IN - 3““. . 'r ' ; . - "'. " - " p, , "" Bf-dr. f2yid “in“ . . n ‘ . .""“‘.“'m a the I. icons-Inf- tEs - "__ m! in mlgncd he: “an £5744 lh _ at Division No. 0. 'teb' p, EMI" T m" 'ij/diet, 'MV mrotsieho-'N1egrtqtt an. IN.?, " ' 'cr:", FG A» » to Detroit tor 32.05 T" v m. a BaurdBr, July Mth. 3;th “it. tV a an cttrfa1eeele- amg& ale. Waterloo, or Duly Tele- N can. Berlin. LOST; - PEARL I CRESCENT 'ii'lt) ‘I‘ a... Hans a wanton 1m ' _ f W ter-tng Your M 'tr Sihtii," which n and or 1m ".r. no me mad at munion . Return wmmtn an mun-run ". on , “Mill union, ttct" I†ot the Pastor, Rev. w. D. Let, who with his tamily is â€and!" his vacation at "Fem Cot- tl‘a" Lark. Gmcttictfrxg, near 0mm In. Homo Ahrlte, Erb street, who ‘nlu'we‘ In operation at the B. a Tlt. Honk“ tétulrd to hcr home Malay. "hes Waterloo Juniors and the Ber- " Tiger: played a tie game I-l, h; I Twin-City League looms" same 'li!eaM,cCrt,,'; semi-s- death occurred ul Waterloo at 4 o/eioch Wednesday atternpon ot 16ts1ert Catharine, infant daughter of It. and Mrs. W. Glaister, En) St., ml ' months and 7 days. A good this it assured those who accompany the Telegraph excursion to Detroit on -Saturday. Special car but: Wirloo for Berlin gt 6.40 on moraA= ' 'ot excursion. Secure your tickets It the fhrorticle-Tere- A!!!“ , yr. Hr, Grid! ot Wuterlco, reantir New†to this omee 3 sample ot ,timothy My grown on his new mounting the feet to inchfs Enlight'... We“ beat this re cord? The Waterloo football team played its am game in the Twin-City lootball league with Bqtlin at the latter place Thurs!†’evening Visit your friends in Detroit on Saturday. July 24th. Weekly Chroni- cle-Wk excursion tor $2.05 re- tum, good tor 3 days. The maul] picnic of St. John's Lu- theran ccn mtion was held in at the lag, park. The alternoon Vin 'pettt in various games, and all [rent thoroughly en.'oyed the outing. For siptern you: the nun: "Sala- "f ttnt flood tor the maximum of ' _ "ttstty and titmtr in blended _ in», no that the only thing L, ’ look out tor is the "Sni- k my 91â€er package ot tea an. w, Headerspn _tot _Gsc_lpl} km ‘at Waterloo, near or q on tttsq: _ I“. Finder have n Milton. It. Chm» once. " Igb+ T ' .1 the Bette-Stott t 'C' b age“, picnic“ " the u yak Friday durum The â€twin: miverar%iutM up 'rt, in the “mum m Ga'. -q-m tettl, at ll: hour! “my ur, up menac- ' ' on: In "do. “has. The ‘Vu Minimum)! by t On a. â€In“ I. an en tor which n tieee.t6attMtwed “I m. _ ". fr' _ It. Jame In.“ on Tm _ A 'iamtsa.d an “to: a W M at!!! 'ttttttef' Pttrttee, 1* c . _ mum-um.†‘1‘; L md,' qt. J. . ' r' M a“ L - [muons mass can B m o report that Mr, "a, _ ' who underwm a ['10ng It the M15 & . Moq'ta1 hovers! welt “b. "'_rettsosedto his hallo ' I - ' Jim Snyder g rl, mt _ can ' gland! virus - ' ~wue. W; VuDusen, -D. Forbes, Hamlet; . ' Woodstock; Thoa. â€4 and P. H. Sim. To- H3- Board of Directors ' _ Assurance Co. ' Dulce, Wawrloo 2Cu Buietors present mummy the Tele- to Detroit on tutur, tam $1.05. Tickets - an ctrcaleteTele- iheue mu t'ttt . w “m 'tlt a" “A. “at _ ' id ' Ninth ‘W hook. I wad-0‘, "than time, tte aeqtiap Iliad Sod-w. on the - A.. work Mu! MIL-ad - mt their do“: In" in crowd with on: increasing m. . Sincerely yon". _ William Hannah In Wror hm Mu god tet- tlat to tho 0ԠBttrtttt Scab ty haunted m than. an an mnounoeun‘ would in nude to the whool damn the was, ot an animal: in Summer, no that they to!