tO in. no doltzhted with " . ( P. . In! the mod master’- in. wr 'drattgtg ttttttd-tte. " the -» A _ Mod star It. 31!ch f t he aw cymbal perhaps of “but†But the king but _ 'mm 'te was honor for tho it“: I fwd!“ It. Hell Ihould not " In to t so! house won ts' 'ttee9trtrttttr. an J'1,lllll, to the mu g Idol! mutton of that house. Zerln) g: m stood (“all and was made vcea_turort'ttctxttt, Kan-ooh. The ken-um cut Mouton the prlco of a 'pri-cept, “it. but tor Marte'. like he bore Nixie outlay patiently. Then the my. _ir/FF.tiik' new him-m with n draft 53 'trAiettoirtth" Lemur- brough, Hut ‘w to " rnoot [leasing tage. The "e, keeper of the "mantles was called 1 from Int place In the circle beside e, - With. Colonel Stafultz had r - ttoeeqd Wit-mm); there. but now '. itâ€! little Mrtrt. The figure seem- . ad “mum. He turned ht: head round - to Huh“. who wa- Just behind him. “You. (in?! her." Marian whispered _ h 'tlttrmt. to the question to the colt) her) eyes. Tho eye. Bew back to Bo. phy Instantly. There, too, was set the sun of Counteu Ellenlzurg. tor Sophy A " In full beauty that day. She. too, iilii's'i'e't' MI. and her ancient hatred ot .m a more to whlch she had been born w" tpmrttretembertd. Bereyeo glowed. C" I,“ the red our glowed on her cheek. " he! at: no triumphant as one motto-led to the king and then stood _ tte M ttttttttttt - h.“ . .I. I W "a"l'dap.". ltr., m . w. .. _ cur 7 2 _ home . I in, u out - . a V - T lush-mu _ T - _ m to a boil ' h w an nu thnw u ' - -', umâ€... ',tiiii,',i'it,I'i I',',",',,' '. . . I." - , I T 1" the W0! uncout- h sth" _ gatelnnowluh. Tho "r", TiiWinee.uuttset- r we. " the Hug we" It en- " ',' Tt, 'tsamtorittttero-. g . 'L.'r CC m"" while the prim . It.» t to took after m: ta. .iII-u» Blur: no a. opportunity. t W - M . was " cordhllty far . a“ . . t; the prim mu on _ri'i'iiiitiii?Y,'? char Vol-emu I.» to be on the toot. Phry in; it I’ll not now the mo. tre, M. mar-m. F: a: 's '77 "ant‘l that - -' ly you've got on 23' 'rAtq can your cheek?" 'ib?ttte ttttAT ' 'o,"" at 'l.,fT: dlgt; with en- ' no“. Bil n r ted . tikLD “I _ n m " " â€("th Inn-mum mun-uto- . strtttte.eemsstrortperr ,,.. “Mum. Everybod’y laugh- " . Js'., Incubus. Sopby'l ‘m In T In. Het and merry. Her tunic. tte emu-nu of euqnem , MM than. III dttrted u the pret- bar, caught him In her ml and s d Mum "rhaty my“ q ' led um." l The boy (anew tip?" with hte Gracious his words were for her deed and gracious " smile for her comely beauty. He could at least look a king --no man denied him tttat-tUtd weak in klngiy pin-let. “A service unmatch- ed in mung. and immensumbie in im- oortnnee to Ill 13d our royal house, (he Innervation of our dearly loved son and only heir." Countess Ellenburg looked down her nose at that.' For such an act did he confer a patent of nobility on sophy and for greater hon- or gnu her as title the name of one ot " own estates, together with a charge on in revenues equal to her new diz- lily. ' tte ended and sank back In his chair. in: prince‘ came forward and kissed be! hand before them all. Counteu EV lenbur‘ bowed condescendingâ€. A mm» murmur at npplnm Med the hill at. with shining eyeI. Sophll, Bar. on. Dobnm.courtesled again very â€we do Gulch! 1h!