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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 12 Aug 1909, p. 6

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ir,-f1"'ir'a, u p', Wu. 3‘ m o- A 33””. be "M A In can: it: 1h. gin $3.»? he: *2: 2tlt , s. , w. a. B F _" new Mr, 'tHe “Qu't yer kiddini‘ " was the a}! Monti.“ xemark nhich someone Humid have made, but didn't. TERRIBLE RAIN IN WINNIPEG Extensive damage was done to the “mane system. out a hundred Bttea being put out at commission, with a special tome ot men had to be put immediately to work discon- necting lines. Winnipeg, Aug. 8.-Tttree inches of rain tell in a veritable deluge yes- terday afternoon and Last night, w companied by the most severe electri- eat storms ever experienced in the West. The sewers were totally inad- equate to carry on the immense Vol- - of water. and hardly a cellar on Main street but was flooded. more or less, occasiorfmg no small loss in tttt aggregate. . In 1884 George Albert Hadley chang- ed his name ttt George Hadley Rob- erts, and the records at Osgoode Hull that it was to straighten out ataur glo caused by his adoption at the: age at tive years. The storm Was limited to the Win- nipeg district, although mlny other parts ot the Province were visited by Itotms at haying intensity. LEARN Wp m everything trom measuring tttting to finishing at “In plumst attirt nut to most ellhol'ale toilette. W spud mm at. mop, when yo! will do nothing but hem, grat- out, - on books ma eyes. and then at the and of 6 or ' months. what do M know “on: ettbting? Anselmo» Ir nothing! Poe you Will how. no men to! to out .0“: dress a: the in on yur, “an you did the rust in yon want there. So why go - when we can tomb you in I cm of - A tew anys' um an [inn to of chute, Ind " stu- rt mos " Ian an we recommend " 'h.‘ any have privilege to stop, m in adv-net, Ile has 1.3 an: 8,080 this new with“ M 7 yum, and at- m in adv-net, Ile has 1:3 over 8,080 this new with“ M 7 yum, and at- Ilyl have, "I "till will on" pr a. '" win VI all“ when! ”M, _ 7 A _ .. _ 'cdillih Como com-u oi sum M; Ileana. cosh, skirts. "up. ”I, childn'n'l dream, underwear. 00""- o0rs av". from" ...... cot On Ell“ m amp vim Ion-om ttteff,', if?“ out remit-econ ' . “I tu, between " n1 in elm ham Aug 8th. Alwyn. up may or tor tm hr it?” In our on bond " “A man-ill. ma. . Ittgtb-tt yo! mt uh lemon WW. qrrttq for out book on, , 1. ml 'rerrtett" by null." _ Mai; “veg-sum un- Ct T as an be _ A _ gnu. ”In a 'l F,"iitj'iii,T,v, It Ki _ _". ' oat-He' th insert- .W'. but myth» in". to cm. w an we: mum».- mm qtho as: in “mm. _ -WJ4- "" mun-Two to four - 'b. '1- $8, , Legal Fight On DBESSHAKING tyinyua (ee.', ma B. Burn, am: it d In PftrrrT"ttt,r “w, - n .. Srttibt on“ w ot lie, mu- harm W35; i, a: m! we rerun-u titltlibill.tq'a'1'a'llidl't' A _ n95 it'iiii'aiTipr"Giai6'Fi". , 'g'ltr8tatl' a. "i1?,iWi, heat H. t ' ' ' to m. a; " At?ar'i', not! the Dollar- - , . in . . A _ Eiilit'ii'a1i2' m... ttst tale. There aim“ My tttn Ptol- my loin: ot the rotmC%8/ae it'itii,'gr is 'tttfr who: "tt V I i rushed toorirt 'Ill undo! t _ _ _ ter, who rail-tel1 strongly. 'ttst' _ At em tutttseld.'fo.T ,rfttiirij,,isift can)“ - _uv-_ - ____, 2i'G;1k"NG;uiii to County Con- staattr Jugs Netbt11ett,orts' - at “My. He way all“ on It. George Tsylor, .