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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 5 Aug 1909, p. 5

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[-1 A5. "a B8F38s% p oerraibe-' in LIN t the weekly teg. M' , . = , w. Friday m‘ F' -r , - fi V . "y Unelm-in recent“ q , - than» trout and ut -. ' ' _ "' Iron: his mend, Mr. . Fs.3ff1?, mini um. Current, r , ' lil 'it. ‘ our great mm: '3: " lulu and childrei‘s " w»... t n. tttthe J. s hm ».-- i ", 'ii- I “we! ot the Guelph Lawn Tcn- would be loll: unfinished ma year. I ite., . Cttrt mile? Waterloo Monday. Mr. O’Donnell said tNN. Mrs. " “in!“ a friendly game with the Kuntz, Mr. Damon and Mr. J. B. _ n , J01 Wig Nhee. Thet locals won Hughes were opposed to having a ", " "at, tour singles an! two park at this point. . 't9iyte. Th: ladle! kindly provided Attei some discussion a motion WI! retreahments and a few was passed Justruéting Engineer Mung- Inm mat pleasantly. mi: to stake on mummy. nt- a-aw-gala: tootwear ii and below ter which the Council will visit the cost, " the J. B. Roos Shoe Co. same and decide whether it will be _ . aévlnble to have . park " this , thtctttrate ol Harlin Minter-loo plug. ttf1iCCty,tShr, was tooth“ The Mayor stated that Mr. J. E. i I!” tut tettetro.o W‘s on Tues- Seagnm requested that the Cam“ - Vt h restulted Ina " tvry [or secure permission for him trom the we locals by a more of 1--0. Grand Trunk to drain the land along t ----.--------' his property. The Clerk was instille- "m'm' “PATH " , ted to write the Grand Trunk and i,“ rMyachool oi the gm: C" gm church punished at the , Ir: . on film!!!“ autumn. s" A -tM"rrteetitte ot the Nutmoo 'e., Board us he“ on Wedntuday “vim my routine mum ya mud. ‘11. striu,,ored will gives bani M” “thrice park on Monday tuning an. . ,Lulhl' tan and patent Oxfords, “m" regular $3.00 tor $2.25, 10%;“. J. 8. Roos Shoe Co. _ its: Ethel Hodgins ot Ailsa Craig K'WII engaged as , teacher in the “INLCatnl schobl to an the m Goldie 'EeCt1uocls employees ot ttit witt {told their annual pimi: at “I. “W park on August 14th. A tiit6sUr pitnl: will be held, in the, mum.» park on Chic Holiday llnmlny. Aug. 9th, under the nuspicus d the Waterloo Musical Society. sunnan numgg Woed tn remind "rty m. mom- h. menacing tho (nation death of In. 303nm, “to 01 Mr. Jon. s. Sam, Ex M. P . ct Waterloo, this): took was Wedge-d” waning, u Gunny- land, Panama, Inning. SUCCESS 0F FQRQER Mr. Astor nrcss, lormerly clerk in Mr. A. K. Roeech's grocery, has ttmmf n rosiuon with one of the ”Vivian;- grocery firms in the {his New York. Mr. Kress writes ‘- ___. _._:;:r.. 0.. axon“? and IMttdul pertorrmuce ',kttFe.tatlesr with his tcrmer employ- 7t"i,r,rrttrtettsruPt"r Mr. Km: on ttr-PSS,','.".,',','",,?,",; and wit" him ' 1m in to new position. iiiiég GA his present pcsiticn ta . [at that he isa Canadian with A” _chgncter, and a. reputation .,' Mo death occurred on Wednesday at “W: a! Mr. Henry s. Rockel of m Jlmlschowski, wire of tdw late Mm Jamischowi.t ot the ad- _ Age of " years, 8 months um! " an}: The deceased wu’born in W. Gamay. and Ins been a 'tash" ttt Watq’lob me may years. l ht (£3,311 t::ak PM Thursday htttB' {bugs-idem ot Mr. H. B, Mel . loan Home cemetery fn than». . at but lumen and tam-pawl. " an - ammo tutarWr 'rtortt- hl . F " C minnow “My pt trut, iagri I!!!” of 'rofrse WBt' eprsl in.” .11.,” manned out min.