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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 10 Jun 1909, p. 6

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I nun-huh. if! The Council met at the Tp. Hall, an sunny. lay 29th pursuant to uljoumment. Members all present The Reeve in ttre chair. Minutes 09 preceding session were read and ap- proved. -- - - I I I __ ll- Moved by Mr. Abra seconded by Mr. Shula, that leave be given E. L, Wilkl, Esq., to erect pales along the highway trom' Blair to his resi- dence ior the transmistkon ol electric lights or lor telephone purposes pro- viding said poles do not interfere with the public Hallie. Moved by Mr. Sumner, seconded by Mr. Abra, that By-law No. 953 to attach certain lands to School Sec- tions, Nos. 5 and 6 in this Tp., tor school purposes be new read a first and second time. “Moved by Mr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Hallmun that By-law Vo. 953 be read the third time Ind passrd. Moved by.Mr. Abra, sci-ended by Mr. Shaw, that this Covrwil now torm thtymseives into a Court of Revision and Appeal and that Mt. Shaw act as Chairman. The following business was trans- acted by the Court. G. E. Thoman. assessed too high; Assessor sustained in asscssmcnl. Levi Snyder, assessed too high; As- sessur sustaimd in assessment. Preston Water Works, wrongly ah" sessed; struck on. Pius Helm, wrongly assessed lor dog; struck on Eugene Schnarr, mungly assessed lor dog; struck on. Wm. Arnold, “rougly asseseed for dog; struck oii. _, Mrs. G. Rash wrongly asse.ssd fur dog; struck off. Proptrty Gregor; Wagner to he changed to Henry Vogcl. Property at Dilman Kolb to be changed to Jacob Ilergott. Property of Amos Gchman to be assessed to George Beach. Property of Frcdcric Wciburgnow, assessed to Mosrs Luger as Tenant at $750 to be raised to $3000. . Moved by Mr. F,tauttrr, seconded by Mr. Shaw, that tho Clerk make the necessary thanges in the Assessment Rolls and this Court now adjourn UD- tit Saturday. June toth at one Moved by Mr. F, Mr. Shaw, that 1 necessary thanges Rolls and this Cc til Saturday, [ o'clock p.11). Moved by Mr. F',iauficr, secondml by Mr. Abra. that the following accounts be paid and the Revu- grant his or- der on the Treasurer for Ur: several amounts, tir.-- Allred Krieger, bonus for wire truce ..__ 'rt.. .. -rF John L. lluschrugh, I; (once 'Fr . me'--' _-___ Stephan Hummcl, be fence Fpe__r_ T _ _ Stephen llumxml, 1 by dogs T tr.F-. PF Bechteis, Ltd, tile Henry _kcil, tak klein to Asylum .--__ . T--... Wm. Bums, bnnus lor “iv fence .. V. "',"" ,.rP'P"'Tr J. R. Phin, Formaldehyde Canada Furniture Co., b1 infant found at Hridgepo; Dr. F. W. Vardon, examin Wm. Cross PPV; ,trVrP__. T ., Sylvester Mango, repairing drains George Bird”, mn‘s Tor wire knee trr' _er.rrr . ._, _ _ I A. H. Burks, bonus for wire fence e..NF. _ . FrrFrre Mrs. James Taylor, bonus for Mrs. James Taylor, bonus tor wire lencc _ .. _-N.rrr_ .rt _ 6.90 Anthony Zenol, bonus tur wire fence ..r- ._. _ _ i, wr... .. _ .. . 20.811 Levi M. B. Weber, bonus for wire knee Tr_rr' i __. .. __.... T 3.10 Dippel Estate. bonus ior who fence 'rr" T _ . .. T ,. r. 8.00 John llabvrmchl, bonus (in wire [once F 'rV_ .. . 15.80 Herman Ancldt bonus ior “no lance Trr» TrTV Trv ,, .. _ “18.10 Wm. Jantz, bonus for “ix"- leme T .. _ _ 9.00 Mrs. George Rtist, bonus for wire tence _. Frr _.... ' 2A0 June: Goudic, bonus ior win- fence .... 