g‘ng‘m i Fe ~ oa““.‘hl"l!mln all (pss ":*‘E;.’ $10 v&luez. They Nes / __. Men are learning e day that our, ; 4 &n.'mm glv'e:rLrg’unu uni .\ are w mlns for, The go?s,aiâ€". j fered are never of the cheap;â€"shcddy l’é;‘-.‘v \?'*'“ e e 3 “u e ] hdc-i s To le $8 to “w WM\' out *,_ ~.â€" Boys‘Zand 3piece suits, light and ‘‘ mediumed colored tweeds, all worthy ; :l::u:‘ilu.zly flnhhlod. sizes 28 ‘to < Sore &# ~ 3. 95 Fé†h’q,w trousers, a splendid line m-f.m hntt?!? t.:o Bs(rlefld{:; iess m ttockss : GOr â€"& get a y 990 e m . S > SAomanh i. .‘ Ceaoeh Ag csw â€" °* .<... x es > $ we our word. * Practically ever thing a man needs for his summer wardrobe is included ‘in our offericg for Saturday. No day, since the sale began bas been as broadly ~plaon o d for and the bargains are beyond question the greatest, Here are t ails in bulletin forms. SR B s Some 0n Saturday and profit by them.. *./ "aBkan‘s Clo Mea‘s new boots, in nb :;% k m ‘leather box em'm kid. b’ncbcr . Men‘s $8 to 810 Suite in stuani Alllcu&. Goodyear welted soles,upâ€"to date t afte 1. ~hnsaatnd n::-h shapes, popu‘ar makes,sizes from 6 to Ernst & Co., . T Suek [en‘s $2 and $2.50 trousers,in beaut~ Sbeemsnper nrin ly trimmed. cut on both peg top and Men‘s 2 new twee to $12.50, sale price Tove moine Hhaniy® ened: sizcs 235 in g&!'nhr 8 il‘lo%{’.'olale '5â€9 5 Extraordinary values in " 41 King Stre t, East ; kid, w 2 plese outing. suits, in : -%re..‘.i-ï¬"“-‘* and regular $10 The first OUR SMALL PROFIT SySTEM is A CREAT Su0cESS. Boys‘ Clothing reat 20 Days‘ Moving Sale Lisonsel â€" Auttioncer $\High Class Shoeing q;;;‘ A. Weseloh & Co. which began Jane 19th and ends July 10th. t week of our moving sale has set the whole country agog «... for good elothing. Hats, shirts, farnishings and good footwear were never before priced so low and never before sold so rapidly as last week. If you are in need of of Surplus Stock ... MAAA e ‘ 1 69 Manufacturer‘s > .come here at once and get your share of our moving sa‘e h'.ahlu:r::d“nmimd to -';ll our enti sent stock: moving across the -tu:x:ll,nm want to open up with a brand new stosk. That is the reason for~this great moving sale so in justice to yourself ‘don‘t miss it, but come and see what & look may save you as you know us by our past sal:s and that when we advertiss bargains they are gentrins Come bring your friends and neighbors along. Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Shirts or Furnishings 7T.95 J Y N hé VAAA A WR Mr. Samuel S. Bowman, of Centreâ€" PR ville, who left recently on an extendâ€" ed wisit to relatives and friends in e OWn the Northwest, has written interestâ€" M ingly to home friends regarding . his trip. . Leaving Galt on June 16th, _ via an ‘ Oun P C. P. R., he arrived at Toronto _ a e few hours later where he boarded | a * > .’touflst, train of 12 cars, arriving at UR | Sudbury at 1.20 a.m. on June 16th, wITH V | Herm Bay at 5.235 p. m. For 196 ® miles the run was along the _ rocky ’ays Mov'ng sale shore of Lake Superior. Fort Wilâ€" «liam was reached at midnight and ine 19th and onds July 10th. | Winnipeg at 2 p. m. 17th. On _ the o trip to Brandon he found the country m-" has set the‘ whole cc!nn.t.ry a8°C looking splendid, and a lot of spring L _elothing. Hate, shirts, furnishings and wheat sown. Crossing the line into twear were never before priced so low and jS“ka:fl:’@W&n ‘WJ :"'V;;"L ha“ Mc‘;:im' a + aw at 5 a.m., ne + Tea ng ifore ‘sold