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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 12 Aug 1909, p. 2

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F222 're u 'i'itti,i'tttgltSl", 3‘ "erfril k' 79" It' Chum» II. _"ti'iiiairii'ir?a_,t)',pi;.1'i te, 'gtiitttaAt, ‘W Iota-nu te ttnlil'll;ra 1- 03; I?" _ . , '" km wow. an. x itttitrrr" monitor. may. 'tice?- 0! MN 9. tfe was k 'Wr'kttt and“ to 0mm "tttt ,iiir'ioit- but you. And an - 'tne trt-nr " per mm. in tho iiii#ieptt to: murder. the muntser' Et'.tert, um. grown trout 23 nu a”! te" " tn ms. nu an on- nt “in by the tact um were _tititt teat" communal!“ for - ,_‘ 1mm. liq-tut. no no you More. There were 874 nervous eon-Md toe crime mint. the per- .’ DEATH OF . I MP., I'PMPPT', _ - ' '%itlW!Nim _ - I V P" a - rr, A “.1 1l8ltgllr L." ‘ ”z. “*2, 1 15Ei" , f - tIle, “'1 'lk Maia“ 'd _'l'iiiihgiEti " i a atrNs Ni " " ”It" q E . Cl . T 'ig “4‘s." li warmth ‘ ‘ . r 1'ailr ", I P m 'diEliii V”. _ ' , Cl _ _ P,tMifi,' L- 'IP, vt-!"' ‘I 'ah5ilir; a., Bt" l Ilthu 'k " , ... o.tatr.rs, _ rc, F, rd _ 22’ . 'iP.tr' Ntt.f'cm'llr. PM “slump“, , . , ”Hm-WW“ 'rsNitiqttt2tA't is.itaf,I rxaa r mum: New . Mti.t'lt u ' , ...4.‘ "___-- P'"" .13...“ itrertertrii Ib' P? “m"h‘gm“ . tam drain-mu} ii up and“ to with in“! an or on $001 ttt an to bib. I Ir, listensnanImIWW-Mfl‘mw I ,. surly g M an! its the I - on: "itormatioaat," yet l I .x Q _ . T mural! rump. ted “In ot l l "3'10! nutter. the number W1“ thou 0“.th ' ”in": no" Irtttn " in -otiast ”mom-n, both com.- “you an». nu us 01- Emu-sin mm an Domllim ‘01 .Mt by an met that the" Canada, r) mane: by no mun- '-Rr'.. , _ iiiirrkoiir'i+ipteCrc1yt _ L _ (is consumed“ lot”.- _- roetmtt d the g . let M. u - " ttto “misg‘in pro-o an] Jt:dNMll you more. There were an nervous with Britain and Brihln's t"gl,t'lt. ecu-mu to: cum. inst. ttus F "News his a M‘l T . s' ". , " iirrliritirTaiijertTdi.ttiie1ttt to). a m ot six. (Jinn ag- . Binat ' aunt: M be! My. For hum . "my qncrearal tn 610, the mm render, which begun with reaching 1,646 in 1908, and there was tb patriotic uddrnu by Burl Grey, also In increase [mm 457 to 544 to contain such sclecuou as South- wt- umnsc puMie morals and an er's 'rep.' of btehtir/', “m” aBatlr. wscNudetttteranortt against Mn“fiwht'éifigf"é?‘hfii$:%“w“ order and ree'r lmuwd, the "The Fight“; “monkey: and, ttr agate; being. 7,187 as against 6,855 story ot the battle o! Qua-don $1.1m. Mum!” of insane 30m. 1Ielghts, The lomlh reader include. with!» tptot mach“, hy cight. l a pug? number ot feuding: onCw- _ P I J m ”Wed _ adian subset“. There I: an ex- "ti' _ . to tlt? Peuiten- tram trom Parknaut's Walla andg "I" “was the past year show an Montana. an article oo {In close ot We“! ot 50, as compared with ue,' Ilut Frenth period in Canada, by .Wious yar, and tlte nutnter (raw, 1.19qu p. peru, WW 00W New to Central Piiscn w, a m e bry lite m Cnnsd. m the tunnel by more th . - ,' " n (',ii,'i,'u1i.i'.it' Ihsi#tt, extract“ trom Major Mt m 1901. P"' [mnentagc w, K. Butler's book, "The Great. ot sentences to commitments in 1908 [mm Lnnd," and "any othen. 1n was 59.65. 