- 6Mttmtr& poor chum" whis- Arq't. “when, but only Jam 'e In Wand. far away. heard wt of Sophia limple. child- ',"rrr, ' like exaltnuon. " w" Such a letter 3;? . ' A went to her that 'ft.,',:':' I' . . , night. but there ea In: stun In It #3 _ W thn bu. ' hs and neon. The boy trmehed the mark wllh bl. In". A look of chum-h an an bto " Mm out '-"Yottr hell" he uld softly and con- ï¬nd to look " the mylterloml alga “I My Ind not him down nnln. Ill". - was told all ow! Slav- II Mon night. and men and women ' ed. "comm; to lhelr temper, of - and (he mennlng of the red . " (ml, the foollnh lhlnl about h thintm, even the win talk. The Mn; left " chair “a mlnglod with " can“. “In movement was the slum! lot I general relttmttmt of my. The who: can). lem- an - Ind Joined Sonny. who bud rb. . had to mm "ekovttet" one. TTe "If!“ ttte “to“! " muralulm W M In manta-t conslmlned m tm wind new to be on Como- oh. Muwhholooledln- Mull! I. Mark will» 1- hot lm. and In. at m or a. m .A “on 'attrttr. ayAtPit" I‘. u Iophy crunch had you, went Iii ie-e-its, “Sunburn-tou- luddenly a childish voice rang out clear ttttormttttt0att --a tune", cigar um. ietet W “is...“ or Hub Marlo new " (in - at M m In - atestrqer-s& "In. an; um‘t. tcl n'2N ,. In it: mt he " "t--t 1'gg',trd=Nvl'a2 'llolooudlthn‘guvdx tore a. mutual-glut. “Tull-duh“ my on can..." " an at tits" b It "Nest Incl I‘m hum Unv- It all. to my rtt.t$e a! PM WI In! Vol-III. you know. am: t was! ttset-tmln my mun-t .. ml. W. man be may for out - wlun. an, can. mustn‘t In?" AiiG'ia net m up! I'll" 6- 'tltr in! - an - "Otw gum unbound - - W bunk. “Mark he" and genome. in" patched to come with .0. an: m whit "an to be written. Ind the"! not "to Album†Mat laughed. “OI. wan. I. do 'tre very sign!) It Pru- Iok. We shall be mm mm month- ttt lea-t. I'm-ted Mule to [hem-do you to come Hm her and to may a long as you could. but she‘s disappoint- ed me. I must pirad for myself." The changing expulsion of Sonny‘s eye- hnd marked every nuance of his him-ch. nnd Marie marked "or: ex- m-km of the Pym The: had grown Nh%hi, ,rrgd my: m?.e vim-1 he spoke ot leaving Shun; A sudden for Mood into them at bl: invitation to Praslok. ,"ypt'll come torn little? The scenery b very Me and the people tnteretsting." Sank: gave a low laugh. “Since "If BCe0ery In ttne and the people Interest- hut. yea moaselxttestr." Their eyes met ugnln. and he echoed NM: Im- Dumb. Marie Zerkgvltch drew In her breath sharply. WIN: rwm ltr eight she saw and foresaw. She remembered the ptesretstitueat under whose htfitIettee she had begged Sophy not to come to Krnvonln. But fate ttad weighted the scales heavily against her. The Bar- Q If l one" Dohran l ' was here. - tf) 'tii'p'i.," 1: i iiiiii( . NR, "g . u--""";).'?.,-) 'Y V - Aslmultnneous _ . " exclamation of ttttdy.].." many volcel y broke across / their mm, At " the other end ot the room V men and wo- ' . / men pressed In. l tonelrcie round mom! point of , Interest whlcb could not be seen by Sophy and her com- a,."", punlons A loud . voice rang out "t.i, in authoritative 'P tones: “Stand bunk! Stunt! “You’ll come fora bu" and open “mgr! all the wht. down!" 'Thlt'l NatcheE‘I volce.