:32: i and Invlto tho' Ladle. to '7'i-. all and see what they Mt It“. _ g '3 CABOEHM v Cf Mwnmt- "r " mumnam. __'"'"' The Misses htmhuh 9"? The Iilittrtttuttiitt rm 0.00. Wait!†link-l Building ., King St. . . B-tsn." OtBoe.N$t, EM 209. km touched for ant. d.- J Companion. Suwuampiblu ...... 260.00% Deposit withjhe Dominion thrvimrrsertV....., ...... .. $117,140. '.tt pond- guaranteed by the London Iii White Inaunnce Company with “in of “6.318.638. m WWI“. Secretary o. A WEEK Waterloo. The Migses Â¥ehranbaeh ""'/;re showing Exclusive High-Class Ilium canâ€!!! memo-run 1.76 M mu - Waterloo um and-m Tm» 003ml- wry of lulu. ri in n for mum at rli'l'l'l'l, "gt,TpUt,'er'g.h"ltti and Toronto Univmity,‘_ . m_ k.,. "iitTi'iaciiiiauf 'guoqt mum MAW]: Building. King Mud Balm PIANO ORGAN AN D THEORY IU A. ll. Bean Miss E. l. Bean, King St,, East _ Berlin, Millinery 1lllri'i"'iiits itiVidifl"%i w. I). PM! In very Cull In! v'itti'lii'flt'if"re2k"i. I“! ph- - District Agon' Ont. Phone 240. Itrht, Secreu ry [ll-pm: EiiiJfriiTii'i tit/fit?), in}; - - pe. - 'tieNMr,t. Lu', a I j: . t'iltl'll'8lttlb'll) o! " f Jul 1tf,1tiMh'dt 'tt,'trauord, M I. I. he..- para- my ltyln by the III.- hmites by u nun-M laugh. The will": were than 3- I“ W. plum I - pm. with Ttttrt lcCuxdy'l qutrrtette appeared to an cl in their bowl†comps!“ with other pm my“ duri= a: ton:- nay. . n In an -_ "a 'IIN' . 1u'l"JUtlth. Tt. use: ovum mrttu.'rsrey unconv- qtrartetU annual to am '."., "will P.ae “9"â€- " in their town“ comp-red um tasain tin. w the a“ et" otur-tmri'ddtiruettt. m. comb“ Manila In uy, _ m In. - tom the uni. n ma quite coincident. that the W a. m mn-im 0- m .m- two wxsliarsoms all†- no“ in . in. an)“. Engineer Du. Hide“ the mu. lean. Cum 'ral teV muted an ‘cmermrv Wily have on neural oer simt,rtara_t6 'tsi-tbc-irc-dst . ruched the tHsmi-tintrl Ind Mtal on Aort "tante, in: noh Um two ‘pt vtrriotra tournament-I, but nave: . hundred but ot round in lean ell 'ae0qrd . troetrr “a an, cg.'-..topim. Ties were smashed to fod‘l about "I very popular. Ho gluten. and m heavy eighty-me has a atrtartt rink all had seven] pound til: were “listed like'so much [vigorous content, In ttrder to “but! wire. the money. Al In " could no harm! ' - _ _ .u. .A ,gAL‘,; _.A L.__ InLAA fro...“ W W W . as; n T. t:ilt3tltu Tho handsome Sustain Trophy all 3he shields were presented to the win- un by Vinreddent J. J. A. Weir amid great â€plane. The runnerrup will receive travelling but. TROPHY. Semi-Finals. s'rRATK0RF-Mccurdy _-___. tr_.e. " ELORA-Stone .._.r. ."rr_ .r.,.e..,r... " (ii,iii,iiLiii-'iiiaiv'lr,i, NtrFP. .,......‘ " BERUN-carrick tst'. _ TeV .. "F.. ' It!†Finals. I WmGHAM--h. M. Crawford , (V _ sTRA'Pr'0RD-Mccurdy wttePN __.t__ “j ASSOCIATION. T. H. Middleton H. Johnsiuon A. E. Rudcll _ A. Lockhart, skip. CONSOLATION. . J. J. A. Weir, ' W. M. 0. Lochcad H: J. Sims, M. Schiedei, skip. The last bowl in the Twin-City bowling toutnament'was put down about, six o'clock on Thursday by skip H. J. Sims at Waterloo on Thurs- day and the third and most successful tourney was concluded on ‘scheduled time. The Association and Consolation se- ries were captured by two Berlin rinks, Skip Locum†winning the former against Skip Adams, of Brant- lord, and the latter competition try Skip Martin Schicdel, who defeated Skip Carrick's rink in one of the tdst played games ot the tournament. The prizes! were