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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 12 Aug 1909, p. 4

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C," dte',tr. hwy-L? W" tr F. 1,: a - 1Ki's,'tuiee?r: Ink bu rem-:1: " g . with an“ arttb mtimm‘ : , . w Km Ht on Fri- V.,-m , - VHS to her cums, Mi:- " ttittM,tgHftl.' ot v"", rr . h an on 'i 'drqtigt% - 7" Lu .. ', ,vlll, Johl vrsser" ’.. " tar, at -Berlin. are Wu; M, » Ti"iiTrtamtttyrettf1ee- [ra= *rter-- Miss Bte.se"PN " I T _ ' RAE, Is visiting Miss cu. f .u, “an. - Cousins is visiting L"kee, who: in an. Marr.,-- gm Flor- F,, “WW - for 8min 'luesduy "er than} mad the remainder ot . . Wigner. the' guest ot Mr. uni ' " In; W. J. ward.--Miss Clara Walker ‘md-h- "ufetre,1,t'; khaki-u! 'ia7iiiiutr. Inn to: Smia 'luosuy (tttttttg? spend tho remainder ot fiducr. unjust at Mr. uni hi: w. J. “mans: Clara mm: a! “I Feud» retained qn Fanny f _ a Visit to Mrs. John Watkins). ; tiiiiiiit "al " c.- lit W. B..West, man- ti "rt' d the Standard Bank, Welles- tttit", bio-n ors,'rtntradtsy last , , ' Ms mother trom ’Priieianguis- h' m who is " present visiting here. C s..atta. Boner-a Luckinger has .c- t W trom visiting her sister. Mrs. l "lr-trea.? Bantam-Mr. Ralph Ap- I it It visiting his parents, Mr. Mid l _ t Amret.-aliss Edna Ritz , . » _'. Sikh-rug", Mrs. my I in. ' t "ire-p-ares.' M Meir 1 m 'JI) Htm: Rabi) were the gunshot 1 H111 I. Becker at Stratlord last 1 .reda.c-hlists Henna Buullee returned I on Tuesday trom a six wvelts' visit l :h Tororsto.--Mrs. Susan Gussler and gm. Merner ot Maple Park, lll.l are 1% friends in tosot.--Mr, end Mrs. l tt'c'tiiit',ys,er or Kirnanha, mm, Tt Mill; at the home ul Mr Aah- zen EMt,-The Now Hamburg orches- '. “I twisted in the programme at the "ttthet ~03rdcn Party on Wednesday “waning, August the 4th.-Mr, George 'iartr.ber, ot Berlin, took charge of the when in Trinity Methodist church we on Sunday in the absence oi the "Mot, Rev. Mr. Chapman, who,wirli flu. Chapman is enjoying umonths‘ 8"me in Toronto and other pla- wit-rar'" L. S. Babb is holidaying at ‘Port Stanley. the guest ot Mrs. Ed. l Btsuer.-Mrtr. Ruby with Miss Ruby, “gum “is week on a visit to her son. Dr. Rubr, at ottawa.-- Mr. Bitter of ,thc Batik at Hamilton Matt, Berlin, II here relieving the manager, Mr. f'Sutherland, who is on a vication.-- "lr. and Mrs. Jacob Laschinger left ' on Friday lat tor Ottawa on a visit (to their son Edmund, Deputy Post- _r,, master General, While in Ottawa Mr f Wager will represent Lodge No, 733510.051. at the (mad Lodge at ’ -6ttidTo,which opens Iheee on Tuesday) Align-t. the Wth.--Mr. it. G. Plumr . ml Holiday last in G'uelph.--Mrs. 3,031.) Ford and sun, of FHsxkespcare, _ "on; Saturday afternoon last with .I'Smds in towrt.-- Mr. Jack Puddi- : «who and Mitts Florence Puddicombe 'r bra on a holiday trip to Grand Bond. ""412 Erwin Ritz of Gait, is on a tmr'weeks' visit at his home here,-- Mt. and Mrs. Jacob mu are enjoy- T if" a week's outing at Grand liend. » rl.' Ed. Loth of Tavistock, is vis- , lung her permits, Mr. and Mrs. Con- rad Lips here.-Mr. Ed. 1Ieirobecker, ot Prestoryis visiting his lather this ,eeeh.