a; i?, . 2' ,rr..otmaiss-utrtd j' . - that's: am nob 'u. 'dttirieu-u, it would seam. Mylcuductid tor determin- ,ig tho we“ and tear on the coun- v"r $rt's “gun" and try that "Iod- sm dtariot ot gasoline. ovith (at ' wind-dulled tirea"-the automobile. (That the sott rubber tires of an auto- mobile are more damaging to: road surlaced with stone than the iron tires ot a horse-drawn vehicle is not T generally known. The reason, how; ever, is plain when understood. ., "iader the passing of wagons equipped with iron that a. when stone was constantly being broken and the tdimt particles more firmly packed " rains and traitV, thus forming a cemented, bonded, water shedding shell. I Fast ears, skillful driwrs and a suitable location on a country tua- eadam road were sAured for purposes of the experiment and lor seven hours a succession oi interesting trips was made over a measured stretch of onetenth of a mile ot road; the pas- sages ot the motor wars, horse-drawn vehicles, saddle horses and motor cy- cles being noted with scientific exacti- iude. Many Pictures were also taken in the hope of learning exactly the deleterious effects oi various types at vehicles and tires on the highway surlaee. There were thirty-seven separate experiments. The tirst were to de- termine the amount of dust raised by motor cars passing a given point at varying rates of speed, both with the clutch in place and with"the power thrown on so that the car would tout past a given point; also by motor cycles; by teams and by a sad- die horse passing at from ten to twenty-live-miles an hour.. Automobiles, however, proceeding at My. speed, as they usually do, hit the dust binding minim and send it sailing away, while thc son rubber tires crush no rock to supply that which they strip from the highways. France has already awakened to the importance of overcoming these con- ditions, it being estimated that out of a total of $662,000,000, inn-sled in roads, there has Fern a deteriora- tion of fully one-third, or $230,000,- 000, during the last don-n years, ow- ing chiefly to the automobile. dob." glint “WM u AE!,tq.ri'ii'il?h,l',tibit,',' â€a" w III I thMv nonl- 0mm avg-mum " . P" 3.61"â€"6h not. It was plainly observable that when the heavy can; passed over the road at weeds in excess of twenty-five miles an hour the tractive torce ot the rear wheels raised the road surface and mused windrows ul dust to form, that damaging elirel depreciating to a marked degree as Boon as the clutch was released and the car allowed to proceed "on the momentum gained be- tore the power was shut on. In the many tests cars were sent over the road at tales ranging Irom ten miles an hour to svventy-elttht; that speed burst being made by a car blag driven by Ralph de l'alma, While Another driver made seventy- (new but" a 1mm World “with! att' mi d trtem0Mtq antitank null» by ,vetl mite. Government liru " †- 't-tiq.aqtr., 'ttrt a, Wiflchvfllhol “In N ' Sgt-H“ tin Iii! MI be paused to {road toads, attdto mun: u gutter degree at “my tor Treder m “ drivers. While the “g The braking tests were intenstittg./ They made it plain that no man Has any right toppeed a heavy car along any highway at a raw cxrm'ding Went)! or twmty~livo miles an hour, hi " higher mm " speed it is im- 'mulblr to bring our to a stop men ti“ tho “tony-st cmormoy hrakrn ll Inch a distance as to avmt acei- tltl in Cale trams, othrr cars or mu... "ddmir.nptid In the "ttt oi the oncoming machine. Mt tedit'" ram-wading ttrhtrfphrs as 'tteet the new conditions and to ya on motor cu ownrru A proper T In: of the hutdrn ot cost ot main- _ “a rm Is . big problem m m, aad apt-kn} Ch um": i the may. nu waiting for on! Won to m with. tun-snow m Wt w"! ttCute M 'ttst. ' Tb Hon†Tit sun nun Bogus Aug and "in animal t mt!!!