Ee, F" _ Royal Household Flour if: N T prune-alumnwwmm bss "L, mud or vented mm Suits Peterboro has experience" reform. Some time ago, says the Review, the yard! were lull of chips, broken bonds, worn-out boots, grass resenv bung the hair and whiskers - of a “append general rubbish. Then Gaia, started a cleaning-up umpalgnn The rubbish was removed, tiowers were planted, the broken boards in the fence were covered by j“.14for.................».10 id- blu wound "ita, double . disdain-lend. m. 813.50 tgess'otttrroedruit' tor...,-..., Brret"ttiutor---- .rrr're'r 'r'""""' suiteruujtor alrttring plants. the "A humble little old roughcast, lopsided, tenement .surrounded try howling dogs, screaming cats, and noisy obstreperoutr children had be come in the run: a Sign]! park. The good woman ot the ho'use could sit on her wee back- varundsh or at the - door,tutd rejoice in sight ot In: gennlulns, now nicely coming on. ‘The old man' lights his pipe, gets his week-old upâ€, and with a lace qt Initiation and an air of repose Ind well-doing. joins her and ap- mudn her successful eitorts. A plen- _ l sprinkling at the bellowered to- _ unto an: and I shower over the ttower-bede with the - borders gave them new lite. and thul one by martin steps ue taken to ranks the 'hack-yurd’ i loy to the eye and t breath at June to the tired nos- 'iriil." ' . I Ne Review says the charm: wu V a mod as going away lot n holi- Trousers ]W Iwuvw --,- "u ,7" - a good as going away ht n holi- dared cheaper. "The price ot a New around the likes would pm- Punt- try the hundred ttsim. Pants by the dean patm. PM"; tiyttus single pair, Pant. for “a working mun. Punt- for the busine- man. Pantito r the motes-10nd mun, h REFORM IN PETERBORO grass was trim- WHAT every cook should know is, which wheat makes the best flour, and why. Winter wheat is put into the ground in the fall, but does not ripen until the following July. It matures slowly, is soft and very starchy. 10.00 Spring wheat is sown in April or May, and ripenyin August. It's a flintr, Wuhan nch in gluten and contains nearly twice a much “when: as winter wheat. otadesuil from the turd, nutri- tion: Trina ',cl', artfully selected from a l the when: nfthis kind grown in Canada. Roral “Macho†is fine, light Ind purer/millet by the moat imptoved methods-4n I mill " clean it you! own kitchen. Aek ourrorerfuthriltte's Royd dd22'l atjtpt h to try. You won't aghid (tiii? advattee in use mm tr' J â€in your WM k'i"dii7i'itirri. T," ing “Ms mares!- . ;,m-, rr3ftt9A3qt,Plf.elMF,i IM,rM,r,J.,lF" for satii'iniaor's 86%. tomttlrtth the 'lfarllrj,l'l'iillri'rt"i'i'i'l, BmFtt'NiltMti/ijreiir't:' _ Note these prices. Every value fft) CUT, CUT, OUT! vide a whole garden full ot ttowerB," This reminds one of .Roullid’l _ J0- mark to the mohncholy Jacques, that he had spent the Value ot MI own lands in seeing those ot other man. The idea may be carried too In. tor though travel ls expensive it: beneftts are not to be denied. But there is a valuable lesion in the experience 01 Peterboro. An ine mtnse improvement my be made In the appearance of n town by a. Cott- certed etiort in the mo! paint and soap. and try using the vncnnt. - for tiowertt and gran lute-d ot rub- Shirts tsrdog-s'smoNrtator- 60 â€do; amwmdnhmsmn wls,n¢umuolor.... .........m Man‘s 87.Wnuihno!........ “03.50 Ken'sIIOIuitl m,,...,...........) ,Men'l odd manner com at 81. 01.50 Boyn' laminar out: At 600 an! .... The employees M the International Hamster Company at “amino; have how given an opportunity to become shareholders in the compiny they work ior. The compuny bus lust lormul-tcd a comprehensive plan whereby its employees can become sharers in the prothts ot the com-an. Cyrus' H, McCormick, the compares president, has sent out a. letter to all the uanbyeeu ot the International Harvester Company outlining the ol- ter. According to the commudzn- -or....'-.:-vi"i1t' “mp-aura"... .err' ........a 'trestore.......------", "i--,.,.......-...." "tmatte to..,...........,..,." 't.tstrsoose--. .eo. ....1 'tat-tttr..----' 1 Bore nick-r - " We 't tion, 12,500 shares at the pretend smelt on the company will he owed to emi1ire' at $0.50 a slate below market price and 16,000 shares ot common stock at tip a slum below the maker. This otter'wit1.ttold gcod until August 15. win. on saunas .Wéseloh & Go. Harlin 1i3‘vor sist1tiiti?httr.itly: LU til a: h HARNESS “W“MMQ‘Q ttikd “.wm’ “.2....u-I-..m moonwalk!“ lion’s Shoes A Seaman's Extraordn Story of Large Thethin Ontario. Nahum». w......... - non'ummu........ 1-“ l aEtm'Outxetm" .... ....r. I.“ tgmtttt.Tgaho" um..." I.“ Meu'stitituttoe.nt ......... 1.35 Hon‘uoouzle 5nd In. tho- toe " tth OLSMOIJO. auetph, July It.--" hie cell la the Conny jail here, William Smith, the alleged harness-thid, who wee one,» ted in Toronto, and who is charged in all with mun-three thefts. made a slgned statement of his operations covering may ot the melts will: which he is charged. " was made at considerable length to High Com stable Merewelther. Smith; who I: a Scotemu. stuns untrue worked tor yea! will lum- ers in the vicinity ot Hilton nd 31- so in Gnelph lot . time before going to Toronto. There he tot. into the harness business, bnylu; sud selling. end tell in with u lot ot people who ’ _ I .A‘ a.. "... Men's .150 mun and mu tho- for IL“. [r mm mo am am for $E46. Indium-m...“ ......I Haiti-haunt..." .... m'im-u-n........ ‘mwlu....... nun“- uu....--.., --. _° and tell In with a. lot ot people who Wont about "three streets In the 1 wind" and talked ot gelling bums: l on moonlight nights without paying I tor it. I 'But," raid Smith, "t went out l solely on my own hook. ln the mm I part. ‘ol Much. The lint place I went i to was Hampton, when l “ole . sot ot double 58mm and . I" ot ottver-motmted mule Met-s. The out hum l stole was at Lamte ton, "'iver-rnomted com: human. The next trip was back than. all I got . set ol trams-mounted single hat-as will: woodm homo! and buss tops. " guess I went to Bumplon again sud stole