†nld the when. Ratchet! wu the loadlng phy- llclnn of BIIVDIL "sometrodr'tr rainted. I suppose. Well, the place ts Btutty enough!" “Yn‘nOOC-Olllm Marian emerged from the circle. which ind widened out in obedience to the physicnn'u orders. As he huh ma turt the prince he and: "The king In: tainted. air. I'm going to fetch maze." Twa or three other men an to open the windows. -irGUG iiiiiieat I mm- knew hlm to do that before." _ Ho banned to when " father lay. the subject of Nntchelr'l ministration. Sophy and Marie followed in " wake through the opening which the onlook- erl mad. tor him. The klng showed signs of recovering. but Hatchet†taco was gran beyond oven the regain- metstkMtst.imseitmttrtt8thtr.. tlent'l rank. The next moment I»... cum up. This mun. tho that. body -nt. was a small. plump per-on. who had generally a weary, lmpwlvo. uninterested manner. He looked rath- er uninterested even now. but his walk was very quick. and in was - hiding Ratchet with deft and nimble angers "this is strange. â€page." laid tut. cheil. . Lop-go did not look up from his tut. "an: it ever happened baton?" Then up.†did look up. no Ip- â€and to con-inn Ind to Maine... m, [tinted one. " tho king before h. In- “In the thtrd um In two man: be an! " lat. "You never told me!" The wail that slurp from NatehetN "pl. "that wu by " najesty'l peremp- tory orders. He'll be mm mt I‘ve toll you new." -- -. “QM-e; an roan!" on!“ mum "prttrs. ' ,, . T ' . tmivu'trad plgnty to an about mi night. Beside- m Baron- Duh-rink ted It" then was the hinting at of King Alum The "enintt bulletin val entirely fumble. TI. “In; M quite recount But many ha - Lepage'n mates-Ion Ind Inn the look um it [nought to Ruched"- no. Steam!“ and amt-m rode back from the pal-cc to the city Ilde by side. The xenon! w“ “lent. Immersed In deep thought. Stefan: smoked " rlgnrette with I light, rather mocking smile. At last. when they won 1. . almost opposite . the terrace of lhe Hotel do Paris. Stemvk‘l V Ipoka. .. Al "It looks Ilka the Madman] on the nil." it In“. â€Gummy.- em." unme- auoed cm to"). “but " ,m‘m .tti'l,',s1.t!tr, '.'.pitP2t"U'ff, 'a'l"linStiu,TTr'hTfu'l;'uoir' atttaiuiittatrrtseheet.trgub"t'. mm a): but. "it. T,'; “Tum Anew" m In, as: M! $110 N7 ett - . m 1."li I â€and.“ M you" new wmq.. My not†(who wu cured at ten-m. Indication by "rrtrtt_' me: “new!“ for " yourâ€. mended no to try the". wonderful able“. I bought but a dozen boxes and In" inn than the ninth. I out cl! kind.- ot bonny mod: without untru- and an may Im- proved In new my. “mud-mu" All) curd lb. mimic omatipatlors which an so Ill-treading In my cue." _ (Bind) HUG}; BROWN. We t box. I M 81.50; a um box. 86e. At dealers or tron Fruit-14hr... “and. Ottawa. . Below Slnrnn the maln postroad--tu' has already been stated. there was no railway at ttth tlme-ronomg the course i of the river-Krill: tor about tlee allies l In a mmtheasterly direction. It'is lhen 1 carried new the stream. whieh con- (lune. to tmud to the loth. by " an- clent wooden bridge end rum ttarttt- east tar another Btteen miles through nut country Ind put prosperous Im- I cultural and pastoral vulngel till it ruche- the why lend bordering nu- run. The lake. extending from this point to tho open of the monnlnln rum which form- lho frontier, bar! In further direct progress. end It dr (video Into two bunches. The right pron; of the fork continua on the level an it when Dobnvn. elsht miles from the point ot DWI). Here " lacuna to the northeast - Ind. ntb besides the king himself the [new Iq addressed.†"or what It says!†“I think that's plain enough. general. I think It says that the time in short.