- The many friends of Dr. R. In In“ "a nlpmd to learn that 3" '"iii'ii7riii l 23g T. Winn are pleased to learn Chat 3 ll this to be out again alter his tett may tor Hamilton, there she m iihttsa.-- tusa' Curie Nahrgang intends spending the next six months -lrt. Boehm, the young man trom India); who had his leg man on Qty the “in at the (“all Trunk De- pol‘hn on the evening ot ttw Zlih ot It! last, has no tar recovered as to Dorm“ him being moved to his home " Bimbetg on Wednesday lam. em annual Sunday-school picnic of "ttttity Lutheran church was held at Holeer'a grove on Friday alternoun 30¢. This in the bumper picnic oi w’New Hamburg and the attendance was "quite the equal to that ul oihrr Lrttec:en'y, the "mm! randi- IIRI who wrote at “If "minimum; gal ths Otttario Conservatory of ttHt- ilk, lirld at Berlin, are:--Misa Elena "3min a local ymmg lady of PICBP- "(Ill musical taterat.--Mr, John Unix-- _ Jr" In Palmerston during the past jack on business connected with the _tttettorlurn which he has “unify rs- 4_;ubllshcd in that "tm-Amour illmr‘ Citron : dist-nee who alu'lldud the PM“ of the I“. Mr. Herman Iterk- "she to“ News. (lion, Pr1uegnat {and imminent” ot Berlin, Mr. Gid- treqtt "a oi 'W mil Mr, Josh- "rtt Kuhn-n of Perm Indiana - We 4!! pie-led to welcome honw onhis ‘mr nation one oi New Ill-m. MEI yoln‘ men who has “Mom! and m Sire-d in the prrson M JIM Bl r, who arrival here on I " lull. horn Costa Ricarirt, who in Wally 'mtduciinga 1,.er In; btmittrsur.-Rev. Mr. (wm rc- mm on Saturday trom his 7m- gm Ill. mun-d his parorhinl du- l “- ~- Mao-luv but If. nun vrt m to "you any irnprovrmrnt ttt m radium ot Mm. (him, who um ill In It: Gencrul Houpilnl, K l!- Pastime lawn)" h F m; a the sun Theatre, dud-gnu absence ot Mr. mom. , ’M.’ Tht New Inn-hut; Lawn .ClIb h" etttageda “all itt um alum In“: n1 J. F. mu ,n-‘I. Janus Kunm- 'till ' MW!“ hum '21ch 09mm! .1 h. Hm. DoBuu uni-l Shh 103.! the men's-Ft. ttttgt _ let. 1 2t ieNllls%'c Mllllt 1...!» i all!» That then A,ht,t1t - . 3 .mmol . WV!) cal to an " “Mil $00 some" Pt M “a.“ tret, u 'o gut-xen- ot my Br 'tttrim that tum '.., " a on“ to gin you more I’ll - “out a throw! cuitiv- m. which mam with “In 'err -dtrasrea"t.-at9t Wm‘ 're a when ts lull; ”with 8'ii'ii'iiii; no than an - lu i, V. (laced w: W to do this. 2tlb'G' at! Icin- Toil, d Wit ciBtte,-NBeto, who but be: unused in music-m _ . work on thet Station at 'i?l'Siiirii, Villlatc circuit tnat Took. Mr. -saa.qr instruo the and interesting India at the subject "The strangers within out my This was Mimi-aw by -tepwtrrdr ot a hcnjred’lnuem mac um. These gnaw-m also conduc- ted the services on Sunday lut- Tint services hon- were much appreciate' and no doubt will be helpful, inducing _ some to adopt the syitmlic method i'ii". giving to missions,‘ _ lam ttet halal, " 30!: calm aw..ruuul are gallon!!! wsitiu It: all but! Jaw the Nov“ easier. A with _ A“ _ tsaoGis.-. Mr. Kred Allull-h ol _ the Adolph Lumber Co., ul Haynes Lake Co., was the guest ul his bro- ther, Mr. Louis Adolph last week.-- ‘ Mr. Adolph left on Friday lot Indian where he will spend a week prior to leaving for Iii; hour in B. c.