so rapidly as last week. If Y994 pig gestination at Calgary early Friâ€" suu® af ; day morning, after a most enjoyable shapes, [ 10, n.unp:t." nlu:.;:l't': Boys‘ shoes.. A Mfld serviceable well made shoe for wear, made strictly from solid leather, with a finish and style the mothers like, sizes from 11 to 5. every pair a snap at $2, merked in this sale at uzomm‘u Oxiz:.rii‘ Shoes, in dongxh some with patent blucher cut, neat lt&o:hnpu. -lulpi to 7. Reg. $1.75, eale price 1 35 OQur Furnishing Department bas taken hold of this sale with a vim and o that bids fair to make this end of fhe business outsbine the other deâ€" ‘"::&T.;K'"R}ï¬â€™ciéu'}flmng. for K:turdny. 753C at '7307, marked to go Saturâ€" day at u. W Ar + a Can you beat this, _ All new effect 5.. in fine domestic and foreign shirtings. Hundreds of choice, desirable patterns to choose from, made ard laundried in the finest manner, regular sï¬lir & Néw men, here is your chance to stock up. This lot comprises a special purchase in strong, durable material, !In6:de to give uervm;, every one worth , you can get them on Saturday at 590 Men‘s 75¢ Working Shirts, 59¢ ~White Uotton, full bleached, strony ;;.in whe;va! ;xerpt.klmslll&good value, 3 inches wide, regular r yard | see" al 80 Men‘s Negligee Shirts on sale at 39¢C _ \ Staple Departmont Next to Dominion Bank, Berlin win ki Extra Special Berlin.‘| â€"Oour Busy Neighbors 2.95 1.50 39¢ X l.pthg:l Sundayâ€"School rw;’a!tm&w‘-? wealher has Leon |‘ : .« Luth. Sundayâ€"School ‘n3 this last week and busy farm= m their picnic on July ist> on m,mmu«ï¬-‘ï¬-m&. Schmidt‘s grove. _ There will be gamâ€" Eugene Schnarr enlarged barn on |‘ +s and all kinds of amusements: for Saturday by adding â€"a new addition a th: youngsters to give them a good to _ it. He was assisted by neigh |‘ day‘s outing. Ice créam and fruit bors and friends and the work of er ' will be served during the afternoon. ¢ction was soon completed. : In (the | mea from 5 o‘clock to 7. _ The Baâ€" evening the party of yourlg.men and a ’l ~don‘ band will be in attend&nce. Evâ€"| Mumber of fair maidens spent an enâ€"|, brybody â€" come and enjoy a pleasant joyable iew hours in dancing â€" on the |, afterhoon with the children.â€" < MÂ¥ ‘new barn foor. Splendid music was Fred Daub is again the proprietot of furnished by a number: o the Berlin his store, which he had sold to Mr. frierds who were ,.-a&t :We <hope | Noah Cordner a few weeks ago.â€" Hr.!!r. Schnarr will be rowarded with | Wm. / Kaufman who bas ~ been & good crop this year. â€"A few Berlin} mx:;loyed" in Mr. Hy. Kuntz‘s store, | friends of Miss Nelda Prefss, spent nearly four years, has resigncd« His | Sunday with her on Sunday ist.â€" '{flny friends will be sorry, but "Pat" ‘ :\ number of young people were (Râ€" thinks city life will suit him bettu.‘loy'lbly entertained at wnw of â€"Mr. John Gable of Listowel visiâ€"\ Mr. William Huchn on Wednesday evâ€" ted his mother and sister a few days!en‘ng, June 16th.â€" The evening was last week.â€"The houschold effects . of|Pleasatly spent in music and dane Rev. Mr. Voss, of Wiuuï¬ .’nâ€"i“i[e ing. â€"Wire fences have Apeen *erected this week and were moved into t |_by the farmers in this vicinity this Lutheran parsonage.â€" Miss Ida Gaâ€"| S€ason in preparaticn for . the . ojen , ble of Midland is spending a : few roads and heayy snow storms which weeks with her mother and sister.â€"| 4C likely ~to follow â€" next winter.