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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 5 Aug 1909, p. 4

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Mtl, ;;t""“‘:-. Nr,'"",' T _ . _ aa C' 'd'it 'itth's in"! 3 rrcier, W, _ 2lh18l - i W“ “' '%trm' ‘30» tut-o1 ”5n " 1 t ,rerAll '.i, It” We“ ,1 V . w tw-. - N. n, u IE .11!!! at Now “an: - T"? , whiten to tan “In“! Eiiliik a“ manual 1., ”and Into; y. _ >_ ' WW, Ttsito.' at w. _ “a 'ttyi-YV cotton-ad " . 0,, ' " ya okra" Huron M 'BP! _ r “have: in tail. "c'Nt "ttre? Bunny ot Alli-ton t F, " his helm Mc.- Me. iid In: All"! Bum uni tamllr ol 'ttrr.,'," lid Mr. Andm Ann , Wm visitor! at the home ot It. And In. Oliver Berger on Sun- Ae Upto-Mr.' A. w. Hilborn oi Ber- ctti int: 107 Ms at the home ot Ma param- here recerttlr.--Mr. Clay- ton Weber anal puny oi Irieuds ot "wBeetitt spent last Monday in town.-- MI‘I. L. Paine and F. Daub ot New What; md Baden respectively were "ill..)':': visitors to town on Tiesday ”It. and Mrs. Wm. Lederman 'M the: will spend A couple ot _ tin u loudly last tur Owen Sound,1 oy3ete-h"_.. And Mrs. D. Knarr of Nov Humbug visited at the home oi W. and Hrs. A. Maeder on Sunday tant.uamr. A. Y. Hall and daughter 'tqs Nellie ot Tomato, visited _ m and relatives in town recent- EM: and Mrs. John Fletch " wet M and Mr. and Mrs, Albert Luteaiaehlager of Mannheim, were visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mrs, ot P. Poul on Sinday last.--Messrs Levi Stank: and Irvine Mailman ol Waterloo paid a, short visit to town on Tuesday Iast.--While engaged in etrrpentering at Mr. P. J’oth‘s new Tuesday of last week, Mr, Jesse Cle- mens “In unfortunate in tailing a short distance to the ground sustain- Pitcher Broke His Arm.-rn a game olbaseball played here on Saturdxy, July 3131, Elmira vs. St. Cleme ts. a regrettable accident occurred in ~the tirgt inning ot the game, when Mr. Henry Weber, pitcher tor the St. Clements nine while delivering a lull to the batter broke his arm be- tween his shoulder and elbow. Mr. Weber is one ot the popular young men ot St. Clements. The game was continued and in, nine innings St. Clements scored an easy victory by a More of ' Score by innings: - St. Clements ...... ... 00230442): --1,5 Elmira ......v.. ........,.. 310010210 - 8 St. Clement: line up:-N. Schummer' Q, lb, J.,Stumpi lb, P. Weber 3b, A. Reine] ct, 2b E. Heckler, C. L. SW as, W. Stelss, ct, 0. Hinsch- burger If, Ed, Reldel, rt. Battery tor .83. Clements, H. Weber, M. Schum- mer, E. Heckler. Mr. Herb Heller ot St. Jacobi an umpire gave satisfac- tion to nil. . Tuesdny of last week, Mr. Jesse Cle- mm was unfortunate in Falling a short distance to the ground sustain- Mq savers 'lnjun'cs to his one side. We are glad to note, however, that his gondition is improving and unless serious complications arise, he is con- sidemd out of danger. --Mr. Moyer at St, Catherines occupied the pulpit ot tho Baptist church here on Sunday morning last in the interests at the Dominion Alliance. Mr. Mayer deliv- eredan excehent temperance address " I large uni appreciativu: audience. He also addressed A meeting at Bethel on Sunday evening. Ptmonnu.-.Nrsr. Joe Huck at Berlin mt I few days at the home a! Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Behununer.-- Mrs. Ptter P. Schummer and daughter Henriett- and Mrs. J. Huck, Berlin, "out Monday visiting Iriends in Lin- tttod.-Mr. John Douman of Misha- -nh. Ind., and Min Id- Arnold, ot Berlin, called on triendts here on Wed- Ttltr,,' July 8th.-Mra. Ed. Helm ot In staying with her mother, In. Jon. Brenner, for one week.-The lino- Elenorn Brenner and Emeline In! and Mr. ottomittactaerger MM " the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ltttia Forwell ot near Prawn on Mm- Mr. ma Mrs. Clemence Bagel, Toronto. called on friends ahd nhtiven here on Sunday and “by. an (DPT J. Annular and Mr. _ mun, rptumod to their In Bun-lo. Alter spending . - with In. J. Kais r. - "" MN. J, mu. Wuhan. Athi, an It. at In. Hurry mom: sacrum the gum-a puma" . r79- B6tt on Bitmbr-Mr. and Mn.‘ Am» Junta returtgd to Wetr home i'mrm. mm. on Friday "teel 8ltlrg July 8th.-Mra. Ed. Helm ot . n staring with her mother, Now: Nour-Don't mlSS thc Nani In. Jot. Brenner, for one week.-The Concert: on Thursday evening, My t, line- Elenorn Brenner and Emeline Property Bold.-- Mr. Chas. Fun W M Mr. ottosHittacta'erger has sold his Me house to Mr. A. i W n the home of Mr. and Mrs. lruttsperger.-Mr. All-n Bechtel was A tao Forwell ot near Preston on business visitor to Detroit on Tues-l 'rrtar.rr-- Mr. and Mn. Clemnce day evening. --Mr. C. Heldmen is I Dual. Toronto. called on friend: again one ot the Knishta' ot the; “I tel-then here a: Sunday and Grip, represent“; the Ermhupt 90-4"- Leather m, ot Berlin. ms district J --_-_- will be Western ontario.-- Thu-Enter- ',' _ " . AGATHA _ loo Boilel mailers tune rornrteted "t T T _ - their contact, traving Installed " m. (D14 J. Angina” and Mr. loot steel flutmt tor Mr. P. SUM“ Mina. fpturm-d to their mlll, vulch makes- great trnFrortr In Bulldo. me: spending I mall. Mr. Shirk expects to have an - with In. J. Rails r. - mlll running agnln by the end ot the ' and "It J, Beck. Wuhan. week.n- Many housu in town huel "V In! It. on In. Hurry clement he» mrosolesalli' mpmaud by .2 “M Dunn. m the gust-d rum" ot paint-We notice Mr. Ernst onI Ht; ml on SMq.-Mr. And In! New Hamburg " exlrndlnp, [is tele - Janv. retuetttd to “all home phone line nmonp, the farmers north of t W. Mel. on Friday “(KI Mn. This wlll he: Irrest an en- .dnsl In wax. “a! Mr. (I! lane to hath the humus qnd tourna- ' ' t. mm.-m. but: A. at-' peotrle.-Mrm Adolph llulslcucr up ' ot “HM. Md., In the guest: very low at pram", hnhrtc Buttered ' " "2, Mra.'J. Kaiser tor some from a lurnlytlc ulrolw last Thurs- .- hoe- Olivia. ml Caroline day uni lies in on uncunsrlnua eottdV Jtatme split I [cw any. Intrt week tion, We Willi he” tspeedy taco"?!- yta Mail in Dettus--w- nun- -.Mrtr. Ed. Gable of Llltowel - a ”a, "It“ AM J.“ of tere days with In. J. (kilo And I =E= "e.r-dtqartare “no with toNtr.-Mr. an In. Hr. [has ot ' P,e' e “If. I. Dhmr-T'h In" New mmde,eta"od m tthndBo. I . -muiuszurmk-' traturhr.--Nr. “a sh. o. "Ll Ll m m Mdm‘ BNt%tee nth-my gnu In "f .lMEr I t mm a mmwmumhmm at - " w m. Ott-tttMt-Ile. Jon nan-n a! Id a art-- «in». P. Whit-n1qu 'titt, ot “Minute. Md., la the guest ll MI I'll, Mn.'J. Kniscr tor qottN5 ttte.