're _ VV V. _ 19.40 John Wanner, Statuto Labor dun Rd. Dir, No. " . l 9.00 Moved by Mr. Abra, seconded by Mr. Shaw, that (his Council nw: adjourn to meet again at the To. Hall on Saturday, June Myth “10,30 Don't have your vacation spoiled by the pain M mnhurn; and don't have four skin permanently frorkled trom the “me came. "m-NK contains hrrlml ”(nuts and him yhlch not only our the pull of Nahum, but prevent un- plaunt results trom it. 'Atrm-Buk “plied ton bad burn givu ‘apcody Ihre. It also mom bush-fl, aching M. m 91m, inn-rt stings, do. NW" M4 know that lor SMr's an“ - it h halter than per, About beat nukes, unz- WATERLOO 'SP. COUNCIL ZAM-BUK CURE!) SUNBURN than: w -- __i._7717,. - "V Hummcl, Bonus tor taking Catherin GEO nus for wi burial port _ inatio A. TILT, Tn. Clerk ._e'P. II -p killed ot 13.80 GO 60 80 10 All} 0 0 5U 5-2....” k'?.ith?h' " 0. old including In“ C mmmhuhd ".D., an in new: the - can“ when“; honor trr-tte msestineb -II- m M. DIR “It tett toi NlNtNtid. t 23100 adtr s" . " i-nd 1" . "t, Feii _ “or no no- V _ d undue“ to the at: N KAat [and Int youth.” " ”odd-u that lot thi. ym "qiotratitat M till 110% an; “In - that any - iTte:.t'l1' during the present year l '-ituesscies not munlclpally or 35mm will he bald on the election Hints at laat autos“. ‘N I. expected that the date ot m bye-election will be onciailr mouth ted May. The Telegraph has been ereditably informed that the tellt- nation will be held on Monday. June 19th, Ind ttte election on Monday, Jun: 28th. The price list ot the Canadian Natirnal Exhibition is now being distributed, and as usual, " contains handsome premiums tor everything Canadians make, or grow, or mine. The Exhibition this year, which he- glns August 28th and closes Septem- ber 13th, thus giving two full weeks open to the public, promisés to be on a more magniiirent scale than ever before, and the prize list is ample evidence that the President and Dir- ectors ut Canada's Great Fair are determined to keep it in the van of Canadian progress. _ A Fitting Title lot the Prize List The Canadian National Eshi- bition. To mention even the features of the different sections in limited space would be an impossibility. Suffice it to say that to the grand total ot $30,000 in premiums, specials are added in every department, anh that no eiiort or expense has been spared to secure special attractions in keep- ing with the greatest exhibition on the continent. To hit the million mark in the matter of attendance is the avowed intention of the manage- ment this year. "arm“ xiiti-trU ' want» all sun- In M... o','f1rlt .. it,) and aud- nus-u. The following is the report or S. S. No. Iii, Wilmot, lot the month ot May. Names are in order of merit. The five highest pupils in each class given. . Sr. Ihl--Hai t" Snyder, Wismer. Jr. III-lt-l Shanta. Sr. II-Victoria Waglcr Schmitt, Milton Wismcr, Shantz, Clara Schmitt. Jr. ir.urmna Shantz, John Grotr Gladys Wismer, Veronica Eberlin, Ithvinhart Forlcr. Jr. in. fir-ua "uroit, Ida Wagler, Eldon Shantz. Sr. Pt. I-Eugenia Dot-ring, Edna Wilhelm, Herbert Wismcr. Jr. Pt. I.