â€" â€" Mrs. Ratz and children of Muskoka Mr. William Thurow, oldest son of are visiting at the home of her parâ€"| Frickey spent several days in Canâ€" cnts, Mr. gnd Mrs. B. Schmidt.â€" Mr.|to"0, this week.â€"A number from this Val Daub and daughter spent Sunday | Village spent Wednesday, Jyge 23rd with his mother and friends.â€" Mr.|at the grand picnic in Heidelberg. â€" , and‘ Mrs. Daniel Zehr and Mr. and Mr. William Thuron, :kst son â€" o‘ Mrs. Rudy Jantzi of St. Agathahave| NT August Thurow, married to i returned from Huron Co., Mich,where| Mics Arw‘e Abel, only daughter _ of _ they spcht the last two weeks visitâ€" Mr. ard Mrs. Gco. Atbel, of Wilmot â€"â€" ing fricnds.â€"A large number from Baâ€" .Township. We wish them success an! L. dsn Cund~ Cininlter whis attended the | progperity. ~ G _ Lutheran â€" Sundayâ€"School. Ficnic. â€" n& Ev.â€"Luth. Sundayâ€"School â€" will hold ~their picaic on July 1st on Schmidt‘s grove. _ There will be gamâ€" â€"Mr. John Gable of Listowel vhfl-; ted his mother and sister a few days, last week.â€"The houschoid effects ol‘ Rev. Mr. Voss, of Wiar atriyed this week and were mo':;s into’&w | Lutheran parsonage.â€" Miss lda Gaâ€" ble of Midland is spending a : few weeks with her mother and sister.â€"â€" Mrs. Ratz and children of Muskoka are visiting at the home of her parâ€" cnts, Mr. aod Mrs. B. Schmidt.â€" Mr. Val Daub and daughter spent Sunday with his mother and friends.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zehr and Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Jantzi of St. Agathahave returned from Huron Co., Mich,where they socht the last two weeks visitâ€" ing fricnds.â€"A large number from Baâ€" den and vicinity who attended the Schneider Reâ€"union, returned Tuesday eveninz, having spents a very plessâ€" ant day.â€"Mr. Stauffer Shantz informâ€" ed th: writer it was impossible to shake. hands with them all, there being ‘Eetween 4,000 to 5,000 people present. ‘ â€" News Iltems.â€"A large number from Fischor‘s Mills and this vicinity atâ€" tended the Schneider‘s Centcnnial at Coon _ on Tuesday. An immense crowd was present, and enioyed the exc_lient programme of addresses and music.â€"A monster strawberry _ social will be held at the home of Mr. Jos. Springer on Dominion Day, July ist. Supper will be served from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. A goodly number are coming from Hespeler, Preston, Betrâ€" lin and other places.â€"A friendly gafue of football was played here on Satuh day eveninz between Breslau. No goa‘s were scored, although a very ‘fast _ game was played. Kossut) has a stromg team. _ Lucas for Bres lau did efective work and without his services the Breslzyt boys would ‘sureâ€" ly have been defcated. trip A very pretty wedding took place . at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. N. Colé, Hargrave street, Wednesday , June 23rd, at 11 o‘ciock, when their daughter,â€" Annic M. . Clemens, was married ta Franklin B. Groff, secopd soti ol Mr. S. Grof, of this city.‘ Rev.:Dr. Woodsworth performed . the certiiony in the drawing room before a bank of painis and wild flowers. Miss Eva Gray presided at the piatn, ani played the wedding marches. The bride, who was given away by her Ta* ther, wored; tovély empite a:n of cream ~ sa de chene. .