5:1 «air, " " 331.3,. t's “W‘ v', a; . I', “H W. _ llltlh'Ilt q ia mm,“ street, is ‘ - ., ‘d o8ong to “Illa.- 3"?“ .1 " ' “my-d ot Twist-City tiiEi9ti _ “do“ ttttt splndid â€if“ T . Mm w. M. s. » F'-8. ' 'tid.r"eve'tmr. _ IN, , W 15 Detroit on y t " JAH' ma. Waxy Chroni- " m mm tor $2.05 to- 2 , and 'tf an. i _ act w. b. Kama mag, .51; i'Sa oetttrsencemerst Exercis- a a ttts Jami: College, promised ‘de pet! for next sear's con- De" h‘OnOory. q 'lc, “91 like of Words Saturday a the J. B. nos! Shoe Coy. Sexual hundred trom here a.t$setde0 in: Scheme: reun- hl it. . Boon. Tue:d_-;. â€1h "III! picnic cl the St. st,,iM_iesr Aid Soc-My oi the St. John ',t"iffg'r,it-iii'?e'e wt; he'd in the ', term Mon Wcr'nesday Jene 23. Bormé-At Ypsilnnti, Mich., May and, to Mr. and Mrs. Goo. H. All- “ , not» (George Thompson). 'te mm in the " mile Marathon my» be m in Waterloo at am o,'t'g'%"t'l'l on July lat are ual- _ N at “3.00. That’s what 18 I’m ttatest runners to Wat- D Attic W! I: â€may: The lath Luther St. John's LINK-ran .m' Autrteruir manic was rendered. The tirtrt lawn social ot the mason will be held " the home ot Mr. Wurst. Willow Avenue, Tuesday day, Jun Mth, under tht auspices o' the Icthodist thatch Epworth Imus. . Won 10 unis. iittt Munoz "Tents" at the a... ,5; Root Shoe Coy. 55??!“ Hutu: Luther Society eclctsra- j], ‘m an: anniversary at. St, ..' Lunar-n (hll'ch (a Stun}. . .1 Mr. Bockdmcn practised appro- -; "Pr'" for the oer'riouc WN 'ei, Aa' .Mu‘l'lg but wavered .. Cl â€3"" 51m“ man: will: COB- " - ta2 I', to the Berlin-Waterloo " , Pte some time and expects his" . "artlr to resume his duties $11... q Pr of th: Molson' Bunk i114 '!?Mc'-"w?s5'lr! “it.†:4. {Guiana paid- tarewcl: 5i'iiiii1 a; I loo ltknds Wednesday Wow _'j ' lug with hat husband Io KN _ , rr Station a 1foSoli, Kol- {L l .I.C. India. 4.. V The lath: Luther Society met at‘ m. John's Lutheran church Monday Ms. A'Iplendid program ot music was rendered, alter which re- er-servcd Amr-those â€new split at â€was!!! evening. Weekly Chronicle-Telegraph three days' excursion to Detroit tor 32.051 Munro-â€m. July Mth. Mr. Albert Voeiker, of The Mutual Lib swath-s return! {rum . rift to his brother at V1 toria Hosr'ual London’ whose condition, we are glad to an]: .gomewhat improved. _ Aboutascore ot Twirrtitririends of Mrs. Arthur Nichol, lLasantly surmised her on Friday evening at her home on Foundry street. Tho evening was cnjoya'oly spent in music' and games. _ Weekly Chronicle-Telegraph three hyl' excursion to Detroit lor $2.05 return, on Saturday July 24th. "c, ,rth. prizes tor Waterloo's , It. Knibitton Bre now on ex- il show windowl In town " they “thinly m handsome and “I plead. _ pl Jliititiipitil Sunday ' , an. n can; pet - st " 3nd sag-ls and. Even-pk "tir4W, 9 a- maxi "irj,','lrllMlti Ct mun. .tr9m Juan-Cm «v York “I! mm on his [dam-mt the am a! July. __ In: ijriN, tutf, Winner. a: man. In law that n- no» this on I - tour ot "rt-rup- tial in useâ€; : _ . The any mail ol John Blot an: at tho mum: may; pom, wm-mmdw.~mu in tile. CNN, which acumen Thad†evening, Juno" Nth, mu: I laid than. Mrs. Shun:- VII the - ot Louis Soour, "and tot-mo merchant, mt! on aoeqrtstt 'rt lib - “(autumn Mr. an In. Sim Ind he: linking their hone um: Mm " than - inmate“ a the â€than! me, [our if. “on Covington. Arrangement: or the “a?!