“ _ttteaaiq l “Merino Agricultural ' bold and! mun! scald "rt" on runny. " 110}!!! 9! , I“!!! GALT Fi'ir57i7 hr Ci"i,1Filkrute' I!“ an air an": 'tMet In). ion-Io "iiiilidthf . â€note an " 1'a,iytrttt - mw-B- SQ, Mlm': "an mu: m “an. thn day with a mum‘ ot W Att MW Lao from own. its»: vim. and Own Sound not tho-o arrg to, and 300 more we“ This western "tret" will continue until the call for 20,000 is silenced. Not only trom Ontario, but trom’thc Maritime Provinces and trom the northern States do they come. 1he American farmer is always welcome in the west, for "tse usually has money and experience. 'Frpm every district the number of lamilies go- ing, lather. moths, children, and bag- gage, is also a notable point. It means that the west is to receive many permanent settlers, who have only awaited the cheap rates to turn their faces to the land of homo steads. Heads oi families will com- hine harvesting with a search {or suitable homestead; Land near the railways is now at a premium. A ttrw homesteads may try acquired- by the cancelling process ill the new- comer is alert, but most of their! must be sought 50 miles from the railroad. 'The'westol‘n harvest is‘ the prairie's great advertisement. " is the lure which calls many .am rash-net, who never returns. Detroit, Aug. 19.-Harold Gibbons, ft-year-old Son ot John Gibbons. 496 Elmwood avenue', was pulled into the river by a carp. or some other pow- mlul fish while he WIS fishing from [he dock at the loot ot kirld avenue this morning. He wt'nt down in about 11 foot of water, and, being unable to swim, drowned before the eyes of his brother John. thio “I an lad"m'¢ll um yum an: gnu-I tel-M. m - - Aer, 'Yer. ' IUrd than um not m 'ifl!rilihiC,'.'t:' mm- It". instead ot . 'ttttht was ot my W: an “to work nut to site up * prowling country. Many English. tsutySto- wt, and my good Canadium. at; this you going west, and the tsta- tions along the line will prob-bf, to mutated. Winnipeg {I the distributing point. Those who are dmdy pit“ my ot course continue to their destime tion. but the others will be centrpd in the western metropolis, and Aha-me sent out to all parts or the mighty wheat field. This_shilt‘m; prawns will also reveal those who In" no intention of harvesting. and if they do not put in: month at honest le bor they will not be â€00!de the ex- cursion rate home. Only able-bodied men can now profit trom 1 harvest- ers' excursion, The brothers lelt home early in the morning, intending to spend the day fishing. They caught a numter of small fish, and were exulting in their luck when the fatal moment came. Harold, in a spirit, of childish glee, shouted: “Oh, Jack, [We got a big one!" Harold tugged hard on the line, but there was more power at the other end, and he went headlorcmost into the water. John yelled for help,tnst before nnyone came his little bro- thrr was drowned. Montrral, Aug. IO,- Inn] Strut]:- cotta is to be one of the chief speak- on at the Canadian t'lat, banquet, (which is to be held probably on Sep. 17. This is to he the chief event ot the convention of all the Canadian ('lubs ot.Ute Dominion which is being organized. In reply to a cabled in- vitaliun lrom Mr. G. R. Lyman, soc- i'c-tary of the Montreal Canadian Club, the Canadian lligh Commit»- sioner, just before his ailing for Canada, via New York, on Tuesday, expremwd his pie-sure at the invita- tion, and 'r.ured that il his engage- mtnts would permit it he would be present It the convention and would Iweak, Tho mu c025» “up In» ed that axe-nio- lut yen will. the all!†and.“ report, not be _ vat-IL 3mm .mmnwuq- has been We. Not, â€with Jgry, but in chuck! ot ttte in". “â€308, do the Miiein1. look tor the 'iiiaiui- at- onâ€. It; It. L. Thompson, Mm funny: 4..