',"'ri,r. 1mm LABORERS’ :. _ EXCURSION August 19th and Sept. 7th,» from Ill'statlons in the territory between Corontssudtrury line and Toronto- Sania line of the Grand Trunk. To meet the demand for farm Iatror- er: in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, special second class excur- sions will be run by the Canadian Paeifte Railway from all Ontario sta- '_'timua. Cost of one-way ticket to Win- nine; is $10.00, and from Winnipeg to points where laborers contract to Vork they will be carried without M. Alter at least "no mouth': trork in the harvest ficid, a ticket bath to Ontario starting point will be issued at $18.00. Tickcts are only good on tarm Laborers' spot-ml twins. Tickets will also be issuvd to women, but no halt-rate for children. Leaving dates of excursions are as toliowtr..- ,, August. 23rd and Sept. 7th, from all 43.1,. and G. T. R. stations on Tor- buto-Sarnia linv and south thereof (in Canada) and all stations in Ont, trio on M.C., P.M. and T. H. ik B. Brs. . 7 7 August 27th and Sept. Nth, trom all stations vast of Toronto-North Buy line, to and including Kingston, aut, stations on U.O. and B. of cr ttrs. and stations on K. & P. south ot Renlmw. For the three excursions in August special trains will be run from all points on the C'.P.R. If you an in luv doubt as to date of cxcursion from yous district apply lo local C. -P.R. agent, who will also furnish “no: of special trains, or write lo R. L. Thompson, Dlstrlrt Passenger Agent, C'.P.R., Toronto. AU. 12,19.2s,m2 WI. not everything trom meammng Btttag to finishing of the plainest um wat" to molt elaborate toilelte. My Spend months at I shop, where will do nothing but hem, yu- W - on hooks and eyes, and [hon , tho end ot 0 or 9 months, what . _ [all know about cutting? Absohlc- 'treg', For you “in lnnw m '"t"e' how to out "rut . dress at thr' ’ jolt yur, than you on] thc Inst ' you went thcre. So why go when we can tearh' you, in a ot weeks? A tew days' uial I' we. tree ot charge, and if slu- _ tlmts it not all WP. rvcomrmmd it E5 . C . .the prominent speakers are r'fl,tiltl1i','l Paul, biologist, Agri- , _ "Station. Ormo, Hume; Prat it: But-n. 0.A.c., Guelph; Prol. Fi . 'tttgems, msistant itt Poultry " r, Cornell Uniwrsity, Ithi- " . Y., A. G. Gilbert, Poultry De- ' t, 'Ottawa; Horace Atwood, -Wtynl Staticn, Morgantown, Tri; Dr. C. B. Daventpprt, Cold 'gWritt6 Harbor, N.Y.; Prot, James "%Wis, Agricultural Station. Cor- 3.338, Ongon; A. G. Phillips, Mam aatun, Kansas; pr. George B, Morse, ,%ttpast of Animal llnsban‘lry, Wash, ttge: Dr. P. Hadley, Apricultural “than" Kingdom} Mu.; H. c. Pierce, , qtttr,ral College, Ames, Iowa; J. F . "l Nts', Agrlcnltunl College. Late- 'ttig", Mitt, W. Brown, Reading, Eat land;_ F. C. Pulford, Mmrdonald Col-) M Quebec, P. H. Stoneburn, 1'on- Mic!!! College, Stuns, Conn; and fully other prominent poultrymor. LEARN “A .1 mwwmm; is; it!“ no pay tn ldvam‘o. 'ttN- taught om man this 'EA, - within past 7 Fears, and al- Pl -, I!!! still VIII Mter any trrcn 'ts whtul we cannot teach our tlt' . 'iyii?Siley,?, m " "e “autumn mi . Juan-ads" u " 1' My, A. " th' our» _ w" _ '5?†_"tt, the ' . it“ , , Asso- ‘f ‘ Lte'nth't', Daria» f: : , w um. Ky, the ant. - INR C" L2,t,tp'%2p the " My I" an] " “y ta ttt ttte Wulluml in , - a the [and sum w‘! - Walla-Swim]: lat _ I, mound a roan to day MI and whom: h Prtuie 'l' a 8dl'll'ff, .d any wink- de- . w Iâ€, immol discussion on ‘ " _ titties naming“ the mayhem, Tr, V 1.13er a convention oi Instruu . ‘Mo vines are expressed and ' 'ik, “have“ which are a year _l;y, 0 Comic consists of shit! _ gloves. can. nuns, wrap- cIIMm‘I “can. undm'wmr, T ppm. I" turn- am $10to ' d “a: through with lessons. than to own-cm Aug. 23rd. ._ _--- unan- Aug.