-- Ms. no“. Thomtia- mud Wm ol the west are visiting with lrlends in' this tmctioa.-Mr. Allan Sitter, of tbrr- lin, 1isited relatives and ltiends In these parts but wel-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welker andson Wilfrid, ot St. Jacotis, are guests at the parental home in Waaceville.-- Miss Francis . Fain-0mm is spawn; mvamc F at tho home of her sister, Mrs. Saniut‘l Zurhrigg at Ingeiso0,--Mr. Ralph Miller has gone to Lislowcl when: he. is learning the bakery buslm-ss at the tirnt of Zurbrigg Bros.-- Mr. and Mrs. RUM. MeCorttsachie of Shelbourne are guests " the home of Mr, Wrni, Heyoste.-- Miss Nellie Torrance spun soveraldays at the home of her friend Mrs. J. Johnston, Holland. -Mt. Henry Adolph, ot Van, is spending a few days at the home of his brother, Mr. Lewis Adolph, wanace...-Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, ot EL ma, spent Sunday " the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Thompsom-Mr. ami Mrs. S. L. Adolph of Lislowel were visiting " the parental home last week.-- Miss Orplm Human, ot Berlin is renewing old acquaintances Iin this section. Death of Mrs, Hoistetter. - The death took place at Baden on Wed- nesday '0! Catherine Gildner, wife of Mr. Adolph Horstetter, alter a sick- ness of only one week. Mrs. llolstet- ter was born on May 8rd, 1858, in Wellesley, and on Aug. 24th, 1875, she married Mr. Adolph 1iotsteiter. Their union was blessed with thirteen children, oi whom twelve are still living, five sons and seven daughters. The funeral was held trom her late, residence, south oi Wilmot Centre, to the Wilmot Ct-ntrc cemetery tor hur- ial. Rev. Mr. Voss (if Baden con- ducted the services at the church. She left to mourn her loss a husband, tive sons, seven daughters, tive broth- ers and two sisters. The many friends ot the bereaved lamlly extend ‘lheir heartfelt sympathy in their ‘sad hour of aitiictiotc- Mn. John Eifert and Mr. Henry Gildner ot Manton, Mich., attended the lulu-ml ot their sister, the late Mrs. Hoistcuer, on b'riday.- Born: On Thursday, Augut Min. to Mr. and In. John Bing-man, of llaysvillc, a sort.-Mr. "any Lautonschlagrr oi Baden "tended the funeral oi his uncle in Plattsvillc on Tuesdar--Mr. and Mrs. James McCall and iamily of Yale, Mich, and Mr. James Mel- rouc came met to Baden on their auto, visiting at Mr. James Living- siun's, lather oi Mor. McColl.-- Mr. U. P. Witte and Mr. Jacob It. 81-h- midi. were business 1isitors to Tor- onto on Tumiday.-Mr. and Mrs. John “all" visited hill sister and broihrr- ‘in-law, Mr. and Mrs. (ivory Hull- man, oi Weuealey, on 'Sunday-aus. J. Svhmidi. of Millhnnk and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Witt-v. of lladvn, met with an uniortunalc‘ scrim-m. on Sunday. inning down a ftiqht at hiairs' and hrrakin; her leg.--A num- ber of young people trom hero “Hund- M the Barnum and Bailey circus at Berlin on Wrdrwsday and n-pmi hav- ing a fine time. Gottfried "Nor.- M.rsrrss, Flam-r A. i'hmwnt, who are building atruintents In” Inge trridge un the T. & My 'ttsits-ay, Ivar Coutt, Ontario, um» hnnn Ihnl I'Ipld program In bring made and tut they expert to tw home by tho and at the ntonitr--Rtrot tttredting has coturtttrwpd jn this) cirriiy and farmers "13an a good )‘il’ld ula wry high tttce.