â€" talle veil was fastened with orange . blosâ€" soms, and she carried ~a shower bouâ€" quet of bridal rosés and. white sweet peas. She also wote & Aainty nx*â€" lace of amethysts and pearls, . the gift of the groom. _ She was atteniâ€" ed by her sister, Miss Olive Cole, who wore a pretty gown of rose chiffon crepe,~and rose colored hat trimmed "WÂ¥%h roses and black velvet. . She carâ€" tied pink toses, and were a gold bracclct, the groom‘s gift. To the best man, Mr. Arthur L. Brown, of Torento, _ the groom gave a signel war ant . to MimiGray: a dainiy «Pearl brooch.. WE; bbldbll News Notes,Gathered by Industridus Correspondents in County and District. a GROFFâ€"COLE NUPTIALS CENTREVILLE. BADEN. °* KOSSUTH. we csw wccs smcs on anprtmats Mr. ~apd Mrs. Grof dian Pabific for th: A very pretty wedding was solemnâ€"| r ized Wednesday morning, June 23. | at eizht o‘clock, from St. Mary‘s y thurch, Elora, when Miss â€" Alice Laâ€" vina Kraâ€"sman, ot Clora, Was Un C ited in marriage to Mr. John Joseph ; n McCauley of Stratford. The bxidc'l‘ was given away by her fwthef, and'l the marriage ceremony was performâ€"| 1 ed by Rev. Father Cosgrove, the parâ€" | y ish priest The nuptial mass _ was F celebrated by Rev. Father Schwitzer, cousin of the bride, of St. Jerome‘s College , Berlin. _ The bride _ looked charming in a princess gown of white Japanese crepe de chene, with filet | ; lace and duchess satin, wearing a| veil and wreath of orange blossoms. | The bridesmaid was Miss Nellic Mcâ€") i Rac of Toronto. Mer gown was oi‘\ whte silk mull princess, with â€" lace|. trimmings, and sho wore a while picâ€"}z ture bhat with ostrich plume and carâ€" vied pink rosss. Mr. Albert Kraus~ man of Montreal, brother of the bride, _ was best man. The bride was _ the â€" recipient of numerous gifts. . Guests present from out of town were:â€"Rev. Father Schwitzer, of Beriin, Mr. M. McCauley of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Will. McTagve of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Will Krausman of Detroit; Miss Nellie Sullivan. _ The bridal couple left on an extended wedding trip to Niagara, Rochester, Buflalo and New‘ York. The bride‘s traveling â€"gown was â€" mode hand braided broadcloth.| Mr. and Mrs. McCauley will be at home after Aug. 1, at 144 Downie street, Stratford. McCAULEYâ€"KRAUSMAN There died at his home in New “ Hamburg on Wednesday morning, the 231d inst., one of the oldest aad most highly respected â€" residents | of|‘ the town in the person of Mr. Henry Peine, after a few weeks‘ iliness, at,‘ the advanced age of 80 years and 4| months. _ The late Mr. Peine , was . botn in Woellmarshausen, Province of Hanover, Germany, in February, 1829. There he leatned the trade of shoeâ€" lmdter and was married to Miss Carâ€" oline Emgelhart. _ The young couple emigrated to Canada in 1855, comâ€" ing direct to New Hamburg, where | they _ resided ever since. _ Here Mr. Peine entered into the shoe busin»ss with the late Frederick Tappee, an‘i later bought out his partner and.carâ€" ried on the business continually unlâ€" til about five years ago, when on a¢â€" count of his declining years, he reâ€" t‘red _ from active work. Deccased toot an‘active, part in the municipal affairs ‘in the early doys of the vilâ€" Jag# and was a devoted member of the Lutheran faith. His union with his now surviving widow was blessed with fourteen children, eight of whom prodcceased _ him, The remaining children are: Mr. Louis Peine, New Hamburg; Mr. Charles Pe‘ne, Mrs. W. .J. Russell and. Mrs. Irvin Clarke | of