“ how what temmrds they could all by diligent â€plum to their "like! in the coming year. CATHOLIC CHURCH sq RUCK BY LIGHTNING During the an“: "hamlet-tom curly Thuradtry um “W: the. Bterepte of the St. Loni! R. 1. Church, Waterloo. The steeple “light In and was blazing nerccly on the an“! ot the tiretnegt at 1.05 o’clock, but after some good work by Mn tiretma the the was got under con- trol. The 6115 " the St. Louis R. C. church Thurslay which was caused by lightm'm; did c;nsideuble dame. The tower and pipe orgm were badiy scorched sad the water did much dam to the walls Ind. ceiling. The loss is estimated at about $1500 to $2,000 and is cgvero‘l bt, insurance -hiichariridkirins to'Dr. W. J. Sterling, on Erb street, wu also struck by lightning. No change was done. RESOLUTION PASSED BY R. C. CHURCH COUNCIL Waterloo, July 18th, woo. Nuved tir Mr. Philip Schl, seconds) try Mr. Joseph Barges and Resolved that the pastor and council or St. Louis' Roman Catholic Church, Wat- erloo, hasten to tender on behalf, at themselves and the congregation,thcir sincere and hearth“ than“, first, to the firemm without whose prompt service the church would hueheen tttF tircly destroyed by the tire (It Thurs- day last; secondly. to our townsmen. without distinction oi creed. who re- moved the vestments, music statutes, In!" other valuable thatch turnitiare to a place of saiety; thirdly, to the employes of the Park Brewery and the Shoddy Mill who removed the debris from the church, and, lastly, to the ladies of the Congregation who wish- ied out the churth, and tho 36100le- _ tars who superintendcd the Work. thus ma'tg it pcssible to hold Divine novice therein, pending the permanent' restoration of the building to its con- dition heiore the fire. Such willing and prompt netlon, not only “y mem- bers ot the church but try otmn who nre not members, show: I nohie spir- " oi Christian sympathy as well as a willingness to help in an emergency ot ih's kind, which, while duly apprecia- Q" cannot be too highly commend- A meeting ot the Park-Boyd win held Thursday alternocn when éorrtU- erahle routine business was “wasted. There were present Mr. Julius H., Roots in the chair, Messrs. F. S. Rumâ€, E. M. Devin, J. H. Winkle! and Mayor Weidcnhnmmer. It was decided to erect two addi- tion] swings, seven] stationary ta- blet and nuke some [may rep-1n to dwelling house. The secretary was instructed to with to the Gum! Tnnh and te- yhat a more lulubla plattorm ',. ted qt the pair tor con/ven- of pic-h patties. Outside parties will hereafter be Weed selling Ice drum and other â€lament- " the put- Thug-I I has nttgmdgnje gt the wig“ given by (is VHS. at the l . loo lurk on “(by even- tgttrspsa)kMi' Ituretr" ot Jau- dc V, 4mm whitl vu Viv tttatt try than presmtt, 'tee Iâ€! aim my for w Tel- “395.; acumen to Detroit . ,, , July mi. “RUN NEVE!,$£Y’ "rhtitsiiitm,iterroo,' to- ue. m Nmninllhe 01mm cumin. 734,179. 