g E‘".‘..’..E..g‘m?o.’.f'..fl“"r heconiingmpits~d â€""'."'aâ€"vâ€"' ; dnfl: E“%&kl‘ï¬: "?7&.3'5 Dark worsted finished tweeds, in pest striped designs of fashionable shades, three button. 'll'f" sack style, with good qualit regular $8.50 to $10 for , */* Mea‘s Raincoats, broken lices of . Fancy neg A clearing of Boys‘ Norfolk Suits, :n u.dlm: -hmnho{ domut'gl ;:d; mported tweeds, single breas pleated styles, M'mndo and lined, mï¬wkuuodlwt 2 89 Saturday bargain, at each * Bapgains in Mon‘s Great Saturday Bargains woven matensh #924"°" 2" Clor efâ€" range of emart patterne and colos CL. fects. aizes 14 to 17, reguiar A @@ 75c to $1 for #3 Flour! Grainl Feed! t C \ 214 Queen St , South â€" These mills have been renovated ‘Whd made upâ€"toâ€"date in the milling of high class flour and feed, tor custom choppiDg & f bigh CB °°"" """a harley and are alway$ buy( We extend a cordial invitation to the ladies‘of Wateriog, ounding country to visiv our show rooms on the above dates These mills have been renov8®©0 * """°°° °/ ° ) oning and 08 C the milling of high class floar and feed, for custom chopping and oat crushing We. want your v%uu and batley and are alway# buyers, payicg the highest market valaes e always have bran middlings, meal, corn, CoTBâ€" chop, soreenings, 0to. 01 hand and selling at right priccs. i OQur family flour "The King" is an exceptionally fino flour for all bouseâ€" hold purposes. We buy and sell, we exchange and trade. We guaranted fair treatment with courtesy. IRVIN MASTER, Prop. Phone 97 You may consider each of Mrs. C. Steuernage! The â€"people of Waterloo Country should D .mimlub'whioh is now on. â€" Following , of the Bargaina offered. € ~@ .. _ 85 fAne Men‘s Suits ranging from $10 to $16 "Navy Slus and Black Serges. .. | Millinery Opening " Smss s Ain hnve ced tirens iss fgi aginday 80 Men‘s Shirte Saturda: ï¬i‘ï¬&j ggm& _ am iJ wice "tht ts §IGNX OF ~ _KING STREET, WATERLOO. Big Alteration Sale Now in Full Swing. Our Fall Millinery Opening is : City Mills, Berlin shirte of ‘a finely & .\ in d&n?-kid. laced and DiRSDUTT styles, McKay sewn soles, extension !zl dressy .“g“, very serviceable hish some samples, in tan and box also some samples, "° TUD L "ly. calf sizes in lot 11 to 13,and 2 to 5, â€" ular $2 and $2.25 for 1 5'3 a Y uie Gocdraee nabed, Mimtas ur ear t -adnp.mt M‘n dmpt.' excellent styles, in hyh grure qualities, odd Imwes. taken from regUlar stock, sizes limes, taken from regUlar 3 to 7. in lot, regular $2, â€" $2.25 and 2.50 for Women‘s Boots, vici kid, in two lt‘:o-. ome hbas extension soles, suitâ€" able for walking, dull kid bluchsr tops â€"the other is light weight, vclz dresâ€" sy, all are perfect makes, sizes 8 to 7 regular $2.50 to $3 for -‘ 98 patent colt and vici kid, newest shapes of this season, clearing broken lines, . all Goodyear welted blacher tops, in sizes 6 to 10, reguâ€" 3 50 lar $1 50 and $5 for # lar $1,50 and $5 for Canadian Sheeting, plain _even weave, no dressing, unbleached, 72 in. wide, great value, regular 23c 28¢, for per yard _ Boys‘ and Men‘s , Saturday at per. garâ€" Cqm_:uylhflfldno‘mi-m w on. â€" Following are a few Footwear ouths‘ Boots, fine makes, id, laced and blucher Staples st grades, in tan vici kid, newest , including Berlin and surâ€" Berlin, Ont. equipment . _Ypr stock, sizes 1.50 290 Personals.â€"Miss Ethel Cunningâ€" Tng sotfrar mes â€"witn he_sncle Mr. ing her Mr. J. Collinson Mr. August 'ï¬l of Patterson, N.J., was renewing old acquaintances" in town last week â€"â€" Mr. Edwin Hollinger of the Royal Bank at Hanover is spending his holâ€" idays at his home hereâ€" Mr. _ J. L. Wideman of St. Jacobs gave his Elmira® friends a call last week on his way home from the West.â€"Mrs. C._ Jansen and children returned to their home in Tilisonbutrg last woek after spending a mionth with Mrs. Vogt.