-- dlng look plut- nt the l'rrnhylmlm Manx", fult, on Walnut!" autumn: In!“ at, on o'clot'k, who, “M ”in thy Bean, mm: "ttghter oi Mr.. Hui In. George Bonn. of New ".m- trorg, bar-m the Mile 0! Mr. John Franklin 001m. . prov-Inn! mum of Bknhdm, M. Mr. Knowles ot Knox Church. out. ”than! an mm . The NH. who win - “may: was. in“. m.- to 'irii'" lo [a BADEN. '3“? . {Very mi. eradteata4 and Mr. Henry Mich., attended sister, the late mun..." "r” wr- m an Imam tdltN,'iltl - m- 1.n vaun- tttte Meth' meaty-M “@331. , m)t-ovlm m1: ugh-t. - '.,toul ut ml] to” ' 'huartld was“? " M can not - 'At"2'gti 2t It - m "I“. P. was in, 'pt-alt/r/lil',).?. Sy ig WIS [RM f,1'S,','lte'.Sfty tcl, m Sumy’u tun-1m!- , - '" .663. up three new N ulna caulk» the aha-1d good weather ifttitatgt,.t 1‘ka by . e----- 1 a! an m "an to: writing. this Province and - all Li! I" ',,t,T'ttitt,1dar,ti"',' at other tour- ney, tn. h ppzuu‘ed hero and'thue is a “layout“- we [Imam]; an: the “mania my...“ on the new to name - tor supremacy. The rinks that use "hurried to play at 1.30 o'tiock we" n the Ber- -lin an}! Waterloo lawn! bright and early, BH-tts" previous to lining up Mao: Hahn. ot Bulb. extended the freedom of hymn to the visitors, and the tram! oil /,','td'ta:2 Mayor Weidenhtumrter in Water :aT, Bad: ot the Chic! Maximum“).- gratulahed the Twin-City mm win the continued ism-ecu ot their “and tournament. and referred to the " vnrusing t-tita to the two towns. The visitors were told to hare a good time and play “and. The must-Irv round in the Tro- phy Berra were “and on tht Benin green. There Were six games sched- uled tor this round, but khery were two defaults registered. J. Holding- er, ot Clintm. came to Berlin with- out a rink and is playing Ind (or "Dr. Agnew, and T. Trow, Shanon], was detained at home. H. K. Wett- lauter, Berlin, and Jan. Fair, Cun- ton, thus entered the first rwnd without a contest Fourteen games in the iirst round were played on the Berlin you: dur- ing the afternoon and the balance were played on the Waterloo greens. At 6.30 o’clock thirty-tive rinks rc- mainul in the Trophy series and started the second round Tuvalu no mu -i,-pritq1tr Sane ot the moat promising rinks l were defeated in the early stages. Dr. Agnew, of Clinton, last year's ( runner-up lost to A. H. llcaman, oi London, Martin Schiedel's rink oi (tars lost to Master McKinnon, ot Guelph; A. D. Strong's Gait rink was deteated by Tom McCurdy, of Stanford; Billy Jackson's Clinton quartette lost a close game against A. G. Flhrvrlie, ot Gait; Dr. Del Marr oi Ridgetown, deieatod A. ll. Clarke, M. P., ot Windsor; J. Cook, Berlin, won in tho last end iron J. A. Mc- Muilcn's Mount Forest quartet“; W. D. Euler's trophy-Finne" at the U. (I. B. A. tournament in Gait were defeated by Ed. Shea oi London; Geo. Chapuitut's rink of trophy-winners last year in Berlin was defeated by Charlie Abbott, of London, alter the hardest kind of bowling, and Billy Cole's strong rink from. Mitchell was downed by-Fin Weaver'" rink of colts by the lowest score ot the day, 