won as follows:- I Trophy. -3vihiers--A. M. Crawtnm, Wingham, the Seagrnm Trophy, and tour weath- ered oak shields, tsilver-mounted and suitably engraved. Association. Winncl -A. Lockhart, Berlin, four mahogany chairs. uphotstercd in French tapestry. _ _ mmirs-ii-r. H. McCurdy, Strat- ford, iour solid leather suit cases, leather lined. Runners-up-D. Adams, Brantford, lour mahogany parlor tables. Consolation. Winner-M. Schiedel, Berlin, Iour solid quarter-cut oak Morris (hairs. Ituruters-up-U. S. Garrick, Berlin, tour handsome mission clocks. Prizes Awarded. The prizes to the winners and run- tters-up in the Association and Con- solation series were awarded by Mayor Weidenhammer, ot Waterloo, in the presence of a large crowd of bowlers and interested spectators. He referred to the fact that 72. rinks had entered and 201 games had been play- ed during the three and a half days. He hoped all the bowlers enjoyed ihomselves and would return again next gear when thirty 'good rink- would re available. He congratulat- ed the successful winners and ollered his condolence to the rttnnert5-up. ( Assoriation Final. Adams H Lockhart loo vice-prec-M. J. A. Weir, Berlin ser.-'rrmrs.--W. D, Euler, Berlin. Attditortr--L. Norman, B. A., J. Wettrer. . Schicdcl Carrick it!“ i’dsumpuuidy Executive Committee-Waterloo, W. "on, D. Knish, F. 0. Hughes. Fred ‘llnlstrad; Berlin, W. H. Lumen, L. Norman, M. Schick], J. B, Wear- -rs. ofrtrertg and commune be congratulated upon the su the toumammt. Brantford. . J. Fair . G. Uoheo '. F. Henderson . Adams Berlin. . J. A. Weir l. J. Sims I. Schicdrl, I. M. 0. Lochead skip 9 swede! TFF. l 0010110021201 - "rick a ., ... 1102001100010 - otticerrtor 1000. President-E, F. Seagrnm, Water. We' hm harm! seventy years of experience “uh (22ft'h'l PM. That makes us ham con- “ " " 'tttt eoids, teg,,P,tdt throath w ttl-s MI! a" mu“ L. In In " 1'lAt'll'llll,l. He fat.attt1tt.1t', at Consolation Final skip Ygars with Cogghs 2000010030000 - {I 0l1120130225l - 22 Bethe. T. H. Middiete 1 ll. Johnston A. E. Rudeli A. Lockhart, an“ mittee no. u, the success of Berlin skip " skip 7 " 'isiiyEtiiil'iii,t M tMort Quit. . (uh that resisted M m 1000. was. two man. In W! cone- and t†Putk nu. was main. m “It! Btftaso a boar, sad the. a. known“ mm 'ts-e-tbuilt' A, to" (lat-we. but at)“ “(one no Mildhetol roadtedhadtaestet" to pines. Ties were smashed to vii-bu. Ind as heavy clghunlhe pound til: was “11M Ge'so much wile. " In " could no lat»! 13:1. lid“ the "stamp. Hijacked try the crow at the outgoing (night. The lever was merely depressed, all was released " soon " mo mLht ot I passing trill "uno upon the me obtain). " is [ortuluu Indeed that the welder". did not 1:19pm adv yards further north, “has there steep embankment, or that the train had not been travelling at . greater speed. A: it Watt the Huck: oi the engine and tender wen buried in slut Owing to the um olt " West Tur- onto, Grand frunk trains trom the west had to be' switched to the A?. PR. lines altering the city and G. TR. express No. ' outgoing used tho C. P. line as far as Weston, where she switdm! to the CT. tucks again. "The 9.10 mm trom the East did mt reach Berlin until nearly mid. night. _ If you want to keep tour children rosy, healthy and lull of life during the hot weather months giw them an occasional dose of Baby's Own Tate lets. This medicine prevents deadly summer complaints by cleansing the stomach and bowels; or it cures the trouble promptly it it comespn un- expectedly. MT WEATHER MONTHS KILL LITTLE CHILDREN The mother who keeps thls medicine on hand, may teet as sate as il she had a doctor in the home. _Mrs. C. C. Roe, Georgetown, Ont., bays:-- "I can heartily recommend .Baby‘s Own Tablets as a great help to baby dur- ing" the hot summer months. I have used them tor summer trauma and am much pleased with the result." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box trom the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. HOSPITAL BOARD IN SESSION The monthly meeting c! the B. & R. Hospital Board was held cu Fli- day evcning ad which routine business was transacted, The report ot the Lady Supt. tor July showed 119 dafs for [Ice palients and 3ill days mr pay patients a total of 431,'re- reirts $556.85; admitted 27; disharg ed 22; in on Aug. [st 15. Accom's wen [used t amounting to $739.36. - Another request trom the ()rphmago Board elk-ring to purchase a portion (I the Hospital grounds was nol cn tertained. The cement walk in front at the Hos,ital bu bvcn completed at a total cost of $415.35. which has hem assun‘ml by the Yocng Ladies Auxil- iary cl Wntetloo. The work was performed by Ed. Durmel, M Water- loo, with Wm. Beilst'rin, of Benin, us impeclor, and was very satistae tory to the Baud. A cemtnt walk will also be laid bonnet: the rom- tal and the Nurses' Home. Estimates will be smured Bf the cost of constructing a roadway on Roth sides ot the WW walk. ' The members prvsrnl were Messrs, Schmalz, Rom, Min ha, Bruce, Met rick, Lang, Mather. Diebcl and Sec": (any Eby. The Dain Manufacturing Company, ot ()ttumwn, 0th, who have had an oMce at Preston, ontaflo, have this week removed all thrit businrss trom Preston to Welland, where they are err-rung I large plant for the manu- lactun- of hay presses, hay loaders, lakes and other agricultural lmplb mrnts. The bank nuthontics are Hosr"y watching all " Traders' Bank not,at tor m‘idtnccs ot the missing him; of than dtertomination which diss? neared while In trans“. to Ottawa and of which bull hm hm negotiaw in seven] plum In (mum. hr menu ot "new not" has tern stopped so people, had tettrr strnunin them tnlrl’nuy. The diaomipatioms inc all " Traders Bunk Bills, and the num- bers IS tttlion"', Nos. 003001 to 004000 inrluslvc In tteries A, B, C um! D. BAD TRADERS BANK BILLS $3} For and 1't'ii'. 13.45:»; 5 Mi, M . tie N ttbt ' it, o'r N _ "T ' . ,yrriaa- h; ' we on 3* var tutd'1'e,"', â€2 ' . In“. will u pas- ta. in has a W. J. Wl'n'tli New street, In in. I“ o'6bl W "on In that by 5 mm Ibo made . in. “noun the fut-1‘ ‘cl Mr. In- to W. Here R had I bu! tall by booming am“ with the in: setting ot n Mote-r clown. but iutal1r got I'IY. but not. More Arm-dag . Imam ot “In (Hum Ill.) adenoid to aware bin In hits tut the this! icnttaq Inter wad rm: B goid chain " tacked which was found beside tte chicke- eisehmt.ro shortly ntter. - The benches were lull " Police Court lain!†when [out you“ men hart turned twenty an up on n chargemf “grimy. They pvt: their names " Stanley Ferret. Put-) ton House. Detroit, lormerly ot Skinn- ingrove, Yorkshire, England, aged 20, Frank Bennett, or Detroit, nged 20, Fred Underwood, ot Detroit, origin- ally ot Providence, Rt, aged " and George Meyers, pl (llencoe used 17. All were charged with ugrancy _ lint did not plead. It was a use of out looking tor work and they tried to impress His Worship that that: story was true but Magistrate Writ thought. " advisable to adjourn their use until Tuesday at 10 n’clock b'O he could 400k into their case and ac- cordingly remanded them until Tues- day next. Tho inn-Illa!