‘U‘W Watt, who it the "ststtw Wttr my“ . than". tor Hum”- we“. The whom: wo'mieue_dort6 ptam4 - on bond the may morning nun Ior Lindsay, when he m lodg- ed in the county jal. _ The'pzisonet, who is than thirty- tive year- ot age. at“ recently in loam! up“: an nodal dun-3.18“ a mm tor strong drink bill when possession at him, and u “an dur-' became so serious as to him - friends much concern us to his mn- tad condition. In his rauonu mo- ments be wad the kindest. and mos; indulgent oi husbands, and tttmtted very much attached to his family. The Hunter (unity sates back to, the any pm a "4itrusotmtt', and its members are won; the most respected citizens ot the district TM, late Gardner Hunter, father ot the prisoner, ditd shout eight years ago will lounded the In“! business, which has bum well and lavonbly known throughout the Kawartha Lakes div trict tor the past twelve years. Joae eph, the prisoner, took over the bus- inns about tour was ago, and ran it fora time most s'uccuslully until his appetite tor drink became too strong, which naturally hada detri- mental effect on the business, and tourists who were wont to spend their vacation them began to look tor more agreeatms surroundings. The victim of the tragedy was a daughter or the late Henry Comm ot Somerville, and was married about twelve years Mo. Two chil. dren were born, a. boy and a gimme oldest, the boy, being about hem years old. Mrs. CottHer, when q! the victim, raided at the ma. iiil was one of the ferst to gaze on the terrible tragedy which has been cttac- " INTERESTING WRIT htihlMT' SENATOR “Tl Up to the time of writing the prhr- oner docs not seem to muy reallw what he has done. On Saturday ev- ening as Constable McMullen was leaving him he asked why they hld brought him there or what it all meant ADVERTISING SCHEME 0F GUELPII'S BOARD OF TRADE Coroner Blanchard of Linisay was summoned, and decided to hold an inquest. A jury was empunelled, with Mr. Albert Bottom u foreman. Alter 1iewing the remains nn adjournment. was made amtil Tuesday. Toronto, August 7.-h most inter- esting writ against Senator Vnkntinc Rah has been brwarded to Ottawa lot sauce, by Fisher and Bell. so- honors, Alli-ton, Out. The plain- " In Absalom Mamet, and the no- tel claim made lot is for compoun- :ion tor services rendered in getting. senator to make way for tte 11* pointinonl ul the dehatdaU, Senator nah. Senator Ratz was unpainted during the last session ol Parliament. The lull particulars of the claim are not yd availtble, lint itda under- stood that the plat-till tsta' relative ot the late Smalor Merner. Guelph, Aug. t.-To have [pad] ot mouucturerts ml Nahum men ot nuclm, cumming . uh a. ’m ilload makea tour of tte Candi": West, rights through to the Pulm- (out and adverllv their city and drum n": trade in their own in" ot business at the lame lime. wahn Men Wat va- btou‘lt hauler: the Guelph tonyl ot nude a short lime Ian by PteaMertt Slmpsnn, and though the talks in this conmvatlvr old city were a little slow at ftrrt to give "Mun-e of the rnthushltic omport mommy In ur- rylng with a scheme through, they no beginning now to [all ln Macaw turned out this you, may he n-xu.‘ Sine the thing I“ suggested it was given a good (In! at publMty. and as: "In", a mlmber of hum hue been received tram Hum, ttthe- men In "aside-u and New of bond! cl Role In duel nl to": “manhunt the Wat, a“! press- lng Inviuuom to the dunk:- from the Rorst City t. On " It“! to“! at Mr m. (It at. am PM: - .9 the but board at Intrw 1W4! (his “I! In- " Ch judo! " _ I. f _ T tet P T - f , Mn Wu; an. up. .., win 3. “5.x” .‘ Midi-“9°! “DIV uA$ Eta-ind- T [, I" an" a M iiit7i7fi,) [il?,i'ti'l'!lltt, u. we no hush-In . Wi M be a "mir3yqtr I!!! Ilium . was " Inn: at ills-HM: ,9! 't"fittt con-um m tiot-li6, l d ittmduottmartottib1r" - we" um but i. .1” ot up Irons h. h - mittee- mm c. on tttUSN . Wall. Ttts to is . tair tae, WW1? h “on was mere-1103'” {tom “9 _ no tow much-c mm but Mount manhunt all sonny mime-A" setr,t, an: hundred and WWII: s; W!