13- 10. The scores are as followtc-- Preliminary-he Berlin. Waterloo. _ Toronto. Wm. Hogg, ll. W. Martin, Berlin. M. Schiedvl Gait. Elmxlic. Dundas. Jas. nl’lric, Gait. ' A. D. Strong, Gait, R. Patrick skip 30 skip 17 Find. ltound-At Waterloo. Waterloo. Stratum], All. Snydlrr, S. lk Orly, Itrattuord D. Adams, Brampton Ins. "use. skip " HranHurd Putin!” It. Inglis, A St. Catharina M _ Ficcltttoms, mm", tl. 0. Philip Harm, Salon- Collins Berm. , L. Km Elam Mt. Forest. . S. Ireland London Thistlcs 'ti. Shea, Brampton. . Thu-Mn: smug lit-is We! Rounds Whigh Vera" 53$ skip 12 First Rounda-At Berlin Storm, slip " First Round-in ship u skip l7 skip 17 skip l7 skip ls skip 8 skip ship 20 ulslp " skip " Ikip slip an,“ ship " m, u W. J ILL-Mon , Strattord. T. H. McCurdy, skip 21 ll. A. Hagen, skip Berlin Guelph. A. M. McKinnon, skip " New Hamburg J. P. Ran, Waterloo Dr. Hilliard Phin, Dr. Rum-tum, o. li. Brick" skip Berlin Berlin L. D. Merrick, Watson, I. Berlin A . Luella rt, Cook Sum" skip lo L. Normal. Berlin, Mashed to A, Berttm 0. McKay, (hm: 80-4. (Mulch. Col-chum!“ In“. I“, In J. NM.t. Ohm. ”and to Act“. Dr. A”. CHI“. J. 00-01,? A, A. p. gm (hit. you by _ Berlin skip 15 Clinton. skip " lie-pent. “up to Berlin. Euler, any 21 Waterloo. sh ip Em skip l 5 All]: 3t l-Zlorn. skip " um 15 .qu a I“, " an, no 23 18 C" T a, u, _ up " mm Round-M. thtedoe, 1phgllr,' . F a ' Galt. A. - -' “my ' ili'trhts; mu." -- __ "VHS ir. y.," T 'aiet Truly-M M. - . , l unwrap-m; it. ..tert w........ MIMI). L. Helen-d ....r. I m,titc..'.Ntrt,......, .....es.wr.r"'... 1 fe,'Gbtil2fa'iaia,' ....t. ...t... ', IrUNDAtFd. M.,..,....nm.1 BrtANTgottts'-o. B. - ...”... I qALT-A. a. Elm-us w..:...,.......... tmurPORtF-Dr. Gray ...... ......", ELORA-at. E. Sto- ...sq..P.tt..'.t._ , Ridgrtmra-Dr. [Minn or,......:.... BE m-w. A. Ham ......r......... ' HEtgPELER-Phitt .wrerq ..-.. .FtF..... BRANTroRtr-Adtutts .._F.. .____r... BERLm--iaxAhart 'r".'. 'Fr... ...q.'rr_ WATERLOO-F. w, Snyder .."9.tr. e,e8'yt,tt.ll .....'...... ...____.. nrUNDAtbuhrtrrms N'F.F. ...... ....... Tlttmm2N-Larery J"""""' wrrrFF .P.." I',;))),',';'.;; o. Philip mm._'wr.irwrrrr. WrNGHM5-riwrord trr... ....e. .._ s'rRATNRD-Watson F___rr tw..., P.. BRANPNN--Thauburn _ ... .Nrr_re.. BERLIN-Carrick ._..__ 'terFt _.,wtte.. BERLIN ttf.tha IL) DeKleinhaus ST. MARY'gr-Maxweli ,. ._. er__qr___ nERL'IN-Nortnan 'P""" .e_rrr ver".'... ST, C'ATHARrNEtGauataier '..FP. GALY-Wrdy ..69F.P.F ..te...F. ........ BERLIN-F. I. Wearer ....ewr.e.rv.... oh0iN_s'0rm0izMcFty ""'L' 'mrw...'r.. “I": P Trophy-Third Round R'ATERLO0-W. Hogg 'trr.. tiT'RATb'ORW-T. McCunly IrtiNDAs-J, Pidtt ...rrw..er.. sTuATFORD-Dr. Gray ,._ ELORA-E. E. Stone 'F_t.. BPiRLIN-rJ. Cook PP.FrrVFF 1mhNTr'0RD--D. Adams LONDON-E. F. Shear .I, 1ArNDoN--C. “not: 'v_r.. DU'NDAts-.0. Collins ...e.. mNoiIhM--A. anlord BERLIN-C. S. Garrick Vrrr., [ BERLIN-L. Norman P..rtF __r.. ST. KrT'TH.--ts'. J. mutate: OWEN 's'0UN0-A. G. McKay WATERLOO-D. C. Kuliz F.. J,0N'DON-.A. Human -._._ Fr l "rELPH-Mckinrum (ret.. FF.. IIT'CHE1--D. L. McKcand 1:'iii,'ii,i-Fiir, ..n.t. v._rr. _... BithliTFoRtb--Baker 'c"' 'FFF _aALr.--A. G. Elmslic 'rr .. H 'Il!.','.'