1947 an; mo FINE BAND CONCERT PARK BOARD MEET ad " u wan-Ion lam: , “may “W10 hitliliiitii, “It W. H. RIDDELL. Secretary ot Corn†Each BARGAINS il . . Wt. cut "iii; - . .. ' " i'iis'itis,tiih?ielri'e','!i'ir,'i? . ““010“ththme- ut - on tte6te to nah "V Mr mum. 1|. mb'ojphd . all: 'rt2t 'letter, “an“: (I . av u _ but! for their you“: M II " rind in 1])th M on Dumb» as. ' Th Waterloo n:- Bdnds respon- M ton mam - " o'clock Bud-y morning to “aqua . Nu. in the ttrap, “in o;- cupted by in. Robb. corner Duh and King “to"... u - M while In. 110th wu "an“; up olno Itch it explodd. TI. ttre '3' extinguished More the “that ot the 11mm: and the loss In stun-ted u abottt 8100. " N There Wu. large “team of buyers and seller: " the - Met stttu9tar morning. ' Titre wuss good supply ot [an produce on hand which mid at the following prieer.-u Butter, per' ity. so cents. E553, per Gal. " and Me. Chicken: 40 to Me. . Potatoes, per has 15c, 85c. Curries, small pan 50e, large. pail, $1.00. . . Strawhemes, per box 10c. Bouquets, each 5c. A Radishes, per bunch 5e. _ Cabbage, per head M. Lettuce, per bunch 5c. h apecial meeting ot the Waterloo Public School Board WM, held T on Tuesday evening. There were present Mr. W. Conrad in the duh, and Her srs. C. Woeller, C. W.Mchiede1, A. E. Devitt, J. C. Mueller, and P. Harper. SPECIAL MEETING The Intention at Min Kitelr as teacher ot division No. 9 was re- ceived and accepted with regret, and the secretary was instmcted to ab vertise tor a new teacher. A committce was appointed make necessary ,lmrovements at school. ' The following resolution was passed! by the School Board:-- ' "That we congratuhte Mr. Phy- lord on the excellent showing made by his entrance clue at the recent examination, one hundred per cent. ht those recommended having been moccasin], ours.“ but three securing honor standing. A: about M Vper cent. ot the pupils in the other di- visions pun-d the June promotion examinotion with honor standing, wi, also wish to entre" our appreciation ot the work done by the whole stall." The following “counts were put- ed:-. . Caretaker| salary ..;...... â€My. 837.50 Rev. " Lynn. rent ,............. 10.04 Water Commission ,..r...m.' "r+..t.t. 19.90 Aug. Manon ac. contract... 1,i00.00 _.. t WILMO'I‘ TP. COUNCIL mum» cl ui,FE Swim. at wu- mot Ttr.' Comic“, held at the Tp. Halt, Baden, m the "th day ot July 1000. 7 V Members all present, the Reeve pre- siding. _ Ttte" minute. of the previous session were tend and tsttetttrttted. A can ttt oqttalitathm by-taw No. 007 ll renal I statement showing ttmotntt of County rate â€yaks by each municipality tor 1908 was receiv- ed trom Co. Clerk, H. J. Bow-n. um! tBed. Also 1 circular trom Hugenmlle Contact“; Co. rt crushed ston- VII received mad ordered to be Med. MovedJy A. C. Human, seconded by B. Canal. that the following to- omma bo paused And the. a. we have In; order. on the Treasurer in punt-t at lurk. vim: Anthony Dena-act. - to hone; wot! to clan: 'tttad troy. Ab. than; anon ' ..... M.60 t1t.1i'dh'iPilt1 a a“ "ttb u ->§-o-. ...“... ._..._ M.M In. Rm. ogt'tatthq 11“ tha- V t'.%tf,2, â€a..." â€.4." 10.06 J. i. , mm! and â€at... tiling». to“ ...... W. “I.