", tunntmtsrrtra' clesringe bought u out on price. M?†i"“"'"“"' "y. 'C" f ' - ' - _e '. . .. 'f: . "' up“ who: oiurtiutar- "alike,",!? blrgliul of on; nov- q . , mm an n in '.e0$etr' In! ttit-ttttdo, tiii, 'itict9tii"tii't't V C Iss'. , in; Sch. " will pr you to come miles to tir-sn" you no 'r,""' I :4 .' _ V l - w.' _ j/ "irl' Csiltte' .. f/itrfr' than pm will Lay all you on for futnro use. ' ' - 'he' Jtt1tt,,t, m ttt 3Mllt, 't,i)rhttti._,rLu, P "etri'sBttstostea1f hoe boot... regu- totssroe...........1,.......are P-' “.5 shoe! choice . . Bevin-hoe. at..........,.......- Boreeitiorhoeant...... ... Bora' 82.50 shoes at pom. regular $1.25 for O: .. .. by buying shoes Saturday. chm. waned myles.... Inn?- 860 cm ud In. shoal _ tte 11.95. I.“ 34 Guard low choc: Little boyn’ box kip bhcher bul- Borsf coax!» sho-pee heel calf up- Uhildren’a Shoe. st Me, 65c. 86e and Inlmt’l Baotou 15c, 26e, 35c and Ladies‘ $3.50 low patent leather Every pair of summer shoes at cast price. Come and save "ko'"'r Ircus, Hire are just a te/ot many All Kinds of Shoes em. W'umun and check“ or. '."'G-.r.....,............, no Berlin, Wednesday, August l 95 ( P'" “I g u dosed In 17GiaPr W. " Oxford. in tan and choco- late toe......t.i1,u.u-. o.........". new maippm and low shoal. "suurtim..-...-.......-a" for and 3 lump, for for. sizes 2 to 4, to clear " M.. Hint-3' " chocolate lam boots. Mused' 31.50 Low supp". with 1 Cbildmn'a Slippers, reguhr $1.25 Children’s 8t slippern for Children's 75c slippers in wine can». Ne fancy baby Ihoes. to clau- 10c shoe polish for "In". “I“ ttltr 533 may“ EH1] 1 Our Dry Goods Stock is aim tuut Aii& of things Ladies' my! 40-er Ila-“9&0“ 8'2t'/itfl,eS'rail,til'lt"s',' Canadian. w 1irtetiuetrQuilts "air-M Street' w will U ndersaai: may Remind otstt'ai:.artmr â€in "gull: Mt for 190. CROP REPORTS STILL SANGUINE ' L00. We Western Canada Should Have a Bumper Hinest This Year _ Ladiea' sud Children's 1m hon, all lilo! " 180, 200 and Mk. T Comprehensive reports ot the condi- tions oi the crop in Western Canada hare.been received lrom Maultoba and other points west. With few, ex- cvptions, the indications arc that a much bet ter crop all around than last year will be reaped. The following is a summary of the reports from various districts: Cypress Rivier--The district is ap- parenuy going to tune a good aver- age crop. _ V _ J sa1troats-C'oadiuoas better than they " e been for three years. Lauder-The crops are much better at the present time than in 1907 and 1908. Prospects tor a big crop were never better. F-ren-htm" (a: days earlier, but not quite as heavy. thntrea-Atrout the same. Carmart--The crops this rear rathet better. Stonewall-Better prospects than 1907 and 1908. Kintuner-The crops are better ad- vanced this year than in the year: 1907 and 1808. W.vnyard--Crop prospects are of the wiry trrighteat. _ Mciihb--rn advance of both [907 and 1908. Never was a better odtittoe. Miuitottatr-Much further advanced. Pirrtron-Betst looking crop tor the last tew years. brch--Yield easily double this year over last year. McCretuy-Eqtnu to 1807 and 1908. F'indur-Beuer