- a” “‘M “n .g $t-t"si'r_ 4 l "at: we per .01. Cherries, wait“ a to 400. “I but t " b . III-eat Mk. III a uni " “t - 'LL: s-',...:)' V L..., A "tteg and m C. - wear-ut 213': 'd DIED 08,.WEDNESDAY I . .. ltr." N and it. , dot. a .n as. y chem, on]! u to I“. _ rum ms. {it I“ be. "mu, In tTri,' " M - tLad iris iesittatstion of likening THE [HIST iiitiigi.0o BOY tat 5510mm toe on Wednesday 'st J. 8.800- ale or sort Tyer' ii2ipf BW' W‘WE :"'1 - -,i. ' idol-h; ot aim _ ' _ ; aiii "- an u wanna MI, ,','St Myth. ttdee; . m In: in mun-n In". III-1e- nu: mt. am. “an, car-mu. can. Rd up} O’Donnell. swung. ad To" Mini-d , - in? taa"iiins mum-unh- - i-r0itrqa1t one: inn-tubal. He m an“ , W132”; aei.9ioaiati6rrt<ttttt"t "lpitmsErb .tgerotudtreeaittM. nil-"Lu“ menswear: w avuiimtootownndth" m t-ruitreeatiodror " "e for E'cm' r-iririuiiik, in to may Engine-rm and at Atm to m on a. - pic. er u. 'Witt "tttr - The etr,T.'ttftlltt " tall " tervrGeed Mr. BM ' "at ill br- Iin Ligtrt Cami-clot with a «in to lowering an undo on “It. Bt., ad will wormed my the work would be ':otrt-xN1 as noon " the Town Council pooled I tuolutla. A resolution It: passed, moved by. Councillor: Huehn and Sterling, that the Berlin Light Commission be re- quested to lower - on King St., in lront ot MajKunpt'l m1- "accordance with levels given ”an: [Engsneer Moogk. 3 Mr. Us”: asked that the Council 'repair the bridge on Kills St. North. The request m granted. - The Mayor brought np the mutter of having In oval mped perk on King street between Williun- nod George streets. and stated tint the work must he commenced at once it one in to in built. Town Engineer Moogk estimated the cost ot the park " $1200. About $2500 wourrincittde the cost of the macadam road 1nd park. n ... _. Au.. “a“... Reeve Suggitt was ol-the opinion that 81200 wns I big price tor a park and said that ll the same were constructed it-would be impossible to tiaish the madam road ma rear. Councillor Gnybill wanted more intormatiort and stated that the cost ol a park would be high and would mean that the magmlam roadbed would be lelt untiniitied this year. Mr. O’Donnell said that: . Mrs. . -.,, I u secure the Interesting Services Held Sunday Under Auspicrs St. Joturs Lutheran Church. MISSIONARY The annual missionary lestival ot" the St. John'ss Lutheran church held on Sunday proved an occasion ot in- spiring interest and was graced by the presence of speakers prominently, con- nected with the Missionary Move- ment. The services were carried out along the lines followed by the Latte eun china in Germany ovary yen. Rev. R. Reader ot Mn, N. Y., delivered an eloquent sermon. At the morning service addresses were deliv- -....A In: Rev. A Oberlmder, ered by Rev. A Unenanuer, Rev. E. Bockelman T and Ree. F. otserlander " the park in the al- ternoon More nn audience oi nesrrty (in thousand people. The evening service was held in the St. John's Lutheran church when inspiring ad- drcsnerwere