†Ho watched his compunlon's he. closely now, but Bunnies“ musk was stand and unmoved. He said nothing. Ila emanated Mussel! with a when grunt. "Short for the king'." pursued Stuf- nits. with a shake of his head. "Short for the prince perhaps! And certainly. general, uncomfonalgly short for no!" Stcnovicl mnted' agnln and than rode on some while in silence. At hurt, just as be was about to part from his companion, he made one observation: “Fortunately Natettett In a Mend of mine. We shall get the belt possible mrormation." "That might become of importance. no doubt. general."' said Sultans, smil- lng ItHL R. NATCHEFF amply reassured public opinion. What Informa. tion he gave to General Ste- uovics. his friend, In another mutter and numbed locked in that statesmnn‘s heart. Publiciy and toet embody else from the Prince of Slav- " downward he declared ttkt them was no ground tor approbation an! that the king merely needed rest tad change. After I few days of the for- mel- it was proposed to seek the litter by moving the court to his majesty- country sent at Dobrttvtt-tttat estate from which Sept-y had been memo-11 hidden to choose her Mlle. Meanwhile there was no reason why the prince Ihould not carry out his intention and proceed to the castle ot Pruslok. or mom. “I: mil-I of may Intent. era-e- the maul!- In St. Peter’- puI. (Monte-mun mdmrthe may and on! an "outlet. Th. left pm: become. I new new! directly the bisection bu occurred, rising sharp. tretetho mile-tom hillon width tho cum of Pmlok lands. “on it run! for um I!" lllll- on a high plateau an tt and] " the hill city of What. which mud- on "so can of tho plan“. norm down on La. Tum tttd new to Bohr-n. In an plain appoint T Beyond Volunl them In no tqtad In the pm lame. but only cart or bridle tree" or then. the principal and meat frequented nun diagonally ms the vallev In winch Lake 1'an "as. In Weak Kidneys Wen! Rh; - rah! in wait “an†Th. Mung] amnjmn. Md the ' "has noun“. "Tn tt'2tgn,g,',Ttp.'t,tgg.t"dggu'e'f, mm. DrJhonp‘Im "In . 1112113113.. il,'ggg."le,'a h be. r my“ m. chumunmuolmu Elâ€: = uhs or chm-thin a. an“. [m M o! Br i,t'.t'i.'e'iF,rt,ii 8l'4".fgl'd4. Mild. . I 'ig,iiii'iiii'iiii'ii' ',tt'g'tf " 1t,tra",tri m mud and an 9r. _Sh¢qp?s re,'?:,',:,','),',':,)-,--,, “if? 'ttits: "tCt ". . 4- y "I! DO _ 'ao lulu" an 'P"" -- - “huadmaa t “will†and n. In an an“ irgUw In “W Inga! but. an Iv .er. lubd h (it We! a! tho but that. Th .0. 3.01003.ij W Fapttat “W M “I It! oittisviu.'tei-toir"tsr_ “and b “and. ad not. button-u. enhly mm formidable owomntl I: once they an up um. Forum".- can -ttbsufotx-mtottttMr -otrtohtastttetrelttesdhtqmlttq man-1mm â€tum mutumtmgnnm Thom had been It Pin-lot for I went - on out ttt his “a thaw At (I. tart. mom! brim-tun W to "all: tn alum. ' ttntttttt-ttrtttaett-tid- to Dob-nu. Ion-um a In. In an! Wu. tt would do no - to no" I 'itoatdhr put of eye- und on: may mottat no long a the king mined tn Malena. Thu- the two Iudlu we" â€comp-nu only " J.Ntye Yul. (risoltttibeseiiia'dieiftrraeoit than). my not out In a he“, travel- In; our"... " " In lbs morning. rock- onlnx to reach the man before wen- tng “I. M my.“ would - be not! and for the last the mile. on ceedlnlly slow. The: left the cnpltul tn my» tmmttsillitr, and when So- my settled he: bill " the an of the Silver Cock and bad: farewell to old Meyentaln. - landlord. he expressed (uncoomtmwonkllmn bonnet. though, indeed. " poor house was. hq feared. no at quartet-l tor (he Boron.