“ a the 0.9.3.. dglcrihu the marshal“: " ot a unusually high Coroner Bennett decided that no In- 'qu(st was necessary. The body was recovered at 10.15 by a sailor named Holsen. A “In: ot other “techno! the highest tttrht In the Dominion will also tre pn-san Repremmuur" of some ot Alt. (‘nndhn Club: ot t.he l'nited Stain may also nth-ml the cotttqrnt4trst. .. . HUGE FISH BROWNS h LAD wrouonxmnow atP1tauttg:r,'a “all...“ IT?. "uni-mum. mic-Ci“...- CANADIAN CLUBS the Dr. Edward Meek, who made "It rostmortom, produced a seetion of bone taken from the deveasers skull, which had been penetrated by th bullet. The'hulc made was slightly larger than the actual size of a 22- 'callbre bullet. A human skull was also produced tty the doctor in ex- plaining ths 'osition of the wound. The bullet [Just lure been the cause of death. . F" ts.,-') . Jl1,Ntirtlt: C â€but; my ?l'gllti,'ll',iii it MA " ‘II I'd pt M“ W" at. was. “all! m 'tapt"," the gun.- †- nu which,“ 1 mm!» (has Utt ttttNeo" cub don! te he!) In." . . Dr. Murdock McKinnon said the bullet was just toiichutg the brain and numbed in auungst a net-work of capillmios, CLEVELAND SCHOOLS TEACH CHILD T0 FARM Cleveland, Aug, 19. - With the theory that purely academic studies in the grammar schools have outlived their usefulness in this commercial age, Superintendent of Schools, Wil- liam ll. Bison, will introduce this {all one ot the most rodical revolu- tions in school curricdlum ever " tions in school curriculum ever at- mile the academic studies will not he wholly sidetracked, the whole trend ot teaching will be along ' menial lines, with the idea ot teschl ing the child the things that will mean bread and butter to him. The change will take place in the inurth or fttth year oi schooling. The time dvvoted to sunk-mic studies in the earlier years will in this your and the other three or tour years be cut more than hall, the time so saved being utilized in teaching the child the rudiments oi trades and emits. So fag as the midnlion ot no manner at Michael Hall’s with " unnamed, practically nothing was ad ded to what is already known. It (am out in the evidence, however, that young‘ShellUy Ind on more te one occasion mods demomrtrqtTont with trrgtarrmc The most important place at "him touching hi: char act'er was that given by Walter Peace, a Port Dover farmer, whr had employed the boy tor son)! time. So tar as his work was col: corned ho had no complain to make hut in ccnsequence of his improper conduct he had been obliged to dis charge him. "He threotcncd to fill an up with lead it l; told his mother abom it, so I promised that I would not tell' said Mr. Peace. "But I told hi I could not keep him." _ 't Ruth Wilson also told tuiwa 'year ago the boy had ilourished a revel ver at her, and: comical hold-up stay was told by George Arms Bitten years old. up 'iit?lllii's' tt.'tgrtil' an: H“ lik I is. "trt0. f a 'le.' r" " tte w, _ . “we“ why. It: Btu- V, mu ",Rottits W IW‘O'M ‘1. A, “any will“ h Corona 'I. Wino“. Cm. At mm, ,suchi 'rrtet6, on and!» the Crown, 1nd Mr. w. E. lily, Ken-lucked the pounding on h mm a! an," Shelley. the mm year-old boy tip [39 in Mit on I Flame of muderl'ng a. old nun. At We outlet It. [any " mutton to emu-cumin: 1% new. wwm desiring to all-t gulch a?†conudoeeOrrqtr [Irma in connect“! with the at! he reminded tho Coroner ot the tact 'h.' (A: young boy lay in Mil unlit-l lotion: chase, and “adore it " deck-hie that his interest: would bl commend. Mr. Kelly’s toque“ w. readily grained, but in the 'rsalocttt ot iatMaatem, he did not exercise th. privilege. Don't drug the Stomach, or trtitntr. late the Heart or Kidneys. Tim is wrong. It is the weak nerves that are crying out tor help. Vitallze those weak inside controlling nerve: with Dr Shoop's Restorative, and see how quickly good health will come to you win. Test it and see! Sold by all dealers. Hinton August 20.