-. "use: Olivia. and Itroi'rru:) Kaila: spun a law days lust week‘ Mitt Mom in Detri-3ettstm' toth- Bdl'k all Alto-h Jun: M . no mulling-om mm with _ pills. I. metrtet.--ru In" ltd,'?,', d all Brqtite Frederick. _ ' were ' ”an dim-In . _ vat-2:; ' lam- u T t I. 00th cl W an IMP' h MI *0- lum. m. t. NEW DUNDIO ST. CLEMENTS Tqetttu new Btttyt _ 't.iBtei6i': . an a! BM; " VI Mg " o! In. an.) b, M ' Int rah-ll- _ tty",', on a "to tha' vhtt to Albany, 'ls.'8.'..TL'. mum: . ' at In: un- lmu spat IgBtxtrd'i lbs! in Bull: with It. at In. " WM W1“ Tomb "t21'2Pfif'fi2t,t5; I. on: -.- . 'tsr. HI- “! It M. d . It. an! trti'NttHllr mud n at it“ ." _ ' um, In turd In. W. W. PM”: In. W. L. BuWJId In _ pad In. M. A, Brut un an. V V min; Int Ae ”and a employ! '.sl' “My mom’s“: Even. Ford, ot Gilt. gmrly oi “whacking tttatt “Saw _ l here. and In. "C We ot crimes“ ot “I. T mu ot In. Alexander ' .-Mr, Jenn layer a! PM . on trial- here on My int. - w" SUV oi MI. in the M ot in M. In, Jacob Ritz, heme-MN. Jol- thaM nu In and Mrs. Henry Frank ot Chicago uriVed hereon Wednesday but end will '11de ‘the mama dathem with l mendn in towtt.-Mm. Colophon ,ndl Mrs. Menard Euon end daughter ot New York are spending a couple ot days in town, the guests at Mm. Williun Millar-Hr. John A. Becker left lent week tor AJoult, Ontario, where he has accepted I politial with the quality Jewelry Compmy ot tint towtt.--Miaa Melissa 0th ot m. ' g . are. llo-pltd, Lenten, In her holidays at her home ttere...- Mr. Henry Herman and sister at New-‘ tie, Pa, are visiting their nep- hew, Mr. Charles Naold here. - Mr. 1rirhry Peppler ot Barrie is here on al visit to his brother-in-taw, Mr. Aa-l drew Zoeller.--Mr. John Gingrich y Chatsworth, m., is on I visit to tri nds in this vicinity, the gueet ot In; Chr. Roth.--Mr. J. J. Berger, pr prietor ot the sow and planing mill is on n businese trip to Detroit to get windows for a handeome resid- ence tor which he has secured the con- tract.-Measrs. Fleming Frnser and Ezra Otto, New Hunting and Philip Albert and E. J. Beager, of Dublin, left Monday tor Crystal Beach, where they will camp during a. two weeks' holiday.-Rev. C. P. Zarnke ot Pem- broke, has accepted the call to Tri- nity Lutheran church, New Ham- F burg, and will enter upon the duties ot his new charge the latter part pt _ August.-Ahs are very, much pleased to report thet Engineer Harneld who , has been most ‘dangerously ill in . slowly taking a turn for the better, and under ordinary circumstance should resume his profession in a 1 few weeks. -"t Mad Dog scare.--The mad dog'mre has reached New Hamburg and War- den Katzearneier, new, has issued a proclamation requiring all dogs to be tied up for one month. Sevenl have been shot pend a cow has been sacri- Med to the rabies. quarterly Meeting an! the administration ot the Lord's supper werehettromt partaken ot in Trinity Methodist church here at Sunday, the Rev. Mr. Chapman, pas- tor, ofticiatittg.--The Misses Puddi- combe of Haysville who no sojourn- ing in England, report I pleuant time.-Mr. Juan Schamber, one ot our prominent lsrmers, at present travelling in the West, in a lengthy and highly interesting letter to our local paper speaks very giowingiy ot the crop prospects out there, and also ot the excellent live stock ex- hibit at the Winnipeg Pair, which would do credit to our best stock miners in the east.