“ will be made to-dar-- Cin cinnnti Enquirer. Mr. Sic-3mm is n trrothnr-irMto. at Mr. Harry Kim. ot Waterloo, an: was lormerly employed h the Chum- iele-Negraph omen here. His paF ents live " [axingtom 11mm“ convention ot the newly organized Sunday School and HM.- terial Association ot the Berlin Dis- trict, Canada Conierence, Evnngclicnl Association, which'compriul Berlin, Waterloo, St. Jncou, Elmira, Hesp- eter and Morriston, was held in Ettr manuel Church, Waterloo, on Wednes. day and Thursday. The meetings were alt welt attend- ed and those present listened atten- tively to the various reports pre seated and the ditierent topics given. It was decided to hold the second convention in Elwin next year. The following otriecrt, were elected: President-Rev. M. L. Wing. Vice Prea.-uMr. A. L. 13reithaupt. Secretary-Rev. G. D. Damn. Treasurer-Rev. J. C. lorloek. A hearty vote ot thanks was und- cred the church their tor the excel~ Mat music lumished. -riing's pita-in; was tco irish to: Elmira. at the utter pin": Satuxda; .711 the Beavers scored a \lctory “KR At In time than; the nine "any ttHthe Elmira mum look dangerous. King's cum» “itching {combined with some last was; stunts held the home team doun to 5 hits an; 3 runs. Hellman of Berlin was the umpire and trs tiecrrirns-gave good WATERLOO DE FE ATS ELMIRA DEATH OF IRS. “MILK satisfaction Forowing is the Score'.-- Eimim s.................'))--'. Hits _........ ....‘..,.,.‘100000013-5. Errors "rF-'P__.".r..r_ ___ F.N» ..e.r.P"mm Waterloo _.,.,,...,....-)--" Hits... "'t'» .. _...,..01212011th--8. Errors t.t_me...rF. '_.............,., ...t.. L'atteries-sman and Ziegler. King and Nickâ€; umpire, Hallman. Ber- lin. The local juniors went up against a real strong defence and last, lor- ward division on Friday evening and were defeated by the Galt "Juniors at the Waterloo Park Tuesday even- ing in the firirt ol the “EPA. semi- fint1a, by a score ot 3-0. The locals we“: as strong as their opponents throughout. but luck at judgment u critical periods and poor shooting when in front ot the goal kept the ball from getting between the posts. Morton at halt back and ‘Holtzman on the lonvard divitripn played strong same: tor Gait, while angblutt, Wing and Rudy stuffed A sad dcaith occurred curly on Web nesday in the person ot Min Mnudo Sacha", daughter ot Mrs. Scanner, Albert St., Wnutloo, It the gee! about twertty-thrmy yarn. The deceased had been in ttt nun. for several ran, hung Men u mt- Ierer trom ttrbitetetositr, whim (Med in her death. She was ot u quiet and uni-hie dispo'sltion and her may Mada um regret to learn ot her untimely dentin. At Match. North Butte". Tm‘ In, mum. like! Sula-Ht, a high- Ir reamed. well known and waiver- olu lama. Dem-ed was the tattr. er ot In. Cape: Bum an! Dr. W. J. F?rhmidt, of Berlin. tu was n1 active mm at a. than“ church. In]; 'ttld eight chil- dn-n sunlve. The tttteral van held on Thur-day In! “I in Ink.“- mum. _ . in.» W on. " WI on suurday nut. vie-l M. MHeaqt. m5 te etotbier, m 'omq, . 'iai.t,tli,1 Atte I "B‘IIIII Unnvrun .r.- . - I Up to due the, following mm.