“ “.000 Men Wanted for West- ern Harvesting. "on We to Four Weeks a"?! In city him In city mu board M I... math rum. til-3' you cannot uh lemma , Inllc for our Doric Oh, 1.1-0,qu by mall." , Stat', punk†“In il a clan ad can u t.0fiiii can mu " DBESSMAKING 3.4:. you p»: possible. New sections weie placed in the Home Department lor "Farm- ers only," while handsome wires were also given tor "Tandems" and 'tour-in-hands." Swen hundred dol- lars was added to the speed money, “high should bring out the last ones. In the Cattle Department $500.Mhas been added in the Shorthorn Class alone, while substantial increases have Been made to other Classes. In the Sheep and Swine Departments ad- justments have been made and chang- es were necessary, makinga hrst- class list throughout, and Stockmen nil find that, they will be wel look- ed In" " they come to London this yeah Itememher the dates, - Sept. t0-18, P,rire lists and all informp- lion will be promptly given on ap- plieation to the Secretary, A. M. Hunt, London, Ont. Ottawa, Aug. 12.-tt the present CX- 'pectatioa ol the Government be real- ized, Parliament will be called to meet on Thursday, November 4. It is possihlo that uniorsmn contingen- cies may delay the opening until a week, or,even two weeks later, but the event is bound to occur try Nov- ember 18. Estimates are being pre- pared by the departments so they may be ready tor November I. 'lhe insuranec hilt is ready to be put be lore Parliament again. It has been considered tor several lirst00tM', and last year was advanced through the Commons; bat did not reach the Sen- ate in time to become law. it will he put through this year. An amend- ment to the bank act will probably figure on the sessional programme. 'lhe speech trom the throne will con- tain an announcement regarding Canada's share in naval delence. The precise terms of the announcement will not be determined until the Government is able to consider the report which Sir Frederick Borden and “on. Mr. Brodeur make ot the work of the Imperial Defence“ Con- ference, which is now being held in London. The new Franco-Canadian treaty will form an item in the spot-eh [mm the. throne, and the bill ratifying it is likely to be put through before the Christmas holidays are reached It is prohal lo that the Opposition will he more aggressive than last ses- sion, but, with a substantial amount of progress with legislation below Christmas, prorogation should take place at a reasonnhly early date in spring. possible. Nt-w sections were in the Home lk-parhnvnt lor yrs "My," while handsome were also given tor "Tandem Tuv, um l went ot the Western Fair 1 .‘WI an- giving spu’ial ath' tt- tion t,s the, tstock lh-parl-mrnt and Stock exhibits this year. Win-n ilw Prim. Dist was in course ot prpyara- tion additiuns wcrv made wherever to-18, 1 lion will pticatinn Hunt, In KILLS HER FATHER Dallas. Toms, Angus! Ir- In onlcr to saw: the life of her nnoyrauuold babe, Mrs. "clle Pistolv, was contprll- ed to shoot her latlrr lo death in tho larm home I2 miles north ol Dallas yesivrday morning. Mrs. Pistole was brourht Wiore Criminal lllSlll'l, Judge Spay today, who set hrr at liberty on $1,500 bond. 'llh ' man was a proudm'nt Dal- las ('uunly farmer, numd Rana!