â€" Mr. C. Moogk and daughtet Miss Lizzie left last week for a fow weeks‘ visit with friends in Albany, Kingston and New York.~ â€" Mr. Hy. Heyert "of Toronto called on Elmira fricnis | last week.â€" Mrs. Eby and. Mrs. Z1egler of Waterloo, called on friends hare last week.â€" Miss Clara Ruppel has returned home from . a week‘s visit with friends in Toronto. â€"Miss â€" Whyard ‘of Guéiph _ spent Sunday in town.â€" Mr. M. Scanion, ol Toronto spent Saturday with his parents here.â€" Miss Annie Starr of Winnipeg left for home on Tuesday alâ€" ter szending a couple of months with her mothcr here. Preity Wedding.â€"A very pretty wedâ€" ding _ took place on Tucsday afterâ€" noon Sept. 31st at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ford, William St., when their only daughter, Miss Joseâ€" phine was united in marriage to Mr. John Hedrich, second son of Mr, and Mrs. N. Hedrich, Elmira. The cerâ€" emony was performed by Rev. _ Dr. Ecanlon pastor of the Mcthodist church in the szacious sitting room whith was prettily dscorated _ with white and pink asters. The brice and prooin ware unattend d. . Miss Louise Dreisinger played thr Menâ€" delssobhn wedding march. _ The bride was attired in a beautifull duchess ess satin dress with goid embroidery and aâ€" handsome _ nccklet of pearls and diamonds, the .gift of the groom â€"and carrled a bougquet of rink roses. Her going away gown was ofâ€" pastel violct broafcloth with hat . to match After the ceremcony _ and congratula tions the guests to the number . of about seventyâ€"five sat down to _ a sumptuous wedding dinner, the table being decorated with asters.. The evâ€" cning was spent (in social chat and music by the E.M.S. band which alâ€" so accompanied the bridal party to the station where the young couple too‘t the seven o‘clock train for Toâ€" ron‘o, Buffalo and New York. _ Amâ€" ong the guests were friends from Pt. Elgin, Guelph, _ Toronto, Glenallen, Winfield, Preston, Elora and Drayton. The prosents were _ uumerous and costly. _ Upon their return to El mira the young couple will reside, for the winter with the bride‘s patâ€" ents cn William street. . \‘~ News Notes Gathered by Industrious Correspondents # in County and District. Messts. A. Letson, A. Richert and friends enloyed a day at the O.A.C. â€"Mr. W. J. Letson has purchased a fne automobile. _ It is a wellâ€"finishâ€" ed, easy running machine and makes good szeed on the highway. â€" Mr. Campbell has sold his farm of _ 55 acres to Mr. Durst of Eliréra _ for $4400 and has purchased 100 acres up in Maryborough.â€"Mr. Ribbet from near (rand Rapids is visiting friends in this vicinity.â€"Mr. John Jupp has added a commodious kitchen to his residence in the village.â€"The Furm-‘ ers‘ Club h:d.an interesting meeting. There was an instructive discussion on _ drainage followed by a good programme. *â€"â€"The scenery along the valley of the Grand River is superh ly beautiful with autumil colorings. â€"an apt illustration of the transient nature â€"of human life.â€"There had been some expectation of obtaining a railâ€" way station at West Montrose. Thus far the prospect has not materialized, but.we hope that it will even yet. â€"The labors ‘of <the agriculturists have heen well rewarded in this viâ€" cinity. > The general condition of crops have been excellent. NINE PERSONS KILLED IN A COLLISION Chicago, Sept. ©28.