“ Donna. "I don't know whether I Ihlll can back hen. but! can - forget your house. I shall always love it in my memory." an Sophy. Max von Hollbrandt had obtained lesve of absence from his location and had accompanied the prince to Pray lot. The two were friends. having many tastes in common and, not least. the taste for soldiering. Besides haw ing the pleasure of his company the prince looked to obtain valuable nid from Max in the task on which he was caused. The young German was amused and delighted with his expedi- tion. Pnslok is a primitive old place. It stands on an abrupt mound or knob of ground try the roadside. Bo steep and sudden is the ascent that it was note-Ina to build a massive causeway of wood-art inclined p1attt-to lead up from the load to the gate of the square tower which forms the front of the building. The causeway has crossbar! It short tutor")- to [in foothold to tho - which in old days were sublet! within the walls. Recently. however, modern stables had been built on the other side of the road, and it had become the custom to mount the causeway and enter the castle on foot. Within. the tsrrangernents were quaint and very simple. Besides the tower already mentioned, which com tamed the dining room and two bed- rooms above it, the whole building, strictly conditioned by the shape of the hill on which it stood. consisted of three rows of small rooms on the ground ttttor. in one row lived the prince and his male guests. m the sec- ond the servants. in the third the guard. The ladies were to be accom- modated in the tower above the dining room. The rows of rooms opened on a covered walk. or cioister. which ran round the inner court ot the castle. The whole was solidly built of gray trtorte- s businesslike old hill fortress, strong by reason of its msasive masonry ttttf of the position tn which it stood. Com sldered as a modern residence it had N be treated humorously. so an declnp ed. and found much pleasure in it (row that mplpt of New. ,"kprinre. Aim mmmnt to pttrsttartothtirrt and or" "one tron: luxury, probably did not realize how much his ancestral strum! hold demanded of his guests' Indttl. We. Old Vsssip. Peter'l father, was major aomo--H in his sheepskin coat and high boots. His old wife was cook. as]: a amen servants completed the establishment. and of these three we» groom The homo. In fact. loomed to In: “an only mature- whou comfort were " all on a modern footing. But tho-prim wu entirely "ttstud and never so happy nnywhm an " Prulot. He loved the limo. handy "to. no loved oven more, though will†loll cautiously, the we of I â€no" friend: He would ttot â€old on hob to court popular“: In Shun. bat hi heart want out to meet the Ian-ought (“hum of Voloonl. ttte tttomttairt town, and It: Iononndln. Ttlug.. Distant and ttelf rostrum“! m Bums. no" In "I open, my and full or In “moot boyish odor. "It's worm coming here 1qu to In It! died on you.†Mu told him an no two rod. back together from Vol-en! on tlie any of Sophia nrrivnl. They had been " Work, no the mum. prank-ed well. TM prim laughed anyâ€. N8trttite, ban from Slum I like "on an "tee u own." In mid. "No need to Intel: your tongue or other people's! You can hush when you Ilka and frown when you like without a damn people “In. whnl‘l your mauve tor doing It." "But 'renlly you shouldn't in" cho- nn . dlplomullt tor your companion. air. if you feel like that." - - A _ "I haven't." he mullet "1'" left the dlplomnlst down than and brought the soldier up. And now that the indie. are columnâ€- "Ah. now we must watch our tongue. 1 mm lull Mme. zrrktrritetr In very pretty. and the harem mum uh Inc ammo†malt-II!" Inlt prying of men. yet Mn m nollbrnndl coma not rum and!