- xkr million at donatio‘ _. miiiaimfid, or s W m: eight million, and than were MN and t-tuister when at ttp-eb ed cigamtm smoked. a “new ot (Ga" two million. . T . -iG iii; no more Winn-in :.ret,y,tUtt.'ntTu'tttt,2g' vain [one (a, mm mm ot 1.3. year. In $6 "dst . JutF,a0, 1.08, and the you tor stud-1.1a! purpose! which l? 1.0.. - T V The law I: rather drastic. tt lor- bids the 3:19 or gum! sruarrrttes or tnet material to boys of ski-en or an this? Arte, ' W te a 12de gdt'ttffi'lllt polls to seize Wrath! or any tom '0! tot-mio-ttions-tttttV a public phat. It makes boys Mic to penalties ot from one to [our donu- tor having possession ot durum“ or Ooh-boo in public places. amf."tt com- peil them to m when they‘d. their smoking mtcrid use": ' y.) ‘nlty or mmtmnpt 01 court tor [dos- jing to do so. When the law was enacted it was doctoral by extremists that it would be absolutely {Meet-Ive, and an? the only way to pnvent the mucking ot cigarettes would he to prohibit the importation, mtuuttaeture and sale ot all cigarettu in Canada. FRENCH " my; Rev. hiker banana " leaving the Church ot Our Lady " Guelph Ind Rev. Fun-r o'buoe in to return [PIWY Donovan Ml", to locum] to open . new " there. Cer. but" Donovan In but t-etqd "rtth the m " “I: It two Pee. a. - no m then "a! htt to - - patch. a! for II has amt m m Ia-st '4llet't't, MA .% l V _ m "ve' o' J»? in Galt Reporter.-aesterdtry was Civ- lc Holiday In Berlin and noun ot the residents of the Germ town a- south to celebnte. Some of them .who were not tratittfled to ride down on the car drove to Galt tn livery tip and among those who tools the latter means ot travel was a certain young man and two female friends. Montreal, Aug. a.-A project which has hem quite Inkly discussed attF ong the members at the Cattrotie or- "e'ftytt Fort-3m during the collimation which closed here last night, ind seams ,to be regarded in many quar- ters as an inevitable und not" Im- luimhle “augment, would separ- at: Bug matchmaking Can-gig- cl. uncut [tom the may: the -order and shblish them animate or- sanitation. 'ltt, movement isa‘msult o! llr question of the proposed increase in rates. That this increase was not emotive is ascribed Very largely to the stronger opposition' ot the Ctma- Man. and particularly ot Crvnh- speaking element, trom ans Provlnce. It in thought that the next cottvetsb Ion will be held in an Amman: l try, and will bring ayout the im m.» in “the, and this will have the duct of bringing the disision tom head. BERLINER HAD During the “lemma the you; mu evidently decided to give an ... hibition ot last driving on “an: street south for he hove don the street with the lines in one but! at a pace “an alumni the people who happened to be nest. Ashe neared the Imperial Hotel, he tried to pan between I at and two buggies am you "tutdirts "errrptd am very-nan mush; a m mix up. Constable John. who but! wit. mused the proceeding, stream the man lor mile:- driving and took him iinmediate1r Indore Magistrate' Blake In his chin. For his "r the the young min was mulch! M.50, which he produced who“ mull-mt. A possible explanation ot the Ber- liner':, tum-non VII provided try the neck- ot two but!" tut were new morning It the rear d the buggy. The new order will toe, over all the bunches ot the old in thertegtets aettlentertttr in the New England Sta- kl, as well u in Ontario. CLERICAL CHANGES i' r r: P cr." T -r~:- Wim, .'t2 7 "- on In. retteg" ttit last year than the "I. m “an. u an to In mm" An 8.3mm bd on“ Law in Drastic iiiiiiitmit on»!!! " SETTLE UP "h am I»! the“ menu it. tor tiret rtsei. The Haven It): y Mate, as“: gun-AW... .311..qu 5.6- "-h as???” we 'ilrtrltM'r' it It . r a 0» 'rror, id"EI 'gtrt! 31% that. low: on It ”in“; has». Beck“! - thte M. "in; ttte an a." this M "111 grf ttatt Yuan W ._ V I'll. 