at this time o! the year than the two previous years. [Quito-Renal rain: have Improved tro8 walla-M17. A" no, only a A "4 Lsi,criuc4 Shoal Lake-Two weeks ahead at 1907 and about the umr as 1908. An avenge crop ls expected. Morritr--Wheat crop in better. thritttnd-Vvry Invorablo. A lair, "(my "top Is managed. Mimtidosa--Prospe) are tor a fair crop. mum-c. Phuns-iray alum! of [at you In "or" way. "oimi---irter prmrwh that, Swan mver--Beucr. Fall wheat is a good crop. class harvest hire. Bnttttild-Crops the gent-ally. Ctvorvhhridge--Mxrtlt better and just as far sir-nerd. Prospects bright for I brim" "up. mytthrmpmta were - better In this district. L-tmm-NI, " “manic. Far-m Well any“ with outlook. "lttmaaHr+ can" we could» end good. tt :0 Mm mm yum. Neetitt--Aqmy the“ ot In“. war. are!“ and Altoona- Cmtsidrvablr rut-r now than in 1907 and 1008. Mrtrqegt- Terr mum new". rural “no line olm’ N903“ My†llcgnlu' mum Mum . " 500(075 " " Mk ". . " 75000.1.†" " .80 . IadiW Liana Hose, Saturday, August 7th will bis ttiir thiuriitt “1-†Shoes, 41 King A. Weseloh & 00;?" Our aim is to please you. Stock is " adv and consists pf the' Mil li T 2 P' ‘1 ,. e J. to-wenr Mustirs, Gingham. ti1,tttt'litlitltltl,'gi'it In; 12*"; y, l ' ' 8 w spoeial St, East. Dry Goods and Clothing Store, across the t 42 King St. East, Bérlin. Dominion City-Prospects good lor better than average crop. 1%gM--Ctopx looking better. H - Roossty-0tte {week later, and not quite as heavy. Sheets and Pillow S tth Small Waxy H-, 'r"?, Iiid"i"j T . r"- M-ee -__e"e . Carberry--Beuer at present, qut need rain. Kamsach-Much earlier. Lyletort-Just is good a 1908. Holmtteld--Eetty as tar rimmed and heavier crop. , kitiarmt-Atruut two weeks later. Wnwaneaa--h little later than 19019. Swan Lai-Ass good, it not bet- Ruben-Crops look good. Plan†of XIII. , better. virden--Pr-U look good. We11wood,crhs good, but earlier. Sottrig--Better crop than but yelp Stdney--Strme as 1908. Ne-a-wheat looking good. _ Reatort--About the more. _.. Edrame-Prmqrecta better um: last. you. Dtmphitr--A good Average crop. 2'.li--Eserrthing promises well. Crystal City-Never better. Newsdate-- Above avenge, and Carly. Bagob-Further advanced than Int rear. . MacGregor-Good expectations. ‘ 11rtutdeiews- Looks like u bountiful harvest. tor Robtin--d'r-u better mu m in: years belon. Fanersow-aeropa look grand. Br-ditto-Marty. Oak Rivet-Will compare [notably with pteviou- yous. ut-ttr-Prospects better now than since 1,900. xNiqiet"-- Looks better than lot was. Bumper crop looked tor. Mnrtitmr-As nurly ideal as 'ore sible. C1ettrweather-BeUer than "" and 1908. . Niuetta--A little Ink, but doitttt wrll. l Ningtt--Cropts look fttttt. The [allowing dlstllcts, boweser, are not quite u [will mull we wished: Willow 'Bllgc. Nlldtc. Headlngiy, Glrnbom, Gudsttme,rtxs homo, Arden, Aulln, “yum. Clattwilliam, Brandon. Sllvuphju. n in; «Mt lo many mun-h It: â€rancid. Tinn- Winnipeg. Mat... JulrM,--The lam sun-um- tn m: WM in causing co.