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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 22 Jul 1909, p. 1

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Warm Bargains . "a?” _ "it. “I wool lmgorted ... _ It grey Ind dar mix- ‘ ‘ mixed “arm. can; box ’33,; T hurt and WI',' belt " with :r' _ [95n- linings, knot Bani (“"1113 b'r.t-, thin Store dim for which it. will psy the lug! pg ',, , hi " Tied. Mach. Marketa, Yum of Bll him 3;, I and out in Huh, blue and wont-d ' which a; ,,,ayiet, (an. to or“ on short notice. Give no u all. ft.),,)':',',"-,';' _", in!» tttauad of (boil-In ha been in the woollon KL“ ttttual - to how mothing..bout tied; pfilcopee woollen Mills 9 ad., Store. 'it) Boys' Clothing "iii c"'iiViG"iTacGiaCt?iijiie, ti j'il'itli,'?) 'tttrift/lick/l rr, _ ' . 1 -98 fi'. $i hm. uni“. dark brown 'ii,tiit,ili ",iittti'ii'd',',t'liilttiii ',tlii't's'th21t2r'is',5'ilC: M Colored Bhl " t H We. iomttt .4 ieiki?itiii'tiiii fi: M” I c The Greatnlearing Sale man-3150mm in am _ _ - sottrerd, Mule-$399? iiitii. Thu 'tttitttfturtttrer', Boat ”thing must be clotted out residing of prices. - DUN T MISS, IT A s1krtghtsrhttt ot Rita. Mowers, Feather”, Ribbons, ”In. -tttrte-t we Immanu- bobcmentlomd an m Mrs. G. Steuernggel “my Sued by the mum Ian’s W. ear " Emma'- mini-ugh. but 1000 to 018.00, Bat- ndty going at ,. . - . ' " All our 1600 he nib. at“, " . - 12.00 All our 1800 an. db. 8m - - 9.00 All our 10.00 It. mi“. and“ " . - . 7.00 loo-ul‘ohodim'lhbk . ya; . 6N -iitti-'otgrq,itttt.Rt?e' ”On-noon»; _ W V m a ' 'tt um” 'lahtllhUT2 - ”WWW-'2 may or com sun. l , ww‘kwm’gfif‘hfi Il'.",',',',..',',',',','.', ttt have“ I -lmlii'i iiE iii. t - of 'm Wn'y " that M m - u. itttp a _ or." "ilrftTiGdar_otus-lim"" teieemintetiiirtat9-treit* . 'tc-T . a. _ and we reed. we have ”a In" i'ST' 'r ..-,-, 10:00"thth if; Clothing 15000 lbs. 1llhtol Wanted. iii tcod,, .Berlin;‘ "---att " . con NOW AND BUY cam mama. 0mm mm KING STREET, WATERLOO. Great Atteratioer8aks M. WILDF. .19.}.th 7795' manu- 2.95 AT tWB-- .- W- - p. M“ morti- _ an. and - ch- as to an Ian-I! u ml- Hound-y haw-In. ml" .- m q WM nu. * " to I a an: “In“; was ”out ' ‘____n.. -c. " ”at: Chr no att till could he d - ate..alrl Inc-1 M and": Woman's WWI. for and. we". at. well and. and 11mm. haun- NI may. vld Md. Blanket tore, u- ndo. otitm, an! m t, "gut-rum. m V _ 1.93 Winn-I'- Don‘t]. Kid Bonn. upo- ohl (pulley. tttses - and!!! Blncher iiiFyuuiiitette"e"'on fag"; 37o" i"Gira 1:81 for Woman’- ttgtq - tow nboec. vici Mulch.” or” blood. 30. de, mlaxihh ”In. with Oahu: been, immanent)“- 8 to T, t"w'e. Bore and youth!’ amicable boot. md quality lather. It!“ made. .olid hauls-MW. that '11 to 18 and 1 to6, "truur'LTl' for , " In}; as on: any new 900m - aensutr “ducal Ntrh -u.u. FER An opportune um I! oft-rd In American Bod 3pm.. of (all b‘esch- ed no“ ttne tutlati. Full bleached English Sheeting. .trerstr mud yum. tttl wan. no alga; 't drawing. 7 inches. regular " or V w , Met which we will pr the highest prise , “like“. Yam of all kinda. AUo md worsted ' which will be Savings in, ttais.its, Hy new. I...” nun” rude. Tdeft, . genuine nah. pols. In! I! to 10. “If pruee Footwear mmbondhw W, T-rtiortr, Kid Booty apt M pump - 1.80 3,50 , .25 1.39 will tte, Mn. A. new ctlll - N Do“. "ind Wants. a vest herd then. - Mr, “d In. WI ,A am-d.., Fiii, My Neig’li‘siés " Linwood. An Hal Cm trr; lam. M K“ I“ w ' ot 'M. W Br? " 'e'" Mm " r."- “In Law align ol the cpl-lo- that th- lnlu in . will not: lore-um. Am to new it the - on - were it; and In. John - and Mr. ‘ltn. Vilma: chum. “but”. and otk en Iron Walla-lay aad St. emu. Quite a number have at diluent timo- paid the my." 1 all all they all mind that T'trBdiaV was an and pine tor 'eereatt4tec Wadi!" Anionic-no: and in. Jack Vol-o- ne -dtrtttator days with mm and relatives at He-mo-tEr. Idiot I‘m-well was t vhltor to Berlin on Wound-y. the 14th lgrat.-..Tbt lino- Motttey and Kathleen O'Donolme, Erblvme. mt Sunday, the 11th, in St. Cumeata.-. Mr. and In. George Hump] spent sum!” ytttthhelgn-or’, tye.?., a week at Mt. and- Mrs. Humaret'tc-- guise T?qM, Shanta. Dunn, mm. name than here, “jaw-rel am. Charlie Hummel.--Miss Gertie Bed- lord lett [or out: on Monday to spend a few mmehtt.-Meturrs. William and James Murdock trom Belwood and Mn. Fuller trom Brantford spent Sunday with Mrs. Botnis.--Mrs. Pep- pler (rpm Tnvintock is holidnying P."t? her M, Mr. "uiamc,Brk, I toed.-Frs. Herb Shehert and Lio. I ncl Wuhbum celled on Mend- lat sweek.-Misaets Winnie Rholeuet and Louise Oelnleyer have returned to (men home- tn Berlin um spending n week with was Alice BiNrimtnm-- Mr. Peter Hussein)” (mm Conestoga “we” Sunny at “Flaunt View." --Mitm IUtie Berlet is mending some time under the parental root.-- It. , um Mrs. Henna Bundle, Sunday!!! l at Elmira. _ "u“; "-"-'- -_-" H ... at lunheimpm Mine- ABM Kai and Katherine Schumann: left on “laid" to visit minim at Tor- onto. Bull-Io and Hamburg, N. Y. - Mr. A. E. Rainer, Vellum, was . business vmtot to our town on Ilen- dar.-" men-y load oi you; .people tram St. Clemat- drove to the Ctm- utoxo River mommy and enjoyed a Me .ttemomxioxturtg. Mrs. rieutrerrr trom Toronto is a guest n the home ot Mi. and Mn. MeAnisteg.-Mrs. Clam (malnu- iiireriiiii srrr." Swan: trom Water- loo SundIyed with Mend: hererli Emma Francis from Dety?" spent News Notes.--Readert' ot the Chron- icle-Telegraph are reminded ot the excursion to Detroit under the auspi- ces ohm chronictevreiegrtqrh ml Berlin Negrsph, and which will sure- ly be s very interesting end plenum one.--A number ot our china: stun- ded the tunerat ot Mrs. Schwartz”:- iruber near Petersbur; lust. B'edtlet- 'dare-tto intent child oi Mr. sud Hrs. Joseph Leis died last My of irsturrumttiort, ot the brain, ' end was buried on Thursday. The bereft parents have the sincere symsthy of their Inlay Mend: in this commu- nitr.--The voting on We lay-luv re The People's Runny took plsce l last Wednctdly and resulted in a handsome ”jerky ot 134 tor m ill.)',',-?,';'.,-':':'-):'? Helm. Ed. Klein and Billy Spin ere curving tor s ten weeks st-Parsdise li-Sher, sad in“. A. Bechtel ot Mel m short calls but: Ioniay.- Mr. and In. no“. Wham .ot Berlin my , a vest here with trtesdn sud reis- tives. - Mr. and Mrs. J. Spain, Mr. sud In. Wat, Dingwell and "ttsilt spent. Sand: " Purdue Lake. - In. A. SJ! winged Ilondoy trom s two weeks‘ trip to Bahia. - Mr. end Mrs. J. Ptetsctttubuer spent sun- day in Bertin.-.Mr. end In. Henry Berth ot Berlin spent Sunday in town. and were the guests oi Mr. all Mrs. W. (minder. ls. In. IIWI "W'-"-" '" . m " W. - cum- "It. ,"dl'l can Mm. a Path 1;: In. It 1LMttt if!!! .1- tteqrstatteset_'4rtretrt'M.etrrm.tt"de. " CLEMENT. BLOOMINGDALE WELLESLEY LIMERICK: , Perso.atb9r. mu. Auleuon a Bar to: I. m (I!!! "emtttea'ttyo has n -t.--. “In mu m m aresetdt" Me my: In my. _--w. ”a In. Henry he! on“ 83-May if HM: In, pre In. Elm d dtuqMer oi Peel, paid o we with. to In. D. W. Elk icy (II loudly-nits. Badman out son Orioy, were vldtorp It Mr. Ir.. W. Elders loot Jhrdtumur-. Mr. Rabi. Ionian of volcano w" in out but; on 'eomur.-- Rev. H. A.. limbo at Clinton in company with Mr. A. ”We paid a out w the home- ol etgtsv residuum: '0! out “it“: unfunny. Twenty rear. on Mr. Newcombe in the rape-10d and summed ”not ot this circuit. Although the lover-u! willow-n has nearly reaotm4 his seventy-sevcmh year he mu WI much ot the {may at Mm years. His visit . will long to remembered by those with whom he come in contact. Haring nearly Fististted.-Hayitsg in l this vicinity‘will aoc-n’be tnlshed and the crop is: good one. Fill Wheat l in growing lost, and ollo will be I \ good crop. unsold: and rotalocl ar!' muting good progress since the mat mini. 7 "In. Mu nut omt.-ai" My An‘Donui ot cm in “K. ' luv it” pita not tt-arub tutima$ua0 'ttBerth, - Sill-y " "Bee - he. lin- 1mm Bully . a mm 1. main; old “qua-tum- bun-at uncut. - In. h'. a. uaarr ti vmun; [that " Toror.to.r- It! M... Dal-Ill! " “slung friend! in 6. TwiaAh't " pro-nth)“. Alex Hum-m Jump ily spelt My " minimum-o- New: Notetr.-Wrtr. Anton Berger end Inmily oi Philadelnma are viéit- ing in this vteinitr.--Mrs. John Rick- ett and lite. s. B. Homer spent 3 iew days with friend: in Guelph. --. Mr. and In. - Rich“ vinlted iriendl near New Dundee on Sunday. -Nuite a tew itom this vicinity at- tended the Childrens' Day service: held in the U. B. church, New Dun- dee.-Mra. Henry Koch of Durham is spending a few weeks with reh- tivee- h-age. and In. A. Bailing! and Mr. and In. S. lucked; spent Sunday at Ptatuvitim-aer. and Mn. N. Berger, Mrs. Jacob Berger, Br., end Mrs. A. Berger visited itiends neer Waterloo on sundar-Mr. Geo. Schnellet. Sr., who he: been on the sick list tor some, time, in not im- T.,'.,'..),'?,', u hia my lriendl expect- .--)lte. Bullick ot Woodstock ll staying with her nephew, Mr. I. Wood.-arr. N. Berger held n suc- ceuml hm ruining lost Tuesday. - The literary meeting on Saturday night was largely attended and an interesting detuite was held.-- Quar- terly services will be emanated in the U. B. church next Sunday, July "sth.--Mr, J. Wnnner is at present erecting a 1110 on the term of Mr. S. B. Herner.-'rhe new bridge heron the Alder Creek in neetly completed. "-Wr. and hire. J. Sper'tzel ot Berlin spent Sunny in out vuiage.-Mr. and Mrs. June! Contlud ot Wintetboutnc visited the lettet's parents, Mr. and In: J. Were. on Bumur.-- Needy ell the lumen in this neighborhood have him Myles and wheat in! be ready to cut by the end of this New: Notes.9ost ot the "tttters in this vicinity have titsisshed haring ttPte "Mr to comm matting thir full svtteat.-MaBter Gregory Muster. who In: but ill with 'ttmt- monia, I: oeoiitig.--Kr. m: Mrs. Moote ot Funnel and Mr. and Mrs. Snowman ot Cuban spent Bot. ter It the ham of Mr. J. G. How- eit.-Mr. Robert Guru: and Mr. J. Gilmu sped Sunday gt Crushill. - Mrs. Dr. ll. Smith ot Edmonton, Alta ’I 'Utthtg In the vicinity.- luster Lloyd Risk II otrMttad to the house with pneutrtota.-aei" Etta Rink 3nd Mini E. 'cott ol Woodstock called on Mend: in the neighbothood lat Pri- dar.-Mr, Hy. 3mm In anxiously in. m-Trim mm. mm who we“ nev- ml not: iith Mr mar. In. Rev. R. A. Fancy ttt Am. In: attitude-The Epwort& tune a the We! lethal!“ Chard _ MK- Ing . tum social In the In: nature. Item ot metre“. - “In Alla Hastings ot Bunion! In "and“; ber bond-y: u Cro-hill.-. Min Inc Huron ha Mar-ed that truth; a tow wool: with Mend: u. Nut“. -Mi" Dllly Bucky at Port Huron Ind Min Lulu Haul;- ' ot - If! holidaying " Ellen'- Ht-.-- Mn. 3. Patch ot Berlin is viattiag In ainter Mn. Geo. W - lb! Lua- Mumd loll nu id Inn ttgtg . it up tit lino-h IN", mull-p.- M. a. “- at td tga1t,lahelllh. Lq..% abutrtAJtMs . HAWKIIVILLI NANNHEIM HAYSVILLE CROBIHILL Hm I "., w odidrd at iitiiilt scan-cm h tomc B. O. thaMtsrtry he, was at Londo- an may. q hurl-Ill- M an f n in ms out. a! ttts 'rith (“all ”It. at it. c. I. sehieeUlttg “a! - " Bulb i - - r " T ". = . p r tgat G' “a?! Wye?" iM2XBe , "i'iiay'a1'] F.' ltd _ Ima r u‘r .aTara. et ,"'." iiGd"ttU quy "i y. - I a. tun-‘5‘ "ii. 4 qt “guru: new h - . my,” "I 'rti'gt, Eid iPF3. v 1!". " b .- '... Mr,eMta . C"i,irrii'l .2: 1'lt'det. Cq), Is .972 my»: in. yd- u in» 'dl', 1'ltuN bGra 'm ot ', mu. worth J1tt _ m “at: 'ttvial..".", 'pall,,',,','.:'?,'. m. {A 1ttht aad a: or out...» new“: iii'ryi'l'itilt m bun-III It: LehEvlelt 'drrgltrtt M a bail! Clue poem ot an. an»... new W rds at thin " .",t"t,'f'tr, In, a.'atim "a; We”: In. “I m ot Neal (“mi DEF m mm. the lornnr'l tttother, In. . r"_d I Roma.“ .e.-.Hia. We We! W lick“ h2"l't (new in untowel.- II. are Rand asmterthnied new. and s In. Loo-er to their home a Brtr- ‘2le Cline of Berlin. “Illa! In. “Lynn: hen [at weeW.-Mra. Cos- lonl‘a Sun River, um, celled on CHEAP CASH Elmira friends last Pridhr-Mq, Ed. m . Sewn} ls mending e ooghdim with {M at -tii'iiu.-- Miss V Green'lnstin lo mam; Ills: Ariel F corrritt.-Mr. Blake Mitt od Inter- loo in visiting ln tomt.-adi" Edith ”when: ot Berlin spent truly in norm-Mr. Orley Luckhu’dt. Mr. B. . A. Dunke And Mr. (‘an “tended the hand concert in Berlin on Friday erening,--Mr. 0. A. Trode ot Berlin spent a couple of den ot last week in towtt.-Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Umbach ' o hare gone to Wingham we: spending l a week with the lormer’s punts here. f Next week they return to Ottawa.-- I ' About thirty children trom the Berlin ', Orphanage artiired in Elmira on Thursday on their wey to the tut, ' pond where they are to spendn cou- I pie ot weeks, the (Min: expense of \ the outing being borne hy Mr. A. J. M Kimmel, Berlin. Mr. P. Shape, Pre. ' sidcnt ot the Orphanage will oversee , the otr".ldren,assistert by the Matron, .. Miss, Snider and several other ladies. . . .-Tbe Evangelical Suttuy-schstol held '- ' their plcnlc on Friday dternoon in t Peterson'. grave and - . W pleasant titrie.-am. Edith new entertained n number nt young da- dies to tea bat Saturday. -A tlow- er service for the children of the Sunday school Wu we“. the Math- odist church last Smithy morning,th2 church being decorated with daisies, lulu and (em. Rev. Wr.) Scam: upon to the children oi loam: trom the tioqrere.- The Elmira Mu- sical Society intend helium their In- ual excursion to Magus Full: on sauna. Aug. Mth. 'tao'a. good over Sunday. _ Mr. George Foam ot.' Tnvistock spent Sunday in' the village.-- Miss Hunter, tormer mister“ teacher in our school, is spending her holidays ttere.--Hr. Mano Snider is buildings cement concrete dun in place of his old wooden one which has dome oer vice lor may rmra.--W" Nellie Wright ot Cory, mr., in home tor a In weaken-Rev. R. W. Scaniul ali- ed on his porishlom here laatWed- nesday and Thumdrr.-'rhe Cone-logo Farmers' Club held . very enjoyable meeting laat Thundey eeenirt--Miss Annie CVytyeld of Berlin is home tor . short ttotidsr.-Mr. hurti- Behweit- ur in building I root cellar and silo. --Mr. Henry Hone had I succeeetul ruining on the inn ot Peter B, limelmm lat. week. --Nr. Oliver Scheilele has embodied in the lime burning busineaa.-. There in room tor a good - In our till-9w- The Berlin town lather- md oMcilis, and some others, spent last Thuredsy in Sn'der'a grove. Some ot than menl were fine end orderly iellowu, . ere- an to their town and once while lope others of tham should we ‘luve hone withoui' the company of their ,rierg.