‘ 5â€. I†‘1. " W.ihan been "ee4eed for the ten tttite m Batordar m. _ M. motor cyrle [ICE to tre held In Water- MHearttt Btrtti, 1 ate etotHer loo on Dominica Dar. Wm. Omn- m ' n “a ch“; . wood, H. A. Ill’lhlll, Ju. Gibbon. . - " , 'lll."lhffeeetttu"rt,tUd:cNtt 3.11,, " w l - mammnmm us. 'rc “Ax «m - at; an n- - - j- In q 9' GALT WINS FIRST GAME DEATH OF MESS SOEHNER S. S; C0rmilm0l1 A SPECIAL BARGAIN SALE DIED " “SIGN mud“ " t.',%'ll1d"lll.1'4l".li; Citi".1t'ii . ' 1i?e'tS8igllsl trt m- 'sMaer In ' mm. ' 5 L In. bay. up. :iltr new um (a. "88f. up an I too! ' has. mam tn palm“ M an“ vie-Meat at tho M,Mlu Continua Animation. . . airman: â€U! to mount Hr t (MI-o) In. nun, may!» trtinater, Salk; Erma and Viola " - if? au at "thm [men] " no: tg ttged awaiting word Iron In I. At . speck! 'ttrteting at the Watc- loo‘ Toll Could! held on Wednesday ant-moon the amended petition Pr+ mud by the King that property - tor . mac-dun "ted hon: the contention line to Winiam St., wu adopted. The Work ot. contracting the Man! road will be commetveed " once under the supervision ot Road Commissioner Sum“. WILL BEGIN WORK AT ONCE WA" motion Wu "Ued granting Chiet Flinn tyo weekg’ gong-ya. Clerk Rump! w“ authorized to PUT- thc a huntity ot crushed “one from The Quay Compuy. Mrs. Will-rd Hendry ot Toronto is spending a " days at the home a! m timer, Mr. Wm. Snider, Albert meet. Mr. Fred Kernol, at St. Louis, Mo., and who conducted a wreath tile Ian-mess in Waterloo titteen years ago unwed aequaintaAtes in mm Thmsdqy. ms. h. G. Hairline] is visiting friends in Hrnilton. _ Hrs. Christman, ot Elmira, was the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Har- per, Young street. To. Hr 'tuae, ol Elwin. h . - Mr: Wm." McDougall was a visitor in TaVistock Sunday. Miss Alice Hollingwartli, of Strnt-‘ [ad was a guest‘ at Miss Jennie Me Bride. Mrs. Springer and daughter Rose, ol Toronto were guests at the home of Mr. C. Allendorl. ' “in ,Elizabeth Kraut iger ot thr ' Penna/Wank Hospital, Fhi1neeiphia,! is spending the summer " her home here. ' I ‘lliss MeCormich spent Siniay a: Benoit. Mrs. Wm. Wegcnast, ot Strallord, was a visitor in town on Friday. Mrs. D. Rah, and Mrs. Lydia Fry, ot Elmira, visited Watcrlco triends on Friday. Rev. and Mrs. E. Sthulz and lttar. ily of Rochester, N.Y., formerly ot Waterloo, “a renewing acquaintances in town. Mrs. William McDonga'l is spending a week with Tavistock relati es. Mrs. J. B. Dinkel. Mrs. Miller uni Mrs. Kline, of Hamilton, returned on Friday, alter a visit in town, guests at the home at Mr. and Mrs. John Ritaer, Young St. Miss Rankin of Nova Scotia is the guest of Mrs., Mom-mm, George Miss Rankin of the guest of Mrs. street Miss Catherine Zimrrghnan, who has been spending some time at the home ot her mother, Albert street, Ion Wednesday gttemoon tor Baltimore where she will take: course ot study in pr. Kelly‘s hospital ot RM city. Miss Haitic Simon ot Whitby Ladies' College-ls making a short q1sit with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Snider. en route to her home in Artist-sh. Que. Miss McCallum of Siam Is the guest of I!" Cecil Shah, John street. Mr. WM ot New Zelllnd is n guest of Mr. Juliu- Cerium. Mr. Westney is an 'snttnmitratic