given by Rev. L. B. Wolf, on. and Rev. E. Bockeknnn. L Manic was In important leature of the mum and Iva greatly enjoyed: " the thou-dd! who announced In the various sexual. Tho w. M. B. hand mama seven! meatloa- In splendid style nil silo mommied the congregation in the new. The church choir under the the leader- lhip ot Mr. Chi. Frochlich and the ”we mend woman“ up during the dar, win - ex- teediitgtr'fbms. The pastor. an. E: Bochlnnn, was In chug! ot oil the lenien- md the contribution: dur- in; tin Guy were tibeeat ad unity- m. In (In monk. Rev. E. - ”one! an w" m. ul- hg’ul Mat [toll Meaghiatt " Ttte out: in; men! m In. .010 "Rock od Ago." w.. - a do “to all!!!” by In. A. 'tittkiee, cl In“. _ mum "evseowaaheW1n mm,munmmau an mMIwrmn-a 'Uris-ttt nu-auce. Truman-WW mana- 1!'t2",t't. mun . - i'iiibriaiii3Mth1l-' - ..,,--_-._ V ,, mission for him Item the tk to drain the land along y. The Clerk was instn'ac- be the Grand Tmnk and necessary permission. nut-oa- tNevis. was ot, the opinion under the INC leader- uu. Product and the Indexed appropriate be dar, wild ppp t? M FESTlVAL E. - on I A but u: - mm mm 'Sg,t'ii'att td'l',1'l,'. fil'ttttvt wttMtttg .. 3 I. in "qaydru, ttt hug” - n In”. _ S . 35 or ‘0! utens- ' _ jig out at B any 1m - an. The Clerk was mm to who tor eight has uh “but, the out o! In: to h M “I. v’ V Mr. ty'Jh-tt “to! am It. Fab lai't't,t. at “but Mn a.“ how mg: it w my to not unh- IM. nu Could! Wit ot the oplnlon that the up. than“ be embed high would: to ma “lance 3 unplanned of by resident- ln the vict- '. nity of the factory. if'LiiiihtitC,f, tte mgiote. gastahr. nun- n We. tre Mug-391‘!!- on nu new.“ nun!“ qBttrter qt ttf. mm. W WWO- uhd - a. mild!!!“ - cry uni-tum pan-1H0. A. Winkle; “my ..e...ur. -.......... “.00 anut., Juno tuxsiturrt-..i... 15.00 Dr. Hilliard .......F.r.. ...... s........,.) P. Tron-eh, Inyot'l portmit ... 25.00 David Bun, printing. ..p....r.'.'... 33.13 Bauertttreetttd, printing m..........'. 3.50 ‘J. a. Doetum, stationery ...... 0.00 Wm. Snider, light .......... w...,l"f_.1rl, St. Michael's Hospital, charity ”.001 B. B. Sticker & Co., supplies... 0.54 Dr. Armitage, charity ....et..t m.. 5.00 Dr. C. P. Noecker, cherity ..i..' 7.00 T. R. Weir, signs ....r.utrer.a'"."". 15.00 Wm. Snider, electric light .....mr.. .85 M. Wdchel a Bod, supplies t...u., 1.70 Geo. Homo, st. sprinkling .... 5.00 ’J. Btrettet,...-.. o.......'.-'..;--.. .10 Ovens & Jacobs ......._. '-'N'r""etr 20.30 E. Shantz _.............'. .-s--'-.. .30 Board ot Works, pay sheet ..rr"" 7.88 Geo. B. Moos]: H..tr.r6rt.. ...l.r.sr.... 21.00 Waterloo lug. Co. ...--+-'.o 13.33 Bechtels, Ltd. b.-........ ......W. 0.80 li. sum: ...-...... ......u-......... Alt M. Welchcl a Son ,..,.1...,... - 8-03 A. Shoemaker & Co. W. M.78 [Board ot Works, King St. pave- T ment ..-..rt.r.r. r..r..e"r'r. ...,.c...u.. q G. P. a H., freight w......".. ......1 Bell Tel. Co. Hm"... _.p..,u...-'- Ed. Shana, repsdrht.v,... _ J. Btrebel, repairing ...:‘..... s.i... Bttxtenroeder a Koenig, repair- ing .trm.rttrp" .t...t.r.... ........ Conrad Bros., repairs “my I. Thomas. flry team “W, C. Lucio, liundry ...tw.rr. 