.".".?)".?-',"": Mun .F__._ BFMLHI--ir. A. Hagen werrrr. HESPELeR-J. IL. Phil: .. .. (ijiji,,iijji-ri. Lockhart VP.e., , i,rh1'e,'e,Ct"': W. Snider HARRrSNN-U. Lavery (rre BERLIN-O. 0. Philip Fr_rr' Ci)".),')',)),;,))-..)',:'., Thuubum ., BERLIN-U. Dechinhaul Fer ‘S'l‘. syARY'tb-Maxwelt 'r.rt. GALT-A. J. Gully 'er_w' tr__. IF. I. Weaver, Berlin, bye. ts'TRATh'19RD--d . N. Watson Association-and Round. TXMt0N'r0--U. Martinim, 'tFFF. GUELPII-H, some Frr.et TrrrF» BERLIN-od. Schicdt'l '.lFF. pr _.. NEW IlAMBURO--J. F. Ilau ., GALT-T. Bantu. _.Ft.. 9N_PF. ..PFV ES.hsEX-o. Bricker ....$t tr.... ., BitAMPTNJN--J. Bits: ...__. .FrFF. MT'. FOREt7-J. A. McMullen 9ERLiN--W. D. Euler .rrtr. .__._ ST. K1TT's',-A. M. Eccleaton . 'riLLs'oNBURo-.r. Alvin“ tFw F.LORA--Dr. Robertson .m._r. .._ HARRW'r0N--R. w. Sawyer'., BERLIN-L. D. Merrick 'r...- pr 'ACToN-0ou1d p_..__... ...._.r.. PF.. IrESPELER-Ra- F.__.r F.w.F. Atssrocutitm-3rd Round. TORONTO-H. Martin ..'rr' (F NEW "AMBURO-J. P. Ran 11ALTU-T, Barrett 'r__..__. '_.... BRAMPTON-d. Bins Fr.._-rew BERLIN-W. D. Euler H (FP_Frr HLORA-nr. Roberhon 'rte ' "ARRmToN-- F..... . _ACtJN-Ooeld ..e.. ..w... met... 1A'.NDON--h, Human tr.8-_ " uUFlLPH-MeKittnon ,,_.. ..rr "RAN't'FUR0-o, B. Bah-r . OALT-A. G. Elm-He Frr? [r BERLIN-H. A. Hagen .. (F BF',RLIN-A, Lockhart _ 'IF . ihhdhe'ry?ee',tLr, 'Ire-, _ Bh'RL1N-41. DcKldnhm V. is”: MARY't4-hugwett BF'.RLtN--P. I. Weaver '_F_rrc WATERLOO-thm Hum BERLIN-a', Cool _ .\,H BRANTFORD-o. Adams ., _ DUNOAtb-U. Collins . RTRhTPtNuy-d. N. Vinson tf. n: name: [mum - chi a. vandal. 'MeV It» " mm». . " I. " u u " " u u 11 n I u " n " " " " " " i4 " IO " 21 31 15 " l7 " " 17 " " I‘ll- 'rh_iP.r-'"'""- 21 WATERWKuntz .....t " Hhls'PELeR-Phtn M. 21 BRAMPTot6-THutrttrn n I NEW HhMBURO--Rau a AcToN--0ould F..rr. ._..q, 17 ' "RANTWtR1y--Baker "l 25 BrutLm--DeK1einhtxutrK of ST. tiattY't9-auxmrt1 ;: BERLIN-cook W. ..Wwt ; BERLIN-Norman ...... M ll 23 " " 17 18 I ll I ll " 30 ll 21 " 1 It ( l3 1 13 H " 17 20 " " " 18 " 10 17 " " " IS " ll . 20 " " 15 a Lhmh onti6rN9tt an“. cm "W' 3.. ','gt'a'fgtitgi't' w... 'r'" .,1.., tt my. many. ".atte6 n mg. " " 14 " " " " 'e-tMILL-ce" .-FF.' mun-cannula tttmme M. K. vamp, up. ll so no " " ll " 2t " " " Cy 81913-017. - ,........ .. 0A ' ' .quh' - ‘->l0i. , 91.1810)! "-» ”any," .. auwd'H-H. swab o...." ...... l Eugen. We“ 'rs... ....-.'. aw. W. -ttBeic.'.. trr.' EtITB.-a. M.lerMtstmt TtLLtrtttmmae-A. AM Pawti'c','i,iPgtf, ...... mun . . My ._. WATEWD. C. Kn“ B... "cgaNTEm.-aktLeaad .F.... .tatqr CLINTON-J. . i......... .r..r. fitllg111iii'cdMiar; ..._.. ' HEBPELER-J. R. Putt ...._F WATERLOO-F. w. Suite: ,.. BERLIN-W. o. Philip wr.... ..r BRAMPTON-T. Tin-ulna“ p.. ' _ Cards, Gait, bye. ' M " " " " Elm-W- 'rroArs24u' w. tgrRATroRD-Hahsrdr .._918 tg'rRATF0R1N-41mr .m.6_. ..e.r EuortA-atmis .r.., qqrtF. ...r.' LONDON-atm. P."'. .r.-.. ..F.. LONDON-Abbott F..... .-r_.. .. mNtrHAM--crawtord .._... ... BKRtati-Carriu ., -.. ..we.. ST. Knrrtg.-rnutater '...'. Tihttiutg't0N-i-ery ....r. .. BEItLIN--Wetsser ..tF.. .q.q.. ' \VA'I‘ERMXHlogg 'lFWF. .m._q. BRhNTh'oRO-Adams $eF.rV -.. tgTRM'FORIr-Wetumt ...... . OWEN soUtuh-Fr Brt.r Cortso1atioea--4th Round. CLiN'NN-Npew ..r... ...... . 