“ mrs, He. was rogar'lul awn mn'lcl citizen, “(111% at rare inhn’nls. uh-n he would be undcr the annu- mru- of itttoxirants, tie umv lo “you was. tan-nu intlamed with liqurt. The curing"! his Mule sick grandmn sated in its mother's tap inturiated "trss, llr' dtclarvd it the mother did not make the babe cease (tying he “and bill it. I My slur-oat. entering his door, In lip! from Th: moth" bring ulmlvlt‘ In quiet "to child , Ross r"stwd tn: lmxm-I and drew a " calibre vial"! (mm a drawer. As he sealed to mm to- word ber nd her child, Mrs. rr'siole ttred lwlcc with 1 an culihro re-oi- m. who The Mat bull" pierced Mr lthrr's MI 'side, Ind he Hanan-d â€mm lar- inp. ttrr, and the mind an! Wu din-charged, The hulM pit-reed ber mthrr's ttert, sud hr tell and norms tet. qrittt his pistol chukka! in Na Coast-bk Austin In [IESPELER'S LOCAL OPTION ' _ "m. Shellâ€, - " said, being tlted into CNWOT hum am: mum-5' it!» iiist" Sim. Two more shots were tlr9: in†up mustn't body " menu; “all, so you a use. Npws emu III": - telephum d Mrs. Hall, according to mu, was THE WESTERN FAIR PARLIAMENT TO MEET TO SAVE HER BABE who it h laid had been quarrellu with she old her body. She in suit tieutr, however, and may 3...? m; *3 fat, com-nu not: Itrt Ttbr . Git a an. 'airs, dhrletump 'rrAF w to um new bt the crime In} arrested Emery a whum,vu'n‘unh¢ tet “am at t-trrs4xr"t - tgettind mm on ugh-amt was also shot, tour tmitee, it in “fury " committee of freight lots on strike at Fort William ing the department to intorvu' mile the strike. Mr. F. A, A deputy minister of labor will for Fort William to-morrow. Toronto, August.- rr-- At ltr, I ap d rate of 10,200 [or day the T. Flaton Company publish- rrs of tho new Ontario Primers, yesterday comma-med to turn out their piodud. "it is pci'liaru th, most important book yd. produced by the department," was the mmmml. of Hon, Dr. Pym, Minister ot Educ» hon, in making, the announcement. The m'w Primer ism cloth-bound lnnk of " pages with Ill orlglx'al illuntrattionx, and sells tor tour Hills. Its prcdr'tpssor was cover"! in limp, muminod IH paws, nnd sold tot ten rrnls. An iotoraiion in Ire- “mil h ii-iciira'ce br '!~'l:ning "w Brw Pi'rner am simply a readiim bod-x Trmhrrs are all row hail-NI in the 'Nmnnl School and it is pmrosmlhy tle dp.arirtrttti to lease mm [we ti, adopt lhe mrihod " Whllh she leiicws tshe can do the most dullrc work. Ottawa, Aug. 15.--Hon. Wm. 1.301 Mcaekenrie King, ministvr ot unborn» day received a. telegram [10m ihe ser- Von “imam. Aug. lr-The dock laborers will retuin to work tu-nlor- row en masse and the bound ul arhi- tration undvr the Lemieux Act, will arritraie. the diiferrttces. This was deternined at a hi; 0pm air meeting this altrrnuun when the whole. population of the "dork town" consisting of five thousand Grerekss. ll- aians, Polos, Hungarians. Nylians and “melanin Jews were prawn. (knew! Manager Bury Mi tor Winnipeg to-day and is satisfied that the trouble is over. Allhuugh ters th n only thousanl were directly coneernM in the results of the mating the balance ot the crowd was composed ul Itiends of the strikers. Mayor Pellet or has socuud from the company a promise to take hack all the men except those atrestrd tor violence. The local militia have dis- bank-d. twt the regulars trom Win- nipeg will remain tor a few days. The programme for each place im (lmlcs a men's banluct. a IOH'CZ‘III c and a public meeting, and irom one tn‘khrce days will thus be consunwL smiafTriFirii Ttte Laymea's Missionary Movement is planning an elaborate lall and win- ter campaign tor Ontario ant later tor the entire country between Otstar- io and the Paulie coast. Berlin, the centre ol the Evugelical Association, WHO! has a membership ot 9,000 pc0- plan. " the latest dcnorninatiottal. centre to come into line. The oi?