“- w? M: Ab. “use, ot "anon-r. a mu: man, was charged with tresspassing on the (NPR. and found guilty. Hr “as taxed $5 and costs; $8 in all 0 3 (has at haul ia'oor. H: paid bis fit. Strattord? Aug. ri.--.Jottn Boeckner a young man whose home is at Mil- verton, lies in a precarious condition at the hospital here with a broken back. [helmet was driving, and in some unaccountable way fell out of the buggy, alighting on his head. He was taken to the Royal Hotel here, it being thought he was only stunned, but when a doctor wo- cnlled it was found that his but was broken. He was removed to the hospital where an operation was pertained in the hope ot saving his lite. Boeckner is conscious. but partially paralyzed and unable to speak. Chic! o'tatti is working on ..t0..00.0000.00000000 9999909990909990990099 DINGMA N-GORDON: A very mitt, ‘and pretty wedding took plane at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, of Scalorth on Wednrs day, August 11th at " o'clock at, nocn, when their daughter Antic- was 'manicd to Mr. Philip Dingman, Fhysical Instructor of the Gull Y.M.C.A. The morriage took place or the lawn and was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Shaw d the Presbytrrian church. After th: welding th,' gucsls sat down to a very dainty dimer. Th" happle couple left ni 3 o'clock for b'ayfield, “hou- they will spnd their hvnvynnnn. we: Ywhith they will take up their rosi- dcncc in Gall. A quiet wedding took place at Grace Church, Arthur' street, To- ronto, on Tuesday, August lath, at 2 o'clock, when Miss Sarah Matllda Lacey of Toronto was married to Mr. J. Mahlon Zurmigg, B. A., ot New Hamburg. The ceremony was con- ducted by Rev. M. L. Wing ol Wa- terloo and I. M. Moyer of Lynden. Mr. and Mrs. Zurbrigg will reside in Salt, where Mr. Zurrrigg has recum- ly received an appointment on the still! of the Collegiate Institute. A very pretty wedding took pinto " the Fact"! llcart church, Kcnil- worth nil K30 Tuesday morning, Aug. 3rd, the birthday ni the luridr. “in. Mnry Monica, only daughter at Mr, anl Mrs, John Star". an1 llrnry C. Gut". son oi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Co in were married by their punter, Rev. Father Kthoe. ' 'lhc bride was dalntily ttowned in n nrlrr ss dress cf white silk mull himnzol with heavy silk insoriiqn HI , warp a rhuplrt of ("amp blossoms min veil ot Ml't unbrnldrrrd inil~ and rnrrlcd a houqmi oi bridal rows Th, bridesmaid, Mi‘s (writ, raisin of ihr groom, war teromingly attirel in mamc rilk mull nnl wow n [d Mn- hat of ,shiin Pghorn ruttr.rirtg 3 lol- all!" ot swrci was an! groan inlinz: 1fte groom was nuisi 1! by Mr. ll Fluriz. blnihrr of thr hlldr, Afr High Mun the bridal pariy and gunk. who were on'y the imrr- dine minim oi the 3mm; eottplr', drove in tb, home M the brido‘n ptr." Ot!tt, when "can.