Chicago; Mrs. Adam Berlet, New , | Hamburg, _ and Miss Ernstine at â€"| home. THEOLDESTâ€"GRANDCRILDREN Oft â€" (Ch:.istian Schneider‘s _ Grandâ€" childrcn, Samuc) 8. Snider, of Waterâ€" lo0, aged 87 yeat‘s, 4 months and his brother, > Amos Znider, of Manitoba, Pak i . "Tohak Grook, of "Bt. â€" Mrs. (Jonas Good, ol St. DEATH OF HENRY PEINE EARBSVILLE. NUPTIALS Estimated that Over 15.000 Peo# ple Were in Attendance on All roads in Berlin and this viciâ€" :‘1:‘11 le‘:.:o Schneider‘s Grove ; on street on. Sunday where 9 nual camp wta(cltb w Brethren in Christ tfl% held. It is no exaggeration.to estimate . the nuntber w.ï¬o were â€" on :â€" the grounds during"the day ‘between 15,â€" 000 and ‘18,000 and over 500 vehicles were counted during ~the afternoon. As early as 6 o‘clock people â€"â€"comâ€" menced to go to the campâ€" and the steady throng continued . throughout the entire day. During the® afternoon traffic on Mill street was frequently blocked with buggies, wagons, etc., but fortunately there were no . mis In the grounds the crowd, although exceedingly large, was extremely orâ€" derly, the special police force being on the job constantly. Many families came . early .in ‘the | morning _ with their ‘Tunch baskets and boxes . and remained during the entire day. The campers had & large number of visiâ€" tors and the supply of . food . was given aâ€"severe test, but was neverâ€" theless equal to the occasion. A number of enterprising people CF ected booths on Mill street on Saturâ€" day for the sale of soft ‘drinks, | ic cream, etc., dn Sunday, but . they were stopped by Chicef O‘Neill â€" early in the morning and will appear in the Police Court charged with the violation of the Lord‘s Day Act. The services during the day were interesting and impregsive. . and _ a goodly number . of people â€" signified their intention of seeking closer comâ€" munion with God and others found Christ as a personal Saviour. In the morning the sermons were preachâ€" ed by the two Presiding Elders of the Conference, Revs. E. Sievenpiper and S. Goudie. In the afternoon Rev. A. Good, of the Ohio Conferâ€" ence, and Rev. J. N. Kitching, of Owen Sound, had charge of the tabâ€" ernacle Mns, while a number of ring meetings were held on the hill, which attracted a large number of visitors. The evening feeting was in charge of Rev. H. S. Hallman, and an earâ€" nest and instructive sermon was deâ€" livered â€" by Rev. E. Anthony, of Brown City, Mich. The crowds greatâ€" ly enjoyed . the beautiful singing, which was under the leadership of Mr. Peter Shupe. ‘The departm{ntal examinaticns comâ€" menced at the collegiate on Monday mmorning. A large number of siudents will iry for junior leaving and maâ€" triculation certificates, while sever.1l will try the rormal school entrance. About ten will write on the honor end scholarship matriculation. The timeâ€"table this year doos . not call for an examination on Dominioi Day or â€" Saturday, as in â€" former years. â€"The {imetable for follows: June 28â€"Morning, algebra, afterno0n compositicn. â€" June 29.â€"Mortning, geometry; afterâ€" nocn, literature. .June 30.â€"Morning, chemistry | anl physics, afternoon, history. _ * July. 2.â€"Morning, arithmetic; afterâ€" noon, grammar. Juiyv!)â€"h!,orning. Latin authors; af ternoon, Latin composition. July 6â€"Morn‘ng, _ French authors afternoon, French composition. _ July 7-;Moming, German _ authors afternoon, Géerman composition. â€" July 8â€"Morning, Greek authors; afâ€" ternoon, Greck composition. Junio{' leaving timeâ€"table. June 28â€"Morning, aigebra; _ aifterâ€" nocn, composition. Jun> 29â€"Morning, geometry; afterâ€" noon, literature, | June 30â€"Morning, â€" physics; afterâ€" noon, history. July 2â€"Morning, trigonometry; alâ€" ternoon, history (modern.) July 5â€"Morning, Latin authors, alâ€" crnoon, Latin composition: «July 6â€"Morning, French _ authors; alternoom, Frencn authors. â€" | July 7â€"Morning, German authors ; afternoun, German composition. July 8â€"Morning, Greck authors; atâ€" termnoon, Greck composition, July 9â€"Motning, zoology; afternoon, botany. July 12â€"Morning, chemistry; after noon, mineralogy. FRANK ROUGHMOND Stratford, Ont., June 28.â€" Frank Roughmond was hanged in the yard of Stratford jail this morning for the murder of Mrs. _ Mary Ann Peakc, September 30th last. The negro maintained dn attitude of indifference to the last,} drop fell at one and oncâ€"hall to five, and ten minutes later â€" mond was pronounced dead. Twentyâ€" five to thirty people witnessed . the execution and tJitre was no hitch in the proceedings. 7 § Rougbmond killed Mrs. Peake . in her own home while the husband and family were at work in the fields. DEPARTMENTAL EXAMS. DAY AT . _ CAMP MEETING 1, 1999 PAYS THE PENALTY the matriculation Mb t ie 3 innomn n devoaanipnn flhfl“l:n'mmhnh-gm; m h m uagnumv JULY 1st." See our show window. «ome Â¥+ v k 40 pairs biack lisle gloves, 2 a cream listo glo hiiaters" agote Apiite ©200 | _ Iesvensee, reguier frice B :Olezting Sale of : Fabric 4 paire black taffeta gloves, Jorâ€" rey tops, reg: prics 200 â€"clearing 36 pairs craam tafteta gloves, â€" Jorâ€" sey tops, reg. prics 25¢, clearing WTGG ...« .«â€" /Â¥ ixertsr«r«.+s 108 24 pairs cream taffsta gloves, Jerâ€" sey tops, black and white points reg price 253â€"clearing price .. 130 14 'p-la cream t ffsta gloves, 2 dome seteners, black and white points reg. price 356 clearing price....15¢ ATILOIMLS SWNHHL OHEAP CASH STORE, clearing price ****....:...... BOOKSTORE We s . Waterloo, â€" Ont. 3 Books, Stationery, Office Supplies, Fancy Goods, Wall Paper, School Supplies, English and German Bibles, Testaments, Hymn Books, Ets. English and German Cathoâ€" lic Prayer Books, Rosaries, Cruciâ€" fixes. DOERSAM‘S _ A Complete Stock of Butterick Patterns always on hand. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF SMYTH BROS. We are headquarters for the Edison Phonographs uds o +h esa‘t » arhn‘s r as aens Special Notice â€"~â€" _ WHOLE Harvest Tools Binder Twine Oi Harvest Tools. Every tool is strictly guaranteed If foun1 too bard or too soft we will replace with another. are recognized as the best on the market, QUIVO a drop in prics has taken place this year in the price of twine and we would be pleased to furaish you with your wants. | DOERSAM‘S Gold Metal and Deering Binder Twine We sell the famous Maple Leaf Brand 15e 10 pairs cream lale 2 dome : _ fastensre, regular m “‘-i‘ 70“ "‘:.u".ï¬â€œ......;.“./.A“(“ 3 pairs white k i reg. price 35¢, clearing . » . & 1080 | _ 28 pairs blask lisle gloves, 2 dome .. .. fasteners, black and white points . .. 36 pairs black lisle gloves, 3 dome . fg 38 pairs white lisle g‘oves, 2 5 9 prs black lisle gloves, Jersey top, â€" P'M‘O MII“ & for "“"‘m CASH. ONB PRICBE. eichel & So fastenere, reg, price 25¢, clearing. _ s 21 KING ST. BERLIN s ar k sA the market. Quite iL ts