'PF W. Snider, electric light ..." L. Graybill, expenses ......... J..Wa|eloh. teed -.r.r',rt..r. . A. G. Rachel. supplies h. giving impres‘sfve incidents ot the Iseli-s-Wing out! truf.tul work ot a number ot the church's Riding mite! sionuieu. i Rev. Dr. Wolf, General Secretary of the Ioreign mission board, under whose supervision the mission work in human: Africa. is directed sue m eloquent address. He said he was speaking as an outsider interested in the missionary curse, and had labored ior twenty-fims years in India. There are lorty-eight million persons, sub- iolcts of the king,, who speak in vu- ‘ioul languages, and who” custom. and dress are very unique. Travelling ’through India one can see my oi the idols in the temples! nigh are web Amt: Pug-ed. The following account- were shipped try the people. The mission- I, arias hue been successlul in preach- ing tho gospel to the natives, and there are not over three million christian; of the Rttmats Catholic and Protestant church. The speaker re- terred to the large Lutheran college in Consent, India, which but man- bership at “out one thousand you cuts. In the Luther» mission there are 38,000 chi-tun mi 300 church- es. the 3mm woman“ having gin: "Msursee by. I grant ot money ee, which to dd the good work. He exproucd the hope that thc lutival {would result in a grater interest be iUrtuin In the Ramona now The “will; service wu held in the church and was - attended: Rev. E. Wall: and Rev. 1.. B. Well hunted linking nomenc- '01: mu. nlon work. In. D. - od Mn. P... Wily an; I solo. The chard the chuck “so numeral Invert] - action. A. Weqehttt will homb‘aturdayd - tth on. occupy two atom. sum No. 1 in their old Wore when My will all about. trunh Ind and!“ My, only on a mark Inger not“ {In More. Store No. I In tteu IV “on um: the street, M they VIII condo“ I can“ in”. Mac may to we" and - do“; “I - (uni-ling mm. This act “on will be - to: mull- My; A... tth, at'tttu'tdlt 2dt'l'. fl - I. In! I. h lb h. wanton or BERLIN Will. “HWY TWO 83MB iiiiiii2iii' iii"gii,iy ie, Ittt tll "I m cttr, M - ttttt Pfl'l Evenlnz Service k Fri-inni- M 448.11 172.00 $4.00 15.00 tt.0tf 25.00 33 .13 528.44 it 10.03 5.25 9.00 t.tf' .56 2.45 5.90 no .50 Emmi Mrs. Maud Grant and Miss Edith Bowman of . GrpeutWeh 'Mlch.,are guests " (ho'home or Mr. and In. H. M. Snyder, Albert street. x Mrs. C. W. We“: and Miss Hughes are the guests ot Toronto trienda tor a tew days. __ [ Miss Hart Ittt on Thursday tor But.. lalo. alter a pleasant visit at the hgme ol Mr, and Mrs. M. E. Brmdle George street. ' . - .- . - DAQ.I\'I left for ' with her aunt, King strqct. L; mummy _ ;.,White Wear ', Hosiery ',, Gloves ', Parasoles E Underwear: , Ihnbroideriet I Laces -rft1duisses, Minnlc and Snyder returned on Thursday delightlul visit witt friends land MF. and Mrs. Kilmana, Mich., City Irigadl. mun-Wu. Mr. T. H. Hall, Toronto, Manuel" ot The General Fire, chidcnt and Lilo Ins. Corporation, Perth, Scab. land, Isa, been spending: weet's va- cation with his family, at the homo of Dr. 3nd Mrs. J. H. Webb. ws. Hadley Hum Ind lunHy left on Friday tor their home In! Brook- lyn. N.Y., alter: plenum holiday at "minute" with her parents " and Mrs Alex. Howie. _ W: ad Mrs Alex. Howie. l Mr. and Mrs. George Wagenut and mm A. F. Snyder, left Satur- q day on m extended trip to the North- west um British Columbia. an. Geo. Own. New Hunbuxg, called on mend: in town Monday. Mr. Chas. Grieooiot Ottawa is a visitor in town. - Misa Gordon cl Stratford Is a guest at w.