-Luelia Shanlz, Vera Hchmiu, Katie Waglcr, PUmar Wir,- mer, Jacob Shantz, Wellington Wil- helm, Orval Wismer. Sr. Pt. lI-Elmur Waglcr, Elma: Shantz, Maggie Snyder. - u Jr. rv-ai. Hommcrich, I. Kinsey, U. Tart, L. obvrholtzer. Sr. IH-M. Shantz, J. Gimbel, I. Gingrich. G. Coons, A. Peck. l Jr. IH-H. Mhantz, M. Hilborn. W. Tomas, M. Cornell, A. Scharman. Jr. IH-H. Shantz. M. Hilborn, W. Tomas, M. Cornell, A. Scharman Sr. II-U. Tatum, B. Gingrich Home Kinsey, Gordon Kinsey, S Manes, W. Cornell. Jr. Ir-o. L. Tatum, P. Krease F. Shanlz. I. Snider, M. Good, T llohrrjakr. L. Hartel, M. Kinsey, A ol"ultoltrcr, S. Martin, J. Ging- rich, P. llilbnrn. Pt bury neil, The report tor May ul S. S. No. R. Waterloo Town:ttip, of which Miss Grace E. Wing is harbor, is 3% lol- lows:-- sr. IV...-) "erhtel. '_ Jr, IV,-Setoastittrt Mosrr, Edna lie-(Ind, (‘larrncr Stoltz. Maser, Aron Snyder, Henry Klarhn Oayton Bum. Sr. Part IL-Nettle Bechtel, Anni snarl. [mu Kahlua. Cult Rudy Pony Unlock. .h, Hr.-Eilren Vollmer, krsturlring, Sara Rudy, Rachel Sr. 1t.-Winnitredn 1mm, " Pan IL-Encn Hour. Vat" Strut-1c. Cm :Mlc, 'urotd 'ttttMegghrh,,.s,,sus, L_s_. ,. -- _.. Hr S. S. No. J, Waterloo Grove School. r. IV-A. Scharman, I Lonsbury. CANADA CONDENSED ll Mate ot By-Blccuou._ REPORT FOR MAY SCHOOL REPORT M. F M A Y REPORT Tatum McK A Y, Teacher W M. Hagry Gordon Catharine Florence Pine Clara I Rudy. Cecelia Klartut, ons- 'dished iiteis titt tdPtt Tm than ‘3“. burn-g amm_ -. HU' a.. "in nou' '8 - an em baton. but In; tte mm. a the Mun. a; Sign!“ - lie. The new III my I. ‘0 new has nan)- m, ville the - an better. The - an." Tm In the comm pm- "a. h the non] Cum- me;- oou. when (MI. W 50th tifd'rur,u,"'ui Their perform we the union mm, mm “an.“ 1 Man melee, and the Toronto bouquet-m acted with an” “an " when: Among tho BIRE "t4tritorn no Mean. L. J. BMW‘ III w. J. loody, the lormcr wining third prize in the “we duo rm.- TUB "all; the 29th Regiment had ot Berlin will an an open air con- cert. _ _ . Ttte judge: were:-CoMm-rd, Ottawa; lean. J. M. Gunman-o. Weston; John Boyle. Cooksville; W. J. Westen, Milton; Sumo: Benn. Bowmanville, and R. Keith, Warren- The Pruewiruters were'.-- Pair agricununl horses-i, Ashdale and Ashdlle Pride, J. B. Bingemn, Bloomingdale; 2, May and Queen, Isaiah Hilborn, Roscville; 8, Barney and Prince, Piatttwtile; 4, Mac and Sandy, A. Harley, Gables. General purpose team-1, C. H. Cairns, Milton, Jack and Charlie; 3, W. N. Scott, Milton, George and Pat; 3, Town ol Gait, Geordie and Fred; 4, Robert Barlow, Gan, Maude and Date. Mares or gelding, never winning a prize betore, open to Waterloo, Pus- linch, Beverly, Blenheim and South Dumfries-i/ A. u. Catdy, Gait, En- core; 2, Miss Jennie Cromarty, Gait Red Wing; a, H. McCulloch, can, Spank; 4, R. o. McCulloch, Gait, Belle. Mares or geldings, shown to run- about-l, Miss Wilks, Gondolier; 2, H. U. Cox, Lady Warwick; 3, Hugh Wilson, Toronto, Brown Betty;H, A. Yeager, Simcoe, Day Dream. Saddle class, mares or geldings, over 15 hands-r, H. C. Cox,‘ Tor- onto, Lord St. Alban's; 2, Miss Jennie Cromarty, Gait, Cock Pheas- ant; 3, Dr. Henry, Guelph, Maritana; f, Alex. Stewart, Guelph, Minnie Arthur. Mares or geldings, over Ilia, new: before winninga prize-i, McConnell & Ferguson, Guelph, Lil]; 2, C. D. Woolley, Port Ryerse, Peter Pan; 3, Wm. Blocker, Brantford, Oak Park Belle; 4, H. C. Cox, Toronto, Lord Chester. Mares and geldings, 15.2k hands and under, shown to saddle-i, Geo. Pop- per, Toronto, My,Surprise; 2, Miss Wilkes, Galt, Lady Bird; 3, Mrs. H. C. Cos, Toronto, Lady Columbine; 