lawn bowl- er not was much planed with Wat- erloo‘l bowling green. Social and Personal Mr. Byron Quid", ol Strauord, was a visitor In town on Monday and Tuesday. , WHAT YOU NEED Yen need some My balm ready tor hustled hands, unburned skin, an, bum, hm, stings, and many little with“ Incidental to Opal-lit lite. Zam-Buk in the Ideal ulna. It in auntie, .oothing, and huh-3. Inset sung: or tubal wire scratch- ju eanrsot Veoatk podium! wound- It Zuni-M in Will. It nomine- sou, with; feet, heals baby’s chil- ed m. cool- pitches ot sunburn, reliant the - ot rum". Moth- etl'sllould In an the county cow use I: we: without lam-Bulk. Pure- ly head. It may be regarded as Na.. lureâ€: oqrtt healer. Apply n to M. no. injuries. usher, erttptittets, and dill-n. All drums“ and Morert, ' DARE DEVIL ENTRIES FOR THE COUNTRY in: a new. 't J. tyr.,E',liiii.lU,),,llr,u,tN,NN F WATERLOO, ONTARIO. s :wwwmmamwmwe E The bride looked handsome an! wer- attired in a beautiiul gown ot white mulle and carried a. lovely bouquet ot white roses. The only ornament worn by the bride was: pearlcres- cent, the gift ot the groom. The presents were numerourand costly. Mr. and Mrs. Essen will take up their residence cu John St., Water- - Mr. and Mrs. their residence loo. . Weekly Chronicle-Telegraph three days' excursion to Detroit lot $2.05 return, on Saturday, July Mth. mm't miss Watcrloo's big tion on July lst.__ in": vu- uun, -..._. Lawn tgoeitri--Ttte Ladies oi the1 Presbyterian Church will hold a strawberry festival on Thursday even- ing, June Mth on the Court Housr. Inn. A good programme has been arranged tor. The Baden Band will be in attendance. Everybody “Icons. Come and enjoy a may nut evening.. L,2tt,it'" Ttutr?"""" 'l Tir,'), Dainty Designs "_", tgumu.v-sktioor Picnic. Luth. Sundny-uhool wi anic on July 1st in , groin. 0mm ot all I W311- during the day III! D'LlIl-Iau tgumus-sktioor Picttie.-- The 13- ' Luth. Sundsy-uhool will hold their l pisrtic on July In in Mr. Schmidt's I stole. Gum: ot all kinda will he l played during the day to give the l child"! I royal good time. Fruit,, 1 ice cream and candle. will he in “new. Teo from 5 o‘clock to Well. The Baden Band will turniih the music during the day. All welcome. Come and enjoy yourselves with your tamiliee.-Mr. Daub ot Eden is again proprietor of in property and shoe business. which in had sold to Mr. Noah tFordner, . lew weeks ago. - AEr. Wm Khulna: his resigned his position " heal clerk in tho Crntrai Slate and will have next week. He. has been in Mg. IU. Knu'l employ - (out nun nd‘will be grilr mlsud.- Int/er Wm. liebcl has been - ml will spend the next a yarn in the More lo lam the trade u eterk.--Mr. John Gale ot Listo- wel mm n Few days with his motte pr, Mrs. J, mstttr.--The hounrh'ild et- led: oi Rev. Mr. Van ot Witwa- urtivcd At Bad-m ml were moved in- to the Lutheran parsonage ttt Tue.- dtt--Mists Id: (inblc of Milland in at prom: visiting ot home in] at- lending her sister, Mrs, Drum, who is on the sick litrt.--Mrr Rata null family ot t,'f,t,') an" at pram-l. Imdllg I my: hi her home, I Mr. It. tgetrattdt.- Mam. Du "hr , and Rudy an“ at St. Agni. - returned with their wives int Sutur- - an Iron Huron County, mu ot .lkm.vaw-H m‘ .. "Hagan!