11UELPH--Brrdoet ,..... w..... . BERLm-achiedel Fr .w. ..__.' . MT. FtrREB'tS-Nc.si1in ...p.. WATERWKuntz ...... ...... Hhls'PELeR-Phtn m... v..... , BRAMPTot6-THutrttrn ..t... _ Asisociutors-ttlt Round Martin, Toronto, bye. BRhhgProtl--Birs. t.._.. i..'... EM3RA--Robertaott w..,..' ...... WiAMvtl--t%sir ..4 ~...... LoND0Nr-HeBtmMt .grb'. .w.b.. . GAryt"-h'itnstie .p.... ...... ..vur. BERLitG-LoeAttnrt o...'.,..,...' ' TO THE MOTHERS 0F PALE GIRLS A Cue Showing How the Tonic Treatment Restores Lost Health. Miami; ts simply luck of bloat. It is one ot the most common III] at the nine time must Melons (than? es with which grouting girls seller. it is comm:- - the blood so elk-n mun inward“ during daem- mcn, yhcn 31th ottm oven-study. OT- er-work and lune: mm Jack oi exor- (ir. It in dassgero" Manse at the stealth!“ of It! Wench and because oi its tendency to - too stradiiy worn), it not promptly chock- rd that it may run Into consumption, Every growing girl should tutu an ociiortaT tonic to ,rard on the insidious! "with; and 11-.“ the world than is no tone that an equal Dr. William“ PM PM!» Et. cry dose at thin undid” helps to make new , rich Mood, which promptly makes weak, pale, [title-l girl., mm rosy oat strong. mu A. K. Dusty. Lower Core, ANS" "ttc--'" N- liege I owe my lite to Dr. Willi-ms“ Pinkpi’ml. My blood we! to n turned to VIM. t van we at sheet; I tatrend iron: hunches In! I fioatirttt wack- seemed to be cmtstattt- ly Mon my t!rtttL As the troubiel prog-ed 'my limbs began to ”all. and It was lured that drops, had wt 1 In and that my cute Wu mien-um; to um mm m, doctori had no...» l, ed me, but notwithnuding t their“ graying VIOI’I‘. " van at tits Nie-l, turn t m using Dr, Willi-mt min... “a me: man; . in be!!! I was much lupruved. t kept on tttF tia the Pith nntll I had him etgtst boxes, when my haul wu com- _ [lately tutored." In. wunw‘ PEII'PIIII one am! like an: been“ “my 30 to tin, root' at the trotr+ In up Mood. TUt w why they can rheumatism 5nd Indi- pptiun, ”no“: haunt-Ila all ruch- lug nun-.10., a! a" We (mt-la trom Ink-h grow this '0‘ var. mm ef mater: Tttar.: r... .222: m!" 9" Piat pm. mum' I In: Md any will rm “and“ m Bold " " nah-Inc ham or by mall as M, teattn I hot and! tom tor :1th Th Be, mum-v lot- ci.. Cir., Milk, (It. tgt'r'eRtNTMtm8tt8 RESNINI 6318 biiiyk/iittertteee.f T. 4 mu- Jmh Dual, uni-:09! " u tf " " " ii . . ' . ..' cis,',!?-'-)-)):':-), :saladlos Muslm wants“ -. l _,i, ll " tt " " " " " " " " " 151 " ‘ It " " " " " u " ll ll " It " $18.13. BRIcKliilW8tAA),-,, §§}Build1ng Sale Bargain Prices " 15 " " 10 1 Mai whit. "ntmtHeeed Home. 15 worth hon mm m ta- .75 li I and an. vase-unmanned blou- " -thla6toMi"ttr AW. " I mac nae-t whim blun- word: " newsman . ' ta. 23: Other tittet quintet " similar I.- Auctions. iSpeciaI 2.00 WM an: out Long ”:1.“ land- Styles. All Over Lida, Tucked Nets, Wall um, '" an on“! T in am _ ' 8.10 which in 1ii'e,'itiii,r,iti'i't,t,t,l, you}, ”Whig will no. my “(up to nt _ mg} LADXES' WANTS t The Mualclpnl Contact! at the 'Down- shlp of Woolvlch met at Cone-tom Ion the an! by at August, A. D. "09. I All the new“ pun-M. The Reeve In the MI. . a x toe we. MUSLINS " toc. .50!