4, Dr. Harvey, Guelph, Maritana. - Jumpers. over a mile course, includ- ing eight lumps-l, Hugh Wilson, Fly- ing Lady; 2, Geo. Pepper, Merry Wid, ow; 3, Hugh Wilson, Dutch Pete; 4, R. o. McCulloch, Gait, Lorna. Pairs, 15.3 hands and under-I Sen- ator Beith, Bowmanvillc, Yapham Lily and Golden Girl; 2, A. Yeager, Simcoe, Suspicion and Vision; 3, C. D. Woolley, Port Ryerse, Peter Pan and Flower Panties. Lumdlmh Mares or geldings, 15.2 hands and under-l, Miss Willis, Make Bird; 2, W. S. Wismcr, Brantford; Harry; 3, McConnell & Ferguson, Guelph, Snap; 4, Miss Willis, Sapluisto. Saddle class, roadsters, conftned to Waterloo, Beverly, Blenheim, Pus- linch and North Dumfries-i, Frank Moss, Dan O’Connell; 2, Miss Jeanie Cromarty, Cock Pheasant; 3, L. J. Breittuiui/t, 8min; Blucher; 4, Miss Vera Quickfall, Wellesley, Ruby. Heavyweight hunters, over six jumps carrying 170 poumitr-1, George Pepper, Toronto, Merry Widow; 2, Hugh Wilson, Toronto, Flying Lady; 3, II. C. Cox, Toronto, St. Alban's; 4, Miss Lennie Cromarty, Galt, Sil- vrr Chimes. Gait, Jun? 4.--A new record for large attendance was established at tho Gait Horse Show this afternoon. It is vstimatod that there weretour thousand people on the grounds, and standing mom was at a premium. The evenUt in the ring surpassed anything sewn in previous yrars. The hardest contest of the day mu: the high jump between Popper's Mr- opia and Hugh Wilson's Flying l.r.'y. Hamel] left 1 inch, but neith- " was able lo negotiate 7 {rd 7 inches, and the red ribbon was awar- ded Myopia on gmcral perform-n1 The Dragoons were again a feature. Fr. IW-F'. Becke- 'tricker, J. "usury, Jr, 1V.-s-F. Hilhnr Jr, IH.--R. Fried Becker, C, Hilhom. Gibbon. Clan ll.-M. Hall Miller, Fl, Nichol, C Applryard, K. 'dehr, A. Nichol, Putt II. "sr,- F, 1itfwcr, It, Fried M, Pom, (I. Massey. W Zrhr 1%rt " Jr-t Ericka, Hus 1A.--.r. Zehr, H. Nichol, It, Newman. C. Fried, 0. FILM, E. Ruhr. V, Pohl, V. Kaiser, R. Nichol, W. Mount». L. Hair. ‘th 'tsity-F. "wk". IT. 01M. P. Brick“, J. "Deity, B. Bltt, Ot mun. triilai, I, -.-, "t.2FM?e, tr, __ ma School Report for MM "-F'. Becker, " I ROSEVILLE. M mm. H, Low, I . Applrynrd, Ii Ji M " ll ll Its 'Y Call-Lung cup. - I!“ '" .M. than. " In at tar in ‘ Mn. IVA out”; to. Juan“ A. w. Ewe, Day Dseadv, Geo. Paper, My P Su- pdu; In. H. C. Col. Column. j, Mare. or sow-u udu "a, as er More villain; t prho-A." J. ‘Cudy. Gan, Bacon, C. D. Mm, Port Ryan. Flown: Furies; Am ham. Human. mu Lumen Dr. G. “any. Guelph, Pm. uxm‘ululu will ”an": the WW"- - a.» - - a _.etttr. am my». Co., cm; L. ' b. nupt, Bull; “any Patton, thmm.. m. and and 1mm "inks“: 'ark-aes" mm, can gho- Idle ad ohm-“mm; 'e, B WEE“. Brahma, Beat hi Harry: m- Wilks. Show“ and condom»; J. C. Dietrich, and: Fri-could Bl- vert. Horses over 1s.2--Mias WWII, - Prince“: Geo. Poppet. Ametigo; _ 'A. Yeager, Simone, Sir mum; Wa- nell ind Patterson, Sculpt. un: Ladies' with horse, riddm “My -Mrtg. H. C. Cox, Toronto, Junk“ Geo. Popper, Toronto, My Sunrise, A. Yeager, Stmcoe, Day Dream; In. H. C. Cox. Columbia. Fleets-John Davey, Berlin, Berlin, Belle; Kiss Willis. Gall, Suslo Oro; was Wilks, Galt, Shela; W. A. Htt) er, Gait. Queenie Sphinx. Lightweight ttctttertr-Geo. Pepper, Torcnto Merry Widow; Hugh Wilson, Toronto, Flying Lady; .Hugh wiv son, Toronto, Dutch Pete; R. o. Mc- Culloch, Gall; Lorna. Ttutdernth-Smator