- en M, meeting oi the Berlin district. wnl be held in Waterloo on mptetn- Ler 11, and will be addressed by Se rretary (askey ot the Canadian Lay- men's Muvemtnt. other meetings in Ontario centres will follow. Promin- ent lmymen, with the secretaries ol the xaripus Provincial Movement , will also tour the west, homing thtir first meeting in Win tiircg Mi October l, to be lulloucd liy meetings at Fort William, Port Arthur, Dauphin, Printc Albert,- Saskatoon, Hrordon, Regina. Medicine Hat, Machd, Cal- gary, Edmonton, Fernie, Crantyroo's, Netmn, Revelsto're, Vanmuvor, Vi:- toria and Nannimo. The expense “Ll largtly Le borne by the \aiiuus dscominaticrts Interested. Mom: wiltt tho Prim" and o h r m‘w public nrhnol readrrs, Hr d.. pnrurettt moron to issue manunln ot method And not"; explaining ruin- my“ nnl nllnsmm to the minor! mal- trr ot the hooll At the and at the pr and nwnlh high tschool ten-took. In chm-MUN unwind history, phrrtical grographr Ind hardening 'm he Ina-d, ttt an the nulhorlutkm at tte dry-m- mrttt " "rirttta publisher- In the city. Dr. D. J. 0min, the editor tttthe unfunny]; mm " an.“ a .the and-3‘ "Ind- - lot $dt,,i','lt1llaithuput, an, shot and Killed m, Wile Also to the on!!!†polite MORE Mig TEXT BOOKS STARTS IN WATERLOO IN PORT WILLIAM freight hand- William, ask, intervene to p. A, Acland, " Sim " are 'i--,ii--ii-,---!-,--,l-,ll:l,=,l,iz,x!,!. NATIONAL Exmmnon I EgéZZE‘TITiT‘uWWMQm . Read what midi. to†, .. Extend“ Ra of 50c and 75c Dru: 7 1 N 'lftg for' Fall ' l A...“ . Supplement this teed with a little whole oats and oil cake meal as the call grows older, give her all the nice clover hay she will eat, but feed this to her at least twieen day, feeding a small amount each Iced. " the call comes in the lail. which is the best time, she will be in good' shape to put out in pasture in the spring. The grass ot the summer will give the young heifer a good start and by- [all she will be in prime con-) dition to winter with but little grain. l teed. It is always desirable to handle) heilers from the time they aucalve: until .they are cows, m; as to keep them tame and gentle. The more the cows and heilers are handled the bet- ter and more gentle cows they’will make. Cows should come fresh in the hill, "possible, and a liberal supply of nitrogenous teed procured and stored away for the winter's teed. Nothing is more detrimental to the continual milk now than to get out oi teed several times during the win- ter's milking period and the dairy- man is obliged to substitute in few nubhins of corn tor a good liberal feed oi the right? kind.. This will al- ways shrink the cow. Plenty of good bedding is also a necessity. " the farmer is slack and does hotbed his rows as they should be, and they are obliged to lie on the hard plank ftoor or cold, hard cement, this, also tends to reduce the flow ot milk. I We are prepared to meet thumb“: with tht “in“! may: Do "chum-ea itmrnanrditrereulin" and colon in It. the“ tuned papal“ priest. It will pr you. q Buy your Flanheleue from us this Fall and " save money. _ It the cow is to he used in the dairy and make her owner much profit she should bea dairy cow. How to rear the call and handle the trailer and cow is one oi the things that many young men makea [allure ot. A call that is to be