†a: man 'v' PRETTY JUNE WEDDING was we was BADEN white 'ttttt pdiQJHHV-De' ulna, with m Edi-n new. Lima. my. lumen. nah Linen, Hulk, whit. Ind aloud ducks, print, gingham. on. Also . full line of Ibo-in}, gloves. mu, chum. Mme, unit“. etc. Whit. hwn’ II Detroit q celebra- Don't miss Waterioo'sr.tsig celebra- tip? on {July lat: - fl - - _' News Itema.--Mr. R. S. Futher has t: returned home alter spending some time prospecting in the Cobalt dis- c triat.-atr. John Current, ot Berlin, Ii was' a visitor to'town on Sunday fl last.-Mr. Amos Jones of Walnruss, n Ind., is visiting in town this week.- s Mr. Wm. Rittinger or Berlin was a 3 business visitor in town on Friday , lai-aEmttgrtt. A. W. and N. R. Bugg d ot the People's Railway were busi- 'l ness visitors to town last week.-Mr. l and Mrs. John Reictrard, Mr. and I Mrs. P. Goedke and Mr. and Mrs. t Simon Snyder and daughter of Ho- I wick were visitors in town quite re- l _ cently.-Our local football aggregation . ‘went to Ayr on Mondny evening last ', and played a friendly game with the 1 team of the latter place, The game resulted in a tie, the score being I-- ', L-We are glad to note that Mr. ', Elmer Poth is improving alter being _ on the sick list recenur.-Rev. C. W. Backus conducted the quarterly ser- lvices " Melanchton on Sunday last. Mr. E. H. Thamcr occupied the pulpit oi the U. B. church here in the absence ot Mr. Btrekus.--Rev. Mr. Barker delivered a very interesting missionary address in the New Men- noniie church here on Friday evening 1aat.-Among those trom town and vicinity who attended the Snyder re- union at Doon on Tuesday last were: t Mr. and Mrs. Elias Hallman, Mr. and Mrs. N. U. Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Clemens, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bauer, ' Mrs. N. S. Bowman, Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Btautier, the Misses Lizzie and . Selina Bowman. Miss Myrtle and ' Mr. Clayton Cassel, Mr. and Mrs. J. ' C. Hallman, Mr. JIordon Hallman, ' Mr. and Mrs. Angus Bowman, Mr. b and Mrs. Elias Bingemsn, Mr. and r' Mrs. T. Bingemsn. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Madter. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hall- , man, Mr._and Mrs, Hy. Schlichter. a Feature June Fuhion Sheet of tho Home Puma Co. We keep 0. full line of pstberna on ads. ty Do not forget and get u Th Waterloo Junior loom“ tun - the Pram Jason " Q. Incrloo Purl In t Juno: W. F. A. use A“ “was!“ In holding up mum m b I “can nil. In a Jglltt a... an up won an .w‘L-m‘m_mr.‘. NEW DUNDEE PHILIPSBURG IU, 4 m Moose We m am at,,,,,,', lil! jl.reoMr of the; any law 'e 'rl, 'titll! "ieutntiseteadt W fta't W make 4 Mil on (50 ifrAeutte1s)_'ii'tit,"t'"ill seM, m we oesdr We a M _,1!,liiill ft, we don’t MW in "tea', 11iii,ll,,, Jrel' fruees, M We in otabiii9r)(i' ‘50“!- pm and dam a Jtg 'ic';,',):.',,,;',,')";], an: JUsitress. ï¬g a: you need dome MW 50* i/tr" 'oisse, do»? you? come and (at ,0} MW 300 sslUt we 'ave got {at po. - 1 he Leading Funeral Directors and E alumnus. v" 12' PHONE 388 . - HomtEistr'c,i,,) _ Don't-min Waterloo's big celebra- tion on July Ist. m . tetub--u.hr , Wxï¬wï¬ï¬‚ A. Ernst visited tritnds in noon on Sundny.