUii ""‘33030 F. Wygll,_ 3rd 1n. “k " Ctt thM Conon" "ruiiirr aa My“ the ml: at owner. wnm Tp. CW‘ iyCtte It? .M Tei-id. ~- r '71...’7 5 Jteier, H for ttlung mm“.- was“ In GWEN" cl P. Wu Chit 3‘43: 31:38 , mm . A. tllli1tti.t1r ' 60.; brunt. . 3 . 2 â€on. ijiiiiittpi, near cousmwnxo’u Rtr. son. I018- ounnmuuonnng To an " we. of. the 'steirte,trad mum o! evaporation, - in M. M incur-balm itch or 'left ittTl',2h,,",v,' ttttti'?,.' Ri: , , my _ wind, which I. t'A"lii2l'ualt', on! m puma Mail In" 'to submit to. " bu balsam ML mpily " "Ndtr under W M- dltions, " i", ltr, in. 'tgt, ed and left a W.‘ . , hike tttr, ortitdee' merma‘ ma w the any? were " tettrril od don ad W’W’W'J Donation 1M has to big they to any any: Namib- the an tent ot "mutton m wry h momma with Vie-uni condition; and even under Ittoamtat chem cul- tivation it is Impossible to gitih, truly " the rank“; the but we can do u to prevent an meal or lore, tcUitsing gli we possibly can The will“ of any â€dot m which 4ror* no Mull; arotret' i; launch“ to "and! W:opo9, a! In plants; mm has mum» nimble and my w'inob tum stored up [roman mama“.- oljho Ital; year. A A _ lav-pout!“ an; the mu e! the great." lot! of moisture, it lotion that the great object we mm will: at tr the prevention. " may. tabla. ot grarrttgattet.s' _ -; q We no told say: u correspondent. ttyyt the but mile wny ot retain- [If mounts In liy summing the Ind with rmbkh. " " ls out at the Must-lo tmhtt my large an with-minus 'or even slaw, it lone" that some other system must he “opted. The anâ€: earth 'et is sully produced in ts nimellous- tr diam". Pi" cultivation and; “Iron! use ot tho‘comnan (right- 'trr, â€other: mat is termed a 'trtt Mdptétm, use up ot the so", which. will!!! ttttht/ttra-ttttite 9": punk but“ JtighrAtmtt, - the enrol-tin. triih3h, loll M9: and my†M6 htt is u. at tho crow a: r " 32%;†_ . _ E Nana!!! tht overdo; at. “will; ch to, to“ mutt be - on- 'ee6omttr, -etr., its aim. , 6: the who vim-upon- naked ml crack;- athnriti. the 'Inulttm ton» to the when and can. / _ Ft ' as common, bung teeii?:';'i',3ltiiy,i'iii'ii, upâ€. in this connect - ttutttiftt,, 1:2le qmiromttoat tiwhitta,ir'iies m an may». enacted by “kw ing, but mm M b oe6trarrV met Med not who!!! 'l _ -I1 only mines and not: tBU. ' known Heh thth‘bm _ _ [ follow wine In "a", after dimin- ly the twenty-t and wishing“ of its ordinary an. w tiil* muted n. a my , "m alibi, 'tM' mummy 1 -i’ _ -"NiGhr-g-iyAtttpds m.ndmuordHDI-‘ 'ii'i?2rhii'l'k'i'ti4, lul'l'aT m t his. I: at 'glea8r' III! , i,l'ii'ihi'i'i1lhihe,iil2l'irt'i': â€I. "mm m "l'd'fiu'iy,flll'8lllliN'l=i the. via 1rhttt,,gN't m mouth-Illa t 'cfs,", in! t in. not ld‘wd'lzm nu.- "Iâ€! “gum. MIME“ mu “Mr FGaisitmmdteqttIp. ' t'l2ttf',Q','l'l'huWJ1'r'llts= Mr. I“ El] (king at at“ irt, on you“ ,.' To“ iiA Yon-lulu! an “In Flu r netw- cou- * when "in; I'm I New. no It honour-i a mum and .l _ -,' [in l opium an hired: Liii'i; $75! "Nervous, Diseased Steam} Milt'd'.%tt'i'h's'i me- at at. 7|»de an: e arewt'etm1trtttte;qtqrtaMpttom - them autumn We. CAN EORD W’ too-mamas» to an.“ gun-junta “with - Mtr& Bard titerhtmts lar- 1mm, banal “out we we sumo: m with. I new brick home; . Annua- mud poll ml but. dulled "all. com [nonunion will, a in; - toCubom. Price was. mm or letter, be and hurl!!!) acttt brush: mun. _ um " In no“. but u..- 'ttvat. 'r" "woqhtrtrb, 'e'i'iri'i'y3i'i tba"gtvtfg'dgt'll,Tgt,i' , .I F2lgtr:,ttt2 ','f:rt'2,'l 1-0 “new to'erttu-o-atvthr “on not. “In ,ottNtttirtugt "r yum music. Sony go manna» mate" on In I ant-011d" A m “M “tunnelâ€, It m- anvm‘nmdr Jasmin-II“ ttr-ttVt-prim-ttr mm, (mm new 1- . mun - 'fat tMa "FARMS FOR SALE Ae.t 'M mumps In. 's'atl'lf ttuittg to thtia'ttt d tht; , rant" m...» o. - 1hri.-GLGiueo. w- un' - one 0.00 we who! “mm , nun and " np I; T lull vl'l out any on m an n and with“! mun. .m Cm coals-h d an "r , 'rk h “a. - In“. u. “mass-Alum: PM I". to - m ;_Ԥoe.ymmm.uwu.mu- Ramona wuss W!“ In Haldjmand County n-t.ttsruu-atiigiitIB ff Cet-tton List or ties a: Fiiii2"Liitiiijiit an. as wry-A 'ld 1r',lrl,)'t;'i,,t Ind Ion in bil I W _ C CM and Car "warm... Aer M. meted; with at" well; well m- a. Film, “on , a at an" "ft-ts, pm :31 um "ls','lhfl"tllllu'l1 an be bong“ " the was: who ot $3000. "- hm; hm Hi '/g,"t,'g'rotct'rg 'ttttl n†" to; f - 'dr2at to: unlit“ m “on. gum ohm "‘d‘i can has; - m,tnm;~d - loan. A,", j“ This auricu- “It,“ a rural te'qWoeto W, hr; "madam manna, Jti "98"t' Dtmhrutp.tttartet um j t' tre" mm yum- my», {a Cuban. h on at NwMEh--» the Prowl-el- ::.itti0timt'-Ca; , ttttNg": ',tl'i'dl'lli; T C y I A -F A-youv m "_. ' ' , T propultiou will, on ,'algt I; mm] or letter, be MIA mum. _ s T 7:. ,,ru Hiram- a an mi. “ m It.- I, - A __,,__r-, l! m Attqtelt fettrer, "err 'rtitrA6e" new... a my .Miw» arti1qtt5lKC.' tt batman. Dr. - Cough R . Ali ith to I wily Inf-hug that Dr. stoop utter-To 1+tothtne an, ml T Hi you. Inlet. Tb _ mi but and tender w- cl I“ hung mum in} II mauve- In Dr. Sheri My. n calm- as on». in“. 1b unit". not“ m. u No â€his. a. T't.'ttgs,'f, to MM a", nu. It Br. ling". .. l “I! m. NI tr . tt 12.r','i'a, I “In; :W., .i'. kfttt,,tutftt ': .er my an an Wm: THE mass: mum. F'- W~ new patina , Una-nun an, ummt " mwmm [El otrrAttttkl: "