'there were 13,088 com-', this book ocre are of comm: [may mutants in 190ti, and of tty _ [ lo'.?, " the old well rermmstvrrd poem" by or " " ' . '_, . , l relobrawl writers, such as "Ye Mars itawi ' T cent. Ittr, tem, ate, (mm ul England," "The Ride trom hing the balance prrsunuably as Ghent to Aix," “I'lnglndd, lly Eng- more or less addicted to the use ot land" and Rudyard Kipling‘s la- liquor. I',',',','),"' 'qt-sional." A shilling (or m... "I tho trtt-tsuoigg Is the num- In seeking to place the respcnsitsii-r ity [or this momma in crime, various; causes will naturally suggest themseln yea. One is the changing character; ot our population. the percentage ot toreigti-bopt people being ninth yea” tet than was the one even two or! three years ago. Another is: less- ening of the moral restraints at home‘ lite aid a. general lowering of the that) td "standards oi the mic, due, in po small measure, tua growing com- mrmialism and an "cessive.desire to ape tine manners ol the rich and to get riches rapidly. There is iit4io use attempting to disguise the tact that many matters are now regarded' with complacency by our people which would at one time have been severely ltowned upon. and while some may pet the change as being a breaking away tram the narrownesr and bigo- ;tzy ol .the past. there are others who will View it with regret. it not alarm Among tbs relornu" needed are pro- per truaacy Jaws and a proper en- terrmr.ent ol tho Mane, night schools to: the instruction ortoreipers in ‘ our laws and cit-toms, more direct oatmeal instruction in our schools and a return to proper parental control our children. It is also urged that' the introduntion of the indetermata ”We and parole an“!!! ivouid reduce the lumbar at ‘criailnala and "teps are Wing taken to that end. if." t is awn-out, however, that ”the will In lnallectual in seriously , ' lemming the number ot crimes unless {they are supported by other measures. London; Aug. 6.-Wat, "nun-In, oe " London} oldest and Mst known I‘M. died It Port Shaky only ”a lot-II; Bttee an illness ot two “I. of ptteutttotua. Th, tate Wm. hot-u wu born In Liverpool In Mo. and tune to und- in 1858 u mocha-m umhtendent at 'the "rettt W‘IM'I 'ht'mrttt.,r, the Munro! uni-Cy of Cindi wild - PM " van the druid Tun? Sultan, tilMgi, It; Down- Mind Iron _ " with: and org-Mam! no “In at Down- a Ctr., cal “hr. ot ml city. a F PROMINENT LONDONER ' 3rd "a , “A H 'w. . V 't 'll: a as a; an man's,” s" L/st-li??, on . _ .. V ' ., my“ n we aoqgir. mi, a'see of taided. u u julli‘ Me or + an a. ycm to ' _ A A H mm PM”: “a! can" - - trr."? .0 sub ttt . booett - m . n- can to" hm”! . w. m _ "" no- _ fn Me, . (he an dim-a m cm. of; " _ 'w'vw 'ii,iil . .{h ' ,ilariiAtiievt.ttd - Lett.' Lone Land," and "my otheo. in this book tin-re are oi comm: mmy ot the old well remomirrrd poem- try celebrated writers, such as "Ye Marr Jmrrs' oi England," "The Ride trom Ghent to Air," 'oirtgiahd, lly Eng- land" and Rudyard Kipling‘s ta- moth' "It-sional." A striking len- tuie ot the text-boob is the num- ber of selections trom the pens ot i'anadiw authors writing on sub- jects which must. be in some unaware tau-mm lo all Cariulian boys and girls. There are poems try Charla D. Roberts, Marjorie L. C. Picklinll. of Toronto; Archibald Lamipmnn. Ar) ms Lani and others which will nigh" the children ut Ontario laminar with their own country. Many runny deal with the sutrl:ct ot niture in its various aspcclg, “Morning on the Lievre," "The Awakening at Spring" "Clouds. Rains and Rivers." " John T) Mail “The Great Northern Diver" by S. T