“ Hy. Rider, repairing when And , mum: .ra..F,. t....._r. FF. .09 EM!“ a Huh. hi. cl u. tor hull and Otto mteeru.,.,,,..., ".00 D. lid, petntt" mun um and l, "'tfdatf,-rr-. -NF w,.e.._rwet. a.“ Bum-1m“ add, 11 Bond ot _ M .rl.rr.. ....-,. W. no "ttr, Ran-t. rag. than. nu- ’ m.- on death, to" am 21.40 Tte ugollh tee Jal- tsate'.Br. may. * V ...... _ _ . 3:3,“? "rM" ‘ " 1MlMMY BLMtt RESOLUTION PASSED WEEKLY MARKET OF SCHOOL BOARD "e, . . t l iiitr2'. .F n ' nep- . 4 'vi. . In!“ the d ( ' $37.50 0. 10.04 .. 19.00 1,i00.00 $40.00 M.60 to the Mr. John Lynn of Attercline Sta- tion returned Thursday sue; a visit with triad: tn town. '. --. 'iris/id. N. Hawke and the Misses Gertrude and Florence Hawks spent Thursday in GPrt., _ - - Mrs. Jacob Uttelmann and son or- lie are visiting Iriends in Hawkesvme, Glenn“ and Dayton. _ Mr. and Mrs. Amen Astana um and son Master Melkxd were guests ot the home ot Mr. and Mrs. H. Dick- man last week. , Mr. uni Mrs. Lehman Shirl and daughter Vera left Thuraday on a several months 'trip in Seattle, Wash, Denver, Col., and other points. ME. E, H. lick of Station] was a visitor in town Thursdny. Mrs. J. B. Hagey is spending a few days with her son, Dr. J. W. Huger, at St. Thom“. ’ a WATERLOO, onumo. cwwumwmuwmm‘ in}. Fran), on Longlmnt left hid-y en a. visit with Mend! in Huputon. Mrs. Winn, Mary street, and be: pattdd.tuoghier, - Edna Jean Mc- Tavtsh, Mt. early “the week to visit relatives in Sparta, Hick, tor such 31 Weeks. T “Mr; John Winner. or platinum. visiting her parents, Mr. and M Geri. Bolduc, Atina Istrgmt. f, _ 'ii.iCrinTi'riiiriiii,"jrt the guest ot Mr. and Mrs tor a tew dares. - _ A Mr. ind Mrs. J. Mclsuc ot Cleve- land, o., no the guests of Mr. Geo. and the hum Bruce, Alhut street. Wry' Mair Van Eve" and Miss Ger- manic mkmrduOotpmer holidays with friends " Burlittgtott, Dundu, Hamilton and Humton. -mi: ia- " spent Sundty at his home in Tllsonburg. -- _ "Mi'oifvex beige: of tile Nelsons Bunk lett Stun-thy on: two-waist holiday_to his home y Pre Mt. and Mn. Clay. B. Clement and son Carl no eniorittg . pleasant holiday " the cottage on the Georgian Bay. . ' - Min Flori Sehuub ot Welles!â€y " u guest " the home at Mr. uni In. T. O‘Donnell. _ -rGrse,kti a Cobalt is mending nun! wceh wlth relatives Ind Mend: In town. 7 -iiir." Tia; 'Barry ot Toronto in Mit, lung friends rand rtlttirt in town. - Mn. J. o, own-m at Wllumm, N. Y., in speeding men] wedl' boli- lnyl In low. I " .‘ _ it. MI Aiken. nu mm: in Btratat" on many. Mr. Home: m o! Dunk- spent Sunny " Mawhogae tee. _ -- 'Mt. 'm In. Geo. a... of New Hamburg in: whiten in to" Star. dar, _ ' it. Norman Holman in main; aver-l weeh' holiday! at Gull Bend. _ Min Adele “MM. ttLTorottto ll n VIIHOI In town. Miss Berth. Riedl Ins "tuned to her home in BuNto, after . plan-t Vin" at several weeks with the Mittaet, Roos, King street. Mr. 3.41111. J. A. “an allo- - in" mid tro- u Poet ttut with m.“ tttmW. 'gGtallli.h"lll11ttf= Social and Personal- Hosiery. . 