raised for a dairy cow should tithe-r be raised on skim milk or a lim- ited quantity of whole milk. Many calms have been fed a Fattening ration when young and take on the tendency of laying on tat rather than lean, con- sequently they develop into lat, beely animals rather than well-shaptd dairy cows. We usually let the young calf take the milk trom the milph cow in the natural way two or three time'e a day tor four days, then put herb}; her- self and let her learn to drink, and when used to skim milk feed in small messes two or' three times a day about two or two and a hall quarts of warm, sweet milk a day. Regularity in milling In tgnottrer thing that truds to keep up the milk Big bargain" in shit“. Edna: and odd pun. . - Who a): the past " yearsgavettiis 900136 "t 5mm _ L? Ctiqitt q thiFt,iilf%tltetie)Ate 't , it, _ money in the old store next to the Post Ofice. . _ . l _ ' . l '. .r- r' T 1.375, clothing Department pt the new “on Boys' School “It. In“ tutu . . Men's tue 818 In“! for 818.50. Tue Mad thu wan. 'f,ir2lttT, taago‘, wanted otttr, . "an or . . J, tr.; 5:21;. egggguue " 8t.08, Man'- bluo worked wit... that]. -- ' -. ". m . ' - tgit,'"'"'""'"'""""'"""'" BOYS' 3 PIECE SUITS au. no 9...! mm for In; N me better anywhere than It the" pncec. Double or Mrrtite, hauled a. low In 8 :00. tt, “.50 sud up to saw. Iodel Camp-Mam. on. m Wm!!! on 2gteltaMt, " (wean can: (pa Dugou- all L'h'lp%U',' thh.-- on My...“ HANDLING MILCH COWS Gianna Liv. Staci Rxthl on it Comical: - in "tl" operation. Come in on Satutduy and no the gait ulna st 00,100 “I " 1-20 "ttnt, will and“. at opening moon!" on Youâ€. A“ M ADMIRAL LORD CHARLES Hungry]; mg; MILITARY _rEllVrt AT THE FA03 THC .IIOI 3rr “NMHAI MT Mil! ll“ . mmm A. Weseloh dk Go The rumor has Men received that Father “and, rector ot St. Ram‘s Roman Catttoate Chum, Toronto, is a likely choia- tor the Rain Cath- olic bishowi: ot London. We names have been mentioned; "ttire J, P. Arhrard, rector ist St. Peter's Cut-bean], London, who has the sup- port ot Archbishop? many; Dean Mamcy ot Humilton, ‘ho is up» Iprted tir Bishop bowling, of Hamil- ton, tred ‘Father Hand. No omen! cotttirrnation ot these rumors was made by my ot We Toronto clergy Saturday. but udmwledgemcnt was made that the rumor had reach" [t.f, cars before. It In. huvm cram- li riy that, Father Aylward will de- sire to tor, up the heavy dimmin- vnlved in "to bishoprlc Imus: ol personal rennin. flow; also, it the any person an milk the same cows each time, they will do boner than when miller: are changed often. Feeding should be me. ular, as well as watering, and ii wat- er can be warmed the cow will do better work than when obliged to drink ice cold water. We always put our cows a. winter. condition ear- ly and do notturn to pasture until the grass has a good start and we turn on to the pasture with care, letting the cows have a little less} each day until they are used Mm: grass. _..-" _ - Make a pet of every cow on the larm. Feed them all liberally ot the right kind at feed. Peed regularly and milk regularly. Keep your cowl com- lortablc " all than and you will receive maximum results. l WeSeloh & Ik., Berlin Why will [amen turn out their cows in the cold and use up the ma- jor portion M their food for bodily maintenance when it should go tor the production cl milk. ' Grass on land thatpati" been num- ured is of muctrtset"ter quality than grass on land that has not been ter- tilized. A supply ot silage or green corn to cut and throw to the cm" is desirable when the pastures begin to get short in the tall. Our cows are salted twice eaeh an in the winter and In the summer Balt is provided so they can lick it at will. To care for the details pays better in the dairy business than to let things go as they may. Men'- $9 “nod will for $6.