-The cotoaer's jury at the inquest of the death of S. Michacl “all retort d the verdict "that derxasrd met his death by m un'nown hand." 1he accused Emery Shelly, has been remained for eight days. For the boys shops will be instal- led with all necessary machinery and in charge of compotmt instructors. They ‘wlll bodrlllt'd in the lntrlcu-lcl u the slltreeettt trades. trout through books and the technical knowledge gained brororking in the sham. the girls will be mum-d In house- hold duties, M ot each dar's work being devoted to teat-hing thorn how to new. cook. sweep. that and how to smug: a home In Ill artistic manner. Thomas Arr9titseld,'agted 15 mm, wan fatally Inland " I cow on his tum nc-ar this city Int evening, dy- lng about midnight. Mr. mm was bring!“ “a m tor I“ m the and TRAMPLED T0 Ht The Medical El idence Too Fond vol Firearms "httrlnets, Ont DEATH BY COW Augult ith- " "In, ' cow on his te.' my. [mom our io HAMILTON ht The work of construction will he commenced now within a very low weeks trom hath ends of the line and twelve months alter the con- struction ishstarted the company ex- pect to have their cars running thr- ough. The run trom Gait to Hamil- ton will be made in one hour, the quick time being made possible by the direct route that has been chosen. On one part oi the proposed line there is a stretch of ten, miles when the track in to In hid in almost a straight line, where it will be In easy matter to run " high weed. Practically the whole ot the right of way has heen bought by the com- pany and will he owned by them. Ov- er the whole ot the lynusm â€pound rails will be used, which will Add to the riding contort and the "tetr dt running the can at 3 mt. “to. The line Mil handle freight u well u pun-lagers. [ "reiNMi'aFrétT W"WEK vi" to "hymn 7 Mt it a'ttp,ltil?llitf Art MP" ') " 'ifffiif : .‘ ' otttis itlthtf, _ ‘I . Lat, in“. - m In on 'tlt tttneg an an! new. " _ may tho am - will! "tttmd to "In tn bolus. madam the. ' trom a. mu- moi “In. non on may! the. aye-la. 1h. ml: in Hm - dUBtagn (nu-Jump.“ 11mm riv- ethuktome told nod?! In winding out out “In use. pad though one new“. n nova: Me: less that, two bout: to cover At . consume have! the mem- ber' of the Town Cami! and the Park Commission, which bu juridic- itt over an Magus Pal; system. 0 which the you“: adjacent to the wWUool are a part, it was agreed that the city would “mist: the grave and have It optned it the Park Com- mit-Sign would [my ths unicrhker. I). “In ttihri, A ltte no! to the top of tf,htP,ui1stt to": to nix all - enployd. The may nuts! lot this tutor from his on yacht. "Tho undertaken (inbred that to my a body Iron: 1M pool to tha tape! mam-db“ “mucou- Meat diysoe not: nagging it was faith $40, prowl tho ei- ty would “and: and open the grave. " is proposed to have the ugique cemetery located on: the whirlpool. When . body is mounted it willbe lowed up can-lolly and notation: made ot may peculiu mark on it that might lend’lo " identueation. The clothes will also te and and a description taken. The grave in which the body is pineal will be numbered and: record kept showing the description of the holy in that grove. That' record will be [cpl try the city and will probably Gine G- der the direction at the coroner. This is to certify tint I have used Minard's Liniment in my family tor years, and consider it the best limi- ment trt the market. I hue A!†bull! it excellent tor horse tieah. Some interesting facts with regard to the Hamilton. Waterloo}: Guelph Electric Railway were elicited at the Council meeting in Salt the can): night, and are here given for the "ttg- formation of readers of The Tele- graph. Gun Rerortes.