- udonble speculum: it the pig. time u to what will be the a! whcn the tht “it“. CoeAraetora, emNormrnt - and other, when bound- ts to be, In touch wbth Inbor cmdmou, 'tate um male-a new In a cum than will In a Mr“ W at trtt1tbrterytrt.,. J,.__, iiasawood-same gs 1908. it not MEN WAM’EI) APPLY hs, Call and set us in our new store. magnum-Ill" minimum 'iiine.qtat. good My: spud arttitii 31.00 01.10And8135 _ _ ", settttou11rndotourd-h91ete "yrqiuitrtdetoc' "'-" '". , -'". Ke Iuliu’ Punch. Tnvollan’ â€pi-s at "a and Me. _ .. _. Children's Tuna, - "tt line (a MV Raga-shoe and 75. has for we, Saba am in. wage-NI. his] moat has been decided upon. The stain he: "lavished _ a use ninety will lus also Imported iron my one hundred thou-uni sapling. "osttr I white pine, stumble tor bdtdipg PM" poses. This is, my: my: loaned Witness I cation. volume“ on the recklessness viii WELD American tor- rlis lane hemmed that white pine. “pimps lit-e to be imported iron: Europe tor replanting the indig- enous home ot that tree. Ott the first ot April last,'Mr. A. F. Hem look olilce as Vermont's. first State Fores- ter. His ittrerstiguiotts show tint more linen-two Mound million leet ct the next umber hue been out iron: rune brute ot the state since 1880. This we: ell the whim! heavy growth the trim ot wttittf, Mt on the ground to (â€fies-me readily combustible load tor the Helms. when fires started, like that which recently {Isolated a Inge section or the All. irondach in the â€ignoring state ot Ncw York. Vermonters. named by the tremendous dattnction oi the he“ lotut lands in the state. have begun' a movement lot tree-planing. The total are; at the ma 1r 5,849,000 t"tprt1t't,tit,','s,;"S" m tt W t _ will De ,- 567,000 “In.““w not with- in lam: boundarie- IM m. Imprm'ecl [am 111 and M11; make up the minder. The pm in to related. the vale lend: ell ox- er the M. The lemme will be supplied with “puny taudet " cost price. m, it in F ' a “a will readily um mo tree culture. as it will promise 1(le prom-Ne re lurns in a few yen: ttont lend now lying week. end when. True en: a glow growing crop, it is true, but it cultivated me “man timber er- ery year ot erowth will add to the value oi the lend on M. The tutter trodreto q “Venues m tor “out elem: million Jolie" e not. in. nth! out is dtttsintstttqt owing to the 7mm; “may. lion the 'ttite.- dred lumber mill! in column o.em- lion but at lent "one"! “(it ino- lilelle New, Anna brat are; no {main the detmdstitrat, a! e 'r'.t'Mt'.'Se'.l'-eSNt :- Sr".'-'-"-".."-'-."-'. anon mun bemadeirtMiUisto be pre- sumed . mint the evolution the! usual surely tMtow the dime-ea An "imam: gimme glancing reforesldng the ,rtlrtt hull ot ye OTTAWA IS ammo According to the m 'treetoey cl (Mutt. int and. m a?†Mthrt II may can“! at _ up In. '19:." Km. policy will in to be ad.qsted lid '" Itpto Mia: orudlm In In M M pmsllxlfo. ot A','lltt h 6ettte more than til-bur was. to demolish the Iota“. FOREST RESTORATION TF" , P n'? Street 'iiiiil,att,rs" â€1"?" 'I tBtarttar,Aatr.htr viih lb “ .5 Id lp-to [Haunt Chili; and Pie. 'ut-tttd-dt-Intro Twin- Wrrmcuw-w - 'i"'dWPtTWt'n" _ w rrn t'.iit,tr't"""i"'ti,l'giMP'r"1"'"" Urn-1753‘ “a“. '.., :1" be.' x 'r _ - 1"??? V mu- - u "-r+ adiiit.t-/ee.ta-rrtsh. Ftat-irttirtrqm, Our Imam Sum Our 812 Ian's Suits snug-lily lulled mun- wasn‘t-Eudora!