'M on 'n w an... to Mr. I . inlet! to. can G. ttii'li'iiiil?, u “on toenail. Bechtel It,'; out; Scarlet no! . _ in an; We”, tuNtu'lh,w3'lrl In “I um» B-ate on Btu-uh. error. stole -itos You “In on Root" error. Kill; sringt" to' "edt ttgat,: In“; Web“ lab on W‘s or I“ and. on we throw in; 'alll about» lad. Two an. 7 -" . Am any". with inn-r mu. saucer out. mail) it saint. nich- Us in 0-9930; ' in”; w, Bermuda“. 'tl2t an aitqtof to is“. r'"g,'lW n. Hun-m R#t6imhte, Joana an WeNttitier'd em, B. Duet .103 “.th sun-11's error, W ”it out, We: an; to 8km. Km: hit tote-tn to: two hm, mortally”: and m; [Bauer out, Rook to stetBer. Three this. Elmira lulled to m u m: " It,', a: ascend but until the ninth inning, when Sounders reached tirtrt on Weber's atpr, Stron- cot to inb- tial In; on Schuler'u error. Vets miller walked. and the has“ wen: tiile4. What! to Bechtel, and Saunders tried to more on the throw in but was nailed at the plum. We m an. Wnierloo mn-rr-Errors, Sender. Weber, Reitmilter, Small. Rook, Stole! s; tett on hues.Elmira t, “Interim 5; but: on bulls. a! King 1, Ott' Sank den I; shark on}, try King 8, by Saunders a; home run, In“: inno- base hits, Mick“; two-bale hits. Inc- in. Yams. Weber: (:3ch hit, We. ber; Itolen bases. q. Bauer 2, W. Bauer, Yancus. King, Weber, Moyer 3. new Miami mums FOR PUBLIC sermons Umpir'e, Hallman; Kuhn Fot1owiitg the tour Ontario readers published a law any! :50 comes the "Ontario PM School Spam." h: and last night try the aepartmerst ot education. . Ttte_newtsooe1roseverCretertt worthy unit in the new series, “I! while the old book was -eree' cheap at str an“, the new " bet- ter and only " cents. The present speller [0110va Est lish standard laid down by ths gov- ernment adopting f% ‘FConeioe 1m- petial Dictionary" " the admin. Words main; In "our" retain the English tora.' Eight grades are marked correspondingly with tttr. nev- eul ammo chines, and mm; the book "mm. II phat provin- A: much a mum: has been mute at tho phonic prlrwlpte, but My!“ meg-mu» ot Hannah mull; itt not. overlooked in a. grouping d the Voids. The lea-on m not too long. but in the why an hum 1ield [I covered and even a has“! new-paper man or a minor pooh might improve his roe-mm by I course in tte new speller. The amazement at the words strik- a one as eadntntlr practical ad lin- Ne. Cue was ulna by the compil- ers, it is stated, to experiment in anon: whoa; with tha 13le of words, and those which proved of most dink-any in this but have hm. grouped in Ink/v nary-Incl. _ n in. gnaw ranch among good Indus that their aexornp1uttmertt'de pcnds on vuualisirq the words nth-l " then try memorizing them by at. us: is reunited In the [Routing ex- ercises which are . have of the boot, _ Br innlnv=~ Western Fair Athletic Music om luau-nag; Dog Show LCC,tLt: """Ion snow The Great Live Stock Emma to m6 Won-1d Monday " m 00104213. - ll Ontario's Popular Exhibition Sept. 1 0.18 LONDON - no I...“ rite his , lung, A tine manhunt of 'ttt print. at 12h. Candi“ pint! , _ IN and I Quit! a _ (,'ntt' We have “all“ “in my and can fit - one in the f-te, Boson: 2 for Ma linen for ladies at! tht he’d buy ribbed :96- ton hypo-u _' _ _ - 25c a'palr _ . Butt Your Hosiery at Wenonah; . Our clothing thtttifrtmytt The CIdenmlIornmcul Agent at Leeds, in; “with the Trade ml Commie. . Mutant, tells M ex- greritstents which are being carried on by Prat. mm o! tho Britt-h thr partment ot Wine, “it theotr- Mrt ot improving ttte milling (unli- ty of British grown What. Car din red rm wheat u was. and in an experiment), and Peat. Ella hep- u to combine an ‘mmquuitm of as Canadian 1 With ll: stowhrqwun' lot the British a!