Beilh, Bowman- ville. Topham Lily and Golden Girl A. Yeager, Simcoe, ----; Geo. FNe per, Toronto, Amerlgo an Novlgo; 1tattenhei.rner entry, Buntlord. Tttree-fear-out tiUiea or gelding; sie (d by standard-bred and shown to Wilks, Gait, Okom Bird, T. R. Oliver, Gait, Topsy; J. D. Cowan, Drumbo, Clipper. Horses best suited tor express put- roses-Wm. Scott, Milton, Pat, win- ning a silver cup; J. B. Bingemtn, Bloomingdale, Ashdale‘s Pride; Cor- poration of Galt, Bill. Pony class-T. A. Cox, Brantford, Berkley Swell; R. 0. McCulloch, Gut Lady Kitty; Miller & Milton, Bunt- lord, Daisy; S. Aitchescn, Brantlord, Hero. Pair ot mares or gelding: never winbng a prize betore-C. it w ol'r. Port Ryersc, Peter Pan and Flow- er Fancics; Miss Jennie Cromarty, Galt, Itedwing and Red Hawk, Fred H. Irving, Guelph, Lottie and Dottie, Miss Jennie Cromarty, Gait, Silver Tips and Mandy Lee. High jumpersé-Geo. Pepper, Toron- to, Myopia; Hugh Wilson, Toronto, Flying Lady. Galt, June 6.--The most successful horse show ever held here came to a conclusion on Saturday afternoon. There was a heavy shower early in the afternoon, but it did not inter- tere with the attendance. The largest winners at the show are Miss Wilks of Galt and Mr. Geo. Pepper of Tor- onto. The $250 cup, presented by the Dominion Transport Company of Montreal, was won by Mr. Seagrpm, of Waterloo, and the presentation was made by Mr. W. R. Smith, President of the company. Cups were also pre- sented to Messrs. Frank Moss of Preston and H. C. Cox ot Toronto. Ll Class No, I, tor two-year-olds, filly or gelding-i. Miltruri, exhibited try Miss Willis; 2, Pride ot Clover Farm, owned by John Gildner, Berlin. Ponies under 13 hamia--1, Preston Metal Shingle & Siding Co., Cato; 2, E. F. Seagram, Waterloo, Frankie; 3, T. C. Cox, Brantford; Tiny Kit; 4, John Lloyd Jones, Burtord, Dot- lie Heavy draught-l. Joe. E. Sustain Waterloo, Joe and Ed.; 2, Henry Pelton, Bennington, Wailacc and Booth; 3, Dickson a Henderson, Galt, Princess and Geordie. The winner of this class was presented with a silver cup valued at. $250, which must. be Won twice before becoming the property of the winner. Mares or geldings. open only to Waterloo county and townships ol Bushnell, Beverly, Blenheim,. and North Dumtrieir-f, Jas. Cromarty, can, Minoru; a, John Menzies, Gall, Freddie; 3, W. Pickering, Crosalto, 4, J. C. Mueller, Waterloo, Maude. Best tarm horse, entries open to Waterloo county and township: ot Blenheim, Beverly, Pusllnch and North Dumtrietr--t, [uni-h llllbonl. Roar-ville, May; a, J. B. Bing-marl. Bloomingdale. Ashd-le'u Pride; 3, halal: Hilborn, Roseville, Queen; 4, Allin Fried, Roseville, Queenle. BENEFITS OF USING Every farmer has nerd ot using the hrst and most improved machinery that he can buy, The reuons lot this are ohvioun. [WHO-date [armors who an- Iooklng tor everything new in the line ol farm machinery, will tind much nl interest and value to them in the apwial magazine imm- ot Farm & Dairy “MIN date of June There " a main! M summation ot “luv pm! lawn-3| In the WT.“ [arm machinery mac v! Faun a Dairy, momm- tot with can be when 9* W! E."