“ ttti meit.hr8eqm an 'orh can-zuc- Atrto8tte gF’ARMS' 1563 "tr/tgit-c/r/i/s:,' _rwh.gtigho-tter>thrm'tr' -ot-eosuittrrhteear" "tttui-a-ri Col-o prime-Ion- V m an up wining-II "M, can“ _ One " we Jam: close to though and between Cwboro and Calm, comma: bows; “out but can " beats; he tar ot the “an ll very Met. files 31300. For . quick an an be bought. tor 3480 doâ€. CANBORO Very nice we were hm do: to Carttietd notion; about ten'lcm but, druid "ell; hwy well lewd; buildings mailman. P11383000. _ Another he 100 acre hm; ‘th lay of this turn: lg splendid; “My, good buildings, very good had. Prim Outcry. mam mm; aboucnomogmm net lud;mmm.wb pin-9“â€- v- .’ _ "Anni; "also " mm close a. (tn-hora; g an do. ya}: why vice. Pike “.00.. ' [ A 187 turn with Amt " we: ol‘oodbu}. 11.de Mn II -ttd,ettritnqttqeer- su'vieo mm “limb!“ Amy-inc tunnel about 150 mini a good brick hour. a and null m. drilled an, com-on an; due to Cum. mun, Onto! than“ 1'0"“!!! Fox m‘muo- an!!! to Tomato. July 30.4â€. be ac- tht', , r " tet in In: ate: may: a r. . " m, iGiiiiiiaii of a, 0mm, may.†at m: cm“ tttr "a warm-um oi 1'i'i"i'iri'ie Mr. Bat- whwhooehlllI-Iql not In a“ 19! an ttttm gush-tangled Pr ag-e-set-Mori. The - all“. was 3 Pan Com-dot at the Immun- Test, K.o.TM.; M (M In." Com 1HtryrtrAf'.o.r, 91‘ .93". °' Tron-conformity “an. $tto i:7V6Itlh-uuuyuw Ian’s $15. Suits tiiiia Odd Pants DEATII OF h. W. Bunk In Haldlmand. County nil List or tha. 'oetruo-ttei.atr,9,e?st, 'rue-Air-o-yrs"'., may-Isn‘- “In!“ as. arir.hsp9e6dr, rm and Cat. gig bore; goiit aAptceibrrtq?18at huh; treel ct' a watered; In! elm “an“ Item- _il" i All dept-cod it,,t,o,,i,(l.rai'i'il'g'it.' i good- " mt iioaiit 'i. ', war in minim-MW 'a,-'s, :hbkloryon.tollilpyw rr'))," nmwmumwmg " we . ,1 a. vim new A180 m mm, em mild-58: rm make . _atrleirttid . nature lam; on p: hand“ '6 tte. extrtmttr low prlce'ot’um.‘ _ "V T 225 an "ttmv, lug bulk urn, mum {nine ,honn; [up amt very clout. to Canon: thir um ie well Matador “all: mm Price was _,m'_ *2 5.“; __ is in} was number ot 'i','.,' “ratio: "ttttqtrtt6itattrest' an" T-q new in the; nonfat!“ trom AttA' Boy's PM Salts hmmugnumco f),'ff/tt"tit ,mt.rdtt a.“ Mf), I.“ te _ T 'tatemc' " i=7“ mutton was... ,,ttf,pr311 _. mun. mum and“: B,th ‘ , mic-z Mata- from as; "" jag ‘ Gabon, in one od a. “flu, I the .Provina. Canary. ' - actual, are: church-hâ€? _ " clouding will. “Vanni, and a - '10, W, none in ,ttiaMttl.Slt,',,'fsi Boys' School Baits tl tm aattst r, 1m, Mr. mar. mmuon I“. a. Cumin: my Mum-- m. in mm may. an “Ea-man a tr-ee' o! aq We can. This imprint M ttem he W to hold for non “In “It!†yen“, during’tlhl“ “it h “on“ as once-w “.1 m sun at mam. In new: VIM II “and: concern“ M "I It“ you. at ate my. 'eti will“, “mount“ hit up.“ mum-m also. “an my ',1, '"'Ntt'""t Do“. it†SW. a: - IMO- a. t or “but M In "on. n I: no not" that no can; out lot het . mun- them m mm -conv.roIlL‘ m Mth De M" Rwandanâ€... mg . . good bum: w I tNttlk m a n ma q ONTWO wax): u Ag CR