“ "I sand in. “Jâ€. . ll tbe “taboo- Mr. sud Mu. Goth k“ by teatn on “In titat -h:iitit%IltgtqttLMr â€A. BERLIN POLICE WU" BACK BROKEN IN h FALL zURBRi00-LAUEY HYMENEAL G0ETZ--ST0 RT T, "I In. Ed. North, at Guelph, and In: W“! In. Geo. Wnuon and mu. IOI _Ionis, at “out“, no Mailed-twinned It. And Mrs W. A. new“, Queen street. A lune: Wlnnio Juno- “a w Reid, at Bullion. no guests at the home ot Mn. A. A. Shy, 5 Hilda Place. Messrs. Reinhardt Mme: and Chris. Axum left Friday ht Seattle. Wuh, to visit. the Exposi- “an. It†Dietrich ot Guelph is spending a tew d1)" In town. mu, Illa-u Flora and Clara Schulte ot Philadelphia, who have been visit- ing ltiendl In town for several weeks, have returned home. Mr. Henry Oswald retumcd Friday night tram Ottawa where he "ended the Grand Lodge meeting ot the 1.0. The funeral of the late Henry C. Hilborn was held Wednesday alter- noon and was largely attended. The service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Herbert Preston and almrahnel Ber- vice at the residence the cortege proceeded to Mount Hope cemetery, where be was buried with Masonic honors. The Iohowtng acted as pall- bears, Messrs. D. Forsyth, J. B. Hughes, George Moore, J. M. Scully, D. W. Houston, and G. D. Richmond. Manv heauti- Yftorfrofrrrhstry yen rierl - _ Mr. Otto Btau% has n M mm! trom a pleasant visit. spent in Butralo. Miss A. Waldschmidt is spending three weeks with friends in Btttialo. Miss hadnll Zuber. of Gait, is spending her vacation with friends in Berlin. Misses Boulee and Newcombc have returned to Syracuse, N. Y., after a pleasant visit with friends in town. Ar. All. Snyder ot St. Jacobs was a business visitor in town on Fri- day. Mr. E. Pugsler, Elora, the newly- appointed Science Master at the B. C. 1., has taken up his residence at ll Ellen street. The Krug Furniture Co, :nl ern- ployes. pictticked at Bridgeport on Tresday. A programm? ot sports were run oii consisting of baseball, football matahes, tug of War, no Two baseball matches were played be- tween the married and single mcn,the married mm winning both, the scorcs being Il--) ani 12--1. The married mm were also successful in football, winning bya score ol g to I. The single men, however, won at tug oi War. Rclnshmmts were scrwd and all report ol’ having a merry time. Mrs. N. B. Detwciler and daughter Lenora, Frederick street, loft Saturday on a two months' visit with triemis in the Northwest. Mrs. A. T. Schicdcl and daughter Evelyn are attending the Old Boys' Reunion in Ingersoll. Berlin News Items The P. & B. and G. P. & H. rail- way carried over 7,500 purple to the Barnum a Bailey circus here on Wed nesGy. The B. a; W. St. Ry., hand- led over 6,000 people. Mr. Will and Mr. Hugh Foster have returned to thrir homo in Cincinnati,. Ohio,havirtg spent than vacation at the Pulls nnd Toronto, whaling up with a Hat totheir aunt, Mrs, Rom. a tisit to " Hall, ot Berlin MET IN BERLIN The Lutheran Pastoral Assuoiation of Waterloo County and sicinity met in Fits. Matthew's churchon '1'uvslay, the president, Rev. h'. 1lottman, being in the thair. The main topic trrr discussirn, is ittr qua-sum: "What constitutes unity of Faith," hast-d on two paw“. read by reproscntativrs ol the twn main farm-us ot the Luther- an (hm-h in Canada, ttte Rep. w, U. Horse, Iktlin, " the Missomi Syn"! {"1 Nov. A. R. Stimuli“ “min. ot thro (made Synod. In ntlmdnnw wete:-itt the Missouri Synod, Rrvds m1 Rev. A, R. F'schurz, I'Imi 1hn('uada Synod. In alu- wtrtp:--Ot the Missouri Synod, noose, Grauprwr, Kitert, Jr., an, Hmhri, (Hamburg. lhrlh ma'n, Thrn, Anders, Gross, ' w". m the (lorman Canada Hinds. Sthulz, Exxon , Fkhuepr