- .M “I” JAE them in the special magazine imme- ot Farm & Dairy under date of June 3. This hum is devoted particularly to (Inscriptions ot [arm machinery M .11 kinds, Ind is 3 credit to its publish": tram new standpoint. inc-cl (today's. a! qimyt terete A, in"! FARM MACHINERY intend 'afiifi?iiiiitC'i'NM, my Aha-mm t6_trt_qoetetér'-ua'n"a Adrhuttr_teetMorrrtntto. u may Virginia-d,“ by 'httmtwr,tuttttria-eit' m 2o)l(lllTll'e't'f'td'TSllu'l'g, tci-ttr-tttse in - *yuetee'outroiormitnm.uk t5rexeedauearriiR,t-iiu. 5tr. f"t'g"fAr,ttg5tue 000.",th the anvil-[W 'edit-doe-idk-:. Adun but”. te Mu “I m (In. It. Con. 33.) It.“ tr on; W. M: Hahn to In. . My hm (M 16, Gull-1w te ,0. Result... C. may. to haul- lInn Jot St, Can. a.) “in! in New Bike. ,"nerrHo.tetaevto Io sues-ed an owner ot lot; " and It S.R_.S. Jacob tg, mum... to he - will put owner-allot. T 3.3.8. 000. Helps! to has " "mee " roll, killed lane. E. VI. Kinchell'o upped to have do; “and ad roll; not allowed (still b 11).)”. Was!- Be to have ml mine!!! by $100.00. Hy. Hdll to lane on do; struck on roll (killed). G. B. Four- ler to be “new Inland o! Att- drew Holds. loved by J. P. Living-tau, recond- ed by A. 0)le that a. m. port ot the chum ot the Court ot Appeals and Ramon be received and adopted; and that the clerk be and he is hereby tutthoriged to alter the assessment rolls wording]; Carried. Court moo, Council tanned, the Reeve in the chair. Moved by J. P. Livingston, ”cond- ed by S. Camel, that the [allowing accounts be pissed and that the Reeve issue his orders on the Treaty. urer in payment ot the "une:-- A. R. G.Smith, salary u_ mes- sor, taking census and “tend- Court ot Appeals hm-..” $78.11 P. Berg, reward tor killing log, worrying sheep ......._.. ....._.. 5.00 G. E. Schmidt, binding assess- ment and collectors rolls, etc. 3.00 D. Ritz, printing and advertising . to date ............. e.rt.r-r.r..u..... 42.65 Millar a Sims, legal advice and written opinion W, .m..rrm.. 5.00 P. Holwell, expenses, etc. re rail- way by-taw .rt.t.....m.. _.............. 21.10 R. Tye, cost of poll 1, railway ' try-law .N.ttwwe-ww. "m-mm-str, ""'"i' 11.50 A. Hauler, cost ot Poll 2, rail.. way by-law 'r..".......,.. c.......... 13.50 H. Doelle, cost of Poll 8, railway by-law .emVt.w..,., ..........i rr...,... 12.50 J. Heldman, cost oi Poll 4, rail- way by-law ...'re-..,... twp.."...... 6.00 K. Jackey, cost ot Poll 5, rail- way by-law .ww_mqmm_'ttr.. 'w-w....... 12.00 H. Wagner, cost of Poll Is, mir. _ way by-law ............1 i..h.4r-, 11.50 Municipal World, Asst. lorms and B.M. and Ds, binder '""""b"'""" 3.05 The People's Railway delegates be. ing present, the Reeve called upon.) them to come forward and presenti their case, whichtbey did by taringl an entirely new by-law on the table, asking lor aid to said railway and lor issuing debentures therefor in the sum ot $20,000.00 in payment tor stock in the said railway company, by the municipal corporation of the Township ot Wilmot, which by-law it was supposed to submit to the ratepayers of that portion of the Township ot Wilmot, lying south of the blind line between Snider's and Bleam’s roads. They also presented a petition signed by 63 ratepayers, in “nor of the above proposition. Some ot the councillors were very much op- posed to having the township divided at all, lot this purpose, and thought it any stock’wns tam in the Mid railway, that it should be submitted to the rateparera ot ,the whole town- ship for My "trent, and not merely to a part 01 the township. And COB- siderable discussion, " wu decided by the council to take ample time to thoroughlrcoroider