“ um: (Ms much a (Inc. It " - pgnlon. The vim of Ibo ham-l co.- bin-d um much Mum to mum. in the when rm WI. Lawton " â€mm m , _ T ‘19."! T he jolly vacation period Is again at hand. In accordance with ii.') sum ot the season Buty Mais Ma- gazine Lt Jim: isa splendidly illttti-' trated Outing Number. It is brim. tin at bright hit-cl? contributions on the timely subject of a holiday. "The Proper Way to Spend a Vacation,‘ and “Suburtan Lite tor City Pete He." will be perused with much in, tcrest. Another clever sketch is on "Canada, the Summer Playground ot America." Canadian articles ot mer- it and instruction by crisp, entertain- ing miter; no ll he Illustrator ~01 Dr. Drummond's Poems," "The New Era of the Intercotortiat Railway" and "A Day with Canada‘s Premier." 'There are hall a dozen short, snappy stories, and the best selections from the leading putlications ot the world (In home and business interests,whicit mate the June edition ol 'Bus;. Man's a welcome Summer guest. It is readatl: and diverting [tom rover to cover. TEACHERS APPOINTED Appvihtmtsts Izmo ban made by ttts Government to till the position ot teachers in tharge of the recently rslahlishul agricultuxd classes in High thools. The young mm so- lth are all graduates of the Ontar- io Agricultural College. ln addition to (on hing agriculture in the classes, the new nppointm will also be dis- trict representatives ul the Agricul' turtudrepsrtmettt lot the dissrmina- tinn cl lnlormatim of value to the farmers ol the neighborhood. The " .m in-l-Ilnrx art-2 For the class u ‘pr whoio sick and g,htttaf, m't Maia a2tti,ht,' which Malawi tea E. Pinkham's egdeyble Compoundâ€!!! e for er own wretched con than. Js-' 7 - _ l - _ A F ,. "f "iiG a. and ly hundreds at thousands at when in Canadian! the United States who have been benefited by this famous old remedy. which was' produced from roots and herbs over thirty years ago by a woman to relieve woman's suffering. Read what these women say: Bsttese.4 .-" my“. Ink Al’ I “pong? 'ata mayâ€; For fa,t'gt'ge 1"'datl'tl'll lacuna:- T/tld and 'geatt'M of (In uterus. I "aHesrod Ilka-nu tonic!» t and death- leolull twodoo- 'gw2,tg,rt'ShTtl trcrfialT.'=', 'ii','iti'll!tli?'iti'i a tumor. t t'ldUl'll'W'l& and: illli'itii'ihi'; Ono 01m, comin- advised no to [the your Compound..- t had cured ha. I am so and noon commenced to 'ttl, hem. and apatite came back vigilante when“. owlfeel _d)1'4hl4'.lit'a1lil 't'itt; but remedy In amuse: -uer."--Mrtr. Emma Chum]. Va new. Bellorhror, qre's, - - _ " _ - nsw teachers are: For the class at' Carp, Carleton county, PE. Angle,’ tor Norwood, Peterboro county, HY C. Dun. A. D. Campbell Ins been appointed to ta'se chafgc of the ' class at Harrisburg in place ot w. A. Munro, resigned. Erie, Pa.--'" Maud for the your! from tonne troubles. Ind at Inc vs. almost helpleu. I tried three docton but they did me no mil. My Sm advised me to try Lyme B. Pink- lmm‘u Ver tt Conwamlmnd It has made me well and strong. I hope a! suffering women will ttf give Wt E. Fluid-am s Yf't"hth' "."",'g'a'gfr.1 . Mel. for t In worth ta weight in col J." - n.J.P.l!n leh.R.F.D.1¢Irbh I Since we ggarahtee that Al testimonials which we pub- tith are genuine, ig it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Pinkham's Vogetgble Compound had the virtue to help these women tt will helr any other woman who is suffer. ing from the same