â€"At feast nine persons _ were killed and a scoré othrs, more or less seriously injutâ€" cd carly toâ€"day when the Cincinnati flyer crashed into the rear end | of a #pecial stock train on the Milwaukce road near the union stock yards. «Bix bodies had been recovered o‘cloc‘ . this: morn‘ng. All of the deadâ€" were Monta Daota stockmen. Nine of the pasgengers senger train were injured BANDIT $SHOO1S THREE MEN AND ESCAPES Ph.ladelphia, Sept. Pa, Sept. 28. ~masked bandit hbeld up a saloon Our Busy Neighbors â€" WEST MONTROSE ELMIRA. Sor Montans of in the pas THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER at Mr. George Latech sold his fine stak 1x on in .Cn ttke wak aicn square and a good price was ‘received. Mr. Latsch‘s reason for selling " was on account of ‘being confned to tibs bed. â€"Mr. Levi Sauder, of Pairy Soud,vnam&atmmd his â€" brothersâ€"inâ€"law.â€"Mesers. George Latech and Wm. Carey. [t is twenâ€" tyâ€"five years since <he left this vicige ity. Mr. Sauder learned the trade of miller. at the old Holm‘s mill. â€" Quite an excitement was created at Cantreville . on Friday last when _ a figure of a man Was seen suspended from the flag pole belonging to Mr. Jacob Ebel. When taken down _ it turned out to be the effigy of . a man, the prank of a number of _ noys who enjoyed the funâ€"Messrs. Ferdinâ€" and Latsch and Harry Lewis were out hunting foxes last Wedn»sday and were successful in,eapturing one.â€"On Tuesday evening last week, Mr. Chas. Krempi en an agedresident, who is ovâ€" ¢r ninety years old, was about to reâ€" tire to his bedroom when he entercd the wrong dgor and fell into _ the cellar below, Sustaising a broken ri> and two nasty cuts â€" on his face Dr. Kalbfleisch, of ‘Betlin, is attending the unfortunate man who is doing as well as can beâ€" axpected.â€"Mr. b?;iu Dippel is busily engaged filling s1108, 1 CRESSMANâ€"SHANTZ NUPTIALS A happy _ event took place at the home of _ Mr. Menno E. Shantz, 2 m‘les east of Petersburg on Wednesâ€" day, Sopt. 22, the occasion being the marriage. â€" of ‘his youngest daughter, Miss Clara Shantz, to Mr. Ivan Cressman, eldest son of Mr. Moses Cressman of Wilmot. The ceremony took place at 3 o‘clock, Bisfhop Jonas Snider of Waterloo officiating. The bride who was prettily attired in a white gown was aitended by her niece, Miss Axnes Shantz and the groom was supported by his brothor, Mr. Addis Cressman. 3 About 70 guests were in attendance including _ a number from New Hamâ€" burg, ‘New Dundee,‘ Breslau and Vineâ€" land. _ The tables were decorated with carnations and asters. _ The many beautiful and costly wedding gitts attested the popularity of the bride. The bridal couple are spending their honeymoon at Niagara Falls and othâ€" er points east. The bride wore a brown travelling suit,. _ On their reâ€" turn they will take up theit residence on a farm _ neat _ Haysville Their _ numerous friends will exâ€" tend best wishes for their evary hapâ€" pinss. DISAPPEARANCE OF Put up your butter in neatly . printed,., wrappers We make a specialty of of Butter Parchment. The paper we use is oil preof and Butter Parchment the ink we use will not rup. tu wILL PASS To CITY Provision has been made in the wiil of thy late Mrs. Goldwin Smith,says the Mail and Empire, whereby the beautiful old residence known as The (Grange, the home of Toronto‘s disâ€" t nguished citizen and scholar, ‘and the property surrounding M wl ul timately become Ahe property ot the m"nl â€"of Toronto.. The ï¬ will be : 8. A . par ¢ PUBLISHER CHRONICLEâ€"TELEGRAPH Waterioo, Ont. CENTREVILLE: David Bean HORSE AND RIG AÂ¥e 37TH ANKUAL Waterloo® County ‘The 37th annual meeting of the Waâ€" terloo ~County Teachers‘ Association will be held in audi ©B i. ths Berlin C ‘ Institute on :/ and Friday, Oct. m â€" and commencing at : 10 o‘ ‘The following. excellent programma has been arranged:~â€" 1â€"Devoticnal Exercises, Rev. E. D. ‘Daniels. 2â€"Reading Minutes and Communiâ€" cations. 3.â€"Appointing Committees. 4.â€"Address of Welcome, Mr. A. L. Breithaupt, _ Chairman, Coll. lost. Board. _ §.â€"President‘s Address, Brown. 3A 1.â€"Report re Promotion Examiniâ€"| tion. Mr. J. F. Carmichacl. 2.â€"Receiving Association Dues. 3.