-Mr. Herman Bee ker is still very low and his condi- tion is causing grnve aatzietr.-. Mr. Charles Reta hes been reettgsged as "tttet engineer for the Fire Company tor the ensuing year.--Master Glad- "stomr_Crotraitt, Adam Crouitt end to mum on VMV.1-ltl. 00'! lot-M d ttnet my6iiLBraeey. BADEN W’ _ 'r: _ t. a. C iriFEiiii I '3. Blot p! , It'l'd' a 1 - m 3 w ' was». mu! . t ' 1 . I a in _ 7 at M ts . f In Bull. , 'tM,gtr ‘ d unno- r r, the not. It. ri.,r,A. up; the m. CU! Rim. ; A F T Hetd.-.The W'- Mimio-' the DOM *chmh held their meeting at thehmoolurl.l..0.' . tan Wadi-day album tart. IM, admitted In: A an will at Mug“ credit on an peo- pie tor their can] ad “I! in this very vital hunch ot church voila; l Civic 'httidnr.-aEotMar In ‘Civic .holiday in New Minors. he" pro- gram tor the day consisted ot two band concern in connection with the vre-openin; oi the Commercial Hotel, which but been undergoing extensive alicntions under the new proprietor- Ihip ot Mr. Carl Manner. The Wel- losley Lawn Bowin- halted Hom- burg and enjoyed a friendly an. The batretalt team irom Plattsvine 'iplayed the locals at. tour thirty. $914 omens-ware new ' t J Heller. madden; In. bail” Becker, vieo-i4mt; In. Bauer, Peeeetarr; In. Philip Sign "at urer. l In}; Sydney 3mm, KC., Mr. Phe!ait an Mr. Fred WM: ot Shib- IE! were mitot- tn (on on Chm "totidnrr- In. a. o, Holler, who in on . hunting trip bm " 'NUI Frontcm county reports Hrort and speak- ot twenty-huh mm and Boetq ot wild duck- ud paw rldn, while but! no report" occl- sloully by the scum-Pm. P. Evan and [anin and “loudly into Minculoun Eae.pe.r-A most mimo- ulous escape) trom death by lightning oecu'rred on Thursday night Inst. Mr. Gum, a liveryman here, wu . It.» turning trom Platuville with our ‘baseball team in his cariole, T and 'when pasting under 1 tree close A to “he and a bolt'ol “ginning shutter- 'ied the tree in ‘pieoea. While un- 'harmed the occupants of the rig had good cause to ieottgratulttte themselves on their extremely narrow escape. tho house" Indy mated try the Min- u- Nichol. Died at Setrrinpille.--The new: at the death ot Mrs. (Dr.) Angus Nie- hol; ot settrimrvine. was received at “13- honpe of lier brother, m. w. R. Plum, here on Sunday. The deceased v.8 born at Haysville near here Ind was widely and {norably known ln this vicinity, where this Dr. Prttctitmd his profession previous to his locating in sebritttryi11t.--Mrir. Nichol'a death, though not umrxpected, will be much regretted by a large. circle ot lrlends. The funeral took place at Stratlord on Tuesday alternoon. Death ot Herman Becker.--rt is our sad duty to chronicle the death or Mr. Herman Becker, alter a linger- ing illness. This is the second death in the family within a tew months, an iniant and only son having pre- deceased him a short time Mo. The deceased was the youngest son ot the late Jacob Becker and was in his thirty-eighth year and was a partner in the departmental store ot D. & H. Becker, one ot the largest and moat prominent business houses in the county. The late Mr. Becker was a prominent and conscientious mem- ber of the Baptist church and was held in the highest esteem by the very large circle ot his acquaintances. Some thirteen years ago he married Carrie, the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gottlrled Bauer, who with a daughter, Pearl, survives him. We beg to extend to his narrowing lam- ily and relatiVes our sincere‘sympa- ‘thy in their sad bereavement. dny with Mr. mt! Mrs. John Hahn.