- tide. He "MI by Ko experiments to incl-use the who‘d! - ttoat Strictly MINA RD’S 1;le Drs'.'TsVEtt. GOOD CHANCE FOR Ottawa, Aug. (is-WM]. Canadian exporters of In: to Newmunlland no holding their own “use; mun True ud Commerce mutant from the Canadian Tme. Agent In New» {men-m Mate UM tho imports has: tht United 8W are deeming. The hay larval: in that colony in inscrib- td " creche-t. - 1.an to m Milken. - The been up: report! that than: I: likely to Ma Manila short- Me in the Eulhl apple an). I - an“ ‘5'!” :23! A. Weiseloh 8:00. from (Remakes: whislisuler in 'mtortyuati,ttttlmrui. Attraction- Strictly now and fresh shining: on isar, a.” exam “was Snood Events ' Dally Pt In LUt [nan-nod s-si/Atta-ttir, atitly,ijii,tii'"itr, 1’ _ "/1i's'iii,',r, fi" we formed): mag wmwapg. C"'", g-Luerwusiildwa manhunt in Port Hope I Indus moved away watered- ago. All the "itiaaimitie ownediii our new store is I». can on at this of "ee', ,...Wm;;,7g§ CURES KING STREET, Mg Bsitrib' . 'mot: timhofoa thd ,imiirt8tdrerrNttta' h Ki" you put "by: See our no 'aoiiqrtiitiet. Moths: m an Inn dose tii' Cuba's; . Very lie: term with u'llci an Kurd {airplane .3.- gviec. km 86,000. , A m m with “out. " acres of ”chum. n. lar ot un- lut- k Ewen“, ram; also ”when: Tat." n the um lawn. Prim 00. ' A CANBORO BAKER-ZOELLNBI "0'11” A ,tvtre-tmaruretitNrttrt. t1"l%l'rl'lu"l'.lrrkr.% In. Tho, 200nm. "a M eW m and WWW-m," Manama! “tuna-Woul- Hem-W. {lumen-III.“ may and “new!!!” Baker, IQ, a m Can‘t! W.- timeoymw Thou.- may 'tia-xi-ttnu.'-',. One on uni-e ttrm clue to the‘mnh the mm mm Claudio-j Catr, and between Gamma W4. hora; and Ink. mm mum common home; snout tour an: on "13¢;sz “it“. well teno- bush; up by ot tin tarin 1. my M. PM 54%;“ ""',,-," .' _ tirrB. Price um. Fan quake-lo A 13”va 331i, ttSite/ea' up be hunt“ tor “on am. will nah: 9tett puma; .4. Very 131,015,100 here hm - In Cnttiicid F nation; M in - but. drilled yen; tnirtr ,rett faced; buildings cannon._ Prion $3.00. A mm m ierei" otiatr; mi rich Ind; cognac?! Wm - it? "man's. we are um; the lar ot this sum ',u',l'tei, km! good trettdtttgt, "er. soot . Price pin, at, $5209: "A very nice [Inn ot about "o - qrith a good buck home; _ I in! ml! Mutt, drilled well, common an; etete., to Gabon. l’nce moo. Oneal at...“ manta-jun . For M] mum. .3911:ng tdt _ “£2.31 'tgt - If WM? 'iir"ikii,' Gi iriii"irs $573 SALE (a S. cottons In Haldlmand Gaunty fl JOHN HILL v mum, ”It!!! Domini] 'o-sialic'.)- 'iii-n., all you the mum-t unit - mm)“ tC , (. Bun.» 11.00. 21.00 or uoo. _ a: Aldo Huck Vanni-n Skirts at . T v"' I-')'?', 3.. ttio oreil who was "$t'EthV1 ""Ct _ " Ochoa worth 15.00 for tMum. W New Fan sum and iiciii); ‘Sklrts x Llst of 83.75 and 5.00 VII We houqttt'0tr: ya]; of 08""? an; an and duck ”but 'helped Hunchttgji "ncitidsir,,'fi' {and {at 'ee-saith,".-, "V13 Em - wv“ too mum mine: til?,.')',',?'?,",','.'-"'; wry do» to Caboto;( . . Hi wan mated to: tturi- . d V Pricl 31m. 2 :a"e'ijiefft2':vii.'c, a wash“: rttititegt " _ will make: fled putuu‘ C can he banal-j Uths extra-CI)" m .cMittd "RFI vaulted»: a I!!!" . - “w ' " r Ar V. kia manipulation lull“. Ti'a r “if; Dunnvme maid “mud ' ty. . wait-at dim Iran: “011“," _ Custom. In on. at tho way “it “ [,' the 9mm. come ,Atitt.e" Idlool, three chin-cm. _ 'tu' [hopping will. T,g'lilbr' A [ factory with a I”. a f ' , none In his!!! “guilt li'iq We has I Inst 'tttrr-et, 4 5.9L}: BI8 mm [or ale (my. exams; ‘ " are] in un; not] "rrtiigfArdit,t (tlm any!» . _ "- . n l E fr“ Anyone Men-ht Whimsy-s will. Ci pom: or mm. to man. l . At%e m on “all! t chao- the am - is" ttrt mm ttala ol t honey-90'??- n. mu. u. the mailman-r "i', " te-ttSt', - nnonc ttttttttii' . - My undo ' his", “a mum at Ptrgt cunt d ' mm. ”the, menu. as. was , up cl Bath‘s me pm: me- . it. " v!!! to “any M in , M and mm mom tn an m. Jtee - Tnriertttr ttirf ' otg mum-Q magma-v " .5”:an mdt ot by... m M nun an will do II M: m- an... .4 Yte5rrrihye., m "din. a. urn: Wt.., wt Pitl, Stores ONTARIO in any :13“; sottttittq 5 . l Int " , full: it; "u , ' , in:

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