Wood, and my others Ire nmong the titles, Attention has been giun to tin: I subject at lubor. Ruskin‘s “Wong and Wages" Carlyle'ts “lionorable‘ Toil" Mark Twain's humorous chap-' (or relating how Tom Sawyer white washed as have and other readings have been reproduced. There as: ul.. es lrom um classic: ot' Greece and Rome, which will slum: the pupils ot the Publlc ubools something ot the beauties ot the metal. Incubate without the pains at trmhtlon to be experienced at n In," period in the nitration at some ot them. In the books ot the lower' grades are de mrlptiuns ol child lite in [mulch countries, and ot games, [ables trum Aesop “a Grimm, tho delight Mer- cry child, and tales [tom the French, Bum-n and Italian, which have amus- ed gvneraiions ot the young. Througlmnt the twob uppem who lions tram the King James version n! the Bible. ot (hue there are " in all, beginning with such Monies“ David's struggle with Helium, the parable ot the Prodigal Son. and oth- er», Filmlly, . number ot the nico- lions in the oider text-books, which teachertt haw.- lound ul ulna have been retaitted. The new series ot rude“ fur mm pus-u that which " supersedes in point at excellence of material Ind rtwtratacture. Henviee paper in llt'd and "in the third and tourth hooks where lower illuurlllunn accompany the text, We could "per, “haw glam wan Terr hard -on tho can ot the reader, ha! been disclaim. All We. hook: mm- lllullrguom drawn eiiieaci, m an In than. an In "In mq'ollly alt-“es by Canudlan artllu. Thu new books. ioo, are much - then HIP Ontario mien. The old primer Md " "I; the new In: M. The old um and" had on xnl (I: new one in In. Tin old sec- th' "Ute MI IM, the new one m- t. The old third render had 253 may, all the new in. an. The old In! 416, The Inch tor the lower traits. vllrh formuly bad limp COT- m, now hr. cloth tritHiattts. At tun-nuns the prim; In. hm "0trt" to Ian an M d the. a tin Dool- which m not an“. ant ‘UI. ttm PROVINCIAL' LOAN Suwmgyn ”thin! Readings From the Bible Readings on Labor - Ptl tea' ”all.“ - 77“ "e _ As! 'lair K 'er “on m 'tttdll _ - i i"i"ifiia,iii?ii'iiit,) - , or a u.- 2ht"i,ii, mmd iv Irv may". 1“!“th or on“. W '-sai."i f m " an: to at 'lilly,,'??,";, about: In! "-etom ha t €111!th “1p?” to “use MB. dali for repel“ h eau. I G. C. MhLK. Jamieson, 0. lab ter, R. V._)ch.y, E. Run, A. sun- midt. v, D, ”I. a. A. Shaman M. R. stand", R. K. Set'.",',,',??.', Banning, C. J. Thom, P. mu man, A. K. Whiting, B. 4. W604, h. Woods, E. M. View", C. H. Wotan, renting gertitleate ot man; to an R. Wilhelm, T. mu, T. Zinnia. A. My. IL Bonito". H. W. mr Iett. A. H: cttesteeasraa,sE. B. Do- nn. M. L. Dunner; B. EM. J. B. and. A. E. Oahu. 1. let Tbs mum ot the oiln'llnuol tor Waterloo Conny tor “truce Into the Nouns] School: are given below. The ceruf1ct+ ot Inca-um caulk dates and the statements ot mm of (hose who lulled will be mailed to [um-mu or inspectors in the course ot a tew an. A Succeutul candidate! who Mrs to attend the coming melon ot the Normal Schools no reminded that their applications tor admission must be made to the Deputy Minute: ot Education ttouter than Tuadly. September 7. No mm: will be ad- mitted who will not be at least " \ycars or age before Sepwmber I. For those applicants who no re- quired to pm the Swimmer cumin- ations in the prescribed lower school subjects the session