- Maud O'Donnell. John strut. Mr. Om: Liphudt left suntan his on s an“: days' visit with Toronto triads. Min Edith Dowel has returned Iron a two weekl‘ “cation with Mend! t in Gunmen. . _ Rev. R. Kculcr. ot Oswego, N.Y., and son. Mr. J. Result-r, prolessor I] Cornell Urdu-"Ry Ind Rev. L. B. We", D.D,, yen guests of Rev. and Mrs. E. BoaemaB; during thAr “in; mg"; KcDoupll lett Bat- utday can two wedu' bond” with friends In Btrftrdo and Tnvillocl. Min Laura Rom in tto.turmtt n Belleville, . seat ot her Mster, Mm. H. Morgan. _ Miss Sbcial and Personal Mr. Jas. Bolhdm. ol Brannon. was I gout ot Ma trroi' er this walk; m. E. R. Pollen. ot Guelph. nd In. P. E. Shana, of Preston, veto amt- ot In. bum Bean, George El, on Ina-y. . am. D. B. minim-n, of Loat- Wool, sm., h wading men! west! " ber home tere. r'rtte.rtrtter1lt.l1tt"te an in mm.“ In W. , M . it! an, -i'iiCaitigg6' gtrtyus,, A». Thid viii/il'"'-:" W may l /,v'r_,'11lltittiiittrrev,'r,-"tcis,tai',r its Wear, Whito 'tihitttr"" 1017 Btittirtrcr _'" yes Gloves - Jaw; asoles Parasol“ ttstmrtrar, = 901erqu broideries Hilmbroi'deries :es Laces Including all summer lines. Fridny Mrs. Chas. Harbottle ot Rich., are visiting Twin- Talbot, Tai, ,0“ . Wid- , Mrs. George Randall, and Florence ot Bostem, trom a in But W do (foe W_W a fumd -T:Tr""""""'"""""'"'" Me you met hum hm out ies AL if: (“unaware mama you Lwe no m Juc'il)'is',,_,.,1 agafig‘gajfi‘zgfitfi gawk m nun/bf a food W . !!,itl handyman m q you yet the ueht 4isitsd a ".' ",4a,l8l,i,' "te"'"'"'"" , make as! W took welt too. i,i',i,i, Bahlender s can Mow you couch» anal” you? Alexander House Grocery “a PHONE”. Fred: shipment: of strawberries ’KM daily. f siiLyfGyrfjeo m'Tavmock.’ "iir.-'E."ii." Eiik ot Stratford spent Sunday and Monday a his home here. . Mr. Oliver Geiger, ot the Molsona mink returmd Tuesday trom seV- era! weeU' holidi'ys with triends at his home in Hensall. Miss Frances Longhurst returned Tnesdsy from a visit with triends in Hamilton. Mr, trom West, Rev. W. D. and ws. Lee with their son- and daughter have returned trom a pleasant holiday ot seven! weeks, we“ " Lice Couchiching, In. Harry Lee and daughter Miss Bessie Lee. of Brannon, hue re. turned Alter a VII". with friends in town. -iir-i. J. man of Lisbon in: te- Xumed alter a visit with friends in town, _ - _ A _ --. _ "KI: John mai of Lisbon and Miss Emma Schneider ot Hamilton spent Sunny In town., - "iirT1uir iirirtreo. Bean ot New Hamburg mum friends in town on Monday, Mr. Mathew Jammy left Month! for Linduy when be has sutured ed I good .positlm. Mr. trnd Mrs. Robert Bruce unturn- ed to their home in Toronto Monday morning, tstter a pleasant holiday with Mr. and the Kim: Bruce, Min: m. Mrs. C. W. Wells and Miss Hugues returned on Saturday mom trom I most enjoyable visit with Tom?» "lends, nocompanled by Miss ry Kelly and Min Lundy. Mr. um Mn. M. S. Hullman arriv- Mr, um Mrs. Herur_t1rfi.n _spent ti -FrirHautead has returned a several weeh’ trip to the Wells and Min Hughes he has named ' A-tgit-ttini/ie, in all WW1. m eaes,ua., in Ge My. - fem 4.25 to 20. 