troub e. Por so an L d]. E. PInkhI-In’l Vocal-Ne a, 0 Com i'l'dl has I),an the mend remedy for il) " am GS (amuse Illa. No tick woman does justice to as herself who wlll not try an. {mou- medicine. r . Mule exclusive? tron roots and herbs, and has thousands: o cum to It: malt. ' - Mn. Plum Invite. all nick women » e,,a to write her for “vice. She has (ii fi'h' ..; ii guided thousands to health free of charge. I}, R,",) Address Mrs. Pun-m, Lynn. Mus. w l “A THE JUNE BUSY MAN'N, "2 in C' softens the leather keeps out moisture-wont shin tl clothes-and emanci- pates you from bottles, .4315." mops, brushes and hard work. No substitute . I even [gulf us good. i One application-two rubs-and your shoe; no shined fay tttree. ‘days BRIGHT AND INSTANTANBOUS SHOE POLISH 10e.-dNbe. LEARN d: Complete Course consists of shirt twists, shut-s. coats, skirts, wrap- .ch. childrrn's dresses, underwear, cullars, eta, and terms are $10 to be paid when through with Insom- Nest class to commence June 1th All wishiatg to learn or for In" in» lormation see us 0 our residence on Saturday, June w', between 10 and 5 o'clock. Suangers in city may board a school at reasonable rates. By Mid-lf you cannot take ltsson at mhool, “rite tor our boot on. “How we teach dressmaking try moil.". It is seat free, we you ante: lhs method 'satisfactory and can he studied during spare moment, at home. From Two to Four Weeks THE MISSES ELLISON, Dreumgking Schcol. ll Church St., Brmn DBESSMAKING It' "i,)(l""'ii,?4.iii, 'lllh r - s','ii'i'.! ttiiteiilt,ii the igillifflftiit'> my . ' ' 'e't Iig'f"? "rut"rpeatrret', cc.‘ anâ€... " I. J.tiMrhtt. I... ' ggémwfl tt,teiiijiiirii W656; "giiraaiiiii? rumor-gn- allot. Bally e"',", "" Willy“ ter B ll. lllll . 'git" Dwayne". on. one. L'ttit" A. L. 311283. B. A. â€when“! _ B. Me , Solicitor Not. at; :01»; when. '4'i17,r.liFl, ofBotrrP94 . Block nowxukomclek BL, ss'dh't. . 0. HUGHES. Damn. Uddblllw‘l Block. ---e_ --e"""er '.eeV"rqFq" r and.†I In MIMI D for h'.".. cm at 'it,ts'skltf",,') hom‘ aim-noon. . . V. w. w mun! " I). um. wmnoo. Wu: n.» has... an 1drllt1t'talWl,'lt 'rt-har at “in,“ 'l1Uht,yy"pe.y - ... “WSW " min-mt - LJ-et"'"'"-"-.-. Romcdl-not Damnation-not It.“ D-taloe-ttov. Mr, I. URN-uni It" VuuBhJaoohuomht-u M In." C the math. Dun-mm In all I. __ . NH. gnu-13.. tnhtg"it, Wnl' I, 'iri'iih'i'ili, i'i,iit(t,,r'lti'lliliititik'i. “we bemoan Knox momma y... EXPERIENCED VITIBIN All? SURGEON ir, 1. 'Nh gram.“ B1titdrt2 Aim-62. l g chad; fluent? With twenty-two your: experim to its credit thi. oollogo in recognised in the w2e, ground training whoa] In an": “no. The. detrartatenta.. Commminl. B.horthatsd4 Telegnphy. Our classes as the has“. our com-u. most practical “dour ill-um ton ex danced. Our palmto- an III-atria position- nd mooted In none others. Enter now. Get, our tree 'tualoey. Win at weâ€. Ind will. tte I†30!. “one! ' II puma_ ,9!" PM _ pe 3;â€311)! P-tonu soliciting for Cam. and the United States. Blue printing It than name. Phone 494. Ottioe.. 31 Cmtrtiand Am, nou- Viotorln Park Gm. Non-mm mini; '. I. can LEW!) MN I. WIDIHAN' hum of Inn-n M phantom“, " _ 0... ii? 'iitrif?F FaEP,F' . 2EL"Cd mm vijiijiji'ii'iii'ii?i?ijjiiiiiiiiiii' 'iitjjiiliit-,it .m‘" W V 0......†"'3. vans. tuur, Elliott & Meuahlam 1%f/.uk2atuNe.s._gro"s, 'rrlurrmur, ONT. 3&2";le L’s-m Archltoot Berlin, Oat. 9m. wanna D ' . . urn-m Joan...“ mto at the Out-u SNt.ef Tee.. 5%: Jratar.'oo. [-91% Principa- U1