% BISHOPRIC OF LONDON Shoe more next to Double: Bank. Dry Booth and Clothing 8toeq nut. to Bank of Fronto, My has“ MW" 4qaa'imtt-etKtoreqtuqrtto, "ltilNtt,", may“ “willwmï¬btwhuw ' Build. Mtt thmgminaardPoaatdo4hi' " d -reitheirthe.bM.tt otaastuhadoutraatrit-re,mtrriqto,tsihroiteqmirthdneith 1m,as1ry1.tratrtutt1tiryey1otieil1ttt81.00ared. SKIRTS Men'- " the for 02.“. Ian’s 850 thou for 01.06. “or. m an! an. ulna. sped-l " CLEO- CANBORO One very good 200 "acre lulu; about 40 acres ot bush; very rich land; common butldlngx; a great trar- gain at 85200. - One 1'hegPg,t atrsgf"io the min roatV tween Catttoro Ind. Wold. “Eamon house; attout tour new on bush; the lay at the [and in very fine. Price 31300. Fora quick ale an be bought for $400 down. A very nice lam ot ghoul 150 more: with a good brick house; a good small bush, drilled well, common barn; close to Ctlboto. Prieet4M0. Very nice 100 acre (um. cltpse" to Canola station; about ten um bush, drilled we"; tairty well (and; buildings common. Price 83000. _ Another [one 100 acre tum; the lay ot this lam is splendtd; hirly good ttttitdittgtr, very good Ind. Price $3300. Another 200 ttrr8) fun: cloze to Cmboro; . very nice [um with a nice bush. Rural telephone ser- vice. Price $6,000. A 187 tarm with shout 25 mm ot good push. The I" ot this [Ann is exceptlinully tistef Ilse telephone sen-Ice in the nu: luture. Price 85300. ' rm “prim stopped in Fr,", c1r> soup. totally yum. 'N'MIM’M, Mm In ITt] VII " ll Dr. [iLTaTu' I .uym %Dr. snoop. n he I“ L3“. 2 f .; at "aC': :4 Jam“? 1 V / a?" " 'ts, "z , , an m- L _ Oni, ot the tateet 100 were farms in For lull igttorrttatioa atrptr to "DUAL EXCURSION!) Sept. to "o-e-""-'"-"... "BIb,.t,% _ m Ingrown-no on! And. " ttg.qttt,tT.ti2'ttN&ecgtttehter""'"c"" Amie " i£.;rm:§-:;::EI§?-§J%r (Thomjouddkiadloram) 'ir"iiiigFilWYi.ii "rHiPl.iii 2iiyaSfitTut2iP W fi" ifiMSiatl r coma nuns " 'trhttg,tt=ht.'ettNgWl:a=h'er""'"'"' " ttoga'aat'tte,t'lg,titeSTa'ai'ttrgtrtatWgl'o't "5.4.". Aug/h u.- m.h. n. amid", MOnn-rn vans». $1.25 Black Silks for .Et:TS'i,r?ii5.'c", TriwGTau:h"TTaa"iGe'"i"ia7a7.- [NC-“W and. d In“. WWIQCJJ. Farm Laborers Wanted aa',", irttras $10 Md Huck- eloth skirts, at $110.!!! wool law-id. trinnod, for the min the ditttrict bah/ecu Cami .5461 hu'" $18 "dttlttgN"ggP" Goa-etc mfou-thohuhhoun‘tili on My. _.' Doro; good ‘barn. common hulk†watered; with extra well; well I†ed. Price $4000. A 130 acre tum, cbmmon building.» will mute: splendid mature lama, can be bought " the yxtremcly 103/ price at 82900. A . 225 are tarm; large but ban, mum (tune house; largo Quinn; verrtltur' in (Imam; an [um " well adapted lor (buying purposes; Price $7000. . W3 hue 4 {use numba'ol our; [guns tor â€In Iron " m. Moo acres in size; soil "tying [mm and to my loan. Thu, diurici te well lupplicd with a rural telephone system, in: tin: trtutsporution mama, “a ths Dunnville market situated .1, . con- venient distance from the will.†ot Cuban. is one of the very tet in the Province. (inborn ennui-I udmol, three churches. sacral-ton, chopping mill, saw-mill. uni the!!!» factory with a "pruuors interiorto none In Western 0mm "", Ohildnn‘u about good "In. at *- I, now- ,t, “an ll O ONTARIO in my sit m mum]; g: by not a CantttM F32