will begin on Tuesday, September, M, at s a. m. For applicants with the prescribed mrruftctstea iron: approved whooll, and tor applicant: [winging to Grade I. " will begin on Monday. Beptem- in 27, at 0 am. No applicant who is required to pan the September ex- nminaiion 'wlli be admitted yithout [doing Bo. It wouldbc well, therefore, Hot applicants to make certain ot like“ status baton; the tugt mentioned ldate. Waterloo-A. Hadley (honors), G. A. Clemens, M. E. Coburn, M. L. Detwener (honou), A. A. Glennie (honors), J. R. Good, 1. Graham (honors), E. Hickey, M. w. Pirie, v.‘ Shirk, C. Thorns, G. A. Wuugh (hon- ors), E. M. Weber, P. K. Whiteman, A. Woods, J. W. Way, R. Wilhelm (honorl). T, Eurtrrigg. I ueBuarmm..-mt June '08. I mm, hand and wrllt bitten and bully mangled by . viclous home. I unet- ed greatly for levad dayl and the tooth can reused when] untilyouz gentypve men bottle ot MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT, which I begin using. The elect was mngical; In tire hours tho pun bud cubed and in two was!" the wounds had complete- ly hauled and my hind nnd um were as well us our. Minard's Llniment Co., Alfmltedl St. Antoine. P.Q Y BUTTER AND Mii PRICES ENTRANCE RESULTS ,ruertoo, Your: truly, 'A'. E, new Curiae Maker "if by“ nun.- In,“ - and. 'dt'.' “it.” ad at: when pill! J y", ‘IM‘ Nt. y u ”MI-g lot to was warm we»: um - a. mum] at both to manna-v you: an tV dumm- sill-f W - were told, an“: 'rttti 'Ta'-',u',"f2,"fah'TTl'll'G'"ip ,euetxragt I“ ' l i'.iid2'tu,t'fJittltlu', a a ieagssenttprtiod. _ l, o."aiT.Gtiiu.uerioit' tyari,tgAr,gt,',NTt"l"ar,d1'ln'i odrrttiott kW“ i-tte" -ttesat “WOW - mnum ”anti-"WM" iiiiu0iarrra1e11treitLt ,oo “grimy-tr. m as? raw mm: ttttPeet: or I 'tartists;' tt - w m, out oth" all.” “In I- can“. lt was the hum-1 my - sum also tor MM“ M M which m mated by Atnrriean " owl-rud- mm M.” II I son". will 1rrertttt: “h . . pin-u ...... _.-_._r_V, " According to the diner! 11m b L, great gain to thin. The old bill, they u“. wanna by 9:009:11“: lot the “trim, with its new!” I: one which, broad” Milk. in been d.eieed by the union for the ship- pen. A awning new"! mm“- tad tbll lawman: point ttttntl pointing out that under the old the railway comply. {a wavering to A .. __ ___ AA-. -.... any Tia; viziilzcm on m pin. could les,',,',' that it - clone "a duty, the wet bell; Whiz; »- .nu LL- - um“. um. “"II -- -.." v _ under the new um tho runny ooh- - In! to prove tut the loo- war through no In". at it or “I “an“. This bill come! tttto [one been!” ot a sanctum made by Mom Mam over a your no that “we" and curlers should get together mud come to norm: agreement on “I: mat- ter. The Candi-n MInuthten’ Assad-non. " one body representing the shine", took " matter and brought " bctoro in mlou Boards ot Trude, the Balkan‘ Association. nipping and railway companion. with the Inf-futon "suit record" above. C The lootpi'ints ot Dumps“, have been directly traced to the Stomach actual. When than “inlldc when“ tail, indigestion and staunch (lithe-s mums surely result. For this, drug. gists‘ea'eryuhere are supplying . prer scriptiun Inovm as Dr. Simon’s Res- tonitive First, than tiny inside Stomach, Heart uni Kidney nerves (all. Thu: pl bathing. “and pal- pitation. or [ailing Kidneys iollow. Don't drug the Stomach, or stimu- late tho Heart or Kidneys. That is wrong. Strengthen than tailing tter- ves with Dr. Sizoop'n Restorative. It is the nerves. not the organs am no calling tor help. Within " hour: after uniting the Restorative, you will realize the gain. A test will tell, Sold " MI dealers. GIRL WAS Wtlrtnip Harrisburg, Aug. 4.