-Mr. I. Sumner ot Berlin spent Sunday in town.--Miss Parker ut Berlin 'who is visiting her friend, Miss Florence Bounce, sang in the Evangelical (lurch on Sunduy "thing. _ r. .., __. _.&.-a -'EA""e9"""" M-"--""" u" - --Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schlegci attend- ed the Schneider Centennin! in Doom (n T'vesdar- Miss Selina Bean in visiting kinds in Station! Ind Dright.-Mr. J. Barnard ot Buleo spent Sundny with kinds in town.-- Mrs. Morley spent several days oi last week in thm.- Miss Inird In: gone to visit her sister, Mrs. mnirr in ssteatoritt.-- Mr. uni Mrs. .113. Kerr are visiting Mend: near Brussels, Presented With . Houdini Gilt.-- A social evening was spent by the mcmbors oi the Epworth League It tho homi- of Mr. and Mrs. Juroh 11rttli on Monday. A moat enioystrk time was spcni. _ During the course oi the evrning Miss Netitel who will manly scwr her connection with it: League, wu picmnivd with two handsome pirrm oi cut torsc-Mrr. Jim. M, Smith read the lddrul wlih “in c, M. Gm! made ttm-prov 'ist.. _Miu Spinn- Bean attmded the tiorr--Miss Selena Bean amended the lmplion giwn to Mr. ml In. w. A. Burke (nee um Viol. Cool. trt Liana). u Poole a Mot-My mn- 1tt.--Mrtt. Ruby returned noun Bul- "toetTue+rirtgitttt with " Mr gum". In. Hornmmlot a. g two moM‘I m um lap-hm“ with!“ at We! 03 ',ttttlt, IE NEW HAMBURG T Cakes for Prices ranging from To to h" a " (Fry tb peursd of Schneider'l up with your next order. Frock dMtf.' _ If you unlocking for quilt not gummy. try a pound ot our“ Another shipment. of those Inn. pines this Week. Bohlender’s TEACHER WANTED Pretty "rttre, Wtdding.--A putty house wedding was celebnted it till home ot Mr. and Mrs. (has. Schm- gel at one o'clock on Wednesday, when their only daughter, Nora Sophia was united in marriage to Mr. 1:“: Simmer ot Berlin. Rev. Simon Swath, putor pl Ann: St. U. B. Church, Berlin,-periormed the cere- molly in the guests. r..__. The bride was prettily ttowned “in! cream silk mull and curried I b6.- quet of roses and lily ol the alley. She was attended by her ‘couh, Miss Maud Schlichter ot Torontd, who won . pretty costume oi cream silk. The groomtmnn 17:11 Mr. Simon Stautter, brother ot the groom. The groom's gilt to the bride wu . pearl Sunburst, and to the brida- moid and groomarnan respectively .1. 0rd pin Ind purl tie-pin. _ "aeiii (Ge Ere-tut from Torclto, Berlin, Wimumsbnrg and Deldi'ng. Michigan, _ For B. B. No, 9, Wilmot. Peel? _Thcr;uun.g couple left on the 0.50 tuin tor Detroit Ind other points. A, Don't mm waterioo's trig ceiebre tion on July ht. Pennant-Mr. and Mrs. mm Cream": of Nutches visited at the hon it Mr, and In. Adana: Say!» or on Stmdar-- Miss M: Pty? mt Sunday gt the home of It. and In. Mnmo Bechtel an: Prawn. --It. tart Snyder and the Mine- Dello Snydet Ind Edna Cream " Bulk. Suzanna n the home (I no tormer's “at, In. I. Moyer. -A- W mole who attended In: con"!- no. he†mt Davina this wee8 m Rev. nl In, _ In. no. Bittttetttot ml - - lent-5 ms- Alice Scum. mm. a - ot Mr. m In. Bratoeea-ter. Lalo- ‘lay Wu.- at Berna van on» " iwy a in mm W. "was†Aexander Home Grocery new mrmttet-Whgragt m' a“. toabteolthr. in: picéencc of about [arty BLOOMINGDA " Everybody