00. o/it-i/ii),.:")')"',.,,,,, MowL you om aroueLS. t , , fig in. out mamas nil humor Box tlllrAJ, ':if must do hil put well Rich _tiititllttl, a In mm #3.; M1 tonslto tr]. mWShou. mail-ad; aAionrutrdiai1tlerpeis “hum.” Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Walmale‘ children ot Chicago are guests and Mrs. A. E. yam. he Leading Fuperal Directors and EntttairttttN "' PHONE 388 . . . HOUSELAm mm: Jerry Flynn is spending sat-l eral weeh’ holidays “Spunk-lull, Muskoka. " _ . Mrs. B. E. Bechtel and hunters, the Misses Edith amt Ruth accompan- ied by Miss Jenine Wells tttt WedneSc day for Olippant, where they will spend n month at their cottage on Lake Huron. W'w- "'1 ' tsa tA."5r'J'p'rcEi Miss Haul Martin, who ha hem! can; . unmet course in Art Cum struchc-n gt {haw Indulge a Guelph, has returned. 1 - .. . 4-4.“- 1.4“,“ uucnpn. II” .~._..__-, Miss lda Martin is visiting triends in lfrcston. . Mr. and Mrs. Omar Root! or .Lon- den: and Mrs. Helnhmn ot Milwmh tee, Tris., hue returned titers visit in town, guests oi Miss !)me Rom,‘ Duke inert. ( Mina Minnie Flynn ot Winnipeg is spending several wouh' holidays at. the home cl her prams, Mr. mad Mrs. S. Flynn, Young skeet. Mr. Ralph Nichol ot Regina “rived in town on Tuesday, to spend his n- ution with his put-nu. Mr. and In. John Nichol, Willow sheet. "iir'idiGtirtr" ml son no via. Hots u the home ot he! pamtstor "7iV"iii,i' "mm and dguuhueru Victim, J Brattttord, no ”all; seven! by: in Wyatt», the 'tet Mr. an Mr sum: of It Hum nixed. alwh}: Gr G. Laughing will u may mo sxaisum TO mm mm The employ” ot no Kaela! rur- nium my ot “no"! It" " wd to m a - excursion tul- m Wnerloo on me My cl Rar om'o (this "may, sum". Attg tit 'ss ii. .. itre'rutkt G bring ohm ten mind people. mumkd by their not W VII In". in at I'." hTiilc"iLiii Gahk,a-dttt tte J. letter tt Son Try Our 1:.r.ii,'2llla,1, unmv,”nu. - Il- Mrs. Chas. Wanna!” _ Ind iio. Juhn - no me Mr. Thorn" Hillmd, wrt- It. A. ll“, TriitiiitiiE .r'. j THE HOME I “.30qu "Lying. of Mr A quiet wedding tool - tit' home of Mo. Smith M. _ , Bt., Wutuioo, " 6 o'clod: hm eeertinq, whm In: uh, In Fi Man. was tuwttr untried td . Emma D. Bram. daughter of _), J. Burner, ot Berlin. TM . , took place in the prior]: {In Ff: sauce ot the “and“. _ V neigted. Mr. mum I“ - ' _ triads. Rev. E. BoaMrttntm. , d ot the St. Joan's Lutheran T _ onto 'le, mpported Mugab- T: V mgr we saw: '33 tridesmaid. Mt. and Mes... - the recipients ot manual , gins. . I 0cm... Aug. 8..-Ott the eugifa, T stealing (he cant- ucl from” _ bottles left on the doontcpu hr morning mutual, two e46h V oft! Olhwi joutha. mm ' T Alfred mun-o; an" l the Police Conn todat ti -. q _. months in mi, and a comp“? MHz-BRUNNER, mamas 14; BIO MONTH " RECEIPTS The Province teeth“ II "ee-ttet mm during the menu m Jul! thet huh at 110,311», mm? It. W m the - " T m hm» 'ahlld V no $9.!!le“ V ONE um, son h an WW: dis.

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