-- The lines Rosie um Lizzie Martin spent Sunday " home.-- Sunny,Aug. lst being the anniversary of Mr. Hy. Lnutenschkget's trirthday, he was pleasantly surprised by w ibit from his sister and brothers, Mr. ma Mrs. John ot New Humburg. My"; Gem. William. Adam and that when an! Mr. and Mrs. Hy. We»? of PM", ttui-Mr. and Mm. M " But .nd mu Stub Mayer ot Baden spent Sunday with Mr. Jos. But, St. Aga- lb.- Mr. HIny,Holwell. ot Toron- fu, smug Sunday with Ms Trarestta,-- llrs. P. Home". it. ot Winnipeg, lam, is which; " Mr. and Mn. Fred Holwell, Bsdtn.--Ml" Lottie Erbach of Berlin 1nd Misc Louisa kqschet ot Stratlonl sitrited at In. W. H. Krtruch's over Sunday.-Mr. thief-nil Ingersoll (than ' rem: Galt, tmt , Aug. 3.-.t Gal! (Hi on [darned tonight hum the neighror- in; “Haze ot I‘lntsville. and reports the ulnonlnuy aperture: ot I local Indium tom! to hue tor neural us. With _ eapitai at 810,- m. and no unice- ot a Petrofea amt. ova-um- we Mgmt In tbe -Httd. At two! mm . an "trt w- m. L Iot- hg nu u Bgtdgr%he. a. 'tttnt wag-with the I'm (In a “i 'litatNtilllh' dttdt .. " Hi3: Mug EVERYTHING BOT GAS Hitch returncd tn “may tE "WM p.58 El . 30. = V L] , Tr; M% . fdt _ w. ,r." w. B. d [' ., C,' 'at m N ‘ _ L 3-. _ 'd w . _ " 1 " "» N MPH?', - =i 'td,'; tttrtrttk .. 'trPtt" 1'llt'1 ”on; Ul, KI: _ m it joy: to. up Mia 'tlt.)' Ila-1‘. i', eoutotwitr-4ihtV at, “a can“. The _ 1a W_w I on My caudal“. assaying. an: oi 'ttttt d IM, "o. w - £1:ng in mum: hu- ' and: Ite., - thu. No due 'gt, 01.11:: mil: ' . mmutme ocu- m__ Hold.-mto W" was H. ty that: Ivor. ~79Wa): t.utt tho - an: ;Mth'm [not tn with . ““5“" " pine tool, _Al the two 1mm e, fit/ttttd on mt hare ri,emHri been Narot tell!- ' t, ”H" wo 'tr'a1eglgMt "rr WWW“ "tii-be muted with 3th _ frelit, ttPt, ttlt I brilliant: don.- tag ”my. Lam - mks! Pennants-IL, and In. Ali”, Binder as, anarchy all 'd"tt muting 's no Wilma-Mb - get 'I‘lu who! ot Ptttt',t m In: " _ b. , an under “31.113393: It. A. hi. Neuhinmy at out. spent. mm» mm Sunday 11min; old .3315th- cu in Beotaae9,rittmt n. Ed- mum! now: an». m an “an son Dedels, mm: at Mr. Jain De: “I on atat%F-sA number tram new “tended the amp-mew " Berlin on Sunday "ertistg.-A goodly lumber .turud out ty hetrr the lecture on Temperance Int Thumuy evening. trl- though the vulgar: wu very uninvol- able. .' _ Nemt-Ntrtm.-uThtt local bowlers-o- compuied 'tintue. ot our eiti- zeu '"1'tt,,ei'lg In Nmra.rratulrurg. --Mt. Hui Ieetr, in, heln u very moccasin ttmw"aihed and driving ahedl mixing 1m Madly. Fosler Bros. ot PMriptrtiptt who the eorttreterir, -Tlro m 0. D. Kathie: and Wm. Kellerbotn are going ou't on I fishing expedition _ ott.the Show! ot lake Erie an! willfs:end I wezk on the lake tghore.-Mttm Katie Huehnergard ot Berlin, returned Momur, alter spending, t law days here with rela- tlves and Iriemttr.-Mr. August Kube of Linwpod was a visitor In towif ott Sand: r.-Migs "HettHetta (than spent a few days of last weqk ' Per; Mrs." Childs and little son Gordon and her niece Miss Ella Jones, ot To- ronto, are guests at the home ot her. sister, Mrs, Thomas Hilbotn.- In. Hurst and little son, ot Winnipeg. an visiting at the home ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Unger. - Master George and Wellington Lamont: re turned home site: spending . lew pleasant weeks with their grand- parents in St. CathorinnI.- In. Gun Dragon o8 Berlin, spent Wednesday with friends here.-Ttto8eef Beat- rice and Mamie Tait, ot 1bmnto. are spending Civic holiday under the parental root.-A, number from ttem attended the Berlin Contention! church picnic " ldylwild on Satur- day.-Mr, Melvin B. Groh spent one day last week with hi- nunt, In. Daniel S. Shantz, Plenum. View tarm. Mr. Grok is a mechanic by trade and is on his way to the States to secure a position " lin and wuméo visiting Mend: yet 'rcutires--M)tur Snap. Reader pt Ber-) in stent I " 1195 tire with Irela- tivea and mrois.-au. and Mrs. Wen.) Fond ant,hmily were visitors last Sunday with3rieqds in New Hamburg, truesta ot. In Geo. Trorur.- Mr. um arts. C'. F. Ottman treat Sunny with Mr. J. anders. Joseph Liehty. -Mr. John Bencht spent I tew due with his daughter, M". Matte: in Ttr.istock..-mte M1808 Olivia (“the and Florqnce Kreutzweiser are mend- ing a few weeks in Neustadt, Hanover and Wiartcn. News Notes.--). Hugo Krumpelt ot) Baden was (business visitor in W: van-go use ,egk.--Mr. Ed Planer, M.iss Elem Becker. Mr. uni Apr. PhilrrForler and Mr. Allen Heldmm all of Berlin, spent Sundny with friends here.-Mra. Dr. L. Doerintt of Mlldnny is visiting her mouter, Mrg. Heidmao.--Mr. Lorentz Deaths of the North West, a tonne: Philip-burg boy, in Vining " unity ltlendc here at pretmxt.-aMsa Viola Schmidt ot Wat Toronto ls gt present homily“. in the village.-- Mr. Thomas Cantu ot Toronto, val in the village om Suri-Born. At Pttlitpstmrg, to Me. and Mrs. Theodore During. u m.-- Thy Ree. “.5. basin“: preach- ed In the Lutheran chiral in New Hamburg, Int Sunday evening. Ptrritottth.-M" Emily true: ot Bunion! it the - od Min lar- iory Wtoer.--Mr. Archie Fog!) I: spending . low any: " his home ta Brrumeltr.-.Mi" Whale Cancel In upsi- ding I week at Grand Bend. - The Hiya Whitman of Bermt P", the mu ol Mr. Ephraim Gal-cl, Hum .-lr. Wright»! Berlin - " the union In Christ an". - st. Jun", Huron Road. on My t.at.-.. Mr. mm at Row Haattbtm In ' completed the It.'"", tt A h 'l, d o. l r. - - . Inn 1" II in... New: N-at. Gyn- cum uAIreattr 'W "sAtr+ it ttmf. WELLESLIV PHILIPSBURG LIMERICK HAVSVILLE tt'eeotrtmet4tr, 'tE?t?3ei “an“! ounce , . “a ”I in." " W M '1. the “mm .Dnuui.~‘ " oonract tee 1'Ai'Fi',i ('.llli etitma -hird. M F Jkow be 4m ”math-3 - I',' , up» 'stti6sd to any him .M'w Q’s ‘l‘on 1Mrqtt, . pet load to: I... hi. my. [be In": nun. _ . _ "Sigh P, B. Kan-pl "I in“? manta] Mr.Ntotto "tMo e botrtr on hm on or Won Aug. ltr) f , t L E. Dunn! no mu bowling one: mm, P' the - WM we clad: command ad tireytf that!“ to tho spank-n. Following an (on, skips and mm: . . E. P. m - P. G. mite. Em " I. P. Nsylpt __ TI. One rink ot Berlin bowlers wax Waterloo on " _ tnd were - In: and, Stuti,'lll3'l "e loom: . Berlin. S. Flynn M. Schick! W. D. Eula! J. J. Weir Waterloo on " out! were deluded i in: and? "dat'g r. on: that. Fonowin; an '. M loom: . The what!!! Inn bowl!” pm played on the m on lobby even- ing resulted u tomtwtc-. . B. B. Bricker, J. o, lothanll, edby Ttts 'esttGrtrg Account: wen Ay. Eight gitthq of Rodin b01101! Ttat.. ted Wauxloo Tuesday and enjoyed u friendly gum with the loanhbowlers, the Inner losing tr IS shots. Fol- lowing are the skip: and mores; London. July ".--tuip Dave Kama. of Waterloo, was detected this morn- ing in the semi-mull tor the Labatt Trophy, Skip.Lochud, ot London, winning ‘in oompmuvely any Iter by 10 shots. . ‘ . Skip Charm, 'tttrott, ot the Lon- don “hues, won ht the game again- st T. P. Hugh-l. ot sax-may. This loam two Loam mm to play on this tstterttomt in the iltuua. Charlie Abbott its well known in Berlin and his Twin-City friend: here expect him to win. _ Skip Euler's ritsE beat, Skip W. B. Smith ot Toronto this monk; int (I MW]: the ma: round ot the Conaoll - Skip Wettlauler’I I“ [a debated this morning um " down in on. Berlin. C. Carries Geo. LaCoursé skip a. o. Philips- Skip - --- - ... uvwn "I “It Billy Lean and Filmy Wetter are catered in the double: and won their am an: “Ill morning. skin 15 C. Clrghostt BIby'l Own Tablet: cost " cents I box. A box bought now my an Mby'n we. Banner complaint: can. suddenly, and any any mound: ot little on! every yea. It “a atom- uh and have]. no he” in order than ll little danger ttt.t+ trouble: coming on. Burr- thm mm.- ll m best medicine In the world foe “with; and outing “and: and bonLtrouMeI. They can be um with pulse: New to the use" hon "" or to the well - child. An ‘oeculonl dot. at the mm- will when “and at bowel- and pn- who hep. than Tablet. hallo _ he: ha a mic mum ttrat but mun one. are Ida. tt you have m goftt_MatetT_sgetert.qriw mat Cally. Do not In“ In!" "on“ com, it In! that be too In". Roll by medicine {salon or " an n " 'mttaaroRftxrrt0.De.qrtitt-f ”the “WM M. t The Model Ilium Camp " the (‘ruiu NOW Exhibition unlit mm with W te.t. to! men t'M't"d,r and Mt mum on the - II]! to in“ the Amy “I: Com with Sill In. M -ttneltN all [ Conrad, Weaver Hall ship " Loehtort T mars now on m was. van-r.” _ ""75. an: n skip 11 skip It skip“ skip 17 skip to BOWLING A. G. Ha‘hnel B. B. Brim W. S. Naylor; J. o. Rowan“, skip " P. B. mm? _ do u W. Hogs M. L. ”cumin - skip ' ‘ tsuis 11 D. C. Kunu _ L, Norman W. ll. tht he! - skip 14 Waterloo. P. Husk“! E. A. Stress: Ill}; 3 '3"; Sit Attttsadeinth-mswiqtpts Nukymrtiinltom Waterloo. . new agsd Womb}. skirt a le- than mamaotatiSitiir " if: _ g ftp " ith, " m.” skip " tt' (j C ts'sip " Silk; Silk MoreugmMnefi weatNsrbiotrtfis"'ii'i"id Sateen . ’g‘ We in caning very meek! and tum” - - = of}: , id Crit SN hick 'tg'tehttf, ttm than “a - y- KM " ',',tlultttnrfrtt 331m?” _ 'ttrut! T"fi?ffs?rr8mef, LADWS' waxsrs . Pyietgitttg", _"-,"," . C,., m",'-' . ww‘tair it. an ',r 2eeethit.tetget.e" “Mala“ 1hQlilllSt.NEiiiitt tttrt 4., "s-ss-L J. S. B, BRICKER &rtl0. _' LADIES WAISTS India“ whit; “hold-rod “can. woethhetmt.00ton.0 for AB [and ttm, whim blous- u you]: " to my: 7 .3 Iaiiw last this. Home. worth I.” to 200 for 1.5 Other lno qtm11ths n. than" 't d-tttsos ' Building Sale Bargain. 'i,"fliiiiii'ti_l,.!,,,l,lii' 60 plea- of cotton so“. Inn-lion. ham h " Me Sign: ater. 'roetl m " IN MUSLINS at aoc _ Ao4kue lot of " .1: - hum. he. 'lah'ht3t"lle,?heil,'i SILKS s ' MUSLIMS at 10c. rein-um about omi- ‘uilh in gain uni-nay not worth hon 60. _ to “no toe we The regular mung at "so Tm Com! m Mtd on Tuesday even- ing on account ot Msmdur lining a holiday. The bum wu largely routine, coulnlng ol adopting the upon-l oi Tit all the committees and “steam nuan- nutter: pro- 'rented to the Council by deputation. The Tm Engineer pm“ a - luau“ report, giving a comm 11m ttt the um: low tmprese man“ this have been completed, com- menced or to he done this Imam. The Council completed ita work in - Ilium, - the we. mte otthesttorFotttsereer. BLACK SILKS - Y‘s-(m. an m Yard wide it tho I quullty worth LN be BERLIN TOWN All the mm ware pie-cat ax- mt Ala. Wilkinso- ud Clement. Geo. Rump! wrote tending the Damion at In mt awn-n uni-3 lot a mum m mm Canon- and to t9eheier'"d use. no nub-nu an a. Council use In munnmuuuam P. In. M. ot ttdr.",',,' 1’“an 2l',trdt 'gtd2hlN1'eti'l . e d It. out.“ Muck um All hum mt I. m" It an: a B. Bt. By. mud to the centre 1eefgrt Union-mallow}: (“a . minivan» 'de1N'ttr4"4r.'l"h" nun-ad mbWt . ' diigig,. fiiuaig 67:3; Black. Mdyrtle, Pink. Sky, Roan, Rese a, Cardinal, Brown and Mauve. ‘ “swim-gun. Yudwuebhck silk worth "Ni, 51119! M if 7 a, tu4uu. , 1'tlrgtt,tge""""'"r, In!“ guitar-w July is, 1909 " 1NuuaNr,qNT. Poe “an. m be 8-1an $3 Skirt for,$1;25. Comm. MEET THIS mm 001mm 12lt SHOWN Ill ll.” LADIES' SKIRTS Cloth akin-In unkind colon worth at!) to 7.50 {or _ . . - 1kttt _ Lidia-3 III-"k voil mm Bk!" grin- mnd m 1.00 to: TF “ m WHITE MP72 _ _ _ W’ ‘hi "I it“. Ptlt male and trimmed qua-um. I. mam w' , . _ LQDJHESiLINENASUITS ' -riara' irtftiuiiii iaaid - MG - mm W we All 7.” UN 3112:!!le ' a M5 w to “emu-u d T grim _ m. 1&1.” tttttget, " “an t.00 silk or tretttee “can we“): I; to: was“ & unassuming: an} -tGriiF. '"j',ijediiliiifiiii,e Wm” Ir, I" meat, that the various = Q3; " atiowert toptt down a, Ir, .1“ h: pavement tor with; mtqirider' _ ' EW. Mod the mr6ttceiieiiiiiidji. ti 'dsl, plan block matte met,' " ‘ V “We: , per square yard. " ' “.- " IliltE's% neighborhood at $1.11. ' " ' Bfti; Ir!tae"9rftrq1, ',Malrf.h,r,,' "Pteltr gluten at: has; " rliyt' ~. mm»- -.._ -. . “L i. the thicknessotu-aotujoj Puma which my - tb'",, ed. man-mama. ' T at being atttrqte It “I f on... -tertu. m- m“ in lutrt mm I outrun to)» do" 90,000 I!” nth. or " lul- on Bron!!!" A“. tlt York IW. "r,cirttrstixiie_tiiVii6aai.! ion-touch mm blot! and". In all“ tor. q 'h.' mm any Horned the Con eil that he voila In» an India- "on: tor up In. T. piano-I lady by (in In} my. _ T ths Wed-nah). which“ a [mitt with at “who. 1‘ mm. . load a rum-u ”Nil-Eli: an hum has: “In“ 94 you“ the Odes“. Imam ' nu ”my. The has an an Kim mo» gut "and T at n n elr at. ml the "tsae _ throw from the ml . , are“! ttaaty bnlm on up“ has. 11. mm m «that , a, many ereatttd "atitogtt autumn. , "At Luuu'md chime-xi “which. nonsas m Aim lgioo to; ”in!

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