-. grant Inc had received a whipping I morning. thirtoett-retsr-pld Clara Brniunnite this evening hanged hermit in be! h- tttet'te orchard, .. -giiuiiarG, which he: mun a. J. Bauhaus, " how. would pass or} hip way Pom. Neighbon. however, disconred Att' body atttmt , o'clock, when n in Human there were sin- ot lite, but u telephone vim were out of order " wu not tor our“ hour um loo- ton could be Msmued. _ .. The little girl had lunged um" with u “up. ml Ilse tad an" In: In? ”who chuolmgronnd. t uncut am the girl ha! been chum-ed by her step-mother this morning, She wu Round the unq- thil durum in I “pendent mood, and was seen mom I p.111. ping over to when she wu ted. She had been out gunning Apple: prov- lnus to this at t neighbor's. "Guaer%ilion ot Bradford wu ttouged. TRANSFORMER STATION CONTRACTS Mil Contact; tor the immediate COtb- Itmcuou ol the Toronto and Lo. doe tun-lama union In conco- tion with the Provkreial "gunk-io- lino were H by the Hydro-Elan!“ Conttttittslott yuan-thy. Then you meant as the meeting in Wonk). "on. Adam Beck. the Chit-9|. all Mr, W. K, Nahum. If?" Hon. Mr. Bock “Went” hetd an m trated mm um: 81: hum Whitney . The conlncll were, in and one, "mac-d h) its tows" mun. Tbe construction ot the Toronto mum will lie done by lam. Viki.“ I Sell, Toronto. lot $30.50.. TI. London trtatlort will h. - tir let- In. “yen Bros., London. for “I.- m, The cannula tor tho. " Wood-lock. Pull. Berlin, Shallow: and» " he be my “a "The, construction 'ttt ttte station at (Mud-l um! Nut: (I already ”museum? an lira. It. Beret, when Montana. "and n h nud- pated “at “My will h when! by Dunn-mm. The W! and - mn M on at 'tft<s6mar a an hum-Ha I. cum my I. q. M N F" tfill a. tittt a ti wt. lulyl. rat-w "aii'iiiiihtritfhRimt iiiiidg HERSELF 1MMm - she _r--, - - _ T _ a nut. . u to - . i'fiit'iiii'ii,ih' - m u $lrtttie “a“. Ind-Illa“: man an. no mm te to 1,-2qu n at"! it 'IMI team .01 a. 'rtotrtb of " mm." Tu ul- vill no me- dd Mum tutu to clu- 0!, 30' but“ 18. , 1. t'P.'rpr 1:" . _ , . . I Mr I: 41-? Le, .. . 'ati', wTea r' LII‘II ttff, . , _ L. = isiittqut V d tt. h ttr - E an CV 't2tatat, .Wilitiir urti-ttrttto0iqeq1e" . . an Mi . .", -.' .4. 4 " T, V " (MW at Ede. t The orttaoxm-t mum- on w tum- d it; com to all!!! " mu In. it "ttte' ‘ ' old-gins. with g M. " " ‘ V - aiood, to nun-um ot Mun- vkq to! with”! you”! tee) also. ad - “our“ " as limit Th mum “Ithaca W ceqt. royalty at no not“ ol the pit trom paying all. in - "rr “tinder! to the Prowl-mean! it a believed that in M10! t. the use ot the Provincial mine will mu 1 hmdnmc revenue. _ Th. ',irit'Sadl'l'J; “I“ win Inch“. K v mm viBe4at aim. was" a! a. Gulls limit ttro, previously disputed M. Ttse Prouktrtrrin. I: sang Wynn- Ut an» m u.- Muir " olm mum-giant, "'. but; and tuot*pthttf-.8'3), , limit clued compass 350 urea, dtt' / ed Int ' about tinny totals. In: which cl|y - "05'th I“ t Wett done. The condition air an} _ inJudc u ten ter cunt royalty “in " ntums a the mouth at the ti m l "to will he made cam my: Nader to clone Summary! 