1l1itt,htrr 1-" Gloves . Gloves _..,.', ',/'r"' Parasoles tttttt _ Underwear ar Home» Embroideries -lhnbrpiiissries Laces _ Laces - Including ill Summer Lines V Do not mitttstoml1anditupmst our vex-Katy of bugein a .UFFELMANN Guelph, is L. Bricket . Week We Invite the Indie. to impact our new chinuwu'o just placed in Btoeh. Odd pige- " I" rodeâ€. Dinner at. design for mil ty Ind service. " 2ttttt? Mable Erica. Water leis. ban pointed tn very hand- .olnoly decor-med. Boh lender’s may. NOTICE TO CREDITDRS Notice is hereby given that George Moore ot the Town of Wgtexloo, In tile Contr ot Waterloo, Farmer anl Hop Grower, In: made In misnment under R.S.O., 1897, Chapter 147, ol all his date credit: and disc“ to WiBiattt M. 0. Locheud, ot m- and town of Waterloo, Immune Agent, tor the genera tmtetit of m- creditors. IN THE MATTER OF GEORGE MOORE, h DEBTOR. ' A 'teetitm ot his cream)“ will te he†at the once of Mean. Cteenent' f. Clement, in the Kamila Black in the Town ot Berlin, on Tuesday the Twenty-Devan“ "tar or July,~1900 at the hour ot two o'clock in the altar- noon to receive . statemeyt ot " " lsurl, to Appoint inspectors, and to m their remuncntion. and for the order- ing of the shin of the estate geSe:- ally. " _ Creditors are toque-ted to Me their (loans with the Alumnae, with the Wool) and putlculnn thereof rum:- N by tho said Act, on or Mote thc day y any: meeting. And notice In further shun that at- ter the twenty-seveath Gy ot July, 1909, the Asylum: will proceed to du- tribute the assets of the Debtor un- onglt the parties entitled thereto,Uv- ine regard only to the clnlml ot which notlcc shill then hue been given, and that he will not be um. tor the a. Bets or my part thercol Io distribut- ed, to my potion or persons ot yhosc claim he an." m “In have Ind PO' tice. Dated It Dalia um nth day ot July 1909. End. Call/Ind pt obs; CLEMENT a CLEMENT, Solicitor: tor Align". Benin. on. 1103111133. A full line of the Home Journal Plum-u in stock. gummy, July am, " a pm. "who“ M u ‘10! Stamp tgt! m. T ODD-0d“ Want U' , ’1‘.†t I†ttqMFe, ' Alexander Home Grocery RHONEm 1ryeats shipment. ot "ra,rtaru. Ghinaware August fuhion shut to Auction 8an '. M. o. LOCHEAD, Aniline, W.trrloo P. 0., Cut K; m. Wavy.» tec-ot me fu’omlta’w fa tlie food may you 9M 04. the)» cm Wt Wm of WWW itu's1 Me dam ad We a!» We»! yaatélo'ed of Mom. on have WU food had of. fu’onitu’w. may no 'rot"sus_tGt'iesesrreais1 Jr' tou' hose Mu Wand "uurrr, is - . GOOD SHOE. Velou'r Cal. Mat A mm [M living on Mill that! h“ narrow - Iron “I" In on: by the tralg" /,"J'%A the new: - Mun.- gilt may drug. â€may“ ttr Box Calf . In good I‘M, but ttto' dock and tho can.†not be light. we! “all†nun- Iiflotum of the 1110: mm do his part wolf _ . The Leading Funeral Directors and EtttutrgteN PHONE 388 . . HOUSE att A NARROW ESCAPE Ad! alias (asap. J. Letter. tr Son 'i' ry' hr _ c. " Calf N,,, A. ZICK (, thouit -' ..rntrtiitLJi _ m /i'iit'i,'i'i' Mummmwï¬ï¬ u " 3:593 Fine shoe repairing/I apetsialtr I Waterloo, Ont. We want our ttaee,,,t, to try our Calf Shrmtt, All sizes and wmmag‘ug lowest pouibh prices. it: them to be right. _ We lave 0le tho. -.,.r,i'dl'r' still paid no utter-“on and not“ their mm the motormn 12-:th "Nied the mm but mtt m an n (in ma. an - Me all“ "I.... his“ 'tleft: cP.teeee. it I 'ldlal'a"u) _ may berm“ scandal the mm at {In F., 2 ff,'.;.-'-?',')',) MW E: