je:general situation, both. for: ,!"“ Dr 6 t was gtropger at any . is :seaâ€"" %he â€"time. of prices. "remarkabl high. . There." were ce v"&’ igh quality in toâ€"day‘s : otâ€" Aemear on ater o im > OB 0Gs . ven 0 *,;a' er a break in . usually â€"look for and may yet come._‘Se ‘ far, however, the break has not 0câ€" ’ir- urred ; butcher cattle selling toâ€"day {-;’. ; Migh as $5.90; this probably being cA op quotation for a straight load vef butcher cattie. In toâ€"day‘s run of .Iu,e" cars there was a good proportâ€" dom. ol “l{g:, tattle, the â€" bulk _ of ich were held for toâ€"morrow‘s marâ€" -,a gt. Cables from the old country & indicate high prices, so that with ‘« Ame! firms also buying : in . the ¢ ral market, prices are likely to ‘. ruleâ€"high for the best export cattle, ~am L with the comparatively light runs _ @il las week there appears to be no . Ammedi te signs of any very serious ~by «in prices, so â€" far as good e her and export cattle are conâ€" *~â€" Stockers and feedersâ€" Demand for â€" good stock; market stcady. _ * . Calvesâ€"Market steady for _ good ~ butcher calves. â€"»â€"Milch cows and springers â€" Good ;@- tket for good quality milkers and ‘ ~mear springets, but common not wantâ€" % Hogsâ€"â€"While some of the packers reâ€" w in easier «nd weaker tone . to & "ï¬ mar. _ (his week prices apâ€" pear to be unchanged at country fhflu; one firm quoted select . hogs 40c o at $7.65, f.0.b., and $7.90 fed andâ€"watered; another firm, however 4s still quoting $7.75 f.0.b. and _ $8 d and watered, or $8.25, off cars E“m and lambs are about steady mnd unchanged from last week. i%':v-f to. 3 Rotal run toâ€"day was 72 loads, with 1,487 head of cattle, 117 sheep andâ€"Jambs, 90 hogs and four calves. â€"Exportâ€"Market steady; extra choice heavy, wellâ€"finished cattle firm ‘at $6 _to $6.50; medium, $5.75 to $6. . . Butcherâ€"Steady demand for choice Putcher cattle and prices stcady to firm; medium cattle steady to firm; common easier. Choice butcher cattle stca.d{ t.lo tiriu l Berlin, July 1 mround $5.30 to $5.80 for picked exâ€" k tra choice heifers and steers; _ the ; Ig::; per ‘1‘00 lbs. s ordinary run of fair to good butcher ! s lausa © e steady around $1.75 to $5; common | prcesiigs 5o. :;o inferior mixed butcher cattle casâ€" ! W bSSt per bush.. ... .. er. . hy tm Hogsâ€"The market is a little casicr. g:::ey ons but about steady at $7.75, f.0.b., and T SBB.nieen en ns ononl.. ~$7.90 to $8, {ed and watcred. un( Peratoseperibag: ... * Lambsâ€" Market steady to 1ï¬ ml, Bay bet ton.c_lurel. spring lambs quoted at 81c to _ 9} Wood per oofa........ per .pound. Butter por lb ......â€"â€" C GRAIN , Eggs per dozen....... â€" Feeders are wanted and are firm around* $5, and offcrings still light. * Lambsâ€" Market steady to fitm; spring lambs quoted at 8lc to _ 9} pei pound. o * Toronto, June 28.â€"Business in the grain market continues light with small offerings. Crop reports from all markets are very _ satisfactory. Local dealers‘ quotations; Manitoba wheat, No. 1 northern, $1.384; No. 2, morthern, $1.364; No. 3 northern $1.â€" 334, on track, lake ports. _ Ontario wheat, No. 2 red, white or mixed, $1.35 «6 $1.40. Corn, American, No. 2 yellow, 81c @ 81ic, Toronto freiâ€" ghts; Canadian, 76e @ 77c, Toronto freights. Oats, No. 2 white, | 57%¢ @ 584c, on track, Toronto, No. 2 white, 54c; No. 3 white, 54c outside; Canada Western, No. 2, 59%¢; No. 1 extra feed, 59%¢c, No. 8, 58}c. Barley, No. 2 nominal, 62¢ @ 63¢; Barley, No. 2 nominal, 62¢ @ 63¢; No. 3 extra, 62¢c; No. 3, 60c @ 61c. Buckwheat, No. 2, . 79e @ _ 85¢ Manitoba flour: Quotations at _ Tor onto are; First patents, $6.30;, _ secâ€" ond patents, $5.70; strong _ bakers $5.50. Ontario flour, ninety per cent winter wheat patents, $5.75 @ $6.25 in buyersj sack, on track, _ Toronto $5.50 @ $6, outside. Millfecd Maniâ€" *oba bran, $23 to $24 pet _ ton Shorts, $24 @ $25, track, Toronto Ontario bran, $25.. Shorts, £26,track Toronto por AG ..... !Câ€Â»fmdm AEMACC M PCDY Tallow, rendered _ Bo seriously is the decrease in the| becn settled by compromise. birth rate of natives of the l'nltcdl ; se mm mc mtam mmg-rded by the Washington | a ties that it is probable \ that| Minard‘s Liniment Co., Limited. &n inquiry will be instituted for the ; ; fhat Arow pS6 of @scertaining the ".“0“‘ Deas Sirs:â€"This fall I got thrown ‘the pitifully small size of _ the O# & lonce and hburt my chest . very American families toâ€"day. . In thlsj"‘d' to 1 could not work and _ |} res , the example of the French| but me to breathe. 1 tried _ all rov & Will be followed, and it| KiP4s of Linmiments and they did ime aito said, that an effort will . be| 29. £004. f ad u-‘annlo? rest and ¢o.|_ One botile of. MINARD‘S LINE â€" , P L P hodies 1 art i ary * ®\ ,.a e ?' 'm‘ * ind . ’ Jt _ of .. M . i 00 k Meehd C e b0"+ AMERICA‘S DECREASING BIRTHâ€"RATE. es 18 .18 63c 6lc 85¢ Tor sec fm | BERLIN MAREKETS. ic\â€" l Berlin, July 1, 1909 the , Flour per 100 lbs. .... $3.00 Butchers‘ Osttle..... â€" 4.25 Middlings, per ton.... Bran..lecsecllll.l.. 26.00 Potatoes per bag...... _ 65 Low grade Flour...... 30 00 NEW HAMBURG MARKE1S. New Hamburg, July 1, 1909 Wbsat .......... .... 190°â€" J Wheat Standard)...... 1. Barley.... ........«+ â€" Cats (standard]...... » PeRs ............}>> P Hay per top.........â€" 8. Bran per ton.......... 2 Shorts per ton........ Live Hogs............ 7. Boef, front quarters.... > Beef, hind quarters.... . Chickens............. & Ducks..............â€"â€"» 6( Butter per poand...... Eges per doz. ......... / Apples, perbag agÂ¥eses‘s Potatoes, per bag, .....â€" ELMIRA MARKETS Elmira, Jaly 1, 1909 Manitoba Flour....... 2.80 ann sb erselee uienss ces g%gg iddlings....per ton . Shortl..g......??....... 22.00 Wheat................ 1.00 Goosge Wheat.......... .80 Barley (Maiting)...... _ .05 PeBS ........s......s â€" +180 OatB.2llllll2.2...... 0 58 BfO. .:câ€":«rescvirces .58 Buckwhout.. .... .... _ +80 COIH ...... soâ€"....." | +980 Hay ...:szs....«.... 800 Butterll.llll. ........00 +18 FLGB...;.. c.crccrr«s ulf Live Hogs............ 750 Sheepskine ...... .... _ .25 Tallow..lll. cllllll. 00A Dried Apples ........ _ .04 Hams................ 0 12 Shoulders ............ 12 BARCOR........«« ««««.. 124 Potatoes per bag...... .40 The action Czar m;ains defaulting G WATERLOO MARKETS Waterloo, July 1, 1909 STRATFORD MARKETS. Stratford, July 1, 1909 AHLEREVID +488 >% RU0 mm tuonle | 56 n rssreasckecea | 108 hewt.. .... .... _ ©80 sarss vemssass‘ | 190 sssssrarsresse«s 800 2e2.2. ........000+18 whst eb besivteks éz B.«.<iâ€"errirn:s i. gno serses case +20 reres hereseas se Apples ........ _ .04 AERLCGIN ds F8 ......â€"...... 124 rrazwcres esseee 12%§ es per bag...... .40 GUELPH MARKETS. Guelpb, July 1, 1909. ‘ â€"â€"<z« 190 64 sr«« 480 . 46 .... 1.30 bush....... 125 a¢ s Yeees> '60 4( Cecuses c x§7 ce ce l .. .....â€" 185 er bag...... _ .80 n.......... 14.06 ora...... ..« T00 14 .....s«â€". +20 nzenccoccl. .20 n brought on behalf of ‘the st Ivan Proskowrcakoff, a (Governor at Winnipeg, has 1 by compromise. @)j...... .55 es FEess .85 xxssc«sss) â€" 9,.00 (eesrsrrses 20.0 Ber+g++»* enc easeres â€" 4:00 is â€" fall 1 got hurt my chest not work & .50 .56 | .55 .55 .85 .€8 8.00 9.C0 25.00 25 00 25.00 7.50 7.50 .06 .6) .14 .08 .50 .60 50 .60 .19 19 .18 Jy 13% 2 00 Ees .9) ‘b" behalf of the 9.16 14 00 16 14.00 14 14 26 00 26 00 10 32..0 22.00 125 .80 14 00 3.30 1.35 18 16 .60 9.00 .19 7.15 .15 3.10 3.35 1.35 10 .20 05 15 124 .58 .90 | ETe Shermanâ€"At Freeport, June 19th,. to Mr. and Mrs. Adam~Shermap, & daughter. GATEMANâ€"In mn.h.!.r-m 23rd, to Mr. spd Mrs. Leen Gatemaen a daughter. infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bricker, aged 4 months. Yagerâ€"At Winnipeg, June 19th, Edâ€" ward. Yager, son of Valentin: Yaâ€" ger, & hikespeare if his 38th year. Gordsnâ€"At Galt, June 13th, Mrs Eliâ€" zabeth @ordon, aged 50 years. Dickieâ€"At Hespeler, June 20, Nelson Dickte in his 18th fear. Dunkeâ€"At Elmira, June 15th, Jazos Figouriâ€"At Berlin, June 21st, Richâ€" ard, infant son, of Mr. and Mrs. H. Figouri. Bounâ€"At Millban‘k, June 24th, Herâ€" man Bonn. Fredjerichâ€"At Buflalo, June 23rd, Freiderich, _ beloved wife of _ Rev. T. Freidrick, former pastor of Perâ€" lin German Baptist Church. Millorâ€"At Berlin, June 22nd, Grace caughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Millâ€" er, aged 1 year and 2 days. Brickerâ€"At Plattsvile, June â€" 22n1, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bricker, aged 4 months. Dickte in his 18th fear. Dunkeâ€"At Elmira, June 15th, Jazos Dunke in hi# 64th year. Sochnerâ€"At _ Waterlco, _ Jiung 25th, Maude Sochner, in het 22rd year. Stevensonâ€"At _ Toronto, June 23rd, Emily _C., beloved wife of James Stevenson. Shuteleworthâ€"At Guelph, June 20th, Edward H. Shuttlieworth, in _ his 76th year. Mitchellâ€"At _ Guelph, Crace Armâ€" strong Mitchell. Stepplerâ€"At Freepott, June, Georg: Steppler, in his 74th year. Beckerâ€"Near Freeport, Jinz 19ih Solomon Henry Beckcr, aged 30 * vears, 8 months and 5 days. The Grand Valley management | inâ€" tend to have air braves put on all the â€" Grand Valley cars in th> noar future. To the mo‘ormin csze ful‘y the change will tea welcome con>. Men‘s fine dongola kid shoes, blucher cut, dull top, solid insole, very. neat at % > = $2.50 A FEW LEADERS Men‘s fine velour calf shoes, blucher style, goodâ€" year weit soles in iwo of the very newest shapes, yery stylish at â€" _ $8.50 Women‘s.fine dongola kid shoes, blucher and bal styles,all shapes and widths just to fit your foot at 1.75 and % & $2.25 Neat, Natty Complete range of Men‘s and boys‘ heavy solid leather shoes, the kind ghat are bound to stand the hard wear. Our prices are in your favor. _ * FOOTWEAR J. Hessonauer ; TEACHER WANTED i0 ~ ~Shoo : MBRE | i..s4.n« 0 wanet bouerté Upâ€"toâ€"date m wing â€"propertycs© <â€"â€" x old with colt 7 weeks old; heavy draught bay gelding 4 years old by Lord Charming; heavy draught bay gelding 2 years old by Lord Charmâ€" ing, bay gelding 2 years old . by Damy King. Cattleâ€"8 milch cows (7 fresh anh 1 farrow); 2 heifers 2 years old in calf; 3 heifers 1 year old. Pigsâ€"Brood sow, 6 pigs about 3 months old. Poultryâ€"25 hens andâ€"8 goese. Implementsâ€"Massey Harris binder, Massey Harris mower, Elmira _ hay loader, hay rake, Massey Harris 13â€" hoe drill,â€"Massey Harris. cultivator . with seed box, Diamond harrow; onl-1 fier, land roller, 2 plows,* wagon, sleigh, hayrake> Chatham _ fanning mill, stock scale (capacity 2000 lbs.) cutting box, Maple Leaf 10 _ plate grinder, circular saw with jack, root pulper?, turnip drill, buggy, incubator and brooder, (Chatham}, bench and vise, cream separator (Unceda), iron kettle, forks, shovels, hoes, chains and other articles too numerous to mention. A quantity of mixed grain. Termsâ€"All sums of $10.00 and unâ€" der cash, over that amount 6 months credit will be given on approved seâ€" curity, orâ€" 4 per cent. per annum . off for cash. Farmâ€"The farm consists of 100 acres more or less, is situated on the gravel road between Hawkesville and Linwood, and is known as one of the best in the vicinity. On it are good buildings, an artesian well and power mill; the farm is well underdrained and well fenced. There are 14 acres of bush, â€"comprising much rock elm and white ash. There are on the farm abéut 10 acres of good fali wheat and 30 acres of spring crop. The balance is in hay and pasture, all but 15 acres fresh seeded down in clover and timothy this spring. The farm will be sold with or without crop, on easy terms. A porâ€" tion of the purchase money may reâ€" main on first mortgage if desirable. Further particulars _ will be â€" made known on day of sale. Sale to commence at 1 o‘clock p, m. sharp. â€" â€" 24â€"2t socver against the estate of the said Emil Lchifen, deceascd, who dicd on or about the twelith day of May in the said Township of Woolwich, are required to send by post prepaid, or deiivery to Albert Lehnen, Box 766, Berlin, an executor of the last will and testament of the said Emil Letnon, any claims against deâ€"eased with full particulars thereof, and the nature of security, if any, held by them and that aftor the said «Awon tyâ€"sixth day of Jily, 1909, the said IN THE MATTER OF THE ESâ€" TATE OF EMIL LEHNEN, OF THE TOWNSHIP _ OF WOOLâ€" wICHI IN THE COUNTY OF WATERLOO, FARMER, _ DEâ€" CEASED. Notice is hereby given pursuant |to Rection 38, Chapter 129, R.S.0., 1897,, that all creditors and â€" othors having any claims or demands whatâ€" executors will procced to distribute the asscts of the _ said decoased among the persons cntitled _ thereâ€" to, _ having regard â€" only _ to the claims of which they shall then have nalice. Dated at Waterloo,, this 26th day July, 1909. The â€"following consent jundgement has been given by Justice Riddell in the mnonâ€"jury court at Torento, Un jon _ Trust Company, Lifnited, vs. Walter Miller, et al; Union Trust Co. Limited, vs. J. H. Kennor et al. The parties to these actions having agrced upon a settiemont, the plafniif comâ€" pany take tack the lands, the conâ€" tract of purchase of land is cancellâ€" ed, the notes given as part, purchase price hae teen delivercd over to the particsi pavine th> consideration. The judgments herein against A. J. Mcâ€" Pherson, W. Miller, J. H. Kenner, T. M. Ruston, J. A. McFadgen and H. J. Hannan upon collateral notos are vacated . _ Both actions. are dismiss ed without costs. { J. E. Jones, K.C., of DuVernct & Co , for plaintif Company; RA T. Harding, of Harding & Owens, Stratâ€" ford for Defendants. Actions Wednesday, July 7th, 1909 |& Colicitors for the said Executors EXECUTORS‘ Notice to Creditors SETTLEMENT EFFECTED Limited of Union Trust Companty, ed, _ Against â€" Stratford Partics Dismissed. ALBERT LEHNEN, * GoRrDoN PETERSON. Executors WM. CUNNINGHAM, JOHN McKAY, wW. BULMER, MILLAR & SIMS, OoF Executors 3t ol nuncy 200 tawhe. Plago a08 imeoffnatioc s country t :a-m.“‘-“.. i 1 aldl Phune t metdence, . â€" _* "Cup Ont, Situated Berlin loading to Doon md-an:t"lg‘:-uban‘-‘n .&‘u of oultivation good soll none better: m En‘u house and wulgt‘-n lth is the reason for selling For further Licensed Auctioneer gained will thereby be ati.the serv of the public. H. B. Duering Having taken out an Auctioneer‘s license for Waterloo County I solicit the sales of farmers and others who have articles to be sold by Auction. My large experience in the cattle and im plc:nee& business tnd the knowledge SHIPPING BOGS WANTED [RlPhone 97 H‘gher‘ market price paid. Load every s»cond Monday Next shpmert July 12b If Lt,)u want ronr sale to Fring the last bottom dollar call or write to Licensed Auctio For the Counties of WATE o Te m in o ied m and OXFORD. â€" Satisfaction. guaren. At this Store or Factory for which we will pay the highest prics mpo rfgg;mh:z'll';"“xm"m “'.: in trade; such as Tweed, Fiannels, Blankets, Yarous of all kinds Also Obronicleâ€"Telegraph at Waterloo or| fine worsted cloth in black, blue and worsted tweeds which will be The Daily Telegraph at Berlin will reâ€" | made in suits to order on short notice. Give us a call. e ceive prompt attention. CXT A *» Mr Weber the head of the firm has been in the woolien business Tammhar â€" Wam#ar |since 1867 and ought to know something about tweeds. &*% ship, male or female, Duties to comment mer holida A: to u1e * l.':vl M. B. Wo!a."i' ‘The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds Robt. Brickneli If you want your sale properly conâ€" ducted, write or Telephone to DAVID RUDY, Tavistock Ont. 38â€"u. . D. RUDY Auctionee: ply of water pumped by windmill, neverfailing spring creek touches one corner of farm. Orchard, garden and a lot of Maple, Spruce, etc. have been planted. About 10 acres of woodland, _ over 100 acres in grass, besides the tush, and all in a first class condition of fertility. This is"one of the very West larms in the county of Wellington and is a sure farim for grain, grass and roots. It is situated 6 miles from Guelph, Lflh Mosboro, G.T.R., 34 from CA Ab, 2 auee ievianl, aeni uh addad Bigi L W DOCL 110 CLCH en, bank barn 80x$0 with root house an| stables under, . Hay barn 56x80 with horse stable, sheep house an‘ shed beneath, hog and hen house, diivâ€" ing and implement barns _ separatc That s;lendid 20) acre farm being lots 14, 15 in the _ 2nd concession, Division Guelph Tp. The Buildings are good, stone house, heated . with lhoun . @baed . bumiiuaigh Property for Sale EKINCG STREET, WATERLOO 11â€"tf At Loxington 8. 8, No. 18. Waterioo Town: 10â€"tf, rl_;i.'mm:u; for matked gardening Teacher Wanted Property for Sale 40â€"4f NOTICE TO BVILDOERS FARM FOR SALE H. M, WILHBLM * Licensed Auctioneer Farm for Sale NUMBER VNLIMITED. the reason for selling For further re apply to G. woLPrK, â€" _ _ res of in the village of :uu.(‘:d.:oppthntnoflh. 4 miles south of . ce in a gool frame MICHAEL SHRAG, AUGUST YONDRAU, Phone, 327, Waterico Waterloo, Ont. Baden, Ont. Preston, Ont Doon, ‘Ont. -‘mi‘* forbidden on Lot No 5 and part of Lot 6, first ‘ll orc.-:od:-.:mh :l mï¬'?(":lm i«d, e J. C. nrf“"‘"‘ 20â€"3in 3¢, ED WIN B. HALLMAN, Specials in our PLATTSVILL The Great Clearing Sale â€"__ We want your wheat, cats and ba ley and are always bujers, payisg the highest market valaes _ We always have bran middlings, meal, corn, cornâ€" chop, screenings, ete on hand and selling at right priets. . * es ‘These mills have been renovated and made upâ€"toâ€"date in equipment for the milling of high class flour and feed, tor custom chopping and oat crushing ~__ Our family flour "The King‘ is an exceptionally fine flour for a‘l houseâ€" hold purposes. ~We buy and sell, we exchange and trade. We guarantes fair treatment with courtesy †IRVIN MASTER, Prop. Flour â€"Grainâ€" Feed â€"~ 10 bars soap for ‘2c, 8 lbs, dried peaches for 25¢. Jbs, dried. 2bc. Chicaopee Woolien Mills _ Store. * 3 jars UcConachies‘ I guarantee to cure lame and inter fering horses or money refunded... ... _ Al kinds of general blackemith ;vor:. repairing, lwoollwork m:d paintâ€" ng done promptly. Prices moderate. oo rin) sohieited, . ..,; ooo C ï¬g:'Wus;m,"l;'o'gruén. wt vury close Also orders fe fm-ml amow lhnm.:nr m:‘l.::fl of al Jâ€" K SHINN & 00. Have Your Horses Shod by an Expert . 1 ie tasic Waierion. Puone see °* j u-&--m for fshing is strictly m’.:m olulju{t.glfatgln_t A slaughtering of Hats, Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, Laze#,. Wï¬ris L«Iu overs. eE y & & ~The articles are too numerous to be mentioned and must be seen to be‘ Highâ€"class Buggies, Dikes, Delivery Mrs. C. Steuernagel Everything must be cleared out regardless of prices. ‘Those coming first get first choice. . All new goods and upâ€"toâ€" 2s QUEENST. 8., BERLIN. UNDERTAKING Take Notice 15000 lbs. Wool Wanted. _ _ Millinery at Half Price THE R.J. NEAL CO. * KING STREET, WATERLOO. City Mills, Berlis â€" 214 Queen St , South DUN‘T MISS IT Crockeryâ€" Department and 5 miles froim Preston. his f+rm consiating acres, 120 acres under a Stat esanurre teetrante 'f:‘:m: n‘..% barn 5§x90 with straw ¢ i..'.g!" and a Mmm For the v furcace, fine banl and 3" necessary in barn and a nev $3200. Large brick home, centrally located, all conveniences, large véranâ€" dab. hot water heating, electric fxturee $1700 7 roomed red brick, nearly new, central, a bargiin for quick sale. $2600. Brick, all conveniences, no Fira Insurance Accident Insurâ€" Money to Loan. _ Houses to Lt Deeds, Mortgages and Wills written. Real Estate A. K. Bressman Farm For Sale Phe solf ht mimed ibamethe |~~ > ONTARIO. Berlin, Ont. C