the new proposi- tion and after due deliberauon, to ndvisc the company of the result of same. Alt the members present. The Reeve In the chair. Filth Scum. ---- The Municipnl Council of the Town- ship ot Woolwich, met at Conestoga on Tuesday the lat day of June, All 1909, pursuant to adjournment trom last mion. Moved hy Hunt and Wont, that Wm. Emmerich be Pathmnter. .ior road division No. " in place of Wm. 8. Wright who having tried in that (hilarity tor 1907 and 1908 decline: to art tor tho prrsont your, Carried. The minutes of the previous session View rend and adopted. Moved by Hunt and Snider, that try-taw No. MH to provide for drain- ngr work in the Township of Wool.. wich, in the County oi Waterloo, and lor borrowing on the credit nt the municipality the sum of $3083.08, the proportion to be contributed by said municipality ior compteUng name. be hereby pmVIsiomlly adopted.-- Car- rial. Movrd by Hunt and Kraut", that copies ol [By-law No. M4 pay. in "N ot publishing tum In I m»- pap", tm wilted or wrtuen wide tirered tn aecttNatttD Wm the. ,1! a. "mun-um pm ww- Court ot Appeals s-Ire-er...... $78.11 . Cousins, salary u assessor, taking census and attending Court ot Appeals ............¢.. 81.62 . E. Dietrich", “Inky an AGL V ttor, taking census and attend- ing Court of Aupeals b.-.-.. 7 Council adjourned unul the 2tgt ot June. WOOLWICII TP. CDUNCIL F. llOLWELl.. Clerk 78.64 One " we hm clone to the main the district um Cield and Catt. road between Canboro and Camtietd, how; good bul. com M's“ common hone; Gout loot ma ott,.wataeed; with “Rival; he“ [an bush; the by at the tum in very ed. Price “on. A; _.", m Price moo. For. quick 2.10 A no i,'e?s'ii'iigiiti,iti: many; can be bought lor $400 down. will make: a: jam tum; Very nice 100 acre [um close to can be bought a a. 'txtreme" low Caatieid station; about ten mes 'ptlce ot "OOO. . buds, drilled well; lnlrly den teased; 235 gum, tum; _ {up My} but, buildings common. Ptiee mm. _ Mum (tame 1roitip9t3ehernrtt, Another Me 100 acre tam; by ot this farm is splendid; good buildings, very good land. 83300. One very good 200 more farm; about " acres ot bush; very rich land; common buildings; a great bar- glln at $5200. . Farms for Stillejiillrl.,,ll Another 200 um tarm close to Canboro; a very nice farm with : nice bush. Rural telephrms sch doc. Price 88,000. A 187 farm with “out 25 gem of good hush. The lay at this farm in aseptically the; the telephone service in the neu- luture. Price $5300. A very nice farm of about 150 mm with, 'a good brick house; I good smut! bush, drilled well. common barn; close to Canbom. Price $4200. CAN BORO. LOOK; LOOK, what lam offering you for Mter having subscribed the oath ot omen ad being duly sworn, the Council mt. into {Court of Revi- 'riott,attd Appeal on the -rent rolls for the current you. with M. L. Weber in the chair, and all" ex- nmlnlng the rolls the council resum- ed and the chairman presented the following "qrort:-- To the Reeve and Council:-.. The council met out. All an member? plating _ - - ,_ We, your Court at Revitlon and Ar peal, beg to report that we have ex- mlned the Inessment roll: for the your 1909, Incl have dluposed of the severul nppenls as touowtc-'rrustees' of S. S. No. to, appeal re assessments of J”. Cuunland, A. Barman, Henry Melttur, John Vagele and John Al- geier be granted and (hut no action be takin on the Appeal at H. Zlnger, and we also npportlon the “ornament ol the G. & l Railway Co., In Ward No, 7 an tollomt:--To school m-ctlons No. tl ".960; No. l0 $0650, and No. II 3100. _ MliNVn l.. WEBER, Chairman, Moved by Snider ml: Kraut", that the report nl the Court, of Releinn Gi Appeal on the manure“ rolls Chas. H. Kirk DUNNVILLE - " V O. be addptcd -..Cettied. _ Mbved hr Hum at! Victor. that 3htAqyqrhtqMM as Wm. e met can. in: the and a a.