-Mr. cha lea Funk- ncr, while working In the harvest ttttld of Mr. Wm. Fnullncr, 9th con- cecion at North bunnies on Sutur- day, had an experience with . I hlnclsualto, ‘hich he will long re- member. an diuovprtng the rgptllg Ite undu'took to tic-patch " with' the aid rt- club, but thb snake put up il guns iight, striking out ,rietrdly and linking. pttthntt noise, u oach stroke. Finally, With the tursistsace" at another mu: his nukes“? was de. spatchcd and was found to manure 3 trot]! inches In length-ad no"; 0 Inches in circumtercnce. Fortuntely tpmfm n: at this poisonous reptile are scarce In this “Tilh orhoud. BLACK SNAKE KILLED "Woodlands" madman", RE ljIjijhllIf0Fl, PlllS Than condition. can. from onâ€. I want m. tGlt't'g',T. Mfubkblood. 1"ero+yttrt"-1aqdlre.ttt “I ""mrvrtosathit1em_1ruah_t_'tit-0V . Weak? Tired? Run-dam? "sdrtot-tteodttt.rmteeth nah scallion. mm. 'rsttofeeltugoodeduru. PM kiyiiii'i1tiirhlifi'it?éit bdes_eduhiwttetrirtr,ttio. ,trrfitt1txe"t'd ham-ymmummmd '00 Mka-qutiuhdmm " was. an. elf! - “a“ a world, lot than ,rltt Signed w. S. PrNEO, d m ONE HOUR 'terttarr's bun. us - an b Human dual om m 23; do '7“. '_', Elude-cod Tetl as putting V. on. We" " Jab at eight . day. Up ttt, dqtt is have been mud, south; on: kn Elia of mined “no. ' qiin line. hi 't1'e',T1'l'd 'ltr, II . WW m ' 'iiv'ii'iti'itriii'iik'I'ti M "’ ttaiidriir'te, €0qu till min t, more. “91¢ mm the was» mn- but to and My“. run-â€u “may. g: tt In" toil In ted by Ut/ft' In: tho attlt. , by the m was punt-L . suma- from in two mm o u‘h ot than towers, Giulio g0! the; 110,000 volt unaniulu littt which wMhteab9s'rittgt 8.1-“ AgewagiIe-saanoaermee tow-Milk!“ m Euhtowbmpoldol Maple can of galvanized and. They m hem; brought.“ over the 0.133, tt Rrmal, enema beau-o It in. not lapping point. Prom the: piece the sun rm nude. tgwcra bin; bum m -. Shula-e ouer lower lanol- kid “I. I’ St. An's’were "ambled ad erect ed to meet the ilymalllne. A Bot. ol seventy-dye m, world-3 under thn direction ot Mir-It. a Co., engineers are Jerking the towers up we: in? assembling them (n the ground. n' the rate of tgght per dey. A vegan. (autumn; the sections lnys than“ as up no ground where the steel ml be "tted. A an; ot men get at ht, m the places together that torn the apex, end work down till “I. whole thing is bolted together. Meznwhile (our â€yen-loot six inch deep holes are'dug. Lining the hol es is placed: thretrtootiuate the! trellis. thn the tower ll readym teem ot extra sturdy horas is at mind (on windllss cubic, an! th 65-foot tower in slowly but surely hoisted into place. Once in position . layer cl stone is set “out the at char hum, wd the hole is than! ed up with solid earth, _ The 0.qu will be so completely in tnttaitesd trom “In connection with th: the! towers that not an atom ot electricity can In mnycd from them to the tavern. short-cut tha system, to that It s Able should bred: Ind bl] It woak be harming: whm it tourhcd any- thing. , All the current Bowing through it would be shunted back t: the unrest swimming union gran “or. ultra it would blow out a eiret1it-tsre.ker. meet the section Veins erected tor: . anarchy-yum Weehtrtkm (our: jmnt)....~!.‘ll _ . 5:: St. Anne's. Within A thy or two “anâ€. Til-mph One-317 -. tssoiti.'a"_ta' (. q an ther start will he mode at oo. O _ and a I ./rd)r T 4.. "ET' l T ville, and “lint will be done iroif PT.-' <1tm"a'-rudtrmrbaarir-mte'tritir-ci...ete.t. . _ .- 3;? there to Dundu. Cakville so tar i, _ WTW-qlmlo PtVtrrur......'.aiL,Mii _ - = ' the nearest point io"rorouto that th, might†I)! Thmmtto'p4ittttt.........r..i.. 1-“ - a pole Ane erection has touched. "l ler'w iii Trmmtp 8min.