a set ot dale nichela ', plated lumen. My next trip I“ to "Ilium. when I got u let. ol null. gle mounted harm. " wu the on- ly on; Ilolen more. Ind the authori- uel ought to be we to an the owner. " won some (“stance lrom the muon. From law: I tttinet went to Orlulbyx I got I not ol trii- ver ouch hotness and o complete set ot double harness. medium weight. After that I not to Cluhou all got u At ot sln‘le lumen. Elhk dnlc‘comos out. There 1 got . In of Illnr-mounlcd Ind: scl. ot rate ber-mounted single humus, o it‘ll bras-momma m, am has: W, mm are la Toto- new. all out. ot double lama. bevy ml nlckel- plotted. complete. M on all In Toronto. That can. Grim-by only two more all: whlch ore ln Toronto, lawn two more Beta at Brnmplonmno ltrem Mr. McClure, Annular-ct '- llnhn n Wrslon. and u Guelph l let, three single set: and one douUa It ." HESPELER GETTING BUSY "Local magnum m gem-8 ttusritt,enditittrMe it the! unset-guinea than“ ' my! a. twink. Uh". mm. - co. up,†Pt' Pum - Ce on m thts week hoo'cd out “.000 ot onion. Imi‘ a. Buy-la '"ettrteer Ctt. W . an hr " no a. 'ti,'iiiail.,'i' a la"- iiiiiiiNutumiR I BUG" â€ul‘suluu- .. v w. ‘____v' __ W lug across thtotrettt. 'W"iiiiii' iiiwiritijttfir .. if, _ It. Come trith the crowds and igi'iilt)S'g?t,itl'] Estraordittar, [tpri' CAT',, m 'i."'"""""'"'""""""""". , _ , . '. u.....:‘..,....... “Wm: watch-mun _ Wit-MW: 150'»de .5... w,» 'i""""""':-"' or"a'i.'fr'.'?s,'7?,/y; "f." I ""3144: “’5â€.an'°""“"""WW“¢~u.........;.....l.its»7‘- h _ rn' “I. tto,eao-rrt"t"'et 'l-oo-s.,...-.',.,.,)'.,), tre'"",?,',:',')'..':,:,:,:.:,:,'), Af xg.r8tM0"..., W“; ...,I ",/t ., . ' , ., "e." L, 's [ P'aue mom».- .w*. was ii1ttthit.t'e,it.t, “n .'.'.1ttaf i""""""'"",'- ...... ......u5 w...“ um agar-n- bwuwao-u.------- "was '. p--" -P' m............ .‘u. iuaueeta"-,k.7.1 “not†". ., q If 5' J - . 1 Bore--.-...--"",, Wald-“W and “I“ 'ttad-ttaiu-ttVs.. mumcomu....‘.m so,etuosttoeot--.--"tk .‘ T T _.. . , WWI'MMWM‘S.†- 'Ht w-or-et-he"' 'im,rotasaoa.o"hor"-""'u-s, New» bwummu........ ......tos (i:':':':':,'?,':':':':':', at“: Bor'tut"ttres"-- ......â€m "a.ttaottoeoee- ..u'l Emu. muuxuumu....iu PRICES OF SCHOOL BOOKS lmpormt Announcement in Made by the Education Department. â€0thde m............ Hon. De, Pm. MittutetAtt um;- um? has {and an announcement. Coy tuning the tut-book regulhuons jam adopted try the department. 'tte. cm ular. give: . list ot the text-hm": to fiis,li, in public schools. the lower a d middle schools ot high 3nd cumin uation schools and colleghte Institut- es. The old texHooks “themed Lin 1903 und I909 as limited to use till the midsummer “minor ot 1010. so-eo-s"'"'-, The circular point) out (but mm“ patented by “aviation ot Bond '01 Education ol Board ot sum] Trus- tees the principal sttatt.totrodtree ttest August or September the text-bod- authorized In ms and 1000. a“ ... ---- ...