â€"The Teachir‘s Study of Himsell. Mr. S. Silcox,â€"B.A., D.Paed., Priaciâ€" pal, Stratford Normal: Schcol. 4.â€"Conference on ta) Graded School Work. Mr. J. M. Smith. i. Should the work in Nature Stuâ€" «y be more definitely outlined in the dy be more Curricutum? ting? | il.“\\:h";t are some of the best meâ€" thods of obtaining plain, legible wriâ€" Ehy Pelnals i. How can we sccure regularity of attcndance of pupils up to the limit of school age? â€" ii.“vh-/ ;Eaï¬!d vacatiops â€" in â€" Kural chools be shorter than those in U‘râ€" ban Schools? (Son i. The New Primar. ii. Th: First Year‘s Number Work. ii. Ways _ ard Means of Making Primary Work Interesting. y Fridayâ€"Morning Session. 1.â€"Devptional Exetclscs. Rev. F. E. Ohégnder. 2.â€"Report o" O. E. A. Delegates. Mussrs. J. Suddaby, W. Linton, Miss F. E. Beaven. 6 , 3.â€"Report of Nominating Commitâ€" tre Mr. J. D. Ramsay. 5.â€"The Teacher‘s Study of his Subâ€" ject. Mr. S. Silcox, B.A., D.Paed. Afternoon Scssion. 1.â€"Report â€" of Auditors, Mr. A. Foster. _‘ 2.â€"Ravort of A. Resolutions. B. B. Playford 3.â€"Schcol Gardins / and School Ground. Mr. F. C. Hart, B.S.A.,Agâ€" ricultvrist, Galt. Coll, Inst. 4.â€"The Teacher‘s Study of His Puâ€" pil. Mr. S. Silcox, B.A., D.Paed. 5.â€"Question Drawer. 6.â€"Unfinished Businass. The Kindergegten Ditectors will not be in session but will inspect the Kinâ€" dergarten Work of the Toronto Pubâ€" lic School. The Department of Education desirâ€" es to increase the usefulness of the Normal Schools and Teachers‘ Insti tutes by sending out the Normal School Toachers as Institute Lecturâ€" ers.> Mr. S. Silcox, B.A., D. Paed., Principal of Stratford Normal School will deliver three addresses and give a lecQure, Thursday evening, on ‘‘Makâ€" ing and _ Keephrg the World Beautiâ€" ful" iMustrated with lantern _ slides. "Phis lecture will be given in the Auâ€" ditorium of the Collegiate Institute. Special Low Fall Prices on Berlin, Oct 7th and 8th (b) Rural School Work, (c) Primary Work, Mnleg_Ifm Readyâ€"Made Fenâ€" cing No. 9.50â€""Q wires x 50 hna d on in ts ieR pe rol o. 9, * mma..':&. P* .GOOD GOODS â€"Writing in thr Public School.â€" Alternoon Session. (Continued on Page 8] 20, 420 rod Committee on C. E. Messrs. J. M. Scott, is Bae MEETING Weichol‘s Weekly Store News Miss E. Math and _ School Mr. _ E SMYTHS WEBKLT Clothing viee Rosprouag lot a io) and sinter »eu I doy eris lants for a fa‘. w â€" MB c ~ aPOT dollar looks prety big to me now, uï¬l k in two or three fre I came here." I am satisfiad that I can do be «â€"« than at s‘re. TROSE $108ULPSBEAT ANYTHING I EVERSAW, | See those ptfé woo! suits in dark © 18ee those handsome ney : solors and fancy m:tflu. notice Cheviot Suits, notice thi how neat they , bow well ty 5e n each, 1 maymmado,ï¬opngï¬hub.‘n here are only . .. *â€"«¥aste SEE THE TOURI3T Mude from fize all wool black kerâ€" 1 gey cloth, velvet collar, Verop& . . serge lin‘ngs, only ..... .. . .s . $9 50 8SENXATOR x Made from extâ€"a fize wool Kersey _ cloth, auto collar, only ........$12 TERMS STRICTLY CASH.. ONE PJ] OHEAP CASH STORE, «< LING BOOKSTORE ; Waterloo, â€" Books, Stationery, Office Suppie$ Fancy Goods, Wall Paper, Schoi Supplies, English and Germa Bibles, Testaments, Hymn Book Etc. English and German Cath lic Prayer Books, Rosaries, Cruge fixes. clone" 35 inches high x 8 wires, lar 35¢ a rod, Our #.ll Clearing m DOERSAM‘S Men‘s Fa,'ll and Winter A Complete Stock wE CARRY A FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF SMYTH BROS. We are headquartars for Special Notice 310 rod DOERSAM‘S of Butterick Patterns always on hand. CHESTER 34 + o e A lovely brown. striped . i overonat, suto color, M * aizes 37 to 42, pm.,:.,ï¬,‘ BOY3 OVERCOATS â€"°‘ _ ‘Foli lHue in blue, black dd the Edison Phonographs tweeds, Only . .. . »»=@»# »«** $2.50 per 100 Ibe. LOW _ PRICES