†’ . g .0514 Plrrners Ash Questions. t ohrus.auGiiiiik lantern Mb-e-.............. tgit "t" , [ "The engineers who here tor the past P,trm!e.t'.e1.etrm8 “Mia W“? "trt,...,..,,.. " r' three wee) been working on ltte fiin Stmrnietet1teptsatrtiTttomrr" (0.3:) ....,...,;.,...,,..8.!) _ have answered 3 great many ques We recommend one node:- to null-w te the hunch Adi-onto _ Hone, some ot them very direct. put aetd Home M-irsm the tte"+'ettmr_te? WM“! hm J by farmers, . as to what element of _ ' _ " ', / risk or danger they or the†stock pe must accompany all orders. Mike remittance by v"' or horses will incur from the 1mm Postal Note, Money Order, Registered Laue," Exrns; c),' mil crrrent passing overhead fort) Order to id led in the air. it has been explain . P hr h ,_ Id to them that each oi tlv heavy tt " " cables that carry the current will bt David Bean w te I on: i hung on suspended insulators trom tin _ , . r oo, . 'r Clostetrrtntr, so that wind strain wil '1 t' be minimized. In addition one great .3; factor of absolute inlay f any an . T imal moving nbout a tows is that m _?.' on the highest and shortest at th ms . ", . S, two crosl Irma two grand wires ' L""-'"""""""",------" "wid. will be laid on each tower. In etc W ' "i' t current cable should break, thee: t ' I WIN.“ mm! Isiii ground when would immediatel; TI]: III-mil.“- " Lia; In the elm-“n (Maxim: hm published than " I photograph cor- erlng one-third of a up showing the pic-tun of a - In which Mrs. (Rem) dunes White, ot Htrrpeler, In her 97th your. " the cant!“ ttgum. With her may be - he: date.t- ter, Mn. Eltis, ot Ctiltord, Mr. Ellis. her stud-on. 3nd his daughter I low month old, who In Mrs, White‘s grettHratutctriH. FOUR GENERATWNS Drlse Rheumatism tronf the blood with Dr. Shoop'l Rheumatic Ramsay. Tablet ttr “mild. . Today mother pug gutted hon' Rymal to set up a line that will meet the section Mug eroded tor, St. Anne's. Within a any or two an ther Matt will he undo at ol ville, and Ink; will be done iroif there to Dundu. _ Cakvllle so tar il and New Life row-swam um.» Assent“ on Gnu-d {in h Cheap Reading for. 1909 The Chronicle-Toldgnpb is again able infalgwy libel-l nil “men." clubbing ' for the you 1900 which “a†In}. secure the following publication. in oo-tit-tth tho 1M,tititteit' T . ti, Telegrgph for on you at spatially low nut A n -3 ',itidUritii' [than of the you free to new whucrihen t1'1'lfavtit,Q "tii/ with all othek Candi-n and American 'MN"rri" quoted on uppin- tion, _tytttstsrihtrrrs residing in tho United State. Vaho wish Candi†Public won- mutt. tlet extra form: The 1mm Int um In no main a! ",'dtl'l'lt In hum cumu- I m m on but of nuns m “to par and. tn WI.", at mu. m In" m, k, Val, 1... Incl!- Im not - (our on can “1|ch we. in Ibo “I“. In- .» . Whoa. MYJl1Uhl - LIV" "iiiWdiuitita-i'urg man Tee,,',."'."'" In “inâ€. ','"" ' Jttgt 8iqttttr; Pttp.tlttt.t Chroniclo-Telqnph mid Weekly“ .........'...r... ...I Gtronittuaueqrrurts and Funny Rudd And WHIP. Bur. . Chronicle-Telegraph.“ Fum- um ..9........q.. ', Gummy-mom an noun-swan; Why-"pi... (mug-luggage...» mam Canadian Mm.- and In. Mich-Telegraph . nu] wkur . Glob. Royal Household Flour 32d!“ ofducrimittraiil 'llilBl,'l1 'r, mrrrrrherr. Git " , ' 'iiri, At, " .'~ kt a . o" ‘ atm >: a - 21:jitiiii / '7 fair trial at?» s .. , newer qfii!i,ttye' pther baff 8. Your grocer manic: ft for' you if you insist. __ "' "dr,-', s 5 The best (handing! wretevitst1ttit modern miucajrd' "the mm; in!“ miners, all combine to gigs;- tiiiAhUid7..T.CT.C.T, '_.'-- 0ttfMeruesrllmstitAMted. lingual. " Sanderson's Bakery - my u. hum. L, "- Dun. had mg. g 0mm. ".00... m â€outâ€. Ir.,m‘uu~. MM tt tmmw. Imus onâ€. T WATERâ€!!! MW“: nan 1HtvMNtW.tlot, zucoaponnnn m -MlW Total Amt- 3m tteeuntrer,' _ Moan _ It!“ for Mat Annual mm Mm no.†mum 1.5M " A. P. ï¬lm Protection; and Info Instant†In W. In In ‘ V mm" my or Trait , s itrr" "hfGaiiti Bond on» Wuhan; 93G â€at“ mh'h.lu “a“... 8.1.“... I. m gum-um Inna-um “Couch-um- I. Mt... Idl- lkll Inn'r' PM. â€can!" to "I67- DOMINION? LIFE ttf ID " Damon ........V 'tere, .155 Mt " "no W cad