“ ttt We MUSLINS " aoe Another lot of Meet audios.” hum. m. worth M, so. Mt Ind Kr SILKS ma thou. " I Pt and unsymm- tah,,e Ill' to "tt toe Do BLACK SILKS YaedwHetraehslik ml 1.00;: ref foe Yud was an: not“: 1.3! for CLM Yud with tilt an In.“ who. quality worth Ltd for UL. The minutes cl “as "who: union were read and "orrted, _ Brawn Nays“ to use" the Township ot Woolwlth tot tho ya: no: tor County. Townnlp and other pupa-u, “a to tery u spa-m rate on I“ unable property ot the up- triwtem ot ”lie othoola, tn the W. " WooNirh, to “he the mm of tie '" u a grant to the new-III who! action. [or the- yen IMO, ad Br- lav No. Mt to use” use neural “and annou- in- the Town“, at look-I11 tor the you "OO, wr" {given their "not mM- and lul- "r DI“. . _ - . - Right Gowns, Skirts. thmtt thmedrty" Drawefs and 011mm k $5.“ " 'td:--. ham: rm. - “In “(his "I MM .. deb o..'.- u. ........." . 3.1%- P, "4 Jam 9..., n. W" - Gi an em nom med-uh. V _ _ 11:0 taunt-g menu-sn- - o@g fjilt,gi,,gj,tl,iale; Dim-tor Mttlt,iu and with Bram. “tutu-hut A. War". dbl-beta” .. _ su-ttrr/dr"'-" ' q'.lllllii ll I "rifiiiiris.is _ ' "til l.1.t The Count" unburned 'ttP.ott. but GREAT REDUCTIONB m WOOLWICH rp. COUNCIL July Is. 1909 f,,',',,"))?,!',-':':-';' ot up“; I' mum: it“: ""a', ", Honey Camden». lug. “:16“ "etttie" 01.50 for soo . ."t:/ir. a n and. butch. Cu_ti-rei-otirteett worth ml“ was. mull". was. go BERLIN, ONT. '" . " t.N I.” " " Ill!!- -iUdirrihtt.aiifrsotdiid' - “Bill cum ”'0' meld 5.00 and 7.50 Ah, 1'efgy,Wh"J,1'gs "a: lat W I Pt girl-HIM n 5','3iitiiiiiii we who: Mr Moon: wont 5.3,: HOSXERY. a minimum: = dthtt'trMtlf'.ttt, “at... out) taiuuhiemtt, -. rl me (mum'- Output- -iait M on: momma. nr.,w\~,~‘. lik, LADIBS'COATS T'"", _ my .ymyeyag In but“! tGRGiikdiiia 3701mm --ee MI) Ne an LADIES' SKIRTS cloth Inn-In “Meow-worth 8W to too It! . 8.10 [Alibi . Aut. like!) ' med . , N " . a” WHITE " - 7 A _ xiii» wWihih nym- mag ttha" "Orursed spam: "r" tuutrttsri,mriN gig-rs _, I’m-l Township, [ruling on We lino .b_tF.sq. 'rsr.ttt. ....... ...,-..f, D. M. Bowman. mm to: mir," In; _mt.m..s_ r...,... ..,‘...., MM..." Munldpul World, trmtiiy,..r.. ll. bl. Ram. titrtber ttret Rut bridg- BPrt_F.rF ...... .24.... ...:,. t Ju. (Indium-r. "rdtrhitg m and “all; o.,lC,,.......J.....c., Jae. Noumea. plat 'q.T"' ..,,., __i (he. admit". puma; MI on? 1 ta, come“ “In “El. IN (ttttdit'. tqdtt - J.r, H. way. My!“ dog o..,a.a/,, 5’ Wm. longer. mum t B. WI; In». would all». - proach- ..A,es,. _. 'lrtt Yr-rss...,, 06.” Wm. Inn, "push and work _ TrT " M. Brohmm, plank $NT' ,,,wrr_ 9.0. Total o/... .. ""t .. m “It” Council "trmahted to men. - the ('mmcll Mr. Cont-Mo. on tbe mu by ot Sarto-her. was. at I "'agr* O... . F- a INSPI'J TED THE HOSPITAL [Art-Col. “Ugh Fluke. l.P.P-. Br. mum and Mr, Gen. M. I0 Rudder, at xmgmne. m In DD "I u 'e" 't Jt pun-pg: 1...: rm; a. n. . no,“ T" 'i'ii:'i, m h chip ot I'm“?! ".. n. by” a! or. H, ti, m m, In?" n1 INN ml W12! mun-k In -tto -teA,t , "Min?” "sit la; ted tbt M In! u. loch is W 5.10

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