18. _ _ I Work on the line. ' - T 3 Ccnsidi-nble votk has be! than ' the Pmunciu mine. There a: two mm. One ot use in no Ice! in ink Ind! " u an! 185 feet, respectively. 0- ur. 6"!“qu cum have been ru-twird 850 feet and Indy-rd 250 but hud- dmcn 210 [at ot- 'eittiq in. it. done on other vein cuts. East ig the sin“ there are -erat cross-am uni: “use” has barn put through to the trurface. Ccttsiderdtrte “ltqp- mag" has also been tic-2. On .0. new“ Incl drin- in. be- "r1ggt anally tor 310 led, while It 135 [cut their ha: been eogrii6erattk, crou- cumng north and south ot the vein. The second than is " led. deep It lies on the custom bound-1 ot ltr, property tut' More“ . diluent Vein, In July Int ‘hile til-monk mum: nut an bounty ol the; Smu- claim the mama, a! “if to ore n . vertical depth ot 125 teat, and two or than other will I were on u-cut deeper down. The mine is equipped with good] Milan‘s, splatdid boiler and com- ;nuot pint. aid «but mining my winery. It has nipped two carton" ot Cobalt ore and one o! tsilver on um! ttas some all": on ht stock. " no and: MW that t'1W.2',2d'd Miami”- an! m B! W“ u'lu'd'dMlrhrA('l51i'ir, which. mttetf, m (“unsung aaente,tti,anduahBrht-tthrero. diuoudcblmudbh 2,at:gtttrtt'fg1'alt .9th!!- W'- -.h in. I - t-tr-ir "iiii'i"Aiiiiii"l '32? BEEGIIAI’S PILLS. - iiii9hea, Reading for _i1,;(ll,t,,l8'),)_ll' I," 1rtucuoasuumugmrts in again" an. ssi:areNifr , '9' j nut-qudnbbingru-hIh'm MAA) .,HeA,.ertli A.“ In: m ttie tam. paw-tannin M311. , Magi fwmyun‘iupooiallyb'nm An irg,M, ‘W ’uunuormmrcmmmr sub-aim. dummy [iii? oots,rouaauaooaAmwi-ar-esoudortqA.e l a... 811an nuidingh ttirUrAttd, sum 'rho wish gtiiesgiiss,f, Wm: an» F! nil-no? ttthuge, channels-Wink and Wood; nu a,” 'tRe' "ait't'ill "ii.i,,, 's Mulch-WP]: Ct/ttlet".'.?.'.'.':".'.'.'.-'.! . F'.? Eil - 01mm rdcgnphuml My o..........,-.'...".','" V 3,, TT,, unmade-raga» name My Wain”... s.u.i, 8.8 "r'yf:iCi, t7heotttesuauegrarrh on my» My 'ew.,...-......... a '3 Climatic-TOW and Toronto but. -...:........ L. Ohm-Telegraph and Noam Wm. .... ...... I no "tmmtiWtegmets And qytemstot_r me...... .. .. " Ommieu-rtksgratrh “WWW“! ... .. "5:11an. “nan” Wereommnegtd on: undo-In to “It." no PM "r.eate, and Home Equine. the but WW’“ 'ret-At" Arelir “NI must accompany all orderi. Maki rum»: b Pond Note, Money/Order, Registered Lawyer Expenesys Ordér to . . . _ Publisher David Ililkramw2'lfe,?'at. Tht' July nonriih'm: "ora. ttite-tht-f Broad thing? r Tho Min mum qrt.tiyi" *ryy tawny” 11:1" 1uraN'rrA'l It. - manna-cum nun-II; _ _ _.-.-- ism.“ ". t'eitfug,'l' m n W " V 'r/IU.. 2'a'(l'IG'd tiiiiiiii2iifileliuthti "tNAT. chi-“3% .711 -t?SP1tt, f'.’doen been: tr-lit-iii"')"'.';-" every (l 3 than any other flour. Ask a} tracer. - '; git - au '"’ nag“ 'ii!giaiiiii1tiii,'iiii' on. duo-M when: and tn naming-n. . “no“. _ - Ghoulish-Mania ”Wauyldl .v....i.-. '...‘] Gimmick-Tm And - M “Wail, “A.“ my-drier-gre-td IMMM ...........a.__1 Web-m and noun-1w»); mm;.:a;::.‘ " Whyl'qlecnnl ma men-mu bdrm-n “than “mm-mud.“ iiiiiiiMTC.1... ... ... ard My Glob- ui "qf.tr,,s,rs,, - H14, mm. mummy: “gm???“ "tTri','] m Lent i. My wk" Jy ”um. 3r.,u-m.|-In-s III-1m . r, LhIIIRMHAtM ,r-.-ts Wenon's Bakery M)... V“ “hr aht.1'l.edltttltdtl." 'g'N'Tl'tdSts') . _ mm...“ " .I'II 't.tlmtgeft. ". tcusuhtarrttttmmt8t. fatn- -irio. ‘- 1* Will. t 1.15 LI'2 '1 a.“ IICII L2;

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