Ruck, Frhwidcr. (“he Cattar'a Synod, New“. J. A. J. "ornhnld. (H 1hr Getter hunt [lo ds, F, ()Iorlandnr, F' CHltm DHANK Lyt "ML " t Imam Mvrtlo Evrhm‘ Muslims, thr might Huh- daughu‘r M Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Hastings, Wlariott, is dead, and the rircumsunru nrv parHrularly sad. The intant, in playing about, during the brief tybtN'ttcr' of Mun. Musings. on Friday, August 8, ram:- ncrnsn name In her mnther w“ pe. pMIn; and, u chlldtrn an so ready to do, trunk: quantity. In noon at an “ton-nu occurrence was dltr. covenl. In“ " m â€not“ - Wat-phylu- nub-100mm nit-numb..." I’M-.18“!!- (H ihr Oman] Sy ()l‘erlnndr-r. F. "oc', Synod, Rrvds I Jr., Kile-n, ' lhrlh. Ha- lros;s, SIuppm-r- Canada Sum FKhuepre, Vorps tthe l‘Imzllsh . J. A. Miller. Ti (7;. uamumudm IMO â€huh. I“ My OUR The Simpson noun Fumltm Eton KING ST. BERLIN. C . 7 anyway; Kmajgpecm attention an. line of bush... my phi §THE BANK OFi; , TORONTO. pptewtetmAmtretewtewwtpirtttiiAftiAtt1 Highest rates " Interest are pald. Berlin Branch, J. K. Ball, Manager. "cAPptpttptg'utttAAAApttNttNltftAAAAftA Protects horses and cattle from fly pests and vermin. Guinn- teed to kill the frtetr. Perfectly harmless. A grand disinfect.“ and easily applied. ing that its known errutt'rr' " Dr, Sh" VIM " hour» nu" ma. 3.»an V . iwae.ttib.u.JEt Royal Oak Bidehoudl. “0.50an I f' , '.c Kstasr"iors%sttt-, b-tide.......:........... ..................“ V " Wood Sou. Diners. (may Inch. pot handout: ...... ........---. Fucy parlor tabla-s in mknna tttgtg', ... ..'. ..........,....nmg Ournuteen covered Intrusi- the Humour-locum“. t 3V9 bus the largest stock And - to “but no. in “an M. "Ai' '37." Nitrtuiiasis 053' h " unurunu ., . '3 mh . â€a; Ga I wowtmw Aunt-Annual)“: so“!!! BRINGS "" lift! "att Brow lleh'dul-w v" ‘ N f - iii2iidi.ii,'t tNT, I', ,re'i/itii)h'i'iillft, ‘ It,,',. ’ ' - I), . - """'f'" Pte. Had given up L' r I L' an" n Mend advised me to magnum. "tron had cured =Im of . Inn-r «new R 1r,%P,lt Ituvtttohopts,buttookltt. vice. 'iiVia4uuihoesttreattee-t-ortdto a trg, ti',i',tNst?rl2ttl; t g,t'l'l'r,,NhWI', MIT-on 'Nt.",',','.".' I? In" mod. " an!» ' m mee m om m. was all “mainly (Ila-Ir 'ifdlrW'd',",', mm year!†old. I "a! 'artuWru4'lhr. mm ".eorimeod your Imminent. with all my hem, You en "fte u! wan to - pdvnlely. but you an urn this lemma! a yo! wan." . K. I. aaarGa CfaiUG v" “WW An Brieurnt Inn hope! Am handing tor-rf, In lg,l,F,ll, 1',t,"l,'lX been A'tLur'led you my imam? Out In III-l- Ei.'P/d",,tlllg"hro"1 'att/tttd."','.';,',',',',",',.'".',',' t'g,'kllktr2'a'ort v,'.'ietgill?. . m If " " M 1, . III in“ reasonable, “a Inc-"1wuokden 'emmor," HM) cum- . ' w in invous 0mm. mi'&fRhf'2l','i'a% was" .9901). Ith') “a mun Dina-u. 0mm“. um a: ttakWl -a minus USED NaN,Ug.'hW,fA""""'. W M Quit-HallucidII-u mm 5'WlfiiiTriiiiTEEi22iEl' FURNITURE 'il-tlt,!,,?,)!!?,!?,),,.!!!,?,!, 908E!) Dealer in Hardware, Paint, Shun, Tinwue Plumbing sud PipefiWng. King SLBerlin. Phone 141. il GEOfE. POTTER lit timc trt ititlestr, m Ir mm] tttti 6o}. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., newt. men. Dr. lhlilliam's and Insect Destroyer known m m. Show mu ro‘inninl to tttre, (mprmmm at and!†P!!! BOTTOM PRICES drunk“ I Rum“ It: “ohm 1amut llath Ar" (mime when: depu- " "nude 'wrere" “I!!! M in. "and. ml lug,"- “:1“ "'uiriid'athest mic mm m s “I! Baum . Mr" " tottoxr. And like "siteet A