“ B ”A - “t you - “It I- mmwwfli¢§rfi was: my,“ was" your. ', Iu.lltNelllmklltlllllttlWltrt_ One at the [nest 100 acre [arms in For lull Normans: apply to Farm for Sale A unable farm cumming of MO urea, in the Town-him! lull- m, within 1 1-2 mile-mm, I 1 2 'ai1moftttuum", 3 mm- of Post Ofthe, Cunningham, Oman; 3 mile: Iron me Town of Dunnviue, villains" bu out! iretsa' wail; marku- ol a, town In Ontario. This full to ”only dunno " on on. at an mun unveiled roads, with mm, Telagmotr, and Natural [a line running put an prom]. Fina We‘ve“ mud the but. 'rttiqt_t glut n "f" 0001.pr - - - . _ IThoro on 130 some!“ old an was about)“ growth tim- ber. Soil In block may not], land in Ion], wound by. 'prtrstt and . good In" st barn which in no": dry, Bad drain-go mm. BM. in. In (mo. 1 " "on, on none ionndntion, 18xN out! 18:25, with like)» “:18 minus, Painted Induced condition, 10 mm ','tltthtgg",',f,g "lehL1't m. 'iteli?gili'iti an, a _ *v 't In 00$th 1 ,m T ' k 7 F - V, crib 14x16, all in fair tops“. Thorn no " "Ne 0 WW, tt M1tw nip-nun, bmoiwhu',4wnoolryo, Ind " do!“ of arch _ emulating of app]... pun, piano. Ind mp0, also nonunion. "iir/iiiJi"Giai."Ta" (ieiiii,.rti"i. Jlij iriiir.i'E 'ita"iit, -iiiiiita,?iri' Terms Very Reasonable. Apply to "hrreeeAtre 'rd j In Haldlmand County $5.000 DEATH-‘6'“ - W fi Llst of the may Price _ 225 “to tum; has Mpg-wt, Mum (tame m; magnum; very clots to Cuba“; on.” well adapted tcr _ . 7 Price 87000. _ ' _ We hare a large number of at“ (arms tor sale from " mm to I“ m in size; ml! varying mtttt 3* to (lay loam. ' a This district is well WIN WIN a rural one wan-y Jus In trmsporm "xaeiiNtetii,'qraA m Dumn'ille market sitttatpfi'ii6'i, Foe venicnt distance trom tip I"S; a Cnboro. is one of M3111 ", 5 the Province. T Ctttsttiit'o ecntai school. an: churches, pun! we“ chopping mill, saw-mill,'snd elm tactory with a repuuttist interior to none in Western orlo. " Carried. Moved by Web r and Krauter, u" the [allowing an: unis: be paid and that the Reeve ' nt his orders tor the several amounts:-- Aaron W. Midi-r pod; and pin)“: “.99 Moved by II this Council d ngdin at the I "stogo, on Tm Aaron W. Paid" pnd; and pure ti.00 H. “amnion. gravel I908..,....‘ I.” hue Lotsnn, 2sheep, 1 lamb “Hod and damn? .- . ttN. 2t,0& August, Corned Pain cn;whrro stopped in 21 tries sure with rm- of Dr. S Pink Pain Tum-u The forms all the " m.ni, hor. Ask mrctorror Dwain mod um 111.! Stan womanly ”In. an.» 19-1-72“; 22*. Norm Snyder Nelson Snyder ' Watt. Monger _.., Albert Lorch ., Kzm A. Ford _ _ Wm. Mitchell 'F. nut-e. . vii-n te. - Tolm next W Carried. Hunt and Snider. That do now Adjourn to 31" Courtril Chamber, Con- urxday, the 3rd day 1 “Re SNIDHR, Clerk ONTARIO ONTARIO pod in 20 vuln- t Dr. sm'l Che fnfmIlll ta ‘Iock "8.00 35.00 65.00 42.00 “.00 29.00 m." Ion! heu- ttt, 2211,} in Fp:3s?

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