-We were pleased to no- tice the lame at our tom, Ir. F. s. Choliener anon; those who had good works at m on exhibition in Toronto recently. imam. I 'ootb_ Suntan evening, Ju- |Iy my. mums: n. defeated tot the third time at 8min try try home team. Although the pm In rough In “men Ind (at at every stage, we visitors wcre ttetrer Munro-I- qt, speed and weight ot the ham I'.'? duly: held mom in (M. Shh. We bet at! mm“: mm w.r.A. ml Iron nut " Iii. We mm mph- mut Sum-y on the Bpeettiethr m ‘enio In“: "ttttttr.. Had new (r-Ibll cl pulling lbs Btu!“ de. _ In” no can“ the m ml! we . been manly W. Pottowiqr i on th- “ all not. at no In: , MIL play“ - f""" Ill L VII-:14- "" " My b-i. . ”I, it 'tttttt . I a his! t _ x-A 4. A_,A_L..__‘u " CONESTOGO. Uat BRESLAU. hum ll- t?t'eP,elrd rt3tbltt ”3“.” V. A. J. .‘d mud-ditto mm. I. Eat gnu“. m in - at . Mead an. price list, " I!!! STAPLE pm. “A 't " w-te m m at q phi: 'Ic tor...... be In yd. (If prints, colon In! ,led. autumnal-u Mbt, turd-01150.04 a it ' mm. worth "F Mice.'. " any. acts“ mud pct-b; In “light “Markham.“ ”a, mic ell-flu ....... ........' lin. "dttd print nun-Ito. Cm mu to but. tRe, dam In "o yds ttt plain brown area “an Wrench; price ........ ....-.. m I sun um- - III-F, "eq'- ' x 'T ' Ff d " a 3.1m caning ........ ......... to: 1:339 '..'hi'ffSl ; Lm. "drtd print nun-to. Cm: “MTG , A ti Alll had when. me, cum. IN m. 1,tN1-dri' Wa "o yd: 1 plain brown arm ltm ., I. OWN-m , 4; $21: Mc, than; price ........ F........ Mgt w- _ I!” 'gall L W qtrrettildrea'tr 11:10 glam to! M. "' "et/iii {m TERIS armor“ culls“E _ CHEAP CASH STORE. T : .- , 't h C oelPtr Books, Stationery, Oflliay Supp) i :-as ' Fancy Goods, Wall Paper, tt'h12li/_'i'_,iij,,i,,' Supp ies, English . and German)? Bibles, Testaments; Hymn Books. _'."," Ets. English and German Catho- f lie Prayer Books, Rosaries, thnteia c?, fixes. Jhihds' Weekly Store !,lttii_,i_-'_.'r,,'_,_._i)"' Oct our print. Huh low». Ptuur--aond40-ttr. ws-daisy-tep, 13ml noorBoou---10e-ttr. ' "satrtstaoate--8lt-qht. “chino Oil-85c, 4m nah Mht 2d,ae Bt---6e nah. s'" pike. _ LII. “In. oikm--Mht “a ”no; l A... In. mums-u. can. on Deering Twine needs no further recommendation. A'Compute Stock of Human: mum alnyl on hand. WE CARRY _A FULL LINE or ALL KINDS or SMYTH BIR<18;»2:21a Special Notice tll. Michel & Son - m, -.-- of Summer Gold Medal Binder Twin. i-nteedtormtyhMrre to the pod» In every tut '0 In" M '0‘wa this to In correct an! in thQAjority of cum Gold I“ Binder Twine run: even bettar--in Ion. WI It 007me Turiesthitrrehtttre 335$»:th and we would bs plead to In your or. l DOERSAM'S m “a Mht "te',' Bt---6e Old- "r-trt---"'" Hay Rope ' Bearing Twine Weatsoatoetetueltsmh.d “mama. _ a“! mac-“,- has Indus. h” " was]. In.“ c “this", “I“. ',Q.',ietctt,'t"d,,lf rq.me.Ih.~y-__ lurdle-Bw _, "'rairoetMw . MM . "'1afa'tgtt2ttifiitf) emu, t'gtMtiettt so dos hila- ed ttt " KING Br. mpg, ”on. -"P, aid

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