__ For religion: instruction thus-cred Scriptures or the â€new Scripture rad " ot the 1rrtermttigaat [his Reading Association, or the Serbian readings “opted by “In heparin-t oi EducntiOn dull he lied a "defib- ed by the Dertmeett'tst, Edtantion and us many be determined by tho Bond ot School Trunk-n. . ’aning book: no no We: may “um-in. book. no no mic: nth mind. This subject mil he “he. up by the min: in accord“ with the co In ol srtudy. Aim! Jum- uy l, mo, blank drawing book: and p.21: for the use of pupils will be “adorned. No int-book: ue pmctibed tor pupils in agriculture ml loathe“ science. boo [ Aim midaummet. "it. text. took will be uulho in tttPi', plane tttet, T Ivor ii it tum up by l 5 tear in tion with a study couragm minute being used tum 8 ttii) “bury. Alter manna " " ,tbt high school bonny. P IL, will my te mammal. Th when] trtttrte. "all prorido m nut-tom I tor the no of mix: In til it: whine“ can“!!! in m "3.19 In! an by the mun-m oi Eh- and. tirisraj, We~ab§olutqu want $5 , ummmnnmntuuuumm Gnttmx-“l mud mm" a! toe ttttra n It has“ min-I mm. I nun "vttottrt. - a b - mounts." "t-htret.Mrshs. Min-unquuu-u-m n Your blood has Moonl- all and "It. dnln upon â€acquaint. pm in . been "are. You m m "att out com" and "run n. , appetite Is bed an] you My have "e"iaith'i,'t,tar0h'2gt'fat It: l. tdg.'WI '.'lN'l',M'tt you Mum. I .‘rnul' mic-ml tlau'?iulul%'uurru' ot Educ? unless " RUN-DOWN " POLE l Wm’nohooohhhluhnluolow be lanthanum-“toting 8.05 Lunar Shoes 1 Wyatt: $1.00 Blip-I to. “Iâ€. Micah. m1 _, C"""" In“ The selection: no vol diauhctly Mary! 1 the cm “no , Goldw- “h gut-Ic- The publbhen at no newSchool book- wilt Id! direet. in any tgstuttitr to my porcine: ht 0mm. 31911100 ot "rerrty "a Netty-av. as out. In an the union uh net. The am caplet of “I. but while who! book. were bad on Waning. up ,_ m selections as well elm-u, and distinctly Mary: tone. Am: m W who quoted BN'.-- GoldVlh 1'ttdit?l D. Roberts, Wm. I'llmd C ,ujotle Plot- hall. Emmet W Ht. Archi- bald Luann-n. much Puhn. Am at. lute. W. tMmgtgtt Handle. A? C. Lat m Idol Butler. 1pliatt's mum's Bqttt'" open the boot, all NI "MW" as thgtal walla-W . ", The [renumbe- in. Unlo- Jul in colon. with no mono. "Ola Flu. (no Fleet, Clo Throne." The “an“ ot ttis Unhmity ot Toronto " starting 1 mom. " obtain tor the Univ-rally I g6rtra" ct 'l,'iedtiuff't who gtettttm to m Ito 3m tao, and we vim-um In“: 'ttteros' YEN“! buyout-urban!“ haunt-Wald“ mama-him? sauna-pm.“ t8od1rCdmrmtt-:-,e".CP1t trtr_iutrhirtd9htt.t 41 King Street East, Berlin. Next to Domiilon Bank. . - ',",e::ststt,;;tiprstiitati, - 'IC.'.".','?!':'..:'.'":.'.'.'??.'.',".'.".".,.'.' l. In W to. - had â€In, -. =iiusaisaueat.,.L.....- What-unwilli- he“! Mia-mach. “tuba“...h" “Nun's. wumtwu‘ I l “an“ IK' . - . '. an Iltlgsrs' and Girls’ _ Shoes and Slippers 's, an“ Ilka-"shallot..." ....-....11 'st-i-ore.....--.' 13333? Farms forSaleW OM19“!!! annual“; .-."-N.eW."'"e"" ..-w-... "__ _ rad Mm Unborn and Mull. ion; 'g'trt't mum-.1!“ ii7nuriaGir,iirGisr-oet,wyt,aetfi, mwthIa-o- huh; thblay at a. form in an d.' PM “Dâ€. Me. Prim 31300. For. Mule A tat tirt',eirt,"gt, 13W: can ho bought to: "oo down. will nth. up _ mum bun; Vex-yum mom [melon tole-oe1ftttee""q'V lav Council mm», we in an [mu ' am. V but. inked well; 'air1r well hull; "' has hm; lugs out In :., building common: Page 38000. . tmatt" from. you; my. 'oeehard; Another Ms 100m tum. “I vouch-I tocturtroro;thirtrs in by ot (his lung u “and“; um 'tut. m1. Jot damn Wes; good buildup, "I! good land. PM Pile. $7000; $3800. _ Won" obtainable! tttttte One very good no minimum“ â€mum mom about " acre- ot blah; my_ rich m it“ qttraerue from“ land; common building; o “on up to any load, _ '3 . .' “In st two. This mug you smiled with ‘Ano‘ht Mumlulfclou tour-mm .hlnm 1Cuboto; . very do: km with Whac- as, - the “may“. In? teiqhtate ur- 1ttm)tnittIta.9f. ' tli2c% v . ' . _ , if in Price " - 7 _ -- _ ai1tetattPyAt,.eittt tam.“ "I "iTikGittt mm " .m- of good huh. The tar at an: Inn: in “conga-9}†the; e, ter,tt A for, - hm ol â€out, 160 'esrar,rrtt, J,grd, mam n good and] . drttted all. 'tlqdRtwt barn; clone to Cnboro. PM!“ One ot the Metst 100 an Inn in CANBORO ortesMaor' until-u: For Mt Norman: “my to BLOOD (i1WElifjE I - 'V' was 'l' ','fr'.ti'li, _ " 'ii'iititd m 43% as... use; dlitg 'g2hl'lt, Si)fa, as": l is" fi as. r" t 2m: â€1 "iiiiii'i2'gi: Cili=iiiilliii,"iit?i ' n -aiii "ECC-L'. -ttye' MI "Mu'.'.', '2'U " "iii nun , = orpha- t'iiiiiir' "V - (air... 3. tl Youn- hnn ‘ " 'NINE but a Fiii'rliiiiiii'i'i “w ."_. . ‘ a h will ‘ y a“ o" a“) it.t,tt,'tttt',ttt ' ,5,“ ‘ I“, 1/ union» an“; L' q Ngl, dlig ei,fftttftgtyrd = f = Pefta " , . 'iiiierie',itttlttf,At'l'rti's'l,t, ieSiultttl",,'ttNl', and!“ u_l' iiiii,"iiiiiriftihttatgirm,"tet l "Pt 1 â€1:50.: Ira momma†CPU t nlllmï¬ricmmeJ-M "' tLE am" ttat _iit't2,ttluttptfr'lti ' Lex, - til “I you“. an Li=lCirCy tt tdll,el'ttuT/d'iLt'l com _'. - - ~â€llnionllohllovol. Jt,tStpntttctlg,tttt,i'ftlA, 1ot,tttn"IN", 1:23.: -mm. 2efifgftttttt'ttfgt'g'4ltt,e'g/A'l'. . ,A E"iiiiirti"id - -diri'it iii _j'i'"it'!jgdri)tiar. EYES an} Mm Price Tiiiaa- “07037 In Haldlmand County "i"ii"iiiik mm “may “but!“ .gpumurly yen-M soaiau.t'rienlt'tyf'1l' y Wuhan no mammal- truw,mrr'rrittlaoMtarrt -.. . "at hu- man In t-tttaeuttsetteiGmeareeyitte, List or m A.( _.d,'i 'r, a, "tibreituitrtiss-u6iu'd- a hrOL1lh.... .....,;.;.‘.;*....1.u t,sewasa--r-iecis,.trtti our Ito-I. may...“ .... in CC, "canâ€. for ../... .... no “all! 140â€! Minna-- -r0ttefoe...v-toi--. II. "! ,u.rrirmL:.i..,,/cc.-, [pa c','; tra-est-ess--' ( ) wmwswwg -. Children’s SW award-c1 m din-l} .‘ s." gm: W. in. '- hnge numb: ot other hu- " a]: Iron 50 an: to!†at! in - In“. varying from any to tur let! _ . . _ This my, wall supplied with uranium W. In ittte ' Minimum a B, - w Canon. is ",ai"itteteiitt, " the Ptbvlum . , in; ‘1 new. our. cm'pml " MI ‘nhoppln; mill, M ..6rC S ranary with . mu.- - - Bll none in Western Dahlia. Vi-rf-el) Anyone [untested ting-ta ati.'?, procaine» will, on no 1:. . â€do: tetter,te mu: T __ mum. ' "i'. , r', V -cle, WU" 'tss.. W ..'_ 3‘93.le Uu22d ©